HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-26, Page 3SAS
Do you know you can buy Red.
Rose Tea at the same price as .
other teas? Then, why not?
"is good tea"
Prices -25, 3o, 35, 40, 5o and 6o cts. per ib, in lead packets
TORONTO. • Wa1.uH4von Sr, S.
N. De. Ceutin has boon loading up the
Toronto papers with his caual scheme
across Western Ontario, from St. Joseph
to some point ou Lake Erie, and several
of them are piiuting columna concern-
ing the scheme put forward by this
colossal promoter. Cantin claims he
has fifty millions of capital behind him,
and that the preliminary survey will be
undertaken this year. It sounds like
dome of the other schemes that have en-
amated from the same source, and 'we
are very doubtful of it reaching any-
thing more tangible. He claims that it
will have a depth of "thirty feet clear,"
but whether thio means the canal will
be thirty feet deep, or there will be
thirty feet of water, is not stated. The
Welland canal, the deepest in Canada,
if we ate not mistaken, - has less than
twenty feet of water in it. It is said
that the excavation -necessary on some
parts of the proposed route will mean a
depth of 100 to 150 feet, which engineers
regard as detrimental to the proposition,
—Clinton New Era.
Mrs. Eaton Recovering, Although
Her Physician said She Might
Drop Dead at any time..
Hold a piece of white cloth back of
the eye of a needle and sec how quickly
the thread will go through.
In mending household linen the most
satisfactory way to do is to mend it be-
fore it is sent to the laundary, not when
it returns, starched and ready for use
once more.
When waistbands are burst and but-
ton -holes torn out, put on new band of
twilled cotton and work the button -holes
w ith coarse thread, making the ends
especially strong,
The knees of stockings are patched by
1 eying a square cot from an old stook.
ing underneath and darning upon it.
H eels are patched in the same way, but
p etched toes are apt to produce corns 011
the wearers.
Wash the ice well before putting it in.
Do not put food of any sort directly
on the ice, If it is absolutely necessary
to place it near the ice see that it is in
g lass or porcelain.
EDW. was SXSTE73ft,
It Edney Dlaease—Gravel
"I was afflicted with kidney disease
and gravel In its most severe form, hav-
ing often a stoppage of water accompani-
ed by the most dreadful agony. By us-
ing Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills the
"The Doctor told
me I had heart die- I disease was eradicated from my system
ease and wasliable in less than six months. I have gained
in weight, sleep well, and feel better
than I have for twenty years." Mr W
Smith, Port Dalhousie, Ont. , .�
to drop on the street
at any time," says
Mrs. Robert Eaton,
of Dufferin, Ont.
"My trouble began
four years ago with
a weak heart. I was
often afraid to draw
my breath, it pained
me so. I was both -
Mae Bourne. EATON ered with nervous-
ness, shortness of breath, dizzlnees, loss
of appetite, smothering and sinking
spells, and I could not sleep.
"Sometimes a great weakness would
seize me and I would have to lie down to
keep from falling. My hands and feet
would seem to go to sleep and a sort of
numbness would Dome all over me and
perhaps -immediately after the blood
would rush to my head and a aeries of
hot flashes would envelope me.
"I took all kinds of medicines, but
kept gradually growing worse until
about eight weeks ago, when I began
using Dr, Leonhardt's Anti•Pill. From
the start I itnproved until my appetite
has returned, I. oan sleep well, andhave
no nervousness, dizziness, palpitation,
faintness or any of my other troubles.
They have all entirely disappeared. I
feel much stronger, look better, and al-
together Anti -Pill has made a new wo-
3taan of me.
"I am entirely oared and cannot say
too much for this wonderful remedy. I
would moat heartily recommend Anti -
Pill to anyone suffering as I did."
All Druggists or The Wilson Fyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Balls, Ont.
Thos. J. Bell, an old resident of Clin-
ton died on Thursday, July 12th, after
several weeks illness. Born in Chingna-
coney in 1845, he came to this county
when he was 18 years of age, living for
a number of years at Londeaboro, where
he went extensively into the entire horse
business, making five trips to the Old
Country for the importation of good
stock, and still retaining an interest in
this business up to the time of his death.
Twelve years ago he took charge of the
Commercial Hotel, Clinton, and subse-
quently of the Queen Hotel, for the Last
Sew year oarrying on a retail liquor
business. About four weeks ago he
went to Londeaboro, to the home of his
sister, iters. Lasham, thinking a rest
would do ,him good, but he gradually
sank. He was a man of strict integrity,
and the fact that he was held in high
esteem was shown by the large number
who attended his funeral.
