HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-05-10, Page 4cc� lit Lj s 4 TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes utast he left at this Wilco not latter than ' ittnrde.y noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to Hoon 'eVedneeday of oaeh week. SearaIUd RL11 ts72 TUE W1Nf UAl TIMM S. a.BLLIOTee Pr 111,1Sn r:it AND Pit PPM Cron THI711SDAY . MAY 10, mote NOTES aNO 3O.'r"MEN7S. Ata uieeti-sr of nue Llee•_uetvee of the North Perth C luservativ'r :i.s.u:iaticn held at Lista ,vel ou Set melee', A. F. Bata Laren, 1 i P , wad given permissiou to epe1(t forte mouths iu Germany for the benefit of lath literal. The electric) power bill was introduced in the Ontario Legislature Monday afternoon by Ilon. Attain Beck. It ap- points a comtnissicu to supply power to the municipalitiesnot only from Niagara, but any or all sources of power all over the Province. Hon. Pater White, M P. for North Renfrew, died at Clitton Springs, N.Y., Thursday last. Mr. White was a Cou- servative aura waft for a number of years a member of the House of Oommons. He was Speaker of the House in the Parliament prior to 1896. The Canadian Seuatt is not only use- less. It is an exceedingly pernicious institution. It exists mainly as arefuge and a recompense for men whom even the good natured and indiscriminating Canadian electorate would not put into ofil3e, and some of whom it has actually rejected, It performeth not one useful function. "Why cumbereth it the ground. -Winnipeg Tribune. BLOODLESS GIRLS. Can Obtain New Health Through the Use of Dr. Williams* Pink Pills. Anaemia means bloodlesness. 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rioh, reit blood and thus cure aunemia. Wheu the blood is poor the nerves are starved and irritable. Then comes hysteria, neuralgia, sleeplessness and oteor nerve disorders Headaches. les ckachesand sideaches wear out and depress the poor pale victim. Dr. Wil- liarns' Pink fills aeou bring ruddy health and lively vigor. They smith the jaugl• o i nerves and give new strengtheto every creat. Miss Winnie Allen./ Montreal, says: ''I was so weak a that in friends thought to consumption. I wa as pale as a corpse, had no appetite nd did not sleep welt. The least aert-on tired me nut. and if 1 walked a f'blooke I would be almost breathless. y sister advised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after using them for a few weeks I am again eujoying good health and have a POxi color. I think every weak girl ehnultl take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will mire any case of bloodlessness just as surely as they cured Mics Allen. Tho pale anae- mic; needs only one thing -new blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, rioh blood with every dose. That is why they cure all common diseases like anae- mia, indgestion, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart, headaches and backaches, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the secret troubles that makes the lives of thousands of women miserable. Dr. Williams' Piuk.Pills are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for :2.50 from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co ,Brockville, Ont. ran down 'was going in - The revenue of Canada amounts for the ten months ended April 30th to 4133.- 803,550, which is 86,677,848 more than at the tame period a year ago. Receipts exceeded ordinary expenditures by $18,- 459,860, and ail expenditures combined by $8,028,091. The ordinary expendi- ture totalled $45,348,499, an increase of 0,010,692, while the capital expenditure was :310,431,769, a gain of $330,84t. Mr. Whitney seems to be a perpetual rocket. His casing is filled with politi- cal explosives from day to day, and all that is needed is for a member of the Opposition to light a match. Then with a whirricg crescendo rush he goes up in the air amid a chorus of admiring'Oh's,' ana after a few preliminary sputters bursts with a load explosion into varie- gated and starry splendor. The casing drops gracetutly, and is immedately loaded again, in prepartion for the next grand ascension. The spectacle is ma- jestic; bat is it politics? Spectacular indignation is the privilege of Opposi- tions, bat usually Governments are not given to that sort of thing, -Toronto News. The Kingston Whig says: -The Whit- ney Government has a special fondness for commissions. They have two effects: (1) they afford fat offices and reward for faithful followers, and (2) they relieve the ministers of worry and work. The Pettypieee bill of railway taxation, which the Conservatives professed to love while in opposition, has been cast aside, and anew measure is proposed, a wonder in itself. It will raise pretty nearly ;200,000 more per annum from the railways than at present, and the municipalties affected will receive from the receipts at the rate of eight cents per head. But there is a string on the money. The Government will want it back, as it proposes to make the =mica palities contribute towards the keep of their lunatics, at ten cents per head per day, and this will call for an amount far in excess of the percentage of railway taxes. The main point is the commis- sion which will manage this business, at au anneal expense of $30,000, which sum is the first charge upon the revenue and mast be deducted before the uivision of spoils takes place between the Govern- ment aad the municipalities! Of high financing? Of sapertor statemanship! The Whitney Government is exhibiting all these in an amazing manner. We Trust ..Doctors TOWN COUNCIL. The members of the Town Council were all in their places Monday evening, with Mayor Bell in the chair. Minutes of last regular and subsequent special meetings were all read and ecu - firmed. A communication was read from Town Clerk Ferguson, asking that the Council grant him Dave to engage an office assistant for three months, to give him a chance to regain his health. The request was granted, on motion of Coons. Hanna and Nicholson. Mr. A. Cosens presented his resigna- tion as one of the town auditors, and on • motion the same was accepted. Megan_ If you are suffering from itnpure blood, thin blood, de. = bility, nervousness, exhaus= - tion, you should begin at once . with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known - THE empowering the Executive Committee to pass all accounts in eonnection with the electric lighting system be repealed, and that in future all noconnts regard- iug the electric light system be brought before the Finance Committee. The clause empowering the Executive to act as an electric light committee to remain as at present. Some discussion took place as to the object of this change, in which all the members of the Council expressed their views. The motion was carried ou the following vote: --Yeas, Conus. McDon- ald, Forbes, Nicholson and Hanna. Nays, Conus. Bell and Bennett. Dr. A. J. Irwin, chairman of the High School Board, asked for $1500 for the current expenses of the Board, and on motion of Coutes. Bennett and McDon- ald, the Mayor and Clerk were author- ized to borrow that amount. The agreement between the town and Messrs. Howson, Harvey and Brockle- bank in regard to the use of the surplus water at the upper dam was road and referred to the committee appointed to deal with the matter. Oa motion of Coans. Bell and Forbes, the exemptions of farm lands were granted the same as in previous years. Town Solicitor, D. Holmes, was pres. ent and explained the situation in regard to the Western Fouudry Co. After some discussion, it was moved by Coups. Bell and Forbes, and carried, that if our solicitor cannot have the terms of the proposal of 1003 carried out by the W esteru Foundry Co., at once, that he have power to collect the amount duo the town under the first agreement. On motion of Coans. Nicholson and Hanna, the Chief was appointed fore- man on waterworks extensions, and that as a remuneration he be relieved of the duties of tax collector. Council adjourned. A petition was received from A. Nichol and Wm. Gannett, asking for an exten- sion of the concrete sidewalk on Diagon- al road in front of their premises. Also from A. Nichol and others asking for a crossing on Diagonal road opposite the sidewalk on Frances street. On motion of Coons. Hanna and Nicholson,the peti- tions were referred to the Street Com- mittee, and authorizing them to act at once. Chairman D Bell of the Street Com- mittee reported recommending the rais- ing of $100 from the business men of Josephine street towards the street wat- ering, the balance of the cost to be paid out of the town funds, and asked that the council deal with the matter. Conn. McDonald, who is a member of the street Committee, objected to the latter clause of the report, and thought the committee should deal with the matter. Coons. Hanna and Bell moved that the street watering be dons on same plan as last year. Coans. Nicholson and Bennett moved, in amendment, that the street watering be left in the hands of the Street Committee, The amend- ment was declared carried, Corms. Bell and Hanna voting nay, The Finance Committee reported re- commending the payment of the follow- ing accounts: - Theo. Hall, auditors' report.....$ 26 00 Wm Holmes, supplies 31 62 W. J. Greer, supplies 112 00 H. B. Elliott, advertising 9 75 Can. Express Co 75 Sawyer -Massey Co., knife and bolts 8 50 J. B. Ferguson, salary and post- age 46 25 V. Vannorman, salary 42 00 R. Rankin, ringing town belt6 23 A. Dulmage, salary and postage126 00 R. Stein, wood 2 00 D. 0. McDonald, lvork on streets 19 20 " work on water- wcrks .... Hook and Ladder Co.. fire Bell's factory all your life. Your doctor - knows it, too. Ask him about it. Mile** there IS dally action of the barrels, yolaonons products are absorbed. causing head- ache, bnloasness, nausea. dyspepsia, and thus preventing the Sarsaparilla front doing its best work. Ayer a Pills are liter pills. Act gently, - MI vegetable. afi10 f.I•gr cit r.rl otic, festa. HAIR 171001t.gerstilitAVIATORAL. Vie Were res eeersts t We publish tee tlirrartaa of all ehr iaad101tlsiM MOM D. McDonald, work on street.... W. G. Paton, work at water- works Wm. Guest, salary Miss Barber, type written copies auditor's report 6 00 On motion, the report was adopted. Mr. T. R. Earngey, field secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, was present and addressed the council on behalf of the Free Hospital for Con- • enmptives, On motion of Donne. Ben- net and Hanna a grant of.$100 was made to that institution. The Mayor was authorized to have the town pump near the park put in repair. By -Law No. 514, 1006, to provide for the issue of debentures for $15,000 for the erection of a High School building was read three times and passed, and ordered to be published in the Wingham '11ME; as required by law. The aim of 4450 was voted to the Pub- lic School Board. On motion of Count, McDonald and Haunt, it was decided that the Court of Revltiion for this year be composed of Mayor Bell, Coxing. Bell, Nicholson, and . the nove r and t c nder. a O b Id pursuance of nbtiee of motion at a pret'icna meeting, it Was mored by {Tonne. Nicholson and Hanna, that the -fittst clause of By -Law No, 604, 1803, 2 25 Of the weekly examinations held in. the 4 00 Wingham Public School. Subjects - 7 00 Grammar, Geography, Algebra and Book -Keeping. Maximum 400. 25 00 Form i --A. 13 75 PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. Wingham Public School Board met on Tuesday evening. Present -Trustees Lloyd, Long, Hall, Ross, Griffin, Moors, Kerr. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Principal's report was read and on motion of Trustees Griffin and Hall was adopted; it was as follows - Dept Boys Girls Total Ave 1 A & B 30 52 82 67 2 21 23 44 41 3 30 28 58 44 4 25 •23 48 45 5 14 32 46 42 6 19 20 45 39 7 29 21 30 46 8 31 39 70 54 199 244 443 377 Promotions: - From Sen. 3rd to Jan 4 24. Jun 3rd to Sen 3rd- 20. Sen 2nd to Jun 3rd 24. Jnn 2nd to Sen 2nd. 25. Part II to Jun 2nd 24. Part I to Part II 25. Total 142 A. 11. Mt-sunovr, Principal. An account for 75o from J. Stephen- son for repairs was passed for payment on motion of Trustees Moore and Rose. The statement from Hunter Bros. certified that they had tested the bailer at 160 lbs. cold water pressare, and found it satisfactory. The payment of $7.50 to Ranter Bros. for examination of boiler was ratified. On motion of Trustees Griffin and Long, the salaries and rent were order- ed paid. APPRENTICES WARTED. -Two appren- tices wanted, to learn the upholstering business. Apply to Walker & Clegg, at the upholstering factory. FARM FOR SALE. -A good 100•acre farm in the township of East Wawanosh is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick sale. Terme and full particulars at the TI3tes office. WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL The following is the report for April Stella Nethery. 3774 Jessie Wilson 352 Olive Leishman 320 Eva Campbell 315 Annie Barber 308 Ethel Walsh 306 Merle Lamonby. .... 279 Dell Barwash. 254 Edna McBurney . 244 Dick Lloyd.... 242 Pearl VanStone 230 Gertrude White 225 John Mason 223 John Holmes 220 Hazel Campbell 193 Alex. Rintoul The Mae Mason 141 Mena Currie... . 110 Form t. 11stiniam 400. Bella Robertson '340 Sadie Davidson 347 Jennie Bowman 338 Ruby Kerr 327 Irene Vannorman 325 Louie Harold 297 Harold Bachanen 271 John Guest.... 247 Will Galbraith 221 Maude Fry 196 Mamie FloOd 167 Prank Calhoon 103 Rata Davidsotr ........ 161 Howard Davidson......... 155 Ursa Hogg.............. I554 Edna Diamond 102 W1NGIIAM. TIMES 31AY 10, 1906. MADE IN CANADA sY a CANADIAN COMPANY. ,Pr? flWIFT ILENT URE DURABLE AND LIGHT RUNNING. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME --r_-- THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. OOttFANY OrrICmts ; MONTREAL, P. Q LIMITED, TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. D. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. AGENT - DAVID BELL, WINGHAM, ONT. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. George Bond may resign as editor of The Christian Guardian on account of ill -health. Rev. Father Laurendeao, parish priest of Wingham and St. Augustine, deliv- ered a lecture to the young people in St. Mary's hall, East London, on Wednes- day evening. Pastor Fitch will open his regular work with the Baptist Church next Sab- bath. In the morning the subject will be "Sabbath observance" and in the evening "Shortsightedness." The Ruri-Decanal meeting and Sunday School convention of the Deanery of Huron is being held in Wingham on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. A number of delegates are here from outside points. The annual District meeting of Wing - ham District will be held in the Metho- dist churoh, Brussels, on Wednesday, 23rd, inst. Ministerial session will open at 8 o'clock a. m. and the laymen will joiu them at 1.30 p. in. It will be a busy day. Rev. Dr. Gundy, of Wing - ham, is the Chairman. Miesionary sermons in connection with the annual missionary campaign, in the Diocese of Huron were preached in all the Anglican churches on Sunday last. Rev. R. S. W. Howard,of Christ Church, London, took the services in St. Paul's church, and the rector, Rev. T. S. Boyle was at Dungannon. Summer School of Bible Study and Sunday School Methods. The Ontario Sunday School Associa- tion announces a Summer School to be held in Victoria College, Toronto, July 9th -21st next. Four courses of lectures have been arranged; -"Elements of Teaching and Child Study", Dr. Tracy, Toronto University; "Old Testament Outlines" by Rev. Robt. Johnston, D.D., Montreal; "Sunday School Organization and Management" by W. C. Pearce, Chicago, I11., International Teacher - Training Secretary; "New Testament Outlines" by Rev. A. 0. Courtice, D,D., Toronto. There will be examinations in the various courses, for wietch certi- ficates will be awarded, four of which, whether won at this school or on pre- vions examinations, will entitle holders to the International Teacher -Training Diploma, (Elementary Grade.) The lectures and examinations will be open only to registered students who pay the fee of two dollars ($2.00), which will cover all charges including diploma. There will be a display of missionary and educational literature and ap- pliances; and the following missionary leaders, Rev. R. P. McKay, D. D., Rev. F. 0. Stephenson, M. D., Rev. J. G. Brown, B. A., Rev. T. B. Hyde, X. W. Hoyles, K. C., are co-operating. Cor- respond with Mr. J. A. Jackson, Gener- al Secretary, 99.100 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, for details. SCIENTIFIC NOTES. Typhoid fever deaths have fallen in London from 374 deaths per million in 1871 to 156 per million at present. The chronoscope will register the velocity of a bullet 16 times in 100 feet. It registers the millionths of seconds. Of 1,000 unvaccinated children, 360 *ere found to be pitted with sulallpox. Out of 1,000 vaceinated only two were found so marked. Rice, raw eggs and boiled •enison are the easiest things to digest. At the other end of the stale are pork, Babbage and bard -boils$ eggs, 'which take four hours to digest. In a cubic yard of air in a London suburb 20,000 000 dust Parfir acs 'have been measured. Neat Charing Cross there are usually 500,000; but these at only one microbe in 31,000,004 et each duet save Stock Markets. Toronto, May 8. -The run at the City Cattle Market to -day was 00 carloads, with 1,580 bead of cattle, 620 sheep and lambs, 530 hogs and 600 calves. Trade was none to brisk to -day. Buy- ers had plenty of cattle to piok from, and were not in any particular hurry to conclude purchases. Some of them, in fact, adopted a waiting policy, and wero content to take chauces on prides going oa a little later in the day. The result was a slow market, and for medium and common cattle, at all events, the market was a little easier. Ordinary good butc- hers' cattle were barely steady at Inst week's figures. Butcher cows and mix' ed rough cattle were easier to -day. The export market was very quiet, some of the heavy cattle, which ordin- arily would have gond to the seaboard, were picked up by the local butchers at primes which might be considered high for butcher purposes, but low for ex- port. There was not much inquiry for heavy feeders to -day, and the few offering found a very slow market. Light stockers are about steady, though not a very active market. Spring lambs are quite a bit firmer, receipts the past two or three markets being light. Calves are steady. The following are the quotattons: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. $4 80 $5 00 4 50 4 75 3 85 4 10 2 75 3 25 3 75 4 25 Choice Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 75 4 80 Stockers choice 3 75 4 00 bulls 2 00 2 25 Butchers' - Picked 4 60 4 75 Choice 4 40 4 60 Medium 3 86 4 00 Cows.... 3 00 3 75 Bulls 3 00 3 50 Hogs - Best . 