HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-19, Page 6SUNLIGHT
$5,000 ReEWardR.toal
person oho prOresxh,it
Sunlight ght Soap
!mutates a rw
injurious .hanekals or any
tune of adulteration.
is equally good with hard or sot water.
If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be.
washed without the slightest injury.
Lotter *rather* Rimieect, Toronto
Keriiels from the Saoclum Mill
Int:reAtfng Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
!elm bietheete _.....:s _ -:y
28 per 10ea. > : R: is " s ' 1,pter :?
The le gas- sea #a . M y en :he w; Che
is that its Bi lateen::. -The ra:y
Seeet eeetee rens nre easerezeteencse foresee
worldeir, eine%
'when thsed eat:Inez.c bz; s: : _ tereenzar
and diteeetilt
rl=lialila pt rent:teeter Setanne.an F.x
find mareeheeee teseen= he
ene. t ee----
s • p: alien s �eHr g
the Cleseteen tre Te , i. L
pointed Blows eels ...: __ .... ,
see Izmir -ate seed. eetnr,s nen'
C.-_s5e _t:•_. _. : to _.
the nerthweet se ser :see ?,:.ease :,.
pollees the tteee. __..e.} :7.e:ea.:
• :zee far nee reettnte •
on?ektrts et Chhesesse
i,D24-:i2X a11C-1.:: t>
Chiltiren are often set'`e l_
b•,�y matte~. and deer. nee
Cholera ILfant rete, s ,. Fesestestee
Extract ofr'ril re'::.tier; ee, n „rtiWet:t
sand sure en:e ;sitere named always se
kept in the ho et .
Pint Colborne is to have the largest
cemect iudnstry in Canada, a eonipany
with a capitalizetlon of $1,CCfeee0 being
about to erect a plant with a capacity
of 1510 barrels a day.
hfr Sam Bayer, a former Teeswater
boy, was in that town Iast week for the
first time in 27 years. Mr Boyer now
lives in Galt where be carries on an ex-
tensive contracting and building beet -
Dr. Shoop's Restorative briugs lasting
relief in Stomacb, Kidney and Heart
troubles through the inside nerrea. No
matter how the nerves became impaired
this remedy will rebuild their strength,
will restore their vigor. Remember it
does no good to treat the ailing organ -the
irtegular heart, rebellious stomach, dis- -
eased kidneys. They are not to blame.
Bio back to the nerves that control them
-treat the cause -use a remedy that
cures through the inside nezves. Sold
at Walley's Drug Store.
Mr Jas Proctor died at his residence
near Constance on July 5th, after three
weeks' illness from heart trouble and
diabetes, He woe a carpenter by trade,
and bad been a resident of Hullett for
thirty years.
CI .ite.. Al eXt Cee Mete 5C Zia.
Bears the Iia Kind Yee llate Aleays 84,1
All the indications point to a bumper
crop in the Northwest. A despatch from
Winnipeg says that while 17,000 harvest-
ers had to be imported last year to ma
silt in taking off the crop, it is antics•
pated that 25,000 will be required this
# Minister of the Gospel Recommends
"Yet several yelate 1 bare been in eery peer
Iteetth. 1.g,-tnen I vial advised by Esv, J.E. Allen,
mf sterrey Herber, Elf 1 , to try 'Oxygenator.'
defers trying it X had no faith In it, bat last ()eta
bet I began its test ..d ran truly laity that before
*sing am jug I bad evondertntty improved In my
*aril health. Write then I have axed ieverat
s its result hese never .pent'inob a healthy
ter, or Spring las X did this year. 'Oxygenator
1rre Throat 'frontal °, Catarrh, Perifytn the Blood
nod flit /lauding up the system, l belie?. Ila ns
wooled ts•day by any other remedy.
Several of my eangr,, .ileo hMrb else toed ft
w1th blesssed results. I take greet intermit In
esetege.ator,' hr.viog giver, j.ss of It Mvrwy, sled
tun say itleA WOrionnen.lttukbr.
Ifs P* regard.isro d my eye*, the Ot 'Oxygenator, treaties**
ZJrse.ivad In the Hospital,
Wet' karache, X think if peerteis. Oar ppxtns tie
We elves!, lungs et std., Indeed tcnirrrhoro, it
Teck. wsadere''
Mt A. b. M'Ltit)15,
Mount dtavvert, P,1.1.
*We bate.
*2 Ilistrkaard it + - iird'•r3M11#Mt
P; .:e ere ofte4the is to`Tiara burg
ea 1:'-:e grez:t,.rst :l?antler dock in
the s.,»: , ice is tinier construction,
..-:-, th tee,�"lre s;a,.mme3ating cepa•
aee tens Ira ttmeth will be
az :sleet ewe ter? :est worships
17:2,..k..;'be ab:t. to nye it.
f`h s3'.fiOint
• s a ser talc
4.• .i.
each and
(-errs, far i,.i of
�s and agr.
r2u a _W>wti it and
• :.,,. - . .: �';• at all
setae "- _.-_ _ : tree -ter __art, said
env ae er :' e eersa te. tlz..T a Fres,.
seerrire eta ranee ,-..r.-sek Lee earned. cnly
er eer...se w=rx he heel done
-.� ._ s az gene," he
t.7rs,, :e gee rzade has
ere ; este tess
near eeeeentxse FAT
e..'.;~:, ..: M =J Pet -stare Pet-starefae;s2ies' favorite
r -y care eettoes:ipatian, Sick
'' -sad :° e,
Ens. and Dyspel is
when==gemma. purging or sickening,.
Tee year east c'nwei wae'h•! heaviest
in the history of the pateet office of
Caaade. The total number of patents
issued was 5,570. a large increase over
the previous year. The amount of fees
received was $14 700 in excites of 1305
Seventy per cent of last year's patents
go to American citizens.
A Petfect Bowel Laxative for conati
pation, sallow complexion, headache,
dizziness, soar stomach, coated tongue,
bilionscese. Lax eta actpromptly, with
Out pain or griping. Pleasant to take-
Lex.ets--only 5 cents. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
All doubt has at last been set at reet
as to the site of the new Grand Trunk
station at 'Walkerton. Men are now at
work on it at the old spot. There will be
two separate buildings, both frame, one
a passenger station and the other a freight
shed. The passenger station will be built
right up to the main track, and a little
farther South than the old station.
_ �t
el sed seett
rill 3 f
-lasso n"
Are• iBuyds ecbenuonslaw 5C 4.
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Seep if you find any
cause for complaint,
Aa aged Scotsmen wee: tziving his un-
pressions of a 'west vertigo ,ke to a
stranger. The latter remaiked that it
must hive been an expe:ieuee to find the
cro.kery j,intping car the eheIyea Ua
a', mot.! 1' was gran'! Ye ken, I've
be 'n mare it trams. a1ear, anrl,weti,that's
the. only thine that has happened in cur
h ase Chet tl.e gold wife didee hianie me
,fordee ,"
s1 lar o stt ntexl'1;.
As a spring rnedicince'Burdock Blcod
Sitters has no canal. It tones up the
system and reniovcs all impurities from
the blood, and tt"kes away that tired,
weary feeling so pr.valout in the spring.
O z Tues.',sy morLirg, July 10th,
.Ta^nes J.,•huetou, of Willow Hill Farm,
London roar(, re=ar Hersall, was drawing
in hay, and u -'loading in the usual way,
when about noon some 11 tle bitch took
pace, and in a moment he fell on the
handle of a pitchfork, which entire:d Ws
body about fourteeu 11Ciea and brae4
two ribs, but fortunately ke•pt near the
surface Tao tripe rope then pulled
hint off and carried him a short dis
Women with weakness sbnnld never
forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This
rna:;ie like local treatment, is used at
bedtime all night while the system is at
rest, it ii constantly building up the
I weakened tissues, soothing the inflamed
and set:ettiv4 surfaces and will sorely
clean up all catarrhal and local troubles:
l Said at Walley's Drug Store.
Mr George Allen, of R-tthsay, had
quite a severe Beare experience a few days
ago His little deg got poisoned, and
while he and his daughter were giving it
au antidote, the do; tent its teeth thronttlt
two of his fingers, and died bolding him
fast with bis month r,iosed tight In order
to free him the dog's mouth had to be
pried open whiten iron rod The doctor
wa"t sent for, who canonized the wounds,
and they are now healing as well as can
be expected.
A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes
with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt'a
Hem -Reid -the only certain cure for
every form of Piles.
George Cook, St. Thomas, Ont , writ.
es: -
"Dr. Leonbardt'e Hera -Rodd cured me
of a very bad case of Piles of over ten
years' standing. I had tried everything
but got no permanent cure till I used
Hem Roid. I had Blind and Bleeding
Piles, and suffered everything. Oint•
tuents and local treatments failed, bat
Dr. Leonhardt's Hem•Roid cared me
Hem -Reid is a tablet taken internally
which removes the cause of Piles. $1 00
at all druggists, or The Wilson -Pyle Co„
Limited, lr'iagaraFalIs, Ont.
A new stamp has been issued by the
Post Office Department in connection
'with letter not fully prepaid. The
stamp will be for the use of poet -masters
only. Sts the past it has bean the custom
to mark letters not fully prepaid, with a
figure, specifying how much the receiver
would have to pay. The stamp will
now be used instead. The new damp
is bluish in color, and is in several de-
Onr readers will regret to learn of the
death of Mr Robt C. Webb, whish oo.
carred at Seaforth, on Friday, July 6th
at the age of SGyears. Deceased has on-
ly xesided in Seaforth her a comparative
ly short time, but was highly esteemed
by all who knew him, as a man of the
highest character. 1Itr Was born in Eng.
land, coming to Canada when quite
young, the family Locating in Clinton,
'where Mr Webb lived from 185e to 1858.
In later snare be ran what Was known
el 13iogham'a mill in Hallett, also the
Mill at Auburn and the one at Landes.
bore. Owing to iline6e he retired fc
couple of retro ago.
Modest Claims Oftert Carry the atost
When Maxim, the famous gun invent-
or, placed his gun before a committee of
jndeea, he stated its carrying power to
be much below what he felt sure the gun
would accomplish. The result of the
Wei was therefore surprise instead of
dlsappointrx eat It is the same with the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarthoea Remedy. They
do not publicly boast of all ibis remedy
'ailI arconiplisb, but prefer to let the
users make the statements. What they
do claim, is that. it will roeitiveiy cure
dinrrhoea, dysentery, pains in the sto•
mach and bowels and has never been
known to fail. For sale by all drug
The follow ing from Huron county
have snccessfulty passed the regent ex•
amination'+ before the College of Physi.
clans and Surgeons of Ontario: T. T.
McRae, Craubrook, passed his Inter-
mediate and final examinations, and )Sir
J C Naftel, Goderich, reseed hie fleet
examinations. J 0. Bricker, Gorrie;
C W Graham, Goderiett; A D Mcl�el•
vey, Brussels; 0. W. Sewers, Brueefield
and E el Wilford, Blyth, passed their
primary examinttitns. J. O. Masson,
eon of the late Judge Masson, passed the
intermediate enaminetione.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough uredicine-Dr. Wood's Norway,
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotiou. Price 25
On Wednesday evening, July• dth,
Qabarfeidh Lodge, the halve of 311r and
lira ICenuetle htcliettrie, 20d of Brnoe,
wee the note of an animated and tench
teas gathering, when their granddaugh•
ter, Maggie Cern daughter of Mr and
alta Angus Carr, Kinoadius, was un ted
in =triage to DUI 0 McLean of Braga
The erred rite w.is ao',oninth id by the
Rely P. M \1uEaehern, of Glawts, in the
t reaenee Of a moaen& Circle of friends
and relati ane
Domini Feiriney Pills act au the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
ehey cure backaches, weak baok, rheum-
atism, diabetes, oongestian, in0atuatlon,
gravel, Bright's dieeaso and all other
tiseasedneys s asarisingribladdfroerm wroug action of the
A Demirel paper compares "I love you"
lin many languages, Here are some of
them --the 1)+.nish paper is our only
authority far their correctness: The
Chinaman says, "Uo nogai ni"; the
Arnhanien, "Ge sireltt t z hie;" the
Arabian, very shortly, "Neliabeeok";
the Egyptian, site;lir, " N'aehkeb"; the
1 Turk, eSisi sevej even" and the liindoo,
'' Main tyre ko pijar karya," Bat nver-
whelznuug is the deolaratiou of love of
au Esquimau, who tiles tee win the
chosen one by the pleasing sound of the
dainty little word: "Univtflgesaerntdlu.
ivalerfiuisjunguareigujak, "--Life.
The cbap•a'n of the Donde:- Prison, a
few yearsag"i,was an Sunday discoursing
to the psis -Hers on a aut.jeot in which he
felt inuch tr'terestid, and i a tl e time
Which he nautili occupied with an ad.
dress, had passed before he bad finished
all he had tosay, hecotiolrid ,rev erwitty
with the w,rrd+: aIf it please Gad, We
will finish the subjeot next Lotd'e Day,"
Itnmediitely voios prof* ded from a
cell occupied by a pr isoner whose term of
eotfomentexpired during the week, and
added. "Atilt if it pleases O.hd, 111 no'
be hear tit seer yen "
Bilious Colic
Quick roltet is afforded by
Chamberlain's Colts, Cholera
and Diarrhoea etentecly.
It never falls and is pleasant and sari
to he e
'Jttaek may lie warded oft by taking
• double done of this remedy as sown as
the 5rat 1n41(010n of the dleefole appears,
kor reale by druggists everywhere.
You Can Study With Profit.
How few realize that twenty.flye per
cent of all dis •a -e has its origin in some
inter erence with the function of elimina-
The whole body exists by reason of the
transfusion of fiuidi through ite oom•
poneet parts.
Up to a oartui(' paint the body has
power to obj to to destructive elements,
but this power Is limited.
Wheu it happens the tbat .b ady is
loaded with wastes and poisons which
it can't eliminate, fermentation, decay,
and germ life runs riot through the
Serious illness is the result melees na-
ture is assisted by a oleansing tome like
Dr. Hauiil'ou'a Pills, wbich are purely
vegetable, captain no mercury, no bie-
nnial, no wjutious metallic ingredients
of any kind.
Such a medicine is the greatest pos-
sible assurance to every man and woman
of health, spirits and contentment.
Grand results are aohieved,and famous
enr, s made every day by Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, as this letter proves
Prom Newfoundland, Miss Lillian
Anthony, of Upper Gullies, Oouseptiou
Bay, writes: "In praise of Dr. Hamel•
tou's Pills I moat say that I have used
them ai h grand success for three years
They ever fail to careens of indigestion
or constipation. Formerly my face was
full of pimples, but now my complexity
is clear and ruddy. la more ways than
I care to mention have Dr. Hamilton's
Pilin helped 'nie; they would be good for
every wowan ro use."
Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, 2ec per box or five boxes for $1 00,
at all dealers. or by mail from N. 0.
Poison & Co , Hartford, Conn., U S.A
or Kingston, Ont.
The death of Peter Platt on Wedues•
day evening, July 4th, startled and
shocked the Kincardine community.
Lass than a week before he had been in
and oat among the citizens with his us.
nal cheery and bright manner. Peter
Flett was 50 years of age, was born in
Stromness, Orkney Islands, and came to
this country when nine years of age, He
first lived in Huron and then settled in
Kincardine wbere he has resided ever
since. Hewes a man whom to know
was to love and respect and the position
he occupied in the grain warehouse was
ane which commanded the respeet of
every farmer with whom he had deal-
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the Last few
years was supposed to be iucurable. For
a great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease and prescribed local revue•
dies, and by constantly failing to care
with local treatment, pronounced it in-
curable. Science bas proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease, and therefore
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, 3.
Chenney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the on.
ly constitutional cure on the market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaapoonfnl. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous snrfacea of the sys-
tem. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to pure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
Address F. J °army & Co , Toledo,
Sold by druggists, 75o.
Take HaiI's Family Pills for constipa.
Rome was not built in a day, neither
was Solomon's temple built Without the
help of an array of laborers; and as a
general rule buildings nowadays requite
a host of meohanies of different kinds.
But old Dufferin county co,asionaliy
produces something out of the usual,
and the following ie quite original
Last winter Steve Dennis 'went to the
bush, mat the timber fpr st barb about
40x00 feet hewed it and framed it for
the building. Then he built the atone
foundation, raising the frame work,
sheeting the otttaide and 'Started the
shingling, Up to thin time he had
worked nnastksted, although his neigh -
bore would gladly have helped hal be
asked it. The other day they arranged
a bee, and carie over emit finished ftp
the shingling. Mt. Donnie certainly de-
tervos eredit for his energy and peree•
veranee in doing all this, and at the
lame time keeping up with the ordi-
nary farm Werk. -t rand 'leanly' Star.
19, 1900,
Oriel; a bowel of hot water Ovary
night if you want good digestion, good
Bleep and a Clear, ootnpiexiott.
Old t'hronte ,Sores
As a dressing for old chronic( sores
there is lir thing so hood as Chautber-
lain's Selene While it is not advisable
to heal old sores entirely, they should be
kelt in a gond condition for which thie.
salve is especially valuable. For solo by
all druggists
Hair ell: uld be obeyed. two or the" e
titan a year to remove split ends and
promote growth. If the hair la braid( d
loosely in two braids and the hand
drae rt up over each braid the loose ends
will stand out in a way wbloh makes
theta easy to olip
lave* Ills (iouhro,e'.+tare.
"While returning from the Grand
Acme encantpment at Washington City,
a comrade from Elgin, I.1 , was tale
with cholera, motions and was 10 a criti-
cal condition," e;ays Mr, 3. E Hough.
