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The Wingham Times, 1906-07-19, Page 5
,111,4 4.011.14 Mell's $12.00 and $131Q0 Summar Suits at $10.00 While it is a fact that be- cause of our small expenses and low selling policy you can always get more for yourmoney here than anywhere jer else, to -morrow we offer you even better values than usual. These suits are up-to-date and made for this season's trade, single or doubled -breasted styles not one suit ought to be sold less than $12.00 at a bargain sale, 29 Suits in the lot sizes 34, to 44 chest. Choice - $1o.00 SPECIAL 2 -PIECE SUIT SALE. 20 Men's $6.5o 2 -piece Unlined Suits, sizes 34 to 44, regular prices $6.5o, choke - $5.00 HIS SUMMER VACATION. Is to a business man the bright particular' spot in the year, but go prepared, have clothing to enjoy k pro- perly. Better see us before you start. Men's Outing Trousers, White Duck - $1.50 Homespuns, Neat stripes - - $2.75 Fancy Wash Vests in alI the latest New York Styles, $1.25 to $2.75 " " Boy's Linen Coats, 750, Boys' Wash Suits, $1.25. ro-... Straw Hats, 250 to $2.50. Negligee Shirts, 50e to $1.25 1 The RI N. CROWDER CO., Wiugham1.11=1111011111111 TRUNKS. VALISES. NEW Sore COLLARS. BOOTS. SIIOES. THE TIMES 40 Cents to Jan., 1907. WINGIIAM IVES, JULY I$ 1906 • NEWS FROM OAR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawa1 o Times Correspondents Communicate — Other Items Clipped Prom Our Exchanges. BAST Wsl. WANOSH. tyre, 8 months and G days, He was born in Camberiand, Euglapd, acid came to Peterboro, Out., when about 5 year old, later he came Westward to Woodstock locality and 17 years ago located on the farm on which the Dominion Cheese factory is bglit, Township Council will meet in the Oounoil Chamber on Thursday of nest week. Mr. John Ross, son of Thos. Rose, East Wawanosh, an old Olintoniau, who has been School Inspector at the Yukon, has been appointed School Iuspeotor for the District of Strathcona, Alta. The sins we wink at to -day are the ones we work for to -morrow. Yon can't get a man's heart.by getting under his skin. You never can lift the submerged so long as you fear to soil your sleeves. There is a world of difference between the rule of gold and the golden rule. GENUINE Furniture Bargains FOR 30/14AYS. Special Clearing Sale of New and Up-to- date Furniture now on at • S. Gracey's Store. If you want good value for your money in —BEDROOM SUITES —SIDEBOARDS —PARLOR SUITES —EXTENSION TABLES --IRON BEDS, Eto., Etc., Now is your chance. Call and see if we do as we advertise. \\re make a specialty of doing Picture Framing neatly and well. UNDERTAKING --In this particular litre we pro- fess to be second to none. Having had over 27 years practical experience, we feel confident of giving entire satisfaction whenever our.services are required. Calls attended promptly, night or day. Prices reasonable. roisoramisoismour S. GRACE'?" Furniture Dealer & Practical Undertaker. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidences of Grippe Sore Throat, or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle of Nerviline. Rnb the chest and neck with Nerviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nervi - line in sweetened water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment or pain reliever equals Pol- son's Nerviline, which has been the great family remedy for the past fifty years. Try a 250 bottle of Nerviline. $LXTl7 The glory and satisfaction of beauti- Mr. and Mre. John Wilford and Mr. ful womanhood can be known only to Albert Wilford are on an extented trip those possessing the unlimited Advant- to Weetern Canada, and will go as far ages of health. No weak woman can be west as Edmonton. happy or enjoy half the pleasures of life. Pallid Cheeks. sunken eyes, exhausted Mise Ina Hammond, of Kalamazoo, nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle to Michigan, is spending the summer keep up- What the weak woman needs is Ferrozone; it renews, restores and months with Blyth friends. vitalizes instantly — it's a "woman's Misses Sara and Eliza Bentley, of remedy,"— that's why,. An old resident of this locality in the person of Jno W . Hall, was revisiting old eeenes and renewing old friendships, It is 42 years since he removed to Al- pena, Michigan, where he has been en- gaged in the hardware business, carri- ages, implements, etc. Mr Hall will be 74 years of age next October but is an active hearty man. He has seven ebil- dren, 19 grandchildren and one great grand child. On his wheel he can visit any of them in 5 minutes, with the ex- ception of two. Radiant Womanhood. Hamilton, are visiting their grand• r'arrozone roe es women strong, parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley. alts of and nutriment, healthful hbecause b ndathat forms recently, when he movntains gravel road, where he ed to ved uutil quite Wroxeter. Miss Amelia McLean, who has been muscle, sinew, bone and nerve. Vitaliz• Re made his home in the midst of the teaching school at Highgate, is spending ing blood courses through the body, making delightful color, happy spirits, bush, by energy and preserverence he her vacation at the residence of her true womanly atrength. Fifty cents cleared up the land, and, ere many years parents, Rev, Dr. and Mrs. McLean, buys a box of Ferrozeue in any drug 'had, passed, he had surrounded himself SUPPORT $oTr$ EMULSION serves as s bridge to carry the weakened and starved system along until it can find Arra support in ordinary food. Send Or fres sample. SCO2'T do S0WNE, Chemists, *• Toronto, °MariPu son. and area; all drugetets. years and his only daughter having died i a girlhood; there is left of his immedi- ate family only hie son George, of Wawanosb. TURN ISE It IIP. Death once more has claimed another of Turaberry'e older citizens, in the per- son of Mr William Douglas, of Wroxe- ter, He entered into his rest on Wed- nesday morning, July 11th, after a ling- ering illness, borne with great fortitude and patience. The deceased was bora at Horsely Hill, Roxboroughshire, Scots land, on 2nd Jan, 1874. Before ooming to Canada whioh was in the year 1861, he travelled extensively. He went twice to Australia and spent some time there. Oa his way to Australia, the second time he travelled through the Western States to San Franc:sca. This was be- fore the days of the railways. He had a horse and a pack, while he walked a good part of the way. During these so- journs he experienced hardships, among which was shipwreck. Before he be- came enfeebled with years, he entertain- ed his friends very much, by bis descrip- tions of his travels and experiences. Oa coming to Canada he settled on the Yarm in Tnrnberry, on the Brussels Mr, John Hartley, principal of Blyth store. public school, was among the successful----�►--- candidates at the Ontario Normal school examinations. He now has a first-olass hi4itltis. public school and interim high school This week it is cursed duty to chronicle certificate. the death of a well-known young lady of this township in the person of Mise Agnes E. Smillie, daughter of Mr. Joseph Smil- lie, of the 1st concession. Miss Smillie had been teaching school at Binbrook and some eight weeks ago was taken down with appendicits and despite sever- al operations and the best of care and medical attendance she passed away on July 12th. Deceased was in her 29th year and was a very clever young lady, who was held in high esteem. The remains were brought home on Friday and the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from the family home to the Bluevale oemetry. The bereaved will have the sympathy of the cominunity in their af- fliction. Saturday, July 7th, the speedlightning can destroy property was exemplified in a small way in Morris township, the de- structive work, fortunately, not being very serious. At Chas. Forrest's, lot 26, 2nd line, the chimney was destroyed, pipes knocked down and lids off the stove and the end of the house will need repairs. Mrs. Forrest was stunned by the shock and Mr. Forrest felt a bang in one of his ears. It was certainly a close call. George Johnston, 1st line, had a heifer killed and Mrs. Smillie, 5th line, lost two steers that were under a tree. Wm. Bryans lost two steers that were pasturing in Grey. At Thos. Russell's, 6th line, the chimney was in the way of the lightning and it was speedily moved. Other damage was A Persistent Backache. Can have but one cause --diseased kidneys, whioh must be strengthened be- fore backache can be cured. Why not use Dr Hamilton's Pills? They cure thekidneys quiok, make them strong and able to filter disease—breeding poi- sons from the blood. At once you feel better , stronger , brighter , Kidney health is guaranteed to every user of Dr Hamilton's Pills.