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The Wingham Times, 1906-07-12, Page 6
ti TUE WINGRAk TIMES JULY THE SUNLIGHT WAY r" RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP e -r ����tt/s► LEAVE 30 To 6Q MINUTES' �.j RINSE WELL Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals --indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. guy it and follow 5c. directions ce YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whore yon buy sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. 165 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO Kernels from the Sanclvm 11111 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A naw wing is to be built to the County Hospital at Walkerton at a cost of $4,- 37,5. Mr A. Hasa of Toronto has the contract. We notice by the minutes of theCarriok Council that Mr. John A J;thnston,editor of the Mtldinay Gazette,has been appoint- ed township clerk in the room and stead of his father, lately deceased, For Over Sixty rears. An old and Weil- Tried -Remedy -Mrs Winslow 'e Seethiug Syrup has been used for over :ixry years by tuitions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, oures wind collo, and is the best remedy for dietthora.,It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by dr uggista in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is ireelentehle. Be sere you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kiwi Lawrence Bauman, proprietor of the hotel at Chepstow, hag sold out to Mich- ael McNab, price $6,550. He paid $5,C00 for it, so he has made a good thing on the deal, Mr. hicNab takes possession on the first of August. The essential Inng-healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Robert Flemming, teller in the bank of Montreal at St. John, N. B., has had 5S9 pieces of glass removed from his eye, which was injured nearly a mouth ago by the breaking of an incandescent globe near his desk. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atfsm, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder The wife of a Gordon Highlander re- ceived an invitation to visit him at the barracks in Scotland and took with her their 0 -year-old daughter. When they arrived the husband was on sentry duty. so could not be approached. The child eyed her daddy with a rather sorrowful, but amazed, expression, as be paced up and down the square,shbuldering his rifle and wearing a kilt. She had never before seen him tuns arrayed. Presently with a solemn look on her face, the child loud- ly exclaimed, "Mammy, when daddy finds the man who stole his breaks will Xie give nye that little frock?" -Every- body's Magazine. thief attiLATrt8T FOOD PURIFIER 1N THE WORLD It. Clood brant food. a. Excites the functions of the liver. ., Promotes at sound and quiet sleep. ,t. Disiafeeete the month. s. Neutralize* a. the surplus acids of the tip. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances, Helps the aecreUott Of the kidneys. Prevents calculus concretions, ry. Obviates indigestion. go A. prevetntative against diseases of the throa Sax. itsoteree *i1 atervons energy and re. vlyca to natural forcer. Thlt OXYCIIIIIMAT011 ca. isiiatrawria torowto*Ont Replies to about 400 of the 850 circulars sent out to parents in Hamilton, Out , asking them if they thought it advisable to continue the teachings of domestic science in the Public Sehoole-have been received. About two-thirds of the answers were favorable. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy snob people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. A number of Grand Trunk officials visited Wa]ketton the other day, and from theirsoonversation it was assumed that they were considoriag the question of anew station. As they didn't come down town at all, it may be taken for granted that they intend to build at the old spot. Old Chronic Sores As a dressing for old chronic sorts there is nothing so good as Chamber- lain's Salve. While it is not advisable to heal old sores entirely, they should be kept in a good condition for which this salve is especially valuable. For sale by all drnggiste. it The fine barn belonging to Samuel McMath, on the 4th concession of the Gedericb township, was totally destroy- ed by fire on Friday June 29th together with all the con tents,including a quantity of grain and farm implements. The fire is supposed to have resulted from spon- taneous combustion. 41ZlAS'I*t]r17 Y /a.. Beata the The Kind You Rave Always Bought Signature of ��'�� . 14 j},/ James Kerrigan, an old resident of Brant, passed away on Sunday, July lst. He was about 82 years of age. He was a native 0t Ireland, and was past middle life before emigrating to this country. Being frugal in his habits and very in- dustrious, he succeeded in saving enough money to enable him to spend his old age in comfort. For the last few years he Iived in Walkerton. Saved His Comrade's Life, "While returning from the Grand Army encampment at Washington City, a comrade from Elgin, Ill., was taken with cholera morbus and was in a criti- cal condition," says Mr, J. E. Hough - land, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Chamberlain's Colic, 'Cholera and Diarr- heete Remedy and believe it saved his life. I have been engaged for ten years in immigration work and conducted many parties to the south and west. I always carry this remedy and have need it euecesefully on many occasions." Sold by all druggists. _t The Ohieego Tribune on Thnraday published its ninth annual summary of the deaths and injaties caused through- out the United States by the celebration of the Declaration of Independence. The figures tip to an early hour today Were as follows: -Dead 38, 13y lite - 'works, 9; by cannon, 1; by firearms 11, by explosives, 7; by toy pistots, 4; by runaways, 1; by drowning li; Injured, 2,789. By fireworks, 1,099; by cannon, 201; by firearms, 393; by ex- plosives, 097; by .,toy pistols, 304; by runaways, 311. Fire loan, $69,450. Last year 42 persons *ere killed outright, but when lockjaw and other diseases in• duced by injuries completed their work aver 4001tver had been saerl$oed. The number of injured, 2,780, ie in -wets of last year's figures by W. Here is takepAnother. way of writing np a HE IS CORRECT wedding, taken frena anrxahatigo, "One �*r CORRECT of the Most delightful little weddings of the leafy month of June, took place at St Austin'a ohurch on Saturday. The Or. Hamilton PrcveS That Pf1es bridegroom, AIr. W. R Diintee locked oitaruriug to a freok ooat of sweet black cheviot -with siiken lapels, grey striped trousers, extra wide at the kuees, and a snowv waist coat, picked out with black polka dots. He wore lavender spots over his No, a patent leather shoes,aud.narritd a silk hat. The bride is a bliss Woolley of Chicago." Do not Neglect Tour newels, Many seriona diseases arise from ne- gieot of the bowels. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are a pleas ant and agreeable laxative. They in- vigorate the liver and regulate the bowels. For sale by alt dtuggists. Last week as some workmen were re- pairing the atone tower on the Evangel- ioal Church, at Hespler, which had been leaking, a toad was found buried in the mortar between two stouts, ori h'just euougb room to move, and wee still alive and quite lively. ,The tower, which is forty feet high, was built Sixteen years ago, and the toad roust have been pet in close confinement si hen the tower was built. Mr. Welker, who did the repair- ing, has the tnsd, whioh is the color of the mortar, on exhibition at his residence where it may be seeu at any tiros. Modest Claims Often Carry the blest Conviction. When Maxim, the famous guninvent- or, placed hie gun before a committee of judges, be stated its carrying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplie,h. The result of the trial was therefore surprise instead of disappointnier:t It is the same with the mauufacture:s of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. They do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer to let the users snake the statt ments. What they do claim, is that it will yoeitiveiy cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains iu the ato- mnch and bowels and has never been known to fail. For sale by all drug- gists. Mr Geo Pope, a pioneer of the 2nd of Hallett has passed away. A man of strong physique and- character, he en- joyed good health until a couple of years ago, when it began to give away. Able to be about until a couple of months since, he gradually failed, and after a couple of days in bed he passed away on Monday.;at the age of eighty years He was born in Wexford, Ireland, and settl- ed on the place where he died in 1862. His wife, two sons and a daughter sur- vive biro, all being at home. He was a Liberal. CASTOR IA Bought •t�tCC/�j/�' For Infants and Children. - The Kind You, save Always Bears the Signature of People were saddened and shocked to Learn of the death of 4ir. Henry Murphy of the 16th eon , Goderich Tp. which oconrred on Monday, July 2nd. He and his son Bert were at work iu one of the fields; Mr. Murphy was hoeing, and his son driving a scuftier; the latter happen- ed to look up tinting his work and missed his father, as he was not in eight. He thought he had started for the bonsai but he was not any where to be seen. Hurry- ing over to where be had been at work, he found him lying on his back, dead, Mr. Murphy was oueof the oldest eettlera on the 16th concession -possibly the old- est one, and was held in very high esteem. Women with weakness should never forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This magic -like local treatmeut, is used at bedtime all night while the system is at rest, it ii constantly building up the weakened tissues, soothing the inflamed and sensitive surfaces nod will surely clean np all catarrbal and local troubles. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Peroxide is excellent as a month wash and throat gargle, warding off sore throat and generally oaring it even after i t has secured a foothold. Used once a week or so as a face lotion, it has a whitening and cleansing effect, but it must be kept from the hair and eyebrows because of its bleaching qualities. M1LBVR,N`S LAXA LIVER Pltl_$ ,Ares aombinatiou of the active rrine[ptes of the Molt valuable vegetable remedies for die. eases atrddiserderrof the Liter, Stoenaeh and Belisle, CURE CONSTIPATION , MIA lIteadaeba Jaundtoe, heart. burst, Cattiiwrh of then etomaab, Dist+ Omit RlotoheI and Pimples, CURE BILIOUSNESS awash, LI s'POCilral' p tw tit, Eire ow 011e Muddy CSinlplexit a. 8Welded tint breath ante clear what all wart* * P sethnlei a, w bottleOMatterf t s sysielaleiteatelMi alt T►AWAVIIMX Clot 906. TWOS/ Are Caused By Constipation And Strong Cathartics. Knotviog the frequence with whleb people suffer from ;hie ailment, Dr. Barl,i'tou made an exhaustive study into the cause of piles He found that the lower part of the boa els ie like a rartwurk toblood=vessels, and it subjected to persistent pressure, a section Hilt baige out and form what is oomwot,ly known as piles. The only effect is a mode of curing this trouble is the regular use of Dr. Hauril ton's Pills, which oat% be taken before re- tiringrelief. Next day will bring wonderful "I suffered up to about the Bruit of human endurance with piles," writes Miss Lueders, from Cornwall, Oat , "I was employed in a factory here, but for a while had to plait np work till I got better of this trouble. I read in the Montreal Herald about Dr. Hamilton's Pills; and after using them for two weeks wan oared. I can recommend these pills very highly ; there tire aaou•- better. They at once relieve and prevent a constipated cooditiinof the bowels, and from my experience can be drpended upon as a perfect safe•unard against pelt's De Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But, ternut. 1 am sura, would be a beueflt to every girl or woman " Take Dr. elamiltuh'e Pills and your system will he regenerated, revitalized, and made proof against disease. Good for nisei, excellent for women, and most effective for nhildren. All ages both sr-xes find Dr. Hamilton's Pills a marvelous m"divine Althongh active, they do not gripe or cause ineouveui•noe still they cleanse and petrify the system, thereby m+intaiuing a high standard of health. Sold by all dealers, 25o per box, or five boxes for $1 09, or by mail. from N. 0 Poison and Co , Hartford, Conn , U. S. A. and Kingetou, Out. On Jan -Fa -7th, one of Kinoardine'a fine old men passed away in the person of Alexander Mitchell. He came toKinoar- dine about 22 years ago. His wife died in 1693 Four daughters and one son survive him He was a Presbyterian elder here and in the Dennistoun Free Church, Glasgow. As a proof of his worth it need only be raid that he took emp'oyment in the Glasgow Prison as gatekeeper and climbed up gradually to be Master of Worksand•Cashier. When he left he was presented with a solid gold watch by his fellow -officials. He was 86 years of age and was born in Morven, Argyleshire. Dr. Shoop's Restorative brings lasting relief in Stomach, Kidney and Heart troubles through the inside nerves. No matter how the nerves became impaired this remedy. will rebuild their strength, will restore their vigor. Remember it does no good to treat the ailing organ -the irregular heart, rebellious stomach, dis- eased kidneys. They are not to blame. (Jo hack to the nerves that control them -treat the cause -use a remedy that cures through the inside nerves. Sold at Walley's ])rug Store. At the request of a number of agri- cultural societies, Supt. Cowan is sending out a circular giving a definition of "trial of speed," whioh under the amend- ed act of last session are permitted at ex- hibitions, assisted from Government funds, although it prohibits horse races. Mr. Cowan says: -" 'Trials of speed shall mean competitions among driving horses in whioh conformation, soundness and style are considered as well as speed in the winning of the prize. If, in the judgment of the officers or judges, it is deemed advisable to test the speed of the oontestinfi horses it is allowable to do so, but the prize must in every case be awarded on general excel- lence, asseen in the above characteristics. Itis not intended that purses shall be offered made up of deposits or entry fees from owners of contesting horses, but that premiums shall be offered in the usual way. Horse racing shah include competitions in which all or any of these conditions are followed: -In whioh speed only is considered; in which entries are restricted by time limits; iu which any restrictions are made as to the number of entries." Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy -- when used faithfully wiII reach chronic and difficult cases heretofore regarded as incurable by physicians and is the most reliable peraeription known to clean out and completely remote every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold at Walleye Drug Store. 1t is our painful duty this week to re- cord the death of another of Huron's gifted sons. The death of Rev Alex H McLeod took place on Monday, July 2ad at the home of his brother-in-law, Me. Robt Pearson, Death is always sad, but it is particularly so, when a young man just entering on his life's work, is mown down by the grim reaper. De - *eased was a son of Mr Roderick McLeod of the second of Tuckersmith, and born therein 1871. He received a fair edtt- cation in the public schools of the County and finished his elementary education at the Clinton Collegiate. In 1892 he joined the Presbyterian Ohnroh, the time he decided 10 make the ministry his life's work. To prepare himself for this,. he first took au Art's Course, at Toronto University, and then entering Rnbx College completed his divinity course in due time, His health being always feeble it rertaired an indomitable perseverance to carry snoh a long coarse of study to a suooeesfni issue. Isle grad- etsted in 1008. His first charge was in Winnipeg, Where he remained four months For the last two years he' preethed to two congregations 'neat' Basswood, Manitoba, till compelled to leave on account of ill health. 12, 1006. Pat a bag of bot water to your teat wben'you have a oo1d, to your book when you have a backache, or at the paps of your neck when you have a headache or cannot sleep. THE LADIES' k'AYoniTa, t+axa•Liver Pille are the Iadies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, BIllionsness, and Dyspepsia without griiilgg, purging or siokening. Bathing with equal parte of witch hazel and water ie very restful to the eyes. Another plan is to bath the eyes with warns water in whioh are dissolved a pinch of powdered borax and two or three drops of spirits of camphor. • A Perfect Bowel Laxative for cozasti' pation, sallow complexion, headache, dizziness, soar stomach, mated tohgun, bilionsneas. Lax ate not promptly, with- out pain or griping. Pleasant to take -- Lax -els -only 5 cents. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Charcoal is said to strengthen and whiten the teeth, remove the tartar, pre- vent toothache, and give the gums end lips an attractive character. About as 112%1011as can be planed on the point of knife allonld be rubbed geptly into the interstices of the teeth on going to bed, to be riused thoroughly in the morning. S1JDIDEN1If ATTAC$,ED, Children are often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure whioh should always be kept in the house. MADE IN CANADA -4 ESV A CANADIAN COMPANY, FtEPUTATiON FOUNDED ON OIERIT AS .w t, WELL AS AGE. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANURACTURINO CO.. iitoMPANY °Frieze: MONTREAL, P. Q. LIMITED, TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. 6,. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. AGENT DAVID BELL, WINGLIAM, ONS', A woman who is the pi0`ure el health :RR•R••.••RR,R*.0w#!OR#t••o• 0000•B®ri�100000410091110r00lOd gives the following recipe for it:1: Deep' i breathing; lent of pure water -eight s� CLUBBINGI a plenty g glasses a day ; fresh vegetables and sal- ads; sufficient sleep to keep the nerves quiet; outdoor exercise every day; IittIe or no alcohol, tea, coffee or drugs of any sort, parttonlarly the powders taken for nerves and insdznnia. 81000 mix cults.. A Thonsaud Dottier. Guarantee goes with every bottle df Dr, Leonhardt's Hem•Roid-the only certain core for every form of Piles. George Cook, St. Thomas, Ont., writ- es: - eDr. Leonbardt's Hem-Roid cured me of a very bad CAN of Piles of over ten years' standing. I had tried everything but got no permanent cure till I used Ham • Roid. I had Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered everything, Oint- menta and local treatments failed, but Dr. Leonhardt's 'Hem -Bold cured me perfectly." Hem-Roid isa tablet taken internally which removes the cause of Piles. $1.00 at all druggists, or The Witson-Fyle Co„ Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. A woman who Ieads a very active life has a theory that the preservation of , a good figure depends to some extent on the matter of walking. Many people, she says, as they advance in years, al- low themselves t0 walk heavily and without elasticity, so that the whole weight rests en the lower part of the limbs at every step, the only effect of exercise being weariness of the lege and feet. Instead of this, the body should be held erect and poised so as to have a perfect balance; in.thia way the muscles are braced and strengthened throughout the lnnga,mnst of necessity be well ex- panded. Diarrhoea, Dysentery; Stomach Cramps and all Summer Compjaints take Don't experiment with new and untried remedies, but procure that which has stood the beat of time, Dr.. Fowler's has stood the test for do years, and has never failed to give satire• faction. It is rapid, reliable and effedtual in its action and does not leave the bowels constipated. REt tstt Air. Sttn rttuxree. Tna'i?Rn DANGnuotes. Meta. 'Baosaok Luse, Aylmer, Qde., writes i "1 Leave used De. I owlet s Bxerait of Will Straerberry for Diarrhoea for several years past and 1 and iota the only inedkbxe wltkh bring. Mel lit aio abatis tiote S1'RIIIG 51:E111C1NL. Al a sptitig medielhoe Burdobk Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the liystem and temoves all impurities from the blood, wad takes away that tiled, WOary tooling so trrOilliO tt LAA the apritg, RATES re FOR 1905 -. 06. I The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below $ for any or all of the following publications : Times to January 1st, 1907 81.00 Times and Daily Globe a 4.50 + Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4,50 'l' Times and Daily World 3.10 • Times and Toronto Daily News...... 2.30 Times and Torohto Daily Star 2.30 it it Times and Daily Advertiser., . 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 4- .1.• Times and Weekly"Globe . 1.65 4* Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1,70 ea-• Times and Family Herald and Weekly Stair 1.75 .'i Times and Family Herald and Weekly' Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90 Times and Weekly Witness 1,65 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 Times and London Free Piers' (weekly) 1,80 Times and. London Advertiser (weekly) 1.90 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 Times and World Wide 1.85 Times and Northern Messenger. 1.30 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World 1.35 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90 Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1.85 Timed and Michigan Farmer 1.65 Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.75 Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1.15 Times and American Sheep Breeder 1,90 Times and Country Gentleman 2.10 Times and Delineator 1,95 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35 Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80 Times and Modern Women ........ 1,45 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45 Times and Pearson's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.916 Times and American Boy Magazine 1.65 Times and What to Eat 1.60 Times and Bookkeeper 1.65 Tithes and Recreation 1,75 Times and Cosmopolitan . 1.65 Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15 Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 Times and Snccess 1.80 Times and housekeeper 1.50 Times and Pilgrim 1.60 Times and Poultry Beeper 1.40 Times and Hoard's Dairyman 1,90 Times and McClure's Magazine ......... 1.90 Times and Munsey's Magazine 2.00 Times and Rural New Yorker...... 2.00 Times and Vick's Magazine 1,40 Times and .American Gardening 2.25 Times and Health Culture 1.85 Times and Dam's Horn • 2.455 Times and Four Track News 1.90 Times and Breeders' Gazette ..... .... , ... 2.25 Times and Practical rumor - .... • , , 1.85 •l• 416 d~ �������� 4. sle ets- • tdl'•". .alel;►.` 4- '44 '*i►' 454 40. w When premiums are given with arty et above papers, subscribers will bectire troch premiums when ordering tbrortgh us, same ae if ordered direct from. publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subserlbera, and are STRICTLY CASTS IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, poet office or express money order, addressing TIMES 0111101a, 0, WINGHUM, ©1+1TAIIU, •