HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-26, Page 44 TRE NINGIRU}L TINES APRIL 261 1906. • TO ADVERTISERS 'oboe of ebanges must be left at this ofllee not later than Saturday noon. The, copy for elmngee meet be left not later than Monday evening. Oasnal advertisements accepted up to moon, Wednesday of each week. IiterAnntetIF,l) Issa THE WIN RAM TIMES. R.BB p:r"1,lOTT,PretlBIIEnaa•DPfOI•RUETOP THURSDAY. APRIL, 21, i+$06. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Ron, Mr. Monteith confirmed the Globt's aunouucement that Mr. M. F. Rittenhouse, a native of Jordan, Lincoln county, who made a fortune in business in Chi, ago, is giving to the Government, free, 50 acres of lend at Jordan to be used as an experimental fruit farm. The money which Gamey says was given him as a bribe to support the Ross Government has been in the hauds of the courts ever &nee the investigation. Legislation is now going through the ?louse whish will authorize the banding of it over to the Hospital for Sick Chin 1ren. Canada does a larger trade with the t aitei States than stands to the credit of any ether American country. la 1935 the aggregate trade of the Dominion work and there is no substitution. Growing girls—girls in their teens— with the United States was, according ' Whosoeverremovethstonesshallbehnrt must have rich, pure blood. Healthy 1 to American returns, $203,000,000; Cuba therewith; and he that cleaveth wood womanhood depends upon the vital ranked nest with a total of $125,000,000, shall be endangered ther.by. You change from girlhood tos maturity, and Brazil third with $110,000,000. have to take our chances in the great, watch woman should most carefully. y watch her daughter's health at this melee. It is said that less than ten per critical period. If a girl at this period has headache, if she is pale, thin and • rangement is no doubt desirable from the point of view of the shareholders in this unfortunate company, wlio are aux- Taus to save all their eau from the wreck, but train the paint of view of public,. morale it is decidedly ob$eetignable. The conduct of Ptsi2lips tlzreughout has not been such as to earn for Into other than the utmost severity of the law. --Brant- ford Expositor. To the man that is looking for a "snap" it rarely comes. What is con- sidered as a soap is nine times in ten the result of sac% drniging effort as would make toe snap hunter weary to contem- plate. There Is the man who is man- ager of one of the largest city banks and gets $15,000 a year, and who is the envy of those who imagine good berths are in the gift of the stars, Re is reported at business from 10 a, in. to 3 p. m,, but yon may see him almost any evening trudging home about 7.30 to a late dinner with his handbag Ana care- m worn face. There is the prosperous merehaut who has built up a large busi- ness seemingly by a stroke of luck and 1 into whose lap commerce pours golden dollars. Just try and get him to give you ten milintes some day to tell you what his present success has cost him—the early and late hours, the anx- ious cares, the ceaseless vigilance, the impaired constitution. Once in a long, loug while fortune seams to favor some aimless, brainless fellow, but the chances for "snaps," without "creeks" are about one in a million. Just start a little cal- culation on your own account, culled from the pages of your personal experi- ence. The penalty of success is hard $500,000,000 as a maximum. The great down -town buildings, while injured badly by fare, seem to have ataod the earthquake remarli;ably well. The steel frame skyscrapers eau be repaired and fitted far use is a week or two, and hotels like the St. b'ranois and Fairmount are in the panne position, The utter logia Lias been in the ease of flimsy brick buildings and of wooden structures, which were swept out of existence, by the thousands. The plans for rebuilding already 'ander consideration look to guarding against both earthquake and fire by steel construction, and it is esti- mated that 250,000 tone of steel frames will be put into the down -town seetion of the new Sap a`aaucisco, There will be privation but no starva- tion in the destroyed city. Trainloads of food supplies are arriving from north, south and east. There will be no lack of money for this work. Up to Sunday $11,860,000 bad been contributed, a sum large enough to feed the entire popula- tion for at least two months, while thousands of tons of food, vlothipg, tents and medical supplies are being sent for. ward. President Roosevelt bas intima. ted in very courteous words, but quite firmly, that the United States can take care of the problem in San Francisco and will riot need aid from abroad. PALE, LISTLESS GIRLS, Can onlObtain Q to n Health Through New Rich, Pure BIood Made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It has been stated by prominent mem- bers of the Provincial Government that the present sesst.n of the Legislature will be brought to a close by the end of the first week in May, Another minis- ter makes the forecast that the work of the session wiii be concluded to ani in- tents and purposes this week. Never- theless, there is still considerable legis - 'anon not altogether disposed of, Mr. J. W. ,Carry, K. C., the well- known Crown Attorney of Toronto, handed in his resignation this week to the Attorney General. He asks to be relieved of his duties oa the first of May and that his salary be continuod until the first of November. Mr. Curry will go to Cuba to manage the Canadian Cuban Land Company in which he has na considerable interest. The salary of the Crown Attorneyship has been fixed at $3,400. was so strong that many miles of rail - The lawsuit between the Dominion of way were buried. All the telegraph t eruptions, erysipelas, neuralgia., St. Canada and the Province of Ontario, in wire's were destroyed. The city hall, ° Vitus dance, paralysis, rheumatism, and which the former cistfms $1,503,000 re- costing seven million dn.lars, is in mine. the special ailments of growing girls and payment from fila latter; was begun in I Modern buildings suffered more than pillawith the lull name 8D r Wllfams' the Exehegner Court, before Jastiea I those of brick and frame. The terror t Pink Pills for Pale People," printed on The Do- rain T e Most;wrapper around Monday mo the wr r each of Burbidge, �bus. S d g l BfostpP y indescribable.by and excitement was Inde minion claims the repayment by Omar of the people were asleep and rushed into medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50o a io of all moneys paid to the Sal ears thestreets undressed. Bnildin s swayed hos or six boxes for F2.ii0 by writing The tribe of the O'ibwa Indians since 15i3, g t Dr. wiliiams liiedicum Co., BrockvalIe, J y and crashed, burying many occupants. Ont. when they consented to go on a reserve- 1 The loss to the Fire Insurance Compete. I - tion running from the international les will be heavy. It is estimated that boundary along the English River to thethe loss to Canadian companies will be 1, THESE THINGS SHOULD NOT BE watersheds of waters running into Lake ; F2.6e6,000 - American, $126,208,000, and ni innipeg and Lske Nepigon- Foreign, $106,756,000. Meekly suns The Legislature considered the new w neatly Canadians are living in San l For some weeks past Joseph Philips cent. of the people who start in business make a success of their ventures. On the toes of the other ninety the stones fall or the axe descends. The knowledge of the dreadful odds does not seem to diminish the aspirants for honor in quarrying or wood-splitting.—Solomon in Furniture and Upholstery Journal. SAN FRANCISCO CATASTROPHE. San Francisca was partially wrecked by an earthquake on Wednesday morn- ing of last week. The shock lasted for three minutes. After the earthquake fire broke out and felly three-quarters of the city was destroyed before it was Checked on Friday evening. Many of the finest buildings in the city were wrecked. The force of the earthquake languid, it shows that her slender blood supply is being overtaxed. She will al- ways be ailing and may slip into a hope- less decline or copsumption if her blood is not built up at once with Dr. Wit - Hams' Pink Pills. The rich, red blood . which these pills make bring health and strength to every orgap, and make dull, listless, languid girls, bright, rosy- cheeked, active and strong. Miss Mag- gie Domhne, Erinsville, Ont,, says: — "Before I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was badly run down, and it seemed as though my blood had turned to water. I was very pale, aufferedfrom headaches and palpitation of the heart, and often I would pass sleepless nights I found nothing to help me until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and these have fully restored me and I can truthfully say I never enjoyed better health than I am now doing." When Drs. Williams' Pink Pills re- place bad blood with good blood they strike straight at the root of all common ailments like anaemia, decline, indiges- tion, kidney and liver troubles, skin P1%WLI BY FANNIE. M.LOTHROP rhoto by idotmnn, 3xootreai SIR WILLIAM VAN HORNE Tile Builder of the Canadian Pacific. Sir William Van Horne, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Pacific R. R., is the most versatile man in Canada. He is a railroad builder who defied obstacles that would have daunted most able men; he is a collector of paint- ings and is a painter of ability; he is a deep student and a pleasing talker; he is a successful amateur farmer; he is the head and prime mover in dozens of big enter- prises which he handles sitnultaneously with the ease of a Japanese juggler tossing balls into the air; and he is invading Cuba and Guatemala with the great advance - agent of civilization—railways. He was born near Joliet, I11., in 1843, a lineal descendant of one of the Dutch founders of New Amsterdam, the germ from which the great city of New York has evolved. At fourteen thelcieath of his father made it necessary for him to secure the living the world owes to everyone who works day and night to collect the debt. He was first telegraph operator on the Illinois Central, then went into the service of the Michigan Central where he remained six years, leaving to be train dispatcher of the Alton, there rising successively to the position of superintendent of telegraph and divisional superintendent: He afterward occupied managing positions on the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern, Southern Minnesota, Chicago and Alton, and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railways, going.froin the Tatter to the Can- adian Pacific as general manager, The inception of this, one of the world's. greatest railway systems, was due to the patriotism, courage and enterprise of Lords _Mount Stephen and Stratheona and other capitalists; but the virtual building of the road and putting into the completed work the soul of a mig-hty purpose, the boundless energy, vitality and brain that have made it what it is, was the work of Sir William Van Horne. In 1554 he became vice-president of the road and four years later was made president His splendid organizing ability, his mastery of detail, his infinite resourcefulness, his conquest of obstacles—all.- find their lasting monument in this splendid work. He has the visions into the future that distinguish all great leaders; he sees the oak in the acorn, he sees in imagination the busy town with its teeming population, where other men see only a possible good site for a town. For him to see a need, is to plan; for him to plan, is to execute. In 1894, Queen Victoria, recognizing the marvelous impetus he had given to Canada, conferred on him an honorary knighthood, which he modestly accepted as a tribute to his railroad, and has since carried his honors with the simplicity, grace and dignity of a large -minded, broadgauge man. -Ent,red acmrdingto Act of the Pxrharnent of Canada, in the year DM by W. C. Macir, at the Department of Agriculture growing an acre of bearing apples for twenty years than in growing twenty consecutive crops of wheat. As a rule, the farmer recognizes the food needs of the wheat plant, but too often does he Iook upon the apple or fruit tree as a mere tenant of the soil, and one which is not to be regarded as a specific crap. Having recognized the principles, the particnter method of orcharding must be worked out by the fruit grower him- self. This method will