The Wingham Times, 1906-07-26, Page 1VOL XXXY.-n-NO. 1798. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Tailor -Made Cloches $ 15. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- _ sic, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6. A fine aeleotion of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stook. MISILI Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post oilioe. FALL FAIR DM -ES. I II WINGHAM, ONTARIO# THURSDAY, JULY 26,, 1906. Wear Greer's Sho es and Rubbers East Waw nosh List, The voters' lint f the Township of East Wawanoah f 1906 has been print- ed and is now in the hands of Mr. P, Porterfield, the wnahip Clerk. The list this year is m de up of 463 voters in part 1, 87 in part , and 24 in part 3, a total of 564 voters The number of per- sons qualified to rve as jnrore is 288. The number of v era last year was 586. Wingham Sept. 27.28 Toronto Aug. 27 -Sept. 10 London Sept. 7-15 Goderich Sept. 26.27.28 Blyth............... Sept. 18.19 Listowel Sept. 25-26 Lucknow.............. Oct. 2. 3 Teeswater..... ... Oot. 3- 4 Brussels Oct. 4- 5 Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's hotel on: -Tuesday, June 19th; Tues- day, July I7th. Hours 1 p.m, to 8.30 p.m. Eye, ear, nose and throat consul- tations. Eyes tested for glasses. MACHINE REPAIRING -I have token over the machine shop of W G Paton and am prepared to do all kinds of steam and hot water fitting, repairs to engines And boilers and all kinds of farm mach- inery. ROBERT M. COOPER NEW ARRIVALS Pare Paris Green (Government standard) -the best 25c per pound. Antiseptic -Foot Powder Eases and mires tired, sweaty and swollen feet. 15c a box, or 2 for 25c. WaIioubMcKibbon DRUGGIST. Macdonald Block - WINoIIAM This stOre- closes at 8 p, in., avers evening exoept Satnrdit. SUMMER SALE. -Slaughter Cash Sale of all Dress Fabrics. GEO. E. KING. Little Loss Some time ago ance, Mr. J. How the different au Mutual Insnran out the province fire losses incurr severe thunders so prevalent th show very little in many section From Lightning. he Inepeotor of Inenr- rd Hunter, instructed [tors of the Farmers' Companies through - report concerning the l owing to -the many Irine which have been year. The returns ss from lightning and one at all. WANTED -500 Men and Boys to buy Clothing at H. E. ISARD & Co's. The Ne The impressit some quarters tl ing the salaries takes effect at o it does not go is let of January School Act. has gone abroad in t the new law affect - f rural school teaohera ee. This is a mistake; to operation until the next. The inoreased township grants will have to be levied this year, howe- •er, giving the school boards an oppoi: unity to improve the accommodation nd equipment of their schools 'with the extra income for this year. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fella' butcher shop, Masonic Excursion. Lebanon Fore t, Masonic Lodge of Exeter has arrsn,ed for an excursion to be run to Sarnia nd return, and Lake Huron Park, on hurday, August 2nd. Special train will Ieave Wingham at 6 a. m., and retnr g will leave Sarnia at 10 p.m., but t leets are good to re- turn on any regn train the following day. This trip ords a splendid day's outing. HORSES ]Ton SALE. --Heavy Draught Fillies, Geldings and Roadsters. LOTT & KING. A RELIABLE CONCERN. Local ption. There is a good eel of activity just now among tempe anoe people through- out the province. hey are looking for- ward to the subm awn Of local option by-laws in a large umber of municipali- ties this year. Un er the new law voting takes place the sa o day as the municipal electione,bnt petit no for the submission of by-laws must be resented to the coon - one on or before ovember let, whioh means tbat in mos cases they must be presented at the 0 tuber meeting. Not to be Cl4ssed With Fakirs. We wish to inf .rm our many6, trona in Wingham mai neighbor g towns that our authoriz d proof- seer will at once show proofs ? the. portraits, so that no nneasines (be felt about the orders given our a ts. All orders will be filled with due iBpatch and accord- ing to our printed entracte, This com- pany has been roto orated since 1893and 1s thoroughly resp Bible; and is well- known in this viol 'ty as a thoroughly reliable concert,. - MERCHANTS PORT IT CO., 01' TORONTO, ITED. PRESERVING TIME. -If yon come bo D. M. Gordon's for yonr gem jars and the best preserving sugar in the world, you will not be disappointed either in the price, quantity or quality. ELECTRI The following chargee for Elect the towns and til with their popnla PLACE Almonte, Ont Alvinstown, Ont Aylmer, Ont Aurora, Ont Arnprior, Ont Brandon, Man Chatham, Ont Clinton, Ont Coburg, Ont Cornwall, Ont Fredericton, N. Guelph, Ont Kingston, Ont Lindsay, Ont 7,003 Montreal, P. Q. 380,000 New Glasgow 3,776 Owen Sound, OM 7,497 Peterborough, Oat 9,717 Pembroke, Ont 4,401 Prince Albert N.W.T 2,000 2,000 11,765 10,870 4,030 3,31 12,000 2,206 184,2420 16,885 1,595 $,237 10,322 70,000 2,218 77,000 LIGHT RATES. able gives the net rate is Light by a nnmberof es in Canada, together ,ton. POPULATION NET RATE PEIt K.W.H. 20 cents 18 " 15 17 14 18 15 12 15 15 12 15 14 10 14ia" 15 " 12 .. 16 " 16 " 20 " 20 " " 16 " 10 ,. 12 .. 12 " 10 4.5 12 " 16 " 12 t° 12 .. 12aa" 12 " 10 " 22 " i a 3,072 1,006 2,1167 1,743 3,341 3,778 9,068 2,435 4,829 6,805 7,117 10,539 17,961 Regina, N. W. T Sherbrooke, late St Thomas, Ont St John, P. Q. Strathroy, Ont Stratford, Ont Seaforth, Ont Totonto, Ont Vancouver, B, 0 Walkerviile, Ont Waterloo, Ont Windsor, Ont Winnipeg, Man Wiirgham Quebeo, lane ,t .. it .t ,t It tt .. .1 It it WArTEn-A bright young man, about 16 years of age, for general office work, THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO. Friday at ncardine. Friday of dale w ek is Wingham's civic holiday and th date of the nuion Sunday school exou ion to Kincardine. All that is now need d to make this ex- cursion a success is ne weather. The Wingham Citizens' Band will acoomp- the excursionists. :.'he special train will leave Wiugham at `.12 a. m. Fare 70o for adults and 36o .'or children. Many of our townspeople will take advantage of this excursion aid spend the day at the lake. CARPENTERS ' ANTED. - Apply at once to the WESTE .N FOUNDRY Co,Ltd, Wingham. TI Women's instit':te Meeting. SEAFORTH BE: VERS SHUT OU r The regular meuthl meeting of the Wingham Branch of be Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Bone Francis at. this ;Thursday) after- noon, July 26th, et 8 -"olook. All ladies cordially invited to b present. Don't mien the berg ins n furniture at our store during u and August. WALKER Linos & BUT' N. Listowel Old oys' Re -Union. Many of the eitiz s of this town will doubtless appreciate he opportunit' . - fered to participate i the celebr:. on at Listowel on July 31st o A g. d inclu- sive. A splendid pro a ..r of attrac- tions, amueementa a sorts has been announced. Many hi h class bands will be there, notably the 18th Highlanders with pipers and dr :mmers, and the 29th Regiment Band if Berlin, besides many other bands frcn various towns. There will be the big st attractions of the year at Listowe Civic holidays will be announced i many places to en- able citizens of sa ounding towns to visit Listowel, an besides enjoying themselves renew of acquaintaneeships. Chep rates at single fare, good to go on July 27th return on 6 h August. Fine specimens of ennis Rackets and Balls for sale ohea at Miss Fisher's Book Store. 