HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-17, Page 81
Ate e ,yrile, e/111eNsrW4 ills r1 ,11.111,e "S1/64.110011"%416.11 Thos. Field has built a large ad-
dition to his slaughter house in Lower
On Sale This
—Mr, Robt. Graves has completed the
new addition to his dwelling hones in
Lower Wingham,
—Oakville's local option by-law bas
been quashed, and commissioners sale.
We have placed on sale this week a line of Ready- grant licenses in the town.
made Wrappers awaybelow cost—Tenders axe asked for the building
1'I� . of cement walks at St. Paul's Church
Also a line of Ready-made Skirts, regular' $4 arid $ Rectory, and for improvements to the
andon ;ale at $2.00 and $$.00 each. • house, west of the church. See advt.
+ iu another column.
If you want a big bargain in a Spring Coat, come $ —The annual convention of the W.
F. M. Society of the Presby teriau Church
in Canada is being held in Winnipeg
this week. Upwards of five hundred
delegates are in attendance. Mrs. (Rev.)
D. Perrie is in attendance as delegate
from the Wingham Society.
in and see what we are offering at $2.75 each.
A Few Bargains in Groceries for Saturday only:
23 the Granulated Sugar - $1 00 8 lbs. Cornmeal - - 23o
4 boxes Corn Starch
3 bottle Extract •
3 lbs. Mixed Cakes
9 lbs. Oatmeal
25e 2 cans peas and one of cora • 25o
- 25o
2 cans Tomatoes
7 bars good Soap
- 25o
Carey .Dry Goods Co.
we shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop effect.
in and tell us, or send us a note to that
Mrs. Vanetone of Hamilton is visiting
with her son, Mr. R. Vanstone.
Mrs. Geo. Phippen, sr., has returned
home after spending a year in Michigan.
The Misses Bridges, of Goderieh are
visiting at the home of Chief Vannor-
Mrs. D. McInnis has returned home
after spending the winter months in
Mr. Wm. Finlay has returned from
London and has taken his old position in
the Western Foundry.
Mr. A. E. Breda ha, of Blyth was- in
town for a few hours on Monday, while
on his way to Toronto.
Messrs. Hamilton, Hilyard and Alonzo
Finlay left this week for London, having
taken a position in oue of the foundries
in that city.
Mrs. Day, who has been visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. A. J. McCullough for
some time, leaves today for Guelph to
visit with relatives.
Mrs. John G. Robertson left last week
for Weston to reside, Mx. Robertson
having taken a position in the Moffatt
stove works some weeks ago.
Mrs. A. J. McCullough and family leave
this week for London, where they in-
tend residing as Mr. McCullough is now
employed in the MoOlary foundry. The
many friends of this family are sorry to
hear of their removal from town.
Dr. P. and Mrs. Macdonald intend
sailing on the 31st May for Liverpool
and will spend a few weeks in the old
land. Their numerous friends will wish
them a safe and pleasant trip and hope
to see them return home greatly benefit-
ted by the ocean voyage.
PHONE 70. (Ritchie's Old Stand) WINGHAM. •
—East Wawanosh Council will meet
as a Court of Revision on Monday, May
—Look at R. Snox's new advt. in this
—Grand growing weather during the
past week.
—Wingham horse races on Wednes-
day and Thursday, June Oth and 7th.
—The assessor's returns show that
Owen Sound has a population of 10,765.
—Mr. Pater Deans is offering his pro-
perty for sale. Get full particulars on
the premises.
—Mr. A. Nicol is having a granolithio
walk built from the side of the street to
his residence.
—The bricklayers commenced work
this week on the new building at the —Dungannon L. 0. L. No. 324, has
Union factory. decided to celebrate the two hundred
—Thursday of next week is Victoria and sixteenth anniversary of the Bat tle of
the Boyne in that village on .Tuly 12th.
—Walkerton will have no lacrosse
club for this season.
