HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-24, Page 22 TRE MOAN TIES NAY 24, 1906. SufferedTerrible Agony FROM PAIN ACROSS WS KIDNEYS. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM, Read the word* of praise, Mr. 111. A. McInnis, Marion Dridgo, N.S., has for Moan's Kidney Pills. (He writes us): "For the past three years I have suffered terrible agony from pain across my Iddneya. I was so bad I could not stoop or bend. I consulted and had several doctors treat me, but *mild get no relief. On the advice of a friend, I procured a box of your valuable, life-giving remedy (Doan's Kidney Pills), and to ray surprise and delight, I immediately got better. In my opinion Doane Kidney Pills have no equal for any form of kidney trouble." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or three boxes for 51,26. Can .be procured at aU dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The Doan kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Do not accept a spurious substitute but bs stirs and get "Dean's," TO ADVERTISERS Much of this cackle from the Conserves tive press, aliegiu,; that the Liberal. members in the Legislature are tired of Mr. Boa es a leader, is purely and tempiy tommyrot. There may be a glimmer of truth in it. Unfortunately there are Liberal Members in the Legia- lature who Dave become imbued with the Conservative policy of expediency, and believing it a popular move to Eby a kick at their leader, have done so. Even though the Government pow holds a majority of forty, It were better that such rnembers become Conservatives -- I G.tit Reformer, Notice of changes most be left at this office not later than Satexday noon, The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted np to noon W eduesdav of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872 TUE WINinAi TIIfES. Ii. B. ELLIOTT, PDnLTSHER AND PROPRIETOP THURSDAY. MAY 24, t906. PULSE OF THE PRESS. The most alarming features of the new Government's tendencies are the disposition to multiply the number of officials, to transaet penile business by means of commissions, and to increase the public expenditures. The latter are being pushed tipwithout parallel and 1n a znauner which punnet prove ot'her%tie thou disastrous should the present abuol mal receipts not be contin• ued. When in Opposition extravagance of the wildest kind was charged by the Conservatives agaiost the men in power, but recent happenings have shown that, jadged by etandards set np, the succes- sive Liberal Governments of the Paw. iota were economtoal to the degree of meanness. -Brantford Expositor. Some of our contemporaries are find- ing fault with Mr. Whitney for granting railway bonuses in the closing hours of the Legis)atare, after he had promised to abolish ail sabaidies of this kind. Our contemporaries have evidently not studied the clatter properly, Most of the money is for a railway in Manitoulin. That is Gamey's constituency, and what he really wants has to go with this Gov- ernment. -St. Catharines Star -Journal. Some of the Opposition muck -rakers pretend to scent scandal in the provis- ioning of Capt. $arnier's ship for her three years °raise iu the north, and the organs have been printing lies of the cargo and hinting at rakeoffs, c•tc. Sir Wilfrid intimated that he would insti- tute a searching examination, and if there was any wrong -doing shown prompt action would be taken to punish it. Now let the men wzth the muck- rakes work overtime. --Hamilton Times. There is no use in varnishing with constitutional phrase the payment of the leader of the Opposition. No such office as leader of the Opposition is, or it is to be hoped ever will be, known to the Constitution. It would mean the per- petuation of canna government, Who is for designate the leader of the Opposi- tion? In case of a split in the party is the Government to decide? It is said that if the leader of the Opposition were not paid by the Government, the party would have to pay him. Why should it uot?-Goldwin Smith in Weekly Sun, The County Councils bill of this ses- sion is the one thing among the govern- n=ent measures for which there is the least justification. It served no other purpose than to hamper useful legisla- tion. 'There was no demand for it, and there was no necessity pleaded. It rein- troduces an effete system which was properly discontinued years ago. It ex• pertenee has since disclosed minor de- fects in the system that replaced it these might have been remedii d. No other bill of the session affords stronger ground for gneationtng the legislative capacity of the Whitney Ministry.---GIobe. There isn't a man is the politioal arena in Ontario Who is Mr. Rosa' superior, That's What we think of the Opposition. How Eczema is Recognized TFIE most constant and troubles sone feature of eczema is the itching and burning which varies from that which is simply annoy- ing to that which is positively un- endurable. Theft there is the tendency for eczema to become chronic and spread to other parts of the body. Persistent treattrient is always necessary, but you can depend on it that Dr. Chase's Ointment will cure you. Relief will come after the first fiw applications, and the heal. ing process will be gradual and natural. Mothers use Dr. Chase's Oint- ment for the chafing and skin troubitss of their babies in preference to unsanitary pore•elogging powd- alai:. 80 cents a box, at all dealers, Or Sehnittutost,. Batas & Company, 'Y Oretsto. An elderly resident of Stratford ex - reseed the opinion recently to the Strat- ford &aeon that the influence of the Sunday Schools of to -day has been seri- ously undermined by the light literature of the publio libraries. Very likely it is. This age of cheap and light litera- ture provides a bad mental diet for youth and old alike. It leads to super- ficial reading and shallow views. The literature which is devoured with the greatest relish is the cheap illustrated magazine. With a mind saturated with this kind of froth it is hard for the school pupils to get down to concentrat- ed study. The child, who,' i generation or so ago, was brought up on about half a dt:zen wholesome, substantial books knew them thoroughly and his whole trend of thought was largely influenced by the matter he hai absorbed. But what kind of being will mature from the child who is fed on the modern ten - cent magazines, with two thirds adver- tisements and one-third of slushy, illus- trated sluff? -Brookville Times. TwENTy 1 L ittUUsLocal history et tale early 80s. Items trom The "Times" tyles (From TIME WINGIrAx2 Twee of Friday, May 21st, 1886.) PERSONAL rA1tARQAPiir, Geo. Hughes started en Tuesday on another trip to England, having in charge several oar loads of cattle for the English markets. Wm. McIndoo and family started for Madera, California, last Saturday, where they will settle, Frank Holloway, late clerk in the post office here, is in town spending a week among his friends. Frank is now em- ployed by the Standard Oil Co., of To- ronto, John Gregory, of Whitehead, Man., has returned to Wingham for the pur- pose of peeking up his family and bal. ance of his effects and taking them to his new home, and he expoota to start back in the course of a week or so. Mr. Gregory has a fine stone mill at White- head whlbh he erected last year at a cost of $40,400. Ii. Ontario we seem to be entering on an era of Government by commission. We have the electric power commission, the railway commission, the commission to inquire into the cost of the text books, and the commission to exploit the miner- al in the Gillies' limit, all appointed since the opening of the present session of the Legislature. Commissions may bo very useful and necessary; but is not the tendency to shift the direct responsibil- ity from the shoulders of the representa- tives of the people? The people, in the very nature of things, cannot attend directly to the transaction of their own business. They intrust the work to their representatives, who are directly responsible to them. Their representa- tives in turn intrust the work to com- missions, responsible not to the people but to the Government. After a while we suppose, the commissions will be passing on the work to sub•oommissions, so that in a few years more it may be like hunting for the proverbial needle in a haystack for the elector to find the man who is actually responsible for a pieee of work. -Woodstock Sentinel - Review. BOW IT SPREADS. The first package of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid (the infallible Pile cure) that was put out went to a small town in Nebraska. It cured a case of Piles that was con- sidered hopeless. The news spread, and although this was only two years ago, the demand promoted Dr. J. S "Leonhardt's, of Lilo (min, Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world, It will cure any ease of Piles. There is a month's treatment in each box. Sold for $1.00, with absolute guaran- tee. It is for sale by druggist, or by Tito Wiisou-Tyle Co,, Limited,Niagara Falls, Ont, THE ARCTIC EXPED ITi0N. Already the Conservative papers are giving prominence to the cigar and tobacco, the wines and liquors, the playing cards and checker hoards of the Arctic expedition, and the Government may expeot to hear of them for many a long day, They are comparatively little things, but it 15 against the little things that a Goverment needs to be on its guard; thtnge easily understood, and easily lending themselves to ridicule. A eas of champagne may be more deadly than many millions of dollars expended in some manner that is not easily grasp- ed by the average careless citizen. The Premier hat; promised thorough inquiry and severe punishment, and the Govern. meat cannot afford to despite little things. A Government must also take warn: by when the spirit of "graft" displays itstif in a department, end the notion that little perquieitee end (Oared ere ly. Mg about ready to be picked tip by those scald have an eye for snob, apport#tnitiee. It t the ease of the Department of Marine, there have been frequent ohangaa of hardship, whlah may hare interferred with discipline, and Mt Brodeur may httre before bite the task of tying up the loose t as.-Toloti4 SW. was capsized out of a boat in the Mait- land river in oonsequence of which he contracted a coldwhioh settled on bis lungs. LOCAL NEWS. A. Roe has added auother improve. went to his hotel by having the old glass in the fanlight and sidelights of the ball ' door, replaced with handsomely frosted and stained glass. Old residents say that there never was a better outlook as regards the fruit crop than there is this year. It is to be hoped that the frost will keep off and net de. stroy the present pros )est. The Orangemen of Wingham are com- mencing to make arrangements for hold- ing a grand Orange celebration in this town on the 12th of July. Oa Monday Wm. Robrtson,the genial Secretary of the Wingham Caledonian Society, carried his face all wreathed with smiles, in consequence of his wife having that morning presented him with a handsome young daughter. A new ice cream and refreshment parlor has been opened by James Mc- Kelvie in Roderns' building, opposite Chas. Schmidt's hotel, which has been nicely fitted up for the purpose. We are called upon this week to chron• isle the death of one of our most promin- ent and promising young men, in the person of Chas. Legge Ireland, which sad event occurred on Sunday evening last. About two years ago the deceased TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST GHU'uOR' -Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:80ui. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Bev. Fitch, B.A., pastor. B. -Y. ?.U, Meets Monday evenings S p•Iti. Abner 0oaens S.S. Superintendent. METHODIST Onusorz--Sabbath services at 11 a ra and 7 p M. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day' evening. General prayer meeting Mon - ADDITIONAL LOCAL. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. R. Wm. Comm who was recently in- Gaudy, D.D., pastor. W. B. Towler, jnred at the Queen's hotel, is rapidly re. M'D" S S. Superintendent, covering and is able to be about. Penne nuttan CHURL$ --Sabbath ser. E. Rockey, of this town, has purchas- ed a hundred aore farm on the 2nd con„ Garadoo, near Mount Brydgea, for which be paid $4,200. At a meeting of the council on Mon- Sr. PAVL's OnnRCH; Epzscoydn---Sab- day night of last week Walter Green and bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun - others, through Conn. Brookensbire, day School at 2:80p m•. General prayer asked the cannon What enconragemeut meeting an Wednesday evening, Rev. would be held out to them to establish ."1: S. Bayle, M, A., B. D., Rector and another furniture factor Ill Win ham, S. S. Superintendent. John Taylor and y g Ed. Nash, assistant Superintendent& vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p iIIl, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. L. Harold, 5 S. Su. perintendent. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS, John McMillan, reeve of Hallett, bas been appointed a member of the advisory board of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. •• The people of Wroxeter are very much disappointed on account of the promoters of the new furniture factory having de- cided to locate in Wingham instead of Wroxeter. The population of Seaforth is given at 2,582, an increase of eight over last year. The real property is assessed at $488,470, being anincreaseof $7,955 over last year. Big Price for a Postage Stamp. Five hundred dollars was the price brought by a Transvaal sixpenny bine error postage stamp at a recent sale in London, much to the surprise of the majority of stamp oolleotore. Thus one more rarity is added to the constantly growing list of errors. The newcomer was issued with an inverted surcharge. A surcharged stamp, it may be explain- ed for the benefit of those not rip in philately, is one on which a now valve or use has been set by simply stamping or printing ;another value or name than that originally engraved upon the stamp in blank Ietters across its face. In the case of the Transvaal error the sur- charge was printed upside down. Stamp errors or postage stamps defective through mistakes in printing where high- ly prized by collectors, and the premium 1 WHITECHURCH. Wm. Pringle has closed up his harness making business here, and goes to a situation of Gerrie. The creamery building is progressing nicely. The roof is being shingled, and D. Cameron, contractor, purposes hav- ing the building completed according to contract, There was a heavy frost on the night of the 16th, and although ice 14 of an inch in thickness was formed in places, there was but little apparent damage done to vegetation. BORN. Brown. -la Wingham, on the 15th inst,, the wife of John Brown, farmer, McKillop, of a son. Robertson. -In Wingham, on the 17th inst., the wife of Wm. Robertson, weaver, of a daughter, SALVATION Amer -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'olook at the barracks. Posr Oorion-In Macdonald Bleck. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaetor. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'olock. Miss Maud Robertson, librarian. TOWN 0ounom-Thos. Bell, Mayor; S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes, Geo. 0. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and Wm. Nicholson, Councillors; J, B. Fer. guson, clerk and Treasurer;, Anson Dnimage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. upon them often exceedsl'that command- ed by some of the rarest speoimene of the regular issues. The principal -reason for their high value is due to the scarci- ty of the errors, as in every case the Government issuing them puts forth every effort for their recall, and thus very few as a rule come into the posses. sion of the general pnblio. If "Adam the first man" had lived right along and had been put in boss over the whole world at a salary of $175 a day and•all his expenses paid, and he had saved the whole sum, he wouldn't have had as much "chink" to -day as Mr. Carnegie, and if a fellow sbonld earn ten thousand dollars a year and saved every cent of it, he would have to live five thonsand years before he would be a match for John D. Rookfeller. uns FR*'+• r.0 7 It does not require au '•) Q o expert to clean out the flues Of, the "Sunshine" furnace-- the only tool needed is a brush r// �OF^ /ThI w`C which is supplied with everyi/.,17JARIO furnace. �/7'44 j 4 t*. Cleanout doors are placed in the /n'� , Ming, and the brush can easily be inserted. This heater just bristles with exclusive features such as automatic gas dampers, large double feed -doors, steel done, double shakers and steel radiator. if you want the best furnace made get the "Sunshine." Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free. l��1.„..4,:„. ,/� fi . • 'tt���.,... f� Ni. `sal •«i(Iiiiluln'.. „its emaassosaastatasstaitatta McCIarys LONDON. TORONTO. MONTREAL, WINN/PEG. VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN', HAMILTON. islersooseeesessweressesesiar YOUNG & MCBURNEY, SOLE AGENTS PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. -A. E Lloyd (chairman), J.D. Long, .1. J. Homuth, T. Hall, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveningin eaoh month. EsTAela H D 1872 Tu WIMP TIMES. I8 PUBLI813$D EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times OMee, Beaver Block WINGHAM, ONTARIO, TERtis or SossoRIPTION-41.00 per annum in advance *1,68 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued tiU all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTI8IN0 RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 10e Per kionparfelline for first insertion, Be per line for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, H'grnis for Sale or to Rent and similar, $3,00 for first three weeks, and, 25 cents for sash subsequent in- sertion. OONTRAOT Reins-Thef;glowing table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods; -- SPACE. 1 YR. 6 180. 6 Mo. 1180. OneColumn 870.00 *10.00 *22.50 38 00 Half Column 40,00 25.00 16.00 0.00 QuarterColumn 20.00 12.50 7.60 8.00 One Inch 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.25 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord - !ugly. Transient advertiseiuents must be paid for in advance. Tux Jon DaeAan cater la etooked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities net equalled in the countyfor turningout first plass work. Large type and approprate outs for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the liner classes of print lug. H. B. ELLIOTT, T Proprietor and Publisher • 0. C7 . P Memberalft�hedBa 1t �� MediP. cal Associa- tion. Geld Medallist in+iModioine. Special attention paidtto diseases of Women and Child; ren, Office hours -1 to 4 p. m, ; 7 to 9 p. m. Mott SCHO0LBOARD. -Dr.A. J, Irwin, (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Macdonald, John Wilson, V.S., J. A. Morton, Qs P. Smith, W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, secretary. Board meets second Monday evening • in each month. PUBLIC Swoon TEAOHERs.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings and Miss De La Mater. BOARD OF HEALTH--Th09. Bell, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr, J. R. Macgonald, Medical Health Officer. WANTED; by Chicago wholesale house, special representative (man or woman) for each province In Canada. Salary $20.00 and expenses paid weekly. Expense money ad- vanced. Business successful; position per- manent. No investment required. Previous experience not essential. to engaging. Address General Manager, 134 Lake. Street, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business ohsnees, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Trues office. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TI1IIES OFFICE. Winihami. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES. DR, MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario: DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc, Drug Stone. Night calla a over atL he orrice DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M. R. 0.8. (Eng) L. R. 0, P. (Lond,) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Office, With Dr. Ohisholm. R. VANSTONO, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. rate Pt ointerest. nd oNo oommiiesunsiionchto argedn at i mort- gages, town and farm propertybought and sold. Moe. Beaver Block, Wingam f '� J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DIOaI-mos DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & RIQ2MES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta. MONEY 10 LOAN. Orme: Meyer Block, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont ARTHUR .7. IRWIN, D. D. 8,, L. D. S. Dentals College Dental Surgery Licentiatee of the Royyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. ogles of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive protnpt attention. FARMERS articles they wish to having of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Titres. Our large oircu.ation tells and it will be strange indeed if You do not get a customer, We can't guarantee that you will sell because youmay ask more for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement 60 the TIMES and try thia plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. cTHE OCTOPUS, lits 'Terrible Aram- of Bualrern and I>US Powerful Jaws. Both the octopus and the cuttlefala bake arms that are clothed with (t formidable array of suckers which arty Wonderful pieces of mechanism, Wheal the sucker comes into contact with an object the central piston, having pre- viously been raised so as to completes ly fill the cavity of the sucker, is at once withdrawn and a perfect vacs num produced, explaining the great too, naclty with which the suckers cling Tliey number upward of 100 palms to each arm of the octopus, and once, they Obtain a grip on the victim, unless the arm is actually torn away from the body of the octopus, it is practically, impossible for its prey to disentangle itselfi. In additlon to these suckers the oeto• pus bas a powerful pair of jaws, snap• ed like the beak of a parrot, behind which le a formidable armor plated tongue used as a rasping organ. Tile octopus will attack and kill crabs and lobsters pf considerable size, ripping open the body by ineans of its powerful jaws and (levouring the contents. In spite of being a Creature of such awe inspiring looks the octopus has several enemies In various species of 'whales, sharks and conger eels. In fact, the latter are particularly fond of devour- ing the smaller octopuses, Conger eels hunt for the octopus and, when found, proceed to browse on its limbs. The octopus tries to hug the slippery, slimy conger tight, but in vain, aitd, fluffing its limbs growing less, discharges its ink in tite face of the foe and under cover of the turbid water beats a hasty retreat. It is to escape the too pressing attention of its foes that the octopus possesses the power Of changing its color to corre- spond witlz that of its surroundings. WHEN WE STAND UPRIGHT. A Speclul ComplMechanist's Loa. bleu UH to Do It. We are so aceustonzed to standing upright as a.natural attitude that few of us thick what a special complex mechanism is required for this pur- pose. .A. moment's consideration will show that the ordinary explanation of the erect position (the center of gravi- ty to be directly above the feet) is in- sufficient. When a man is suddenly; . shot, whether from the front or behind, he drops on his face, for the truth le that there is much more weight in the front of the spinal column than be- hind it. The fact is tbat when we are stand- ing a large number of powerful mus- cles (both front and back) are simul- taneously at work, the effects of their action being to neutralize each other. Thus the legs would fall forward were it not that they are kept vertical on the feet by the strong tendon • (the "Achilles") at the back of the heel. At the same time the muscles of the thigh are tightened so as to prevent us taking a sitting position, and the muds cies of the back are pulled tense so that the trunk does not stoop forward. The head Ys prevented from dropping on the chest by the ligaments in the nape of the neck. That the upright is not its normal position is easily shown by the fact that a man nods as he is failing asleep, for as soon as the controlling ncrvotlsi force Is deadened the head drops for- ward by its otvn Weight, only to be pulled back into position again with a jerk when the brain becomes sud- denly aware of an unusual attitude. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TAT/STY/ RAILWAY SiiSTEM. Maws LRAva You London 6.40 a.m.... 8.000.m. Toronto & Eeet 10.40a.m6.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Kincardine -11.15 a.m... 2.08 p -m.... 0.15p.m. ARRIVE BROM Kincardine .. -.0,40 a.m10.40 a,m..... 2.40 p.m. London -.......11.10 S m..... 7.35 p.m, Palmerston 9.86 a.tn Toronto & East 2.08 p m•.... 9.15 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. CANADIAN LRAva Fon Toronto and Beet6.65 K.m,,.. 8.86 p.m. Teeswater 1.33 p.m....1o.68 p.m. Teoswatdr ARRx re ireCei Toronto and East 1.66'35 ppp.m.. ,.1b 5b p.tmm, .T, $, BEElIEb Ageni,Wingham. 5b YEARS'' EXPERIENCE ATENTS RAD MARA* ' Cottons Cory nGHts &C. Anyone eendtng a sketeb and description may tiutekty alcerrfta,n ear opinion frets ether ail invention isprobablypantentabte. Commnntr4 ttoni, Strictly ron9dentist handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agener tor aecnrir. pattata. Patnnts men through Munn 1. Co. raoel'ti ,3' o&,l ,nate, wttheut charge, to the Scientific American. A be:Memely' Ilthrtrale�d weekly. t.A�r ear. +ea1Attou of any eetbntttiS *erne), 'I s - nee; Poor most i.lu Hold bray British Contrasts. Their wealth, their luxury, their cui- tivation Of arts which we have not yet had time to seriously contemplate, their civilization, their strange class distinc- tions, but above all the great wealti2 and the great poverty of their people, stir our wondering faculties more than any other things can ever do. When we behold their wealth we are as poor children brought suddenly into a rich child's nursery and lost in astonish- ment at the number and profusion of toys strange to us. When we see their poverty we are Pharisees who thank God that we are not as these others: But in either case are we beset with rt great amazement. --i rom "An OutIand- er In England." His Excuse. A. Scottish parish minister met the laird's gamekeeper one day and said to him, "I say, Davidson, why Is it I never see you ill church?" "Well, sir," replied Davidson, "1F don't want to hurt the attendance." "Ilett the attendance! What do Vet mean?" asked the minister in surprise. "Well, sir, you see," replied the game- keeper, "there are about a do2en znen in the parish that go to church 'whets I'm not there, and they 'would go poaching if I went to church." Art Exp1ni ation. "Why is It," said the young mall with long hair, "that the aveiage woman would rather marry money than brahls?" "She takes less ebtlnce," anbwere() Miss Cayenne. "The average Woman le better fledge of money than she le of brains." nix Luck, Friend et the gamily --You erre vera' lucky, my boy, to be the seventh son. It -will bring you everlasting fortune. Son No. 7 ---It hasn't so far. All it'll brought yet is the old clothes of my silk brothers. Nothing but rrxlae. "1 have notating but praise for our new minister." "SO 1 noticed when the piste +same. round." • tf w e neglect to exere1ye any talent. power or guellt,*tt soon falls from tie.