HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-24, Page 1THS WINCHA1vI TIMES.
VOL XXXV.—NO. 1789.
Tailor -Made
$1 5.
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.15. $4, $5, $6.
.A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stook.
M1S1.L1 ieniuth
Tiller and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
waned by Mauna PAT>axsoN, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired.
Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,750,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to prinoipal 30th June and 81st
DeOember eaoh year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
•. Vanatone, Bolioitor.
Capital paid np, $,445,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,445;000.00.
Total Assets, $29,000,000`00.
President- Bots. Vara. 4raeox.
Vie.•Preetdent and
Goners' Managei'-J. Tuaz<snrt.
Assistant Gen. Manager -g. M. WMeoN
nitt,Ec roB
:Sohn G.heoue.Bndrle,
oUnther d, arABie
1ruipeator-B, 'Willson.
f14Y11 GS BANK,
Int.rest snowed an deposits of $1.00 and up-
wards, Ind added tat prinolpat on 01st May and
H$h 1Rrnanber snail year.
assegai Deposit* kW resolved et current
MAtM oe laNcM1.
C(. P. SMITH, Matt;
III0anDloX dtl *iotalu il, Beltettosik
June, the mo th of Weddings
Will soon be her , and we are prepares.
for.it with a larg stook of the latest
styles of invitation and announcemt:nt
cards. We have so the most modern
and up to -date fan of type in which to
print them. Lea your order at the
TIMES office and b sure of getting the
best that is going.
Wednesday of la
ed considerable ou
the effect that Me
can McDonald. • o
killed at a barn
man spent fully a
the matter and f
story was withou
made no mention
of True.
t week a story gain-
renoy in Wingham to
srs Donald and Dun.
St. Helens had been
aising. The Trams
hour in investigating
ad that the whole
foundation, and so
f it in our last issue.
N tice.
Members of No. 2 Company, 33rd
Regiment, will go in o camp at Carling
Heights, London, on une 18th. Kindly
'All and get cgaipm t not later than
9th June. A few ne recruits wanted,
Make application at nee, as I have
nearly a full company ow.
GEo. C. HAN A, Lieutenant.
Slaughter Won _ring's Plate.
Slaughter, the bay .olt, the property
of Joseph Seagram, It- P., of Waterloo,
won the King's Plate coca at Toronto on
Saturday last. Sino : 101, horses be-
longing to Mr. Seagri
out of sixteen conte
Plate. A few from
vantage of the exouri
to attend this opens
tario Jockey Club's,/
n have won twelve
ps for the King's
ingham took ad.
on on the 0.P.R.
event of the On-
Highest pride paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Dissolved Ii'artnership.
A business ohang' has taken plaoe in
Wingham in the : 4essrs. Beattie Bros.
dissolviug partne ship. Mr. Robt.
Beattie will continue the livery business
in the old stand, Mr. Roland Beattie
retiring from the b: siness. Mr. Roland.
Beattie does not yet- known into what
business he may enrage, and does not in
the meantime inten ■ leaving Wingham.
He will take a trip trough the West.
HORSES Fon SALE -Roadsters and
family drivers. LoTT & RING.
Gentlemen who are Bald
Or have thin hair, should call on Prof.
Dorenwend, at Brunswick Hotel, Wing -
ham on Wednesday, June 6th, and see
his wonderful device • in Toupees and
Wigs worn on over 75,000 heads. Ex-
planation and demonstration free. Pri-
vate apartments at Hotel. Don't fail to
see his new invention, patented all over
the world.
Courts o Revision.
Next Monday, M y 28th, yvill be the
day for the holding. f Courts of Retie.
ion on the Assessmen Rolls for the dif-
ferent municipalitie The Wingham
Court of Revision wil meet in the Town
Hall at 8 o'clock p m. Township of
Tnrnberry in the Ole k's office at Blue -
vale at 2 o'clock p. Township of
East Wawanosh m t e Oonnoil room at
Marnoch at 10 o'oloc a. m., and Morris
in the Township Hal at 10 o'clock a. m.
WANTED -Good strong young men
to learn steel range making. Apply to
Lacross Match.
While Wingham will have no cele-
bration on Victors Day -Thursday of
this week -our to ynspeople will have
an opportunity of s ring a good lacrosse
game that will be :dyed on the park
here between the 13 aple Leaf club of
Winghant and the 1 ruse boys of Kin-
cardine. Game w- be called at 3.30 p.
m. Attend the gae and give the boys
a good start for th season.
H. Davis has Several good houses and
alarm for sale. See him for pardon -
Properties Ch nge Hands.
Mr. J. H. Chishol , real estate agent,
reports this week, among others, the
following changes o property in Wing.
ham: -Bainton 13 ., of Blyth were the
purchasers of the p perty known as the
Groves homestead on Victoria street,
from John T. Cart of the same town.
Mrs. Thos, into e, of Belmore, dis-
posed of the cider ill property on south
Josephine Street, t Mr. W, A. Currie of
this town. Mr. Olin C. Leokie has
pnrohased from M . Niergarth the prop.
erty occupied by 'm and known as the
North End mer
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbova
New Machin Shop.
Mr, W. A. Carrie has purchased
through Mr, J. H Chia lin, real estate
agent, the cider mill p operty on the
south end of Josephin street. Mr,
Currie will move the bn lding olose to
the street and will put a concrete wall
uuder it and otherwise re air it, so as to
be in first-class shape to a used as a
general repair and mac ine shop. He
has purchased a large entity of ma-
ohinery and hopes in a w weeks to be
ready for business. M . Currie intends
to do repairing of all nde of machinery
either wood, iron or s eel. He will have
a good shop and we sh him every soca
oeaa in the businetsa.
Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc.
Ribbon's drug store, Taesday, May 29th
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop.
erly fitted.
Leave Ord r s at Home.
Daring the past week two travellers
for city printing cAces have made the
rounds in Wingha a and as far as we
have been able to 11arn did not fare very
well at the hands if our business men
and in fact some pl oes were given a very
cool reception. T ere is no need of
sending outside of ingham for any-
thing in the prin ing line. The two
local newspaper o ties have facilities
that are as good as any of these cheap
city offices. The ocal paper offioes
carry the very best i type, paper, etc.
and prices are as lo as city prices and
in some oases much ower. The TIMES
can do anythiug i the printing line
from a visiting car to a large poster.
Loss of eyesight is worse than loss of
fortune. No matt •r how small your eye
troubles may be, 1 ave them corrected.
See Taube & Son . the Queen's hotel
on Tuesday and ".:dnesday, May 29th
and 30th.
An old Fa fly Bible.
When visiting on old friend, Mr.
Jas. Cochrane recon . y, the writer was
shown the old famil Bible which was
sent .out from Scotia d to Mr. Cochrane.
The boa has been i, use for nearly one
htindred years and : • ows the record of
the marriage of Mr. Cochrane's parents,
which took place in 808, and also gives
the dates of birth of the six members of
the family. Mr. 0 hrane has another
oopy of the Bible, g ' en to him by an
uncle some seventy- . ve years ago. This
book was printed in the year 1799 and is
gtill in almost as go d shape as when
new. On the fly lea' of this book we
find these words. " o the most high
and mighty Prince : mes, by grace of
God, ging of Great ; ritaiu, France and
Ireland, defender of he Faith, Etc."
Visit H. E. Isard's carpet department
on second floor for the largest stock and
best values in carpets, oilcloths, lino-
leums, mattinga, curtains, etc,
Ordinati n Council.
The Baptist oho h has called an or-
dination council to meet on Friday the
25th inst. at 2.30 'clock. The coun-
cil will examine Pa or Fitch as to his
conversion, call to the ministry and
views of chriatian doctrine. To this
service all are welt me. If the decision
of the council is fa orable to the candi-
date's ordination, an evening session
will be held at 8 o' ock to formally or-
dain Mr. Fitch to t e work of the minis-
try. Rev. Dr. Cr ss, Ph D., Professor
of Bibical Theolog in McMaster Uni-
versity, Toronto; ev. W. E. Morton,
Superintendent of ome Missions; Rev.
Mr, O'Neil, of Pa' ley, in addition to
the pastor and lay en of the Walkerton
Association are e. eoted to be present.
If an evening ser ice is held all friends
will be cordially elcome. i
WANTED-Egd'b 20 , pe Ear's revised
tariff. 100 tubs choic gr s butter want-
ed at once. Ono E. G.
Changes t Station.
A farmer comin into Wingham on
Tuesday said: -"Tris town must be full
of gas or too mac .. steam. The two
towers at the station have been
blown off." The ewers are both taken
down, but not Prot t the effects of an ex-
plosion. No news of any contemplated
change in the G.T R. station was known
in Wingham until Monday noon when
workmen arrived and commenced de-
molishing the tow trs. We understand
it is the intention o simply roof over the
opening and leave the station without
towers. The maki g of the changes, it is
said, will cost the
$500 and many p
why the towers w.
the proper design.
raise no objection i
the station build
Grand Trunk some
ople are wondering
o put on if not of
Winghamities will
the appearance of
is improved.
Public School aseball. Victoria
The boys of the ingham Public The members of
School held a meetfpg n Friday even- No, 114, Royal Te.
ing last, and organized a baseball olub will hold a picnic,
for this season, with th following offi. on the Lower
tiers: -•President, ItXr. R. Musgrove; (Thursday) after
vice p.esident, Ed. Rob nson; secretary. the Order are inn
treasurer, J. R. Moo arae; manager,
Richard Howson; exec tive oommittee,
R Howson, J. Hatton J. Mason; sub-
scription committee, L. MoBurney and
A. Isbister; mascot, D ck Lloyd.
Tan a
oq n b &Son
a tend to your eyes
you get the benefit of t7er 35 years ex.
perienoe. Cali and con alt them at the
Queen's hotel ou Tnesdry and Wednes-
day, May 29th and 30111
East Huron L 3erals.
The annual meeting of the East Huron
Liberal Association for both Commons
and Legislature, will 1 e held in the
Town Hall, Bruesels, on Tuesday, May
29th, 1906, at 1.80 o'cloo a as per consti-
tution. In addition to '.lection of ofiz•
cera and the presentation of the annual
Auditor's Report, addre
and the future. work of
discussed, The munio'
in East Huron are as f
Wroxeter, Turnberry,
Wawanosh, Morris, B
Killop, Hallett and Bl
ant that there should be
once, aud the chairmen
municipalities are asked 1
respective territory is we
ses will be given
the Assooiation
alities included
'lows :--Howick,
Wingham, E ist
tssals, Grey, Mo -
h. It is import -
a large ntteud.
f the various
see that their
1 represented
The first exoursion to Toronto an
Niagara Falls, by way of Gorge R e,
will be run over the 0 P R. on ridgy,
June 8th, 1906, under the a}i pias s of the
C,O,F. of Fordwioh. &Octal train
leaves Wingham at 6 27 a. m.; fare,
adults, $2 50: children $t 25. Stop over
to Monday, June 11th. Seelargeposters
for particulars.
ay Picnic.
Wingham Council,
iplars of Temperance
weather permitting,
l ingham flats this
on, All members of
know shoe quality
to show our new li
themselves. R. J.
That the salt mi
ham is one of th
kind to be fouud
from the large n
received. tie ved. The we.
to their full oapao
the supply up to
good article. Fe
those who
w: t only a chance
They speak for
ram Salt.
nufactured in Wing.
best articles of the
n Ontario is shown
tuber of orders being
rks are now running
ty in order to 'keep
ie demand for this
mere and othere in
need of salt will do well to use the
artier° manufaetu :ed in Wingham and
in this way assist ocal industry.
Boar of Trade.
