HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-05, Page 85 ww THE WINGIEAK TIMES JULY 5. 1906, „„4,40.40„,,„,,,,,,„‘„",„„),„,",4604,,,vikesewil Fridv and Saturday Bargains 1 I Ticking, regular 25e. Friday and Saturday at Oattonade, regular 25o, " •` *heat . l0oln • Toweling, reg ]2�o for 100, wed a regular• • Table Linen, regular 35s for 21e., and a regular 50o line at... Factory Cotton, regular 7o for.... Ladies $1 Wrappers for 75s; also a 1.35 lino of Wrappers for 990 190 194 8o 400 5o Special Rtduetions 1n Men's Furnishings and Clothing. LADIES' PARASOLS—Ladies' Black Parasols, reg. 1.75 for $1.19 Fancy Parasols all on sale at coat prices. Sp3eial Reductions in Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums for this month. Now is the time to buy. FJXEE! FREE! $1.00 worth of the beat Granulated Sugar free to everyone buying $15 00 worth of goods at our store. Not necessary to bay them all at once ; good from now until August 1st. Cash sales only count. Save your checks and bring them along when they amount to $15 00. TRADE TAKEN AS CASH, Carey Dry Goods Co. PHONE 70. WINGHAM. 11/1. MINOR LOCALS. —Sunday school excursion to Kincar- dine on Friday, July 27th. —Division Court will be held in Wing - ham on Friday of this week. —Morris township council minutes received too late for this issue. —Lacrosse club garden party at the Town Park on Friday evening. —Oddfellows excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August Ilth. —The exterior wood work of the Bank of Hamilton has been given a fresh coat of paint. —The staff of the Fordwicli Record is taking a holiday this week and no paper is being issued. —The volunteers returned home on Friday last after spending twelve days in camp at Loudon. —The regular monthly meeting of the Wingham Public Sohool Board will be held next Tuesday evening. 14Ir. E E Seager, brother of Chas. Seer, Crown Attorney, of Goderich, 1d10 at his home in Toronto on Tuesday. —Mr. W. F. VanStone has commenc- ed work on his office building, being erected ou the lot north of the Brink of Hamilton. -Dar gust the.+ closed at g the month of July and Au- aw offices in Wingham will be ip m on Saturdays and other days at 4�•m. —Mr. A. J. Nicholls, of the Central Bakery is putting a plate glass front in his store, adding very much to the ap- pearance of his premises. —Mrs. Holmes, of Holmesville, grand- mother of our townsman, Mr. Dudley Holmes, will celebrate the 100th anni- versary of her birth on Friday of this week. -Regular meeting of Wingham L. 0. L. No. 794, will be held in the Orange ball on Friday evening of this week. A large attendance of the brethern is re- quested. shower. Mernberd were present from - man7 widely -separated sections of this large riding, showing a commendable interest in the work of the Institute. The business meeting of the Farmers' Institute was held in the parlor of the hotel, with L reeident R, M. Young in the chair and Secretary Bailie presiding. The president in opening the meeting made a brief address upon the work of the past year. Eight meetings had been held ; these bad been well attended and a great deal of interest had been shown in the addresses given. If the epeahers secured for the owning year were as capable as those of the past year had been, the Institute would be well served. The majority of the directors had been faithful iu the discharge of their duties and had given valuable assistance in the work° The president thought the Iusti• tate might well branch out into the die• °neaten of a wider range of questions For instance, there was the subject of the tariff commission. It might be said that this was a political subject, but it affected the farmers very olosely and discussion of it from the farmers' stand- point might be a profitable occupation. There were other matters affecting their interests with which the Institute might deal with advantage to the farming class, as "the farmer pays the piper every time." The auditor's report was presented by John'Dastow and showed receipts and expenses as follows for the poet