HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-17, Page 44 TUE WINGT[A,L TIKES NAS 17, 1906.u
TO ADVERTISERS mote, for two centuries—British Cab%
net Ministers have given up their legal
or other business during the ocaupanoy
of .office, There is, however, at least
one exception to this. It is in the mat-
ter of writieg and publishing books, but
this may not be considered business in
the ordinary sense. ---St. John Globe.
The House of Commons Committee on
Election Laws has commenced theactuai
work of revising the existing laws with
a view to securing e1 aner elections.
The most important change adopted was
one which provides than an elector who
_. neglects to discharge lila duty as a citizen
by exercising the trust reposed in him as
a voter shall be diequalitied from. voting
for six yeare unless he shows upou oath
good reason for his failure to go to the
polls, Another important obange which
will be, it la expected, almost as far -
Saturday's Datario Gazette contained reaching in its effects as that referred to
the announcement of the appaiut en
m t tq�,above was in the clause referring
of Mr. T. W. Gibsau, Director of the to the hiring of Carriages on
eleetion day. A person demaadtng or re•
cetviug payment for the use of a horse
or team on election day is also made li-
able to a penalty of $100,
2otine Of changes must be left at this
°fico not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for ohauges must be left
not later than 3Souday evening.
Daaaa advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
B, i3. ae tIDTT, P irn isaxa ear, PR,Prinzar r'
Bureau of Mines, as Deputy Minister of
Mines. Mr. Gibson is a Nurse old bpy,
being a former well-known resident of
The Huron and Ontario Railway bill
was reported in the House of Cammous
on Tuesday. It secures rights and ex-
tends time for the construction of a line
across country from Port Parry to Gode-
rich, with branches to Meaford, Owen
Sound and Kincardine.
The Ontario Legislature concluded its
business on Friday night and proroga-
tion took plane on Monday morning.
The House was in session frons. the 15th
of February. No less than 247 public
and private bills were brought down,
and 150 of them were passed,the balance
going to the scrap -pile,
Mr. Allan Dymond, Law Clerk of the
Legislative Assembly, states that the
statutes of 1906 will extend over 1,000
pages, which fnrnishes a record for one
session of Legislature, Over 300 pages
have been printed and corrected, and the
whole must be issued, under the statute,
within thirty days.
Nervous Childreli.
St. Vitus Dance, Neuralgia and Head"
aches Common Among School
St. Vitus dance is a disease that is be.
coming more and more frequent among
school children. Young people tire the
nerves with study and tae nerves cry
out. Sometimes the trouble takes form
of neuralgia, headache, nervous exhaa-
sten, weakness of the limbs and muscles,
and what we call "being run down." In
other cases St. Vitus dance is the result,
and the sufferer fregnently loses all con-
trol of the limbs, which keep up a con-
stant jerking and twitching. There is
only one way to mire this trouble—
through the blood which •feeds and
strengthens the nerves. And Dr. Win
, red blood
The case of
llama' Pink Pills are the on
that can mase the new ric
that feeds the nerves a
every part of the body
Despite the great increase that Flossie Doan, of Crow rid, Ont., proves
taken place in the use of mechanical the value of Dr, Williams' Pink
power, the demand for horses, far from Pills, Mrs. Doan a a: "A couple of
years ago my deux er Flossie was dan-
falling off, seems continually to increase. geronely atHic d ith St. Vitus dance,
The prices at the present moment, es- She became so vons that after a tune
pecially of the animals of a good type, we could not let her see even her friends.
She could not pick up a dish, lace her
remain entirely satisfactory. Horse-
shoes, or make any movement to help
breeding is likely to continue one of the herself. She had grown thin and very
safest branches of English agriculture— I pale, and as she had been. treated by
Country Life. - -several doctors without benefit I feared
she would not recover. A friend ad -
Hon. James Dunsmuir was on Satur- vised me to give her Dr. Williams' Pink
day appointed Lieutenant -Governor of Pills, and after she had used a couple of
British Columbia, sacceeding Sir Henry boxes I could see that they were helping
Jots, who has held the position since her, We gave her nine boxes in all, and
1 by that time she was perfectly well, and
June 21, 1000, Mr. Danemuir was !every symptom of trouble had. passed
premier of the province from June 15, away and she is now a strong, well de -
1900, until November, 1902. Of late he
has not taken any part in politics. The
reappointment of Sir Daniel McMillan
for a second term as Lieutenant Govern-
or of Manitoba was oleo made on Satur-
day. He succeeded to the nice on Sept.
6, 1900.
So, when the boss comes down to wort~
at 9 or 10, while we have been hustling
perhaps for hours, are we to be envious
of the boss? Will we look at him with
hard eyes, comparing our long hours
with his short ones, our short purse with
his long one? Not much; We will pull
in our belt and say to our self : "Here,
I may be boss some day if I only hustle
along Borne definite line." Then we
will hustle along the definite line if we
are wise, and our Iive will be sweeter
far,—Raymond's Record, Oakville.
Canada's aggregate foreign trade for
veloped girl."
If your growing children are weak or
nervous, if they are pale and thin, lack
appetite or complain of headaches or
backaches, give them Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and see how speedly the rich,
red blood these pills make will transform
them into bright, active, robust boys and
girls, Yon can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 reuts a
box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville
Non -Jury Sittings for the County of
(Qalertch atm..)
T' be non -jury spring sitting of the
High Court of Justice opened on Mon-
day, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Clute,
with s docket 01 five cases:
Pigott vs. the Imperial Cement Co.
An action to recover for the value of
cement bags returned, was by consent of
counsel postponed till the next sitting of
the High Court for this county, costs of
the pestponemone to be costa in the cause,
J. L. Killoran for plaintiff, Wm. Proud.
foot, K. C., for the defendant.
Armstrong vs. Inglis, et al, an action
an a deed of laud, se as settled by con-
sent of counsel, His Lordship directing
judgment in accordance with consent -
minutes signed by counsel, declaring the
defendant the owner in fee simple of the
lands in suit. Wm. Proudfoot, K. C.,
for plaintiff ; R. VanStone for defendant.
Duncan vs. Gentles, an action for
dowry, A. W. Holmsted•, of Torouto, for
plaintiff; Wm. Prondfoot, K. 0., for de-
fendant. His Lordship directed that
judgment be entered for plaintiff for
dower out of the lands in the proceed-
ings mentioned, with costs of actions.
Defeudant to have the right to elect
within 30 days to pay the amount pro.
vided in the agreement dated the 11th of
Maroh, 1902, with arrears thereunder
and costs of action; in such case the
same to be a lien upon the land. The
usual form of judgment to .issue, and to
be settled if the parties cannot agree.
Reference to Master at Goderich to as-
sign dower if necessary. Costs of refer-
ence to be spoken to, before order issued.
Crawford vs, Tilden et al, was an ac-
tion by a sub contractor against a sub.
contractor, for work done by the plain-
tiff, who resides in West Wawanosh,
the work performed being in the neigh-
borhood of Auburn. The action neces-
sarily brought Pigot & Co. and the God-
erich and Guelph Railroad Co, in as de-
fendants. The leading argument of the
defendants was that the lien could not -
be claimed under the Dominion R. R.
Act. His Lordship directed that it be
referred to the Local Master at Goderich
to enquire and report the amount owing
to the plaintiff and other lien holders, by
the defendants (if any), or any of them,
pursuant to the Mechanics' Lien Act,
and to enquire and ascertain the state of
the account between defendants, or any
of them, and between defendants and
plaintiff, or other lien holders, in so far
as may be necessary to ascertain the re.
Good wheat is only JF ALL' the battle ;) a °TUBB half is
skilful millinge
hoe the two halves. With our long experience, we KNOW
bow to make 44000 FL011711, and we give oar mitis our
J.''EUMANAL attention.
Our machinery -.•.there is NONE better made. If there were,
we would BUY it.
Loot; for the Recipe Boolt:let In the Bag..
Tete Short Sleeve Girl.
