HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-19, Page 8S THE MINIUM TIMES APRIL 19, 1906 Corsets that are Corsets Note the high bust Corset shown in out. This is something entirely new, and a perfect fit is guaranteed with every pair. Ask for No. 215 at $1.00. Also large range of other lines, 50c to 1.50 Should you decide on a new dress this week we would like to thew you some new grays just received. Friday Bargains in Dress Goods We have placed on sale for Friday some 15 or 20 pieces of Drees Goode, in greys, blurs, red, green and black, regular prices 500 to SO4 a yard, at 35c a yard. Have yon seen that 5o Factory Cotton of ours yet ? Another bale just to hand the other week. Now; is the time for LACE CURTAINS. Remember, all our Leoe Curtains are just put in new this Spring. Let us have the pleasure of show- ing you some. Also a good assortment of CARPETS, RUGS, OILCLOTHS and LINOLEUM at rook bottom prices. Remember, our Grocery Stock is all fresh, having just been put in this Spring. Let us have your next order of Groceries. TRADE TAKEN AS CASH Carey Dry Goods Co. PHONE 70. (Ritchie's Old Stand) 'WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS. -House-cleaning and gardening. - Both the front and back yards ;should now receive attention. -Clinton's Assessor's report shows the population of that town to be 2403. -Mr. J. D. Burns is having a founda- tien placed under his coal warehouse at the G. T. R. yard. -We are pleased to see Mr. F G Sperling able to be out again after his serious sickness. -Messrs. Jenkins & Pugh are busy at work building their new double dwell- ing house on Frances street. -The estateof Thos. Friendship, who recently made an assignment at Tees• water, paid 14 cents on the dollar. -Mr. J. A. ging and family, late of Wingham, have left Clinton for the West, and have settled in Lloydminster, Sask. Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith the soothing properties ot slippery, elm and licorice. SOo. AU Druggists too -Mr. 0. G. VanStone has commenced work on his new dwelling to be built on the corner of Patrick and Frances streets. -Work was commenced this week on the foundation of the new addition which is to be built at the Union furni- ture factory. -Owing to an accident down the line Tuesday night's C P R train did not reach Wingham until about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. -Mr. Saml Woods, of Turnberry, is avow recovering after a serious illness with pneumonia. We hope he will soon be able to be around again. -Teeswater merchants have decided to close their stores at 6.30 o'clock each evening with the exception of Wednes- days and Saturdays and the evening before a holiday. houghs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents or box. Alldruggists -Mr. Joseph Higgins of Turnberry received word last week of the death of his niece, Minnie F. Higgins, daughter of Robert Higgins of Hannah,, North Dakota, who died April 10th. -The Wroxeter I,O.O.F. will attend divine service on Sunday, May 6th, when Rev. J. IL Osterbout will preach the sermon. Members of Maitland 'Lodge of town have received an invita- tion to attend the service. OWING TO THE RUSH OF EASTER TRADE Wall Paper Opening Days WILL BI April 25 & 26 Instead of 1I and 1 2, as already announced. New Wall Paper on sale all the same. Miss K. M1 Fisher s.000.0to ►epi r 4.0 -Messrs Beattie Bros, of town are about to dissolve partnership and will sell their string of fast horses by auction at Toronto cn .April 26th. -Mr Chas Ward, of the Harriston livery was in towir last week and pur- chased three rubber tired buggies from our local maker, Mr Wm Dore. FARM FOR SALE. -A good 100 -acre farm in the township of East Wawanosh is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick sale. Terms and full particulars at the Teems cfilce. -Mr. Wm Bone now has his grooery store in the Chisholm block opened and is ready for business. Mr Bone will carry a complete stock of the very best to be had in the grocery line. -Mr. E. Nash has taken a position as salesman with the R. H. Crowder Co. for Saturday evenings. Mr. Crowder fi nds bis business increasing and Mr. Nash should make a good salesman. -Miss Fisher was in Toronto last week, selecting the latest designs in wall paper, making an addition to the large stock already on hand. Will be on ex- hibition on Wednesday evening and Thursday next. -The front of the Beaver block is being green a fresh coat of paint this week. This will make a great improve. ment to the block. An application of fresh paint works wonders in improving the appearance of a building. -We regret to report that Town Clerk Ferguson is not improving as rapidly as his many friends would like to see him, Last week he was in Toronto consulting a specialist. We hope to see him soon able to again attend to his duties. --Mrs. Elizabeth Kemp, formerly of Teeswater, died at her home in London on Thursday of last week and the re- mains were brought to Wingham on Saturday morning and conveyed to Teeswa,ter cemetery. Deceased was aged 7.1 years and moved to London some nine years ago. Fon SALE -A good brick residence beautifully situated in the town of Wingham; eight rooms; bath; electric lighted; modern conveniences. This is a very desirable property. Terms reason- able, and to suit purchaser. Address at Tints office. -Mr. John Imlay and family of Ethel have become residents of Wingham, Mr. Imlay taking a position as engineer in one of the factories. Prior to leaving Ethel, the Sunday school class presented Miss Myrtle Imlay with an address and a pretty gold ring and Mr. Gordon Imlay was presented with an address and a gold chain by the members of his class. -"A Royal Slave," a play dramatized from Lew Wallace's book, "The Fair God," which was mentioned in our last issue as coming to Wingham, will be given in the opera house, on Saturday evening, May 26th. This is an exoellent attraction and is given by a large com- pany, under the direction of Gordon & Bennett, of New York, who control twenty-seven leading attractions. CHILDHOOD'S PERILS. The so•called soothing medicihes con. tain poisonous opiates that deaden and stupefy, but never cure the little ail- ments of childhood. Baby's Own Tab- lets are guaranteed to c ntain no opiate, they act on the store and bowels and thus remove the a e of nearly all the ills that afflict lit ones. In this way they bring nature, , healthy sleep, and the child wakes up bright and well. Mrs. A. Weeks, Vernon, B. C., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and can cheerfully say that I have found them all yen claim for them." These Tablets are good for children of all ages from birth onward. Sold by all media cine dealers or cont by mail at 256 a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. Mira Frank Ruston, wife of a farmer near Brampton, committed suicide by shooting herself. William Mok'ar'ane.e a farm ,rand near Dauphin, Man., Was knocked down and trempled by a bran, With fatal result*. PERSONAL. Mr S M Robinson, of Brampton, spent Faster in Wingham. Miss Emma Patterson is visiting friends in Harriston. Mr. Robt. Lockhart epent Easter with friends in Ailsa Craig. Mr: Passmore, of Toronto was visiting at Mr. A. McGillivrary's. Miss E. Matheson is spending the holidays at her home in Ayr. Mr. Jas. Cummings spent the holidays at the parental home in town, Mies Or ace Greer spent the holidays with the Misses Strong at Gerrie. Mr. Ted. Groves, of Listowel spent the holidays at the parental home. Mr. Robt. Flenty, of the Southampton Beacon was home for the holidays. Mrs. J. G. Wright, of Gnelph spent the holidays at Postmaster Fisber'e. Mr Gordon Griffin, of Tornnto, spent Easter at the parental home in town, Miss Winnie Holmes, of Brantford is visiting at the parental home in town, Mr John Lockeridge, of Stratford spent the holidays at his home in town. Mrs. Geo. Green was visiting with Toronto friends for two days this week. Miss McDougall, of Underwood. visit- ed at Mr. A. Kelly's during the holidays. Mr. A. R. Smith, of Clinton was call- ing on Wingham friends on Good Friday. Miss Blanche Eagleson spent the Easter holidays at her home in Dresden. Mrs. N. Tilt, of Doon was visiting for a few days with Mr. and Rich. Ander- son. Mrs Stobie, of Seaforth spent the holi- days with her sister, Mrs Geo 0 Man- ners. Par. Frank Boylan. of Dresdon spent t he holidays with old friends in Wing - ham. Mrs. Elmer Moore visited relatives a nd friends in Toronto during Easter week. Mr. John McOrostie, of Wingham is spending the holidays at his home in St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hamlin and children, of Londen spent the holidays at Mr. 0. Dallas'. Mr. Morton, of Brampton spent the Easter holidays with his son, Mr. J. A. Morton. Miss Evelyn Lockhart left for Toron- to, after spending some months with her parents. Mr. C. W. Conway, of the Dominion Bank spent the holidays at his home in Uxbridge. Mr. E. H. Kaiser, of Mount Forest was calling on old friends in Wingham lad Thursday. Mr. D. Rush, of Toronto was visiting with old friends in Wingham during the past week. Mrs. Wm. Moore and daughter, Miss Mao, spent the holidays with relatives in Toronto. Messrs. Rudy Goettler and Wm. Britton spent the holidays at their home in Stratford. , Miss Olive Manners left on Monday has accepted a for London, where she good position. Mrs. Moffatt and daughter of Wrox- eter were visiting at Mr. Geo. Olver's for a few days. Miss B. Cummings, of the Lucknow teaching staff is spending the holidays at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. Showers of London were visiting with old friends in Wing. ham for a few days. Mrs. J. Springstein, of Blenheim was visiting for the holidays with her sister, Mrs. John Lamonby. Miss De La Mater, of the teaching staff is epending the Easter vacation at her home in Attercliffe. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley. and little daughter Dorothy, spent the holidays in Brantford and Ingersoll. Mr. George Jefferson, who is attend- ing the Wingham spent the holidays at his home in Donnybrook. Mr. Herbert Campbell, of Centralia, is spending the Easter holidays at his home in East Wawanosh. is so abundantly prospering. Mr. Walter Burgess, of Stratford was visiting with old. Wingham friends and with his parents at Blnevale. srosx. Mr. Frank Ashdown, of Brantford 0 1 Mr A. E1 L oyd haardna ogghter. l 15th, the wife spent the holidays in town with his Suirmi.n-At Binehamnton, N.Y., on A eil brother, Mr. Charles Ashdown. 6th, the wife of Mr. II. C. Shipman (nee Miss Mary Ritchie, Wingham) ; a son. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cummings, of : INGLis-In Wingham, on April 13th, the wife Listowel were visiting at their parental of Mr. Chas. W. Inglis; a daughter. WEST -At the manse, Bluevale, on April homes in town during the holidays. 17th, the wife of Rev. W. J. West ; a daughter. Mrs. Lees, of Brantford was visiting wife E Rev H e Pgies a da g,peer 14th, the with her brothers, Messrs Alex and Hugh COWAN-In Blyth, on April 7th, the wife of Ross and sister, Mrs. Jas. Maxwell. Mr, Isaac Cowan: a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. 358. R. Burgess, Of 13ALtAa,4 —tri East Wawanosll, en April g • 0th, the wife of Mr, W.P. Hallahan; a son, Listowel spent the Easter holidays with KET,ry-in Morris, on April let, the wife of relatives in Wingham and Blnevale. 1 Mr. M. Kelly; a son. PA'ersnsoN-In Hullett, on April 5th, the Miss Robinson, of Hamilton, visited at I wife of Mr. R. Patterson; a smr. the home of Mr F I3 Roderus, and with 1 RAcnen-In Culross, on April Oth, the wife friends in Blyth, during Easter week. of Mr. John Rather: a sort. Miss Walker, of Markdale was visiting MARRIED SrsnmrN-rMCkEsiis.-•At the residence of for a few days at the home Of Mr. Robt. .the bride's parents, on April 18th, by Rev. b. Johnston. .Perri), Mr. W. J. Spedding, of Toronto to Miss !Sarah E. McKenzie, daughter of Geo.MeKen- Mr. Alex Orr and daughter, Miss zie, Esq., Wingham, Nellie Orr, were visiting at'Chatham for-; DIED the Easter holidays*. 1 McGnrooR --In Wingham, on April 18th, Mr. Wm Connell, of oPtescott apen Duncan MCGregor, aged 68 years and a days. the holidays Visiting with hie dao stet Moi n eoi —Ie, Welton. on April 0th, Mat• y g g , : show Morrison, aged 78 years and 3 months, Mrs. (Dr) Redmond. SMITH—At Saskatoon N.W.T., on April Stir, Messrs. W. ii'. Green and Sam', Ben. Thos. A. Smith, Iate ot Morris, aged 44 years. Mr and Mrs Geo 0 Manners were in Rindcardine on Wednesday attending the wedding ceremony of a niece of Mr Manners. Mr. and Mrs}, D. N. McDonald and ohildren, of Ripley spent part of the holidays at the home ot Mr. John Lamonby, Mr. G. Ernest Buchanan and Mr. Will Hines, of Toronto were holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs F. Buchanan,. Mrs. J. S. Bordon, of London spent the Easter holidays visiting with her brot her, Mr. J. W, Orr, of the King Edward hotel. Mrs. Robt. Astell and Miss Brydges of Morris left on Wednesday for Newtana, Sask. to juin Mr, Astell, who left for the West sonie weeks ago. Miss Gertie Lockhart has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto and Port Hope; also her sister, Miss Nina, who is spending her vacation. ander the parental roof. Death of Duncan McGregor. Wednesday afternoon of this week, one of Wingham's well-known residents' passed away in the person of Duncan McGregor at the age of 58 years and 5 days. Deceased had been ailing for some months but had only been confihed ' to his home for the past eight weeks, his trouble being diabetes. He was born at Glasgow, Scotland, and came to Canada with his parents, when he was but a lad. the family settling first in Lower Wing - ham, which was at that time the busi- ness seotion of the place, his father be- ing for many years engaged in the tail- oring business. The subject of this sketch in early life learned the trade of miller in the upper town mill and work- ed there for some years. He moved from here to Hensall, where he engaged in the milling business for himself and there married Miss Catherine Muir, who survives him. After a few years resi- dence in Hensel, the family moved to Ripley and Mr McGregor again engaged in the milling business. From Ripley he returnedto Winghamand engeged in W g ng Ked the grain chopping business. die was a man of many good qualities and made many friends here, and his death will be sincerely regretted. He was for 25 years a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters, being a charter member of the Court at Ripley. In religion he was a Presbyterian and in politics a Liberal, He was a very industrious man and took great interest in any work in which he engaged. Besides his widow a family of three sons and one daughter survive, viz John A. and Chas D., of Chatham; W. J A , of the Thamesford Star, and Mary M., at home. The bereaved will have the sympathy of the community in their sfliction. The funeral will take place on Friday morning via 0. T. R. to Hen - sell, where interment will take place, the funeral arrangements being in charge of Mr Mowbray, a nephew of deceased. CHURCH NOTES. Last Sunday being Easter the services in the different churches were arranged suitable for the occasion. The choirs of the churches furnished special music for the services. The name of Rev. David Rogers, of Thorndale, a former pastor of Bine. vale Methodist Church, is freely men- tioned as a likely nominee for the Pre- sident's chair in the London Conference. Rev S 0 Edmunds, B D., will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday mornirg and Rev. Geo Baker in the evening Dr Gandy is engaged to preach Educational sermons iFt Platte• vine next Sunday. The annual examination of probation. err and candidates for the ministry of the London Conference will take place in Atkin street church, London from Tuesday till Thursday of next week. Dr Grandy is one of the Examiners and will be absent for part of the week at the examination. From the London papers we learn that St. Matthew's Anglican Church, of which Rev. Wm. Lowe, formerly of Wingham, is rentor, has had a very prosperous year, the congregation hav- ing increased from 50 to 300 members. The financial standing of the church is in excellent condition. At the Easter vestry meeting on Monday the rector's salary was increased by $100. The many friends of Rev. Mr. Lowe will learn with pleasure that the work under his charge DMCErnov-In Morris, on April 8th Mr. John nett Were in 'Toronto fora few days McElroy, aged84 years, 8 months and 8 day& looking up Material for Mr, Greene new Gsm,z''-In Morris, on April lath, Williata block Ite. Me. I'itoii ryas in gtahtford. Iaat age g3" years, it months and 2 days, ' week attending the anneal meeting of JswrrT—ln Btuevale; as April 18th, Maria the Baptist Contention of Ontario and relict of the late Legis Jswitt, aged e5 / cots. ketnp, formerly of *taste* ebr, aged 71 yti rU: (,}eddes, aged 81 yeOrs ani17 months, Meeitl1L•�•1'ii llelgtal2, on April 14114 Wi11• son of Mr. hKS. CCrCA G 114115ee. bfrstr•--In London on Aril 12th 11aizabeth sr.•,n ;clams , r�`w..., III ass, ilr�llwar..v" •5�..�a.sl vas WWWWW '4111•110111 ,rr 111110•1111.1.16.0•111.6.1 ..s r■Yalrr' Ilei ��d w‘111111.11141°15:ON INGE-'STAY FENCE 111 1f 1. Thu Illllou 111NI:). wire. pour)istnmlo loti U;a of ln(111(' 81111)1 hard sial cairn, )n4 roilyd to protect it from the siren, or euntractbn and ,o . pan.lw,, Illustrated cal 0;Us fres-* 11ra ),;cuts ) wonted. t♦arfl-i*, IMP A1-f1f WIRE FENCE CO., LIMITED. I, «« . • ~IA m �r mow - -sir NOTICE TO LADIES Mies Mary t Campbell, of Wingham would again remind the ladies of Wingham and sur- rounding country hattshe is still able to sup them with the Minuett Shirt and Waist Holdr. .As this is the best article of the kind on the market, Miss Campbell would advise the ladies to secure them early in the season as the de - mend for there is • on the increase. These articles can be had on sending a postal card to Wingham P.O. or from Was L. Graham, opposite the post office. BULL FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, B;uevale Road, the thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull, "Eal•l Grey, No. 05018." Earl Grey is from imported stock on both sides and is without doubt one of the best in the county. Terrns-$e00, payable at time of servlco, or x1.60 to ins JAMES HNDERSON, Wingham P.O. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations, Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 20, not reserv, d, may be home steaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 acres, more or less. Entry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate, or if the homesteader desires, he may, on application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. Tho homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent residence uvicin n- ity his h mmeste d, the rd. equirements asito residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said. land. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. B. Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. TENDERS F DREDGING. TENDERS addressed' endorsed "Tender received uv to and i April 18, 1000. for the dr following ,places in th during the present yea ford,Fesserton, Goder Staney, Port Burwell es (mouth,) Owen Sou nel, and Trenton. Combined specificati can be obtained at thj Works, Ottawa. Tell towing of the plant Only dredges can be ered iu Canada at the Contractors must t within thirty days a been notified of the a '3 he Department r lowest or any_ of the dy Or Departncent of Pub] Otte Newspapers ins without authority not be paid for it. o the undersigned and or Dredging,' will be eluding Wednesday, tieing required at the Province of Ontario . Pentanguishene. Mea - h, Point Edward, Port 4ondean, River Tham- 5, Nigger Island Chan- es and forms of tender Department of Public ders must include the and from the works. aployed which are regia - me of filling of tenders, ready to begin work ter the date they have ceptance of their tender. jjj not bound to acoept the enders. ler, • RED GELINAS, Secretary. fe Works. a, April3, 1000. • ting this advertisement rem the Department will NOTICE.. In order to have more time to devote to Insurance, I have dis- posed of my Real Estate business to MR. J. H. CHISHOLM, and would request my patrons to call on him at his office in order that he may give their properties his immediate,.attention. ABNER COSENS Insurance and Loan Agent WINGHAM. immitlihisted $/400 To California and Return Good going April 24th to May Sth. Return limit July 31st, AND $76.00 Good going June 24th to July 7th. Return limit Sept.15th. Account National Educational Convention San Francisco. Choice of any direct route going and re. turning, and certain atop•over prlyileges t(1lowed, tier tickets and fail ibfdrin>r tiirn call on L. Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. Mcliosur n, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. aalatala Are YouThinkiog of buying a piano or • organ? If so, you should call and see what we have to offer you in the lead- ing snakes, at right prices, Sewing Machines. You col get here the White, Canadian and New Williams, which are among the beet ma- chines made. DAVID BELL Opposite Skating Rink. /CEN%T�RAALL STRATFORD. ONT. Spring Term Opens On April 2nd. Why should you content yourself in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condition by taking a course in this school? WS give a thorough, practical education and assist our graduates to good posi- ,,tions. Commence your course now. Write for particulars. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. BULLS FOR SALE. The undersigned has three pure bred Short- horn bulls which he offers for sale. The bulls are aged 10, 11 and 22 months. Apply on the prenuses, lot 15, concession 2. .liinloss or ad- dress IsATAu MOORE, Whitechurch P. O. I1arness x• TO FARMERS AND TOWNSMEN: Those wanting Harness, single or - double, will find it to their advantage to deal with me, as I have a large . - stock to choose from. Also, Fur Coats, Robes, Horse : Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes ; - Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness Oil, etc. CS • Repairing done neatly and promptly. Having bought Mr. C. Knechtel's - stook, and engaged him to work for me, I am in a position to make any kind of Harness to order, on the shortest possible notice. Give me a call. ♦.#0•••••••1.e•••••••OMMM. •.,' t 41 NEW"'" f Butcher Shop ' HAVE opened a Butcher Shop r in premises two doors north 4 of the Chisholm Block, and r • am fully prepared to supply the • • best of all kinds of • •Fresh and Cured Meats, s • Special attention paid to orders - • • from farmers and others for meat i •• in large quantities. S' • A share of your patronage is i respectfully solicited. •• iWM. DIAMOND.; •••••••••••••••••••••••••t New: Subscribers THE TIMES AND WEEKLY GLOBE To 1st January, 1907, for ONLY $I.00 Having made special arrangements with the Toronto Globe we are able - to make the above liberal offer to new subscribers. Send in your names to the TIIIIES OFFICE, Wingham, Ont. HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR NEW Spring Suit Overcoat If you haven't, it's high time you were thinking about it. We cordially invite you to take a look at what we are showing this , spring in the latest %weeds, Merges, Worsteds, Fancy Vestingrs, Trouserings, ete. We can suit you in price, quality, style and workmanship. G. C. Manners. Robs. Maxwell TAILOR. � Model Kitchen • is possible for people of mod- erate mean sari if they know t e kind of Stove or Steel Range to buy. "Mucron" Stoves and Ranges are very reliable, having been justly known as the leading goods of their class since we commenced to manufacture thein. -�- They are quid bakers and fuel savers. �r Every tf HURON " Stove or Range is sold with OUR GUARANTEE. MADE B'Si e WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LtdP WIN•GI1AM, ONT.