year:- RECEIPTs- —Owing ti Monday being a holiday not enough members of the Town Coun- cil rut in an appearance to hold a meeting and it was arranged to hold the July meeting on Friday evening. —Summer heat for a few days last week. Friday last was the warmest June day in Ontario, since June, 1901. The highest temperature recorded last Friday was 91 in the shade. —Miss Ada Howson has resigned her position as teacher in Wingham Junction Sohool and Miss Pearl Z. Baker, daugh- ter of Rev. Geo. Baker, of Bluevale has been engaged as her successor. — Mr, A. Oosens has been appointed focal agent for the Huron County Weather Insurance Mutual Co. This company insures farm property against damage by tornadoes, wind storms, oto. — The Citizens' Band has had an extra ran of engagements this week:—Monday at Teeswater, Tuesday evening at Bel - grave, Wednesday evening at Belmore and Friday evening at the lacrosse garden party. —A freight car leaving the track be- low Palmerston on Saturday afternoon delayed traffic on the Palmersten-Kin- oardine lino and Saturday night's train did not reach Wingham until early Sunday morning. — Mr P S Lawrason, the well known horseman died at his home in Preston on Sunday night after a short illness with typhoid fever. Mr Lawrason was the expert judge on horses at Wingham fall fair haat year. — Mr .Tas. Cochrane has been serious- ly ill daring the past week with pneu- monia and his many friends were anxi- ous as to his recovery fora few days, but we are pleased to report that he is now improving and, hope he will soon be able to be around again. —Forty-three cents, or a trifle better, will probably be realized by the creditors and debenture holders of the Atlas Loan Company, as a result of the liquidation proceedings which have been in progress since 1903. Thirty-seven colts on the dollar has been already paid. --Messrs. Paterson and Brock are this week putting down the granolithic walk Darkey won in the 2.11 $1.000 stake on Diagonal street in front of the rape at Listowol last week, making the first heat in 2.11. This was the feet - property of Messrs. Wm. Gannett and A. Nicol. est heat ever made at a race at Listowel, and for a performance in June is cer- tainly equal to anything that has been done on a half mile track anywhere. Each of the three heats was a neck-and- -neck:affair, Darkey being driven out by The Mystery. —The annual meeting of the Dominion Retail Merchants Association is being held in Ottawa this week, Mr. R. H. Crowder is the delegate from the Wing - ham Association. —Mr. Wm. Tompkins has been using new potatoes and green peas, from his garden. One potato' measured 6 x 7? Inches, which is an extra good sample for this time of the year. Oak Fibre Veneer We have put in a stock of Silver Surface Oak Fibre Veneer, now being extensively used for the following' purposes : • Dadoes, or borders around a carpet or rag ; being laid upon the floor with gent paste, then varnished, This gives a beautiful appearance and reeemblee a solid oak floor. Very durable. Ti used for bed rooms, bath rooms, wainsooating, etc. MissFisher K. M. Balance on hand Members' fees County grant Legislative gralit Receipts from excursion $ 80 99 33 00 25 00 25 00 75 57 $239 56 $25 Diamond Ring We make, a specialty of a ring at this price. It is exceptional value. We have sold hundreds of them. Express °bargee prepaid. Money refunded if not per- fectly satisfactory. • ▪ .. lPRiGErvem D.D.S. DENT;ST IJOMINION BANK BANKOFHAMILTOtJ, (Successor to 1)r. HollowaT) Will continue rue practice in the office lately W I N C H A M WINCH A M f occupied by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. 0 C. H. Ward & Co. LONDON, ONT. Specialists in Diamonds and • Cut Glass. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • NEWS • • I Butcher Sbop• ExPENDITURES— Expenses for meetings.... $ 81 55 Officers' salaries and expenses60 00 Postage and stationery 4 50 Printing and advertising . 12 76 Lecturers' expenses and wages.. 16 05 Miscellaneous ........ 20 00 Balance on hand 44 70 $239 56 It was deoided to have regular meet- ings during the coming year at Kintail and Auburn, and supplementary meet- ings at St. Helens, Nile, Goderioh, Ben - miller, Holmeaville and Londeaboro. The election of directors resulted as follows: -For Askfield, John Styles, Kintail; Thos. Stothers, Dungannon; Donald McLean, Lothian. West Wa- wanosh, Donald .Murray, St. Helene; Wm. Bailie, Dungannon; Jos. Mal - lough, Dungannon. East Wawanosh, - Parks, Auburn; Wm. Beecroft, Whiteohuroh; Andrew Currie, Wing - ham. Wingham, W. P. Grierson, J. A. Morton, R. Currie, sr. Blyth, Andrew Sloan, A. H Jacobs, Frank Metcalf. Hallett, Jas. Snell, Londeaboro' ; John Fiugland, Auburn; J W Cartwright, Londeshoro'; Clinton -Jerome Andrews, AIex McKenzie, Dr Shaw. Goderich Township -H Lamprey, Goderich; J. W, Salkeld, Goderich; Geo Tebbutt, Holmesville. Goderich - Mayor Tilt, W Et Robertson, Jae Mitchell. Colborne— II J Morris, Loyal; 0 A Robertson, Car- low; R M Young, Carlow. Immediately afterwards the directors met for the election of cfiieers., The of- ficers of last year were all re-elected as follows: President, R M Young; vice- president; H J Morris; secretary, Wm Bailie; auditors, John Dustow and Chas Girvin, Nile, At the conclusion of the meeting the members joined in the merry making on the grounds outside, and a general good time was had. Supper was served in the dining -room of the hotel and shortly afterwards the crowd began to disperse. SAVE THE BABIES. Mother, an investment of 25 cents now may save your baby's life. Colic, diarr- hoea and cholera infantum carry off thonsends of little ones during the hot weather months. A box of Baby's Own Tabets cost but 25 centa and there is secarity and safety in this medicine. Give an occasionally Tablet to the well child and you will keep it well. Give them to the child if trouble comes swift- ly and see the ease and comfort this medicine brings. And yon have the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine contains no poisonous opiate. Mrs. R. Metlin, Halifax, N. S., Bays: --"Baby's Own Tablets are a valuable medicine for stomach and bowel troubles." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Keep the Tablets in the hoose. WEST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. STRAY PONY. Caine onto the pram es of the undersigned, lot 80, concession 13, East Wawanosh, near Whitechurch, a small ay mare two white front feet, branded on ri t shoulder with three figures, thus 111. O er can have same by proving property an pang PP DON. MM'Whiteehurch P.O. CALF ESTRAY Come onto the premises of, the undersigned, lot 17, con 10. Turnberry, about 15th May, a red and white yearling heifer calf. Owner can have same by proving ownership, paying charges and taking the animal away. W. J. CAMPBELL, Glenannan, P. O. THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A • • IS • • • HAVE opened a Butcher Shop • "in premises two doors north • • of the Chisholm Block, and • • am fully prepared to supply the i •• beet of all kinds of • • Fresh and Cured Bleats. • - • Special attention paid to orders '• • from farmers and others for meat • • in large quantities. • • BORN. BELDEN—In Wingham, on June 28th, the wife of Mr. Jas. N. Belden, of Winnipeg : a son. CItIII0laRANK—ln Wingham, on June 27th, the wife of Mr. Robb. A. Cruickshank; a son. WIGIITMAN—At Moosomin, Men., on June 27th the wife of Mr. H. Hr Wightman, former- ly of Wingham ; a daughter. MARRIED Annual Meeting held at Point Farm -- An Enjoyable Meeting. (Goderich signal) Owing to the rain on Friday there was not the usual large attendance at the West Huron Farmers' Institute gather. log at Point Farm. So far as the Women's Institute was concerned, the picnic was deolared off, but a oonaider- able number of members were present with their Wives and daughters, and they $0eoew0r to (cooper Os 0o, had a good time in spite of alt 000Mlonal • A share of your patronage is • • respectfully solicited. iWM.-DIAMOND. ••- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICE—Caoz,En—At the home of the bride's parents, on June 27th, by Rov. Hugh Crozier, of Ashburn, uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. John Locke, of Orangeville, Dr. W. J. Price, of Wingham to Miss Winifrede Crozier. daughter of Mr. Samuel Crozier, of Orange- ville. MAsoi—BRIGBAM—At the residence of the bride's father,June 27, by theRev. Dr. McLean, Mr. Wm. Mason; of Morris, to Miss Isabella• Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr.John Brigham, Hallett. DIED HA'WK,NG.—In Turnberry, on July 3rd Henry Hawking, aged 76 years. Pow/am—In Turnberry, on June 30th, Eliza, relict of the late John Powell, axed 83 years. NOTICE OF CLOSING. CENTRAL�� /�i�G�Zi�%cuY/ t STRATFORD. ONT. Our Classes are much larger than they were'year'ago. $ The public have learned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain a Commercial Education' or Shorthand Training. Students are entering each week. All graduates get good positions. Write now for catalogue ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINOIPALS. SPORTING GOODS Piano Organ OR Violin AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purchaser. The largest and best in town. Sole agents for the famous "Spalding" Sport- ing ' Goods, and for the celebrated Kervin's Duke's Special Clock Cord Lacrosse Sticks. We have everything in Baseballs, Gloves, Mitts, Masks, Bats, etc. Lacrosse sticks, Gloves, Balls, eto. Footballs, Shin Guards, eta. Tennis Rackets, Nets, Balls, eto. "Taylor" Scotch made Lawn Bowls. Special prices to clubs; come in and arrange. Tennis Rackets bought from ns will be re -strung for $1.25 to $2.50 each. "Palmer's" hand made Hammocks. Fishing Tackle of every kind. Cameras and Photographic Supplies. I The largest and best stook. Free dark room and instructions. Wall paper Business booming here. We, the undersigned Lawyers agree to close our COMB during the menthe of July and August as follows:—On Saturdays at 2 P.M., and on other days at 4 P.M. Dicuorsom & Horart9. R. VAN3TONE, HOnt&s s, CLARHE & HOLME6, J. A. MORTON. In the Surro to Court of the County f Huron. In the Matter of Nel#e Chittick, an infant, Notice is hereby giv be made to the Surroge of Huron after the expi from the first publioetio order appointing .Andre Turnberry Township in Blacksmith, guardian of child of John Chittiok, la Hawick, in the County of now &eeased. J. A. Salic - Dated et Wingham, tulle that application will Court of the County tion of twenty days of this notice for an William Ohittiok of ie County of Huron, infant of the Towathip of arca, Mail Carrier, ter Or foorN.Applicant. l8th.19t5, R. KNOX Jewelry, Stationery and Fancy Goods Watch Repairing a Speoialty. SBALED TENDER signed,andendo Fencing, etc., Poet received at this office inclusively, for the Specification can b obtained at this De tton to the Clerk of ham, Ont. Persons tendering Will not be consider printed form suppli: actual signatures, Each tender must b cepted cheque on it ch able to the order of th er of Public 'Works,eq p.c.) at the amouno be forfeited if the par enter into a contract so, or if he fall to nom ed for. If the tender be will be returned. The Department d sept the lowest or any y addressed to the under- ed'Tender for Sidewalks, ce, Wingham; will be tntil Friday, July 6, 1006, rk above mentioned, seen and forms of tender rtment and on applica- orks, Post Office, Wing - re notifled'that tenders d unless made on the and signed with their aeeetapanied by an ac, rtered bank, made pay - Honorable the Minist• al to ten per Cent' (10 the tender, which will tendering decline to en called 'upon to do ete the work contraot- ot accepted the cheque not bind itself to tic. oder. FRED 0111.tNA8, eeoretary. iris, . e ir1,1906 Newspapers . ineertln : this adverfrlaement. without authority from the Department, will nett be paid for it. WINGHAIlII Flour- Mills PRICE LIST Star Flour, per } bbl $2.00 to $2.25 Manitoba, " . 2.10 to 2.40 Cream Pastry Flour 2100 to 2.25 Bran, per ton - 18.00 to 20.00 Shorts, " - 20,00 to 22,00 Low grade Flour,ton 24.00 to 26.00 Chop, per ton - 17.00 to 25.00 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. WHEAT HIGHER. We want wheat and will pay from 750 to 80o per bushel for any quantity delivered at the mill, Bring your gristing and get the highest grades of Four and good yields. .Chopping done fine and prompt- ly every day. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK, C.ap'tal paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Unflivided profits $ 3,150,000 Far.,iers' Notes discounted.. Drafts sold on all points lac Canada, the IJnited States and Europe. SA.VINGB DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 30th June and 8111 December eaoh year. D. T. HEPBURN. Manager. R Vonston., Solicitor. ingaugableakt Single Fare irsperinient of Pubue Ottawa J FOR DOMINION DAY Between all stations ; going June 29, 30, July 1 and 2 ; returning until July 3rd ° Homeseekers Excursions $32.00 to $42.50 To- points in Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan. Via North Bay, July 3, 17th. Via Sarnia and N. N. Co., July 4, 18th. Returning within 60 days. Tourist Resorts The season is here. Get away for a few days:and visit the Highlands of Ontario. Tourist tickets on sale daily. For tickets and full information call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Capital paid up, $2,445,000.00, Reserve Fund, $2,445,000.00. Total .Assets, $22,000,090.0X. Pre dd.nt Hort. WM, Q15501f. v,es•Presldent and General Manager —J, TinNMur.L, Assistant Gen. Manager—H. M. WATSON' DIRECTORS J ha ?rooter, Ohas.L.Dalton, Hon J.S.Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. }Urge. I.sp.otor--B. Willson. SAWN GS BANK, Luereat allowed on deposits of MOO end np, wards, and added to principal on Mat May and 80th November eaoh year. Sp ,olal Deposits also reoelved at current. rates of interest. • 0, P. BllaTS, ♦gents DIC IrINBON & HOL MES, Bolioltors. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000, • HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'I Manager. BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $S and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $30 10 cents c' $30 " " $50 15 cents These Orders are Payable at Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank: (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points In the United States. NEGOTIABLE AT A FIXED RATE AT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE,' LONDON, ENG. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety' and at small cost. • WINGHAMO(ONIT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. v.vcivv(�, A Steady gain Every week shows a steady gain in the lists of new customers at "The Bee Hive." This is certainly encouraging and yet it is only what we had looked for. vl • High quality goods and best money values are at work f• or big business for This Store. If you have not already: p visited us we will be glad to welcome you this week. 1 Summer Corsets of Beauty and Perfection. It is impossible to produce perfect fitting costumes, no matter how good the maker—unless a lady wears correctly shaped corsets. In C. B. C. Trufits you get the acme of perfection. Every pair sold on merit and satisfaction guaranteed. "The Bee Hive" have sole control of this line of corsets for Wingham. EVERYDAY NEEDS We've anticipated your everyday needs and are = A prepared for the rush in alb departments. Dry Goods, •- Men's Furnishings, Groceries. Will go at Bargain prices One good delivery wagon, one computing scale, :04, one wood and coal range with reservoir. Y We Pay Highest Prices of Butter and Eggs. 1 lily 0 Hive -Dry. 'Goods Co _„ -.4_ y,t._ . Bee , CANADIAN WINGHAM, ONTARIO. PAC I F'1 G ✓, LAW RATES • - TO Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan Points POR ilomeseekers. Tickets goad to return withia Sixty Days. Liberal stop -overs. Cxcursions Leave Toronto ON Tuesdays, July 3 and 17 Y+'ree berths in Colonist Cars. Berths in comfortable Tourist Sleepers st moderate rates. Ask nearest C.P. R. Agent for booklet, rat.* andDA U Tai o �tton, or write 0,B. TOOTHB, aAAAA MIMMMAMHMAMAAM . Lehigh Valley Coal Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers It has no equal. ° J. D. B u RN” S