HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-10, Page 88 ."Mi+r'�t�11►��'�4"�a�+s�'s+ge1^�r'�r4''4�"����'o,�i►hr Ladies' White.we ar Ladies, call and see our stock of whitewear, It is well assoxted and we will save money for you in prices. Our values are right. Corset Covers ranging in prices from 25c to $l.00. Gowns from $i.00 to $2.25. Uuderskirts from Hoc to $2.25. These we can give you in either lace or embroidery trimming„ We will make it worth your while to call and see us. a: 1 White Lawn Waists In these we have the best and largest assortment S you can find with either long or short sleeves, and the prices are extremely low considering the quality. 1 TRADE T.±,1i EN AS CASA Carey Dry Goods Co. TEE PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have coutributione to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and toll us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr. D. M. Gordon is in Toronto for a few da3 s this week, Mr Geo, Mason was in London for a few days this week. Dr. W, T, Holloway spent a few days in Toronto this week, Miss larrat, of Auburn is visiting with her friend, Miss Maud Robertson. Rev. Wm. Lowe, of London was visit- ing a few days last week with old friends M Wingham. Miss Elia Porter and Miss Dallas were visiting with London friends for a few days last week. Mrs. W. D. Bentley, of Winnipeg is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Campbell. Mrs. Barolay, of Belleville is at the bedside of her daughter, who is ill at the home of Mr, R, Maxwell. Mr. W. W. Inglis, of St. Charles, MO, a former well known Winghamite is visiting with old friends in town, Mrs D. T. Hepburn and son Walter, are visiting for a few weeks with rela- tives and friends in Barrie and Oshawa. .PHONE 70. (Ritchie's Old Stand) WINGHAM.# Miss Martha Orr, of Morris, has re- turned home after spending several months with her brother in Philadelphia. Mr. R. R. McLeod, manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Lucknow was call- ing on old Mende in Wingham on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Currie and Mr. and Mrs. John Tervit were visiting with Mr and Mrs Geo. Tervit at Kincardine over Sunday. Mr. Gordon Arnett, of Teeswater and Mr. Imlay, late of Ethel, are taking a course in the oommercial department of the Wingham Business College. Miss Jean McGillivray left this week for Evanston, til , where she will go in training as a nurse. Miss McGillivray's friends here will wish her every success. MINOR LOCALS, —Wingham horse races on Wednesday and Thursday, Jane 6th and 7th. —Councillor Nicholson is this week moving into his new brick residence on Frances street. —J. Goodfelloe., merohant, Elmwood Bruce county, has assigned to Richard Tew, of Toronto. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday evening of this week. --The first of July celebration at Tees - water this year will be under the auspi. Des of the Baseball Club. —Mr. T. G. Brongh, general manager of the Dominion Bank, died in London, Eng. on Wednesday of last week. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents par box. All -ureists —Mr. R. H. Crowder has been selec- ted as Vestry Clerk of St. Paul's church in place of Dr. W. T. Holloway, who is leaving town. —Mr. Chittick, who for a number of years carried the mails between Belmore and Wroxeter, died at his home in Bel - more on Friday last. —All members of Maitland Lodge, I 0 0.F. are requested to be present at the regular meeting of the lodge to be held this (Thursday) evening. --In another column of this issue the Wingham High School Board is adver- ing for tenders for the erection of a High School building. See advt. for particu- lars, —We have had very unseasonable weather during the past week. Very cold and flurries of snow on Monday and Wednesday mornings. This is out of the ordinary for the second week of May. —While playing rugby at the Wing - ham school on Wednesday afternoon of last week Charlie Webb had the mis£or- tnne to have his shoulder blade broken. The boy will have a few weeks of not very enjoyable holidays. —There wiII be no strike of the miners in the anthracite coal fields providing the operators