HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-19, Page 88 TRE WINGUAM TIMES JULY 191 1906. 'tv r"tMr'$rm1r0'tl1''U'41w"1►�tr M +' ''$r + 'i'^4'wr'M PERSONAL. $entonce Sermon$, �.,.. , Whiners are net wiunera, Sonie hatpriGes T+ p Need makes the neighbor. �Ys $atilt be glad to have gontributiIf g axis ooltitnn from any of our readers. 1t you h,xve visitors or purpose gotxig away ynursalt, "OR THE HOT WEATHER. Mielios and Silk Ginghams, regular 50o, for Unable, regular 35,1, for iiiuslies, regular 151, for Toweling. regular 121u, for • Alst all Sututner Brest Goode at big out is prices. Summer Parasols at cost price and below. • We still have some up-to-date 'White Lawn Waists Which we are clearing out at big reductions. Just Received - A Fall shipment of Ladies' Black Beady to er•ca4- Skirtei-For style and prioe you will fend it hard to equal thein. Gents' Furnishings and Clothing at reduced prices. Also, Reductions in Carpets, LinoIeums and Curtains. TRADE TAIZEN AS OAS1i. Carey Dry Goods ° Co. PHONE 70. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. --Wingham fall fair ou September 27th and 2Sth. -New Potatoes, choice fruit, are sell. ing at $1 per bushel. -Annual Sunday school excursion on Friday of next week. --The foundation for Mr C. G, Van - Stone's new dwelling on John staeat is completed. -S. J. Andrews has been appointed Police Magistrate at Clinton by the Whitney Government. -The Brussels union Sunday school excursion to Kincardiue will be held on Wednesday, August 8th. -Mr W. F. VanStone is having a large verandah built on the front and west side of his dwelling on John street. ---The Windham Citizens' Band has been engaged to take part in the Old Boys' celebration to be held at Listowel on August 1, 2 and 3. -Read S. Gracey'e new advt. in an. other columu of this issue, He is offer- iug special bargains in all lines of fur. nituro. Give hum a call wizen in need ot furniture.. -The Bell Telephone Co's Iine be- t wean Wingbam and Belmore has been completed and no:v Belmore people can have telephone communication to any point. -Two freight cars leaving the tract: at Exeter on Monday morning delayed traffic on the London, Huron and Bruce for several hours. The train due here at 11.10 a, m. did not arrive until 3 15 p. m. -Two rinks of Teeswater bowlers went to Wingbam on Tuesday to try conclusions with the gentlemen of that town; and --well, the Teeswater fellows were beaten. Score -don't mention it. -Teeswater News. -A special meeting of Wingham LOL will be held in the Orange Hall to -mor. row (Friday) evening, when the Royal Arch Potpie Degree wilt be conferred upon a number of members. A large attendance of members in requested. -A fire broke oat about 1 o'clock Monday morning in the large brick block on the south side of Main street, Listow- el, and did slight damage to the building but there will be heavy loss by water on the contents of the Orange Lodge, also the general stock of R. Thompson and a slight loss on the stock of J. M. Schin• beau.. The insurance wilt cover the loss. Selling Off At Cost. Ve have a few A t Lacrosse - Sticks and Balis, Base - Ball Clubs and Mitts (Glasgow and Oxford brakes), which, with our entire stock of Snort- ing Goods, will be sold AT COST to make room for new goods. MissKo M1 Fisher 13 awes** to r db C7o. he lowly heart finds the higher life. drop in and tell us, or send u -t a note to that Difl'loalties are bet doors of delight. street. It is better to right wrongs titan to re - Mrs. H. Lowery is visiting With relat- venae them. Miss hazel. Johnston le visiting with patience. No great work ever was done a mirror. Only a u ercerized religion wear a label, ives iu Toronto. The laxz matt always is proud ipsfriendrn Oehawa. Mee, ee, of London is visiting with her cousin, Miss B. Kent. Mrs. R Hodgson is visiting for a few days with Toronto friends. Mr John Pattison, of Port E�giu was visiting at his home over tiuuday. Mr and Mrs' J. IL Keeler aro holiday ing for a few days at Grand Bend. Miss Sathaleen Lowe, of London, is visiting with old friends ip Wingham. Mrs. J. W. Hewer and children are visiting relatives and friends at Tilison- burg.. Miss Margaret E. Olivent, of Petrolia, is visiting Miss L. Wilson for a few weeks. Mrs. S. T. Suggitt and daughters have left on an extended visit to Toronto and Banaroit. -..The shade trees around the Town Park have been nicely trimmed and it makes a great improvement. -Counterfeit 25 cent pieces are in circulation in Toronto. They are