(ndpard Lyman.)
The abort sleeve girl, I must confess,
Has bit a cute conceit of dress.
She's also hit my wad of dough,
For long sleeve gloves come high, you
Three plunks and a half per pair—no less
Of course, if she's your sister Bess
You,feei no sad spondulix stress;
But if she be your "steady"—Oh—
• The short sleeve girl!
Pray Cupid give you swift success!
I1 summer comes without the "Yes,"
May Sol retard your lucre's flow
By gloving her in tan—and so
Leave you the wealth to muck impress
The short sleeve girl.
Set fence Sermons
Many mistake fluidity
You cannot help tide world by hiding
from it.
You lift no one up by looking down
your nose.
When a man is puffed up he is easily
blown away.
Love's sacrifices are life's most satisfy-
ing luxuries.
The man with money to burn seldom
gete up any steam.
The rambling preacher seldom bite the
green pastures.
Heaven is not far from him who smiles
in cloudy weather.
People do not push ahead by patting
themselves on the back.
Even the Almighty cannot use people
who are born petrified.
Making wealth common will not make
the ideal commonwealth.
The liar does not become a moral ath-
lete by his mental gyinnastice,
of mind for
spective rights of the parties. Farther I1 will take men and women of iron
directions and costs reserved. Proceed- will to bring in the. golden, age.
Ings stayed for 30 days. E. L. Dickin-
son for plaintiff; Col, Macdonald, K. C., 'As soon as a man is satisfied with him -
for G. and G. Railroad Co.; Wm, Proud. self the angels begin to be sorry for him.
foot, K. C„ and F. G. Blair for M. A. .
Pigott & Co.
Nagle vs Collis, an action for the price
of the construction of a granolithic pier
or dam at the village of Auburn. The
dispute is as to the manner in which the
work was tibiae, the plaintiff claiming
that it was properly finished according
An exhaustive bulletin on the prodac to plans and contract, and the defence -
tion of hogs in Canada for the Britiah that it was imperfectly finished and that
o n to the
bacon trade is ready for distribution some of the materialwas n G p
from the office of the Live Stook Com- required standard. The case lasted the
missioner at Ottawa. It is divided into greater part of the day, and when the
fourteen parts each dealing with a sec- conte adjourned at 6 p m., there were
tion of the bacon industry under the over 20 witnesses still to examine. Dar -
following heads: Introduction; rite ing the evening the parties to the snit
the ten months ended April 80th reach- Standard Bacon Type; Undesirable, discussed their differences, and jest
ed the enormous total of $485,742,955, or Hogs for Bacon Production; Breeds and when the Judge was about retiring they
nearly $6'3,000,000 more than for the Breeding; Care -of Breeding Animals; called on him, and then all returned to
same period of the year previous. The . Rearing and Finishing; Cost of gain at the Court House and settled ,suit in con -
imports amounted to $2255,257,576, au in- different stages of growth ;Soft Bacon; sent terms. J, L. Killoran for plaintiff;
crease of $25,280,200, and the exports to Foods; Preparation df k'ood; Composi- W. Prondfoot, K. C., and F. G. BIair
$189,757,157, a gain of $35,615,754. The tion of Foods used in Swine Feeding: for defendant.
improvement in exports of domestic Value of Hog Manure; Gestation Table; -
prodnce was, therefore $ 0,535,554 more The present and future of the Canadian
than that on imports. The most notable Bacon Inenstry. Besides the personal
gain le in exports of agricultural pro• experience of the Live Stook Commis.
dncte, which amounted to $18,392,640. stoner and members of his staff, every
A Canadian. Minister of the Crown, as reliable source of information within
a general thing, has not sufficient time reach was drawn upon in securing data
to give to any other business than that for the bulletin. After describing the
of his department. For attending to typ3 and breeds of hogs suitable for the
that badness he has large pay, and the bacon trade and discussing the beat and he may tight the lamp with a splinter to offices, on . the streets, everywhere,
general public expectancy is that he will moat economical methods of rearing and save matches; he may stop his watch at Every nerve and muscle of the young
attend to that and to nothing else. For feeding, the bulletin points out that night to Savo wear; use a period for a man, or woman is strained to the utmoet
many years—according to some state- the bacon - industry et Canada, worth semi -colon 10 save ink, and pasture his in order to keep pace with the Mat city
some thirteen million dollars per year is grandmother's grave to save hay; but a life. Stay where you are, young man
worthy of the earnest support of the man of this kind is a scholar and a gen. and young woman. City life is a mere
Ifarmers of Canada. In order to en- tleman oompared to a man who will take bauble. A delusion and a snare.--
- ' courage and assist this valuable trade n newspaper and when asked to pay for Southampton BOSOM.
- My Fiiir
this bulletin has been prepared with it put it bank in the postoffice, marked
!great cars and exactness as to teaching. ••Refused,"
f It is helpfully illustrated by half tone
s cnts of swine of different pure breeds, The June Delineator is a most attrao-
correct and incorrect types of huge, Remember the date of Taube & Son's tive number, abntaining the n:nal array
.4) r a g
y ; ideal and faulty sides of bacon, vieft to wiughatti and if your eye: of the latest atgles with kee intOrestinlp
- pians and description of the moveable to consult them at the Queen's hotel on Lod and Edouard La Fontaine and
Loyd ,
Touched the Sore Spot.
Here is an editor who has been touched
in a sore spot. A lower Ontario ex-
change received at this office recently
says this of some residents of his town;
"A man may use the mole on the back
of his neck for a collar button; he may
ride e. freight to save three cents a mile;
John Foster and Mrs. Healey, only
son and daughter of Robt. Foster, Paa-
lineli, died last week. The family have
been greatly afliioted since last fall,
some ten of the connections having pas-
sed away from what the doctors say is
pneumonia, and to which the family are
susceptible. There are rumors about
the cause of so many deaths in such a
short time in the same family, and Mr.
Peterson, Crown Attorney, has ordered
a thorough investigation. Many think
that it is attributable to the water, -
Milverton, Ont.
n.tve Stook Markets.
Toronto, May 15.—Theron at the City
Cate Market to -day was 62 loads, with
1,07' head of cattle, 95 sheep and Iamb e,
50 la go and 285 calves.
T . e light run to -day steadied the mar-
ket, and prices held just about at last
week's level, with a lower tendency at
the'close of the market. At the same
time there was some -good prices paid for
anything nice, and some fairly well fin-
shed expdrt cattle sold at $5,10 and
choice butcher cattle sold at $4.50 a,
$4 75. While these prices show that
cattle were no cheaper this week, the
steadiness Was perhaps altogether due to
the lighter run. There would have been -{J
a draggy feeling in the butcher market i
but for the fact that there were a few
buyers in from outside points, and these
took any surplus that there might have 14
been. A consignment of seven Ioads of `1
cattle from the Northwest arrived on the
market today. Among these were some
good heavy cattle, weighing in the ei
neighborhood of 1,400 lbs., and from 3
this weight down to 1,000 lbs. The lot '
averaged $4 45.
The "Big Store.
mouragrm'f txmatou"i+ 1klrr"'li mur.l"f mese 7A!",1zei9t
Zlio. Zas. 3-errl
_We keep in stock the BEST and ONLY THE BEST Su. I�
SUGAR—we A R, gar
It doesn't pay to buy the cheap stuff' that some
dealers offer you.
RAISINS.— We haven't any cheap Raisins to offer you, but we
money can buy. Seleoted, recleaned fruit, and we
are still offering 4 lbs for 25o.
The young man or : woman living in
the average county town longs for the
city life. le is not so much the desire
for improvement in their position, as the
desire to revel in the glamor of exciting
and pleasurable eights. Stay home
youngsters! You are a thousands times
better off. The writer has had twenty-
five years of Toronto and after ten -
months 01 country lifeland a return to
the oity for the last two weeks I would
not come bacli'''again for a Kingdom.
The awful struggles for place, and t0
keep up appearances is driving into
bankruptcy and humility. I notice
hundreds of pale, wan girl faces, in the
The Delineator for June.
I - en which is becomibg very popular. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 291h and literary features of the greatest excels
O you tike it to Thea why , The bulletin is No. 10 of the Life Stock 30t11• lence. Burtom E. Stevenson contributes
be contented with it? Have 'trench. Copies may be secured free by the first putt of "The hose of Sharon,"
to be? Oh, not Just put Oil _ application to the Live Steak Commis- The great Ferris wheel, one of the at- ofmtstx dty ere tot veilI nclve,taand there are
Ayers Hair Vigor and have ! shiner, Ottawa. - tractions at the Ohioage and St. Loris short stories by Kathryn Jarboe, and
1 eve; of headache: comet} from eye• . with dynamite. 11 had survived it: Raritan he ne rve Japan.
Ie President nd lof
r a
hair. But first coming all, out. strain. Proper fitting gimes zein give , and thin len was adopted of -sive ,>
your hair from- out. p e t relief. soba Son at
p p Q i tinder th title
besides trouble you in any way make it a point fashion chronicles of Helen Berkeley.
long, thick hair; soft, even
The following are the quotations:
Exporters' cattie—
Feeders --
best 1000 pounds and up-
wards 4 75
3 75
2 00
exhibitions, was last week blown up Wolf Von Schierbrand, the former a
Save what you have. Ayer's
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair -bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
The beth kind. of w tertiraoritai---
sie « go � io
tniter _ riyrty' Vieth .'fir"
Awade »•J.0. £ynr as,. zcwa:lr, x
w auar,rrwrwrrn wz
t . SatiPA1.I.A.
=rman n Iief. See T & vex s continued. n er the ,
the Queen's hotel on Taeaday and Wed- ing it to scrap.
nesday, May 29th and 30th.
niZ, f'F t talS..
Tho people of this section were entry
to hear of the rather andden death on
; T'ussday' afternoon of Mr, Peter Mo-
Donald, sort of Mr, thigh i.tolionald.
' Deceased had been ill wart It resales and
icangb:t s cold, rtihieli developed into
nerinoe1s. The ot g)x tt wits lilgix.
relhp+ealed bit sr lat'ga ole of fs ieridsl,
"The Revival of an Old Assembly,"
Per 100 lbs. z
$4 80 $5 10 IS
4 00 -I You'll be needing Diamond Dyes to Make old garments look new. It
8 75 6 will pay you to bay your Diamond Dyes at the " Big Store." We're head -
4 25 quarters for these goods. We keep alt colors for wool, cotton, mixed goods ,
also Diamond Paint for Picture Frames, etc., gold, silver, doppsr and bronze .
1 Oar apatite' price: -'-4 packages for 25o ; 2 packages 1553; 1 package 8c.
225 b
400 F Fi R Ogilvie's Royal Household FLSel
4 75
3 75
3 25
3 75
Stockers choice
” bulls•
Peter Pretest desa lt:ea the ball at the
Astor Rouse, New York, which oalled
forth national tOnIrdent at the tinie it
The 0. r R. steamer Empress of was held, in April. Gustav Kobbe la.
Britain arrived int uebec Saturday ov. tereatingly tells the story of "i/onto,
ening. She is the largest vessel which ' Svreet Horne," and there is a 'tersely of
ever reached that port, baits G70 feet : "Stories verp:, For children there ane
K Storletreititdl:�a:times, nmoiigtl►0rno�
long, and towering .140 fret from the of Alio Brown's *Gradual Patty Tales,'
1,at-r lice to the upper deck. She 00. and for the woman of the home, many
arlldee of hcntsewlfe1y interest, !Holed"
tied a Crew of 375 men, and sial acoom- ittg a chaplet oh "Dirt axed: 'Danger in
modatiott for A thonsixntt third-class the Martet," :,The i,lelieeeliot's t stn"
tsateengers. paign for Safe Foadsl."
