HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-17, Page 6�'11H W1NU11 ..til 1'1MES MAY IL 1906 r' non REWARD will. be paid to any . p.n-son who proves tha Sunlight Soap contains any iniurious cheinicals or any feint of adulteration. Strnlight is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is 'most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Buy it and 5c• follow directions ere Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto ,G7 No MedicinC cures SU n1Un dick ° The mangos of the late illi. Thos. Falvansr, wha tiled at Moose Jaw, on the San V�� � 111 QYerSlraine�,. QeS�lOndent, the 3rd last., were. tronght kp Luaknpw e r n e l S fr a m station an Monday night, May 7th, n, d Weak People as conveyed to the house cf bis father, Mr Hie - Interesting tri ParagraphsThos. Falconer, on the OM can of Hie- from our Exchanges, 0�• ti A Mi I I T 0 N'6 PILLS lies. Deceased was in his 41st year, gThe one true. Medicine for Health And about two weeks before his death. he wet with an acoideut labile breaking The contract for a new flour null cost 1 log a quarter of a million dollars was awarded at Sonora and building began i immediately, Sick headache results from a derange. mens of the stomach and is cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets. Sold by all druggists. At one time there were two brothers; one worked himself to death before he way fifty, and the other, who was lazy, did not work and took care of his health and lived to inherit his brother's money. THE LADES' PATOItITE. Lnxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousnese, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. A wedding in which Clintonians are interested took place at the lame of Mr. Robt. Crawford, Hallett, on the 2nd, when his youngest daughter, Mise Car- rie, becau o the wife of Mr. Ed. Johnston of Blyth. Whenever your bowels skip a day Without a movement -take a LAX ET., Whenever your breath is bad -your skin waxy, or sallow -your tongue coated - your Soldbreath at Walley's DregLAX Store. only Dr. J. L. Turnbull who sold his prac- tice in Goderich a short time ago with the intention of going to a western city has changed his mind and decided to re- main in Ontario and has located in Lis- towel. There died at the residence of his sou, on the gravel road, Mellott, on Wednes day, May 9th, an old resident of this section, in the person of Richard Taylor aged 77 years. Born in Lincolnshire, England, he came to Canada about 55 years ago. He settled on the farm now occupied by Mr. Hesk about 40 years ago, when it was all covered with bush. He has been a cripple from rheumatism for about 45 years, and for twelve years lived with his son on the Huron road, prior to making hie home with his son in Hulled township. His wife died about ten years ago. VIolent Headaches "I was troubled for a long time with headaches which would come on with snoh violence that I could not eat or do ray work. Headache powders and quick cures did no good. Eight months ago I took six boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and I have not been troubled with headache since." -Mr. 0. Barber, Sim- coe, Ont. The essential lung.healing principal of Me pine tree has finally been successfully Separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. The populatiou of the township of Brant shows a marked decrease since the census of 1891. In that year Brant numbered 4929 souls. -The census of 1905 cannot show better than 3401 per- sons, or a decline in 14 years of 1528. We are again called on to record the demise of an old and respected resident of Seaforth in the person of Mrs. Geo. .Sillery, which took place on Monday, May 8th. Mrs. Sillery had reached the good age of nearly 82 years. Her hus- band predeceased her in 1893. The de. ceased was a native Armagh, Ireland. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Dynes. She camp to this country when quite young with her parents and settled near Toronto. The deceased was married there and soon afterwards went to the township of Hibbert, where she contin- med to reside until 1900, when she went to live in Seaforth. CATARRH CASTOR IA iFor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1,440 According to the Dominion (reuses of 1901, the population of the Canuty of Bruce wag then 59,020. Aceordiug to figures compiled by the Ccuuty Clerk and obtained from the assessment rolls of 1905, the population had fallen to 51,304: At the same rate of decrease the present population is not over 50,000. Those who have taken other laxatives without stttisfaetiou-end those who have taken aunt quantities of other laxa- tives that they have lest Ile it effect - will find a pleasant sur ptisein LAX E CS. There ig usually no pant, aril it g, uausea or discern even iu severe eat.Ps his candy bowel laxative -LAX ETS is only 53 and is Bold at Walley's Drug Store. Here is another hen laying re cord, and it bolds the red ticket for the presort• Mr. Joseph Mooeomery, of Clifford has 18 haus, and this sea -on since Christ• oras has sold 65 d: zeu eggs, besides hav- ing an abundant supply for home use. Mr. Montgomery feeds the best No 1 wheat and oats, and is certain that it pays to do so. suDDE;\rr ATTACHED Children are often attacked suddenly by pahidut and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, eto. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and euro cure which should always be kept in the houee. In Pennsylvania the other day, 350 school teachers sat ere enhj ctr d to a test in spelling. Only thirteen words were given, all common words in general use. Only one teacher passed the test success- fully. The words were: - auxiliary, Tennessee, beefsteak,proceed,supersede, precede, picnioking, sieve, seiz ', sledge. oyliuder, succotash and desiccated. Chamberlain's Salve This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands, itching piles, chrouic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases of the skin such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies or itch and eczema. It has met with un- paralleled success in the treatment of these diseases. Price 25e per box. Try it. For sale by all druggists. The last week of April saw the last settlera' excursion to the West, with about 600 passengers. The total numb- er of settlers during the two months March and April is over 6,000, while last year over 5,000. If you prefer to take medicine in tab- let form you can now obtain Dr. Shoop's Restorative Tablets. Absolute no ohange has been made in the medicinal in- gredients. Sold at Walley's drug store. Talking about chickens, Colin Camp- bell, of the Huron road near Goderich, has raised over 700 this spring, They are mostly incubator -hatched. Some of them are over two pounds in weight, and he intends to make his first ship- ment to Montreal for export this week. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Mr. William Cannell, an old and high- ly esteemed resident of Lucknow, passed away at his residence on Havelock street on Thursday evening, May 3rd, in the 80th year of his age. Deceased was for many years a resident of the township of Kinloss before coming to the village. SSCAP!D A DANGEROUS SURGICAL 10Ei101O1 271 Brunswick Aye., Toronto, CAA. E OXYGENATOR CO.. Toronto, Canada. teenttemen,--I are most pleased to certify to rite curative properties of "Oxygenator. ' I tient ;xigart wing it for Catarrh in the head. having uuhdaed this loathsome disease I then turned my attender to a large Polypus that existed in my tight *extra, which Was successfully renoved by eie local application of "Ozygenatd.r" thereby arr1 tt mach pain, danger std ozponse bid it been insenomt by eurgiest preemie. 1 bare used 'oar remedy in my family (of 5) for taanber ofears, and can highly rseommepd.tt tit firerscolds std tbroat troubles -11A gai`gle, Irks* *mimed, it is invaluable. I remain, yeti H. Do2INSON. OXYGENATOR A GERM MR SPICING limpet:r\E. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Filling his mouth with kerosene oil, Constance Bronovith, of Plymouth, a few days ago, in a fit of jealeons rage, squirted it over pretty Agnes Matkis, and then holding her to him, despite her struggles and shrieks for help, struck a match and ignited her oil -sprinkled clothes. Friends rushed to her aid and managed to save her life, but she was severely burned . about the hands, fade and neck. Tne girl had refused his re• peated proposals. Bronnovith escaped. CATARRH CURE.., 250. DR. A. W. CHASE'S is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heats the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. and Strength, Yon will realize, es you read the fol- ioi+ing letters, the Brand work being done by Dr, Hamiltch's Pihle. They have a direct action on the blood, nerves, heart, kidneys and liver, Ali weakness is tern ti into strength, new energy and nourishing; blood are created, buoyant good health is establi.alied he a shot t time. Discouraged Women Found New Hope. "I had pretty neatly given myself up Bs incurable. I was,weak and sickly all the time, had heartache, poor digestion and stoking it.elieg Oa rising in the morning there was a teehng of awful weariness "Dr. Hamilton s Pills helped from the first, They must hare streugthened my blood, for I gained in strength as soon as I took them Steady improvement fol• lowed, and 1 am now completely aurae." (etas) M. E Benson, Woodstock. Streugth and Spirits Improved. "No medicine could possibly be better thau Dr Hamilton's Pills," writes Mr. ,Tos. Devine from Ottawa. '•I had pains in the back and side, caused by kidney trouble, was bntber.-d considerably with headacke, but Dr Hamilton's Pills cured the quickly I cau recommend them to every man " You'll become vigorous and strong, enjoy a good appetite, your sleep will be dreamless and sound after regulating your system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills Price 25o, per hox, or five boxes for $1 at all dea'ers, or by mail from N C. .Polson & Co.. FIertford, Conn., U.S A , and Kingston, Out. The following particulars ere taken from Clintou'e 1900 aeeessment roll: - Total value of real property, $603,683; property liable for school taxes, $8,500; business assessment, $72,745; taxable income, $S,050; population, 2,435; dogs, 111; bitches, 17; total assessment, $744,- 480. 7 44,- 480. The assessment is $15,05S more than it was last year, the population is nearly 400 more, while there is a total of fifty dogs more than last year. A.Eli '1'ORY.A.. Bears the Alfie Kind You Have Always Boal Shgnaten of According, to official statistics Italian commerce enjnyed an increase during n g 1905 of no less than $55,000,C00. In connection Nith the railroad opera- tions in the United States last year 4,- 000 people were killed and 5,000 fee ured. Beers the of The Kind You Have Always Baughl Signature i.� The Assessor for tha Township of Wallace has completed his work and the following information is taken from the roll: -Number of acres assessed, 50,- i 007; number of acres cleared, 40,547; number of acres woodland, 4,127; numb• er of acres slash land, 1,923; number of acres swamp marsh, 3,241; Value of real property, exclusive of buildings, $1, - The Merchants Bank at Formosa has 2e3,350. 'Value of buildings $693,300; A sale of at boles left in trains by care- less or absent-minded passengers on the Great Eastern railway of England in• chided 2 500 umbrellas, 800 walking sticks, 70 coats, 40 mackintoshes, jewel. lry, 17 cameras, 102 boas, 18 muffs and 100 purses. A Scotchman whose house adjoined the railway kept a goat tethered in his garden. A friend asked him one day what was the use of tke goat. "Use of the goatl" he replied. "Mau, that goat keeps me in coals. Never a train passes but the fireman throws a bit of coal at it. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow direodons. It is computed that the population of the metrcpo'itan city of Sydney, Austra- lia, on December 3rd last, numbered 529,600. being an increase 01 11,030 dur- ing the year. In the course of 1905 there were 13 760 births, or 26.27 per 1,000 of the population. The deaths numbered 5,770 or 10 01 per 1,000. This is the lowest death rate ever recorded in Syd. ney. issued notices that hereafter it will be a Basinesa assessment :13,595; total assess - open on Tuesdaya and Fridays only of ment, $1,982,243. Population 2,531, each week. Times have changed Eiuee Births 40, deaths 4. less than a year ago when there were two banks open full time. Often -tittles in the sudden illnesses of children if a reliable reined is available Many people say they are'�ail mrvea,'r fatal consequence can be avoided. For easily startled or upset, easily worried these emergencies parents are urged to and irritated. Milb^urn s Heart std have at hand ready for immediate use Nerve Pills are just the remedy snob Dr, Shoop's Diptheria Cure. Dr. Shoop's people require. They restore perf et Croup Cure, Dir. Shoop's Worm Cure harmony of the nerve centres and give : and Dr. ehoop's Pain Panacea. Child• new nerve force to shattered nervous' ten's ailments demand promptness above systems. all else. Thera is nothing harsh or that The death has occunt d at Winni 1 ,eg t Cart possibly harm in any of these excel. lent household medicines. Sold at of Mrs. Alexia Catri re, wlioee maiden Walley's I rlq :Moro. name was Susanne Duchene, at the age'I of 103 years and 7 months. Deceased' Mr, Henry Tippardt, assessor of Hay WWI the oldest living native of Manitoba township, has completed the roll for having been born in St. Boniface, Oct. 190G. The following statistics are culled 20, 1802. Her husband, Alex Carriers, from it: Number on roll, 204; acres in predeceased her G3 years ago. townships, 52,495; land cleared, 41,708 Mr Rolls, proprietor of the Temper acres; woodland, 4,000 acres; swamp, ance House, Moorefield, had to appear 0,722 aeree; value of land, $1,534,710; before Mr. W. Scott, Police Magistrate, value of buildings, $722,305; business last week to answer to a charge of Bell- , tax, $55,825; income tax, $12,335; total ing liquor. The evidence was sufficient, assessment, $2,245,235; children aged 5 to convict him and the Magistrate im- to 21,1030; aged G to 10, 207; total pupa- T�� C(,y. "� i posed tat line of $70 Land $G costs -$70 in � iatioli, �4v;nrirltber of male in a colt. He had been seventeen years in the West and had amassed an iude- pendent fortune, being tho owner of some 1200 sores of land, and was one of the most prominent and highly respect- ed residents in the section. N'or over Sixty rears. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothi.ngSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, And is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the' World. Twenty. flee) cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure yon ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. On Monday afternoon of last week the body of an elderly man was found by some school boys, in the lake at the foot elf Bruce Ave , Kincardine. He was shortly afterwards identified as Mr. John Mugford, who for ,the,past four years Inas resided with Mr, l.Lux- ton, South Side. He was sub eo to at= teaks of weakness, and it is supposed was suffocated by an incoming wave. He was a native of • Colborne Tp„ Huron - Co., and was in his 71st year. Two of his sons reside in Goderioh, and the re- mains were taken to that town for buri- al. Caught Cold While Huntinga Burglar. Mr. Wm. Thos. Lanorgan, Provincial Constable at Chapleau, Oatario,says: "I r cold while bunting a a severe caughtg burglar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Reme- dy, I tried it, and after two email bottles I was completely erred." • Thiel remedy is intended especially foreconghs and colds: It will loosen and relieve a cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a 'favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by all druggists. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. Soma weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and myself contracted colds which speedily devel- oped into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Egloston of Maple Landing, Iowa, "Knees and joints aching, mus- cles sore, head stopped np, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began' using Chamber- larn's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip." Sold by all druggist'. Persons aged OXYGEN/ ISO f14utrttil * tor'onitb all. 21 to 00,080, Robert Lockhart read an artiole in the Telescope last week on Alfred Beit, the richest man ire the world. This man is man is said to be worth a billion dollars. It is claimed that the human miud is in- capable of comprehending the meaning of a million, but Mr. Lockhart has sue. ceeded in reducing a billion dollars to a form in which anybody can grasp its significance. This is how he figures it out; a billion one dollar bills, if placed on edge side by side, would measure 78 miles, 29 rods and 4 ft. In silver dollars it would weigh 25,000 tons, and would fill 625 forty ton oare. From these figures it will be seen that a man who would undertake to eteal Beit's fortune would have some difficulty in making off with it. -Walkerton Telescope. On Wednesday the 2nd inst. Thos. Bushel, a young farmer living near Kin- loss, had a marvellous escape from death. He was caught in a lightning and rain storm while going from one farm to another. He took shelter under a tree and thinking of lightning went over to a post and placing a oouple of boards V shape sat down with his back to the post. Wbile in this position an exceedingly heavy flash came and runn- ing along the fence down the post out a most perfect hole about the size of one's little finger in Mr. Bushel'e clothes, burning his back and hits, and continu- ing down his leg to the ground leaving a bullet shaped course. Mr. Bushel says he was almost senseless and for a time could hardly move. From the Seaforth Assessment roll, as compiled by Assessor Ballantyne, we gather the following figures: -Actual value of real estate, exclusive of build- ings, $99,040; value 8f buildings, $636,- 525; total amount of taxable real prop- erty, $581,775; bnsines3 assessment, $74,720; taxable income, $21,670; total assessment, $671,253. Children between the ages of 5 and 21, 558; between the ages of 5 and 16, 351; total population, 2,206; births, 36; deaths, 16; dogs, 125. There is an increase in the aseessmept this year over that of 1905 of $10,927, And a decrease of five in population. CIis. Sk*Xi CoI% A. . Sears the The Kind You Have Always' Bought off •zell-lilig-tAf According to the assessor's returns for 19CG the total assessment of tho town- ship of Colborne is $1,351,810. This amount is made up as follows: Value of real pro lerty, $1,005,850; value of build- ings, $3323,225; business assessment, $10,- 225; taxable income $5,410. There are 34,187 acres of land in the township, of which 31,093 are cleared; 1,857 are wood- land, 74 are slash and 1,182 are swamp land, There are 480 children between the ages of five and twenty-one years; 351 between five and sixteen; and 387 male persons from twenty-one to sixty. The total population is 1,605. Nnniber of days statute labor, 1,833, The pope• lation returned last year was 1,083; to that there has been a decrease of 78 in the year. The total assealiment last year was $1,390,825, How Is Your Cold? Every place you go you hear the same question caked. Do you know that there is nothing so dangerous as a neglected cold 2 Do you know that a neglected cold will tum into Chronic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, disgusting Catarrh and the most deadly of all, the "White Plague," Consumption. Many a life history would read different if, on the first appearance of a cough, it had been remedied with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup ' MADE IN CANADA i ,x BY A CANADIAN COMPANY OUR NAME has been closely allied with the development of Sewing Machines In Canada for more than One Third of a Century, because we have a Maohlne which bears Investigation and stands any test. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME MeNearr THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. LIMIT(D, ODMpANY Otrrices: MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. Ile AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. AGENT DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, OsT. 411000Sfv00fi.•0••••.$O.d0..0• •.•..••.•......••$•.•.••.01 • . • • • • • • RATES • • • FOR - 1905 - 06. • no • The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any or all of the following publications : 4• d• 4. 4. 4. 4. h 4. 4. 4. • 4. CLUBBING This wonderful cough and cold medicine contains all those very pine principles which make the pine woods so valuable in the treatment of lung affections. Combined with this are Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing, healing and ex• pectorant properties of other pectoral herby and barks. For Coughs, Colds Bronchitis,Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Iloarsertess or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. You will find a sure cure in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Mrs. C. N. Lorimer, Berwick N.B., writes : "I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for coughs and eolds, and have always found it to give instant relief. I also recommended it to one of my neiph- bors and she was more that pleased with the results." ,Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 28 eta. per bottle at all dealers. Put up eh yellow wrapper, and three pine trees the trade mark. Refuse tuba Mute*. There i,l only ono Norway Pins Syrup sad that one is lir. Wood's, Times to January 1st, 1907.. Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto' Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family lferald and Weekly Star,: and book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide Times and Weekly Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Herald Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide ...... • • . • Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London Times and American Sheep Breeder Times and Country Gentleman .. Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and Modern Women Times and McCall's Magazine .. • • , Times and Pearson's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Bookkeeper Times and Recreation ' Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post.... Times and Success Times and Housekeeper Times and Pilgrim Times and Poultry Keeper Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and hiunsey's Magazine Times and Rural New Yorker Times and Vick's Magazine Times and American Gardening Times and Health Culture Times and Ram's Horn Times and Four Track News Times and Breeders' Gazette ......• Times and Practical Farmer $1.00 4.50 4.50 3.10 1.90 1.85 2.35 2.35 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.90 1,65 1.50 1.80 1,60 1,80 1.85 1.30 2.35 1.35 2.25 2,25 3.25 1.90 2.75 2.90 1.45 1.85 1.65 1.75 1.15 1.90 2.10 1,95 1.75 1.35 1.80 1,45 1.45 1.70 1.90 1.65 1.60' 1.65 1.75 1.65 2.15 2.45 1:80 1,50 1.60 1.40 1.90 1.90 2,00 2.00 1.40 2.25 1,85 2.45 1.00 2.25 1.85 eth• e C• V ear go: 41. .f. 3e• 4- 4. • When premiums are given with any of above palters, subscribers will; secure such premiums when ordering through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable Meting to eubtcri.bers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, ,post, office or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, WINGIXAM, MARIO. ' A w