will agree to give every man his old place and reinstate those who have been dismissed. Fishing is reported as being very good at Kincardine this season. Some of the Wingham sports made an attempt at it very early one cool morning this week, and returned with steady step np Queen street. Try again, Jack. We now have on hand a large supply of FOOTBALLS BASEBALLS and BATS LACROSSE STICKS and BALLS TENNIS B)AQU TS and 'BALLS Ayer's -,--- the very best make. Special terms to clubs. —At a meeting of the Wingham High School Board on Wednesday morning, Mr. Abner Cosens was'elected Treasurer. —Mr. Adam Henderson, son of Mr. Thos, Henderson, who has been confined to the house for the past six months is able to be around again. —Mr. J. E Swarts has had two large plate glass windows put in the front of his residence, which greatly improve the appearance of the property. —Miss L. Winter, teacher of stenog- raphy in the Galt Business College, is supplying for Mise Barclay in the Wing - ham Business College, during thelatter's illness. —Mr. E. P. Paulin, of Dashwood, formerly of Wingham, bas purchase• Mr. J. B. Hawkin's hardware business at Goderich, and will take possession on the 1st of June. —There were 1,700 applications on Tuesday at the Ontario immigration of- fice in Toronto for men and boys to work on farms and at other kinds of labor throughout Western Ontario. —Mr. Geo. Spotton, Principal of the Wingham Business College has moved his household effeots from Listowel and is taking the house formerly occupied by Mr. Jas. Armour on Frances street. —Dr. A. J. Rollins, ex -warden and the well known M. D., of Exeter, is sell- ing oat his property in the village and purposes removing to some point in the Northwest to resume his practice there. —This week Mr. T. H. Ross, has sold his frame building and lot on Josephine street tp Mr. R. A. Graham. Mr. Gra- ham is now busy having a cellar dug and will put a foundation under the build- ing. —Mr. Jas. McGee, jr., of the 1st line of Morris is seriously ill. Mr. McGee had a serious iIIness last fall, and was recovering, but took a fresh cold a few weeks ago and is again confined to his bed. —Mr. Richard Armstrong, who has been troubled for some time past with a growth on his neck, leaves to -day for London, where he will undergo an oper- ation. We hope he may return home fully restored to his usual good health. A DANGER TO CHILDHOOD. No mother would give her little one poison if she knew it, and yet all the se called soothing syrups and many os,Ase liquid medioines given children enntain as() will aby's Own !tee of a gov- medicine does of opiate or nar- cotic that it Dann possibly do harm. This assurance is worth much to the mother who oares for the safety of her little ones. Mrs. Chas. McLaughlin, De- Bert Station, N. S., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for colic, stomach troubles and other ailments of childhood and find them so valuable that I would not be without them in the house." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. poisonous opiates, and an ov kill. When a mother uses B Tablets she has the guar eminent analyst t thj not contain one pa tic —A page advertisement in the Knox- ville press immediately increased the membership of the Presbyterian Bible class one-third. Judicious newspaper advertising always brings results."— Buffalo Courier. Judicious newspaper ad- vertising is just as beneficial to a church as it is to a theater or a store. The man who advertises isgenerally the man who does the business no matter what his business may be. —Mr. T. F. Cain, of Lucknow has sent his pacing mare, "Debbie C." to Wingham to train on our race track. She is again in charge of Mr. Welsh. Mr. Walter Burnside, of Kincardine has some horses in training on the Wingham track. —We are pleased to report this week that Miss Barclay and Master Claude Maxwell, who are suffering with typ- hoid fever are progressing as well as could be looked for. We hope they may soon be completely restored to good health. —On Monday the Kincardine council submitted three by-laws, one for a trunk sewer, $5,0001 one for a storm sewer, 0,000, and one for a park, $2,500. The