Picked 4 50
Choice 4 25
Medium 3 85
Cows... , .. , 8 00
Bulls 3 00
Best . 7 00
Lights '6 75
Export ewes ... , . • 4 75
Bucks.... 3 50
Colla , , - , 3 50
Spring Lambe 3 00
Calves, each 300 5 50
Women's Grey Homespun Skirts, assorted sizes, were $3 00
each, reduced to . - . - $2.00
Women's Navy Blue Homespun Skirts, assorted'sizes, were
$3 50 each, reduced to - . - - $2.25 -
Money -Saving Chance in Dinner Sets.
Handsome, printed, tinted, gold stippled ani gold. traced. For one
week we offer these goods at a big reduction in ;rice. If you want one of
these handsome Dinner Sete at our Special Price yon must come early.
$12 00 Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, special price one week $9.00
.. ' 6.75
900 - ,
41 448.00 444,
6.00 II .4
Diamond Dyes.
3 75
8 50 I No better Bread Flour iu Canada than Ogilvie's Royal Household,
ei made from Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat, No Ontario wheat used in the man -
'el ufaoture of Ibis flour. It makes better bread and more loaves to the saok
ti, than the best mixed flour yoa can get. Every sack of this dour is guaran-
teed to give satisfaotion. Try it, Money refunded if it's not east as good as
4 00 we say it is,
G 50 �Paee 'r.1;- Ri3" ^�r a..e9ic'. 7 7F.l:r'-ey" r.r, r„�ir-1,�
iS 1N HAnt MAB ET REPonir8
Wing/tam, May 16th 1906
Flour per 100 /be,.,. 2 25 to 2 75
Fall Wheat •0 76 to 0 76
Oats, 0 32 to 0 34
Barley , , 0 42 to 0 45
Peas 0 65 to 0 65
Buckwheat 0 55 to 0 55
Butter 0 16 to 0 16
Eggs per doz 0 15 to 0 15
Wood per cord - 2 50 to 300
Hay , per ton............ 6 00 to 7 00
Potatoes, per bushel . 0 45 to 0 45
Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 06
Lard ,,, 0 15 to 0 15
Dried Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 06
Live Hogs, per owt. G 85 to 7 00
Moose Jaw
- $32.00 Strassburg - 330.25
- 33.60 Saskatoon - 37.25
33,55 Prince Albert 33,00
• ° 34,20 Ho, Battteford 39,00
• 34.60 `Macleod " 40,00
" '� 40.60
Red Deer Caa"• 41.50
35.75 Stetttcr 42 50
30.00 Edmentonf'
June 5thr good to return until August lith.
June 19th, " " August 20th.
July 3rd, Sept, 3rd.
July ltth, " " Sept. 17th.
For rates to ether points and complete in-
formation apply to nearestCanadian Pacific
.Agent, or write to C.I3. Fo. n, District
1'a';senger .Agent, 71 Yonge St, Toronto.
toms in semen!
E. 1L AVM, Agent, IYnM
vox r .ltTXCC14.lt9,
- For the Spring of 1906.
T. A. Mills
EGarden Seeds.
All kinds of Clovers. The finest quality of Timothy,
tOrchard Grasses, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top
► Meadow Fescue, and all kinds of Grasses for lawns, etc.
i •
all the best Manges, Sugar Beet and Turnip
4 �.
is headquarters for ail Field aad
Our Garden Seeds are the very best to be had any-
where—not cheap, good-for-nothing American stuff, not
worth putting in the soil—but Fresh Seeds from the most
reliable buses.
—Corn for maturing and the silo.
—New Barley, and Oats.
-•--Peas---The Little Briton.
—New Seed Potatoes,
In fact any kind of Seed of the finest quality will be
found here.
Flax Seed and Pure Ground Flax.
Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves,
Herb Food. Ground Oil Cake.
.rYur. E
' T handle nothing but good goods. Prices do not
tempt me to deceive the farmer ; he can be sure what he
buys here is true to name and the very best,
• Some of the Corns we carry are : Compton's Early,
Angel of Midnight, King Philip, Longfellow, North
Dakota, qo Days Teeming, White Cap Dent, Early
Butter, etc,