HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-09-09, Page 3Wednesday, September 9, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 3 once upon A Time A peek at pioneer property values The "Sauble Clipper" Submitted by Bruce County Historical Society The Sauble Clipper was a 35 passenger pleasure craft sailing out of the Sauble Riv- er's Doran's Boat Livery from 1946 until the mid 1970s. Captain Morice xe "Doran, Morice"Doran kept a regular schedule of Fishing Trips, Sunset Cruises and excur- sions each summer. Taking a cruise or a fishing trip on the "Clipper" was the sum- mer highlight of many Sau- ble Beach vacationers. Fishing Trips: Almost every day, the Sau- ble Clipper left the Doran docks at 08:30 a.m. and motored north on Lake Huron to the "xe "Fishing Islands"Fishing Islands" near Oliphant and Red Bay, with a group of passengers to test their fishing skills. Bait was supplied, as well as the coffee for those adults need- ing a stimulant. Brewed on a Coleman stove, with water drawn directly from Lake Huron, many folks said they returned just for the coffee! Sunset Cruises: Every evening at 06:30 and 07:30 p.m. Captain Morice took passengers on a Sunset Cruise. Leaving the Sauble River, he would steer the Clipper out onto Lake Huron and travelling paral- lel to Sauble Beach he would head south, turning around at the Sauble Beach Entrance Archway and returning to the river. On the few days when the lake was too rough (for his pas- sengers, not for Captain Morice) he would go up the quiet waters of the Sauble River to Sauble Falls. The Beach Dock: In the early years of the Clipper, the Dorans would build a temporary pier on Sauble Beach at the Main Entrance. Extending out into the lake, Captain Morice would dock the Clip- per and on Sunday after- noons take passengers for a cruise. Usually his brother Ralph xe "Doran, Ralph"Doran came from Southampton to 'skipper' these cruises. Southampton Service: Wednesdays were special days at the Doran Docks. Every Wednesday after- noon, there was a special trip to Southampton aboard the Sauble Clipper which left the dock at 1 p.m. and arrived in Southampton at 2 p.m. After a layover of 2 hours, there was the return trip to Sauble. Since Captain Morice and his family lived in Southampton for most of the year, this was an oppor- tunity to get mail, do bank- ing, etc. The passengers all enjoyed walking to the downtown core of Southampton. Description: The Clipper was a wooden boat, 36 feet long, with a beam of 12 feet and dis- placed 10 tons. It carried a maximum of 35 passengers and 2 crew. Powered by a modified automotive gaso- line engine, it had a simple gearshift: Forward, Neutral and Reverse. The hull was white, the trim green and the cabin a dark brown varnish. Life jackets were stored in the ceiling. There was a search light, siren, fire extin- guisher, sand bucket and life boat on board. Morice's father, Nathan xe "Doran, Nathan"Doran, had been a boat builder and commercial fisherman. Naturally Morice and his brothers followed in their father's footsteps. Nathan and his family moved to Southampton in 1926 but he had his fishing business on the Sauble River. After serving in the War, Morice wanted to get back in the passenger cruise business again. By this time, xe "Doran Boat Works"Doran Boat Works in Southamp- ton was a going concern, so in 1946 they built the Sau- ble Clipper. Morice, Nathan, Hartley and Ralph Doran all were involved in building this boat which, over the years, created happy mem- ories for thousands of passengers. Adapted from an article by Marvin Doran written for The 2113 yearbook of the Bruce County Historical Soci- ety, The full article and year- book can be purchased at the Museum or borrowed from County libraries. A list of Benjamin Farrell's estate valued Huron Township December 13, 1888 Originally submitted to Bruce County Historical Society