The Wingham Times, 1906-05-17, Page 3el
Tea Flavor and Strength
THE greater body and richness of Indian tea
when combined with the delicately flavored
but thinner tea of Ceylon, produces that '`rich fruity
flavor" of Red Rose Tea—a tea that is strong and
goes further—requires less to make a up o cf qual.
strength than any brand of Ceylon tea alone.
Red RoseTea combines the strength and.
richness of Indian tea and the delicacy and fragrance
of Ceylon tea.
ed R
' WINGJJAM TIMES, MAY 17, 1906 3
In boiling eggs hard, put them in boil -
fag water, It will prevent the yolk
from coloring blank,
Gleaning windows -Use strong soda -
water with plenty of soap. Rinse freely.
) Finish off with a spocession of warm,
dry clothe.
If the akin of fowls peels easily it is a
sign of youth. If the spurs of chickens
i are over a quarter ot an inch long it in
dioates old age.
A mouldy or squeezed -out lemon put
into a dirty saucepan half•full of water
and boiled for half au hour, cleaner it
perfectly and removes all odor.
is good Tea
T. H. Estabrooks
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Sentence Sermons
Sacrifice gives wings to our gifts.
(Vancouver World.) Faultless people are usually forceless
Yesterday's cloud is to -day's rarebit -
Many years ago -it was before the fug.
war for the abolition of slavery. broke The demons are
out -a colored man kept a livery stable man
at Toronto. 'He was rich in the posses. The master's
cion of much money, and richer affil iu true face.
the possession of a pretty quadroon
daughter. He was ambitious and des:r-
ed that his daughter should marry a
white man. Her dowry was $10,000.
For a Ios'g time no one appeared to claim
the girl and the money, when one morn-
ing a middle aged white man entered
the stable and addressing the father,
"Your name is Brown?"
"Yes," was the reply.
"You have got a daughter
mean to marry, I hear,"
"You hear aright. I have got a
daughter, and a charming girl she is."
"Yon want to get her a white hus-
"I do."
"And you will give $10,000 with the
"I will."
'"How would I answer?"
Brown looked the fellow over and
"Very well, provided your diameter is
"I'll take the girl. Here are my ref-
The bargain was soon struck. The
couple were married and journeyed to
•the States.
In a few weeks a telegram was re-
ceived from the girl. She had been sold
into slavery by her husband in one of
the southern sta{es, and it required
$5,000 more of tho 'Toronto man's each
to buy her freedom. The husband after-
ward married a white woman and came
to British Columbia, where he died of
to sell -I
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Press.
A man's own funeral is expensive, but
it saves him a lot of money afterwards.
The amount of work a boy puts into
baseball would raise a lot potatoes for
)iim to eat.
Every man should be a prohibitionist if
there was as much fun in it as being the
other kind.
A baby is never as pretty as his mother
says it is and hardly ever as ugly as the
neighbors think.
When a woman gets to a certain age
without any man ever having asked
her to marry him she is always taikiag
about what a terrible jilt she used to be.
all afraid of a
back shows the
When spoons become discolored from
eggs, scour them with fine table salt.
This will remi/ve the discoloration,
which is caused by the sulphur in the
Inatoad of putting food into the o
to keep hot for late comers, try Dover
it closely with a tin and setting it ov
fire with a saucepan of hot water. • is
plan will keep the food hot, and at the
same time prevent it from drying.
No better way of dusting the walls of
a room oau be suggested than to cover a
broom with a bag of heavy canton flan-
nel made with the fuzzy side out. A
`draw stringat the top allows the bag to
be drawn tightly about the broom.
Lemons have been kept a long time -
months -under glass, It you are not
going to use them immediately, lay
them on a flat surface and invert a gob,
let over each one. After six months'
imprisonment in this manner they have
been taken out as fresh as ever.