The Wingha Board of Trade is now
properly organs ed and in a few weeks
will be in good ape. The meeting last
Friday night w :s called by Mr. Geo,
McKenzie, as Faesident of the Board of
1890. This wa . done in order that the
old charter ma- be r9vii7ed. The four'
other members of the old board who
wore present ware Dr. P. Macdonald and
Messre Thos. 3e11, T. J. Homuth and
Thos. Gregory.
the minutes of t
1890, some twee
admitted and M
President. The
our last issue w
bership fee was
year. A committ
arrange the by -la
A. Omens, John
was appointed to c
fire insurance and
the insurance ratio
pointed out that as
standpipe and othe
waterworks that th
better rating. Th
along with the to
Board of Trade re-
working order, an
e last meeting, March,
y new members were -
McKenzie resigned as
fiicers, as reported in
e elected. The mem-
placed at $1 00 per
e was appointed to
s and a committee of
itchie and L. Harold
mmunicato with the
writers in regard to
in the town. It was
ingham now has a
improvements to the
town should have a
TIMMES is pleased,
speople, to see the
rganized and put in
as has beets poiuted
out many times, ere are many ways
. in which the Boar.= will be of benefit to
the town. The n.xt meeting will be
held in the Counci . Chamber next Tues-
' day evening, whet the report of the by-
• law committee wi l be received and the
members of the ixecutive and other
committees will be appointed. All
townspeople, who ire not now members,
• are invited to became members. The
meeting next Tuesay evening is an im•
portant one and s1 ould be largely at-
.suffer from it ?
port SALk 1110
Walton McKibbon
Phm. B.
Next door to postoffice.
This store closes at 8 p.
overy evening except Saturday.
Wingham 3and Concert,
The Wingham Citizens' Band will
give the first open it concert of the sea-
son in the park o Friday evening of
this week. The f 'lowing is the pro-
gram: -
1 March en Ray
2 Overture.."wait t 11 the sun shines".Na11ia,
3 Wattz "So thein Dreams"
4 Characteristic Ma ch " Lisie Rube"
5 Selection from thg_Musical Comedy Fontana
6 Waltzes. ."Weddi'g of the Winds'
7 Waltzes 'Daughter of Love"
8 March,....b'arewM my Annabelle."
(with,; ca1chorus 1
9 Waltz...."Home .weet Home".
God Stge the King.
tices wanted, to learn the upholstering
business. Apply to Walker & Clegg,
at the upholstering factory.
Caledon an Games.
Word from gine dine this week is to
the effect that t e committee iu
charge of the dale onion games to
be held in that town n Friday, June
151h, are putting fort every effort to
make a good day's apo E. In addition to
the Scottish games, t re will be a la-
crosse matok betw n Wingham and
Kincardine. The 10 al camp of the Sons
of Scotland aro rutin g an excursion to
the lake town on th same day, taking
iu all the atations b tween Palmerston
and Kincardine. The fare from Wing
ham is 70 cents for .dults and 356 for
children. Time of t ain and other par-
ticulars will be giver in our next issue.
Are your glasses re ;ht? Vision chan-
ges as all things do. - See Taube & Son
at the Queen's bot on Tuesday and
Wednesday-, May 29.h and 30th.
Accidents on
There were two ac
R. on Tuesday after
engine was doing
the yard at Teeawa
the main track when t
came in and the two
gather with great fore:
damaged. One engine
from the trucks. L
was injured. It was
the auxiliary to com
Junction to clear t
about two mites we
the rear oars of the
track and rolled do;'
The conductor and
somewhat serionsl
track damaged for s•
two passenger train.
the wreck, where p
age were tranehi
train east returni.-
Teeswater. -
e C. P. R.
idents on the 0. P.
con. The freight
me shunting in
er, and was on
e afternoon train
ngines came to-
, and were badly
tender was lifted
okily no person
ecessary to have
up from Toronto
e tracks. When
of Grand Valley
uxiliary left the
n the embankment.
ne brakeman were
injured, and the
me distance. The
met at the scene of
ssengers and bagg-
ed, the afternoon
to Winghji•iit and
The undersigned
parlors on Wedues
the months of Juni
ill elbee their dental
y fternoons during
r°Jnly and August.
Is Not Suggestive.