Modest Matins Often Carry the Moat
When Maxim, the famous gunitivent-
or, planed his gun before a committee of
judges, he stated its carrying power *0
be much below what he felt sure the gun
would accomplish. The result of the
trial was therefore surprise inBteed ot
disappointment. It is the eame With the
mannfaotnrers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera sad Diarrhoea Remedy. They
de not publicly boast of all this remedy
will accomplish, but prefer to let the
non make the statements. What they
do claim, is that it will positively onre
diarrhoea, dysentery, pedal in the Rto-
snaoh and bowels and has never been
tncwn to ;tail. plot dials by 41 drag.
Sioux City, Men Claim to Brave OP*
ig1nated' Device Which Will
Hake. All the People Each,
Other's Neighbors.
Slat City, Ia.—Two Sioux City eleo-
trlclans, M. L. Garrett and E. W. Pres-
ton, claim to have found a way to talk
around the world.
By the use of an Invention just pat-
ented by them it will apparently be as
easy for Americans to converse with
their neighbors in Europe as it Etas been
to talk ten blocks across the city.
Only girdle the worla with wire, them
then declare, ane they will make it pos-
sible for the Swiss maiden in her Alpine
home to flirt in the morning with young
men on Florida plantations. Only bisect
the two Amerlcau continents with cop,
per wire, they declare, and it will be
,mere child's play for the lowan to order
cattle from Patagonia over the tele-
And it Is true that the Instrument le
quite simple. Loosely speaking, it
might be said that it consists 01 a tele-
phone receiver put to the mouth of a
telephone transmitter. In other words,
that it bringo the ear -piece or the or-
dinary telephone up to a moutnptece
that the earpiece may talk into the
mouthpiece and sent on the sound.
Garrett ane Preston solves the prob-
lem by putting together what are really
two separate tetepuones. The central
piece is a Idul•eita transmitter, such as is
used by many teiepnouer to -day. This
is simply the diaphrag,n, of disk, seen
In any mouthpiece, the vibrations at
which are sent over the wire.
Back of this disk are placed two elec-
tro -magnets, These electro -magnets
are similar to those used In telephone
receivers, so, roughly speaking, it might
be said that two receivers are put
against this disk. Thesound from one
direction comes over one of these elec-
tro -magnets, or receivers, is communi-
cated, directly to the disk, which vi-
brates just as the disk in the original
instrument, and the sound is sent on
just as it came from the original instru-
ment, 200 miles away. Sound frolic the
other direction passes over the other
electro -magnet and to the disk, and
goes on its way in the opposite direc-
tion, and thus people at opposite ends of
the wire can converse with one another.
Heretofore only one receiver magnet
has been used in devices of this kind and
this is why it has never before been pos-
sible to talk but one way. The manner
in which the two currents are kept seb-
arate is not explained by the inventors,
who are not making public some of the
details of their instrument.
(Geo. V. Hobart, in New York American.)
A holiday in der hand ain't in it mit a
holiday in der bush.
Der milk of human kindness vas am-
orally vatered at der pump of selfishness.
Money cannot boy happiness, but 011
der udder hand, it seems to be able to
get along pretty v' 1i)ilnnitonid it,
You can fool udder people some of
der time, but yon oan fool yourself all
der time.
Der more ve get older der more ve get
knowledge dot ve' know less den ve
thought we knew.
Many of us vonld be dankful for der
dings we half if ve vas not so busy reach-
ing ould for der dings we haffent.
Der vorld owes efery man a lifiing,
but some peoples you'd rather starfe aen
collect der bill.
Von a pretty peach of a vimmens goes
py on der street it vas a long head dot
knows no turning, yes! •
Earl to Relate to Son Story of Strange
Events in Castle 'Where
Ghosts Roam.
26 11106
"just the
For a "bite at bed -time,"
what could be better than a
glass of milk and
Cream Socl4s
Canada's finest crackers,
from Canada's finest bakery.
Crisp, inviting, delicious, in
the air -tight boxes. that keep
them in faultless
Your grocer
Tartu, ,dit
The electrio needle is the best ren,e'y
tor a mole. It you cannot afford this
treatment apply dilated acetic acid every
night to the blemish, After a time tke
spot will tura dark and some day it wi 1
$y away altogether.
Peeoiehneas in a child is not always a
sign of bad temper. If the ill -humor or
resat ssneas cogtiunes for some time to
spite of the usual admonitions, tee
whether the child is feverish or ah ws
other signs of ilium. If the "bad Um -
per" lasts overnight, consult a doctor
the next day.
Disease Prevalent Now But Can
Cured Quickly with Hyomei.
MEAN W aO CATCEEs Tari;[ Dozis
• ¥OT rum, THEM.
Uses Simple Apparatus for Captur-
ing Poisonous Snakes --Some
Particular* of His
'--1• • Business'.
There is one man in Boston who baa
no fear of women invading his line of
trade, and up to the present time he Is
the only man, as far as is known, in
this state, who is a professional snake
catcber. This man, reports the Boston
Globe, is O. W. Mason, who does not
think his living is in any way strange,
for he considers snakes far less harm-
less than dogs or any other pets.
A Globe reporter accompanied Mr.
Mason on a snake hunt to the Blue
hills the other day and was shown con-
clusively that there need be no fear
of anybody getting killed from the bite
of a snake in this vicinity. Mr. Mason
donned leather gloves, leather gait••rs
and unfolded his snake -catching appa-
ratus, a long stick, from which hung
a stout string tied to a sort of a dredg-
ing machine. This machine was at-
tached to the part of the stick nearest
the ground, and is worked with the
string attachment. When a snake is
seen Mr, Mason, with the stick in the
right hand, string in the left, follows
It, places it over the snake's body, and
the snake is no Ionger at liberty.
"Well," said Mr. Mason, after the
first snake was caught, "did he run
after me or did I have to run after
"You see," he said, without waiting
for a reply, "if 1 had gone about my
own business, as it were, that snake
would now be enjoying the pleasure of
basking in the hot sun. No," continued
he, "a vietous dog would have turned
on me avithout provocation, but no
matter how vicious a snake is, he will
avoid a contact.
"I have gone into a den of nearly
100 snakes, and not one of them
turned un me until cornered, and then
the fun began. Time and again I have
been bitten, but have not yet met any-
thing snake shaped that I fear. If I
were to show the white feaLner things
tnlght be different, but I know what to
do when there is danger around.
Until very recut years, it was thought "Near Randolph, about two miles
that catarrh was a disease of the blood, away from the nearest electric road,
but now modern science has proved ( catch at least 20 rattlers to one cop -
that catarrh is a germ disease, and cankilperhead• There are to be found the
be cored only by a treatment that will
meIndian roads, unknown to any but pro-
fessors from the different colleges that
rane of the nose aud throat.
Therefore, when you have catarrh, accompany me when there is an in -
you can readily Bee that if yon want to vestigation of the different snake poi,
ante it, you should use Hyomei, which sons under way. The copperheads are
. medicates the air you breath, thus kill- most plentiful at or near the crags at
tog the catarrhal germs and healing the Milton, very far away from places vis-
• smarting and raw membrane of the pas-
'heti on Sunday by picnicking parties,
sages through the nose and throat. Io They run is high as two pounds in
breathing Hyomei you are with
treat- weight and five feet long. Bull snakes,
1 your l method,
troubles with eke the
of which there are none in the vicinity,
ly natural method, for it will make the
air yon breath as pure, healing and an. - weigh as much as eight pounds, and
tiseptio as that found on the mountains are at least ten feet long. I have fought
where the pine forests give :off their tra• them, and am ready to do so again.
...London. --When Lord Glamis comes grant and heahn 'balsams. Once I fought 19 rattler0 it took
of age the secret of the haunted room The complete Hyomei outfit, consist -
me two hours to get the last one, and
at his ancestral home, Glamis castle, ing of an inhaler, a bottle of Hymoei, though they were as mad as hornets
Forfarshire, will be communicated to and a medicine dropper, costa only $1. I got the last one without hornets
him by his father, the earl 01 Strath- while extra bottles can be obtained for alive.
more. At least that is locally under- 50 cents,
stood to have been the invariable nese- It you cannot obtain Hyomei of your "Strange as it may seem," said Mr.
tice on such occasions from time im- dealer; it will he forwarded by mail, Mason, as he stroked the head of one
memorial. to -day Porico 11 receipt
blank thatrice. will
of the snakes which had ventured to
the top of the bag in which it had been
What secret the haunted room con- entitle you to services of our medical de-
"women are not as much afraid
teats in supposed to be passed on to Partment without charge. R T. Booth
every heir as he attains his majority; Company, Hyomei Building, Ithaca, N of snakes as are the sterner sex. A
woman will naturally shrink from a
snake, but this is due to fear. When,
1 _ however. she is told that no harm will
SO IT IS *AID. result troth patting its head this way
site wfhadasn
A shoemaker Is the whole -soler man 1am doingill ng tener tifearmes quickerndwill thao
and generally well heeled. I could get a man to do; it. It is the
A baker can always raise the dough. same With women and dogs. Men like
A butcher can usually contrive to clogs, but would not give them the
make both ends meet. same attention as women do."
