HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-05, Page 6J (y ' RLWARD will bq paid to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in a. the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Buy it and .5c• follow directions i• Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto lee TRE WINGRIA 1 TU1E.S JULY . 1906• ABOUT FEMALE AILMENTS At intervals history pl$ces ou record fl tits death of Bowe old and respewsted $ott- sanctum eel', no. on Thursday,; June 141h, Bruce from theNot Bard to Cure if properlyand ► Promptly Treated, 't Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.. Mr. J. S Andrews has received official , Sunlight Soap is better than otber soaps, Dat is beet wbouused in the Sunlight way. notification of his appoiatmgnt as Police any Sunlight Soap and follow directions. M tgistrate for the town of Clinton. Au exchpnge advertises a cow for sale Mr, Arthur McAllister, who has be ea as Eullow:- "gull blooded cow For sale, Principal of the Col:stsnce public school giving milk, three tons of hay a lot of for the past year and a half intends re- tiring from the pri.feesion et the close of the present terns with the view of pur- Mr. Charles S. Kerr, for aevonteeu suing hie studies at Toronto Uuivsity. yam classical master et the Woodstock Collegiate lnstitate,hasaccepted the posi- Oa the evening of June 20t t a very ten of Principal of the St rathroy Col- pretty home wedding was celebrated at legiate Institute. Woodside Farm, near Laoknow, the The essential lung -healing principal of residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Baird, she pine tree has finally been successfully when their daughter Jessie was united in iep erated and refined into a perfect marriage to Wm. J Johnston, of Hurou cont h medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway mwp• Ooly the immediate relatives of Fina Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a eaarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Housekeepers should know that paper bigs are made of a campcsition of rags, lime, glue and other substances mixed with chemicals and wide. When the p.eperis dry it is harmless, but if wet it is not fit to touch any kind of food, as there may be lnjutious consequences. Ou Wednesday, June 2003, a pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Rude, Riversdale,when their eldest daughter, Georgina M., was united in marriage by Rev. B M. Smith, to Mr. John Halliday of Rtversdale. The the lawn ceremony was perfcrmed on beneath an arch of cedar, in the presence of a large company of guests. • On Sunday, June 24th, Rev. Dr. Ste- wart, completed his 2Ste year vs pastor of Willis el urch, at Clinton. It does not fall to the lot tf many divines' to hold one charge for 40 long a period, and to such as eminent degree retain the esteem and affection of hie people as does Dr. Stewart. i'or Over Slaty Iears. the contracting parties were present The bhile was eseisted by her stater Miss Jean Bard and Miss Alda Johnston, sister of the groom. The latter was supported by his cousin Wneelcintosh. Tho service was the eimpie and impressive ritual of the Presbyterian Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev D. McKerroll A Perfect Bowel Laxative for consti- pation, sallow complexion, headache, dizziness, sour atotawch, coated tongue, biliousness,. Lax era act promptly, with out pain or griping. Pleasant to t Lke- Lax-cts-only 5 cents. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Onarged with having set fire to a hay- rack, he Seaman was defended ont a S;:ata ground that he was not altogether re- sponsible for his notions. Otte of the Doau's Kidney Pills act on the kid- witnesses a typical Scot, testified that aeys, bladder and urinary organs only. the prisoner was "wrung in his held." They cure backaches, weak batik, rheum- ' Can you mention any oocasion on :flame diabetes, congestion, infiamation, which the prisoner behaved in a manner gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the to warrent your statement?" "Yes," ans- wered the witness. "I mind yince he got On Wednesday, Juno 20th, a great half-a•croon ower much for his wages wedding took place in Clifford, the con- an'-" "Well?" said the counsel, as the treating parties being Mr. Fred Wells, witness hesitated. "He took it back to livery man, of Mildmay, to Miss Eva, the manager," concluded the witness, eldest daughter of John Deitz, Jr. Over dramactically. 