first two were defeated by majorities of 62 ane 14, and the iatter carried by a . majority of 61. —The annual meeting 0f the es t Huron Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. F. W. Watts at Clinton, on Thursday, May 17th at 2.30 p.m. It is desired that a large attend- ance of the members of the Winghain branch attend this meeting. —The'snnns is very worry this week to report that Mrs. Hugh Ross has been taken down with typhoid fever and on Tuesday was reraoyed to Brantford for treatment. Mr Rose is just nicely re- covering from his attack bf fever. We hope she may be soon fully recovered. Mr. Ross also want to Brantford. --.Mr, Dudley Holmes has purchased Dr. Towler's property on Diagonal street. The Dr. will retain pobsesslon until abort the first of September when he and Mrd. 'Towler will lea're for delis Will hate on band Friday and Satur-✓ (lay next the newest fttylea in LADIES' .HAND BAGS. Sore Throat and Coughs A. simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresol cnewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 1.00. Ali Dragatsta 400 WINGEAJ1 TIMES MAY 0, A smelter to omit $50Q,000 is to be er- ected in the Cobalt district. Harry Johnston was caught between two freight care at Orangeville and fatally injured. r..-...-4r,-o-e..,-..-.-....r...,.,-4,0.0.-- WIN(GEANI Flour Mills PRICE LIST Staff /lour, per* bbl $1.90 to $2.15 Manitoba, " 2 00 to 2 25 Bran, per ton - 18 00 to 20.00 Shorts, " - . 20,00 to 21.00 Low grade Flour, ton 23 00 to 25 00 Chop, per ton - 17.00 to 25.00 Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. gir We want 12,000 bushels of Wheat this month, and will pay the highest market price in Dash for any quantity delivered at mill. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKIEBANK. W. J. PRIGS, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holloway) Will continue tue practice in the office lately ',coupled by Dr. Solloway, in the Beaver Block, Wingham. TENDERS WANTE rENDEItS wilt be rel 1 signed up to 4 22nd day of flay, 1906, High School at the To eived y the under- o'cl `k p m., of the f the buildldg of a p of Wingham. Plans and specifications can be seen at Henry Simpson's office, 17 Toronto street, Toronto, and at the Secretary's office, Wing - ham. DUDLEY HOLMES, Secretary. Raise in Hotel Stable Rates in Wingham. The Hotelkeepers of Wingham have fou necessary to make a charge for horse their stables. In the past, they char ing except when fid. The expens light, insurance. wear and tear, a competanent hostler to hitcl horses, are such that they eharge the following ,r$tes May 14th. 1 horse stand 1 team stand. doubt 1 horse hay 1 team hay 1 horse hay and oats 1 team hay and oats 1 horse over nigght 1 tenm over night Bonet. JAnrs,—In Turnberry, on May 2nd, the wife of Mr. Thos. James; a son. WtLp—In Wingham, on May 0th, the wife of Mr. James Wild.; a son. RITCHIE.—In Culross, on April 26th, the wife of Mr. David Ritchie a son. Srarmors—In Hawick, on April 30th, the wife of Mr. Chas. Simmons; a son. WroxmMAtq.—In Morris, on April 28th, the wife of Mr. Rob6rt Wightman; a son. MA AIMED WEATXERwAx—LEACH.—At the home of the bride's son, Blyth, on May lst, by Rev. S. r`hntierson. Mr. Hboth Oorace fWeatonbuherwaxrgto Dirs. Elizabeth Leach, 'rilis, DIED BERhATrt.—In H.>wick. on April 27th, Eliza beth Jane Bernath, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Blakeman, aged 30 years. CLEuct.—In Treherne, Man., on April 25th, John Clegg, formerly of Gonne. aged 63 years. JAaussos —in Eiawaths, Mioh , on April 25th,Sarch Finley, beloved wife of Robert Jamieson, formerly of Fordwich, aged 8i years and 9 months. SCOTT. In Culross, on May 2nd, Peter C. Scott, acted 49 years and 4 months. PonTSIt.—In Flushing, Mich„ on . May 2nd' George Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex - Porter, of Wingham, aged 42 years. GAnr0N.—In East Wawanosh, on May 2nd, George Garton, ,Aged 62 years and 6 months. I21TCirte—Ili Culross, on May Ord, Hattie Vincent, wife of Mr, David Ritchie, aged 27 years and 4 months, it noth- fhsing of taxes, ides having /and unhitch ve decided to tartinglMonday, l0c all..,......... 10c 15c 20c 20c 00c 00 51.00 All horses leaving stable must have tickets. All horses free standing room on Sundays until p. m. The above prices are less than what has been charged for years in other parts of the Prov- ince. uo One, Amex. OHR, CHAS. E. LEPARD, L. W. RANiote, CEO. B. ROE. THE MUTUAL LIFE Assurance Co, of Canada Has had another prosperous year, as may be been from the following table Insurance written in 1005 $ 0,044,5;0 Gallia over 1004 966,400 I s ro a in o e n u ne i rt, Dee 31, 100:1 94 10,9x5 Gain over 1904 8,4985 Cash Theme for 1905 1,970,510 Gain over 1004 231,211 Total Assets Dee, 31st, 1001 9,200,092 Slain over 1004 1,075,582 Surplus (Company's Standard) 954,001 (Itcin aver iso# 181,920 1,261,905 214,504 fornix to upend the Winter, In the Surplus SGovernnhent Standard) Gro 1904 fisherspring they may return to Winithatn er dln 'he sale miss ttnde11ws Iir« i#Yoe made throtlgls S. H, Ohlallolur, teat iBNED Snootiest to Oettier& Oa. estate agent. NOTICE TO .LADIES Miss May I. Campbell, of Wingham would again remind the ladies of Win"lham and sur- rounding country that she is still able to supply them with the Minuet Shirt and Waist Holder. As this is the best article of the kind on the market, Miss Campbell would advise the ladies to secure them early in the season as the de- mand for them is on the increase. These articles can be had on sending a postal card to Wingham P.O. or from Miss L. Graham, opposite the post office. COSENS Dist Agent, �Pf(iMid BULL AND HOG FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, Lots 11 and 12, Con. 1, Turnberry (Winch= Junction), the thoroughbred Short- horn Buil, "Admiral;` No. 55940. Admiral is from imported stock. Terms $1.00, With priv- ilege rix ilege of returning if necessary. Thorough- breds, 55.00. Also have for service aood thoroughbred Yorkshire Hog. Terms $100, :payable at time of service. ALEX. DAVIDSON, Wingham 1. O. Notice to Drayage Contractors r: 1906 SabliataMINONEW ••••01nalmailw, N.11.1018 4.4 /SSSuSe. /S S T&S SwdS%bra C�11 call T sere are reasons for gig Business at tie Bee Hive Last week we advised you that we were piling in New Goods in the different departments at The Bee Hive. And we are still at it. Buying now at just the season when the very newest styles and designs are shown in the wholesale markets, you are therefore sure when making your purchases here of getting the latest in Dress goods. and Wash Fabrics. These.,are then certainly good reasons why you should visit This Store before making your selections; and this not only applies to Dress Goods both in stuff and wash goods, but it applies also to every line in general Dry. Goods for Ladies, Men and Children. COME IN THIS WEEK We invite you to come in this week and see the New Goods, and get' our prices It will pay you to come if only to get i d on what you ought to wear and what you ought to pay. Hats and Caps for en and Boys—We show the new styles both in stiff and soft Hats also the latest Caps. You cannot in justice to yourself afford to miss seeing the values in this department. New Lines for Ladies— New Belts, Collars, Collar Tabs, Corsets, Gloves, Hoisery, Undervests, New Neck Ribbons, Embroideries and Lace Goods. Grocery Department. This department is filled with choice New Groceries 1 e We Havn't Said a Word. - We havn't said a word in above about price but we emphasize it very strongly right here in these words, It will pay you in a money point of view to deal at The Bee Hive. lTIiIThe BEE HIVE DRY GOODS CO. - Wingham, Ont. liaSEMIMIggEMSSMAK THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ OR Violin IS AT DAVID BELL'S Terms to suit purchaser. Sealed tenders w' I be received by the Cotes• cil of the Towns ip of Turnberry up to 6 o'clock p. m , of ti 26th d iy of May next For the enlarging 1 the Municipal Drain on the 12th Conceeslo: of the said Township for a distance of 83; mil a. Also for the opening of a Branch Drain on Lot 20 in the said 12th Con- cession for distanco of 178 rods, and laying tile in the said Breach Drain. The whole work to be done in aecdance with the plass and specifications mad,y'C.A.Jones.Esq Township n Engineer, which c o seen at the office of the Township Clerk, Muevale. The contractor or contractors will be required to file: with the Township Council a satisfactory bond for the faithful performs ee of the said works. The l est or anyten 'r net necessarily eaccepted OH unletss otherwise tisfactory. Mared Tand- er3 to b addresse. JeOHN BU GESS, Township Clerk. Turnberry, April '3rd,10003laeoale, P. O., Ont, POPULAR STA410NS. The two Importe ('1 esdale Stallions: Mascot No. (12. 