7 15 Lights 6 00 Sheep - Export ewes • . 4 75 Bucks,.,. 3 50 Calls. 3 50 Spring Lambs 3 00 Calves, each 300 5 25 4 00 3 75 6 50 5 50 t IlsTGRAML MARKET REPORTS Wingham, May Oth 1906 Flour per 100 lbs..,. 2 25 to 2 75 Fall Wheat 0 76 to 0 76 Oats, 0 32 to 0 34 Barley 0 42 to 0 45 Peas 0 65 to 0 65 Buckwheat 0 55 to 0 55 Butter 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay , per ton 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bnshel 0 45 to 0 50 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Lard ... 0 15 tee 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 0 05 t0 0 06 Live Hogs, per owt, 6 85 to 7 00 $1.00 ROUND TRIP GODER1CH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 ntrunHAflrl Juni'' 21 St'r GREYHOUND 2 Hays In Nava Write E. H. AYER, Agant, D2Tl err FOR PARTICCLARS. .,.......„........4.,....,,,,„....., 1-7G°e. is .,R,T- ,,r �� . The "Big Store"i iThe ,1 WINGI1AM, ONT. ,,.,r1 ' -rir ii-:llo. & Zas. II. .,- erri ,., Igrj BARGAINS IN SKIRTS. et ITS Women's Grey Homespun Skirts, assorted sizes, were $3 00 ;,p '] each, reduced to - - - - $2.00 F Women's Navy Blue Homespun Skirts, assorted sizes, were $3 50 ch, reduced to - - - - $2.25 each, 1 1 il 13 711: rl You'll be needing Diamond Dyes to make old garments look new. It rwill pay you to bay your Diamond Dyes at the " Big Store." We're head - at quarters for these goods. We keep all colors for wool, cotton, mixed goods , all also Diamond Paint for, Picture Frames, etc., gold, silver, copper aad bronze -i� Our special price: -4 paokagee for 25c ; 2 packages 15c; 1 package 8c. �rl FLOUR Ogilvio's RHousehold FLOUR j t No better Bread Flour iu Canada than Ogilvie's Royal Household, s made from Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat. No Ontario wheat used in the mau- z to �7 Itk better bread and more loaves sa k ufacture of this flour, makes bete e dthe seek then the best mixed flour you can get. Every sack of this flour is gnaran- ,(i teed to give satisfaction, Try it. Money refunded if it's not lust as good as •p.1 we say it is. gg et F ti at -t -5 Ti 7�rs.Fb raB le tit alba 'rr.. SUGAR -we keep in stook the BEST and ONLY THE BEST Sugar. It doesn't pay to buy the cheap stuff that some dealers offer you. RAISINS -We haven't any cheap Raisins to offer you, but we have the VERY BEST VALENCIA RAISINS that money can buy. Selected, recleaned Prait, and we are still offering 4 lbs for 25c. Money -Saving Chance in Dinner Sets. Handsome, printed, tinted, gold stippled and gold traced. For one week we offer these goods at a big redaction in ,rice. If you waut one of these handsome Dinner Sets at our Special Price you most come early. $12 00 Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, special price one week $9.00 9 00 •' " „ 6.75 8.00 6.00 Diamond Dyes. ,. (9.00 4.75 VTVTTTTTTTYVVYVVTTTVTTM.V. T!ITTVYVVVYTTVVVVVVVTT:TVIIIS ► 4 I. 4 ISEEDS i - I43P. a 4 For the Spring of 1906. 1 4 C P. 4 P. -----R 4 1 4 4 1 4 td T. A. Mills is headquarters for all Field a, Garden Seeds. All kinds of Clovers. The finest quality of Timothy, , Orchard Grasses, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top ► Meadow Fescue, and all kinds of Grasses for lawns, etc. Also, all the best Mangel, Sugar Beet and Turnip ► Seed. ► 4 MOur Garden Seeds are the very best to be had any - t where -not cheap, good-for-nothing American stuff, not a ► worth putting in the soil -but P resh Seeds from the most 4 reliable houses.' ► ► 3. ► 4 F -Corn for maturing and the silo. ► -New Barley, and Oats. --Peas-The Little Briton. -New Seed Potatoes, P In fact any kind. of Seed of the finest quality will be found here. ► ► 1 I handle nothing but good goods. Prices do not i tempt me to deceive the fanner ; he can be sure what he a buys here is true to name and the very best. • 4 it Flax Seed and Pure Ground Flax. Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves. Herb Food, Ground Oil Cake. 1 • 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 • Some of the Corns we carry are ; Compton's Early, Angel of Midnight, King Philip, Longfellow, North Dakota, 90 Days Teeming, White Cap Dent, Early Butter, etc. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried • an irritated. d ate . Milburnr s Heart and Prpdsree Nerve Pills are just the remedy such Taken people require. They restore perfect Ari usual. harmony of the nerve centres and give new nervi] force to shattered nervous oraiatilligAWAIPEAVirtaillgSA eZ�et6lnp, � T. A. MILLS. Y d •