HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-17, Page 22 ME ORAN WM MAT 17, # 1906.
tiVER COMPLAINT* been se sdthe sun pants *bet
aha r9ilwl *wean nay: be paying e " kiTOWN tI ...EC. T01,Y. liSTABletelltat 2472
1 the average, over 1f•250 per mile in tAafla-1
tion. The measure l fee Whttuey sad .
1 80S.
alz o t e P
Local l 1st k' r9 Lb, early b th se t
Thou. i1k OW Uteest *tern in the fes; iY Benno an f✓"RTI}I m. S nd rf Ohl ik
} . hitt eolleagnea give ns, now #hay axe in ltairlS from The "Times" Pyles . xz a m and 7 p xn. Sxtnday Scizoak at
12:30 m. mesal prayer meeting
on Wednesday eveteinge. Rev. E. R.
Viten, B.A., pastor. $.T.U. meets
Et:W .4 ilia*'s. 13donday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Cosecs
to talks from the Lood the r-erertart *Moe, pros -thea lora taxation of about
*Weis Sousa iaiiw. Wtea the Um ie fry, l su4d
?0844004 it cannot fa h two to the t}o relt6 c 140 per mite, lr oiler the Pettypiece i
eataiatir thaat tobacotn„ bocwdana motive. Tho i1 hill for whish air. Whitney and We stop-
tterepionaare a4 feeing rf fwness szr weght in P. porters votedne 1004, railway and farm fFxotn TIM W1'.:Girot Tates of
3 .� tz tie earl l Friday, May 14th, 1860.}
wssyvs, bad assts in. the Mcridnit, etc, naw before the Legislature farmers will lint bas tat" f "'"i
'� still pay $2 2229 on the same paths on , - �
which railways will pay at. But ger- , ' cit We!dneaday evenings. Rev. y, B.
i haps the Conservatives were more in- A.ecording to the assessor's roll, the 195, (randy, D.D•, pastor. W. P,. Towler,
iterested seeking #o ezubarara the Ross i population of Brussels is 1,24 and the The many friends of Wm. Cornynwilt MD., S. S. Superintendent.
a,a Government in 1904 than they were in value of real property is $247,255. be pleased to learn that he is beginutng
�«� .� Pltas�izazss.'r t3s>�os-Sabbath ser -
the tit:, sn _»oo w s gauze m 1 property would have been put an squad-,
'taloa, value between the a fou der;, re toRcers xegarcis taxation: under the bill? work and returned his roll to the cleric.
AA xG$ _Sabbath aervlec+e'
of this skin awd syr,T b„e.s miens. scaled NEaGFr'EOttgoOD NEWS.
The total value of real pzaperty in town at II a � end 7 g an Stlnday School
.Assessor Youhill has completed hie S•S• nperintendeut.
4 - ' on a pope iota c -i ° , an is placed at �9?,595; personal $48;900; 2:30 p m, Epworth- League every ora
p 1nerease of 23 over last Year. income 80, 290' or a grand total of $443 - day evening. General prayer meeting
the (leaguon of railway taxation - The township of Grey recently raised to recover from the effects of the serious vices se 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday
Woodstock Sentinel Review. the salary of the treasurer to the nausea 1461031 he met with a e3opie of weeks School at 2:80 p m. General prayer
ftcent sum sal *S0Y, and naw- they are ago by falling from the balcony at the insisting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D.t'anade has cue of those mare oppor- r talkie of investipg in a burglar roof Queen's hotel, pe intendPerna, pastor. 1i. Hsiffild, S S. Sn-
sre p,eauaaat and easy to take, d� ;sot errii-*w $ rg P perFntendent.
,satin or sicken, never fail fa their effects, and tunnies. Site has it cbfill0e to build a y safe, gslisosAL tP3l`.axtlArR'I,
by far the West And ckr+t remedy for model city. a western terminus A motion was made at the last meet•
igda-es or dirrrr'e:s c€ rho lire . Iter new Grand Trunk Paciitc ]lna from _ Will, H. Foaliii2, 0f the Trews staff, is bath services at 11 a mt and ? p zzs Stan -
Price 23 cents, ar 5 bottles for $1.00, ocean to oeean will be at a place which'' iize tna the
Brasile iXtiOn eoopod rninoatme repeal to e ondon examination.
wee attending the civil meting ou Wt ednesda. eGenieeg. p Rev
all dealers or a>5?iled direct an res eipt of it has been decided to call Prince Ru ,T. S. Boyle, at. A,, B. D. Rector and
price by The T ?.Uburn Co., T.irnited, pert. The new railway is a national en- i the $Ott Set, but it received no second- James Reynolds and wife and Miss $.S. Superintendent. John Taylor and
Toronto, c}ni, terprsse, and as such the Damtnion er, so the matter dropped. Mary Reynolds, of • Walkerton, spent Ed. Nash, asaistant Superintendents.
Government has practically full control A. Howson, of Teeswater, has moved Sunday iu town with their parents.
i of the plane for the new city at its west- t to Wroxeter where he has gone into George Nicholls, of London, who has
ern end. its location is some four hued- 1 partnership with A. Goodfellow in the beau visiting his brothers a5 the bakery
TO ADVERTISERS ,red miles north of the present city of !flour mill. for a couple of weeks, returned home on
-^- - Vancouver, not far from the mouth of 1 Wm, Drummond, general merchant, . Wednesday,
Notice of changes must be left at this the Skeena River. and only a short dis- i of Blyth, has effected a settlement with E. Bowers was in Toronto last week
„ sl 1 Tia t t of ';
u Sr PAWS OStnxcu Elrrscor.0 8 b
Sst eariec e Aaxr--SerFiee at 7 and 11
a in and 2 and $ p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at ?3
o'clock at the barracks.
Posr Orr'zoz--In Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a m to 6:80 p m,
office not later thin Saturday noon, tanee from the south -ward projection of h his creditors and has again resumed looking for a good opening to start in Peter Fisher, postmaster, •
The eopy for changes must be lett gleets. The region is now practically
riot later than Monday evening. p T business. business. We tnderatand that he has P1onLIo Lrse.nr--Libx
Car -•nal adve accepted a wilderness and Canada has a chance k 1 d for theh f estab wry and free
Y.zse hent$ accep a up Ttesday mornittg of last;vee the old arrange o pure ase v an - reading room in the Town Halt, will
to noon Wednesday of each week. to build a city as it should be. .,he can t theTeeswater stn Hebert grocers business in that city be
lay out broad streets, plan sewer systems, I Pion, which is used by Murphy Bros., , Wm, McIndon intended starting last 6:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
.T t - plots for public buildings, and impose re- . wheat, 7,000 bushels of peas, 800 bushels his family for California, but he has been librarasn,
, grant storehouse a open every afternoon from 2 to
provide ample parks,reserve snitabie and in which was stored 4,000 bushels Friday, then again on Wedaesdag with to 9:30 0'0l Mss mad Robertson,
t�°s striations upon the class of structures to
. 4 of oats and 100 bona* of barley, moved »able to secure tickets Ids Smallhorn Tower Oone:ort--Thos. Bell, Mayor;
TUE trGTA 1 �S. be erected iu particular districts. --anew f off its foundation of cedar postaendways having been notified to sell no tickets to I S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes,
Ite w.d.lener.rtansrenenasoraorroareoe York $tan. I,etvreenShree and four feet. bnrstinu Chicago until the sit, --,m is over m;th- wro.Geo. C. Hanna, D. E. McDonald and
out the whole north side of the building,
Nlohoison, Councillors; J. B. Fir-
• THURSDAY. MAY 1:. t900.
What- is in the power bill more than
whereby several thousand bushels of \ria Isu. mason, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
is in the act of 1903? The sameaower to Dalmage, Assessor. Board meets Bra%
18 Pt7BI4B
T$e Time a Crate, Beaver $10eir
arrNennA1t, Otelat$lO.
Teams ox epasciaxrxtox-E1.Up pSr annum in
advance 12.00 if not so Paid, No paper +liecoa-
tinned till all arrears are Paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
AvvanTianitt Ursa. -- Legal and other
casual adrertisementel5oper1ioupariellinefor
first insertion, So per line for each subsequent
bite for find fused on ain Used columnsnd 0 cents
per line for each gnbsequeat insertion. .
Advertisements of$trayed, Earms for Sale
or toRent.and st,n,iae, ;l.00 for erst three
weeks, and 25 canto for each subsequent in-
CoaraLorIta a+Thefollowingtable.abowe
oar rates for the insertion of sdvertisementa
for specified periods:--
SPAOZ, 1 Xs. 0110. 8 zso. hilt.
oneColumn 170.00 140.00 ;22.60 58 00
Ralf Coltman 40.00 25.0(1 15.00 6.00
QuarterColumn 20.00 12.50 7.00 8.00
One Inch . 5,00 8.00 2.00 1.25
Advertisements without speuilio directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisensente must be paid
for m advance.
Too Jon Dzraarasn to is atooked with au
extensive asso5atent of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities net equalled in the
cowntyforptpurning out drat class work. Large
r, Band Bills, Bills, eia.,te outs
She latest styless of
choice fanny type for the finer classes of print
Proprietor and Pubisher
, wheat and ear were badlyhired, 'and Showers -Moore. --At the residence of Mondayeve
expropriate and acquire private property p , each month at 8
and business, of reirnlatioa and adjust- several hundred bushels scattered on the the bride's mother, Wingltam, on the
ground. Murphy Bros., estimate their 12th inst., by Bey. G. O. Rook, Alex-
ment is there. The cities are the moving Pcsr to SOROOL BoAsn,-+3 , E Lloyd
agencies They pay for all evetttuailg loss at about $1,000. ander Showers to area Alcune E. Moore. (chairman}, Long. J. J. Homnth, T.
Liberss/ ecembsrs jeopardizing the sue- milted by Air. Whitney, is that the Gov- Sheep Notes. Groves; roves, Treasurer, J B.Ferguson
Dasa of the party by their Persistence in : ernment appoints the commission and cheep aborad have sett where they can For the Stomach
Fern our own part we regret to find the 'phi Only perceptible difference, as ad- Hall, H. Herr, Wm. sioore, Ales. Ross,
� Iv. Griffi
n. Secretary, Sohn F
Meetingsseoond Tuesday eveningin each
hording oa to the grata, oar advYceis to"na* the municipality, and the governHeart and Kidneys month.
.,x - -h t mit back where it was r meat pays for it and its centiugencies. ° gat it as they want it. ie
Sud this advice as that of s friend. --Ness osv that the prorates of the Govern-
{chairman) Dr. J. P. Senaedg, Dr. P;
Glasgow Chronicle. mint has been fuli.IIed will the muniet. pays well for the trouble. Dr. $hoop's Restorative is a Cause Macdonald, John Wilson, Y.S., J. 3.
,a- a e . to em , - Gt3 Sca00EBoarla: Dr..A. 3. Irwin
Feeding cows' milk to the little lambs
polities be satisfied? Is this the public Early maturity is the point which de- Cure -not a Symptom Cure Morton, O. P. Smith, W.P. VauStone.
l;p to the end of March last, Sir'„ ownership they expected? It this the i tides the greatest profits of early lambs Y P sDHolmes, secretary. Board meets
second afondag evening in each moIIth•
HectorLangeviu, Hon. John Beggart, t something Mr. Beck's talk led them to Sheep require a variety of fine near- et isacommonmistake totake artificial dines-_
Sir Adolphe Caron, and Hon- A. G expect? Will there be a rush to take I iehinp rfood, rather .h__ _ :__, _d for weak heart -or so-called kremedies for musgrcya, principal, mu 33
ters for stomach troubles-or-dney nears snsmutants Pt�slitO Sasaorr Tadelt$1ts: A, H.
