HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-17, Page 1VOL XXXY.--'N0. 1788.
Tailor -Made
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.."
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
.use a fabric of still higher ,
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.15. $4, $5,16.
A line aeleotioa of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stook.
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
issued by Manx PArelsos, No. Ss Victoria
west, Wingham; Ont. No witnesaesreantred.
*Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3 ,150 ,000
Card o
I wish to expre
,the people of W
ing country for t
pathy during my
Farmers' Notes discounted,
Draft. soldon all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,.
and added to prinoipa180th June and 81st
Deoember each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
!K. V.natone, Solicitor.
Capital paid np, $2,445,000.00.
Swerve Fund, $2,445,000.00.
Total Aesets, $29,000,000.00.
Pratdent- - Hort. War. Grissom.
VimePteetdent sad
General Manager. -3. TQn1 Bur.L.
Assistant Gen. Manager -H. M. WATSON
John Poouhefdit� gendrle,
[nep4otor-B. Willson.
Interest spewed on deposits( of $1.00 end up•
fheeN vembaera ed to atyeiaroipal on Est May and
taSp.. 4 Doris ptititto tlaleo reesived at enrr`nt
o 0. P. 5MITIi, Agent,
7f St IMAMS, Ilett ltors.
1, 0,1 ♦, .
Brantford, May 1
A special meeti
Board of Trade wi
oil Chamber, on Fri
at 8 o'clock for el
any other business
before the meeting.
T ks.
sinoere thanks to
am and surround -
it kindness and sym-
eoent illness,
Yours siuosrely
'luau Ross.
, '06.
f Meeting.
g of the Wingham
be held bathe Coan-
ay evening, May 18th
tion of officers and
hat may be brought
4EO. MCKENziu,
Wingham horse Races.
The Wingham :Cud Assooiation is
putting forth ever effort to make the
and Thursday, June
t successful meeting
n. It is expected
Eery best horses iu
The three events
ke a very attractive
races on Wcdnesda�
6th and 7th, the m
ever held in the to
that some of the
Ontario will be here
for each day will m.
family drivers.
SALE -Roadsters and
Bills have been f
the description, p
the two imported
Francesco, No.
Sturdy, No. 11,04
J. T. McPheison
visited Wingham
and this year wil
hotel stables eve
le Stallions.
sued this week giving
digroe and route of
Clydesdale stallions,
10,752 and Gallant
, the property of Mr.
These horses have
or a few years past
be at the E hange
Tuesday e :ning.
WANTED. -A goo• at•.ng boy to Learn
the hardware busine Apply to J. D.
Moved t
Mr. W. F. Wac:
a resident of Win
of ten years left
week for Stratfor
ted a position in
Mr. Wachsmnth 1
years in the stone
with this experien
his new position.
report the remove
the town, but cal
their many frien�
every success in t
For Vi
Grand Trunk h
fare for round tri
and 24th, returni
ween all station
Susp. Bridge and
and Pt. Hawn,
for tickets.
smnth, who has been
ham for upwards of
Pith his family this
, where he has accep-
eyer's hardware store.
as been Yor over ten
block hardware and
e will be able to fill
The TIMES is sorry to
of this family from
heartily join with
s in wishing them
eir new home.
toria Pay.
ve mad ate of siugle
g dging May 23rd
g n May 25th, bet -
in Canada, also to
Buffalo N. Y., Detroit
dioh. Call on agents
Highest price 13aid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
H. Davis has several good houses and
a farm for sale. See him for particn.
Arm Back,. Crushed.
On Wednesday morning of last week
Mr. W. Roy° Smy h, brakeman on the
L. H. & B. freigh . train M with a et w th a ser-
ious accident while: engaged in coupling
cars at Blyth station. He was caught
between the bumpers of the two cars and
his left arm was badly smashed and
broken in two plac.s. He was removed
to the.hospital at Clinton and the fingers
of hie left hand were removed. It is
thought that tb•e d ctors will be able to
save the arm. The young man is well-
known in Wingha , having resided in
this town nearly 1 his life and his
friends here will be sorry to hear of this
unfortunate accident.
A Funni Show.
The fun makers, Patten and Perry,
will offer that funnasfaroe oothedy and
vaudeville attraoti n, "Jerry from a
Kerry," in the Win m Opera House,
Saturday, May 19E This piece of
comedy is considered by press and public
to be the very best ea the road. The
company numbers 20 people, and among
top liners will be neer . the three Pattens
-John, Union and George --in their
comedy Act. "Serra from Berry;"
Campbell and Flet er, the I omedy
acrobats in many n aorobetic feats;
the Perrys-George d Jenny -in a re-
fined act, "The Newt y;" Major Cail-
lonette, sleek wire tiet and jaggier,
who rides a wheel on he wire; Mr. Dick
Mitchell in a ne rube act, en-
titled, "Mr. Rube frena Vermont;" the
Florence Sisters, l azzie and Hazel,
in an np-to date feno ng and singing not,
"An Editor's Tronb ea," which intro•
ducesall the This
Ofco a Com.
n also . s
Tie sir OWn nsuperior
oonoert nd and oreatra.
atoh fotr the .tree parade.
W � Resorted
seats on sale at Walleye sDrag Stove.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rulabors
East Hur n Teachers.
The Executive mmittee of the East
Huron Teachers' Assooiation 'met at
Clinton last wee and decided that it
was too late to a ange a program for a
meeting until of r the summer holidays
and that the ass dation should meet in
Wingham, Fri ay after Thanksgiving
Day. The m bets present were:-
Inep. Robb, M J. Hartley, Blyth; Mr,
Moffatt, Seafo h; Mr. Cameron, Brus-
sels and Miss son, Clinton.
WANTED -A good smart boy, with
good education, to learn the printing
business. Apply at TIMES office.
Excursion t Kincardine
The committee Camp Caledonia,
Sons of Scotland, Wingham, is now
completing arrange ents for the exour-
siou to Kinoareine n Friday, Junel5th,
Bills will be issued n a few days giving
time of train and f e from each station
from Palmerston Kincardine. The
fare from Wingh will be 70 cents.
The Sons of Sootl lid at Kincardine are
arranging a.good program of Scottish
games and a plea ant day at the lake
may be looked fo Keep the 15th of
Juno in mind and ake arrangements to
spend the day at noardine.
Are your glasses ri ht? cion chap-
ges as all things do. See ' aube & Son
at the Queen's hot -1 Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 29 and 30th.
Unto the ThirJ Generation.
Mr. George Baird who is now in his
46th consecutive yes=' as principal of the
Public school on the 2nd concession of
Stanley, enjoys the 3stinction of teach-
ing unto the third paneration. One. of
the first pupils was Malcolm McEwen,
then in due course name the latter's
daughter, now Mrs. Adam Stewart, and
now Mrs. Stewart's " ittle daughter is re-
ceiving instruct}ons •n the old school
and from the same ominie as taught
her grandfather, he Clinton News-
Reoord asks: -"Is t ere another teacher
in Ontario of who the same can be
WANTED -A bright 3oung man, about
16 years of age, for general office work.
Sovereign G and Lodge.
Mr. F. R. Blewitt of Listowel, Grand
Master, is cashew. of the Exeentive
Committee in charg of the demonstra-
tion' to bo given in b nor of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge, I. 0 0. F , in Toronto,
Sept. 17th to 21st n t, and is spending a
good deal of timed getting everything
into working order- . There will be a
monster parade, pr ze drills by cantons
and degree staff Competitions in connec-
tion with the conv:ntion at which be•
tween four and five . housand dollars will
be distributed amo competing lodges,
and an elaborate pr ramme of the pro-
ceedings has been p epared. Numerous
important committe a have been seleot-
ed to prepare for an carry out the work
and the event will b perhaps the most
important that has ver been held in
Canada T connectn with fraternal
Excursion to Toro to by C. P.
May 19th, Kin _'s Plate
The Driving Cln. of rriston is
running an exoursi.a by fast special
train to Torouto, M a. 1 . , so as to af-
ford a change to th:tp .ple to go to Tor-
onto to see the Ki : s Plate Race, the
classic event of the Ontario Turf. A
special train is arra.: ed for return trip
leaving Toronto at 1 30 p.m. May 19th,
but tickets will be h••• ored on any regu-
lar trains May 19th •r 21st returning.
Cost of tickets fro Wingham $2.50
adult, $1 25 child. S • ecial train leaves
at 9 27 a, m• Call o. Canadian Pacific
agents for tickets, a . all information.
Ontario Power Commission.
Speoial interest is taohed to the pub-
lication by"Iudnetr Canada" of the
report in full, of the tario Power Com-
mission. Hitherto a 1 that has appeared
of this document ha: been single type.
written copies sent to the municipal
authorities of the ooaaorations, at which
instance the invest gation was held.
Yet no reportlas baso •prepared for a
long time which is o such vital interest
to the general pnbli a of Western Out-
ario. "Industrial C nada" has publish-
ed a large extra ed tion containing this
report and will furash copies from the
Auctioneers nd Pedlars.
The following is list of the licensed
auctioneers and pe ars for the County
of Huron, as furni hed by Dr. Holmes,
County Trensurer:
AUOTIONEERs- . F. Vandrick, Geo.
Beckett, Thomas Sundry, Jas. Stanley,
F. S. Scott, Thos. Cameron. Henry Bos-
senberry, Geo. Elliott, J. G. McMichael,
John Gill, Joseph amen, R. M. Charles,
Jas. Smith, Dar Dickinson, C. H.
Wilson, Jas. JonThomas Brown, Alex
S. Deavitt, Wm. Holman, R. H. Gar-
niss, John Purvis Edward Eossenberry,
B.S.Phillips, Jos. Wliite. PEDLARS-Jno
Failoon, Louis R hkopski, J. E. Barn-
well, Duncan Mo onald, Wilford Mend-
elson, Geo. Vanturbur Augustine
e g, Mc-
Guire, D. Shiels _W. K. Whaley, Stuart
Miller, Geo. Be .tty, Anthony McDon-
ald, James Ontt, arry Andrews, David
Avidon, Henry ayden, Thos. Langan,
Robt, Shaw, . J. McCracken, J. E.
Frey, John Th mai, G. P. McPhee,
Fred Goseman W. J. Powell, Wm,
Toronto office for tLanty-five cents each.
Fon Sara -A dbmfortable cottage,
convenient to the factories, will be sold
at a bargain. Apply at TIMES office.
Board of Tra Organized.
There was a very ood attendance at
the public meeting in the Council
Chamber on Friday ght last, called for
the eurpose of consid ing the advisabili-
ty of reorganizing W gham's Board of
Trade. All present sere in sympathy
with the movement a id the Board was
ie -organized with the following officers:
President, R. Clegg; let Vice, W. J.
Greer; 2nd Vice, Abair Cosens, Secre-
tary, T. Hall; Treasurer, A. E. Smith
A committee, compo ed of Meseta. R
H. Crowder, F. J. Tylor, A. H. Mus-
grove, W. Brewer
was appointed to dna t By -Laws, rules
and regulations and re -siert at an ad jonrn-
ed public meeting io �e held on Friday
evening of this' week. Wingham needs
d H. B. Elliott
a Board of Trade an
ways in which such a
bb a.benefit to the to
there is a Board of Tr
150 members and Wil
able tp have as strong
Every man in the.tow
terest of the town at h
member. There shot
tendance at the meetii
Chamber on Friday
week. 4
there are many
organization will
in. En Listowel
1de with nearly
gham should be
an organization.
who has the in -
art can become a
Id be a large at•
ig in the Council
evening of this
WANTED -A geed strong young man
to learn steel range making. Apply to
WESTERN Fotianmx Co., Wiugham.
Anglican S Convention.
The annual Saud y Scbool'convention
of the Deanery of Baron (Anglican) met
in Wingham on Wednesday of last
week. The oouvenwon opened with a
celebratiou of the 11 'ly Communion at
11 a m , by Rural DE'n Gonne, assisted
by the Rector. Lu cheon was served.
by the ladies of St. P ul's at noon. The
afternoon conferenc opened at 1 30,
with the Rural Dean n the chair, and
about sixty delegate present. Papers
were read by Rev. H. Hartley, Mrs.
Peters, Miss Edge, a Rev. T. H. Farr.
They were all of an e cellent and practi-
cal character. Rev r. Tucker, of To.
ronto, also gave an address. Iu the
evening, divine servi e was held in St.
Paul's iu which Rev Messrs. Turnbull,
Perkins, Berry, Gun e and Hicks took
part. The sermon by the Rev. Dr.
Tucker was a mas erly and eloquent
presentation of the missionary cause.
Revs. C. W. Sander , H. P. Westgate,
and H. M. Lang-Fo•.1 were also present.
The Deanery Chaper ptoper met an
Thursday morning, Mien routine busi-
uess was transacted And a paper on New
Testament Study vers read by Rev, T.
S. Boyle. The co ivention closed at
noon. The Sunday 'School Assooiation
will meet next yeast Brussels.
Dr Butler, London, will be at Queen's
hotel, on Friday, May ldth, all day.
Eye, ear, nose and throat consultations.
Eyes tested for glasses.
suffer from it ? '
Walton Mckibboll
Pin». K.
Next doer to poatoffrce.
This store closes at 8 p. m.,
every evening exoept Saturday.
R. T. o
The members o
No 114, Royal
ante intend holdi
er Wingbaue flats
week, May 24th.
Council are requea
regular meeting ne
when final arrange
for the picnic.
T. Picnic.
Wingham Council,
emplars of Temper-
a picnio on the Low-
n Thursday of next
11 members of the
ted to .attend the
t Tuesday evening
ents will be made
tices wanted, to learn the upholstering
business, Apply to Walker & Clegg,
at the upholstering factory.
Died in T rnberry
There passed awn at her home in
Turnberry on Frid .y last. Margaret
Query, relict of the 1„te Thomas Stokes,
in her 59th year, w:e vias one of the
older residents of t :e township. The
funeral took place ow. Sunday afternoon
to the Wingham cal
there of deceased, wl
ing in the State of
on Monday morning
attend the funeral o
they had not seen fo
ietery. Two bro.
o have been resid.
hio, arrived home
being too late to
their sister, whom
over twenty years.
Visit H. E. Isard's carpet depprtnient
on second floor for the largest stock and
best values in carpets, oilcloths, lino -
learns, mattings, curtains, eto.
High Schooan September.
At a special meetg of the Wingham
Public School Bonn. last Thursday even-
ing, arrangements i,'ere made whereby
the High School Bo ,rd will have the use
of three of the room's in the public school
building, to Somme'
September next. '1
bo of great advanta
Board, as it will all
a time when sohold
ice with the 1st of
Ids arrangement will
e to the High School
�w for the opening at
rs will be availitble,
the opening comi ag directly after the
Eutrance Examin ;tions and the High
School Board will in this way receive
the Government and Connty grant for
the last half of his year. This will
make a change in the public school ar-
rangements, but i will only be for a few
months, as it i expected the High
School building w, be completed by the
1st of December. -
Loss of eyesight is worse t
fortune. No matter how
troubles may be, li
See Taube & Son
Oil Tuesday and
and 30th.
loss of
all your eye
em corrected
e Qaoen's hotel
dnesday, May 29th
Citizens' B nd Officers.
The annual b siness meeting of
Wingham Citizen's Band was held on
Monday evening. !the reports of the
officers for the pas • year showed the
affairs of the band t j be in a very satis-
factory condition. TSey will be in a fully
better position this y jar to fill outside en-
gagements, and have prospects of a
inost successful sun) .. er. An engage-
ment for the 1st of J
Teeswater was accept
officers- were elected
year: -President, R.
dent, E. Forcer; sec
treasurer, H. Hinecli
Nichols and John F
Hingstou; property
Guest and R. Currie.
ly celebration at
d. The following
for the coming
arrett; vice.presi-
etary, A. Piton;
a; auditors, A. J.
aser; sargent, A.
committee, Jos.
C P R. Ex rsion Rates.
For this popula holiday ron • trip
tickets will be on : ale at sing ''faro be-
tween all stations on tli: . nadian Pa-
cific Railway, ea of of : o• Arthur, to
nearly all points o,. co a. :Sting lines in
Canada. and to D:troit, Mich., and Buf-
falo, N.Y., going lay 23 and 24, good
to return until a'.. on May 25. See
nearest Canadian acific agent for tick-
ets and informati
Lacrosse $c edule Arranged.
District No. 2of the Intermediate
series in the C. A, will this year be
composed of t e Clinton, Goderich,
Kincardine, Se forth and Wingham
clubs. A meeti ,g of the representatives
of the clubs in he district was held at
Seaforth on M day, when the follow-
ing were present -W. Galbraith, Clin-
ton; Dr. Sale, derioh; A. McKenzie,
Kincardine; C. esswell, Seaforth, and
Elmer Moore, 'W gingham. The schedule
of games for this eason was arranged as
below: -
June 1st -Sea orth at Goderich.
Jane 6or7-Goi erich at Wingham.
June 15 -Go rich at Seaforth.
June 12 -Wi gham at Seaforth.
June 15 -Wi gham at Kincardine.
June 20 -Cli on at Wingham.
June 29 -Sea rth at Clinton.
July 2 --Olin on at Kincardine.
July 2 -Win am at Goderich
July 1,.n
--Olin n at Seaforth
July 12 -Kine dine at Goderich.
July 17 -Seafo th at Kincardine.
July 18 -Sego th at Wingham.
July 18--Goder eh at Clinton.
July 27 •- Clinto at Goderich.
-Wingh mat
Aug 33--Godri h at Kinoatdine.
Ang 8 -Kinn ine at Seaforth.
Aug 9 -Mlles ine at Clinton.
Aug 15 -Kinn ine M Wingham,
The united Pre byterian congregations
of Ripley and B rvie, have extended a
unanimous iovi ation to the Rev. W
Cooper Mercer, f Owen Sound. Stl2end
one thousand d lars and a manse.
Rey. E R. b' tch, B A., pastor of tl e
Wingham Ba ist ohurch has taken
charge of Tees ater Baptist ohurch for
the earning ye and will hold service
every Sunday afternoon and on Thurs
day evenings.
R:sv. Mr Haan, of the North Street
Methodist Chu ch, Goderich, preached
Sunday Sohool anniversary sermons in
Wingham Met diet church on Sunday
last. Rev. Dr. undy took Mr. Hazen's
work at Goderic .
Rev. E. R. Fit , pastor of the Wing -
ham Baptist Cn roh has successfully
passed his final ex minatious at MoMast-
er University and he ordination service
es will be held in the church here on
Friday evening, M y 25th, particulars of
which will appear our next issue.
In seven of the a nual Couferenoes of
the Methodist ohm )h in Canada, nine-
teen of the miristeas who began their
ministry in June, ;1856, will celebrate
their jubilee. The names of those in
the London Confei,'ance are as follows:
the figures after ea -h name indicate the
number of years the active work:
Stephen Bond, 50; George Brown, 34;
John Learoyd, 45; uhn R. P1,0, 41.
Taube & Son, eyesi ht s cialists, will
be at the Queen's hot 1 Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 29 and 30th. Ad-
dr(as all cowutumcatiuus to A. L Ham-
ilton, oluggist, Wingham
FARII FOR SALE. -A good 100 -acre
farm iu the township of East Wawanosb
is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick
sale. Terms and full particulars at the
TIMES office.
Farm Pr perty Sold
On Tuesday Mr Lamont sold his farm
property of thirty five acres. south east
of the to.vu to M : Thos Forbes. This
is a nice property and is very co.ivenient
to the town. 'The sale was made -
through 3. H )hieholtu, real estate
Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Me-
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, May 29th
Hours 2 p. in. to 8 p, m. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
Esteemed Resid nt Passes Away.
Mr. John Alderso , one of Wiugham's
highly esteemed res ents, and the cap-
able, and obliging ba gageman on the L ,
H. & B. division of 'the Grand Truuk,
died at his home o Ratter street, this
town, on Saturday a'teruoon last, after
an illness of only a f w days' duration.
Mr. Alderson hadn been feeling well
of late, but continue to work until May
1st, when he was forced to resign.
Acute diabetes set , which developed
rapidly, and notwit standing the efforts
of physicians and t e best of care and
attention, the die ase could not be
checked. The 1 to Mr. Alderson
was born at Shildo ,County of Durham,
England, on December 14th, 1848, but
had resided in this 'Country for the part
forty years, thirty;five years of which
he had been in the -wploy of the Grand
Trunk. For sometime he was a resi-
dent of Fergus, ad later resided at
Palmerston and Southampton, coming
to Wingham twely years ago, and since
that time has been i baggageman on the
L , H. & B. He was most popular among
his fellow -employees on the road, and
was highly respect id as a citizen of the
town. He was an Anglican in religion,
being a faithful member of St. Paul's
Church, and in politics ho adhered to
the principles of 1 the Liberal party.
Thiity-four years ago he was married in
Fergus to Miss 4nnie Robinson Mo.
Williams, who st rvives him, with one
son, A. J. Aldersoh, of tbis town. Two
sisters of the dec ased reside in Eng.
land, he being tl e second eldest of a
family of five. e had been a member
of Fergus Lodge I. 0. O. F, mace 1876.
A memorial ser ice was conducted at
the family resid nce on Sunday evening,
by Rev. T. S. oyle, and the remains
were taken by ain to Fergus on Mon-
day morning f r interment in Beleyde
cemetery. Six members of Maitland
Lodge I. O. O. ., acted as pallbearers
here, and a larg number of the brethren
followed the r mains to the station.
Rev. Mr, Boyle, r. J. H. Chisholm and
Mr, John Quit attended the funeral
obsequies at Fer as.
are chiefly caused by abase and
neglect. Do not neglect your eye
sight as it is priceless and when
once gone cannot be restored.
- We are expert eye fitters, and
can snit all who have eye troubles.
Call and see us, at
• Walley's
Drut Store
▪ Phone lee, Successor to McCall Fc Co
is a High-grade Commercial School
— %TERM COiinses —
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Write DEO. SPOTTON, Principal.,
Wingham Real Estate Office.
Property for sale in and around the
growing Town of Wtraham; easy
terms and low interest.
$4500-100 acres, See mile from St.
Augustine; excellent land.
84800-200 acres ; uiil•. i"ra m Glenan-
nae. School ou taro. Brick
house. bai.kb .
$6000-150 acres, 21= miles from
Win gbam ; townreap of Turnberry.
8750-12 acres, good land; frame house,
MO- tale' acres. 10 minutes walk from
Wlneham E' 0
81050- 7 acres with frame hoose and
$1500-11 acres; brick house, bank
barn ; an excellent market garden.
8850 -Frame cottage on Frances St.
$1100 -Frame house. 10 rooms; good
rspair r"LeTward St.
$2800 -Brick dwelling, 14 rooms and
store. Splendid location for board-
ing house; rents for $320 per year;
Josephine St
The above are only a few of the mauy
properties I have ou my lists.
Wingham Town Lots for Sale.
Agent for improved and unimproved
Western Lands near Schools and
Churches. Call and get particulars.
J. H. CtiISi-IOL!'1,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vapstone block, Winahasn.
1 Eve body Works.
Mr. Peter Ewan, for thirty-two years
.deputy -governor of Toronto jail, is 9.ead.
W heiiTanbe &So attend -to your eyes
you get the benefit ! oy(tr 35 year, ex-
perience. rience. Ca11 an stilt them at the
n� W
y, May 29ton
and 30tH,
' Everybody Warks but father."
Is a sad and :11 tinned jest,
Sines tho hone` cleaning season opened
He has no time for rest
"Mother” hanes out soap suds,
And so does' istar Ann,
Bat the chap t at beats the carpets
Is our old m .
B Almon Times.
When a Woman Comes Here
For Shoes
There's no question or risk about
Style, fit or price.
Our reputation is a patentee of
There are new Spring styles here of
every good sort; light and dainty
Shoos, Oxfords, Sandals and Slippers
for dressy costumes, and stronger
made kinds for street and general
wear. We have a size, a width. a style
and a price for every woman's foot,
eye and purse.
$ t 50 way up to $3.50.
W. J. Greer