HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-09-23, Page 5Wednesday, September 23, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 5
Luknow News
Ruth Dobrensky
Once again, our Luc -
know Fall Fair was a huge
success. For those of you
who were unable to attend,
you missed a great fair.
There was a great parade
and a myriad of displays,
exhibits, and fun things to
observe and take part in.
Just checking out all the
wonderful exhibits of crafts,
home baking, canning,
sheep and poultry, along
with all the entertainment,
the Sunday morning break-
fast and community church
service, was worth the time
spent perusing over the
weekend. Congrats to all
the organizers and all who
took part.
If you haven't had your fill
of fall fairs, this coming
weekend you can take in the
Ripley Fall Fair and their
mammoth parade.
I see that many also took
part in the annual Terry
Fox Run, a very worthy
cause and one that was
written about very elo-
quently by Joan Chamney
in her letter to the editor in
last week's paper. I am also
a cancer survivor and
heard recently that there is
a new heritage minute to
honour Terry Fox and all
he did to inspire us.
Congratulations to the
4-H Club on its 100th anni-
versary in Ontario. This is a
wonderful organization that
has inspired youth around
the world to choose careers
that are related to agricul-
ture and is now dedicated to
educating anyone who
wishes to join the
Sympathy of the commu-
nity to the families of: Ross
Henderson, 90, Lucknow;
and, Bentley Bridgman, 1
day, RR#1, Kincardine.
MPP Thompson questions Liberals
on disregard of scientific evidence
From the office impact of a proposed wind
of MPP Lisa project on threatened spe-
cies at Ostrander Point.
Thompson Despite this, the Liberals
continue to push for its
On September 16, Lisa development and failed to
Thompson, MPP for Huron- answer for this behaviour
Bruce, along with her col- during Question Period on
league Todd Smith, MPP that day.
for Prince Edward -Hast- "From cancelled gas
ings,questionedtheLiberal plants, to e -health and
government about their Ornge, the Liberal name has
blatant disregard of scien- become synonymous with
tific evidence that chal- scandal'; said Thompson. "In
lenges their agenda of the Ostrander Point case, the
industrial wind turbine government once again
development. swept the facts under the
This question comes after rug".
Joe Crowley, a Species at You can listen to Lisa's
Risk Specialist, testified that question at the link https://
he "...expressed significant www.youtube.com/
concerns...", about the watch?v=m86b2e8sHY8.
Purple Grove News
Purple Grove WI
Congratulations to local
young women who will be
great ambassadors for their
organizations this upcoming
Serena Lamont of Ripley
was crowned the Bruce
County Queen of the Furrow
last Friday, September 4 at
the Bruce Plowing Match
near Elmwood. Serena will
represent Bruce County at
the 2016 International Plow-
ing Match near Harriston.
Also to Hailey Allen, Kincar-
dine Fall Fair Ambassador
who was also crowned last
Friday, September 11.
Congratulations also to
Kincardine Agricultural
Society for a great weekend
fair and show!
Sunday afternoon at St.
Andrew's United Church,
4-H Ontario representatives
and local 4-H volunteers,
family and friends gathered
to present Anne Maclnnes
with the 4-H Ontario Arbour
Award. Congratulations
Anne for all you do volun-
teering with 4-H and other
organizations in our com-
munity! A lovely reception
was enjoyed by those in
Bruce County 4-H is look-
ing for their oldest 4-H mem-
ber. This year marks 4 -H's 100
Anniversary and Bruce
County is hosting a celebra-
tion at the Saugeen Golf Club
in Southampton October 24.
Reception and Dinner begin-
ning at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are
available locally at County
Depot, Huron Tractor at
Walkerton, from Sharon Mar-
tin, Ripley and Elaine McT-
eer, Paisley. Also, if you have
any 4-H memorabilia please
contact Kim Hooey.
Our sympathy goes out to
Don Bushell and family on
the death of his wife Betty of
the Kinlough area.
Family attending Largaret
McInnes 88TH birthday
gathering in August were
Nancy and Brian King,
Annetta, Adrien, Arien, and
Armond Motashi of
Chatham, Ruth, Ronald and
Tracy Dore, Krista, Serena
and Sierra Glazier of
Teeswater, Linda, Lydia and
Allison Burke of Oakville;
Dianne Gottschalk, Quinn
Kirsten and friend of Shakes-
pere and Karen McInnes.
Visiting with Mary Anne
Kukoly recently were Erlma
Percy of Kinlough and Eliza-
beth Kelly of New Dundee.
Recent visitors with Mor-
ley and Deanna Scott were
Bruce and Lisa Watke of Car-
rick Township.
Visiting Donna Swan were
her sister and husband and
siblings who entertained
Donna at Chucks Road
House in Kincardine.
Joyce Farrell and Halaris
Vildez attended the wedding
for Cindy Kuepfer to Peter
George at Three Bridges Con-
ference Centre near St. Jacobs.
Congratulations to Leon-
ard and Karen Farrell who
celebrated their 40th wed-
ding anniversary on Sunday.
Janet and Michelle Rhody,
Mandy, Xzavier and Zarian
Zuk travelled to Brampton
on Saturday to watch Oliver
play the final ball game of
the season.
Shirley MacDonald
attended the very successful
Parkinson's Walk held at Vic-
toria Park in Kincardine on
Attending the wedding on
Saturday, Doug and Shirley
MacDonald enjoyed the cer-
emonies for the marriage of
Brianne Elliott to Warren
Andrew held at the farm of
her parents Perry and Donna
Elliott. What a beautiful
wedding on a glorious day.
Congratulations to Dianne
and Klaus Heinisch who cel-
ebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. Folks enjoyed
sharing with them on Satur-
day at the Ripley Legion.
Also congratulations as well
to Hugh Mason of Point
Clark who celebrated his
80th birthday recently.
Hope everyone had a safe
long weekend, so now that
the kids are back in school
don't forget to be extra dili-
gent when they are coming
and going, as well watching
out for all the school buses
on our streets and road-
ways. Be safe out there folks.
New Detachment Commander for Huron County
West Region Ontario Pro-
vincial Police (OPP) Chief
Superintendent John Cain is
pleased to announce the
new Detachment Com-
mander of the Huron County
OPP - Inspector Jason
Cain stated, "I'm confi-
dent the County of Huron
and the members of the
Huron OPP Detachment will
be served well by their new
Detachment Commander."
Inspector Jason Younan
was selected in concert with
the Goderich, Central Huron
and South Huron Police Ser-
vice Boards as the successful
candidate to replace retired
Inspector Chris Mar-
tin. Inspector Younan com-
menced his duties at the
Huron OPP Detachment on
August 31, 2015.
Inspector Younan began
his career with the OPP in
1999 serving with the OPP
Auxiliary Unit. In 2001 he
was hired as a Provincial
Constable and was posted
to the Essex County OPP
Detachment. He trans-
ferred to the Kirkland
Kincardine District Secondary School students
build kiosks for Huron -Kinloss
Taralyn Martin
Business & Economic Officer,
Township of Huron -Kinloss
The Township of Huron -
Kinloss would like to thank
Mr. Derksen's 2014-2015
Grade 10 Construction class
at the Kincardine District
Secondary School for all
their hard work
constructing Huron -Kin-
loss' new Tourism Informa-
tion Kiosks.
The kiosks provide visi-
tors with 24-hour informa-
tion and are located at the
Bruce Botanical Food Gar-
dens in Ripley and Family
Funland. Each of the
kiosks have a map of the
Township that shows
points of interest, bro-
chures about area attrac-
tions and events and an
event board.
Two smaller information
boards are located at the
Lucknow Tourism Office
and Point Clark
Students who worked on
the project were: Hogan
Allen, Adam Ballagh, Jor-
dan Dowling, Jacob Fair,
Dayn Freiburger, Rainor
Kuz, Matthew Lesko,
Joshua Madahbee, Shaun
McCarthy, Bradley Pickett,
John Quinquito,
Keegan Russell, Daniel
Skinner, Jakob Dunlop,
Mitch Jarvis, Sheldon
Lake Detachment in
2005. In 2007 he returned
to Essex County where he
was promoted to the rank
of Sergeant. In 2012 he
was promoted to the rank
of Staff Sergeant at the
Lambton County Detach-
ment. Jason implemented
the first ever OPP Mental
Health Response Unit
when he was working in
Essex County in 2012. He
brings with him additional
policing experience as a
Coach Officer, Breath
Technician, Scenes of
Crime Officer, front line
Supervisor and Detach-
ment Manager.
Inspector Jason Younan
stated, "I consider it an hon-
our to be chosen as the
Detachment Commander
for the Huron County OPP
Detachment. I look forward
to working with the dedi-
cated and hard-working
members of the Huron
County OPP Detachment
while initiating new and fos-
tering existing relationships
with our many community
partners that make Huron
County such a safe and
healthy place to be."
Submitted Photo
The 2014-2015 Grade 10 Construction class at Kincardine District
Secondary School taught by Mr. Derkson built four new Tourism
Information Kiosks for Huron -Kinloss Township.