8 Board of Trade. The regular montI y meeting of the Wiugham Board of r rade will beheld in Council Chamber no t Tneeday evening, commencing at 8 o'tnok. All members and business men w; o wish to join the Board are requested to attend as import- ant matters are to come before the meet- ing. A Splendid Attraction. Victor's Venetian Band,whioh has been secured at a great a ense as an attraction for Wingham's fal fair, is a musical or- ganization of the rst rank, being com- posed of twenty -s ven players nearly all of wbom are exce ont soloists on their respeotive instrn ents. The conductor of the band, Sign Calfstty Victor, is a noted artist in his ine and his ability as a conductor has r ,eived recognition in high circles. The band has a repertoire of four hundred a. -.d fifty classical and popular selections,: so that programs to suit all tastes may be expected. The band has filled some long engagements in Eastern United States cities and is coming to Ontario immediately after a three months' ens g ement in New York. River hotel, Bayf101d for summer out- ings, is offered for sale or exchange. Apply to A. Englan', Wiugham. Fon SALE= -Good Dwelling House and one acre of land, now occupied by me; For terms and particulars apply to Geo. MCKENZIE. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc - Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 7tb Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop- erly fitted. Re•Union a3 Stratford. - The Reunion of County OId Boys, w Stratford from Aug mises to be one of events of the kind ev For months past en have been at work la affair and it is now as of visitors will throne ratford and Perth Mab. is to be held at at 4th to filth, pro- le most successful r put on in Ontario. rgetio committees ing plans for the red that thousands the Olassio City during the week coin noticing August 4. Features in conneotio 1 with the re-nuion will be the electrical decoration of the city, the immense Osl Boys' Carnival, covering five acres of nowded tent shows the splended fireworilo display, the long programme of sports Whioh extends over three days, and in COl vection with which liberal prizes Bre off red, the miles' long parade on Monday, ngnet 6th, the visit Of the 21st Essex Fn fliers from Windsor On Wednesday, An st 8th, the presence of Hardy, the great st high wite artist in the world, ballon ascensions, baseball games, fan and fro o of all kinds, 'late olty will be given er to merriment and it is certain that fo the person who is looking for a good ime Stratford is the plodo to which to There bre single fare rates on all ailways in Ontario. Witte the secreta , Box761, for a pro- gramme or see t advertisements end bili!. The Maple Le fs Won on Local Grounds by 4 Goals to 0. The expeotatfona- of even the most sanguine of the payers on the local lacrosse team were nrpassed 'when the ASaple Leafs, in a olean.Ont, fast and exciting intermedie O. I,. A. match, played on the town park, on Wednesday afternoon last, co lately shut out the renowned Beavers of 4 to Q. The vi team particularly many of the shin famous Beavers and they came trim the stnrd came, they saw fated, taking m bf Seaforth by a score tors had made their 'strong for this game; og lights of the once ere on the -line-up, 'th men and money to Maple Leafs, They but went home discern - but not their money. From the time referee Allan of Mount Forest blew hie whistle until the finish of the game, B own Jackson and his ag- gregation were simply out-olassed. The teams lined Bpi at 4.30, and play com- The Date 3 Aug. 11th menced. Fro.n the face-off Cady got the ball and .: seed to Wendorf, who Saturday, August 11th is the date of rushed in on '..al and passed to McLean, the annual popular 0. 0. F. excursion and in one mi ate No. 1 was tallied for to Sarnia and Detroit. This excursion Wingham, w le Brown Jackson and gives the people of acs section a splen- Rob McKay b• d yet to know what the e. Another draw and the did opportunity for three days' outing. ball looked li The train leaves Wi gham at 6 40 a. m. ball went to " ingham goal, and al - and the return fare to Sarnia is $2.05. though the vi item tried all the latest From Sarnia to Detr t the excursionists New York doiges, failed to pierce the take the magnificent teamer, Taehmo• defence, and ening had only to make The return farearni to Detroit being one stop, he .i d in easy fashion. The only 60 cents. Keep he date in mind, ball travelled ' niokly, with both teams Saturday, August 1. h and take in the right on the jab, Reid, who had re - popular exoursion of he season. oeived a pass f om Fleming scored No. 2 for the locals, ' nd the howl on the side - Come to D. M. Goma. G .at Mid- lines was tram' ndons as the spectaitors animater Sale. The pric i any lines hats and pares'.ls travelled upward in a are out in two. May as share in the happy vein. 1 he quarter ended 2 to 0 great slaughter. in favor of W •. gham, but the play was more even tha i the score indicated. The stonewall defe ice of the locale saved the goal many times. The second r r faster quarter vette ribs than the -first and Seafortp a .ill kept boring into the local defence, 'only to be blocked by Moore or W ngham, while Kemkes kept Bob Horsy completely out of the game by hie el se checking; Eddie Mc- Guire and He ning looked after the long shots, eo n goals were scored, as Case in goal fo the visitors was putting up the atelier rticle, and the half end- ed 2-0. The rumor pined along the sidelines that the best w rk of the Seaforth play- ers was invaria ly done in the latter half, but smile on the Wingham de- fence when J kson was put on the visitors' defen told of the sad plight the latter were in; from the face-off the weak spots of t e Seaforth team showed up, and in Iese t an two minutes Case was palled upon Ito stop half a dozen deadly shots, hile Brown Jackson looked like Bill Bounce as Elliott, Fleming and Mo ean, fed by Wendorf and Cody, played inge around the Sea - forth defence, wen finally Fieming shot No. 3 for Wi gham. The visitors here got busy a d the local defence had to stop many rush, which they did to a nicety. All, though Seaforth got several shots on `'goal, Henniug was I A YEAR IN ADVANCE for the way he holed the defenoe out. - George Wingha n and Ed. McGuire played a steady ga ne and were always in the fight, while Moore put up the game of the season Seaforth has a omer in Stoddart; and when Brown J okeon gets a little older and more expelienoe, he also wit', no doubt, make good - The home player'►- were all shining stare, and the shooting of McLean, Reid and Fleming was vt -y ertourate, while Elliott and Cody, p: hyed a wonderful game. Seaforth lacrosse cab has entered pro - and Kincardine e games playedlast learned on what against Wingham ie Wiugham play :sday's work over es it. The Do nion Bank. The statement o the Dominion Bank, showing the busin ss for the six months ended June 30th 1 st is a vary favorable one and shows thi bank to be in a good position. The res rve fund and undivid- ed profits have been increased from $3,750,000 to $3,8'. ,000. The profits for the ail months, a ter deducting charges of management,- to., and making pro- visions for bad nd doubtful debts is is $279,704 52. ' . e Dominion Bank is one of Canada's est managed and up-to- date banks. - Wingham siness Col a re -opens Sept 3rd, with he old s of teachers of wbom Pri.ci al otton is justly proud. He bel e a ' as the teacher, so the school." ifferent departments are being refitt::. to prepare for an as- sured large atte 'dance. We believe this college is one of he best in Ontario and wish it continue. ancoesa. Briton . c Withdrawn. The members f the committee having re in charge the uon Sunday school ex. oursion to Kinoelydine received word on Tuesday to the Britannic withdrawn Elect that the steamer, not be available for ex- eurslono on the ff lake on Friday. The local' committee') acted in good faith in this matter andi;we publish the letter to Dr Towler from, the Northern Naviga- tion Co. to elle , that the failure to have the steamer at Kincardine does not fall ou the local comm ittee:- 4Sarnia, July 23rd, 190G. Dear Sir; - regret very mach to have to infor you that our company has found it neeeSsary to withdraw the steamer, Britannic from the Detroit and Kincardine route and am therefore ob- liged to cancell+all arrangements made for hourly trip on the lake out of Kin- cardine on 271 inst. Yours Very Truly, 0, H, ISIonoLsox at the air. The lin up:- Traffic Manager. Seaforth-Goal, Cape; point, Bell; We nnderata d that another boat will cover point, Stews t; defence, McKen- be at Kinoardite on Friday. and-- giv zie, Hatcher, Holl d; centre, Wescott; hourly exoursi4ns on the lake. home, Johnston Mm`nroe, McKay, Jack- son, Stoddart. tote against Winght in connection with t: week. We have nc grounds the protest has been entered, era can do last Wed again if Seaforth wi right there and aha while Gord Cook, w ways came in to hel they were hard prey with a spurt when help out the home. 3 to 0, but both tear with the fast work. THE WEE 'S SPORT, In a league lacros last Thursday event. loh and Clinton, the a score of 1 to 0, tb until the third guar The fourth annual of the Goderich bo held commencing Mr. Dudley Holme been appointed as A rink of Win posed of Mr. A. and Messrs. A. Ped up spendidly, io played field, al - the defence when ed, and was ready a was wanted to The quarter ended a were nearly all in, The final quarter was somewhat slower, but the locale succeeded in scor- ing one, McLean by 11, olever trick get- ting past Jackson and Stewart who were slashing at the the ball -or rather The Western Fair. The Wester) Fair, London, promises this year to be a great auooess. Entries are coming in ?ast and apace is being al- lotted. The a traction committee have provided a pr igtamme of amusement and entertainrent far exceeding any thing ever Atte npted by the Association. C. W. Willistasof Newark, New Jersey, will make della ascensions in hie air- ship "America.," The Royal Venetian Band, one of 11 e greatest musical organ- izations of the day has been engaged at great expense ler the entire exhibition. "The Norins,' ' high divers, Japanese aorobates, alae r wire performers, The Polite Burglars, trick house performers, The Red Raven Cadets and mane, others will all appear `before the grand stand daily, Prof. Mend's magnificent Elect- rical and Pyreseohnical display' of the "Carnival of Jenice" every eveniag. Remember the date*, Sept. 7th to 15th. 1?'or prize list sad information write the Seo'y., Weste Fair Office, Loudon, Ont. Wingham-Goal Hennings; pout, Mc- Guire; cover point. Wingham; defence, Kempbea, Moore, 9-ook; centre, Cody; home, Elliott, We orf, Fleming, Reid, McLean. NOTES. Gate receipts, 174.85. 'Twos a famous story. Nobody looked o er the fence, It is rnmored th McKay got the ball twice during the g me. Well, about Pea Johnston, he wee talking too mta% play lacroes°, The northern tr to Kincardine and Wingham put Se orth out of business. It was Henning; first appearance in Wingham colors, lInd he certainly made good. Bell, Stewart a:ld /fetcher pleyed good laorosae, but the Wingham house was too feat. Sam Wendorf Was was tireless and handed out some pretty pastae to the home field. Dineley's pln the home team was well filled by K, who deserves oredlt .e match at Clinton , between Goder- ome team won by re being no score r. . owling tournament ling club will be enday, Augnat 6th. , of this town has ne of the umpires. ham bowlers, cora- •• . Crowford as skip Musgrove, Dudley Holmes and A. Mo') Allan are attending the tournament at Condon this week. Mr Crawford was not :We to secure a fourth player from the 1 umbers of the local club and Mr. All of of Goderich very kindly played w rink has (up to press) worked round in the trop: very good showin rouud they won Orangeville rink third round from rink, 16 to 8. Are You Ruptured - We have just received some uew Trusses that fit difficult cases, Po we are now in a posi- tion to suit you. If you have been disappointed be- fore you can get relief now. We carry a full line and can suit all. We will appreciate you r trade, at Walley's Dili Store Phone 100. Successor to Wean & Co h our players. The he time of going to up to the fourth y contest, which is a ' In the preliminary rem C. W. Hnrndall e 18 -to 16, and in the Y. Parker's Parkdale Yon will find ou nrniture store the beet place to de or high-class goods at most masa4 bid prices. WALKER BROS & BUTTON, airniture dealers