Blair, ea^,h received q1 43& on account x adeaatage of the scene? Time will show 1
Ministers. These be strange times when k tric power is snore in demand, of course, d Mud engenders foot rot, but darty pens fs the sickness tare fault of the organ Itis tae afiss-Oarn gs andea£ias Delos Hereat.
a are still worse in this respect than mud. fault of the nerves which coatrot the orgatr-
rhe isangevins, €iaarts, and Carona but the castes everything in the devil- sad may through these nerves can stomach.
draw peasiens from the public tresisnry czpment of it, and there must be a cora- r III enili:ig out the clocks this spring,Shoop, l of BacIateaig orders be
la ernDr.
d $own OP HsaxTH-Thos, Bell,
by the graze of a Goyernment, the teem- I bitiation. of municipalities to make it 0,1 about as d d* I
goo isposa as can be made early tahismedicei xperieacethat . {chairman}, R. Porter, Thomas Greg -
provender. diseasedmaress. These organs do not act sepal-' v : coarse alert- or of their own accord they bare no eon Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, sepal--
of pension payments as er-Cabinet how the new scheme is regarded. Flee- t ir,ii over tbem'elves--nnd nos once in sac lanes . Corn
berg of whish denoauced these as incap- go.-Wiegston Whig• ' of the culls is to fatten on grass and
"Tiles or scoundrels ten short years ago market. as gest ion. heart-
---Toronts Weekly. Sun. a tag. insomnia.
Disorders of Digestion.
Grain should be given the sheep, even . heart tveste
me, as long as
Bright's dis• �.
The Orange Association is not a tem- r i `WPills have keptDr. Chase's Side heir after chondie rion indicass has tes a lack of vitsli- 0lteraIIect;ons
nes°• For allot
are not sepsrat�
ty. areaottobe treated
merely srmptomsof
Old sheep should always be kept coli- sass, and when the
the=_einsOlenerves wrre the power asp, John Wilson, V.S., J. B. b'erguson,
nerves - that
hroagh them „ Secretary;
on y was is I,oS Sbarn°.cbeich- Medical HealthrOmcer. Macdansld,
// hacka cite,
nesse.. and
ease and all
d -these ailments - WANTED; by Chicago wholesale house,
tfchcesse. and a special representative matt or woman: for
assort. They are -each pros -ince in Canada- Salary r.00 and
insidenerveweak- texpenses rid weekly. Expense money ad-
-tare+$ canted. Ba.fae�, successful: -pion r -
perauce soniety, but there is a religious, r medicine for years and fed them the
side to it -which makes intemperance most satisfactory of any remedy we can are
upon the part of any member an offence get. I can personally recommend theles the symptoms ace the\• ;sari a s disappear. manent. Re investment r ireedd.' Prev per -
that should be visited with the heaviest ' to anyone suffering from kidney and ed out of the flock as young sheep clip Shoopribed t experience not 1 t
r n , Tee remedy which Dr. ' preSc for o e een.ta to
liver derangements and stomach trot- " heavier fleeces, require leen attention, these oiling nerves Is known as Dr. Shoop'; Address General Manager, 131 Lake Street,
penalty. the nmen f the ntireould never for- 'cotnmtzu tiles "-Mrs James W. Belyea, Belyg0's > and are more profitable, i, dinRestorative. acit acs hearctroubiesn4 distress ke en
Chicago, IU., L. S. A.
gety Cave, Qaeeu 8 Co,, ;1.B. a than those medicines designed supply to give
ity where they live are upon them. But i., 1. The sheep that will meet the. demand temporary relict. Dr. Sboop's Restorative ran
more especially is their comdnct serutin - s of the future must have a fleece and car- and rEcommnaw be bad ofendebless bless everywhere, Por sats
:zed when joining in celebrations such a€ s Wrong Time to Prune Trees, case of equal merit; that is, a fine and 'WALLEY'S DRUG STORE.
those which are held all over the Dontin it is a common delusion that "tile f, heavy fleece os a large, straight body, •
1012 on the 12th of July. A mare who
y time to prune trees" is the budding and ; The premenee of worms in the lungs dition of a little grain. This is a good
misbehaves kimsel€ an that day, wear.- blossoming springtime. But it is a '; of sheep may be known by the animal way to get rid of Phe cutis.
:ng the lung= of the order, is unfeath- ; murderous delusion. This is exactly the; having s constant and troublesome t sadly the improvement of the mut-
to his obligation, and diafayal to the s Lott will improve the hardiness and form
mien with. whom he is associated. -The time trees should no, be pruned. cough. of the animals, at least to some extent.
The sap is rushing up from the ground If the wool 121(1 be kept s while be- : No time shonldbe lost in fattening the ADVERTISING
Orange Sentinel. 1 through the trouts and branches and to r fare selling, store where it can be kept light shearers and disposing of them to
;', pram them is to bleea the trees tnmerai- 4 Olean and dry and safe from vermin. the hest advantage. The longer a sheep
The power hilli'vhich has been itltro-;fully, Not only does it deplete their; is kept that will not clip a quantity of
tinned in the Legislative Aieatbly by energies, tint it leaves the tree in the
and easilygood t with thead-ther the owner will be.
...heap cart tae fattened very cheaply clean, bright wool above the average,
Hon. Mr- Berk, will not be regarded as Karst possible condition to recover from on pasture, wi padre
an adegnate dhouharge of elle proniis?5 the wound whish the saw or axe iaiiictse. t ' '
- whish that gentleman hes made to the `Tche time to prone trees is in late
people of the province, and is will not be ; autumn or in frozen winter when the / ‘ %t,If 't;;Stz " '',?/ .
accepted as n discharge of the Promises s- : s
woad ss driest and the tree mo..., near.y � �i
made by the Conservative party while dormant. If superfluous branches are 4 1
n Opposition and Aures; repeated by Hon' then sawed off as closely as passible to ` J J
]ifs. Whitney nm l otherrtsemtera o: the ''rite trunk And the stamp painted with `�. .,44 •
Government. Is is in effect little more,, coat, tar grafting wax no nartn brit nth- i .iti '
than advance made upon the Iegiladen er gac3, is likely to result to the tree. # L • , ----
introduced by the RossGovernment in ii -
2 W, 'enabling any rnutJclpaiity, or un- lireeen-----
sea Of raanicipelities, to develop or dts ;i Truth a Paying investment, i s' ' see ;
tribute power. --Brantford Espas;itnr. Thera is a little sstorp that illustrates
r_ ,',"✓ `!gy4 , t„ ,
what kind of a man James A. Bailey," �• ✓ .1).,41,-, op t� , `
15 the m'.aao.re whts:ltf bis. Whitney the circus luau, eras. Mr. Bailey went ` �;,/ r,-,,� 1'WS iE1.1?� G� _a �
and his followers voted .or itt 3.;04 had'-' ' ,Q ; F FIW-
,:'wisp some sears ago tel visit Western /�•. �
u circasees there and see what was doing. °
$e west to one l;ig;'hog+ and looked a-! ,1` `r f
rowel without Pa -king questions. The.
The Weakness proprietors flocked wonted Mr. Bailey t
and besiezed him with questions about i
of Old Age LI-' own show. Itis understood arionp
circus men that it is bad manners to sek i
it S the years go by the blood gets questions about one another's affairs. -
,C`'i thin, watery and impure, and -• They Wel:
fails to supply the ncaarisaafanert "How many elephants are yoa going
required to keep vitality at WO to take out nest year, fir. Bailey:"
water mark;. Circulation ;sirs bad, ! "Twenty -lour.'.
and the nervous system suffers. "How many cars will you n se: °'
Besides the pains and aches, besides "X shelf try b get slung with e;ghty."
the weakness and dizziness, there i It went along that way for some time,
are feelings of nurnbnss which teff Ur. Badley answering dozens of once. 1
t,#' the approach of paralysis and , lions. .A. friend of air. Bailey's asked t
locomotor ataxia.I afterwards: "Why do ion do that:1
juclginf; from the experience cE Yox hare? told those fellows coniidentisl
the thousands of old people tvba„;anattera,
irrupts tested Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, "Ch' 2213 iter. bailey, '°I merely told
It aeer1iS to be exactly Suited to them the truth, num found thrt the 4
overcome these conditions,cense is keenest business. The chances are tenI
` i to one they will believe I was lying to
cprfit on old age. f, to them. The truth is* paying invert -
Unlike ordinary medicines, Dr. i meat
hpi's Nerve Food is entirely p .� ..�.
renovative in action, and cures by. i.
Spraling new,. Jinn gash and tissue. Assam as Use Chatru gets to woi
Aid warmsop ow *yarn. a:qsagreer Ube Sgure heat* It avast
swag a ion, slit .a rics3arr. 1+rwt Vero at LE la #tr wo 1d.
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, business chur4les and anyone having lave stook or other
mechanics ranted, articles for sale, or in fact articles they wish to dispose of, should edger-
• any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or rise the same for sale in the Teas. Our large
other city papers. may be left at the Tzars circa ietion tells and it will be estrange indeed if
office. This work will receive promptattentionyou do not get aeuatomer. Weston' tguarantee
and will save people the trouble of remitting that yon will sell because you may ask more
for and forwarding adreresemeuts. Lowest 1 for the article or stook than it is worth. Send
• rates will be quoted on s plication. Leave your advertisement to the Timms and try this
or send your nest work of this kind to the plan of disposing of your stook and other
P KENNEDY. M. U.C. M..P. S. O.
• Member of the British Medical Associa•
tton. Gold liedaliist in Medicine. Special
attention paid4to diseases of Women and Child;
ren, Office bonze --1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario,
Physician, Surgeon, eto.
ODrug Stor. ighBlock,
snswered attheoffice
R. ROBT. C. REDMOND, M• R.O.S. (Eng)
L. R. C. P. (Lund.)
Office, 'with Dr. Chisholm.
Tet vAzzenoNB,
Privateand Company finds to loan at Iowest
rate of interest. No commission charged mort-
gages, town and farm property�bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham
BABBISTnnR, d:o.
Wfngham, Oat,
1 E.L. Dzoszvsox Dunr,,ar Bowes
Oraza$: Meyer Block, Wingham.
JOHN urreE $,
Wingham, Ont
AR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. 8.
DDental rCoolege land Licentiatethe
of the Pennsylvania
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
A r.F,;S. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
!Per the County of Huron. sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
•i the Tis office will reoeive prompt attention,
p -
rt is riot the price you pay for a furnace that makes it Cheap
or expensive, 'blit the fuel it afterwat,lg consumes.
A common furnace may cost j-1811 $5 or $10 Fess than a
" Sanguine," but if it eats this up the first, winter in extra fuel,
what do you gats,:' Nothing, but al.' the :rw01-ate and ettr^"
work that go with s poor furnace.
The it $Uri*hints t, is in tarso from /Iallfaz to Ve hcouver,
rtr-s1 we have hundreds of testitomi-I?s front pleased users.
&dud by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free.
27,'PtIBOI O, MOI TRFAsL, WrI 1PE(f, laienter37,
ST. JOHN, i;AMllan e: ,
TIMES +1 10E, Wingham.
London 6.40 a.ta.... 3.50p.m.
Toronto&East 10.40a.n.• 0.48 ata.... 2 40p.m.
Kincardine..1L15 a.m. .. 2.08 p•m..,. 9.I5p.m.
Eincardine -.m..... 2.40 p.ta.
Laudon 12.20 a.m.... 7.35 p.m.
Palmerston 9.85 a.m.
Toronto &East 2.08 p.m.... 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
feANAIIIA,*7 PACIF'ie 1SiAii4WA7,
Toronto and Past 8.55 Auto - - 8.25; pan.
Te2swater . 1.83 p m...,10.60 p.m.
Teeswater Asmara655°0 m tt.96 p.m.
1 Toronto H, 8880std East 53R, Asa nt,Wiughama,` p.m.
TRAbt Matta*
Co rncwrs &C.
Artane sending a sketeh and defer:Won ns
nntcktr ascertain oar opinion fotwCetker a*
irdr7aCorn=ton5itiettyrenlentfg3. Iatlhook
Bent ten ater% amity tor string
Peetaxer► t mnebunhn Co. MIMI
trittaont, sitattts, m
*ROOF Rewards stud 8estzlnders nod
Crouse to Ow itiders.
One of the greatest *5 living jockey*
bas a most remarkable collection of
tributes from admirers, unknown salt
otherwise. It contains, among other
strange things, pawn tickets, writs Mtn
summonses contributed by uusueeeas•
nil backers of his mouuts, talisluaus
of all iiiuds to liriug him luck in his
races, sermons and tracts for hes spir-
itual welfare, reeipes for all kinds of
ailments, from coughs to a tendency
to corpulence, forms for insuring
agalust aceideuts, offers of marriage,}
liccouapanled by bundles of photo -
graphs of would be wives, welshers'
tickets and a pair of wornout boots
with the legend: "All that is left 01
them after walking from York to Lon-
don, Backed all your mounts.,.
