The Wingham Times, 1906-04-26, Page 22 TIIE WINGED!! TIES APRIL
Feel .its Though It Was Rein=
if .(Ail; Though It Would Craala QPen?
1 AA Though a Million Sparks Were
Flying Out ot Your Ens?
Horrible Sickness ot Your Stomach?
Then You Have Sick Headache I
R1 -00D
will altord relief trona beadaehes no matter
Whether sick, nervous, spasmodic, periodie$1 or
bilious. It cures by removing the cense.
Hr. Samuel J. Hibbard, Belleville, Ont.,
writeE "Last spring I war vary Poorly, my
appetita failed me, I tett weak and nervous, had
seer headaches, woe tired all the tune and not
able to work. I saw Burdock Blood Bitters
recon mended for just such it case as mine and
I loot two bottles of it, and foiled it to be an
excellent blood medicine. You rosy use my
name as I think that others should know of the
wonderful merits of Burdock Blood Bitters."
case, and altogether unto-ilae ,o do so
waves the Province tie a whole were de•
cidedly its its favor- Those politicians
who decried the vote required at the
time of the referentiam are hardly in a
position to upbold the Hanna bill, -Art•
Forest Confedeete.
Notice of amigos must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual atvertiscneuts accepted up
to noon Weduesdae of each week.
H. B. ELLIOTT, PtInasonn ANnPRorniETO
THURSDAY. APRIL. 26, *946.
Bystander (Goldwile Smith) in the
Weekly Sun; -It ie surely time that the
serious atteution of Government and
municipalities should be turned to the
subject, of immigration. The Salvation
Army is pouring irowiirallts upon us by
thousands. It has twenty-five hundred
more coming. Pablio charity is already
feeling the strain. The purpose for
which the Salvation Army is organized,
and which It has shown itself marvel'-
curly fitted to fnllftlli is not immigra-
tion, but conversion. We do the Army
no wrong in seeking fo he assured that
it is perfeotly fitted fbr the assumption
of this new and veryrmomentous sphere
of action. How are the immigrants situ-
ated? To what olas! do they belong?
What means are taken to ssscertain their
aptitude and their paospeot of employ-
ment? Do many of`'them bring lama
Lies? Under what oluditions (financial
or of other kinds) ore they enlisted?
What money do they bring with them?
The public, upon whose charity exces-
sive immigration will be a burden, and
in certain events, each as a bad harvest
in the Northwest, may become a heavy
burden, would seem to be entitled to in-
formation on these points, and may call
for it without any disparagement of the
work of the Army in its regular and
familiar sphere.
From the tone of the censures one
would thiuk that it was the duty of the
Prime Minister and the Minister of
Pabile Works to break up a meeting
of the Cameral now and then with the
apology: "Excuse us, gentlemen, but
we really mast go and see that the con-
tractor is putting enough mucilage ii.
the Dement of the Laurier tower." -
Montreal Argils.
In former years the immigrants were
among the more adventurous and am-
bitious of the people of the old land.
Now, however, when it is a simpler
matter to come to Canada and when this
country's praises are being sung far mud
wide in the British Isles, we are getting
a number of those who are unsuccessful
at "home" ane feel that their lot will
be easier in Decade -Woodstock Ex-
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree bas finally been successfully
aop:trated and refined into a perfect
aounh medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
(Prom THE WINGHAaL Timm of
Friday, April 93rd, 1886.)
2:EIGf1B01i1100D KM'S
Three florae buyers have beers around
Luoknow, and in two days they paid
out in cash to farmers the sum of $4,-
177.50, or an average pf a little over $130
for each animal purchased.
Joseph Scott has pitrehesed 100 aures
of land, being lot! 18, con. 4, Morris,
from Thos. Campbell for $3,000.
On Thursday the 8th inst., John
Moore, of Henfryn, son complaint of A.
Cavan, Inland Revenue Inspector, of
Stratford was brouiht before A. Hunter
and John Shaw, 4. P's., of Brussels, for
unlawfully having ra still, worm and
other apparatus in his possession for the
manufacture of or; eked whiskey. The
prisoner pleaded gq ilty, was fined $250
and ordered to bd! Imprisoned is the
common jail at Gederich for one month.
Catastrophes are Soon Forgotten
(Toronto Saturday Night.)
Indifference is ane of the most strik-
ing characteristics of the human race.
People as rule worry mostly over "the
petty round or irritating concerns and
duties," and are strangely indifferent as
to great possible calamities. A day or
two before the catastrophe which has
just devastated San Francisco, ono of the
newspapers of that city contained the
following editorial:
"How little the human race or human
being profit by the lessons of history or
by monitory example of any kind is apt.
ly illustrated by the ease of the dwellers
on the slopes of Vesuvius. To make
one's home on the side of an active vol-
cano is au act of the same character as
to smoke a cigarette while sitting in a
powder magazine, Yet many thousands
of people, aware that the always smok-
ing crater might belch a fiery and de-
structive torrent upon them at any
moment, lived gaily within the danger
The Toronto Globe has come out flat- zone, built Homes and laid out vineyards,
footed against the perpetuation of the married, and reared children and boded
system of the bonuses to immigrants. nothing from the wisp of warning smoke
The Telescope has always been against that ascended perpetually from the hot
this system. Our contention is and has
been that if a free grant of 160 acres of
first class land is not sufficient to satisfy
any intending immigrant that the coun-
try would be better off without such a
settler. It is an old business maxim
that business that has to be bought is
not worth having, and it is the same
with immigrants. Anyway the tide of
Geo. McDonald had two sheep worried
by dogs on the morning of the 20th inst.
Joseph Mowbray is about erecting on
his premises quite a commodious store,
and will open up a general flour, pravls.
ion and feed business, thus supplying a
long felt want.
G. T. R. Supt. Tftxa, on his tour of
inspection the other day, was overheard
to say that the W$ritechurch° people had
the best and tidiest station in the dis-
trict, and that there should be a move
made towards establishing a grain bust -
month of the mountain. Danger to
most people, like vice, loseeits repulsive-
nese when it becomes familiar. We are
all like the valiant swashbuckler, Alan
Breck,who feared no peril on dry ground,
but was badly frightened on the sea,
The sides of Vesuvius were populous and
cultivated before the eruption in the
year 79 A. D. that bnrisd Pompeii and
Immigration that is now pouring Tato Herculaneum. Although the mountain
Canada is sufficiently large as it is, with- bore signs of volcanic life, as Strabo
out going into hysterics 10 increase it.- noted, the people thought nothing of the
Walkerton Telescope. danger. After that terrific paroxysm the
mountain gradually became quiescent
We have no great quarrel with the and the people slowly returned to the TRICKS OF THE TRADE.
three fifths majority required to pass or slopes. They knew of the danger of ---
repeal a local option bylaw. In passing another outbreak, and braved it. For During one of the hot contests for the
A law like this, which rune counter to fifteen huudred years the mountain North Simcoe seat in the House of Com -
the habits and convictions of many, and slumbered, frequently, however, mutter- mons between the late D'Alton McCar-
interferes with what has been always re• ing and grumbling in its sleep as if to thy and H. H. Cook, both candidates
garded as a liberty, there must be strong remind the temerarious folk within the - were making a strong4ersonal canvas,
public opinion behind the law before it sbadow of the crater that there would be One afternoon Mr. Cook went to call on
can bo fairly enforced. But there is less an awakening. The awakening came in a crusty old farmer, whose vote and
Woad for each a provision in local option 16:11. For months before the catastrophe those of his sons generally went in the
bill than there is in a bill that Covera the there were earthquakes and many symp- direction that the wind happened to
whole Province. In the caro of proving toms of disturbance, but the people took blow daring the last days of the cam-
cial prohibition there would be cities, no heed, and when the great eruption paign, There was no one at the house
Loea, history pt the early 80s.
items from Thal "Times" tyles
L0041, NEWS.
The fire department turned out for
practice ort'ltfondey evening eel, sprink-
led some of our etreets.
Geo. Russel stoats this week to travel
through the country for Messrs. Wait
and Walsh, stove and tinware mer-
chants, of tbte tocgn, who have provided
him with a floe wagon in which to carry
Dr. Maedonald fa having bis resideno6
painted, which will greatly enhance its
appearance, The body of the building
will be au olive gr"oen tint, with bronze.
cornice, and wbQ'tn completed will be
one of the handsoinest houses in town.
On Wednesda et oreing H. Baohana
flouncing thathi uncle, HenryHeB ch of this town, resved a telegram an.
enan, Zone township, Bothwell county,
had dropped dead the night before. No
particulars have yet been received.
John`Perdue, of Morris, recently sold
hie weanling hada by Ridgewood, for
$130. It will be t skew to Detroit.
The young mark Donovan, who was
found guilty of forging a grain check on
Wm. Clegg's warehouse, some time
since, vias sententd to 14 months in the
central prison at 7ioronto.
The weather during the past couple of
weeks has been de finest experienced at
this season of the.year, for many- years
and farmers and jardeners have an ex-
cellent opportuni$y to get through with
their work, whioh they have not been
slow to take advantage of.
vwU B sRRY,
Wm. Elliott a,d Cousin are moving
out to the property known as MeLean's
brick yard, which they have purchased.
They intend erecting a dwelling hoose
and making other improvements.
Wm. Stapleton recently arrived from
the lumber woods in Michigan. He re-
ports having mild a winter there, with
about two feet of snow, just enough for
shantying. He says the cut of logs was
somewhat larger than the last couple of
About 9 o'clock on Sunday morning,
the 1lth inst., stroke was seem issuing
from the saw mill owned by Wilson
Bros., on lot 25, con. 11. An alarm was
given, and soon number of neighbors
collected and dia•their utmost to extin-
guish the fire, bat as it soon had a sure
hold, their efforts were in vain.
Mr. and Mrs. U. W. C. Meyers, who
have been visiting in Ottawa for over a
week, returned home last night,
Miss Minnie Snell, who has been at.
tending the Clinton high school, is home
spending her Easter holidays.
C. Varney leaves to -day for the Black
Hills, in Southern Dakota, where he
will work at his trade as millwright dar-
ing summer,
E. E. Wade, of Brussels, was in town
on Monday. Mr. Wade bore prominent
evidences of the injnriee received in the
recent runaway accident which nearly
cost him his life, but he is able to be
about attending to bniiness.
The people of arnooh have purchased
a new public lib ry, The Presbyterian
Sunday school on the 10th con., Turn -
berry, has also received a new library.
This week we are called upon to an-
nounce the death of James ilenning,
reeve of Tnrnberry, and one •of the
pioneers of that township, which oo-
onrred on Thursday last. Mr. Henning
has been a sufferer for many years from
diabetes, and his death was not alto-
gether .unexpected, The deceased gentle-
man settled on the farm upon which he
died (lot 7, cou. 6) about 34 years ago,
when Tarnberry was a wilderness, and
we believe he was the first white man
to cross the river Maitland in that town-
ship, Ile has always taken an active
art in mnnici al matters, and has held . ANT Chicago wholesale house,
P Pspecial representEDbyat
ive (man or woman) for
and distriota Iike North Waterloo, where
there would be a decisive majority against
the law and where it wonld be very diftl-
cnit to have it decently observed in any
occurred 18,000 persons were caught, - but behind the barn he came across a
and perished. That was less than three daughter feeding a oslf.> She informed
centuries ago, but the soil had hardly Mr. Cook that her father was on the
cooled before the hardy peasantry be- - back lot cutting wood, but as she seemed
gan again to encoach upon the moan- to be having some trotible with the
tain. Upon the successive strata of calf, the sturdy old lumberman stayed
for a while to help her. In the mean-
time Mr. M;Carthy also arrived and in
his turn started looking for the owner of
the place. It was his wife, however,
whom he found milking a cow. The Gentle, Sure ---Pleasant to Take ---A
animal was restive and he took her by
the horns while he sought information Tried and True, Genuine,
as to the farmer's whereabouts. He Nature's Remedy.
started to chat facetiously. "It isn't
every day that you have a member of you do not have free, easy and regular
Parliament holding your cow for you." taleements of the bowels you lack the prime and
"Oh," ebe returned nonchalantly, "We vnr donetthan m °re`uaeomi'rclulea ss, slug -
are getting kinder used to that sort of ttisbness and bfltous ,nes sretention of loco
wastes in the bowel pollutes, irritatesand
thing. Mr. Cook's out behind the barn poisons. You m_alte the oirculatory Sys -
holding the calf." The late Justice oR g tountliin uta $pureslifeabauu
Loan*, who was stumping the riding, tainted vitality, �Tboe ills of but
told this story on the platform at the nearly always "; `` :-.1 are *-aught
relief In
Accept the
id of Lax•eta l
Saturday Night, Be sure not to r e e a n d
ate organs of
the stomach : void all the clan -
the g r, r e f powerful and unknown med-
Ictncsi Your satet. a d your health are
No -flan shortens hie yard stick with- alwayssecured--ityou take The
Out ahrinkin his soul, forolulo1800everybot --shew it togeurfatn-
g sly physician. T T,ftts aro put up in a flat mbar
volcanic deposits they erected houses.
and the memory of past disasters gnick-
I faded Each eneration trusted that
0 f p ex o the mountain would be quiet for an-
vOU can read in the face the de-
rangements of the liver. A
torpid, sluggish liver leaves the bile
in the blood to poison the whole sys-
tem. The results are :
Yale, sallow complexion,
Aching head,
Irritability of temper,
other century. No doubt when Vesuvius
Shall again subside, population will re•
tarn to its base and sides, and at the
next eruption, whether that come with-
in a century or after a thousand years,
will be destroyed."
This is sunlit expression of a senti-
ment very generally entertained, We
Impaired digestion, are all impatient of carelessness or
Biliousness and irregularity of the hardihood in others. When the trap -
bowels. tion of a volcano °sours we wonder why
.$y their direct and specific action people continue to live ill dangerous
on the liver Dr. Chase's Kidney- proximity to mountains which at any
Liver Pills promptly and thoroughly moment may overwhelm them with
cure biliousness, indigestion and con- fiery death. Yet we overlook the dans
r 'own doors.'The
.,tlpatiolt. gere which lark at our
Ask your .Neighbors about Dr. San `rancisco papet which expresses
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, for their - surprise at the hardtnood of those who
merit has made thein known III make their homes on the side of Mount
nearly every hone. Vesuvins will probablli be among the
Dr. Chase's Xidney-hirer Pills, one pill first ter urge the prompt rebuilding of
a close, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or San Prancilico. The city Will be rebuilt,
Edrnanson, Bates & Co,, Toronto. The
the fiamous receipt nook anther, are os of 1906, though net forgotten, will cease
portrait and signature of 1?t. A. W. Chas-, and fn a few years the great earthquake
every boat: to be N memory' that is lllenl;0itig.
261 1906.
DAaTIBT CRUiagisc Sabbath seri ioea at
11 a in and 7 p n0.. Sunday School at
2;30 p m. General prayer meeting
ore Wednesday evenings. Rev. E, R.
BA., pastor, B.Y P U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p.m, Abner Coons
MaTuotusralaulsQs-Sabbath services
at 11 a m and 7 p xn, Sunday Sohool at
2:30 p m. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. li.
Gundy, D.D., pastor. W. B. Towler,
M.D., S. S. Superintendent.
PRESBYTERIAN OliVame---Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a ne and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2;30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wedneadiy evenings. Rev.
D. Perri6, pastor. L,. Harold, 8 S. Su-
Se. PAUL'S ODITRO$, Eplsaoi' --Sob
bath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
T. S. Boyle, M. A., B. D.Rector and
S. 8. Superinteudent: Alhn Taylor and
Ed. Nash, assistant ; Aperintendents.
SALVATION ARiav--Service at 7 and 11
a 1n and 3"tind 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFF 014 --In i aodonald Block,
Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m,
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
Pumas Lranaav ^-Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5;30 o'clock, and every evening from 7
to 9;80 o'clock. Miss Maud Robertson,
Tower CouNOrn-Thos. Bell, Mayor;
S. Bennett, David Bell, Thos. Forbes,
Geo. C. Hauna, D. E. McDonald and
Wm. Nioholson, Councillors; 3. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson
Dnlmage, Assessor. Board meets first
Monday evening in eaoh month at 8
Samoa Boker�� -Dr. A.. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Thos Abraham, J. D. Long,
J. J. Horvath, H. err, Wm. Moore, A.
E. Lloyd, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John
F. Groves ; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in eaoh:
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Matheson, Miss Wilson,
Miss Cummings and Miss De La Mater.
BOARD Of HRALra-Thos. Bell,
(chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Grog-
ory, Johe Wilson, V.S„ J. B. Ferguson,
Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald,
Medical Health Officer. .
the office of councillor for one year, that
of deputy -reeve fhr seven years, and he
was in his fifth year as reeve of the town-
ship. He was a man of sterling quali-
ties, of irreproachable character, and
was widely known and universally re-
spected. At the time of his death he
was in the 65th year of his age.
Anderson. -At the manse, White-
church, on the 17th inet., the wife of
Rev. J. A. Anderson, of a son.
McClausghan.-In Whitechurah, on
12th inst., the wife of James McClausg-
han, of a son.
Messer, -In Binevale, on the 20th
inst., the wife of William Messer, of a
Monis.-In Wingham, on the 15th
inst., the wife of A. F. Morris, of a son.
USTA114811ED 1872
The Times OfRee, Seaver Block
Twaxa Or SvmoluPTroN 8I.U0 per annum in
advance $1.60 if not eo paid. No paper discon-
tinued till all arrears are paid., except at the
option of the publisher.
AnvguTialNO RATES. - Legal and other
casueladvertisements10oper l'Ton arlellinefor
fratrtiInssertion, So per line for each subsequent
i10 ote pers line forfi st inrermtt n,aand 6 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion,
Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale
or to Rent and similar, *1,00 for first three
weeks, and 26 conta for each subsequent in-
oarrates forthei ecrhtion of advertisemments
for speotOed periods:-•
SPACE. 1 vet. 0 Ago. 8 Mo. luc.
OneColumn $70.00 *40.00 322.50 38 00
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One Inch 5.00 8.00 2,00 1.25
Advertisements without specific direotions
will be inserted till forbid end oharged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements meet bo paid
for in advance.
THE don DapARrgwNT is stocked. with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and appropriate outs for allstyles of Post-
ers,Hand Bills, eta., and the latest styles of
choice fanny type for the liner classes of print
eaoh province in Canada. Salary 320.00 and
expenses paid weekly. •Expense money- ad-
vanced. Business successful; position per.
manent. No investment required. Previous
experience not essential to engaging.
Address General Manager,. 184 Lake Street,
Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.
Death has claimed another of the pio-
neers of Huron in the person of Mrs
Valentine Fisher, at the home of her son
Seth Fisher, on the base line, Goderich
Tp., Thursday morning, April 19th.
Deceased had snffered from dropsy and
heart trouble for a considerable time,
and has not been in'4bed since November
last. With her husband, who still sur-
vives, she was one of the pioneer settlers
of Colborne, where they lived until
about a year ago, then taking up their
residence with their son. For many
years she has been a devoted member of
the Methodist church, and she leaves
many warm friends who enjoyed her
companionship and help,
Here's Just the Right
Rowel Laxative
expense of both candidates, thereby add- with v I ;tl
p Seers sour t �� �v� /
ing to the gaiety of the campaign.-- Nature 1 \ \'''
_ /.,
CCntlure r. rel ! l . ." , f O
crowd tete. deli- ` d' Ac
rano in handy taulet totm�one tablet t ilten e -
At tintee of t'evival it is ems to min- tore meals o0 on retiring always brings relict.
take racket for r'eatllta, Pleasing to tBAe•-•the most potent yet gentle of
all remedies --0, genuine help of Nature's --a
bowel rotative which euros Constipation. Era
It la better to go forward elotaly than eoliametidoa and for sate by'
' to go round and rotund* ever so feet, IVAI,T,b;Y'S DRUG WTORE.
Proprietor and Publisher
4'J •PMKembergoft'he Britiish MediccaO,Associa-
tion. (}old Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child;
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m, : 7 to 9 p. m,
Centre Street
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, business chances
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an adv*. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, maybe left at the TIMES
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on R pltcation. Leave
or send your next work of this kind to the
Physician, Surgeon, etc,
Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the offioe.
DR. ROBT.C. REDMOND, M. R.0, S. (Eng)
��✓✓ L. R. 0. P. (Lond,)
Office, with Dr. Chisholm..
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged Mort-
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold, Office, Beaver Block. Wingham .
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. DIcertirsoN Dyne= Homes
Ors'Ioa: Meyer Bloik, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 'Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
W *T. HOLLOWAY, 13,D.S., L.D.S.
Beaver Block, Wingham
D.D.S.-Toronto University.
L. D.S.-Royal college of Dental Surgeons.
Lord Lave11 stood at Isis own front
Seeking the hole for the key;
leis hat was 'Wrecked and his trousers
A rent across either knee,
When down cane the beauteous Lady
In fair white draperle.
"Oh, ;'here have you .been, Lord Love
ell?" she said.
"Oh, where have you been?" said she;
"I have not closed an eye in bed
And the clock lias just struck three,
'Who has been standing you CM you!
In'the ash -barrel, penile?"
"I am not drunk; Lad' Shane," he said,
"And so late it cannot be;
The clock struck one as I entered --
I heard it two times or throe.
It must be the salmon on which I fed
Has been too many for me."
ALEX. leILL T,Y, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. eales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TIMES office will receive prompt attention,
and anyone having live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the TIMws, Onr large
circulation Cella audit will be strange indeed if
you do not get a onstomer. 'We can't guarantee
that you vrill sell because yon may ask more
for the article or stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Teems and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
"Go tell your tale, Lord Lovell," she
' said,
"To the maritime cavalree,
To your grandmother of the hoary
head -
To any one but me;
The door is not used to be opened
With a cigarette for a key,"
Lady Charles Beresford and Earl of
Buchan Recent Converts,
Fletcherism and vegetarianism, one
meaning the chewing of- meat and the
other the eschewing of it, have done
much to cause the buteber to grumbles
but the latest cult of the well to de
'whose digestion has been impaired by
too many dinners is quite enough to
drive ethe worthy purveyor of meat
frantic with rage. Nuts now form the
staple diet of many people who find
that a French chef is superfluous. Even
the fes:'ve vegetable and cutlet are
considered inadequate for the purposes
of the advanced diner. "Lord Charles
Beresford," says Vanity Fair, "has fort
sodic time been a vegetarian, and nowt
Lady Charles Beresford has adopted
the same form of diet and lives prIill
cipally on nuts. The Earl of Buchan
and Mr. Neville Lytton are also among
the recent recruits."
The nuts are served hot or Cold and
constitute the principal course at inazijf
a lordly mansion nowadays. "If the unr
employed only knew," said a nutty con-
vert to an Express reporter, "they
could live luxuriously on two or three
pence a day on the finest food in the
world, and it could be varied so much
that there would be no monotony of
A booklet by Sir W. B. Cooper 'en-
titled "Errors in Eating" gives some
curious figures, purporting to show the
difference in the nutriment contained
in nuts as compared with flesh food
Here are some nuts; Total nutrimenj
On chestnuts, 89.3 per cent; walnut ,
88.2; filberts, 59.5; Brazil nuts, 94; co-
coanuts, 50.5; pine kernels, 95; almond$,
Fresh foods: Lean beef, 28 per cent.,'
veal, 29; mutton, medium fat, 34.8; fat
pork, 61; venison, 22.7; chicken, 32.32„
white fish or sole, 23.3.
London - 8.40 a.m.,., 8.30p.m.
Toronto &East 10.40 a.m.. 6.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m.
Kincardiee..13.16 a.m... 2.08 p -m,.,. 9.15p in
Kincardine ..,.6.40 a.m..10.40 a.m... 2,90 p.m.
London 11.10 a.m.... 7.85 p.m.
Palmerston 9.85 a.m.
Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.... 9.15 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham,
Toronto and East 6.65 a.m.... 8.86 p.m.
Teeswater1.88 p.m....10.63 p.m.
eRture rear
Teeswater................6,55 �pa.••m..... 8.38 p.m.
E. BEEMEti, ,Agont,Wingham � p.m.
w DeStnNs
Anyone Bending aiticoteh and description nrty
invention ascertainour
none strictly renadentttl, Trandbook on Patents.
tient tree. Wait agency for securing patents.
Patents talion thron b Munn it Co. receive
woe oatoaks,*matt cb.aege, In tha
StientIfic JI itmer� au ,
A bandeemely interested weekly. Latinist cin
rnlWoa M anr ei ttfe joarnat B.3Z u
e ?t tear months, 3`5 3024bf^*0 rrewesealers.oat*, Witalthistom
A Decaying Cathedral.
The pinnacles and cornices on the -
west front of Winchester Cathedral arr,
in so dangerous a state, owing to de»
cay, that the Dean and Chapter tial%
decided to close the three western
doors, leaving only the south door as ft
means of public entrance to the cathe+
Arafew days ago large fragments o
stone fell to the pavement fust in fro
of the northwest door, and the pre _
lent frosts threaten seriously to
crease the danger of pinnacles and eor'
nices failing away.
It was only a month ago that Dr.
Furneaux, the Dean of Winchester, 15t
sued an urgent appeal for £ 20,000 Irl
order that the serious defects which
had been discovered in the cathedral
might be repaired.
Cracks a foot wide had been discOv-.
ered in the foundations of the build -
Ing, caused by the subsidence of 'tb e
east end, -while a progressive subside
ence had also been going on in other
portions of the fabric. •
In that appeal the dean referred to
the dilapidated condition of the splr'ej;
and pinnacles of the west front, and it
was intended that these should be cov-
ered in the general scheme of repair,
but it was not expected that the danger
in this part of the building would so
soon become acute.
Named It at Once.
Some of Darwin's boy friends once
plotted a surprise for the naturalist.
They slew a centipede, glued on it a
beetle's head, and also added to its
body the wings of a butterfly and the
long legs of a grasshopper. Then they,
put the new insect in a box and knock"
ed at the great man's door. "We fouled
this in the fields," they cried, 'with ea-
ger voices. "Do tell us what it cats
be," Darwin looked at the strange{
compound and then at the boys' intro'
cent faces. "Did it hum when you
caught it? $e asked. "Oh yes, sir,"
they answered, quickly, nudging one
another, "It hummed like anything,"
"Then," said the philosopher, "it's a.
hum -bug." -London Taller.
Rat Hunts In Favor In England.
Rat catching as a pastime in Engel
land is fast bounding into popularity
says The London Express. It is elaileter
'ed by the many fresh devotees of title
peculiar hobby that it provides excites;
trent and sport, while, as its aim is tett►
extinction of vermin, its usefutndss
beyond question. Ii. Ir. Wllloughi'i ,
Greenhill, a stock broker, and a par er
of friends, with the asslstanee of Mt
dogs, bagged ninety-two rats in ofb
day recently and nearly as many dates
ing the preceding week. The sport is
general all over the County of Sarre t.
and the. services of those Who folio*
the pastime are in requisition in aft
rat infested quarters.
Musical Tinkering.
In the far -bade• when the
"Cries of London" Were more musical
than they are now, the itinerant;
tinker's call for business used to be:
Work for the tinker, pray good wive*
We work like men of metal,
"'raver- wen. if folk could Mend their
A4 we Can nirnd a atettle.