—A special meeting of Wingham, L
0. L , No. 794, will be held to -morrow
(Friday) evening, for the conferring of
degrees and other business.
—Dr. Rollins was last week presented
with a beautiful seal and a pipe and a
gold -beaded cane prior to his removal
from Exeter to Saskatoon, Sask.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness. and other throat
Ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
tablets. ton cents per box All druggists
—Ordera for Walker & Clegg's fine
lines of upholstered furniture are coo-
ing in so fast that the factory workmen
are obliged to work every evening.
—Mr. G. H. Mooney, editor of the
Ripley Fxpress has been appointed Im-
migrant Agent for the South Riding of
Bruce by the Dominion Government.
day—a public holiday.
—The tax rate in Mitchell for 1000
-. will be 21 mills on the dollar.
—The work on the fourth story addi-
tion to Walker & Clegg's factory will
be almost completed this week,
In Canada the failures in April num-
bered 82, with assets of $302,400, and
liabilities of $927,160, compared with 93
failures, with assets of $453,839 and lia-
bilities of $1,123,564 in April last year.
—Mr, James Walker last week pur-
chased the store property at present oc-
cupied by Walker Bros. & Button.
—In a junior football match at Listo•
wel, on Monday evening, Atwood won
from the home team by a score of 2 to 1.
—Thomas Welsh, a laborer, residing
at Exeter, committed suicide by hanging
himself in his cellar ou Monday morn-
—Messrs. Paton & Davidson are drill-
ing a well on Mr. W. H. Green's prop-
erty, corner of Minnie and Patrick
—The first sitting of tbe Court of Re-
vision for the Town of Wingham will be
held in the Town Hall, on Monday even-
ing, May 28th.
;.-,—Assessor Campbell, of Goderieh re-
ports the population of that town at 4,-
416, and the increase in assessment at
about $200,000.
—All members of Camp Caledonia,
Sons of Scotland are requested to be
present at the regular meeting next
Monday evening.
—Mr. G. A. Bogart, manager of the
Dominion Bank at Montreal, has been
appointed general manager, to succeed
the late T. G. Brough.
Minerva Encampment, I, 0. 0. F.
is making arrangements for holding its
annual excursion to Sarnia and Detroit
on Saturday, August llth.
W. J. PRIGS, 1".D,S,r D.D.S.
(Successor to Pr liollowav)
Willcentinne the practice in the office lately
oempled by Dr. Holloway, in the Beaver
Block, Wingham.
NOTICE is hereby given that a :Y Law was
passed by the 'Municipal Counc ' of the Town
of V Ingham, on the 7th • of May. A. D.
1006, providing fdr the i ue .f debentures to
the amount of 415006 00 'o • e purpose of pur-
chasing a site and ere g a High School; and.
that such By -Law was registered in the Be•
gistry odic, of the County of Huron on the
Tenth day of May, A. D. 1066.
Any notion to,qunsh or set aside the same or
any part thereof must be made with in three
months of ter the first publication of this notice
and cannot he made thereafter.
Dated the 17th day of May, A. D. 1900
T. B. FERGUSON, Clerk.
Take notice that the Court of Revision
Wilt bo:d its first sitti • in a Town Hall in
the sai. o •Lon
—Listowel has decided to hold an old
boys' reunion on the last day of July,
and first three days of August. Parma-
ment officers have been engaged to make
all the necessary arrangements for the
—From the London Free Press we
learn that Mr. Rich. Armstrong, of this
town, underwent the operation on his
neck at Si. Joseph's Hospital in London
on Monday and is doing as well as could
be expected.
—Don't ask "When will ' Wingham's
new post office be completedi" The
TIMES said last fall that the building
would not be completed before October,
1900, and from present appearance that
will be the date, if not a later date.
—Sunday morning fire destroyed the
barns of Job Carr, concession 12, Bruce
township, together with all 'his imple-
ments and stock. The fire was caused
by a spark from the chimney of his
dwelling house. Loss $2,000; covered
by insurance.
—The newspaper is a law book for tbe
indolent, a sermon for the thoughtless, a
library for the poor and an admonisher
for the lawless. It may stimulate the
most indifferent, but it cannot be pub-
lished without cost and sent free to sub-
scribers. This is no joke.
At Kr M. Fisher's Book Store
—1 R IS ti PoI'I.I N
—Dt'Trtt FAP,11K
---S1t:13IIt0('K LINEN
with Envelopes to match.
Also, "Swiss Vale," "Eng-
lish Linen," and "Onion Skint,
A large stock of ordinary
stationery always on hand.
Miss 1h M1 Fisher
Successor to Cooper & Go,
Monday, the 2 th day of May,
A. D. MG at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M.
All persons having business at the said Court
should govern themselves accordingly
T B. FERGUSON, Cleric.
Dated, Clerk's office, Wingham, May 10th, 1906.
Take notice that 11 . t - , tings of the Court
of Revision of the es+ment Roll of the
Township of Turnbe y for the year 1000, w ill
be held in the Clerk's office, Bluevale on
Monday, the 28th day of May Next,
at 2 o'cloolc Y.M.
An parties iuterested will please take notice
andurnberry Mgovern themselvay141eh,s accor1900dingly.
JOUR BURGESS. Township Clerk.
Township .of East Wawanosh.
Every delicate baby starts life with a
serious handicap Even a trivial illness
is apt to end fatally, and the mother is
kept in a state of constant dread. Baby's
Own Tablets have done more thn any
, sickly
ey give the
mother a feeling of secnri , as through
their use she sees her de 'tate child de-
. S. M. LeBlanc,
says :—"Up to
nths my baby was
weak and sickly a d at that ago could
not walk. It .was then I began using
Baby's Own Tablets, and the change
they wrought in her condition was stir -
prising. She began to get strong at once
and has ever since been a perfectly well
child." Every mother who values the
health of her little one should keep a box
of Baby's Own Tablets in the house.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail
at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
irritations is found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith
the soothingproperhes of slippery elm and licorice.
100. A11 Druggists 400
—Word was received this week to the
effect that Mrs. Hugh Rosa, who was
taken to Brantford hospital last week
stood the journey well and is progress-
ing very well. We hope that both Mr.
and Mrs. Ross will soon return to Wing.
ham felly restored to health.
other medicine to make we
children well and strong. T
Terms to snit purchaser.
TENDERS will be ectived by the under-
signed up to o'clock p m., of the
22nd day of flay, 19aii, for tho buildidg of n
High School at the wn of Wingham.
Plans and specifi tions can be seen at
Henry Simpson's o ice, 17 Toronto street,
Toronto, and at the ecretary's office, Wing -
DUDL HOLMES, Secretary.
Miss May I. Campbell, of Wingham would
again remind the ladies of Wingllam and sur-
rounding country that she is still able to supply
i hem with the Minuet Shirt and Waist Holder.
market, Mtss Campbebest ll would r' dvise e the on
to secure them early in the season as the de-
mand for thein is on the increase. These
articles can be had on sending n postal card to
Wingham P.O. or from Miss L. Graham,
opposite the post office.
COURT OF REV. ION The undersignedwil
premises. Lots 11 an
(Wingham Junction),
horn Bull, "Admiral"
The first sitting of he C•: rt of Revision and from imported stock.
appeal for Township • f est Wawanosh for ilege of returning if
1906, will be held at tl : ' outwit Roonn. Marnoch breds, 65.00.
P.O. Lot 84, Con. 9, on
at 10 -o'clock n. in , of which all persons inter-
ested are hereby required to take notice:
Ordinary Municipal business will be dealt
with in the afternoon of same day.
East Wawanosh, May 15th 1006.
P. PORTEnrixr.D, Oklk.
veloping healthily. M
Eastern Harbor,
the age of fifteen
The undersigned offers his - .roperty on the
north end of Josephs, : str.: