HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-10, Page 66 TRE WI 1 GI1A.bZ TIMES MAY 10, 1906
S 0Ap $5 000 Rlrw ltn heat
r bo paid ro :uhy
person who proves that
Sunlight Soap contains any
injurious chemic as or any
form of adulteration.
is equally good with hard or soft water.
W you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
.results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The population of St. Marys is given
tit 3374 by the Assessor.
Mitchell's total assessment for 1006 is
$775,755 75. The population is 1885.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by paihaful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
;Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Mr. J. W. Hunter, of Lucknow has
purchesod a general store business in
the village of Horning's Mills.
The amount of land within the limits
of Manitoba, Saskatehewan and Alberta
voted to railway companies is 5O,OS9,600
Dr. Chase's Oint
ment is a certain
and guaranteed
caroler each and
every form of i
itching, bleeding
a n d protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
get,your money back is not satisfied. 60c, at all
dealers or luDirevsos, BITES & Co., Toronto.
Constable Frank Lattimore of Duan-
viile was overcome with heart disease
while making an arrest, and died im-
Port Elgin ratepayers will on June
4th vote on a by-law to raise the sum of
$30,('00, for the purpose of installing a
system of water works.
Those term have taken other laxatives
without satisfaction -and those who
have taken such quantities of other laxa-
tives that they have lost their effect -
will find a pleasant surprise in LAX ETS.
There is usually no pain, griping, nausea
or discomfort even in severe cases. This
candy bowel Iaxative-LAX.ETS is only
Se and is sold at Walley's Drug Store.
William Cobean of Kincardine, was
united in matrlage to Mies Emma Mo -
Donald of Heron Tp. on Monday even-
ing, Apr. 23. Rev. Thomas W. Blatch-
ford performed the ceremony at the
The wife of a wealthy Irish contractor
of Kansas City, who was travelling a-
broad, was ever watchful lest her speech
betray her Celtic origin. On one occa-
sion she was heard to say that while she
bad visited Vesuvius, it was her regret
that she had never seen the "creature."
For Over Slaty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy --Mrs
Winslow'a SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bynullionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect eucoess. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. WinsIow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Capt. W. C. Forrester, formerly con-
nected with the 32nd Bruce Regiment
but now residing in British Columbia
Inas offered a silver cap to cost not less
than $50, for competition among the
-seven companies of the regiment.
&l4ilnistEr of the
tloapel Recommends
The sudden death of Miss Mary Mc.
Gregor, which took place at her mother's
residence near the South Einlnss Church
on Monday night, April 30th, was a
terrible shock to her friends. She had
been in poor health for a time but was
not dangerously ill, and dropped dead
while getting a drink of water.
Chamberlain's Salve
This salve is intended especially for
sere nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped
hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes,
granulated eye lids, old chronic sores
and for diseases of the skin such as
tatter, salt rheum. ring worm. scald
head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies or
itch and eczema. It has met with un-
paralleled success in the treatment of
these diseases, Price 25o per box. Try
it. For sale by all druggists.
"lar atererai years 1 have been in very ppeel
Yoelah. Leet Fall 1 was advised b ' Bar. J. S. Allen,
of Murray harbor, Par, .I., to try 'Oxygenator,'
$afore trying it I had no faith in it, but last Otto -
ler I began its use and can truly say that before
went one jug I had wondertnlly improved le my
e•eral health. dines- thea t have used several
s, as a result bavd never spent such a bealtby
*ter Or Spring is 1 did this year. 'Oxygenator'
i*r Throat'1 rouble, Catarrh, Purifying the Blood,
sed for Building np the System, I believe is net
equalled to•day by any other remedy.
Several of my congregation bare alae used It
with blessed results. I take great interest In
'Os:ygeaator, barieg given jogs of It array, and
osMstsay it is A Woi Ditihrbr. R nntDT.
to regard to my eyes, Oxygenator' has done
Siam more good Shan the Oculists or the treatment
tneceived in the Hospital.
For L6raeha, I think it peeriese. For pains t*
*s chest, lungs or sidb, indeed anywhere, it
works w anderrSHV, A. D. MrLFO'D,
Mount Stewart, F.L.i.
p',ar *star, by-
r .J
.y,+ t .,.v d.+ ya +r+a ,rte
e i4E•. XYGENA it t POVOr
Hstrbbrcl *tr r Tioronto
A bright ten -year-old girl, whose
father is addicted to amateur photo-
graphy, attended a trial at court the
other day for the first time. This was
her account of the judge's charge:
"The judge made a long speech to the
jury of twelve men and then sent tbem
off into a little dark room to develop "
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
James Dickson has been appointed
deputy registrar of deeds at Goderich as
successor to J. D. O'Conuet, who recent-
ly resigned to join the Sovereign Bank.
Mr. Dickson has been associated with
the registry office for nearly fifteen years,
has a thorough familiarity with the
work, and has proved himself a faithful
and competent official.
Often-times in the sudden illnesses of
children if a reliable remedy is available
fatal consequence can be avoided. For
these emergencies parents are urged to
have at hand ready for immediate use
Dr. Shoop's Diptheria Cure, Dr. Shoop's
Croup Cure, Dr. Shoop's Worm Care
and Dr. Shoop's Pain Panacea. Child-
ren's ailments demand promptness above
all else. Thera is nothing harsh or that
can possibly harm in any of these excel-
lent household medicines. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
A South Dakota editor says he has
two subscribers who frequently get full
and every time they are in that condition
they come in and pay a year in advance
on subscription. One of them is credit-
ed to 1941, and the fraternity through-
out the United States is crazy to find
ont what brand of whiskey he drinks.
Grip Knociced Ont.
Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weather both my wife and myself
contracted colds which speedily devel.
oped into the worst kind of la grippe
with all its tniserable symptoms," says
Mr. 3. S. Egleston of Maple Landing,
Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, mus-
cles sore, head stopped np, eyes and nose
running, 'with alternate spells of chills
and fever. We began using Chamber-
lain's Congh Remedy, aiding the same
with a doable dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its
liberal use soon completely knocked out
the grip." Sold by all druggist%
%0 Buy it and follow O C
...,T 9 directions ✓
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any
cause for complaint.
Samuel Halls, formerly of Exeter,
died at the Rouse of Refuge at Clinton,
on Friday, April 27th, aged SO years
Before entering the H. of R he was an
inmate of a Homo at London, but would
not stay there. He was wt.11•nnnueett d
wee was a paring patient. The la arty
was sent to Ec ter, the intern ent tak'ng
place in the cemetery there.
If yon prefer to take medicine in tab-
let form you eau now obtain Dr $l 0 p's
R•atotative Tab'eta. Absolute no obauge
hes been maile in the ine'lieinal in-
gredients. Sold at Walley's drug store.
Mr A. Kramer has oompled the as
sessment of the township of Carrick and
has handed in his roll to the Clerk.
From the same we glean the following
statistics: -Acreage, 59 439 acres ; Real
estate $2,719,035; Business tax, $39,500;
Income $9,930: Total assessment, $2,798-
555; Population 4200; Dogs 522; Days
Statute labor, 3924, The assessment is a
little lower than it was last year.
C:1 'r1' 7Et.'f: E3 .
Bears the ., Tho Kind You Navo Always Bought
On Wednesday, April 25th, Mr. Wm.
Finley of Gorrie received the sad iatelli-
gence of the death of hie daughter, Mrs.
Robt. Jamieson, at her home in Manis-
tique, Mich., whioh took place very sud-
denly after a short illness of thirteen
hours. Her remains were removed to
the home of her parents from where the
funeral took place to the McIntosh cem-
etery on Howick and Carrick boundary.
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is bat when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
We are called upon this week to
chronicle the death on Thursday, the
26th ult., of Mrs. McKenzie, Onterio
street, Clinton. The deceased was a
daughter of the late Wm. Pollock, who.
for a time resided in Clinton, but whose
home was in Bowmanville, where the
deceased was born about 62 years ago.
About 42 years ago she commenced
business is Clinton as a milliner, which
she successfully conducted until the
time of her marriage, 30 years ago.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action oftbe
kidneys and bladder
This week we have to record the death
of Mr. John Clegg, a former resident of
the 9th con. Howiok,which took place at
the residence of Mr. Geo. Hazelwood at
Treherne, Man., where he had gone on
a trip to see the country, and was sud-
deuly taken ill with pneumonia from
which he never rallied. His remains were
brought to Gerrie on Monday, April 30th
and interred in the Gorrie cemetery be-
side those of his late life partner.
The death occurred in Stratford on
Sunday, April 22nd, of Msry E. Keag,
wife of Joseph P. Croat, aged thirty-
four years. The deceased was born in
Goderich, where she resided With her
father, James Keag, until her marriage
with Mr. 3. P. Grout, of Stratford, about
ten years ago when she went to that city
with her husband, and bad since resided
The Assessor of Kincardine Township
has finished his work and the following
particulars are taken from the roll : -No.
of acres, 50,035; assedement Of real prop-
erty exclusive of buildings, $1,435,025;
value of buildings, $378,875; business,
$5,500; total assessment, $1,819,400;
population, 2,60; births, 54; deaths, 29;
dogs, 421. Total assessment for 1005,
$1,811,800, making a difference of $r,fr0O
more this year,
It is our sad duty this weep to chroni-
cle the death on April 10th of Dire. John
J. Beaton, of Port William, who died
after an illness of three weeks following
the birth of her child, the child's death
preceding that of the mother's by three
days. She was born in 1 inloes Town-
ship, and was the third daughter of Mr.
and Dire Sonupel McDonald. After her
utarriage nu the 21st, Dau., 1904, she
took up her residence in Fort Wdllleta
where she continued to reside until the
sad occurret ce of her death.
As a spring medicines Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Caught Co ,t While Heatingaxsnrglar,
Mr. Wm Thos. Lanorgau, Provincial
Oonstable at Chapleau, Ouratio,says: "I
caught a severe oeld while hantin>; a
burglar In the foeeet swamp last tall
Heariug of Ohamberlait,'s Cough Rerne-
dy, l tried it, anti after two smell bottles
I was completely cured." This remedy
as ion -ratted especially for roughs and
colds. It will loost'u and relieve a cold
iu less time than by any other treattneut
and is a favorite t. herever its r.uperior
excellence bite become kuuwu. Per sale
by all druggists.
Mr. John Acheson died on Monday
May 30th at his home in Goderich after
an illness of several mouths. Decaesed
was born ne Ireland over 77 years ago,
and came to this country when a young
man. He was a very well known awl
highly respeoted resident of the town,
having been a dry goods merchant for
about twenty years and actively inter-
ested in affairs relating to the progress
of Goderich; for many years, however,
Mr. Acheson had been living a some-
what 1 otired life.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Eleadaohe, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
ithout griping, purging or sickening.
An extraordinary idents but one
showing the resourcefulness of the fair
sex, occurred just recently. A young
lady, a pretty blonde, after asking for a
ticket to Yarmouth at the station at
Loudon discovered she had lost her
purse. She thought and hesitated for a
moment, then walked up to another
woman and told her of her dilemma,
offering at the same time to sell her the
red silk underskirt she was wearing -
After a few moments in a waiting room,
one woman emerged with a parcel and
the other with her fare.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
ey stems.
About two miles south of Exeter, on
the farm of Jaynes Walker, one of the
oldest buildings between London and
Goderich will soon be razed, and in its
place will be erected a dwelling of more
modern arohitectnre, This old structure
is over 60 years old and has for genera-
tions been a familiar landmark, and to
see it now, one would hardly believe
that in its time was considered one of
the best hostelries in Western Ontario
and that many men of prominence of
Upper Canada, as our province was then
called, made it a stcpping place in their
journeys from London to Goderich,
The essential lung'healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
oongh medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Truly it hath been said that virtue is
its own reward. Here's au instance that
goes to prove it. A well-known Toronto
contracter dropped a marked cheque for
$1,000 on the street the other day. A
boy who carries "copy" for a daily news-
paper in the city picked up the precious
bit of paper, He showed it to one of the
editors of his paper, who immediately
told him to find the owner, and relieved
the boy from his usual duties until ho
did so. Three hours afterwards the lad
located the contractor in his club, and
handed him his lost cheque. Of course
the gentleman was glad to get it, and
without a moment's hesitation gave the
boy ten cents.
Kinloss loses one of her most valued
residents in the death on Sunday, April
20th of Mr. Henry Moulton. Although
a sufferer from kidney trouble for many
years, he had almost reached the ad-
vanced age of eighty-one, and was able
to be up and about until within a day or
two before his death. Mr.;Moulton was
born near Brockville m the County of
Leeds, Ontario, and there married a Miss
Eyre of that district. About thirty-five
years ago he moved to Greenock Tp,
where he resided up to about two years
ago,when be went to live in the village of
Ifyeuyour friends or relatives suite:rein
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on suck diseases to Tne Munn; Co..
leo King Street, W.,- Toronto, Canada. All
druggists sell or can obtain fot you
Beard the - AThe Kind You Nave Always Bought
When the Kidneys are Weak it is
Impossible for any Woman to
be Healthy or Happy.
If the girls and women who are silent.
ly suffering with what they suppose is
"female trouble," would look to their
kidneys they would socp find the source
of their ill -health.
The kidneys are very closely allied
with the female organs and if the ital•
ity of the kidneys is in any way impaired
great suffering is sure to occur.
No better medicine is known for the
kidneys than Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and i3utterunt; they stimn•
late and strengthen the kiduess and
thereby aasist the other organs to do
nature's work Iustaut benefit and cer-
tain cure are gnitrai.teed in every case.
Sufferers don't wait, begin treatment
with Dr Hamilton's Pills at once; they
will cure you as they did Mrs A. B
well known e s
n nw r ei out f the
town of a w Poi timid. Read her experience:
"For t • o years past I have been
sickly and weak My Dolor was dull
and sallow, and I felt exhausted anti
weary, an if all my streugth were
being eaten up with some hidden
trouble. I heard of Dr. Hamilton's
Pill's and decided to use them. The
change in a few days was surerisive.
They regulated any kidneys and
bowels and cured all my suffering;
to day I am perfectly wa11 "
Every woman can take Dr Hamilton's
Pills with safety and benefit. Their
occasional use keeps the system in
healthy, well -regulated order. No med- -
ictue more gentle or meet) prompt in
results. Now is the time to get Dr.
Homiltou's Pella 25o per box or five
boxes tor one dollar, at all dealers, or by -
mail from N C. Poleon & Co., Hartford,
Conn„ U S.A., and Kingston, Ont. -
Sheep Notes.
Sheep of all stock must have dry and
comfortable quarters.
Twin lambs are not desirable, unless
the ewes are able to nourish them prop-
No class of stook will pay for extra
attention ,as well as a t mall flock of
good sheep.
Whenever your bowels skip a day
without a movement -take a LAX ET.
Whenever your breath is bad -your skin
waxy. or sallow -your tongue coated -
your breath foul -take a LAX ET only
5o. Sold at Walley's Drug Score.
Feed fattening sheep as heavily as they
will boar.
Sheep distribate their dropping more
evenly than cattle and usually on the
highest )laoes.
Usually the early lambs require more
attention than any other young animals.
A sheep adapted to every section and
every breeder's surrounding cannot be
grown in the same animal.
A farmer to be successful should never
sell a poor sheep, but sell fat ones and
fatten the poor ones.
The earlier fat sheep are put on the
market, the better prices they will com-
Sick headache results from a'derange.
went of the stomach and is oared by
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
lets. Sold by all druggists.
Where it, can bo avoided, sheep should
not be allowed to run in muddy yards or
be driven thiu mud.
Climate has a wonderful effect on
the growth and fibre of wool; but per-
haps the quality of the feed has equally
as great an influence.
Mutton, Iambs and wool is a good
combination for any farmer, as either -
oan be made profitable if properly man-
aged, but more so if all are produced
A gentleman would rather be taken
for a servant than fail to be of service.
It will take more than an eight hour
clay to make the twenty-four hours
Before; 100,000 people at Athens,
Sheering, a Canadian, won the Marathon
race, the big event of the Olympia sports
on Tuesday of last week. Great exOite-
ment teas manifested at the finish.
Prince George ran with him up the cin-
der path, Sherring smilingly waving a
British flag. The Crown Prince con-
gratulated hint, and as he bowed to King
George, he was presented with a boquet.
The race was over a 26 -mile course.
Fifty-three competed, including 20
Greeks, 5 Britons, 5 Americans, 2
Frenchmen, 3 Germans, 2 Italians, 3
Swiss, 2 Egyptians, a Bohemian, a Bel-
gian and a Dane. Ambulance stations
were placed every kilometre along the
route. Aiso men peeled oranges and
lemons for the runners. Sherring'e
time was 2 hours, 51 minutes,23 seconds,
being seven minutes ahead of the Swede
who was second, and nine minutes
ahead of the American, who was third,
To An Old Lover
(Cetholie tjtandard and Times,)
There is silvery frost on your hair, old
There are lines on your forehead too 1
But your clear eye speaks of the peace
and joy
That dwell in the heart of 'you
For the passing of youth you have no
No sighs for the summer gloatht
And the lover's moon. They are with
yon yet
Ia the light of the lamp at haute.
In your summer of youth, in that sunny
That will come to you never again,
You have hived and stored for your later
And your heart is the honeycomb -
Ah 1 I've seen your face when you kissed
your wife
In the light of the lamp at home
Oh, you rare old lover! 011, faithful
knight 1
With your sweetheart of long ago,
You are many days from the warmth
and light
Of the summers you used to know;
But you need not yearn for the glamor
and gold
Of the fields you were wont to
Oh, the light for the hearts that are
growing old
Is the light of the lamp at home!
Butter Making.