Under the Licens
of 2200 is necessary
may be entitled to
Our attention has be
that the populations
2207, while that of S
7 and 6 respectively
t , retain in these pia
houses they have,
this is the result of d
but it has a least a v
-Clinton New Era.
would not be afraid
of taking a census t.
ham's population 1
2,200. We are Bare
had no thought of
population above th
that the town may
Oar friend of the N
it is almost impossi.1
get the exact figure:
Many people have
caused the large in
in Clinton during t
Law a population
u order that towns
ve hotel licenses,
called to the fact
f Wingham is just
forth 2206, or just
•ore than enongh
• es the five licensed
e do not say that
iberate intention,
y suggestive look.
The TIMES man
o gamble the coat
show that Wing -
nearer 2,400 than
Wingham's assessor
rying to keep the
2,200 mark in order
stain its five hotels.
w Era knows that
e for the assessor to
of the population.
en wondering What
ease in population
past year,
In intermedial group No. 6, in a game
played at Mildm on Friday afternoon,
the home team w n from Walketron by
a snore of 3 to 0,
In the openin W. F. A. senior game
with Seaforth o Tuesday evening, at
Stratford, the h me team was deafeated
by a score of 2 o 0.
Two games o league football will be
played in Wi ham next week. The
team from Bay eld will be here Tuesday
t team from Brussels on
Friday evenin Tuesday evening's game -
called at 6 15 s tarp.
The first foo •ball game of the season
for the Hough cup was played at Clinton
between Seaf.rth Collegiate and Olin-
tan Collegiatmieams. At half time the
score was 0 toad, but in the last half the
Clinton boys p !t up a good game, the
final score bein ; 3 to 0 in favor of Clin-
The Interm diate W.F.A. match,
played betweerthe Brussels and Bayfield
teams at Bayfit sl Friday afternoon, was
a well.contestea one from start to finish,
ending in a tie, though the home team
kept the leathe quite close to their op.
ponents' goal ruing the entire latter
half and everyb dy felt it was Bayfield's
game. Brow Jackson, of Seaforth,
refereed the g e with his usual pre.
cision and imp rtiality,
Fon,SALE-A comfortable cottage,
convenient to t to factories, will be sold :
at a bargain. -apply at TIMES office.
How to t room Your Town.
Talk about it. Witte about it. Beau-
tify the streets. Elect good men to all -
the offta s. K ep your sidewalks in
good repair. S 1 all yon cau and buy
all you can. If you are rich, invest
something, em.•loy somebody. Be
courteous to stra igen that come among
you so that theyt will go away with good
impressions. Ai;vays cheer on the men
who go iu for imarovement. Your por-
tions will be for nothing but what is
just. Don t kick , at any proposed im-
provement la eau it is not cut down
fifty per oent.
Taube & Son, e
beat the Queen's
Wednesday, May 2
dress all commnnic
ilton, druggist, Win
sight specialists, will
tel ou Tuesday and
th and 30th. Ad -
tions to A. L Ham -
A Former W. ngham Boy.
Under the hea.iog, "Pointe about
People," Toronto Saturday Night of
last week says: -
George Agnew eid of Toronto, has
been elected pr.aident of the Royal
Canadian Aoade • y, a positiou held for
fourteen years p by Mr. Robert Harr-
is of Montreal. r. Reid was elected
academician in 890, having been an as-
sociate member or five years previous-
ly, and has ser ed four years as presi-
dent of the Ontario Society of Artists
Mr. Reid was b"rnona farm near Wing -
ham in 1860, st died art in Toronto and
Philadelphia, t avelled for study in Eng-
land, France, Spain, and Italy, and
spent a year in arcs under instruction to
Benjamin Cons ant. He has frequently
exhibited at th Paris Salon, and re-
ceived a medal i t the World's Fair in
Chicago in 189 The Reid painting
beat known tote general public is his
"Mortgaging tit Homestead," which.
with another ntitled "Dreaming,"
bangs iu the na ional collection at Ott.
awa. "Berry Pfikers," exhibited at the
Paris Salon in 18 )1, has been purchased
by the Ontario -Government for the
Provinoial collect'.on Mr. Reid has al-
so some fine dec6rative panels in Toron-
to City Hall."
Mr. G. A. Reid is a stn of Mr. Adam
Reid of Lower W ngham.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's
hotel on: -Tuesday. Jane 19th; Toes
day, July I7th. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 30
p m. Eye, ear, nose and throat consul-
tations. Eyes tested for glasses.
Meeting of th
There was a very
the meeting of the
land on Tuesday of
oardine. The Pre
Methodist church a
Women's Foreign
met in Knox church.,
to delegates in the le
church by the ladies
tion and every attent
who came from outsi
the meetings. At the'.
night the main Intone
speeoh by Rev. A. B
was descriptive of life
the Christian work i
'Unfortunately the pr
Were too long drawn
before the speech of
commenced. The
were very entertSini
the the year was
Mather and read b
Moderator, and ac
tory on motion
Toenwater and
Helens. Knox ch
the choicest mus
Anderson of Sydne
very sweetly.
rge attendance at
reabytery of Matt •
ast week at Kin•
bytery met in the •
• d the Presbyterian
Missionary Society
Meals were served
tare room of Knox
of the congrega-'
.n paid to those
places to attend
joint meeting at
attached to the
Winchester. It
n China and lof '`
progress there.
vioua proceed mire
nt and it was 9.30
the evening was
omen's meetings
g. Tho Report for .
awn up by Miss
Rev. Louis Perrin,
pted by the Presby -
f Rev. Mr. Tait, of
ev. Mr. Craw, St.
roh Choir supplied
and Mrs. F. W.
, O. B , sang a solo
Test of a
Tooth Brush
is in using it. It either wears or
, it does not wear. If it wears,
you're satisfied. If the bristles
wear down, break olf or pull out
in too short a time, you're diarist.
tailed, and we lose your trade.
toothbrush will wear until you're
tired of using the same old brush.
It's a non'shedding,moneyback-
if-yon-want•it sort of brash. It's
the most practical tooth broth
made - it cleanses and it lasts.
We sell it at
25 cents
as a leader. It'd a brush worth
Drug Store
Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co
'rrVINGH Alli
is a High-grade Commercial School
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Write OEO. SPOTTON. Principal. :
Wingham Real Estate Office,
Property for sale in and around the
growing Town of Wingham ; easy
terms and low iuterest.
$4500 -1C0 acres, 3.4 mile from St.
Augustine; txcelient land.
54800-200 acrt e, j: miles from Gienan-
naa. School on farm. Brick
house., bark barn.
50000-150 acres, 2?,p; wiles fiom
• Winrham; township of Turnberry.
5750-12 acres good land; frame house.
.$000-at:t;, acres. 10 minutes walk from
Wlni;ham P 0
51050-7 acres s ith frame house and
51500-11 acres; brick house, bank
barn; an excellent market garden.
5850 -Frame cottage on b'rances St.
51100 -Frame house. 10 rooms; good
repair; Edward St.
$2800 -Brick dw,e»ing, 14 rooms and
store. Splendid location for board.
ing house; rents for $320 per year;
Josephine St
The above are only a few of the many
properties I have on my lista.
Wingham Town Lots for Sale.
Agent for improved f rid unimproved
Western Lands near Schools and
Churches. Call and get particulars.
J. 1-1. CI-irsnoL,i'1,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vanstone block, Wingham.
FARM FOR SALE -A good 100 -acre
farm in the township of East Wawanosh
is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick
sale. Terms and full particulars at the
TIMES office.
85001 of headacl
strain. Proper fit
permanent relief
the Queen's hotel'
nesday, May 29th
s comes from eye.
ng glasses will give
See Taube & Son at
n Tnesday and Wed.
lid 30th.
If you are going to take an outing
of any kind, you'll need CANVAS
Canvas and Linen Shoes have
outlived the fad stage -- they are so
cool, comfortable and mat looking
that they aro here to stay. High and
low cut for men and women.
Women's Styles, $1.25 to $2.00
Men's Styles, - 1.25 to 2.50
All Swelldom will wear White Can.
vas Shoes this Sommer. c_.
W. J. Geer