depend upon soil conditions and climate. Neverthe- less, it is safe to say that in eight cases out of ten that method which employs clean triage at least part of the season will be most snccessfn. It is also safe to say that all secondary crops in or- chards are injurious. --Prof. John Oraig license bill on Friday, and made a few r Francisco, but as far as is known, only! of the Fork Loan has been the object of Cornell is niversity- Changes. One of these provides for the i one has`been killed, Dr. Stinson, former-; a criminal prosecution, which, if the crxiceliation of the license where three ly of Brantford. There are no former !charges laid had been established in a t:eriansoffenceeare committed in two ,4 Winghamites residing there, but Mr. court 0! competent jurisdiction, could An Enforced Holiday years, Mr. Hislop and others protested Jos. Rae and Mrs. Emilie Duffield are have ended only with a term in the pen- Prom the Edmonton Buuetint against requiring a three-fifths vote to • living at Berkley, eight *miles distant; ° itetitiary. Now it is annontieed that The Battleford Herald registers a kick bring local option into force, but it was :R J. Blackwell, at Oakland: Messrs Phillips has handed over several thous- because "the entire staff of this paper decided this should Stand. Mr. Hanna , Lloyd and Mrs. John Pelton and family ands of his ill-gotten plunder, the prose- were taken" to serve on a jury recently Enid the new bill will increase the raven , at San Jose, color has recommended tkat this fact be ae of the Province by $120,000 ro $"a, ! Mr. Fielding, minister of Finance in taken into consideration in ani* further and the Herald in consequence had tor a Proceedings, and, as the shut up Ehop. Thin was hard lack—for OC•O and of the municipalities by 140,000 '' the House of Commons, referring to the i p prisoner is out the Herald—possibly also for the Mi- lle also said the Government was Con- disaster at San Francisco announced a on merely nominal ball, is to be dropped gants. But for the staff it was a wind- edering the question of licensing and message from the Governor-General'.i appears to be warranted by the facts. fall. About the only holiday a "staff" regulating houses in which there are nos recommending an appropriation of $100,- 3. year ago Parliament voted an in- gets is when they are locked up, and bars, 000. The message was referred to the crease of salaries to judges, and acoom• r there may have been sentiments of hu - A considerable amount of adverse committee on supply. Mr. R, L, Bor- paned this increase with a condition re- man pity ial th soul of the coati who criticism has been created by the decis- i, den said that in the presence of this ion which has apparently been srsived r appating calamity there must be no at that farther proceedings are to be' divi ton and delay. The Opposition abandoned against Joseph Philips of the : wood cordially join hands with the their public duties. It was not until mer time and this to the golden story of York County Lean and Savings Com- ' Government in carrying' out the rerom-' last week and some time after delay in autumn, but for the `'staff" these were pany, on condition that he hand over to ! mendation• complying with the law had been pout- only memory's fading pictures of the the liquidator eecnrities valued at $e00, { The great fire is no longer a menace. edly commented on in Parliament, that dreams of youth. And if by Chance s 000, and give all the aenstanee possible', Its ashes will smoulder for weeks, but as the Chief dnstice of the High Conti of 'stray sunbeam, straggling through the to straighten matters up. Sieh on aeon= an active force it ended on Saturday Ontario complied with the statute laid cobwebbed windows, flickered on the f morning. The last stroke was the de- down for his guidauce, /. withered features of the "old man," or the odor of the rose blooms floated g mile of dotes and warfage warehotiises worth became a member of the Govern• '. through the open doorway to the nos• on the northeastern waterfront. y went which u area and promotes judges, trite of the "devil," these messengers quiring such officers to abandon alt selected the jury, Seasons might coma directorships held by them in corpora- " and seasons go, the inviting beauty of tions and to devote themselves wholly to 1 spring gives place to the good old sum. 'stnaction on friday night of almost o: , Several months after Hon. Mr. Ayles- _. From awe on the daily store from sae we find that gentleman still appearing th great 1 d 'World without ae m e g a or wi o Francisco will consiet of the summing: as cct nseI before judges who may to- brought only It sigh at the privations of „Netip of losses and statements of re.,on• morrow be Iooking to him for favors. n the strenuous life, But help comes f' strurticn plat!.. Is is known that the More effective means than those juin ,often .f#dni an unexpected r;tiiirter, and -Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it—Ayer's Sarsa- = paring. If you dilubt, then - consult your doctor. 'We know _ what he will say about this . gravid old family medicine. Th a :s the test eet!sint ;net ,tater tiros d =ask: "Ate your bowel's r�e;sr^." )Se im tits that risny 'Mats K the travois ii auserate,y — el�Jltlt!ii rtl rrterrry. X2�1r ytvr It r i�u,. aeA year botMls 5 t., Ir br taloa; }az#" Ys Soros et Ayer's til?u IYini' yyyy. itti3ti4101 tt; 4t tar t! Kate Maio, MO*.OtMO*.z j' f ►r J rtat`e et`uti.AL,. t,ar:r rsr e015S4$ t pri 9ks►Usk less of life win be heavier and that ot', recorded for breeding contempt for the', what the limitations of the Isaboring property somewhat leas thee in the hasty courts and general disregard of law world denied was provided by the court; of lair. R n estirnates sent out while the Cre raged.' could not well be devised. The F- u tart' parties now systematically y sear hibg the ruins camp aerotae scores of; bodies it nnsespeeted places. The chief t7reharci Cultivation. y awe Stock tsrkete. `:lose of life mems to have been in the Every modern system of cultivating Toroato April 24.—The run at the City large bettrdinig cheap right sb fret Cattle Market was care,with. • soato Market street. laasingee" of the fruit tree to be Considereda 1,173 heaof Cattle,0&heap and Iambs, tilt of the city adjacent to Cie Union ,F specific and aufiieietit Crop ander the '; 630 hogs and 313 calves, Iron Worke, "000 bodies have been ere. �i soil, or et least to be regarded as a crop 'there was just a fait trade at the mated by the *Meieie for sanitary ran• finite as eshaneting in character ae any City Cattle Market to -day, The run Y aces. Burial parties are working shear- G grown by the farrier. Unites the fruit was not a heavy one, and there 'iwae de- ily, and it seems likely that the death,' grower retaizee end puts into practise mend enough to take all the good but- Iise will be far above the Cgtire of 250 set l the essential part of this ptineiple bo ; cher cattle and choice exporters at Arlene by the acting chief of the fire brigade, will fail as a cultivator of fruits. , steady to firm at loot week's quotstione. ,n ay indeed be twice that total. Tele. ti Experience in *rebottling conducted For the poorer quality of cattle there is grams telling of safety are cn ming some years ago at the Cornell erperitn.ent'` a little easier tone, with a demand easily through freely noir to Canadians who station ,proved conclusively that it coot 7 enpplied, iaave frfendtl iii Sari b'raiicts�a, the soil inure to produce twenty average Export—Market about steady, around y he property lore int still sa matter of crops of apples than twenty ayer�age ,46:/2 $5.10,tor ohoice. L0i4* of Ixeavy the raSldettLnesttwbs it, ilXnre! tangy I crops of wheat. Iii Other words, more I airport stied at $4.8$ i r $440. tis s+a 000000 *s t► >ruisilsoum to felttilitjr Was extracted fruit the land in ititcbeilf<-- choke 1001 Of gOoa botcher cattle, 1,050 pounds or a little over, were sold at $4,60 e 1485; a few odd ones at $5, medium heay butchers at $4 ® $4.70; mixed loth and cows at $3 es $3.50; common canners at $1.50 The "Big Store" WINGMAM, ONT. ''!rsis.trs��Coaw47-44=a H. Ierr SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS BIG BARGAINS IN • Flower Seeds & Yegetable Seeds 65 varieties of Northern Grown Flower Seeds. 