200 invited guests were present. At Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy - about five o'clock in the evening, the when used faithfully will reach chronic Bride leaning on her father's arm, en- and difficult cases siheretofore od frregarded at tared the Lutheran church, and the reliable perscription knowwn to clean ort groom met them and escorted the bride and completely remove every vestige of to the altar. Rev. H. Bruer performed rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold the ceremony. at Walley'a Drug Store. Ask any intelligent physioian what causes niue•tenths of all female diseeee, even including anaemia, nervousness and oonsutuption, B ick comes the auswer quick and sharp "Coustipa ted Bowels," There is namely a single female ail- ment that bed not in its earlier stages sytnpto.s of constipation. How trach belt r off the system is without the poisonous acoumlations caused by oou•tipation. How utuoll clearer the complexion, how much fresh- er one feels when the system is pure and clean. Thluh it over yourself. Isn't it apparent that a bowel regula• to and liver stimulant like Dr. Haute ton's Pills is sure to do geed? Gay spirits, good looks stud happy health have returned to many a stole woman through Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Better get a few boxes today ; purely vegetable, free from iujarioua iugredi- ente, healthful and autiseptio. Dr. Ham'ilten's Pills will assist you in a thousand ways. As delay is alwaya dengerone, your plain duty is to follow the example of bars F. Rowe, who sends the following letter from Gravel, Port Au Port, Newfound- land: "Four years ago I got kidney and bladder trouble. I thought it was "fe- male trouble" and treated it accordingly. Even my doctor in St John said it was 60. "In reading abort Dr. Hamilton's Pills I noticed symptoms like mine and I bought Fick boxes. These pills went right to work ou my sick condition and helped me from the first. My supposed female trouble, which. was bladder dis- ease, was oared. My weight increased eight pounds and never betore was I as well as today. Dr. Hamtltou's Pills did it all " An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs NPinslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tine child softens the gums, allays all pain. cures 'wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the 'world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25o per box or fivo boxes for $1 00. By street's estimate of this town and two of mail from N 0. Pelson & Co., Hartford, of its neighbors of equal size and natural Conn , U S. A , or Kingston, Ont. advantages, it appears that the no -license ,_ policy has worked an increase of about fifty per cent. in volume and value of at An unfortunate affair happened business, and of per capita wealth among Kingsbridge, a village thirteen miles merchants. Real estate values also run north of Goderich. Wednesday of last proportionately higher. The tax rate is week was the wedding day of John Dal- lower. . ton and Miss Frances Moss, of that le - place, and is the evening there were Modest Claims Often Carey the Most festivities at the couple's new home • Conviction, About midnight a charivari party put in an appearance, and Jos. Hussey,a young When Maxim, the famous gnn invent• man of twenty five years, who was in or, placed his gun before eau: of d he stated its carrying power to County lost ono o .'its oldest pioneers, and the village o Chepstow one ofits most highly respected citizens, in the person of Mire. J. Ooumaus, Sr. Mrs. Comma always enjoyed the best of health np to a few years ago, when she aoutrauted a severe cough after an. attack i of la grippe. Mts. Coutnans was born in Queen's County, Iralaud, 83 year ago and came to Naw York when 9 years of age. She lived with her sister in Boston i for a time, finally oomiut' to settle' with her husband near Kiloardiue, Fifty one years ago they moved to Chepatow,whioh. was at filet time a dense forest, and have lived there since. Mr. and Mrs. Coin mans celebrated their golden wedding three years ago. - IRE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills aro the ladies' favorit e medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick ' Headache, Billiousuess, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or siokening. Evansville, Wie„ is a town that never • has had a saloon, either legal or other- wise. It bas a population of 2,000. Not a merchant would consent to the town lioeneing asaloon. They do a large credit business, losing only about one per cent. in bad del:te. There are no loafers er rowdies. A manufacturer says "Every one is for no -license. By comparing Evansville and neighboring towns of equal size,eto., I see that we are far ahead of them." The ware -my : "The city is exalted by righteousness." From Brad• Many people say they are "all nerves," Johanna Ross, widow of the late Jae. easily startled or upset, easily worried McKay, passed away at the residence of and irritated. Milburn's Heart and her daughter, Mrs. Norman Brown, Nerve Pills aro just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect - North street, Goderich, on Monday, harmony of the nerve centres and give June 28th, after a long illness, at the new nerve force to shattered nervous advanced age of 84 years. The deceased systems. lady was born in Sutherland, Scotland, Death came with startling suddenness and was married in 1840, and two years on Friday June 22nd to James A. McGaw later with her husband Dame to Canada, of Kincardine. He was np and down settled first in Ottawa, theu in Ingersoll, town on Thursday and while he had been and afterwards moved to Goderich, in poor health for some time back it was where the family has lived ever since. not anticipated that the end was so near. The late Mrs. bieKay, who was one of He was the second son of John McGaw the old residents, was well known in all and was 30 years of age. He was a young part of Huron, and had many friends; man of quiet,unassuming disposition and she leaves three children to mourn her was highly thought of by theentire com- departure. mnnity. He was married to Miss .Leith Women with weakness Should never McKay and she with oue child mourns forget D. Shoop's Night Cure. This his demise. magicelhkei local treatment, is used at bedtime all eight while the system is at James Walton, an armless farmer who rest, it i, constantly builatog up the has planted and harvested crops for many weakened tissues, soothing the inflamed A lady who understands advertising says: -"No lady likes to be looked on as a shopping fiend. She does not care to go to a store and hove a merchant show all his stock in order to find out whether he keeps what she wishes to purchase, and whether the article is sold at a price which she can afford. It is much easier and pleasanter to look through an ad- vertisement in a newspaper than it is to bore the clerks and waste her time. Next to the local news items, the adver- tisement in a paper stating articles for sale with prices, will keep much of the money that goes to the large cities at home. CATARRH judges, th h th the wedding party, went b h b 1 w what he felt sure the gun MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY° -' FiERMS TO SUIT' ANYBODY, ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANURAOTURING 00. Q. LIMITED, 11MOMPANY CUTICLE: MONTREAL, P. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. II) AA,RNTO WANT$p LVLRYWH RE•, . =. AGENT - DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, OxT. 09116008®0610 110000000000.00 tHHIS!00O81NISH000•i•O960000t 00 , • s e 1 Gt. • • ' • ' o' • • • Z • • •• • • • o • • • w • • FOR 1905 - 06• t• e °use wia moo a o at outside to quiet the disturbance. Wheth- would accomplish. The result of the • er through accident or carelessness a trial was therefore surprise instead of shotgun in the hands of the charivari disappointment. It is the same with the A party went off and several of the shot Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. They b struck Hussey, some in the side of do not publicly boast of all • this remedy . his head and some in his side. The - will accomplish, but prefer to let the 3 - blood flowed freely, and it is not yet users make the statements. What they + do claim, is that it will positively cure .I. known just how badly injured the man diarrhoea, dysentery, pains iu the oto- •l- ie. mach and bowels and has never been '1' known to fail. For sale by all drug- 4. manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, • years on his plantation near Aberdeen, and sensitive surfaces and will surely clean up all catarrhal and local troubles. Mise., met a tragic death while working Sold at Walley's Drug Store. in the field behind the plow a few days hien Walter Logia, whose death ac - ago. The man has for years been in the carred Tuesday, June 20th, at the resi- habit of doing his plowing by means of Dick - reins placed around his neck. Trained dente of her brother-in-law, Wm Dick- Inver - mules have been taught to obey hie call, non, of Goderich, was n native of Inver- but when he experimented with a horse nests, Scotland, and a daughter of file to the plow,the animalbecamefrightened late Wm McDonald, a contractor of In- married life. and ran away, A suddendnrch and the verneas. When quite a child she came farmer's nook was broken. with her i seems to this country, the UUCAPED A DANGEROUS $USCICAL OPERATIC]: EU Brunswick ATO.. Toronto, Can. ,TMX oxroitNA.TOR Co., Toronto, Canada. G. tlemen,-,-I am most teased to certify to One curative properties of "Oxygenator. i first began using it for Catarrh in the head. Having wabbddaed thus loatheenie disease I then tu; red my attention to a large Polypus that existed in my eight nostril, which was successfully removed by On local application of "Oxygenator' thereby clangor and nee bad it been a trash in p rI A , nr r ur b surgical preens. a.ed s fere rg1 P I halo rid volar remedy In m> tawny (of s) Inc w number of *ears, and can highly r.commep!l,.it Ent fevers, Colds and throat troubles -as a gargle, *Ma wareRe s it is invaluable. ' I r.reair, 7 0 81*OBINIIOPN. OXYGENATOR A GERM KIER •t Oa • OXYGENATOR CO. to 011 l rbord St. - Toronto Dr. Shoop's Restorative brings lasting relief iu Stomach, Kidney and Heart _ troubles through the inside nerves. No matter hoes the nerves became impaired A London West End doctor recently this remedy will rebuild their strength, remarked that the modern will restore their vigor. Remember it drawing - does no good to treat the ailing organ -the room, with its carpets, cushions and irregular heart, rebellions stomach, die• curtains, is an ideal breeding place for eased kidneys. They are not to blame. disease germs, which are constantly re- tie bank to the nerves that control them -treat the cause -use a remedy that ornited from the clothes of people who cures through the inside nerves. Sold have arrived in public conveyances. at Walley's Drug Store. _ Celia Claftin, wife of Wm Niebergall, SPRING MEDICINE. d'ed rather suddenly at Windsor, Ont., on Friday, 22nd June. Her death oconrr• As a spring medicince Burdock Blood ed,during the absence of her husband, Bitters has no equal. It tones np the system and removes all impurities from who after considerable telegraphing was the blood, and takes away that tired, located in the mining regions about weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. 20 miles from Cobalt. On receiving the - _ sad intelligence Mr. Neibergall at once left for bis home and by quick travelling was enabled to accompany his wife's re- mains to Goderich. The deceased lady, who was 34 years of age, had been mar- ried but 8 months, during part of which time she had suffered from the disease that caused her demise. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Niebergall, as this is the second time he has been bereft of his partner, his first wife, Miss McDon- ald, of Dunlop, having been called home before the completion of two years of gists. sloe° PILE CURL: family settling first in the town of Perth, She was one of a family of SIIDDENIr ATTACKED. thirteen children but when the family Children are often attacked suddenly moved to Goderich, Letween thirty and by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, forty years ago, only herself and her Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, sister, the late Mrs Dickson, were left. Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's She was married in Goderich in the Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be year 1837, earl her husband died over kept in the house. thirty years ago. •--rte-- Mr. John Helfron, brother of Mrs. T. Carbert, of Teeswater, met with an al- most fatal accident on Friday, Jane 22nd, on a farm seven miles out of Blyth. He with a number of other men were preparing to move a large barn that was set on a post foundation about seven feet high. The barn had been jacked up and the posts removed. A start was made to lower it to the moving rollers when a number of the jacks kicked out and the whole structure came to the ground with a crash that was heard five miles away. Most of the men were m and there r. e rthe time nude the barn at t n were many narrow escapes from instant death as the building, roof and all, was and a mass of tim- bers flattened to the gro , and lumber. A number of the men received alight injuries, but Heffron was the only one seriously hurt, One of his legs is broken between the ankle and knee and he is badly cut about the head. One cut near the top of the head required ten at1tehes to close it up. Bear. the , The Kind You Have Always Bought dignatere 0f A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem•Ro d -the only certain cure for every form of Piles. George Cook, St. Thomas, Out , writ- es: - "Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid cured me of a very bad case of Piles of over ten years' standing. I had tried everything but got no permanent cure till I used Hem Roid. I had Blind and Bleeding Piles, and suffered everything. Oint- ments and local treatments failed, but Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid cured me perfectly." Hem-Roid is a tablet taken internally which removes the cause of Piles. $1.00 1 at all druggists, or The Wilson-Fylo Co,, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. On Wednesday, June 20, there passed away at his home in Hensall, Mr, Henry Cook, after an illness of seven mouths. Mr. Cook was born in New Hampshire in 1845. In 1871, he married Catherine Turns B&d Blood into Magel in Sebringville, where he had a If you are nervous remember this simple rule. Nothing is so effective as taking a glass of water every hour or two. Medical men declare that -we should be helped in various ways if we were more thoughtful and persistent in this respect. It is certainly a simple rule and one that is within reach of the busi- est among ns. Yarm for eight years, after which he Rich Red Blood. I moved to Zurich, Ont. In Zurich he es• f ill No other remedy possesses sucY, tabl%shed a flour mill and saw mill, perftct cteansing, stealing and puri• which he successfully conducted for four r He had resided In Hen Bali for finproperties. y ea a. gs the Y Mr.Cook a h est ifl years.w I to p Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers, 1 proprietor of the Hensall flour milia and also in- stalled Abscesses, and all Eruptions. the I+naan eIeotri.a light. He a i plants in Zurich Internally, restores the Stomachs stalled the eleotr101 qhs p a Liver, Bowels and Blood to health) ! and St. Joseph. He was one of the mast enterprising and prosperous buss• action. if your appetite is poor, Wessman in the community, and he took your energy gone, your annbitionfgreat interest in pubis° affairs, and pride Post, E.B.B, will restore you to the in the growth of his hom town. Ile full enjoyment of happy vigorous I served as councilman in ,llenoail for ae'y life. I oral terms. MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. + ..t;1 1611 CItR4'aLwi.iL The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any or all of the following publications : Times to January 1st, 1907 $1.00 Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire .. .4.50 Times and Daily World 3.10 Times and Toronto Daily News 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 Times and Weekly Globo . 1.65 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Times and Family .Herald and Weekly Star, and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide L90 Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 Times and World Wide 1.85 Times and Northern Messenger. 1.30 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 + We specially recommend our readers to subscribe +to the Farmers' Advocate and • Home Magazine. ,1. Times and Farming World 1.35 + Times and Presbyterian 2.25 4. Times and Westminster 2.25 4. Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90 4Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 + Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) -- 2.90 ' Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto). 1,85 + Times and Michigan Farmer - 1.65 Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.75 Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1.15 • •I• Times and American Sheep Breeder 1.90 Times and Country Gentleman 2.10 Times and Delineator 1.95 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35 Times and Good Housekeeping - 1.80 4. Are a specific for all heart and nerve troubles. Here are some of the symp- toms, Any one bf them should be a warning for you to attend to it int. - mediately. Don't delay, Serious break- down of the system may follow, if you do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzi- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head, Smothering and Sinking Spells, Paint and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through the Heart; Cold, Clammy Peet. There may be many Hands and minor aymp- tomo of heart and rve trouble, but these are the chief o Milburu's Heart a Nerve Pills will dispel all these symptoms from the systetu. Price 60 cents 1:.:r box, or S for $1.26. WEAK SPELLS CURED. Mts.1,. Dorey, Hereford, N.S., writes nseas follows :-"I was troubled with dizziness, wk ells and fluttering of the heart. 1 earocspurcd a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did me DO much good that I got two more boxes, and after finishing them I was completely cured. I must say that I cannot recoup. nd them too highly, - -, Tj Times and Modern Women .. 1,45 $. .1. Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45 • '1' Times and Pearson's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.90 fit 4. Times and American Boy Magazine 1.65 'ei: + Times and What to Eat 1,60 ' 4. Times and Bookkeeper 1.65 , '1' Times and Recreation 1.75 :1 + Times and Cosmopolitan ...... 1.65 .'1p,1 + Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15 4.,l,'Times and Saturday Evening Post 2.45 •r', 4. Times and Success ,. 1,80 + Times and Housekeeper 1;50 '1' + Times and Pilgrim 1.60 d• Times and Poultry Keeper 1.40 + Times and Hoard's Dairyman - - - 1.90 .1 Times and McClure's Magazine 1.90 •t'_ 4. Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,00 +I + Times and Rural New Yorker 2.00 4. Times and Vick's Magazine - . 1.40 Times and American Gardening .......... 2,25 .t:. 4. * Times and Health Culture 1.85 w • Times and Ram's Horn - 2.45 • 1 Times and Pour Track News - 1.90 • i Times and Breeders' Gazette 2,25 w Times and Practical tical b'armer •185 1 When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers wily' secure such premiums when ordering throngh na, same as if ordered direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, pos office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, VPINGEAM, ONTAldIO. . •