Wel, of Eldon. Iowa. "'I gave him
Chamberlain's Cello, Cholera and Diarr-
hoea Rena Sly and believe it Paved hie
life. I have been engaged for ten yearn
in immigration work and conducted
many parties to the son•h and west. I
always carry this remedy and have used
it euccee,fnily ou many ocoasious." Sold
by all drugtists.
A gentleman travelling in Europe
engaged the services or a courier. Ar
riving at en hill in Austria the traveller
asked hiss.rvaiit to enter his name in
accordance with the police ri gulatIons of
that country. The man replied that he
had already autiuipated the order and
registered him as an American gentle.
man of means ,"But how did you write
my name?" asked the master. "I can't
exactly prauouuce it; but I copied it
carefully from ye ur portmanteau, sir,"
"But it is not there," was the reply.
"Bring me the book," The register wee
brought and revealed instead
g ve ed ofa very
plain English name of two syllables, the
following portentous entry: "Monsieur
Warranted Solid Leather."
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Co1i4
Painsin the Stomach, Cholera, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera, Infantum, Sea Sick.
Aess, Summer Complaint, and all
Fluxes of the Bowels.
Has been in use for nearly 60 years
and has never failed to give relief.
The following paragrnpth refers to Mi s
Hurlburt, a n hive of Brueefleld St e
took her art (mune in Toronto Univet.
city, and was a very clever pupil Her
father, Dr Hurlburt, practised in Bruce -
field for a :me years. Mise Lucy, the
second daughter, a professional nurse,
bas charge of a hospital in the west:-
' Miss Alice, daughter of De Hurlburt,
of Mitchell, who is at present on the
teaching staff of the public school at
Portland, Oregon, has been offered the
principalship of the Ladies' College at
St Thomas, Out "
Does Your
Digest Well ?
When the food is imperfectly digested
the full benefit is not derived front it by
the body and the purpose of eating is de.
hated ; no matter how good the food or
how carefully adapted to the wants of the
body it may be, Thus the dyspeptic often
*canes thin, weak and debilitated, energy
es lacking, brightness, snap and vim aro
lost, and in their plaee come dullness, Iost
appetite, depression and langour. It takes
no great knowledge to know when ane boi
indigestion, some of the following eymp.
:ems generally exist, viz.: constipation,
sour stomach, variable appetite, headache,
heartburn, gas in the stomach, etc. •
The great point is to cure it, to get back
bounding health and vigor.
to Constantly effeeting cures of dysppeepsia
because it acts in it natural yet effeetivb
way upon all the organs involved in the
process al digestion, removing all clogging
itapurities and making early the Work of
digestion and assimilation.
Mr. R. G. Ifarvey, Ameliasburg, Ont.,
writes: 4'I have been troubled with dye.
pepsic for several years avid after nein
three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I
tete x:onmpletely eurexl. I cannot petite
.B.B. enough for what it hers done for
res. I have not had a sign of dyspepsia
Do not Inept a subatithte for UAL
there it nothing "just as good.°
se•••••••••••Seeseol ea. esea••••ii•ieses Ya••••••••
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below
for any or all of the following publications : •It
FOR 1905 - 06.
Times to January 1st, 1907
Times and Daily Globe
Times and Daily Mail and Empire
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Times and Toronto Daily News
'Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Daily Advertiser
Times and Toronto Saturday Night
Times and Weekly Globe .
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book ""Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide
Times and Weekly Witness
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald
Times and London Free Press (weekly)
Times and London Advgrtiser (weekly)
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and World Wide
Times and Northern Messenger.
Times and Farmers' Advocate
We speoialiy recommend our readers to subscribe
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Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)...
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Times and Woman's Home Companion
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Times and American Sheep Breeder
Times and Country Gentleman
Times and Delineator
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine
Times and Green's Fruit Grower
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Times and American Illustrated Magazine
Times and American Boy Magazine
Times and What to Eat
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Times and Ladies' Home Journal
Times and Saturday Evening Post.. . ........
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Times and Housekeeper
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Tinges and Poultry Heeper .................. . ..
Times and Hoard's Dairyman
Tinges and McClure's Magazine
Times and Munsey's Magazine
Times and Rural New Yorker
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Times and Four Track News .... " . • .. , ...
Times and Breeders' Gazette . ..................
Times and Practical Farmer
1.90 -
When premiums are given with any 01 above papers, stibeeribers will
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These low rates meati a considerable aa"wing 'ttr subscribera, and ere
STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postai note, post;
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