A. hatter is sure to be a block ahead Though the best time of the year for
of all other men. catching purposes is the first two
A huckster has no trouble with the weeks in May, an idea may be given of
police in making. a good living out of the number caught when it is told that
green goods. on April 17 Mr. Mason caught 26 snakes
A baby carriage mtututasturer never all told. Some of them were four feet
tint^ its precise nature is in the pos- Y•
session of never more than two per-
sons at. the same time.
Conjecture or tradition, says, how-
ever, that in the long ago, when the
Llndsays and the Ogilvies were at
feud, a number of the latter clan were
imprisoned and died in that particu-
lar chamber. That the room has some
uncanny peculiarities appears to be be-
yond doubt, for the late Lord Strath-
more had it walled up after visiting
the apartment one night to determine
the crigin of certain weird noises,
which, it is said, for a long time dis-
turbed and puzzled him.
Early to bed and early to rise iea falls to push his business. long.
splendid idea mit der eggsception dot no- The earl opened the door with , a When brought to Boston the snakes
body does it dot can do uddervise. kcy, and dropped back in a dead swoon ,. A hairdresser, as 1 rule, does a are put into a large packing case cov-
in the arms of his companions, nor thriving business in combination locks. ered with wire netting. Here they are
I via I hat all der money dot is spent could he ever be inchiced to open his A newspaper man rarely fails to get fed, great care being taken to give
py der men dot try to get somedjngs for lips on the subject; :afte_r,w
his paper on the street.
• them plenty of water.
An electrician k always ported on On dark days Prof. Mason hills those
Der vayvard child lives to be der man TRAGIC DEATHS IN FAMILY, current topics. , ,.t best, suited to his taste—that is, the
dot falls py der vayside. - ones that will bring him the most
Women with weakness should never
forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This
magic -like looal treatment, is used at
bedtime all night while the system is at
rest, it 1i constantly building up the
weakened tissues, soothing the inflamed
and sensitive surfsees and will surely
Clean up all catarrhal and local troubles.
Sold at Valleys Drug Store.
(Pall Mail Gazette,)
The old folks say the times are changing
The bygone years were surely best;
O'er land and sea, for ever ranging,
Men wander now in vague unrest:
And faded ate the green romenoee
The morning light has died away,
The world has lost its golden chancel',
So the old folks say.
The old folks Bay the days are duller,
The sweetest aongr are left unsung,
The spring was full of scent and color,
Tong, long ego, when wt) were young.
Abovour a
o heads the e sky was clearer,
And warmer wag the sunlight ray;
Yet heaven is now a little nearer.
The old folks say 'tis Maytinle weather.
Play, children, to your hearts' desire,
But leave net hand in hand together
Beside the swiftly falling fire.
For earthly chains are near their break-
And eyes are dim, and looks are graY,
But love's a dream that know, n0 wak-
. So the old folks riky.
Strange Series of Thirteen Fatalities :
Among Relatives of Indianian
--Only Two Remain.
Indlanapolls, Ind.—Thirteen tragic
deaths among members of the same fam-
ily is the record made by the kin of Abra-
armerof Fulton
German f 1 u
ham Gripe, a EcuRiT
county. The thirteenth victim was
Samuel Horn, who was killed recently —
while hauling logs, But two members
LUT fit.
���� proThe poison taken from them is bot-
tled up and later sold to colleges at a
good profit. Then the bodies are bot-
tled up and labeleSl, to be used later
for the edification' of students.
When the proper kind are caught
1 they are fattened and killed for oil.
The latter is used for many things,
mostly for beautifying purposes, after
of the family remain, and the home-
stead is deserted through superstitious
tear that in some way the place is re-
sponsible for the tragedies.
Crepe was prosperous. but his wife was
discontented anti wanted to return to
the old country. She became insane and
burned herself to death In a pile of hay.
A few days later Cripe's sister fell dead
while at work. Two months afterward
Lucien Cripe, a son. became deranged
and died within a short time.
Next Elias, a brother, watt round mur-
dered in hes barn. His two sons, Clark
and Jay, died in an insane asylum. Wil-
son Burns, a son-in-law of Abraham
Crape, murdered his wife, Joseph CrIpe
and Mrs. Margaret Brahatn, an aunt,
and then blew out his own brains•
Cannot Retover Ring.
An Indiana court has decided that a
o er engage-
,.over cannot res v r them e-
g g
ment ring by suit unless there is a cen-
tred to that effect, After this every
prudent Indiana lover will arrange to
have the engagement ring placed in
e;erOte pe6dlhg the wedding.
Little Liver Pills
Must Bear Signature of
See Pac.S1mlta Wrapper Below.
Cause of
You Must look well after the conditken
of your liver sad bowels, Unless tbsrtr
is daily action of the bowels, poisonous
products ere absorbed, .cawing bowl.
aches, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia.
Ayer's Pills are_genulue liver pills.
ws Mats re Maw t e .bDall J. c. a Os.,
the iwrrriw at all err r ses. Lowellr,ae.
K&K K& K K&K K&K K &K K
THE RE$Ut7 of Ignorance and folly ln youth, overexertion of mind and body
induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the liven
.End futurehappineea of thousands of promising' onus men. Rome fade andwither
at an early age, atthe blowouts of manhood, while others. ere forced to dray out a
weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Other* reach metrl-
Seonybut lied tin solace orcomfort there. The victims are found
1n all stations of life --the farm the office, the workshop, the
pulpit, the trades and the professions. Nervous Debility end Sentinel
Wee Mee areyuaranteed cured by our New Ratline Treatment lir Ns
'4y. You run no rick Z5 years is Detroit. Dank aecnriny,
CURED wigs ALL ELSE FAILED. Me acmes used without mains missal,
',Ian* 33 years of aIle and married. Wheel young I led a gay -
life. Early indiscretions, and later excesses nada trouble for me.
I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I
feared Bright's Disease. Married Life was unsatisfactory and
my home unhappy. I tried everything—alt failed till 1 took
treatment front Drs. Kennedy & Kergau. Their New Method
built ma up mentally, physically and sexual! I feel and act
!Ikea man in every respect. They treated me *ix years ago. They are honest,
skilful and responsible financially, so why patronize Quacks and Fakirs when you
can be cured by reliable doctorn."—W. A. Belton.
CURES GUARANTEED OR KO PAY. GonSullen Free--, i ike Free••Duesllol Blank Free tor Her, Tread.
Drs.148 Shelby Street,
Kennedy & Karan, Detroit, Miele.
i .
K&K K& k'E K8cPc K&K K -&K K&K
•tLmt the GOLD DUST TM= = do yaszr work"
is the work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. A11 labors
look alike to the Gold Dust Twins. They clean floors and
doors, sinks and chinks --go from cellar to attic—and leave
only brightness behind. Get acquainted with
Gold Dust Washing Powder
OTHER GENERAL 1 Serubbing floors, washing clothes and dishes, eleaninr wood -
USES FOR work, oil cloth, silverware and tinware, polishing brass work,
COLD DUST cleansing bath room, pipes, etc., and making the finest soft soap.
Made by THE N. K. FAIRSANI( COMPANY. Montreal, P. a—Makers ot FAIRY SOAP.
COLD DUST makes bard water soft •
•••N••!•a•ii•!••••••••••••• •••••••••••••110000 saes••••
Particuar Pen e
Know Good Printing
when they see it, and it pays to be particular
with your printed matter. Many people
make the grave mistake of thinking that
" any old thing" will do for a letter -head
or a circular.
Your printing is your voice to ti -e
public ; in other words, a firm is invariably
judged by the get-up of their printed and
advertising matter.
• The next thing after quality is price,
and this is another thing particular people
like to know something about.
it is made into a cream for the skin. •
Large bull snakes, those weighing
eight pounds, will give four ounces of •
oil. If caught in the fall a fair-sized
snake will have enough fat to keep it
alive for nine months, and this fat
can be turned into money through the
• oil process. The bull snake oil is the
best kind.
Its satin Is worth one dollar, the oil
is worth one dollar and the states
where they are caught give a bounty
of one dollar for each one killed. The
eastern market secures them tor the
price that the oil and akin would bring.
�.rr sweets rail as easy
Bond of Empire.
tit taste •s eager,
FOIL INtUO1JSNEt3, the mother country 2nd leave the
v R FOR TORPID LIYER. colonies in freedom and safety. It is
P' i�$� FOR CONSTIPATION impossible to hold thatinion now.
FOR SALLOW SKIN. Scattered and independent eeommtin-
tll'fiIECOKION dies, unable to defend themselves
Forty years ago, before the nations
of Europe developed their navies, it
was the opinion of some statesmen
that a friendly separation would relieve
e.,,,........ ...
sasserawerse runrRvt s�ruar would be at tete mercy of any ambitious
ati' lleirettliegetatne.>G '- C- power which possessed a fleet.—WestmorimilmixrdwifOilin
The latest facilities combined with
moderate prices places the TIMES Job
Department in a position to please particular
We pay special attention to orders by
mail. All work promptly and satisfactorily
Call at, or address,
MIRK SICK HIEAD Minster Gazette, , , .
• 0