8) and Drumburle Chie 0. (5318) *Will make the season of IZeG as followsMascot at Dr, A. F. Ford's sale stable, Wing. ham, every day oxeept Wed)n'sday and 'thiva- day, when The will be et J. W. King'8 stable, Bluevate. Drureburlc Chief at J. W. King's stable, Btuevble every flay except Ptideyr and Satter - day, When he Will bent Dr, A. T. Ford's Bale stable. Wingham. See laege cards and felucca for full partt- eulare. 11, IYSllyttxitwox, J'. w', $nae, MFneser, Proprietor• CENTRAL S"(FiA'Y NT. Our Classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is the best pla0e in the Province to obtain a Commercial Education or Shorthand Training. Students are entering each week. All graduates get good positions. Write now for catalogue. ELLIOTT & MclACHLAN PRINCIPALS. • Z NEW—",:›• • Z Butoher Shop• •2 f • 4 HAVE opened a Butcher Shop t s in premises two doordnorth = of the Chisholm Blockc and • am fully prepared to supply the : 'beat of all kinds of • Fresh and Cured Matte. et Special attention paid to orders e from farmers and others for moat •, ♦• in large quantities, se A share of your patronage is Z respectfullyy solicited. WPI. DIAMOND. I ��41!'r�.1.�i:�'�K • V u . `: tam,: iv •�U •,v r\ • milabliara Trout Fishing The season for Brook Trout is open. Algonquin. Park is the fisherman's paradise. Tourist Tickets To all principal tourist resorts on sale daily. Tourist season is opening - early. To Cobalt Through Pullman Sleeper leaves Toronto daily except Saturday, run- ning through to Cobalt and New Liskeard. For tickets and .full information call on L. Harold, Depot Agent, 3, D. MCDoh'ALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. • SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. .Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, exec ting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be home. steaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. Entrymay be made personally at the local land ofice for the district in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the' conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : oultf At 01 six months' in residence ar for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father 18 deceased) of the homesteader resides nPpon a farm in tho vicinity 01 i n for the the olaYdo entered requirements as to residence may be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent residence upon forming land owned by Mtn in the vicin- ityof his homestead the requirements tie to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the raid land. Six months' notiee in writing should be Riven to the Commissioner of Dominion Lauda tit Ottawa Of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY,. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. 11.--ttaautihorized, publication of this ad- ^'ertieetnent will not be paid for. Subscribe for TIETE, TIMES. SSS BULLS OR SALE. ' The undersigned 1 horn bulls which he are aged 10, 11 and premises, lot 15, co dress ISArAsr Moot 6s three pure bred Short- ffers for sale, The bulle months, Apply on the ession 2, Rinloss or ad Whitechurch P. O. . New Subscribers THE,TIMES A WEEKLY GLOBE • To let Jannary, 1907, for -ONLY $I.00 Having made special arrangements with the Toronto Globe we are able to make the above liberal offer to new subscribers. Send in your ' names to the TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, Ont. . HAVE -YOU ORDERED YOUR NEW Spring Solt oR Overcoat If you haven't, it's high time yon - were thinking about it. We cordiallyinvite ou to take a look at what we we are you this spring in the latest tweed 1, Se wtes, "'Worsteds, nutty "tresfings, eta 751'bTASL`Siiig, . We Dan suit you in price, quality, style and workmanship. ROA. Maxwell xwell TAILOR.