dated 1901 and are an excellent imitation of the genuine coin, but their sound is poor. -A force of about twenty men are at work on the new High Sobool building this week. The building will look as near completed by the let of September as our new post office building., -The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons is being held in To- ronto this week. Mesers. H. 0. Bell and John Ritohie were the delegates appointed to attend from Wingham. -The Canadians at the Bisley Ranges to England, are meeting with much success. Mr. W. H. Youhiil, now of Winnipeg and formerly of Wingbam being one of the best shote among the Canadians. -The Epworth League of Teeswater Methodist Church will be entertained this (Thursday) evening by the local league. .A. feature of the entertainment will be a baseball game on the park iu the afternoon.. -The contract for building the con- crete walks and fences an fitting up the grounds at Wingham's new post office has been awarded to Mr. Hole, of Lon. don. Mr. F.Patterson, of town will have charge of the work. -The engagement is announced of Miss Emily Florence Mackie, youngest daughter of thealate James Mackie, of Toronto, to Charles L Kerr, of New York City. Mr Kerr is a former welI- known young Winghamite, NEWS NOTES. Mr Crawford, of Dutton was visiting for a few days with bis brother, Mr A. .Crawford. Mr John L Vanstone, of Hamilton is spending a portion of his holidays in Wingham, Mr Chas. Roes, of Chicago is spending his holidays with bis parents, Mr and Mrs A. Ross. Mise Hattie McCracken is visiting for a few weeks with the brother and sister at London. of ibis before needs NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the Undersigned& w ers agree to Blase our offices daring the month; of July and August as follows: --On Saturdays et 2 P.M., and onether days at4P.M. Motormen 4 sousing. Ror. ars 01.A i4 & 1101,Af5$, 3.�A, losTozf. W. J. PRIGL, L,D.S., U.D.S. DMITIST (Successor to Ur. mellower) Win continue the practice in the °Mee tately to ocoupled by Dr, 1Tolloway, in the Beaver Block, Winglmm,\...- SIMMove-In Wingham.on July 15t1,the wife of Mr. A. E. seinurnOfis; a daughter. Qibron-In Wroxeter, on July 9tb,the wife of Mr. John Gibson; a daughter. Moat,ATr. ]n Wroxeter, on Juiy wife ,.f Mr. A. Moffatt; a daughter. MARRIED Wright -Simpson. -114 Wrozeter,on Juno 27th. by Rev L. Perrin, Mr. Ernak Wright, of 7.Sirnberry, to Miss Dorasimpsoa, of Jatnes• town. 4th, the DIED Woods -1n Wingham, on July lith. Mrs.. Eliza Ann Woods, tnother of Mrs. J. A. Morton, aged 84 years, 1 month at, d 5 days. &MILT,rE-At Binbrook, Out., on July 11 th,AR• nes B, Smillie daughter of Mr. Joseph Smilhe,of Morris township, aged 28 years and 11 months. DotrenAS.-In Wroxeter, on July 11th, Wil- liam Douglas, in his 83rd. year. Rouinero .-In Wroxeter, on July 8th, Catherine M. McEwen, relict of the late Angus Robertson, in her 88th year. LONGLEY.-In Howick, on July 9th, Elizabeth Boerne, wife of Mr. Andrew Longley, in her 82nd year. VOTERS' LIST, 1906. Municipality of the Town of Wing - ham, in the County of Huron. Mr. Horace Sennett, formerly of Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Wingham has moved from Goderioh to _ sections 8 and o of "The Ontario Voters' I$st Elko, B. C. Act," the copies required by said sections to be so delivered or transmitted of the list made Mrs (Dr) W. J. Price will be "at puraunnt to said Act; of all persons appgearing by the Instrevised Assessment Roll of the said home" on Friday, Ally 20th., afternoon Municipality to be entitled to vole in the said and evening. Tions ; and that the said Iist was first osted Municipality at Elections for Members .01 the Legislative Assembly and et Munigipal glee- Mlss Libbie Ball left yesterday to spend up in my oMtce, at Wingham on July 0tu,1900, a few weeks visiting with relatives in and remains there for result ion. Electors aro called uexamine said list, Vancouver, B. C. - and if any omissions or any other errors -are found tht•rein, to take immediate proceedings Mrs. J. D. Burns has returned home I to have the same errors correctui according to after spending several weeks at her law. Clerk's Office, Winebatn. July 9, 1900. parental home in Perth. J. B. PERGUS014, Clerk, Town of Wingham. Mrs. H. H. Chisholm and children, of Toronto are visiting with her parents, Mayor and Mrs. T. Bell, Mrs E. Manuel, who has been visiting with Wingham friends, returned to her home in Kincardine on Monday. Mr Robb Galbraith, of Guelph is spending a few holidays with his par- ents, Mr and Mrs A Galbraith. Mr Hugh Ross, accompanied by his nephew, Mr Neil Ross, of Brueefield, left Tuesday morning for the West. Dr T. Ohisholm, M. P. has returned home from Ottawa, Parliament having completed the business on Friday last. Miss Annie Troy of Whitechurch has left for a month's visit with relatives and fiiende in Toronto and Merriton. Miss Proctor, of Belgrave and Mies Lawrence, of Buffalo were visiting for a few days with Wingham relatives and friends, Mr, Geo. McLean, of Virden, Man., a former member of the TIMES staff was visiting for a few days with old friends -- in town. Charles Lawrence, brakeman, struck Mrs Smith and Miss McQaigan,of Till - his head against the Severn River bridge aonbnrg have returned home after visit - and was knocked off the train into the bag for a abort time with their siater,Mrs. river and killed. Geo. Carr. W. 0. McCalla, Grantham, has cut five acres of wheat, which is said by competent judges will thrash out fifty bushels to the acre. The by-law to exempt the Central Foundry Company from taxation was carried at Port Hope, only two votes being polled against it. George Jaokson, in olden times cue ot London's moat prominent boa *teas men, was Monday given a pass by Mayor Judd to Strathroy, where he will live in the poorhouse. Polly 10,000 men ate now said to be employed on the construction of the Grand Trank Pacific, and as many more would be engaged were it possible to se- cure them, Daring the coming year 5,300 miles of railway track will be laid in the United States, the greatest annual mileage in many yearn, with one exception. The Cleveland Plaindealer points out that in Canade about 3,000 miles will be under • construction, showing that relatively the railway progresses of Canada exceeds that of any other country. Recently Mr Ad. Disher of Dungann- on while persuing his Bible waft surpris- ed to find in it what may prove te. be of considerable value in thisworld'a market at least, Itis a well preserved 25.shi11- ing note of the Upper Canada Agrienl. tnral Dank, Montreal, dated 1st Decorah. er, and signed by George' I,rascott, John Cleveland Groon Co., per J, L. Green. Ad was surprised, for he id very state he has turnedalt those leaves often enough in the hest few years to know of tont ranch earthly hidden treasure. llle Vvonld like some one to explain why he never found it before, and would be glad also to hear from anyone regarding its somal present vaalne. There are ether Tabled that should be more thoroughly search- ed.-Olinton News -Record, Mr. O. P. Smith, manager of the Bank of Hamilton has returned home after spending two weeks holidays in a trip tip the lakes. Miss Sarah Stewart returned to Tor- onto on Tuesday after spending two weeks with relatives and friends in Wingham and Wroxeter, Mrs. Will, Farquharson and son, Norman, of Fort 'William are Visiting for a few weeks with relatives and old friends in Wingam and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A, Brewer left Tuesday morning on a trip to the West. Mr. Brewer's trioxide hope to see him return home Inuch improved in health, Postmaster Fisher Ieft ou Tuesday morning en a trip to the West. lie will go as far West as Regina and his numerous friends will with him a pleasant trip and a safe return home, ninth benefitted in health, it takes a wide awake deV'il t0 melte a sleepy church. Messrs. J. A. McLean and J. D. Borns spent last week in the coal fields in Penesylvania, being on acomplimentary exoursion given by the railways to the dealers. The trip was a very interesting one and our townsmen report hating had a very enjoyable time. Christtpher Spindleman, who was held at Sandwich jail for the murder of his Wife, committed suicide by strangling h mself in Ms cell. - $25 Diamond Ring We make a specialty of a ring at this price. It is exceptional value. We have sold hundreds of them. Expiess charges prepaid. Money ,refunded if not per- fectly satisfactory. C1H1Ward & Cao - LONDON, ONT. Specialists In Diamonds and Cut Glass. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept 4th Those interested in Bnainess College work should write for our large cata- logue. This is the largest and beet Commercial and Shorthand School in Western Ontario. We give a prac- tical training and assiet our graduates to responsible positions. Many of the leading business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write now for free catalogues. ELLIOTT & Mc[ACHLAN PRINCIPALS. e!•♦•+►N••s•i