The best butter makers stop the churn
when the butter is in the "granular"
form, i.e., in small grannies or grains,
none of them larger than a grain of
wheat. In this stage the buttermilk is
drawn out of the churn, and cold water
turned in to wash the buttermilk out of
the butter. This is then drawn off and
the process repeated until the water
comes away clear. A brine is then made
000800086 0000i90090001l04)000
.FOR. 1905 - 06.
w ▪ The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below
$ for any or all of the following publications :
Times $1.00
q. • Times 4.50
+ Times .. 4.50
* Times 3.10
4. • Times 1.90
+ Times 1.85
Times 2.35
Times 2.35
Times 1.65
Times 1,70
Times 1.75
and poured into the ohnrn, and the dash,
is turned enough rn bring the brine in
ooutapt with the mall particles of but,
ter Tbo butter is then removed from,
the churn and only worked enough to
remove the surplus brine and shape the
butter into rules or prints for packing.
Ice this way the grain is not injured, and.
the go.,d qualities of the butter are pre-
served i❑ all their integrity, constituting
what is known as "gilt edged" butter,
Of comae all steps in the process are •
taken with due regard to what is require
ed to secure the desired product, proper'
temperature, proper oleanliueds, and
proper deliberation and accuracy in,
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh.
That Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering ik
through the mucous surfaces Suoh
artioles should never be used except on,
preeoriptions from reputable physicians,
SS the damage they do Is ten fold to the
good you eau possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F J Cheney & Oo , Toledo, 0 , con-
tains no mercury, and is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and'
mucous steam of the system. In buy-
ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yon get
the genuine. It is taken internally and
made is Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney'
& Co Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists. Pride 75o. per bot-
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Plenty of people do not look where -
they are going; but there are a mighty
few who will not some day go where••
they are not looking.
to January 1st, 1907,.
and Daily Globe
and Daily Mail and Empire
and Daily World
and Toronto Daily News..
and Toronto Daily Star
and Daily Advertiser
and Toronto Saturday Night
and Weekly Globe .
and Weekly Mail and Empire
and Family Herald and Weekly Star
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide ..
Times and Weekly Witness
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald
Times and London Free Press (weekly)
Times and London Advertiser (weekly)
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and World Wide
Times and Northern Messenger.
Times and Farmers' Advocate
We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine
Times and Farming World
Times and Presbyterian
Times and Westminster
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster
Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto)
... ..
Times and Youths' Companion
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)
Times and Michigan Farmer
Times and Woman's Home Companion
Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London
Times and American Sheep Breeder
Times and Country Gentleman
Times and Delineator ..
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine
Tines and Green's Fruit Grower
Times and Good Housekeeping
Times and Modern Women
Times and McCall's Magazine
Times and Pearson's Magazine
Times and American Illustrated Magazine
Times and American Boy Magazine
Times and What to Eat
Times and Bookkeeper
Times and Recreation
Times and Cosmopolitan
Times and Ladies' Home Journal
Times anti Saturday Evening Post
Times and Success
Times atd Housekeeper
Times and Pilgrim
Times and Poultry Keeper
Times and 'Hoard's Dairyman
Times and McClure's Magazine
Times and Munsey's Magazine
Times and Rural New Yorker . .
Times and Vick's Magazine
Times and American Gardening
Times and Health Cniture
Times and Ram's Horn ... -
Times and Four Track News -
Times and Breeders' Gazette
Times and Practical Farmer ....
PIMPLES Many an otherwise
beautiful nd attrac-
SLOTCHES rive facea is sadly
marred unseemly
ERUPTIONS . Blotchesby, Pimples,
FLESHWORMO y dBumo'rs,lesand yam -
HUMORS ous other blood dis-
Their presence is a source of embarrass-
ment to those afflicted, as well as pain and
regret to their friends.
Many a cheek and brow -oast in the
mould of grace and beauty -have been sadly
defaced, their attractiveness lost, and their
possessor rendered unhappy for years.
Why, then, consent to rest under this
cloud of embarrassment ?
There is an effectual remedy fot all these
defects, it is,
This remedy will drive out ail the impuri-
ties from the blood and leave the com-
plexion healthy and clear.
Miss Annie Tobin, Madoo, Ont„ writes
"I take great pleasure in recommending
your Burdock Blood Bittora to any one who
may bo troubled with pimples on the face.
I paid out money to doctors, but could not
get cured, and was almost discouraged, and
despaired of ever getting rid of them. I
thought I would give B.B.B. a trial, so got
two bottles, and before 1 had taken them
I was completely cured and have had rho
sign of pimples since."
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