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In June the Society received confirmation from the County of Bruce that our application for grant was successful and that a contribution of up to $486.00 for the project was approved. The Society had Huron Landscaping Limited of Lucknow completed the work. Over -grown plants were removed and new topsoil, plants, soil amendments and mulch were installed. The garden is now edged with brick. Work on the garden was completed in early August. The Lucknow Horticul- tural Society would like to thank Huron Landscaping for the work completed and the County of Bruce for their contribution. We hope that the community is pleased with the update to the flowerbed. �.,I'',=„,."1,•; t Ix. rte`® Valerie Gillies Lisa Brocklebank, Project Coordinator County of Bruce, presents a $486 cheque through the Spruce the Bruce Streetscape Beautificationn grant to the Lucknow and District Horticultural Society on October 23, 2015. The presentation took place in the newly upgraded flowerbed at the main entrance gate to the Lucknow Arena. From left: Suzanne Andrew, Past President Lucknow Horticultural Society; Andrea Feeley, Secretary Lucknow Horticultural Society; Wendy Snow, President Lucknow Horticultural Society; Lisa Brocklebank, Project Coordinator County of Bruce. Connect with Ontarians - extend your business reach! www.networkclassified.org