A few years age, after leis horse had
lost an importaut race, a well known..
turfman went up to the jockey and
made him a formal and public pres-
entation of a silver snuffbox, saying
that if he would look inside lee would
see the kind of horse he ought to ride
in future. The jockey opened the box
and found in it half a dozen fat snails.
It was the saute satirical owner who
on another occaslou presented ills jock-
ockey with a sumptuous casket, whicia on
being opened disclosed a wooden spoors,
and to a third jockey who had failed
to win au important race be handed
a pair 05 crutches bought from a beg-
gar on the course.
When John Singleton, a clever jock.
ey of nearly two centuries ago, first
won a race In Yorkshire the farmer
whose horse he had ridden to victory
was so delighted with his aehievemeut
that he made trim a present of a ewe,
whose offspring soon mustered a round
dozen, 1:-.4 really started the ex -shep-
herd lad on his career as a jockey.
Siugleton was fiery proud of and grate.
fill for ribs singular fee.
In this respect lie furnished a great
contrast to a well known jockey who
when a cheep for $1,000 was handed to
him by the owner of a horse on which
he had won a race crumpled It up con.
temptuousiyy with the remark that he
had "often received more for riding a
When a man Is loaded you always
know it, but ins different with a gun.
7aeep telling a boy lie never will
amount to anything, and be generally
A six weeks' engagement wilt put sr
lot of conceit auto a man, but six min-
inutes of married life are sufficient to
take it out.
It is .wonderful how many have
watches considering how few there are
in the world to whom time really seems
'to be of any value.
Perhaps a man's eyesight grows poor-
er with the years as a merciful -way
of preventing hint from seeing his.
wrinkles and gray hairs.
We suppose a man is' called "wo.
man's protector" for the reason that
he protects her from others Imposing
upon her, preferring to dao it all him-
Pratirina; the Lazy Man.
It must be admitted that some of
the best work that bas lived has beers
done by indolent men. This is a spt-
claUy true as regards literature. The
finest description of a sunrise watt
written by the poet Thomson III bed.
Coleridge was one of the most indolent
of men, yet his -work is, 0f its kind,
unapproacbed. One of the most Im-
portant Improvements in the steam en. -
gine was due to the indolence of James
Watt. Many other examples might be
quoted; belt, as a general rule, it is
fairly correet to say that 'pork which
is the outcome of meditation or pro-
ion;ed observation is best performed
by people whose natural indolencd
makes them careless of the strife and
bustle in which an active temperament
would tend to immerse them-Pear-
Nerve of a Stotva,Tay-.
The captain of a Mediterranean liner
was talking about stowaways.
".Most of those fellows," he said,
'have an excessive quantity of cheek -
of brass: Once we discovered a stow.-
towaway a few days out from 'New York
and put him t0 work in the galley.
A lady on a tour of Inspection paused
by the stowaway as he sat peeling po-
"'flow soon do you think we'll reach
Napiesr' she said to him.
madam,' he replied, 'I'm do-
ing all I can to get her in by Tues-
stn Atntdavit.
The suggestion of an English barris-
ter that a eertah matter was a proper
sulljeet for ortl examination, not far
affidavit, agre, a,'i with the emphatic
opinion of an English justice recently
retired. He was once trying a case 0
the Manchester assizes In WWII a 111
had been cross examined upon an st
davit. Summing up the evidence to tilt
jury, the judge said, "Gentleinen, of ,slit=
the 'weapons in the whole armory of r)
lenity there is nothing to equal an
(davit tor congealing the trntiil t
Induct feed To.
•`It's too batt," said the judge caustic.
any, "that the defendant should het
chosen yOu for eaunsel. You kilo"'
nothing; about laiv.'
"Well, your honor," millet' the tout*
lawyer, ..1 don't need to 1f► tttis Court."
11rr Co.lribunett.
Visiting Philanthropist ---flood mrnli-
madam. I ala eoileeting for illi
Orllnkards' Monte, I'frst. ateGuite-
Pbnre I'm glad of it, Abr. It ye Coda
rttentat tonight yes can tEke for MOP
'M►sliki t-