Water in which vegetables have been
boiled should never be poured down a
sink, for it causes a very Iingering and
disagreeable odor to peameate the whole
house; such liquids are best thrown out
upon the earth, where the smell will
evaporate without being unpleasant.
Sin may be often covered, but it is
never concealed.
No man ought to complain of the pain
that cures pride.
To•morrow'e shadow is always heavi-
er than to•day's duty.
He who has no patience with children
has no power with men.
This is always a good world to those
who are doing good work,
True courage faces any foe, but it
does not forget its firearms.
It is the sacrifice we make for ideals
that determines the value of the real.
You can well afford to forego the for-
tune that makes you. forget the god.
If your religion interferes with your
business the chances are it needs to.
To be under obligation to a bad man
is next door to being obliged to be bad.
The beat arguments for religion will
always be in lives rather than in librar-
The length of life we cannot deter-
mine, but its strength and valve we
More people are ridiculous on acoount
of assumed virtues than through real
Better pass up the offering than waste
your genius trying to make anickel look
like a dollar.
When sorrow knocks at the heart the
wise man lets her in; she is often only
joy's messenger.
It is better to over estimate your own
worth than to waste all you have while
envying that of others.
The man who is afraid of being first
Dau be sure of one thing, that he will
not be last in the list of failures.
Some people are so lazy they yawn in
their sleep.
It's awful short-sighted to lie it the
truth will fool people more.
Next to going to a funeral a woman mixed tinsel braid. A narrow braiding
seems to get the most fun out of visiting girdled the waist, and the cuffs were or-
a hospital. namented in the same way. It had a
One satisfaction a widow has about cape attachment plaited upon the should-
her husband is she knows he cannot stay ere and attached by other plaits at the
out all night. waistline, giving a dolman appearance
Elopers have to learn that running to the back. She-"
What She Remembered.
(Tit -Bits)
Husband -"Many people at church
this morning, dear?"
Wife -"Yee; a large number."
Husband -"Where was the text?"
Wife -It was -it -was -well, really, I
have forgotten."
Husband -"Humph! Was Mrs. Part-
ing there?"
Wife --„Sha was."
Husband -"What had she on?"
Wife --"Well, she had on a fall wrap
of very dark Penmelian red cloth, with
narrow insertions of black velvet in 'the
Melee of the skirt. A small yoke trimm-
ing of the velvet covered the upper part
of the chest, and was outlined with a
Mrs. Eaton Recovering. Although
Rer Doctor said she might drop
dead at any time.
away with a wife itl easier than running Husband --"That'll do. I don't won -
away from one. er that you forgot the text."
K&K Kist K ••Kiick K&K K•t M. t':
Specialists In the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of
Nen and Women. 25 Years in Detroit,
etl-No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and ntiddle.aged teen art annually swept
to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas.
Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued is time. He
says: learned an evil habit. A change soon tame over tae.
I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became ttervbus, despon-
dent, gieemy, bad uo ambition, easily tired, hvil forebodings, _
poor elrecitation, pimples ott face, back weak, dreams and drams
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To matte
matters Norse I became reckless and contracted a blood disease.
L tried many doctors and medial firma --all failed till Drs, Ken.
Hedy & Kergau took my case. Lt ova week I felt better, and is a
few weeks was entirely cured. They are the only reliable and
honest Specialist4 in the country."
READER—We guarantee to core you or no pay. 'f'ou run no
tisk We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of
irattds and impostors, We will pay $1,000 for any case we take that our NEW
METHOD TREATMENT will not cure. •
We treat and curb Nervous Debility, Vericocbfe, Stricture, Wesk Parts, Kidney
and BladderDiseeneb, Consultation free. Books free, Callor write for Question
List for Sante Treatment.
% K4N N
Cot MIsBpat bitAMl hsl".
' K K64 K K K Kej,cr. K Vii\ R K
"The dootor told
me I had heart dis-
ease and was liable
to drop oh the street
at any moment,"
says Mrs. Robert
Eaton, of Dufferin,
"My trouble began
four years ago with a
weak heart. I was
often afraid to draw
my breath it pained
DRS. UOBERT EATON. me so. I was both-
ered with nervousness, shortness of
breath, dizziness, loss of appetite, smoth-
ering and sinking spells and I could not
"Sometimes a great weakness would
seize nee and I would have to lie down
to keep from falling. My hands ;and
feet would seem to go to sleep and a sort
of numbness would come all over me
and perhaps immediately after the blood
would rush to my head and a series of
hot flashes would envelop me.
"I took all kinds of medicines, but
kept gradually getting worse until about
eight weeks ago, when I began using Dr.
Leonhardt's Anti -Pill. From the start
I improved until now .my appetite has
returned, I tau sleep well, and have no
nervousness, dizzinesa,palpitation,faint-
ness or any of my other troubles. They
have all entirely disappeared. I foal
much stronger, look better, end alto-
gether Anti -Pill has made a new woman
A Baker's Triumph
The Mooney Baker cannot
produce, anything better t h an
Mooney's Perfection
Cream .Sothis
The very best of four, butter
and cream -- the most modern
plant, the very best baker in
Canada. A biscuit superior to
any other you have ever tasted.
Say"Mooney's" to your grocer.
winter pigs, iso that they Dau be ready
for market before hot weather sets in,
Better put up a cheap, rough shed in
the pasture than to compel the hogs to
lie nut exposed to the hot sun all sum-
Hogs require very little bedding dur-
ing the summer. As a rale, they will
thrive better with a bed on the ground
if kept dry and not allowed to become
When hogs have the run of a good
clover pasture, they can be fattened very
rapidly at this season, if they are given
all the corn they can eat twice daily.
The growth of the young pigs can be
pushed much faster if they are given a
plane where they can be fed all of the
milk feed and milk slops they will eat
undisturbed by the older hogs.
Even when fattening htgs will thrive
better and keep healthier if they are giv-
en a good variety of food than if confle-
ed exolusively to one ration, even the
that be good gore
or me.
"I am entirely cured and cannot say three things, either indigestion, a bad
too much for this wonderful remedy. I circulation, or tight lacing, the latter
would wort heartily recommend Anti-
Pi11 to anyone suffering as I did." - habit beiug also the cause of many other
All Druggists or the Wilson -Pyle Co., troubles, If the ciroulatiou is defee-
Limited, Niagara Falls; Ont. Live, take twice a day after food nod-
- liver oil. Wear warm woollen under.
clothing, have plenty of exercise and
Hog Notes: wear all your clothes as loose as you can
Give the hogs the run of the orchard conveniently do so. Eat only each
during the growing season. things as you know will agree with you,
Even when on good pasturage, hogs and after lunch and dinner you must
should have a little grain every day. rest for a short time. You ehould also
Do not have the pig pens so built as to d 'nk slowly a glass of berm water,
which is a capital aid to digestion.
deprive the animals of sunshine and
pure air. -
A few pigs are often more profitable ABSOIU1'E
than a large number; yet every farm
should grow a few.
The Maid Behind the Broom.
Watklnezton Star.
The skies are bright with vernal cheer,
The wintry chill is o'er;
The etaiwart,belp doth now appear
To clean the house once more.
The man with terror in his eye
Flees to some haunt of gloom;
Ile knows 'tie useless to defy
The woman with the broom..
The muek'rake man now hides his head
The whitewash man tame pate;
Another figure in their stead
We tremulously hail.
When to investigate she's sent,
There's none who will presume
To trifle with her fierce iutent-
The woman with the broom.
Nearer Home.
(Phoebe Cry.)
Oue sweetly solemn thought
Comes to me o'er and o'er;
I am nearer my dome to -day
Than I have ever been before.
Nearer my Father's house,
Where the many mansions be;
Nearer the great white throne,
Nearer the -crystal sea;
Nearer the bound of Iife,
Where we lay our burdens down;
Nearer leaving the cross,
Nearer gaining the crown.
But lying darkly between,
Winding down through the night,
Is the silent, unknown stream,
That leads at last to the light.
Closer and Moser my steps
Come to the dark abysm;
Closer Death to my lips
Presses the awful chrism.
Oh, if my mortal feet
Have almost gained the brink;
It it be I am nearer home
Even today than I think!
Father perfect my tract;
Let my spirit feel in death,
That her feet aro firmly set
Ou the rock of a living faith!
A thorough washing with a Warm
weak solution of seal soda, followed by
a hot-water bath, will clean metal dairy
articles moat effectually.
As a rule, a gaare,eymmetrical cow is
not always the bestdairy cow. The
good milker is rather wedge-shaped, as
seen from before, and has plenty of
belly with great hips and thighs.
With winter dairying, it is important
to have the cows calve in the fall or ear-
ly winter, so as to have the heaviestflow
of milk and make the greatest amount
of butter when both aro highest in price.
In nearly all cases it may be taken for
granted that the more uniform the fodd-
er and feed of the cows, the more ad-
vantageous they will be, as the milk will
then be also of more uniform character.
So mach depends upon what is the
cause of a red nose, for it mar be one of
Is Out
weep the pigs growing Sind mak?
frame, not forgetting that too much fat
will often cheek growth.
A brood soW (should never be kept
penned up, but should have free access
to the ground.
There 1a no call for keeping a sow that
is troublesome or vicious, or one that
will destroy her own pigs.
Treat the sows in au intelligent man-
ner and in a way that will insure health
as well as thrift. ,
When hogs have the run of the or-
chard or clover pasture, it is nearly al-
ways best to keep them rung.
While good clop is a good thing for
growing pigs, it should not take the
place of fresh, pure water.
Never allow hogs to run ina tot where
there is stagnant water, to such wallows
are apt to beget cholera.
A close pen with a tight floor should
always be provided for the hogs when
feeding grain where the fowls bother.
In no way can the waste milk from
the dairy be tilled to better advantage
than by feeding to thrifty, growing pigs.
Better allow the sows to go a little
longer rather that, breed them 80 as to
tarrew til 3uIy or August,
Ptah the growth and tettentbg ot the
SECLJRI1'Y1 ton, gee the cotton id lace
bent cot p p
Formula of elf-o•na Made Known. rt. Cure
for Stomach Troubles.
Our leading druggists are very anxious
to have Mt;,o•na, a remedy which they
sell as a care for stomach tronbles,tested
rigidly in every rase of heart -burn, acute
dyspepsia, wind on the stomach, loss of
appetite, annoying dreams, sleeplessness,
general weakness and debility, or where
the digestive organs do not act as they
Mi•o-na is composed of Bismuth eut-
gailate, by all odds the very best medi-
cine known for internal diseases. It
combines with the free sulphur com-
pounds in the bowels forming a black
substance which is passed off from the
body without harm. It also has a
soothing effect upon the nerve endings
iu the stomach.
With this is combined cerium ox-
alate, a standard remedy in the treat•
ment of all irritations of the. stomach
and digestive organs,
Sodium bicarbonate is then added to
overcome the excessive acidity usually
present in stomach troubles, and nux
vomica for its general tonic and nerve•
strengthening powers.
This combination of reliable remedies
makes Mi-o-na a positivecure for all
stomach troubles, and, perhaps the only
one that can be sold ander a guarantee
that it costs nothing unless it cores.
A Iarge box of 14 Ii-o-na tablets is sold
for 50 cents.
If you cannot obtain Mi•o-na of your
druggist, it will be sent by snail, post-
paid, on receipt of price. Write ns for
advice on your case from a leading sto-
mach specialist which will be aeut free.
The R T. Booth Company, Ithaca, N.
Eat salt with nuts to aid digestion.
Rapid growth of the finger nails is
said to be au indication of good health.
All medicine authorities agree that
meat -eating is unwise for those who
have a tendency to rheumatism and that
a fruit and vegetable diet is the only
safeguard agaiust pain.
A soft corn can be entirely cured by
keeping it thoroughly dry with powder-
ed prepared chalk covered with absor.
ep slyits i, Aver scr.
Ayer s rus AAyss.a TsbesAYveerspseverAyd�
They cure constipation, indi stie t.,
S p. ills tbu
lite rialias,
_ The strong features
of Frost Vence are
n=ntbiucd In the Gates,
A special featitre is the
frame of continuous
steel tubing. This is
vastly stronger tbau,c
fraIna with elbow cor-
ners and ntalieable
castings.The heavy
wire felling.
' 4 v w a..ainst sagg'ig
The put tic is warned against buying* gates that infringe against Frost Wire Peace Co.'s
paten , ss purchasers as well as users are lavin•• ttietn'elves liable. For sate by
IIU J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch
wa JOHN R. WEBSTER, St. Helens
me 1.11
'eitrmiWilr'zemaa(r� i
"Lot the GOLD DUST TWINS as your work"
Little Liver Pills
Must Bear Signature of
See Pae -Simile Wrapper Below.
Tory faded .ne: as 5587
totakb as imp*.
tl1[sittl w.r:,rwrt r i :. better than gas, which absorbs the lite. s
�> ��t e. — giving oxygen, t►nd a lamp, unle s a 4 fOt+NNNO tt tli i ►MtM6/B
-1' CURE SICK HEIDAGIiE. email one is apt to overheat the room. Sggoolotiw!!!l. Ii*M!•****i1D i
by means of small stripes of court plast-
is the work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. All labors
look alike to the Gold Dust Twins. They clean, floors and '
doors, sinks and chinks—go from cellar to attic—and leave
only brightness behind. Get acquainted with
Gold Dust Washing Powder
OTHER GENERAL I Scrubbing floors, washing clothes and dishes. cleaning wood. i
USES FOR work. oil cloth, silverware and tinware. polishing brass work.
COLD DUST cleansing bath room, pipes. etc., and making the finest soft soap.
Made by THE N. IC. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Montreal, P. Ct.—Makers of FAIRY SOAP. _
GOLD DUST makes lard water soft -_
•••0ee•80tC0•00•0•11•0••••i0•• t,itta'3!l$*•000,0004tOalOWWW•••
• id
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0 ,
• -
• i
• •
•0 Know Good Printing r.
f -
0210 •
when they see it, and it pays to be particular s
with your printed matter. Many people •
• make the grave mistake of thinking that 1
•0 " any old thing" will do for a letter -head
•• or a circular. ••
• •
• Your printing is your voice to the •-
public ; in other words, a firm is invariably •
judged by the get-up of their printed and •
advertising matter.
For freckles and liver spots: Eight si
ounces of pure strained honey, two
M night and morning.•
ounces of glycerine, two ounces of alco-
hol, six drams of citric acid, fifteen
drops of essence of ambergris, Apply
Care should be exercised in taking the
head baths, and in thoroughly drying
the hair, or colds, headaches and serious
ill -health may be the result. An oil
made of three parts vaseline to one part
lanoline is good to prevent the hair from •
falling out.
A few drops of tincture of bonzion
added to the water when washing the •
face fs helpful in remedying large pores •
The blonde with red hair hair should
never wear the real pale blue; indeed,
this type always lecke best in black and S
white or brown.
All lightain the' sick room should be
shaded. Candles ler electrio lights ate
The next thing after quality is price,
and this is another thing particular people
like to know something about.
The latest facilities combined with
moderate prices places the TIMES Job
Department in a position to please particular
We pay special attention to orders by
mail. Alt work promptly and satisfactorily
done. _
Call at, or address,
'4'E 1 N (G 1-1 A 11, dNr,