HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-19, Page 1VOL XXXV.-NO. 1 97. Tailor -Made Clothes $15. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen' or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 335. $4, $5, $6. A fine seleotion of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stock. WS1L.Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher . 3 doors from post office. FALL FAIR DATES. Wingham . Sept. 27.28 Torouto Ang. 27 -Sept. 10 London Sept. 7-15 Goderioh Sept. 26.27.28 Blyth............ ......... Sept. 18-19 Listowel .... Sept. 25-26 Lucknow Oct. 2. 3 Teeswater Oct. 3- 4 Brussels. .- ............. .. Oct. 4. 5 Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's hotel on: --Tuesday, June 19th; Tues. day, July I7th. Hours 1 p.m. to tf 30 p.m. Eye, ear, nose and throat consul- tations. Eyes tested for glasses, MACIiINE REPAIRING -I have taken over the machine ehop of W G Paton and am prepared to do all kinds of steam and hot water fitting, repairs to engines and boilers and all kinds of farm mach- inery, Roles to M. COOPER NEW ARRIVALS Pure Paris Green (Government standard) -the best 25c per pound. 1 Ant'sept'c Foot Powder Eases and cures tired, sweaty and swollen feet. 156 a box, or 2 for 256. Waltou McKlbboo rh,w. s. DRUGGIST. Uaedonald $look • - Wino:ltAM 'phis atote closes at 8 P. vii., every evening except Satnrd:y. I\1GHAIVI TI WINGEAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 19, i906. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Sho es and Rubbers Decoratic . The annual decor nection with Mattie will be held on Thu net 2nd. The mem vieiting Oddfellowi lodge room at 4 30 a body to the comet of deceased memb with flowers, Service.. tion service in e0n- d Lodge, I. -O.0. F. sday evening, • Aug - era of the lodge and will meet at the .m., and march in a ry, where the graves s will be decorated SUMMER SALE. -Slaughter Cash Sale of all Dress Fabrics, GEO. E. SING. Good Cr A letter receive Mr Wm Robertson informs ns that are looking fine, an for a bountiful ha met two former W� Edgar Henderson, ary work near Nai Knox, formerly of t ton here and now r in Nanton. • ps in West. by the editor from of Wanton, Alberta, rope in his section prospects are good vest. He recently nghamites, being Mr ho is doing mission - ton, and Mr Robt. e Bank of Hamil- leiving at the branch WANTED -500 Men and Boys to Clothing at H. E. IsARn & Co'e. Town Clerk Mr. J. B. Fergus() turned home last we hospital; while Mr ably improved in hel weak and his physic trip to the West and son left yesterday mo where they will ape The many friends o be pleased to see him restored to health an up his work. buy Improving. , Town Clerk, re - k from the London rguson is consider- lth he is still very ane recommend a he and Mrs Fergu- ning for Manitoba, id several weeks. Mr Ferguson will return home fully i again able to take Excursion t Kincardine. Friday of next w ek, July 27th, will be Wingham's civ- holiday and it is the date of the an el popular union Sunday school exon Bion to Kincardine. This promises as usual, with good weather, to be the copular excursion of the season. The scial train will leave Wingham at 9.12 a. m. and the fares are 70 cents for adults ohildren. The Win will accompany th this will make a ple townspeople. Wedding Mr. H. Daviswa day of last week wedding. The gro' son, manager of t branch of the Mere and 35 cents for ham Citizens' Band excursionists and sant outing for our at Sarnia. in Sarnia onWednes. ttending his neice's m is George S. Harri. ie Vancouver, B. C., ants' Bank. He is the only child of the ltie Dr. Harrison, who many years praotis 'd in St. Marys and later filled.the impsrtant position otPre- mier of Manitoba. The bride (Minnie) Mary Ellen, is the deet daughter of Rev. Canon Davia,recto of St.George's church Sarnia, where the i portant event took place. Very Rev.De n Davis,London,was the cfficiating cle gyman, assisted by .Rev. Canon Crai Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs, Harrison left n the afternoon boat for Fort William, hence by rail to Win- nipeg and Banff s rings, where they will spend the honeym on. D M. Gordon is offering for a few days, Blaok Silk Grenadines worth in the regular way $2 25 for $1 25 per yard. Such opportunities do not often occur but • we like to eecure bargains for our cue - touters when we can. The Twelft. at Seaforth. The twelfth of July celebration at Seaforth, under •he auspices of the South Huron, distr .t Orange Lodgee was one of the best, a d in every way the most successful d:monstration of this kind Over held in t = at district. It was estimated there w. e about 5,000 people present, two train of ten ears each, one from the west an one from the east, and all packed, er ved in the forenoon, In addition to tb there was almost a eontinnons streaof carriages from all dietriits during the entire forenoon. This was the Iar.:et crowd ever been in Seaforth. At . e park, prizes were awarded for the edge Doming the long- est distance, an the eldest Orangeman. Thie latter /Sri .; was won by Mr W. Johnston, of S: • forth, who marched in the procession. He has been an Orange- man for 63 ye s, and is still hale and hearty. At t platform, Xing Billy White, of Mit = . ell, presided, and Mayor Broderiok we owed the visitors to the town. Addr sees Were delivered by Revs. S. Lark ' and Birks, 01 Seaforth; Meters Whit: of Detroit; " West And Hewitt, o1 T. nto, and Mr E. 3, Briggs, y[, P, P,, of S•, ney, Mtn. Lightni g Rods. Mr. Adam MoK nzie, the local agent for the Dominion ightning Rod Co., of Dundas has been oing a very large and $ncoessful basin s in this sect! for some weeks. The company's oda are made of copper d are of b t quality. When rods are p t on b ld' ga the com- pany pays an ins range 00 should the building he dest oyed aaa result of being struck by light ing. Farmers who ill tend putting ro a on their buildings will do well to eee r. McKenzie before plac- ing their order. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Proper y Transfers Mr James D L g, of London, form- erly of Wingha has sold his house and lot on Edward S to Mr Alexander Car- aon of Gorrie. .dr John Stein, sr •has purchased from ,Ars Morrow of town, her nice eottag and two lots on the corner of Petri k and Carling streets Mr H Davis ha - sold his two commod- ious and converi'ent houses, corner Pat- rick and Centre.treets to Miss A. Boyd. These sales vi. re made through ' the agency of J. 1 Chisholm, real estate and insurance a ent. HpnsEs FOR SALE. --.Heavy Draught Fillies, Geldings and Roadsters LOTT & KING. R. T, o T. Officers. At the last mee ing of Wingham Coun- cil, No 114, the f llowing officers for the present term ere installed:--Seleot Councillor, Miss ae Reid; Vice Conn., Miss Cora Brau n; Rec.-Secy. Wil1ied Reid; Fin. -Secy , James Kellow; Treas., Miss Millie T: rner; Guard, Clayton Grisdale; Sentinel, Jos. Guest; Dep. Herald, Miss 'earl Davidson; Chap., Miss M.Tibbs ; 1r ianist,Miss Lillian Baer ; Press Reporter, Bert Wellwood; Audi. tore, J.W.Hainta,B.Wellwood; Trustees Jno. Kerr, M. Bickwith. A. E. Lloyd. H Davis has several good houses and a farm for sale. See him for particn- lars. ? To Sarn a and Detroit. The final arr:-n mens have t been made for the Miicrvia Encampment, I. 0. 0. F. excursi_=n to Sarnia and De. troit en Saturdae August f Ith. Ex. cursionists will Nave Wingham via re- gular train at 6 a. m., and the return fare to Sarnia is ial train will lea' Monday, Angus have also been Star Line to c Sarnia to Detroit er, Taahmoo, lee at the low retur is one of the poi season and giv cellent opting. 2.05. Returning, spac- e Sarnia at 10 p M. on 13th. Arrangements lade with the White nvey passengers from per magnificent steam. llug Sarnia at 4.50 p.m. fare of 50 cents. This ular excursions of the excursionists an ex - Fon SALE -Comfortable nine -roomed dwelling on Minnie street. Apply at the TIMES office. Garde Party, . A Garden Party nder the auspices of "Holmes Sunday School," Section 6, Turnberry, will b : held at the home of Mr Wm Mitchell, :about one mile north of Holmes School House) on Monday evening, July 30:h. This is an ideal place for a Garde: t Party. The Wing - ham Oitizene Ba n3 will be present and fnrnish music for he evening, A numb- er of choruses wil be given by members of •the Sabbath So ool Choir. The cora. mittee Is making; every effort for the comfort and entertainment -of those who come. Tea will le served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Ice crease eto., will be for sale on the grounds. - dmission to grounds and supper, AduIt 20o, children 100. WANTED -A bright young man, about 16 years of age, for general office work. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO, Can You Figure it. The following is ipped from an ex- change: --"A banke going home for his dinner saw a ten d 'lar bill on the curb stone. Ele picked t up and took the number down in o er to find the owner. While at home his wife remarked that the butipher had se t a bill amounting to $1b. The only mo. ey he had was the $10, which he gave to her and she paid the butcher. The =nteher paid it to a farrier for a ball. 'the farmer paid it to a merchant, who )aid it to a wesh- Aman and she r -i Woman, a e o ng the banker a note, the $10 went tt the banker, who recognized the bill found, and which, t paid $50 of debt. O tion he disoovered ti terleit. Now, will tell ns what was los and by whom?" the one he lied p to the time, had careful inveatiga- at the hill was oown- lame of Our friends in the traneaotion Death of M s. Woods. There messed awa on Tuesday evening at the home 01 Mr. . A. Morton, Mrs. Eliza Ann Weods,w ther of Mrs. Morton at the advanced age 186 years, 1 month and 5 days. Mrs. coda had been in feeble health for so time and for the past few weeks had b n very low. She had been residing in ingham for some time, but owing to he advanced age was not able to leave the h use. The remains were taken to Bramp n on Wednesday morning, interment t take plane in the family plot. itackets and las Fisher's Fine specimens of Balla for sale pllea Book Store. ' us anffei Fon SALE -Good Dwelling House and one acre of Iaud, now occupied by me; For terms and particulars apply to Geo. McKee:mu, Swindlers in1Ontario. Sargent Detective uncan of Toronto, is in receipt of nevem letters from various parts of Ontario corl.ifaining of the way in which canvassers or the enlargement of photos are oonduc •ing their business It appears that these men ask for a de. posit on all orders, t•id this is the last any customer ever hi deposits vary all tbe1. to $5.50: A frc quent the stating by the sw $6 order a reduction made if cash be paid procure $5 50. In me are so small that th feel inclined to taktl CARPENTERS 1 Once tO the WESTE W iugham. Bargains at the next Saturday,in st necklaces and fans M. FISHER. ars of them. These way from 50 cents ethod employed is ndlers that with a f 50 dents will be In this way they teases the amounts duped ones do not legal proceedings. 4N D. - Apply,,at 1(® OUNDRYQeSlad, p 'Big )36o& Store" ioPery,fatioycombs, knot miss it. K. Keep Flies tiff Cows. Do not allow the '-lies to worry your dairy cows during Leis summer season. The loss in milk an= food consumption is considerable, and sinld not be contem- plated without sore . quickening of con- science. More thins hat, it is cruel to allow the cows to su ere when a remedy is a hand. Monsen sof farmers in Can- ada are using fish o' coal oil and crude carbolic acid, with a cellent results, and have no trouble in eeping their cows free, or comparative free, from flies for several years. For wenty-five cows use fish -oil, one-half g lon : coal oil, one- half pint; crude ca olio acid, four table- spoonfuls, mixed, nd applied with arag to all parts of the ,ow's body except the udder. Apply at east once each week, and oftener in ho weather. PRESERVING TIME. -If you come 10 D. M. Gordon's for yorte gem jars and thebest preserving sugar in the world, you will not be disappointed either in the price, quantity or quality, PRIVATE SALE- he undersign bas for sale et her prem':es,lot 15,00nTurn- berry : -A good dr', • ing horse young cows,60 fowl, 2 bug: ies,se, :i a harness, quantity of wood, .lit refor stove, sad a quantity of household furniture Also to rent, my ." •eliing, (furnished or finfnrnished) witorchard and pasture. Miss P. PoWELL., Wingha 's Fall Fair The Directors 'f the Turnberry Agri- cultnraI Society e busy completing ar- rangements for ' ingham's fall fair, to be held on Thursay and Friday, Sep- tember 27th and 8th. Last week au attraction was sec red that will be out of the ordinary for a fair in a town the size of Wingham.. The directors have been fortunate in :: nring Victor's Ve- netian Band, an . ganizetion that will be making a toren y day tour through Ontario. This ba''d is one of the best of the kind that h: s ever toured Canada and will give programme on tho grounds on the a ernoon of the 28th of September and a entire change of pro- gramme in the ev ning assisted by a high class vocalist. all particulars of this famone band will be given in future issu- es. The expert ju ges for this year will be J 17 Graham, To onto, on light horses; Edward McClurg Coldstream, on heavy horses; Geo Whi low, Guelph, on beef cattle and sheep Wm Thorne, Lyn- dook, an dairy c the and swine. The expert judge on airy and proviaions has not yet been st.:ected. The directors want to make thL year's fair the best ever held in Wing lam. Copies of the prize list can be Aad on application to the Secretary, H.1. Elliott, at the Theis ofiloe. Leve Home '.Cueeday night, Sily 17th, John .Tames Strachan left the arontai home, 3rd eonceision of Grey wnehip and hie whereabouts is unkntl n. H0 is 28 years of age,clean she bout 5 feet 9 tache' tell; wore a bro coat, black deer ante and brown c . Anyinfer. yp mettton ooneernin hint F1' w be gratefully received. Wire or telephone A. Strachan, Etuaeelit. $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE THE WEEIC'S SPORT. At Kincardine on Tuesday even- ing in a league Iatosse game, the home team won from Se .forth by a soon of 5 to 3. This puts he Maple Leafs of Wingham in the It ed in this district. The lacrosse mat last Thursday in 1l A. series resulted home team, God goals against one Seaforth defeat h played at Goderioh e intermediate C. L. n a victory for the rick getting thirteen r Kincardine. d Clinton Thursday night in the intermediate series of the 0. L. A. The game was the fastest at Seaforth this fleas n; and up to the halt' Clinton held the h me team down to 1 to 1, but in the thi' d and fourth quar- ters Clinton was pl yed to a standstill, and Seaforth piled up seven goals to Clinton's one, endi g the game 8 to 2 in favor of Seaforth, Wingham 'across boys went to Han- over on July 12th a played a friendly game with Durham and were defeated by a score of 3 to 2 1Mr. David Dineley of town met with a bjd accident in this game. He fell and a urham player fell over him, striking . Dinsley in the side. The mishap wa purely accidental. We are pleased to leer i that Mr. Dinsley is now nicely on the mend and we hope to see him around agaip soon. Lucknow and Wing:iam baseball olubs played a game on the park on Monday evening, There was some very good play by both teams, a also some very bad plays. Wingha, an excellent game an good support the loci is pitoher played i had he been given 1 boys should have been ensy winners. pThe Lucknow boys are very much the k tter players in the fielding. The Boor at the end of the niaeth innings was six each and in the tenth the visitors scored three rune and the hewn players failed to soon. The annual ing tournament will VS' held at Lonuext week and it is expected that on rink will go from Wingham. Four rinks of th English bowlers, who are now touring Canada will visit Clinton on the 18th of Augitrst. They will play with a rink from Wingham, one from Seaforth and two rom Oliuton. In our report of he bowling at the Sea- forthurname to ttt a did an injustice Mr. A. M. Crawfo yd's rink. We should have said that the `'ilk had played up to the semifinals. la the doubles Messrs. A. M. Crawford and,D. T. Hepburn won the second prizes, a fi eantiful umbrella to each player. Two Kincardine ri ks of bowlers spent Monday afternoon lin Wingham and played a friendly g rinks. The local rinl The score: - Kincardine E. Fox N. Shorts, G. Johnston R. Ross, skip 10 Dr McDonald me with two local s won by five shote. Wingham A. Porter Kennedy D. Holmes M. Crawford sk 16 R. Johnston R. Patterson • T. Bell - Stewart A. H. Musgrove J. Inglis skip 1 R. Vanstone sk 17 Dr. Ovens, Lo>idon, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc• Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Ang. 7th Hours 2 p. en. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop• erly fitted. ✓' Celebrate o at Gorrie. An ideal day, a ftirly large gathering, good music, excellent speeches, and adequate arrangements for the enter• tainment of the visitors, all contributed to make the celebra ion of 216th anniver- sary of the Battle o, the Boyne, held in Gorrie on Thursday last, a pronounced success. The spegiai train from the east brought a number of visitors, but a much larger number came from the west, Wingham bei g well represented, and the Lodge beng accompanied by the citizens' ban The surrounding county contributed its quota to the crowd, as was witnessed by the large number of vehicles n the streets. Lodges coming in were met by the Corrie brethren and escorted to the Town Hall, The village was gaA1y decorated, and the ohnrches, hotels aid others had made ample provisions for satiefying the wants of the inner mai°i in serving meals. About 2 o'ciook a p ocessiOn was formed. and, headed by the' Winghant Citizens' Band, :n/Urolied thrkmgh the streets and to a favorite spot on he bank Of the river, where a platform ad been erected and where the epeakin wan held. Among those woo deliv ed addresses wero Rev. Meesra. Farb, Osterhout, Boyle, Wella, Perrin, H tier, and Mr. A. H. Mangrove. The ddressea were of a very high order, 8 tertaining, as well as interactive, and w re listed to with rapt attention by the ```large gatheting, At the °lobe of thin pekt of the program, the fife and drum co petition took place, Mr, Ferguson Of range Hill securing the prize for hest mmer, and Mr. W. Fryfogle, Winch , for best piper. Al. together a meat pl silent slid profitable time was spent, nd the brethren of, Howlett distriot to be oongretnlated on the success oft 8 oelebretion. ENTRANCE rAMINATION. We give below a names of the enc- eeseful candidates that wrote en the re- cent Eistranoe 1 -animations in East Huron. In order to pass a candidate must make 40 pe, cent. of the marks on each eubjebt and 30 per cent. on the total. To obtain Honors 75 per cent. of the total nnmbo of marks must be made, The pape s were a little more difficult than sen 1, but a fair test for promotion into a igh School, Collegiate Institute, or into fth class In a Public School. WI Honors -1i L 13a E Brown, E Gan: Henry, 0 Iebister,l E Patterson lei WSh Stewart, F Venetoi Pass -I? I Aitche R Aitken, I Ande: E Armour, A 13: G13AM :rett, C Blackhall, 11 ett, L Green, R M Kennedy, 13 Mann, rk, W Simmons, G n, T Aitohesan, M on, Elam Armour, ck, C Brock, W Brydges, G Bush, til Dore, H Dore, P Duncan, 13 Elliott D Guest, 0 James, E Jermyn, M Kim, L Knox, M Mc- Donald, 0 Masters le Maxwell, K Mo - Burney, A McCall im. A G MOGne, M McGee, G Moffatt. S Orr, M Patterson, W Pocock, F Pewee, 0 Rintoul, G Rin- toui, I7 Robertson, K E Shiell, M Smelt- zer, G Troy, M Ve inorman, E Wood. Bo JSSELS Honors -Tom ermstrong, Beatrice Bateman, May Bigt, .Tack Leckie, Jean McDonald, Kate McLeod, Harry Moore, Walter Scott, Ed&.Wilton. Pass -Mamie Archibald, 011a Arm- strong, Scott Arent, Winnie Barr, Frank Bell, Tens Dickson, John R Dickson, ElsieDt>isbar, Tillie Dundee, Ruth Engler, Elm Ewan, Eliza Fer- guson, Arthur Furr et, Illaggie L Frain, Ada Gardiner, Jt u Hayden, E M Hetusworth, I Hu man, Geo Jordan, R Love, H D1aCat1, 1 McCallum, S Mc• Iatoeh, W McKe i, Avon McKelvey Gladys McQnarrie, James Wren, Carrie Schnock, Leslie Tl uelt, Florence Whit- field, John Wilbee, 11 Wilbee, D L Wilson, S J Wilts . SE FORTH Honors -Russel Best,Frank Docherty, I iSll.Hinchiey, F Larkiu, H McGinnis, Robert keck, O°land Smiley, Bessie Grieve, Ethel Ke r, Katie Kerr, Vide McDonald, 'lel', MuDonald, Jessie Robb, F A Tho pson, A M Turner, Gretta Ross. Pass - Aberhisrt W Archibald, W A Out tin, P DoyleC Forbes, W Gibson, H Horton W A Jordan, I Jordan, W F Lowrie, I Morriss 4 M McKay, Roy Mc.. Geoch, W D McLea , R McKay, R 0 Mc • .Kay, R O'Rourke R Roach, A Reid F Smith, L Stapleton, 0 Stephenson, I hSmers,R G Willis L Atckinson, M Bar- bour, M Bell, A B uxer, 5 E Caldwell, Ella'Chesney, 13 Cdcz, L C Diety, N S Govenlook, L Ha nmett, B G Jones, E R Jordan, M J cowrie, E McClure, P Ross, A D Scott, 1 J.Scott, M Stewart, H M Taylor, M J'Walker, M. Watson. CL11TON Honors -Jahn CJsidley, M Courtice, W Doherty, G Elii tttt, K East, 0 Fair, M Holmes, 0 Kez, B McTaggart, H O'Neil, I O'Neil, i D Roes, I Scott, F Tisdale, D. Taylor ;1 Pass -G Archer., 0 H Anderson, 0 Bedard, L BeatoniS Carling, G F Chant, S Copp, 1 Crich, p L Crich, 0 Crich 13 Draper, F Elliott yA Findlay, H Graham, P Huller, F Hi Bert, E Hill, W Hey. wood; D Iloilo ay, E Joidan, I Kuox M Livermore, E Lawson, I Lando. borough, L Mc avish, B Mclvor, 0 Mc- Cartney, 0 Mil r E O'Brien, 0 Potter, N Robson, A rick, M Trewartha, H Wise, C E ise, M Torrance, Belt Wiltse. BLYTli Houors-R Edneeston, I ill Pfeffer Pass -B AE nab, I E Bryant, W A D Campbell, 0 lark, Clara Copp, D 0 Colclough, le Denholm, W 0 Perot - son, le G Goo , P A Gibson, A E Hunk- ing I H Jacessen, I G Jackson, B Kirk- connefl, W JIT McDonald, M Morris, L Maine, F Pl mmer, I W Potter, M A Roger, G Ste wart, A F Tamblyn, II Toll, P L Whir ey, L Woodman. 'ORDWICIi Honors -W Adams, Barbara But - chart, M P Hu er, M Montgomery. Pass --N Arn N 13 Hainstook ston, A Martin, M Schaefer, 0 strong, 5 A Oattanach A Halliday, C John - 0 Patterson, P Schaefer, pinks, I Winter. ROxETER Honor -Fran Morfoot. Pass --0 Gallo Grath, S Men Rutherford T F Underwood, I W In the Wingha wrote on this era acid ten with hen lent showing for credit is due Miss 1 of the entrance elsi excellent teacher a puts Wingham's rank. During her r Eo rkh r tancowO e 118 pupils succeed the seoond, 27 th year She has n recommended. success in her profession. ay, V Haatie, W Mo- rcher, E McLean, 0 Sanderson, E Stutt, sod, I M Wright, school 28 candidates ination all passing, re, This a sis aexc nit school and much reek. who has charge s. Mies Brook in an d her splendid work (school in the front four years teaching e, Mies Brock has had 37 the first year, 26 third, and 28 this et lost s pupil she e wish her oontinued Eye Troubles can be overcome by proper methods. Do not neglect the first troubles. We are expert eye glass fitters, and can suit all. Difficult eases a spec. laity. You can get better service here guaranteed than you can out- side of town. Can and see us, at Walley's Drub Store Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co Real Estate My business is to bring buyers and sell- ers together. Investors kincite. look over the following, which are bat a few of the many properties on het $6500-150 acres, 2j; miles from Wingham, mut, from school, brick house, new bauk barn $2200-36 acres, adj inine Bluevale. Possession at once inetading crop. $3500-59 acres, 131 miles frt m Wing - ham. Brick hunse, hank barn. $3200-100 acres, 2e-,,emiles from Wingham. $4500-100 acres, 2 miles from Blyth, ee mile from school BLLTEVALE VILLAGE PROPERTY $300 -Frame cottage, ee, acre of land. $650-1jq story frame house; good stable, 3 acre of garden and 16 fruit trees. TOWN PROPERTY. $525 --lee story frame hone. Edward St. $650 - Frame cottage, good cellar. Carling Terrace $750-3 story frame house. stable, it rents for $7 per month Charles St. $2500-2 story brick cottage; corner lot John St Ageut for Western lands, call and get maps and full particulars. J. H. CHISHOLM, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. 'ironstone block, Wingham. TELEGRAPHY,,. offers better opportuiyt'lies for advancement than n y other trade or pzofessioti SITUATI1NSII, are guaranteed all our graduates in this department, providing they will go to Westarn L»vada. In the Wingham Business College Telegraphic students are taught Typewriting, Penmanship, Busi- ness C..rrespondence, spelling, Office, Practice, etc. Write for particulars to GEO. SPOTTON, - Principal. tt Z CLEARING SALE SUMMER SHOES MUST GO This is one of the Brenta of the year in shoe selling, As soon as possible - after Juiy 1st we arrange our stock, clear the decks for notion, and get ready for a Grand Clearing -Out Sale of Summer Shoes The time has arrived, and we are ready for busineee. Every sort of Suuttaer Shoes for Men, Women end Children will be marked down-wAy DOWN -and sold at prices 90 low that our shelves will soon be emptied. See our Windows for S hoe Styles and Prices. W s J. Greer 'Jc1SH. .