HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-26, Page 1L
VOL XXXY,NO, 1785.
Tailor -Made
$1 5.
We will make your suit to
- your exact measures, to your.
order for fifteen dollars cor-
rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab-
ric, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
use a fabric of still higher
I .quality.
We make them with care
and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.15. $4, $5, $6.
A fine selection of Gents' Fur-
nishings always in stook.
MS1L. floffluth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 door from post office.
tested by- PRANK PATER0Ori, No. 23 Victoria
ttraret. Wingham, Ont. NO witnesAaarequired.
Capital paid up1 $ 3,0 0 0200 0
Reserve Fund and
. Undivided profits $3,150,000
Warmers' Notes discounted.
Arsfte sold on all points in Cianada,
Dee United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 80th June and 81st
December eaol* year.
D. T. HEI'BURN, Manager.
'1R. Van:dons, Solicitor.
MOW paid tap, $2,445,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,445,000.00, .
Total Meets, $233,000,000.00.
President* Hos. Wgg. Mason.
d t
forPreei et, and
General Manager rm
..seletant Gen. Manager—H. M. Unmet;
Di,ttle0 'OUB
Jobnk'rbotor, Chae.L. 1ton.$onT.S.31bndtle,
Geo. Rutherford, Cirns A. Biro.
teipaeo%Dr--B. Winton.
ieia allowed don
pr deposit.oiat list sward
10* N`erembor each year.
spaotal Derionits Min teosi ed it (tenant
rains nt interest.
Cl, 1', 8*ITH, *goat
Attalutaios 4- HOlaltlrttli i iolioitoti
Mr. Hugh Taylo:
tion has disposed o
house and lot on the
Shute): streets to Tl'
Wingham, This
throught enc
Real Estate Agent,
, Of Toronto Sono -
his desirable briok
corner of John and
s. H. Taylor, of
an fe made
r was m %
f J. H. Chisholm,
Highest price paid for bides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butoher shop. •
Bandmaster e -Engaged
Mr. J. W. Dunce , who left last week
for Ooliingwood h returned to town
and has been re -en ged as leader of the
Citizens' Band. . Duncan has made
the band one of tle est organizations of
the kind in West n Ontario and our
townspeople will b pleased to ltnow that
he has returned town. Mr. Dun-
can did not care f r his position in Coll-
Bee Hive Store Ne
Grocery stook e..mplete ith the beet
that money can buy. rices at this
store are money s ere or the people.
Highest prices p: , fbutter and eggt,.
New Dry Goods eyed and arriving—
stook steadily b ing completed. Great
bargains this we k.
Corner of Purchased.
After nankin arrangment for the
building of a ook of stores on the
corner of Patric and Josephine street,
Mr.O. H. Gre n last week sold the pro-
perty to Mr. Rii
anxious to semi
the lot, next to
would not sell t;
was that the w
It may yet turn
will bo built on
h. CIegg. Mr. CIegg was
e 10 feet at the rear of
lis residence. Mr. Green
e 10 feet and the result
ole lot charged hands.
nt that a block of stores
is corner.
H. Davis bas several good tenses and
a farm for sale. See him for partion-
Brother Pickin
At the meeting of
Chapter of the Maso
day evening Grand
L. Dickinson was
grand superintendent
sentation being mad
chapter by Ex -Comp.
affair was entirely o
ture and Mr. Dickins
by surprise; but exp
tion of the gift in
—Goderich Signal.
on Honored.
the Royal 'Arch
to order on Tues.
istrict Deputy E.
resented with a
s regalia, the pre.
on behalf of the
R. Radcliffe. The
an impromptu na-
n was quite taken
eased his apprecia-
propriate language.
To RENT --A good house, with hard
and soft water and other conveniences.
Apply to J. A. MCLEA>r.
Married at linton.
St. Paul's church, linton, was again
t he scene of a verytt din
e y wedding, an
Tuesday, of last wee , when Miss Lyla,
eldest daughter of r. and Mrs. 0,H.
Bartliff, became th wife of G. Wilson
Pinner, book -keep r for the Clinton
Thresher Co. The hnrch was tasteful.
ly decorated with owers, and at high
noon, to the strain- of the Lohengrin
wedding march, ti e bride entered the
church, leaning cs her father's arm.
Bridesmaid and g oomaman were dis-
pensed with; Rev. C. R, Gunne, in the
presence of a large number of friends,
performed the in, ressive ceremony.
The bride looked ve dainty in a suit of
gray chiffon broadcl h. Miss VanStone
and Miss Norma Va Stone of Wingham
were present 'at t a very interesting
WE tenrrrn men and 'Women who want
smart things in Footwear, to come and
see our magnificient line of Spring
Shoes, W. 3. GREER,
Tract a • Bible Society.
The sebenty-t • ltd annual meeting of
the Upper Cana Religions 'Tract and
Bible Sooiety wa held in Toronto last
week. The rep rt showed that Rev
Thomas Bone, '• .o has charge of the
Welland Canal b aitch of the society's
work, visited Me yeat 394 vessels and
faotorion, place. 20 sailors' bags on
board, distribut.d over 10,000 blew
Testaments, tra s, sot , and held over
274 services. M Potter, who is engage
ed at stop , nd on
the St. Lawrence
vfait ed 468 ve s s, placed 185 bap on
vessels, diatrib tad Miter 2.400 Testa -
molts and mag tines, and over 21,000
pages of trade. Mr. Huntaman,engaged
in the Georgi: • Bay District, travelled
8,000 miles, v ited 425 vessels, placed
100 sailors' be s, oircttlated 122 Bibles,
929 books, 4, .15 magazines, and 1,011
tracts, and 1 00 book*, uta., to lumber
camps; Of t ose engaged in colportage
Work, Jamb Gordon travelled '1,844
exiles; Will „ i,nokhatn, 942; A. P.
Pieroy,1,408, and Donald Voir, 8,019,
Wear Qreer's.3hoes alsd Robbers
Wingham Hospital,
Mattern in conn tion with the pro-
posed hospital for Ingham are moving
along nicely and n a short time
will take definite eh pe. Already $4,-
000 of the required $ ,000 stook has been
subscribed. r bed it d i exoted Meet-
that -
� t
ing of the sbareholde s will be held next
week for the purees of electing oili•cere
and direotore. Part' a who have not yet
subscribed for stock nd who wish to do
so can sea stock lists t tbe office of R
Vanstone or Dr. 3. Kennedy,
Visit H. IL Isard's carpet department
o n second floor for the largest stook and
best valves in carpete, oilcloths, lino-
leums, mattings, curtains, eto.
Tennis Club
At a meeting het
Chamber on Monde
Wingham Tennis Qlu
ed for the coming seas
elected as follows:—'II
J. A. Morton; Preside
way: let Vice -Pr
Holmes; 2nd 'Vioe•Pre�
Gnire; Seoy•Treas„ M
Managing Committee,
and Mies N. Dinsley t
Ladies Tea Committee,
Mrs, Dudley Holmes,
Stone and Miss Griffin.
e -Organized
in the Council
evening. The
was re-organiz-
n. Often were
orary President,
t, C. W. Con-
ident, Dudley
dont, J. E. Mo-
s M. McLaren;
he above officers
d W. G. Reid;
rs. 3 D. Burns.
rs. O. G. Van -
WANTED -”-A good smart boy, with
good education, to learn the printing
business, , Apply at TIDIES office.
Beautifying S
The spring west
workmen to push t
ing the G.T.R. stt
land at tbe west en
been filled in up
this week sod has
a very tidy appear
the station ground
the station has bee
this space is now
baggage and express
will have one of the
grounds•in Wester
the work is oompltli
Rebekah Lodge
On Wednesda
was held in th
purpose of re.
ation Grounds.
er has allowed the
e work of beautify -
ion grounds. The
of the station has
the platform and
sen laid and will give
nce to that part of
The space east of
i nicely gravelled and
sed by the 'buses.,
wagons. Wingham
neatest stations and
Ontario .when all
O;O.F. Re -Organized
evening last a meeting
I.O,O.F, hall for the
rganizing the Rebekah
Lodge in conheotion with Maitland
Lodge. Mrs. Moore, of Stratford,
president of th. Rebekah Assembly of
Ontario, and Mae. Priestly, of London,
were present, a id there was• a fairly
large attendanceof the former members
A re•orgauizati'n was effected, the
following officer : being elected:—N. G.,
Mrs. J. W. Do V. 0„ Mrs, J. F.
Groves; Rec.-Se ., Miss E. Dodd; Fin..
Sec., J. W. Dodd Treas., J. F. Groves.
A number of app oations have already
been received, an it is expected that in
a short time the membership will be
considerably aug ented.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at Queen's
hotel on:—Tuesday, April 24th; Tues-
,day, June 19th; Tuesday, July 17th.
Hours, 1 p.m. to 8,30 p.m. Eye, ear,
nose, and throat consultations. Eyes
tested for glasses.
Crimim I Statistics.
The, blue book d ling with criminal
statistics for the ye r 1904 has been is-
sued, The nnmbe of indictable offences
in Canada during at year was 9,901
againet 9,632 durin the previous year.
The convictions w e 6,754 as compared
with 6.541. Out o the total number of
persons convicts 5.58 were fe-
male offenders a compared with 6.18
per cent. the y ar before. There
was a large decrees in the nuniber of
child criminals, th umber of offenders
ander 16 years of a;'e being 997, against
1,038 the year baba .. Oat of the 697
young offenders 389 were from Ontario
and 124 from Quebe as compared with
540 from Outatio a 297 from Quebec
in the previons ear. There were
twentyseven eharg and fourteen con-
victions for mottle during the year,
against twentyeix charges and only
eight oonvietions in he previous year.
Forgery and other o ences against the
narrator increased it na 120 to 152, the
in -
c so cotningprinci elly froth that part
of Canada west of innipeg. The re-
port scows that prao lolly 75 per cent,
of the offenses are ommitted by the
urban population, Ia Manitoba the
number of convioti a for drunkenness
stood at 8.19 for ev y 1,000 of the popn-
latioh,iti 73ritish Co tibia, 5.93; in Nova
Scotia, 5.$; ht 1V'et
the Territories, 4.0
Wand, 2.84, 112 Ons,
2.84. "These fignr'
lit Quebec, Ontati
Huron Old Boys' xcursion,
The Huron Old Boys' f Toronto are
ziow snaking arrange ntsfor their
annnalexoureiontothe dcounty. The
intention is to run a eoial train to
Goderiob and one to Lu now WI Satur-
day, July 7th, arriviog i time fpr din -
nor, the return trip beinmade the fol-
lowing MRida)eve i
0 special
leaving nen at 8 p. m. It is expected
the excursion this yeti will be the
largest turnout yet and !mere should be
a general homecoming o ` Huron's for.
mer residents from all tti ing the line.
FAR SALE—A, comfortable cottage,
oonvenlent to the factories, will be sold
at a bargain. Apply at Trains office.
Wingham's Hor1e Races,
The Wingham Turf nesoeiation will
hold a Spring meetin : this year on
Wednesday and Tbured _y, June Oh and
7th. A good program er the two days
hes been arranged, th . first day there
being 250, 2 25 and 2. 8 classes, The
second day there are 2 28, 2.21 and 2.11
classes. Trotters will e allowed five
seconds. The entries will close on
May 30th and horses eh ible May 23rd.
Wingham has a good alf mile traok
and we have alwayo ha ood races and
this year should see no a ception to the
rule. The purse in each vent is $300.
FARM FOR sans.—A good 100 -acre
farm in the township of East Wawanoeh
is,offered for sale at a bargain for a quick
sale. Terms and full particulars at the
Trams oilice.
Give Local Men Chance.
The Hanover Post t Ike solid sense
in the item printed bolo . We are crea-
tures of habit and peon thoughtlessly
get into the habit of bn ing out of town
what they can do as w II or better by
purohasiug from the Emu) dealer. In
addition the local man s responsible and
cannot afford to palm off trashy -goods
that are dear at any p ice. The Post
No one can seriously object to a citi-
zen sending to Toronto r elsewhere for
goods when it is not p asible to obtain
what is wanted in the] own town. enr-
thermore no one wit' feel aggrieved if
articles of one, kind and another are
purchased from smo ,th-voiced travell-
ing men if the articles they sell cannot
be purchased from local merchants.
Loyalty to local int "ears suggests that
local merchants be teen a chance at
least to show what th .y can do before
there is a rush to the departmental stores
or before a receptive ear is turned to
the loquacious travellieg salesman. It
is astonishing how mu ,h money is sent
oat of town by though ess people in this
way. This vicinity h s been visited of
late and is being vie' ed by gentlemen
selling stoves, The a
doubtless all right.
to believe that they
cal mercha
nt who ha
pay the taxesof this to
be supported. Buy a
ticles they sell are
Ve haveno reason
a% n
e not, but the lo -
dies stoves help to
rn and they should
home. The pros-
perity of Hanover a. a town, the pros-
perity of us all, indiv dually and collec-
tively, demands that Ive should deal one
with the other and keep the money
here. Give the traveling salesman the
Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc-
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, May 1st.
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses prop-
erly fitted.
suffer from it ?
Walton McKlbbon
PJ nu. B
Brunawiokr, 5.01; in
; in Prince Edward
trio, 2 47; in Quebec, 'Next door toostoillee.
show that the ratios p
cttd This Pr%nce War evening
close* at 8 m„
aro below the general average, every rening except Satt►rday,
Turnberry P
This week we
another pioneer resi nt of this section
in the person of Mr. herons Powell, of
Turnberry, in his 88t year, who died at
his home, Lot it, co ession 7, Turn -
berry on Wednesday evening of last
week. Mr. Powell. w s Rue of the first
settlers inG
e she to ski and had e e
l wn h xp ri
%iced all the trials a d difficulties of
the pioneer's life. He ad made a very
large circle of friends during his long
residence in this septi . The remains
were interred in Wingl am cemetery.
oneer DeadyeplillRCrH }TOTES.
e ord the death of
tices wanted, to learn the upholstering
business. Apply to Walker & Clegg,
at the upholstering factory.
Factory Lab r Scarce.
Factory Inspector 'lty, who has just
returned from the ea ern section of the
province, says there a prevalent scar-
city of labor in all th factories, especi-
ally in the door and sa h oeteblishments.
Labor of all kinds is n demand, and
there are not enough en to be had.
Tke English and Soo 0h mechanics,
while first-olass workme , are complain-
ed of as being too slow, d a drawback
to the Canadian work en, who are
anxious to secure better . twee, but are
being kept batik in soma- instances by
their slower companions.
Wingham Boers
The annual meeting of he Wingham
Bowlers held on Tuesday evening was
largely attended, being o e of the best
meetings ever held, and tl
to show that this popple
flourish in Wingham duril
season. Officers were elect
President, Dr. W. T. Hol
President, L. W. Hanson;
A. M. Crawford. It wa
make the annual fee $2.50
is previous years. A tele
placed in the club house f
encs of the members au
will be put in good shape
is surely goes
r game will
the coming
d as follows:
way; Vice-
decided to
the same as
hone will be
r the conveni-
the grounds
t once. -,_-
April Weddt g,
Wednesday afternoon of last wed.,
"Riverview," the hour: of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. MoKenzie,was the scene of ahappy
event, when their dau -• ter, Miss Sarah
E.,was in e kwithMr.
joinedw dl C W.
H. Spedding, of Toron o. Only the im-
mediate relatives of; the contraotmg
parties were present ' nd the ceremony
was performed by ; ev. D. Perrie. The
couple were oust ended and the bride
was attired in a .:autiful pastel travel-
ling suit and car ed a shower bouquet of
white roses. ter the usual hearty
congratulations : nd the wedding repast,
Mr. and Mrs. Spe ding Ieft on the after-
noon train for To oto, where they will
reside. The bride 's one of Wingham's
most popular youn
many beautiful an
TIMES heartily jo
friends of the youn
them many years o
ons wedded life.
Merchants Asso
Branch) have deci
taction to tabulat
what are common
and they hereby
govern themselve
an account is sent
is received, the n
will be added to
for the protectio
seeiation. It wo
cerned would to
accounts promp
Iadies and received
costly presents. The
s with the many
couple in wishing
happy and prosper.
bens of the Retail
iation (Wi• _ ham
ed for their • n pro.
and pr' : lists of
call:, 'Bad Pays,"
v: notice to all to
ccordingly. When
out and no response
e of the delinquent
e list of "Bad Pays"
Of members of the As-
Id be well if all con -
this bint and pay up
y when rendered.
Board of rade Section.
At the regular meting of the Retail
Merchants Associet n on Tuesday even-
ing it was decided t organize a Board
of Trade section in nnetion with the
Association. A con ittee was appoint-
ed to arrange the de -ails. Any business
man or resident of the town will be
gladly welcomed as : member of this
section. This is a Rise and important
move on the part of the merchants.
There is no reason wiry aBoardof Trade
should not do good •
Another matter di
evening was the qt]
briefness places at 1
day nights. A pets
of the clerks of the
ing a
that the stores b
A committee was a
petition and have
the business men, a
•cart be carried out
Mores in a number
%'ohmic on Satti da;
people knew the etc
at 10 o'clock the ns
shopping would be
hoar. We see no
Ties linen and the
gelled to work to
Saturday eveOin
4ork in the town.
inssed on Tuesday
Won of closing the
o'clock on Satur.
ion, signed by many
own was read, ask-
closed at this hour.
pointed to draft a
circulated among
r l a o g
d see if this reform
in Wingham. The
if t dote e
owns B at 10
evening*. If the
es were to be olosed
aI Saturday evening
lone at an earlier
69011 why the bean
tyke should be cam-
late au hortr every
Bev. Mr. Fitch, motor of the Baptist
Church will conduce service in the Bap-
tist Church at Teesw*ter this (Thursday)
Rev. W. E. Hassar4, B.A., B.D„ who
hies been a Methodist ninl.ater in Toren-
ar II•to
for nine years, has hie week been un-
animously appointed Field Secretary of
the Upper Canada Bi le Society.
Loudon Conferenc- will meet in
Windsor on May 31 t. Among those
who are down on the rogram for some
service, are the folio ng from Huron:
Revs. Manning, Ker Greene, Gundy,
Hazen. Cosens, and r. W. H. Herr.
Half price sale of fa • y e, tea on Sat-
urday, April 28th, at r rINs.
FOR SALE OHEAP-Good baby carri-
age. Apply Walley's Drug Store.
West Huron Tea hers Salaries.
We are indebted to Inspector Tom for
figares showing the affect the new legis-
lation reepecting sal rtes of teachers in
rural school section' will have in the
W est Huron inspect rate -
In 43 sections th . minimum salary
will be $500; in 52 s: tions $450, and in
one section $400. I . addition nine as-
sistant teachers will receive at least $300
eaoh. Last year these 105 teachers
received salaries a gregating $37,740.
Under the new law he mintmam will
be $48,004, averagin . an increase of near-
ly $100 for each teat er.
In Colborne under the new law two
sections must pay $ 00 each and eight
seotions $450 each, „aking an aggregate
for the township .1 $4,000. In 1805
these ten sections : id $3,500 in salaries.
The increase of $1, 00 will average $110
for each teacher.
In West Waw. iosh four teachers will
receive at least $540 under the uew law,
three will receive t least $450 each, and
one at least $400. These will aggregate
$3,750, compared ith $2,750 paid last
year. The avorag, increase will thus be
In Usborne te teachers last year
received $3,980. Under the new law
nine will receive a least $500, and one,
an assistant, $300, ee aggregate of $4,-
800. Here the ave age increase will be
$32 for each teache
These are examples which show that,
while there is spm , variation, the aver-
age results of the new legislation will be
an increase of sour where about $100 in
the salary of each rural school teacher
in West Huron,
PASTURE --Good pasture or cows to
rent, corner of B, Lie a gravel road.
Plenty of good epri water in field.
Apply to L. Pearen, 13. Line
NOTICE—In a few days I ex to
open out with a new stock of 1 lines
of Furniture, Baby Carriages,
etc. In the meantime I w' be found at
the old stand durin usiness hours.
Undertaking r c
w e careful at n -
tion as in thill e past. Night calls will for
the present be attended to at the Bruns-
wick hotel. S. GRACRY, furniture deal-
er and practical undertaker,
South Huro Licenses.
At a meeting of the South Huron
license commission , held in Hensall
on Thursday last, t e following shop
and hotel licensee w e granted in the
several municipaliti for the ensuing
license year:
Seaforth: Shop-•- ward Dawson, H.
C. Gifford. Hotels aures Dick, Dick
House; D. T. Piokne , Royal; William
Hergott, Grip Hone ; Henderson and
Delacey, Commercia ; Mrs. Christens
Stephens, Queen's, he over for future
Exeter: Shop—F, J. Knight. Hotels
--James Shaddock, Mansion House; W.
T. Acheson, Central; Wm. Barrows,
Commercial, granted if the makes the
necessary improvements ; C. Wendland,
Metropolitan, held over r future con.
Stephen: Hotels— illiam Fritz,
Grand Bend ; Win. Zim er, Dashwood !
Simon Dietrich, Mt. C rniel; August
Hill, Crediton; B. Cnun• gham, Khiva;
John MoIseacs, Credito ; James Ilan -
nen, Shlplta, for three nthe to see if
he will do better; A, loser, Corbett,
three months to dispose if stook; Wm.
Moffat, Centralia, three menthe to sell
cut or make his house lnlisfaototy to the
Hay: Bonne—R. R n
4 h cion P
y ,
Rau, Zurich; Mrs, Nice leen, Blake.
Stanley: Hotels—H, . Cook, Varna;
H. Shaeffer, 1Cippen.
Tuckeremith: Hotel --Geo. Strong,
Strong's Hotel, C. Wils n, Brucefield.
tleborile : .Hotel—J . t1islioii.
Bayfield: Ilotelt—t1. Dartow, Coni-
xnerciai; Mrs. M. Elliott Albion; Geo.
Greenslade, River Hotel, for six tnonthl
Hassall: hotels—J. E. Blacken,
Queen's; Thos. Rellferma 0ommoreial.
The fedi aro according to the new
Seven Sutherland Sisters
beg to announce u
0 o sc the ladies
a CN
gnil en of SYa'ng
!tan and '
t vicinity
th .
a they t PF 11aF P mR(lt special arrange-
meuts�vitlt F. H WALt�7.I•xactc+x3r.
to hold daily dernonst:atlo s at his
Drug Store for one week,
Commencing Monday, April 30
regarding treatment ,of the hair and
scalp, They respectfully invite every-
one tocall and consult withthe,n•ia'a,n].
Come and see the lona, beautiful hair
grown by the use of Seven Sutherland
Hair Grower/la d�
Hair land Scalp
dvice Tree-and:we invite von all to
R.melnber the date—for one week
Drug Store
Phone 100. c Successor to 31eea11 & Co
is a High-grade Commercial School
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Write Ono. SPOTTON. principal.
A Good investment,
If yon wish to invest your money
where it is sure to hying returns, BUT
are a few of the many Town Properties
I have for sale at the present time :
$700—New brick house, 2 story, six
rooms; North street.
$700—Brick veneered 2 story house;
Charles street.
$800—Frame cottage, good stable and
two lots; Catherine street
$900—Frame house ij story, 7 rooms;
Bristol Terrace.
$900 -Frame cottage; Frances street.
$900—Now frame house, eight rooms;
Alice street.
$1100 -New frame house, with stable;
William street.
$1500—Frame house, 8 rooms, with
stable; Leopold street.
$2500—Frame 2•story cottage; Minnie
$800—New fraine cottage, good stable
and 2 acres land; Lower Wingham.
$1100—Frame house, good barn and 7
acres land; Lower Wingham.
11 el—Agent for the sale of N W T. lands
at $7.50 per acre, in the Quill Plain dia.
trice. Call and get particulars.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
Vanstone block, Wingham.
What Do You Think About It?
S. E. Riser in Ch ea go Record -Herald.
Don't you think y need better let it
When it's rennet; ram away
And endeavor to target it,
Thinking of a bliighter day?
When you feel in
And you lack tl
Don't you think
To do somethin
tined to worry
e heart to smile.
on'd better burry
worth your while?
When you fear t world is getter g
Worse and wo se. 0 fellow mar,
Why not stop yo it idle fretting
And be helpful where you cue?
Don't you think' on'd better try to
Wear a smile O. sing a song?
It's a good old world to tie to
And to bravely help along,
The discovery of anthracite coal in
Ontario was anno need by Hon. Mr,
Cochleae to the Leg latare
Kathleen, the three year old daughter
of telr. William 8neh r of Prostin, felt
into a well and was d owned.
Somers & Co's elev for at 13 eton was
Mined, with 3,000 t 5,000 bushels of
Mr .i. Gordon meat, a well known
newspaper write known as 'Zoete!
Oates." e is deed.
tIO]tSEStEN 1--Th0 TIMES effi,a is the
place to have your route duets neatly
printed. and at a moderate cost Leave
your order early.
..Ti Western Waste n %r Board a of L
appointed Mr. . M. Hunt to snccecd
Mr. J. A. Nelles whose resignation of
the Seeretaryshi was accepted.
By a Majority ate the Bast Kent Li.
COM Comtnionio era decided to grant 1i -
censer; at Char' g Cross and Cedar
Springs, which e both in focal option