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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 15 Ashfield WWI servicemen to be memorialized Names to be added to Lucknow cenotaph Jeff Taylor RCL Branch 309 In the spring of 2014, Anita Frayne, on behalf of her family, approached us with a question - would the Branch consider adding to the Lucknow cenotaph the names of Ashfield servicemen who paid the supreme sacrifice in WWI? Their concern was that there is no existing memorial or cenotaph in Ashfield, and the names of some of these brave young men do not appear on any local cenotaph. This question was first raised to Paul and Anita by their son Gene over a decade ago. The centenary of the beginning of WWI last year prompted them to raise the issue with the Lucknow Legion The first question was, of course, one of physical space. The whole east side of the cenotaph is vacant so that posed no problem. The second was whether or not it falls within the purposes and objects of the Legion. That was as easy to answer as the question of space. One of the main purposes of the Legion is to perpetuate the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The last ques- tion was one of method. We decided to gather the information based, as best we could, on the method used by the Lucknow Women's Institute some 75 years ago, when they gathered the names of the Lucknow service- men who died serving their country. So, greatly assisted by the Frayne family and other members of the ACW community, we searched Books of Remembrance in Huron County and Ottawa, newspaper articles, history books and church Honour Rolls. We also examined the cenotaphs in the towns of Ripley, Wingham, Teeswater, St. Helens, and Goderich so as not to duplicate names. The list of names is as follows: Frank Finch, Alex Hamilton, Grant Henderson, Alex Henry, Robert Hibben, Alex Irvin, James Kirk, Joseph O'Keefe, Alfred Steel, Frederick Steel, Gilbert Thomas. We would like to gratefully acknowledge the Township of Ashfield-Colbourne-Wawanosh for providing the funding to engrave the names on the cenotaph. This project is expected to be completed before November 11, 2015. Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel The Lucknow cenotaph will be engraved with the names of the Ashfield servicemen who died in the first world war. It is hoped to have this done in time for November 11, 2015, Remembrance Day. Photo was taken November 11, 2014. Connect with Ontarians - extend your business reach! www.networkclassified.org