and under- takers. CHURCiii NOTES. The Wingha District Summer School to be held in this town from August 6th to 12tba promises to be very largely attended.good program has been arrauged aid many prominent workers in the M thodist church will assist at the meeti. gs. Rev. A. 0, Wisccart, B. A., Beater• ton, has accepted an call to the pastor- ate of Melville ohn=•ch, Brussels, and the induction will take place on Thursday, August 16th. The 'congregation will no doubt be pleased tC have a settled pastor once more. Rev. Dir. Wischart is moat highly esteemed at (Beaverton. Canadians Won 81,000 The Canadian telim of twenty marks- men, who went to isley, England,under Commandant Lie t•Coi. Wilson, of Montreal to reprent the Dominion, will bring back to lnada with them in prize money the B of $1,300, or $65 apiece on the av age. Corp. W. H. Youbill, of Winni eg, and an old Wing - ham boy won $30D Society pin Missouri. We are gettingf'dead swell in this good town, says the ( olnmbia Herald. We eat ice cream wt a fork. Some time ago we learned to m ke salad at the dinner table. Then wa served coffee in the library after dijiner. We have had fin- ger bowls some dozen years. We are beginning to Ole them even when there is no oompan bowls at brew] bacon even w] house. That' drnnk soup of One family heal finger fast after fruit end before en there is 110 guest at the dead swell. We have t of a teacup and put grass on the fried Chicken, and now we eat ice cream with a fork. Why not? These little evidence of Social progress are commendable` Those who talk meet about this being is sad world are doing molt to nurse its griefs. It's einem the little man who feels that he it o1ed to audit the books of the universe. There neer enough to cu of paradise. Bargains atl nexttSatnrday, necklaces and M. FISIIEIt. yet was a diamond big your name on the doors the 'Big Book Store" Btetioner'y,faltey" Combs, tie. Do not mica it. K. 1 Success in Selling Real Estate depends on bringing sellers and buy- ers together at the proper time The following list ie a sample of the many cheap and desirable properties for sale : $2500 -2 -story brick cottage ; corner lot, John St. $2500 -2 -story frame house; excellent eondition; Centre St. $2100-2 story frame house; hath,etc., stable; worth $2100; Minnie St. $1300 -New brick cottage. Josephine street. $1300 -2 -story frame house; stable; Leopold St. $1200-11 story double frame house, rents113 per month ,Joh John St, $1100-11 story frame house, 8 rooms, arable; Frances St. $1000-11 story new brick house, 7 rooms; corner lot; Charles St. $5000-100 acres, Turnberry township, bank barn, frame house; 1a miles from Wingham. $3500-59 acres ; brick house; bank barn; Ijs: miles from Wiugham. $3500-42i acreea brick house; bank barn; j mile from Wingham. Wroxeter Village Property. $1300 -ii story brick house, an excel- lent home for a retired farmer. Call and get full particulars. Agent for Western Lands. • J. H. CHISf1OLI1, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. Van,tone block, Wingham. TELEGRAPHY.., offers better opportunities for advancement than any other trade or profession. SITUATIONS.., are guaranteed all our graduates in this department, providing they will go to Western Canada. In the 'Wingham Business college Telegraphic students are taught 1 Typewriting, Penmanship, Busi- ness Correspondence, beetling, Office Practice, etc. Write for particulars to GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. CLEARING SALE SUMMER SHOES MUST GO This is one of the events of the year in shoe selling. As soon as possible after July let we arrange our stook, clear the 'lecke for action, and get ready for a Grand Clearing -Out Sale of Summer Shoes The time has arrived, and we are ready for business. Every sort of - Summer Shoals for Men, Women and Children will be marked down--w.AT DOWN --and sold at prices so low that our shelve* Will soon be emptied, Sho our Windows for Shoe Styles and Prices. W. J. Greer THE SUOMI.. __