- Get a 25o box from your druggist and refuse substitutes. OODBUICII The case of shooting at the charivaree in Ashfield Township was up last week in the Police Court again, Crown Attorn- ey Seager appearing for the prosecution, On account of the number of persons iucluded in the defence, quite an array of legal gentlemen appeared in their be- half; Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., M. G. Cam- eron,K. G , M. P. P., G, F. Blair, M. 0. Johnston and Mr. Killoran. Considerable evidence was taken, and the case occupied most of the day. McOreight, who is said to have fired the shot which injured Hussey, is committed for trial for wounding,and the remainder who participated in the affair, were com- mitted for riotous conduct, bail being taken for their appearance at the next court of competent jurisdiction. The programme for the Goderioh Sum- mer School is now practically completed. The school will be held on the bank of Lake Huron, Aug. 6 to 12, and some very excellent talent has been secured for the week, including Rev. A. 0, Oonrtice, D. D., former editor of the Christian Guard- ian: Rev. D. Norman, of Japan; Mr. J. A. Jackson, secretary of Provincial Sun- daySohoolAseociation;Rev. Geo. Daniel, Ph. D., a former Goderich pastor: Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London, and Rev. T. G. Barlow, who goes shortly as mission- ary to the Indians at Olayoquet, B. 0, Dead Sick of Asthma: You couldn't be otherwise with such a distressing malady. Weil, for one dollar spent on "Catarrhonze" you can be thoroughly anted. Foolish to delay, because asthma steadily grows worse. Get Catarrhozone to -day and cure your- self; its pleasant to use, very simple, and guaranteed. Prescribed by thousands of doctors and used by the people of nine nations—Certainly Uatarrhozone must be good; it hasn't failed yet, no matter how chronic the case. BRUSSELS. J. B. and Mra. Stewart, of Chapleau, Ont;, are visiting his brother and sister in town. Mr Stewart has taught in the Ohaplean school for the past 9 years aa- sisted by $ other teaohers. and his partner in life with a comfortable home. Mr. Douglas was a widely read DM and in his prime eeeld disooRree most intelligently oh tliftsfeiit topics. Ile occupied different positions of an of- ficial nature, among which was Town- ship Councillor, Director of How ick Municipal Insurance Co. of which he was one of the originators. He took a prominent part in having the first school house built in section 1, Tarnberry. He also took a lively interest in having the Narrow Gage Railway come into this community. CULR(SS. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Manse,'Lucknow, Wednesday even- ing, July llth, when Miss Gertrude, se- cond daughter of Mr. William Borten, late of Calroas, now of Alberta, became the bride of Mr. John Smith, of the 5th concession. Rev. Mr. McKerroll offici- ated. Mr. Smith purchased the Barton farm last spring and the newly married couple will make their home there. Connell met as per motion of adjourn- ment of last meetiug. Members all preseut; Jas. Donaldsou, Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and sustained. Purvis—Kuntz.•—That this canned place power in the hands of Reeve Donaldson to issue a cheque in favor of the township of Tnrnberry for the amount of three hundred and eight dollars being amount assessed against certain rate- payers of this Municipality re Bryce and Jeukins drain, if oa consulting the Township Solicitor it becomes neeesiary also done and members of the family were to pay said amount before next meeting of the council.—Carried. Baptist—Parvis.—That Mr. John D. Kuntz be appointed to have the onlvert on con. 5 and 6 opposite lots 2 rebuilt the same as before. --Carried. Purvia—Falconer.—That it grant of thirty dollars be made by this council to gravel 25 aideroad con 15, to be expend- ed by Councillors Baptist:and Rentz .— Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued for payment:—Alf. Ross, 170 yds gravel $7 49, road $1.00, $8.49; Wm. Henderson 74 yds gravel, $5.18; C. Hetherington,bnilding culverts, drawing tile, 25.25; Jas. Whiteman 60 yds gravel, $4.20; Jas. Thompson, Statute Labor, non-resident, $4.00; Jas. Thomp- son, working grader, $5.00; Albert Hughes, grading con. 6 and 7, $10,00; Jos. Murray, material for bridge, $2.25, labor on same $2.50, $4.75; A. Banners man, inspecting Murray's contract, $20.25; Wm. Becking, material for bridge, $74 43; Wm. Booking, labor covering bridge and spikes, $10 32; Jos. Murray, contract gravelling 14th con. $82.31; Joe. Wollwood, inspecting gravelling contract, $3.75; Falconer and McKenzie, contract gravelling, $43 05 W. Sproale, 9 days grading $18 00, con- crete tile $85 00, $103 00; IL McKay, 2 days inspecting, $1.50; M. A. King, teams and men working grader, $22 50; G. j3. Edwards, repairing grader 60e; John Kennedy, work ou culvert, $6.25; John Rotne, 855?,s yds gravel, $24 88. Council then adjourned to meet again on Angust 7t1i. CHAS. BUViON, Clerk. quite well assured that they wore not far removed from a danger spot. Joseph Curtis' house, North boundary, had the chimney shaken up. OUNGANNON. Still another of the old pioneers, in the personvf Joseph G Ward, was called to his long rest tiring the 'night Of July 9th. Decease's had been hover- ing between life and death for some - weeks, at times rallying sufficiently to Canso bis many friends to hope for re- covery, but the fight was too prolonged for it man of his years, worn out, as he was, serving his generation in many fields of usefulness. Deceased was too well known in all this section to justify any lengthy biography here. It seems almost superfluous to mention that he was born in Ireland some 74 years ago, and educated in Dublin; that he emi- grated to Canada and spent some 27 years educating the youth hi different parts of thia Providence, and especially Huron Co.; that he served his adopted township of West Wawanosh for many years as assessor, colector and treasurer, holding the latter oflloe at the time of hie death; that he served hie (stn eon and King as a magistrate, and always took a Word was received on Wednesday lively interest in all public matters. He afternoon, July 11111, by John Mooney, was one of the few old teachers who from Uxbridge, announcing the demiso have drawn pensions for long and faith - of Mrs. W. J. Cosall, sister to Mrs Jno. fur services, his income from that source iliooney and James .$tretton, of this since he quit teaching being some CO a place. She had been ill for the past year, and his nnmerons ptipile who ear - viae him and who are now scattered far and near, many of them oconpying hon. Dred positions In this and other lands, Parker, father of Mrs Thomas entry, of will sorrow at his death. Deceased bas 13rassels, passed away at his home, eon very few relatives in this country, his 'Too many men measure than horse 6,Elma, after an extended illnese,dged80 wife having predeceased him dorsa fel r power by their exhaust. year with a caneer and at times was a great but patient sufferer, Saturday morning, Julys 7th, Robert The Gentrai hhardware. —HINDER TWINE—Get our prices on Binder Twine. --Another car of Clevelalnrt 'Wire just arrived; as good sus thelast, --Seyibee, Snatl*a, Hereexx Doors —PAINTS—Cull at the Central Hardware for your Paiute, —Wh[te Least and Onii—tho best that Gan be procured. ---29UXED PAINTS—Pure and fresh. Bishop &c Bali. Fishleigh's Old Stand WINGIi 1111111111111131110111111 FOR SUMMER, We have a most complete and varied line of Waist Sets, Gold and Silver Brooches, A complete line of Enameled. and Sterling Silver Souvenir Jew'elery /921f -Fine watch and jewelory repairing promptly at- tended to. KAISER, the Jeweler •••44•.••••0•41)•4+•44444•A 4;444A••••••••••••4•40A4041040 • COAL 'COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCU&NTON COAL, • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and • Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on /laud. e We �, full stockcarry ofa s s •• • • • • s • i L�U or BrE , SHINGLES, LATH . Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. ' i+ for ILighest Price paid for all kinds of Loge. r • McLean, JEAM • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44, ••••••••••••••••••••••a••• ••••••e•••04e•4104•e04.44*•• O GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY S YSTEM BW I. O. O. F. EXCURSIO Saturcaj4ugust 11 ©N Minerva Encampment, No. 17, I. O. 0. F.. XVinghani, have completed. arrangements with the Grand. Trunk Railway System to run a big Excursion to ,a Via Il1ND)E i'AIi1 lateen the following places, on Saturday. August 11th, 10116, returning Monday. August 131h, at the following low fare:. : Pr..U'ls 'i'1MI: 1.\lire: 1'T..%('li 'rim it: l•'.\ltii Kincardine., 3.10.t.ar. $2.:30 Relgrave ............ 6.52 A.M. $L85 Ripley ....... 3.55 2.1(1 Blyth 7,011 1.70 Lucknow (1.10 -1.03 i,ondesboro . 7.14 • 1.65 Whitechurch ........ 0.23 2.03 Clinton. 7.47 1.0() Winghatn ... .... 0.40 2.05 Bruce -field 8.05 1.40 Winghnin .]unction.. 6.13 Nippon 8.15 1.35 Children over 5 and under 12 yearn, Half Fare. Returning, special train will leave Sarnia, on Monday, August 13, at 10 p.m, Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Line to convey passengers from Sarnia to DETROIT per magnificent Steamer " Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia 4 50 p.m., at the low return fare of 50 cents. Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat up to and including 2.30 p in. on Monday, August 13. This will afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to spend Sunday in Detroit. Everyone cone and enjoy a pleasant outing'. I1. B. BLLIOTT. J. A. W. 1)1)1)1).