15 Packets for 25e. Northern Grown Vegetable Seeds, all Wade. 15 ,Packets for 2$e. g 15 Packages of Flower and Vegetable Seeds tor 25 cents. ro GARDEN 1 1 SEEDS Ili BULL Early Peas, Batter Beans, Early and Late Sweet Corn, etc., at low prices. 15 rr L L 15 PACKAGES SWEET PEAS & NASTURTIUMS 25c, New Field Seeds. The farmers who bought seeds from us last year had the best root crops. We ars handling the best seeds that money can buy. Tf yon want satiefaction, buy nothing but the best Seeds. —Mammoth Long Red Mengel, No. 1 Seed —Imperial Giant Sugar Mange', No. 1 Seed. —Giant Yellow Intermediate Mengel, No, 1 Seed, —Hall's Westbury Swede Turnips, -Skirving's Improved Swede Turnips. —Jumo Swede and Kangaroo Swede. RAPE SEED.—Dwarf Essex, or Large Leaved English (tape. If you want any kind of Seed not kept in stock here, please leave your order early and we will fill it in a few days. No charge for freight or express. You'll find oar prices are right on Seeds, and the quality ie the very best. r-.�7 aft ' gig ---i!v trr;s.,ia--genre r --Ir"' [ r-:7Xne tI.n:.r- Goad short -keep feeders firm at $4.50 iitfVYYYYV � YYYVYV Vy,v71,Lg et e4 95, : ► Heavy feeders—Good and heavy feed , i ► ere are flan at$3850;$450. ' ee ee �� Sheepand lambs—The market is dull t .� for yearling lambs. Export ewes are steady to firmer. Spring lambs steady at $3 n $6. Hogs—Market is unchanged at last i week's decline. ► Calves—Very heavy run and market -la easier, except for good veal calves. Prices range from $3 € $0, egt The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. is Choice .... .......... $4 90 $5 10 r Medium , 4 50 4 75 In Salla 3 85 410 in Light 2 75 3 25 tent Cows 3 23 4 00 Feeders— beat 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 50 4 70 Stockers choice...,3 25 3 63 „ bulla 228 2 40 Butchers'— Picked 4 75 5 00 Choice ..,. 4 50 4 15 Medium .. , 3 85 4 25 Cows.... >. 3 25 3 75 Bulls. , . .. .... 3 00 3 75 flogs— Best.....,.... 7 15 Lights 6 90 Sheep -- Export ewes,...,. •..,4 '75 5 25 3 50 4 00 Culla .. .,..... 3 50 3 75 Spring Lambe .......600 6 25 Calves, each 300 6 75 SVXNemaat ARSZT it.EroRT8 Wingham, April 25th 1906 Flour per 100 lbs ,,.-., 2 25 to 2 75 Fal Wheat ...... ........ 0 872 to 0 76 oats 0 32 to 0 34 Barley .,. 0 42 to 0 45 Peas - .,,.,...:0 05 to 0 65 Buckwheat - ...... 0 55 to 0 55 Butter ...... ........ 0 18 to 0 18 Eggs per dos ........ . .. . . 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord 250 to 300 lray, Per ton.. -,-600 to 700 Potatoes, p rnbushe! 0 45 to 0 50 Tallow per lb .,.. .,0 05 to 0 06 Lard ..... 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Applesper Ib...,0 O5 to 006 Live Hogs, per cwt. 0 85 to 7 00 $1400 ROUND "RIO GODERICH TO �ETROIT tt1ESDAY, JUNE 1 att'uasrfNa. Jt$IC *1 St`t aileVIrO D Ott to i M Write ♦YVYrfnVmVVYn!NYY YZI 44 4 DS 1 - SEEDS i. For the Spring of 1906. T. A. Mills is headquarters for all Field aad Garden Seeds. All kinds of Clovers. The finest quality of Timothy, Orchard Grasses, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top i Meadow Fescue, and all kinds of Grasses for lawns, etc. Also, all the best Mengel, Sugar Beet and Turnip i ▪ Seed. 0. Our Garden Seeds are the very best to be had any - b' where ---not cheap, good-for-nothing American stuff, not Cworth putting in the soil—but Fresh Seeds from the most reliable houses. —Corn for maturing and the silo. —New Barley, and Oats. ' —Peas—The Little Briton. —New Seed Potatoes. ▪ In fact any kind of Seed of the finest quality will be t found here. Flax Seed and Pure Ground Flax. Bibby's Cream Equivalent for calves. herb Food. Ground Oil Cake. Ip s .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 3 f 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 i sir 3 a It I handle nothing but good goods. Prices do not 1 st tempt me to deceive the farrier ; he can be sure what he I I. buys here is true to name and the very best. E Some of the Corns we carry ares Com ton's Early, el of Midnight,King Philip, Longfellow, North Dakota, ora, go Days Teeming, White Cap Dent, Early Butter, etc, PrOtittee 3» s f r• NULLS. ina 111111 ,1. Polk PAIteiCtl.Alts.