HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-07-05, Page 1if#
VOL XV. -NO. 1795.
Tailor -Made
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6.
A fine seleotion'oi" Gent' ittass
niehings always in Stook.
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post °Moe.
Wear Oreer's Shoes and Rubbers
A meeting of t
Wingham Hoepit
evening, july lOti
directors and tut
ail may be neoess
the organization
The meeting will
chamber beginni
subscribes to the
called for Tuesday
to appoint provisional
act oink other business
y in connection with
our Hospital Board.
e held in the council
at 8 30 o'clock.
WANeEn-500 Men and Boys to buy
Clothing at A. E. ISARD & CO'S.
Lacrosse Arden Party,
The Maple Leaf acrosse club will hold
the annual garden earty on the park on
Friday evening ofsihis week ad all who
attend aro assured a pleasaht eyening.
The Citizene' Bied will to present.
Citizens should aSsend and help the la-
crosse boys, Remember, Friday even-
ing of this week. _
tamily driven.
SALE -Roadsters and
Lon. & KING.
Porcupine in Culross.
Mr. Fred. Hardi , of Oulross recently
shot a porcupine l a tree in his orohard
In Culross. The Icouie dog had the
op the tree nd Mr. Hardie had
no trouble in putt.ng an end to Mr.
Porcupine. Anim is of this kind are
now very seldom ,.sen in this part of the
Merchants hould Advertise.
There are bu few editors in our
country who hav not made a vigorous
and oontinetous ght against the city
snail order house. This has been done
id the interest o the home 'merchant,
and without mon y and without price.
If the editors of he land had received
regular advertis g rates for all ' they
have said against hese enemies of the
country merchan they could now be
wearing diamond . Now the depart -
Went storeroan a reoiates advertising
space and is wilily to take all the aver -
ego country editor) Its for sale .nd fit a
good price. Whot other chaff of busi•
tees or professional, men would refuse
business to help their friends, especially
as many of the eat friends never seem
in the least dispose to return the corns
plimeut or even t appreciate it.
Pure Paris Green
_ (Goveriwnent standard) -the best
25e per pound.
Foot Powder
Eases and cures tired, sweaty
and swelters feet.
156 a box, or 2 for 256.
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block e WINGHAM
Thid dote doses at p. m.,
6YeTIOTtgding exoept Eiaturao.
Highest prioe paid for bides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Mayor 13011 brie o
number or ratepaye
July 27th as Wing
and mike all citizens
as a public, holiday.
date of the animal
°union t Kinoar
which will be given
For nice new and
in Sideboards, Bedr
Suites, C000hes, Iro
Mattresses. Call a
line and prices.
tbe request of a
declared Friday,
ans'e civic holiday
o °Ivory° the day
This will be the
Sunday sohoo1 ex-
ne, particulars of
our next ism°,
p -to -date furniture
m Softest Parlor
Bede, Springs and
d gee 8. GRACEY'A
200.aore farm for Bale; lys mile from
town, ohnrch and acibool. A anap it
sold at once, Owner going west. For
terms, etc., apply to GEO. Sreerroto
Successful Garden Party.
The garden pa4y held ozi the town
park last Frida evening, under the
auspices of the nnday School of St.
Andrew's Presb terian church was one
of the most sac seta!, ever held in the
town. There w s a very large attend-
ance and eyery d tail in ommeotion with
the affair *as oar iettiont to perfection
The Sunday aoh4 will leave a snug
surplus to place ii4its treasury.
H. Davis leas several good bongo and
a farm for sale. See him for pram.
FOR SALE -Comfortable nine-rooraed
dwelling on Minnie street. Apply at
the TIMES office.
The 89th birthday
ion Day -was a very
ham. Successful oel
iD Goderioh, Tesawi
and many of our to
these places. The Ci
plied the music at Te
local baseball club pla
Teeswater club, win
The Maple Leaf lacroo
league game at Goder
score of 3 to 2,
Busine Change.
A business ohan e bas taken place ill
Wingham this we by whioh a former
resident returns t town. Mr L. A.
Ball bas purchased Mr A. Brewer's in-
terest in the ha dware business of
Messrs Bishop& ewer and will enter
the business at noe. Mr Brewer's
health has not bee good for some little
time and he finds,' necessary to make a
ohange. .11Ir Ball as many old friends
in town, who will e pleased to hear of
hie returning to r ide permanently in
n Day.
f Canadi-Domin-
uiet day in Wing-
brations were held
er and Wroxeter
vnspeople visited
'mins Band sup -
water and the
ed a game with
ng out by esto 2.
o club played a
ob. and won by a
D. M. Gordon is offs ng for a few
days, Black Silk Gre • dines worth in
the regular way $3 '5 or $1.25 per yard.
Such opportunities • not often occur but
we like to secure bargains for our cure
tourers when we can.
Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo -
Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, July 3rd.
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p, in. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
WANTAD-Eggs o, pedlar's revised
tariff. 100 tubs choice grass butter want-
ed at onoe. GEO. E. KING.
We make a spec ally of beat Picture
framing andrepan work. Special clear-
ing out sale of Cti‘J, ets, at GRAOY'S.
Go.Carts, Bab
Tables, Music Cab
and nice Rocking
On June 30th, M
of the late John P
died at the residen
lived for more t
Born at Wittingpo
land, April 22nd,
blacksmith by
paged her mitt
father's home.
she was united
Powell and their union was blessed by
nine ohildren,on three of whops survive
here, vizi-Will am, John and Priscilla.
She came to A eries in 1853 and has
lived !or nearly fte, years in the inis
raediate vicini . of her demite. Eler's
was a busy lite During the last ten
Years she was woe° or less riffficited but
through it all a ose above complaint and
Was always OntentedS cheerful . and
happy. Mrs. Powell was n devoted
°Origami, following the footsteps of her,
father, in that Am was a member of the
Methodist ohnieth and closely Walking
the Paths of th Muter and was a good
tieighigir, a use tit znexither of society, a
faithful wife a 'eying and indulgent
mether. She in ba greatly mimed by
her Children 011 who knew het.
The harvester natee and the grain
wee ready and for the Miner. "Our
loes her gain.
Carriages, Parlor
eta, Easels. Screens,
airs at S. GRACEYS.
ioneer Dead.
john Powell, relief
ell, of Turnberry,
e it% which she had
n forty-flye years.
1, Summereet, Eng.
1823, her father, a
ado, Eliza Harwood
.life always in her
t the age of 21 years
in Marriage to John
Presented wit
retary by
(Prom the
Mr, J. A. Tay
petit nix years ha
principal of the
Bookcase and Sec-
tudents of Clutton
h School,
t, Thomas Journal.)
r, B. A , who for the
held the position as
h I inD t
The following is tae result of the moo
The annual mee log of East Huron al promotion exiimieatiens held in the
Farmers' Institut was held in the Como Publio Sottool at the clops of the mid -
oil Chamber, Brae :els, Friday afternoon, summer term. Th remits were very
June 22ted, Presi -ent McMillan in the satislaotory, their b very few fail -
chair. urea.
After opening eon:inks by the Fired- Sr in to Jr ot" Dope rix to Dept It. Pro-
mo e a aster ;
t d tE
has fully decided to accept the principal- dent, the Exeou ive report was read•
ship of the Wing -.ern High &hoot. Mr. which ehowed the It meetings were Ethel Beckwith ' Norman Nicholls
tipbanzreilizpartit nernierd I Lyle Stevenson
Taylor bas for alseut eight years been 4 held in the ricling : A whioh 42 addresses
oittzen of ibis plebe and during that time were given the Wed attendance being I':ie ie Johns g ° ! F r°aYn Mal:Vide
he has won a wa 1 ih a h t of 2063, Moved by .... Gardiner, seconded Majoele Haloes John Mitchell
that tbe report be Pearl Paton
A f
his Apart rom pro-
feesional work h has always taken an adopted. Carried
active and prom ant part in all matters Auditor's Rep
pertaining to th general welfare of the that at the begin
community. Du •ing his term ail principal was on hand 1224
the High Solmel 3%9 greatly -Tempered, as hand $250 86.
a perusal ot the fignses readily shows: motion of John
The attendanoe has increased from 75 to John MoTaggart.
Following wer
177 pupils now attending from all the
neighboring coviaties,some in fact coming Howiok, Robert
and A A Graham;
from the count- of Huron; the following
have passed 11 various examinations, ris, T A Gibson, a
janior leaving, 103, junior neatrioulation berry, Jas Orr; Gr
Amos Smith, 5
58, senior leav ngs, parts 1 and II, 67,
including 71 ith first olass honors: Fadzean; Morris,
scholarship t the value of nearly $3,000 &Mille and John
Et Kerr, Geo Thom
were won, of hick nearly $1,500 went
Craoken; MoKillo
to students in Mr. Taylor's department
by John Lawson
e peop e ere. Melee' Hallam
Mary Ritchie
was read showing Florence Snggitt
ing of the year there Lillian Ross
Roy Turvey
Allan Pugh
Milton White
Allan Kneohtel
Dick Mann •
Jennie Armour Rumen Fixter
3 and now there is on
Irene Campbell ' Frank McKay
port was adopted on
Promoted at lead Ammer. Sr Isu to
meson, seconded by Jr xv Dept in to DQtxx. To pass 860.
Fl 631
elected directors:- Olara Mitohell
gar, Jas. Armstrong Archie Simmon
d •
Wroxeter, R B Hat- Adam MoBurne
Norman Watso
d Wm Knox; Turn- Ruby Robertso
y, John MoTaggart, Azalea Sanders°
mpbell and Jas Mc- Etmo Sanderson.
m Michie, Stewart From Jr to Sr en.
mon ; Brussels, W To pass 350.
-sciatic& T11
largeet fourlli
While the abo
been brought
not the least
centered in a
intelligence, t
0 school has one of the Simpson, R°bt San
Elullett, Thos MGM
forms 1n the province.
e regale; have doubtless er Gibbings, Wm
bout from various °mess, Brigham. Thos R
dug that the school is Lamont were re-ele
ommunity noted for ite It was agreed to h
on and W. H. Mo- Alice Bowles
• A Gardiner, Jag Violet Miller
ett, and Jas Evans; Edna Jenkins
rom iv to Dept no
Mary Come 573
late Jas Watt, Fost• Marguerite Hera
ritton and John
ennett and Alex D
ed Auditors.
o much honor cannot be ings of the Install e at Brussels and
ld the regular reset.
worded Mr. aylor who has labored so Wroxeter and the mplementary ineet-
diligently and faithfully to elevate the ings at Fordwioh, luevale, Jameatown,
institution to te present degree of excel- tiolesworth, Ethel Walton, Winthrop,
lenoe, As a eight token of the esteem Rariock, Fowler a School house and St,
in which he is held by the students the Coluraban,
four throes as .mbled on Friday after- It was decided to offer prizes again
noon and pres written by a farmer,
handsome boo
tered oak, the
an address w
The presents
Moving t Braniford• ;Kirkpatrick
Taylor suitab
Mr W. G. Stron
for raany-years be
er for the Canadia
and who is wellekn
readers has been
tion of assistant S
ganization for th
will shortly move
to Brantford.
good man for his
had many years o
ganization work,
wish him coutin
of Gorrie, who has
'a District Organiz.
Order of Forresters,
wn to many of our
rornoted to the posi-
perintendent of Oto
Order. Mr. Strong
is family from Gorrie
Strong will make a
sw position as he has
experience in the or -
His many friends will
d success in? work.
PRESERVING TxmE.- you come to
D. M. Gordon's fo y. r gem jars and
the best preservi gar in the world,
yon will not be di ppointed either in the
price; quantity or quality.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's
hotel on :-Tueeday, June 19th; Toes -
day, July I7th. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 30
p.m. Eye, ear, nose and throat consul-
tations. Eyes tested for glasses.
Huron Olc Boys Coming.
The annual ersursion of the Toronto
Huron Old Boys will be held on Satur-
day of this week: when a large number
of former towns ople will visit the old
town'. The speoi
ronto at 7.80 a.
Wingham short
1 train will leave To-
n. and should reach
after 12 o'clock noon.
Returning on Mcaday, epeeist train will
leave Wingham about 6.30 p in. On
Saturday afterno or there will be an in-
teresting game of football played on the
town park betwee the Parkdale Albion
club, champions o' the city senior league
and the local chile A number of former
Winghamites wit , be playing with the
visiting club, •
Norunt-Ali acc
& Co innat be paid
of Hamilton, Wing
ed to this firm wh
will incur wet.
nth due L. A. Ball
at once to the Bank
ant. Parties indebt-
negleot this notice
L. A. BALL & CO.
FOR SALE- Good DWelling Huse and
one acre of hied, now I, coupled by zue;
also a pleasure boat for gale, good as
new. Beat house to let. For terms and
particulars apply to GAO, MCKENZIE.
Licriae Granted.
need Mr. Taylor with a for the best essa
case and seoretary, qmse. the subject to b
ift being accompanied by onitivatim
farming to °lea
lob. was read by W. Argo.
liness of our fa
on was made by ?dies Effie
nd John Graham. Mr. $3 00, members
sd of th y replied, expressing his
who mut be u
ing his connection with
says to be in h
ring them that the past
he brightest ,in his ex• later than 1st
her and thattliett would them to P. A.
in hie memory as the Brussels P 0.
$5 00 was vote
d of his life, Address -
by Mr. E. J. Wothey, Winter Fair, to
yne, B. A., a former December. All
sorrow in neve
tbe school, ass
six years were
perience as a tea
ever be oherishe
most pleasant pe
es were also given
B. A., Mr. J. 0.
principal, and R
speaking in giowin
of the school, an
tribute to the retir
At a meeting o the West Huron Li.
cense Boerd, on riday, Mr. Lewis, of
of the Normandie was granted another
month% Loam, i order that he might
the better dispose f his property. Mr.
Buxton, of the W verley, was granted a
license fer the yea • This was doe. 1118
said, not to any o mote of the views pre-
viously entertain by the coniraiseitoo
ere, but beoanse iley had blundered and
this Was the Only -way out. In previotne
ty granting him . six month's extensicni,
they bad exceed= d their *AVM, for the
law says that on y it there months ex-
tension shall be Oren, and there Wee no
raternative but jo eitihtiniee it for the
year.-Olintte Iow Era.
"The best system ot
nnection with mixed
and maintain the clean.
is" 1st prize $5.00,2nd
' Competition open. to
Institute or their sons
der 40 years of age. Es.
de of the Secretary not
f October next. Senn
McArthur, Secretary,
. J. W. Mann, all
words of the success
paying the highest
ng principal.,'
WANTED -A bright
16 years of age, for g
Drowned i
Yesterdity'd dai
account of the •
woman, apparentl
age, in Toronto
taken from the wa
street on Tuesd
o'clock. There w
ticket from Detbar
to Teeswater, via
to. The part of th
far as Toronto had
was found addrease
and it is suspected
man is a daughter
clerk of the Townsh
Button taught for
hare Junction,
no doubt disclose
one of suicide or n
mare, about
n al office work.
Toronto Bay.
y papers contain a
owning of a youn
about 25 years
ay. The body w
er at the foot of Ba
evening about
s found a railwa
s, Algoma Distric
•rth Bay and Toro
ticket taking her
een used. A lett
to Miss May Butt
hat the young w
f Mr Chas Butto
p, of Culross. Mi
ome time at Win
investigation w
ether the case w
111g -
• ,
Form II A. objects -Literature,
Arthinetie, Botan and Coneposition.
Maximum 400.
StellaNethery. 361
Jessie Wilson 354
Eva Campbell.t 340
Ethel Wal h , ..k .,,,„ . ..... . , 335
Annie Barber ..'s. " .. .... . ,305
Peari Vanstone is ..... . 301
Mae Mason 1, 271
Gertrude Wbite ....... 256
Olive Leishman 237
Alex Rintoul.„ . . 229
Dick Llovd ...... ... .217.
Mina Currie .... ..... ..... 204
Merle Lamonby , . 194
John Holmes .... , .... .... 53
Percy Keer . -
Dell Burteash... - ...
Porto I. Subjects; '-, Algebra,
radio, Botany and Co itepesition.
Maggie lidcLean
nium 400.
Jennie Bowman...........
Bella Robertson:.
Irene Vaimorman. ... . . ,
Rota Davidsori,
Roby Kerr 4 .
Will Galbraith .......
Lillian Hogg . .......
14010 McLaughlin.
Florenee Imlay
Sadie Davison . ..
Mande Fry........
Frank Calhoun
Moe Moore..,....
Louis Harold 4... .
John Gttest
14nolS.0442.. 23
Ateht Hatt.
Arith. Henderson,
Maxi. cloth mat.
was perform
32D presence of
for affiliation with the
be held at Guelph, in
members, on presenta-
tion of their mbers' ticket, are ad-
mitted free to 411 the sessions of this
On motion he sum of $10.00 was
granted to Has Huron Women's Instit•
Simpson R
Beadsman, of
gave a very pr
good and bad s
of weeds and
samples broug
ing. There were about 70 persons in at-
tendance. Very farmer should be a
member of th1
25 cents per an
Government r
director will
nnie, the well known
,oronto, was present and
aka' address on 'Weeds,
ed, eto.' He had samples
eeda and also dealt with
it by farmers to the meet -
Institute. It only takes
um and they receive the
ports, bulletins, eto. Any
e glad to receive your
Electric tight Improvements.
Improvemerts are now being made in
the electric tight service in Witighfon.
The new pole and wires for the new
street lights etre being put up and at a
meeting of 1 le Executive Committee on
fling a new dynamo was
• d this will be placed in
short tire°. The purchete-
ew dynamo will give light
much better service.
Tuesday er
position in a
ing of the
users a very
Wed ing at Orangeville
: -
A pretty
the home of
itt Orangevi le on Thursday of last week,
wben their daughter, Miss Winifrede
was united in marriage to Dr W. J,
Price of this town. The house was very
nicely decor ted with flowers and ferns.
The parlor ing decorated with deep
red roses and ferns and the dining room
n ith white fl were and ferns. The bride
Was attired i a beautiful dress of white
point descrip
pearl trimmi
were attende
uue wedding took place at
Mr and Mrs Samuel Orozier
th.... • ...537
W I Me Haines 683
Maggie Williarneon.„ 514
Bre write Swarts 502
Olive Knox 500
Charlie McLean 4,18.
Leonard Brock 491
Effie Bower, , .. ..... .., 487
Mabel Swans. 479
Oliver Pander, , . .461
Lloyd Hewer .439
Austin Taylor. , 438
Arthur W iison . .. . . . ... , . . 437
Flunk Graham ' 425
Agnes Walker. , . . ... 368
Front Sr n to Jr n. Dept v to iv. To
pass 350.
jeau Vannorma 1. 599
Fred Manuel .. . .... „ _ 592
Harold Hiosolifei 657
Luella MAUNA . 539
Harold Dru mato d.... ... 522
Marion Allen 627
Jennie Stapieto 524
Lorne Aircheson 518
Mary Garton 4b9
Nurtuau Butcher .. ..... 463
Lillie Lutton . 455
Grape Oldfield. .3.... ss.„.. 451
Reira Welker422
Hazel Elliott. . 421
James Bottrell. 420
You Need
We have new stooks of these
goods, and would be pleaaed to
supply your needs, at
Drue Store
Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co
From Jr n to Sr
Dept or to D
To pass 315.
Wenowae Holm s
.475 478
Tommy ifixter .
Alice Reading 469
Laura Davidson . 450
Ruth Lloyd 445 '
Robina Elardy 434
Lloyd Hingston .. 432
Edna Smith 431
Attie Beckwith . • 424
Alice Crowder 420
Margaret Perrie . , 418
Edna Davidson. 392
Eva Oldfield
Ella Mitohell 349
Howard Guest 316
From Pt it to Jr n. Dept vu to Dept
vi. To pass 200.
Eva Neil._ .• 355
Gordon Buohana ..... 337
George Inglis ....... 328
Maisie Suggett 311
Scott Maxwell, 310
Clifford McKenplLe. 306
Thomas Lutton 304
Wilfrid DavidsoIi 290
George Day 288
George Bowzna4 283
KennethCauiptjefl 283
Irene Auto...282
Gladys Dear 266
Leonard Robin n ...... ....266
Ina Gibson 253
Mildred Green.
Maggie Murch. 236
Nora Kennedy. .
Harry Moltlannts ..... :282280
Pt x to Pt it. Dept viat to VII. To
pass 150.
Kathleen Prinsle 281
Theo McDouald 269
Verna Armour. 263
Lillian Shower 262
Pred Walker 1 259
LiMsarjBoerhe Mello h
Bertha Blackh 1 . .241
Harold Gould 235
Clarence Thor ton 235
Ella Cook 228
Winfred Mordeli 223
Harry Oldfield 218
Pearl Morden 214
Lillie Bottrill213 211
Horace Aitohe on, ....
Eugene Madi an 209
Eileen Dore 207
Real Estate
My business is to bring buyers and Fell-
ers together. Investors kindly look
over the following, which are
but a few of the meaty
properties on list.
50500-150 acres. 2'4 miles front
Wingham, 3 mt. from school,
brick houee, new hank intro
$2200-36 acres; adj +nine 131nevele.
Possession at onoe 10eindtuir etop.
$3500-59 acre, 1n.iI.s fre m Wing -
ham. Brick house. bank barn.
$3200 -100 acres, 2te' miles ham
$4500-100 acres, O miles from Me th.
ess mile from school
$300 -Frame cottage, te sore of lend.
$65O-1te story frame house; good
arable, 3 acre of garden and 16
fruit trees.
5525 - se 114 story frame houEdward Sts.
5050 -Frame cottage, good cedar.
Carling Terrace
5750-2 story frame hones. stable, it
rents for 17 per month Charles 51.
$2500-2 story brick °moire; corner
lot John St
Agent for Western lanos, call and
get maps and full pattioulare.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vanstone block. Wingham.
over 'white taffeta with Sara Elamite
gsby athnedirthneepyhoouwn.gncooutegplales , Sara McLean
Eva Patters°
•o was dreaied in a cream
gee Of the contra ling parties by Rev Hugh
311 Crozier, of Ahrens, uncle of the bride,
362 whet was assi ed by Rev John Lecke, Of
262 Orangeville. Iter hearty oongratulto
259 dohs, lunch as gereed, and Dr and
227 Mrs Price left on the evening train for
227 their homo in Wingham. The bride's
153 geing-altitY se being of grun broad -
log cloth, relieve by a tonoh of Dresden
98 and French v tem:AMMO lace. Dr and
82 him Price V I have the hearty good
he interesting ceremony
at 5 o'clock p, m. in the
the immediate friends
withei M Win hiunites for a happy end
ptoriperitue we tied life.
Work on the Wilding Of Wirigham's
new High School is moving along very
nicely and the co treotore hope to have
the building oo leted within the re-
quired time. Itieending students ehould
keep in mind th • fact that the high
schoOl work Will lo taken up at the oom-
MetWellielit of 1 le OM on September
4th, when roon in the titiblie school
wilibe Used. 1ncipl Taylor' expects
to be in Wing Sim in a stunt time to
Make all the 11 miry arrangements for
the opening o he selto01.
is a High-grade Commercial School
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Write 000. SPOTTON, Principal.
Undertaking call4 Attended promptly
any hour (night o day ) Residence at
Brunswick Hotel. GRACEY, furniture
dealer and Practice Undertaker.
MACHINE ItErAnuNo-1 have taken
over the machine ehnp of W G Paton
and am prepared to do all kinds of steam
and hot water fitting, repairs to engines
and boilers and all kinds or farm mach-
Feet first
Yon always notice a man's feet
&at. /1 they look well you take
it for granted that the man is
well dreseed.
Our 52.50 and 53.50 Men's
Shoes permit a man to
Dress his feet well
And at a Moderate Pride.
Honest leathers, honest work and
honest pay to benefit, supetiOr
bench shoemakers. Vete is the
way our Shoes are made The
beat leathers and fashioned in
the best %ems.
We hesve the right to °lairs end
do claim that they are the best -
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