by Gwen Harrison Previously printed in Bruce County Historical Society Yearbook 1984 South half of lot 25 on 12 concession of Huron Town- ship containing 681/2 acres valued at $2000. West half of lot 26 on 1 lth concession of Huron Town- ship containing 50 acres val- ued at $2500. HORSES VALUED Docter Roan horse 6 years old $70 George Sorrel horse 6 years old $70 Nancy a brown mair 3 years old $70 Lucy a bay filly colt com- ming 2 yr. old $70 Old Polley Brown Mair 13 years old $55 Young Dan color Bay horse colt comming 2 yr. $35 Nelley Small Bay Mair 15 yrs. old tender on front feet $20 Charley Dark Brown Horse 3 years old with run- ning sore on side $10 Young colt six months old very small $15 COWS VALUED Lady Read cow 13 yrs. old $13 Double Tait gray cow turned in homes 6 years old damaged teat $13 Rosey Dark red cow 5 yrs. old $15 Fraser Bud a white cow star in face 6 yrs. old $15 Whitey one cow all white 5 yr. old $16 Cherry one grey Cow with white Belly 6 years old $15 Tidy a Roan Collered Cow 4 yrs. old $14 Beauty a light Roan Cow 3 yrs. old $13 Pinkey a Read cow with white Belly4 years old $14 Anderson one cow all read 5 yrs. old $13 Brindel a dark Brindel cow 9 yrs. old $14 Old Tidy a light red cow white Belly 10 years old $13 Tide a cow with white spot on flank 6 years old $14 Young grey cow all grey 5 yrs. old $13 Old Dutch red a white cow 15 yr. old $12 Redy one cow all red 7 yr. old $14 HEFFERS RISING 3 YRS Young Tidy dark red small white spot on one side of face comming 3 yrs. old $14 Young Cherry all red except tip of tail being white comming 3 yrs. old $12 Young Starry light red Heffer coming 3 years old $14.50 Young Duch Red & White coming 3 yrs. old $12 Young Fraser Bed Heffer coming 3 years old $12 Duke a Young Durham Bull 1 year old $ 8 CATTLE FEED 350 bushel oats at 30¢ a Bush $105 30 bush Peas at 57¢ $17.10 300 bush Turnips at 60 $18 13 Ton Timothy Hay $117 5 Ton Clover hay at $7 per ton $35 One 1 year Old Heffer red & white white strip all down face valued at $7 One heffer red and white with face all white one year old $7 one heffer red and white $6 one steer one year old all red $6 one Brindle steer 1 year old $6 one Grey heffer 1 year old $5 one light red and white heffer one year old $5 one red Heifer with white Belly one year old $6 one red Heifer white star in face 1 year old $5 SPRING CALVES VALUED Three Bed Steer Calves valued at $3 per head $9 Three Spotted Steer Calves valued at $3 per head $9 Too Red Heifer calves val- ued at $3 per head $6 one Spotted Heifer Calf $3 SHEEP VALUED Ten Ewes $5.00 per head $50 One Ram at $4.00 $4 PIGS Four Black Pigs valued $12 2 Black &White Pigs at $3 $6 1 white Pit at 3 $3 BENJAMIN FARRELL HOUSEHOLD AFFECTS VALUED one Wanzer Sewing Machine $15.00 one Bureau out of repair $1.50 one Small Bureau $2.00 Too Clocks 150 each $3.00 one dosin chairs 400 each $4.80 one arm chair .750 2 Small Stands 250 each .500 one loocking Glass .500 one Box Stove $4.50 one Couch $5.00 2 milk cans $4.00 1 table $1.00 4 Cream Cans 300 each $1.20 1 Churn $1.00 Spinning Reel $1.50 Wash Tub .60 5 Beds at 50¢ each $2.50 Iucknowsentinel.com nwmo NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION SOCIETE DE GESTION DES DECHETS NUCLEAIRES NWMO Learn More Centre The Township of Huron -Kinloss is one of several communities in the early stages of learning about Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada's plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization is working collaboratively with the community to advance preliminary assessment studies. If you would like to learn about APM, meet NWMO staff, ask questions or offer your thoughts, please drop in to the NWMO community office and Learn More Centre in Ripley. Everyone is welcome. NWMO Learn More Centre (Huron -Kinloss) 80 Huron Street, Ripley ON 519.386.6711 Wednesday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday