HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-19, Page 6N TUE VYINt� 1UI 1'1. E4 APRIL 19, 19U6 n Tenni n i f � Tenni 5c, Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each �- piece, immerse in the water, and go away. u Soap will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Buy k and follow directions. ��® Lever Crothcrn Limited, Toranto .( Kernels from the Sauctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The Atlantis fast mail contract will be shared by the Aliens with the C. P. R. steamers. The ten wholesale grocery firms form. ing the Canada Grocers, Limited, have decided to dissolve, and v ill resume their respective business. SPRING ItMEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. The New Brunswick Barristers' So- ciety will recommend the admission of ,Miss French, who will be the flet lady barrister of the Provence. Mr. T. N. Armit of , the London Sal- vage Company, will undertake the re- lease of the Allan liner, Bavarian, ashore near Grosse Isle quarantine. C:st9✓risCa.ZA. Bears the T,ha Kind You Have Always Boat $innatelfare LSt.fft-h9Xii4 The net earnings of the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway for Janu- ary and February totalled $19,408, the gross earnings being $56,520. Tryphena Walters, wife of Thomas Jewell, died at the family residence, Colborne, on Saturday, 7th inst., at the age of 41 years and 3 months. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia . ithout griping, purging or sickening. In an interim report to the Govern- ment Mr. W. H. Cross states that im- proper entries were made in the books of the York County Loan to swell the ap- parent assets and profits. Mr. 3. D. O'Connell, so widely known and esteemed as deputy registrar of Huron, has been appointed manager of the Goderich branch of the Sterling Bank, which will be opened for business on April 25th. t • We uuderetand that application baa boon made for the admission to the House of Refuge of a gentleman who was formerly an official of this county. Haviug children whoaro said to be able to tuaiutain him in his declining and en. feeble'i manhood, surprise is exl:reeaed that they should allow him to teoome an inmate of this institution, whiter, though an excellent home for those who ire in indigent circnmstanece, was never in. tended for cased of this charaoter.- --Chilton New Era, Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid• aeys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak bank, rheum- stism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Rev. J. A. McConnel, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Creomora has been summoned t9 appear before the Presbytery of Barrie, to answer charges of eugaging in certain worldly pursuits that do not tend to reflect honor upon A drowning accident occurred at Clin- the sacred calling. For some time it ap• ton on Wednesday of last week whereby a boy named Henry Nelson, aged six - 1 years, lost his life. With a companion he was playing at an mused mill dam, and they were running back and forth on a log stretched across, when Nelson slipped into ten feet of water and was drowned before lie could be rescued, The many friende of the family in thie section will regret to lifstn of the death of Miss Mary McDonald, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas McDonald, of Thessalon, and formerly of Kinloss, which tock place on Saturday, April 7th, in the 24th year of her age. Cr tinCa) .X.A. Boars the or Kind Voll HaveAlwaysBought Signature tom; 2s�:�i .6?,(4.4,44,/ In an Irish towel not long ago, a crowd watched nearly 150 rats cross high above the ground, on a telephone wire from the town hall fo a flour mill 200 yards away. The rats used their tails to pre- serve their balance, and not one of them made a false step. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in tho Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Mr. J. G. Anderson, of Lucknow, last _ week closed the apple shipping season after one of the most successful years in the liusinees. He has shipped alto- gether over 46,000 barrels, nearly all of which went to the Old Country, a few thousand barrels being sent to Manitoba and Northern Ontario. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. A Sullivan Township farmer is the owner of a wbite Yorkshire sow, which gave birth to a litter of 21 pigs. Nine. teen of them are said to be alive and doing well, though six of them have to stand.back for the second meal while the other thirteen are doing business. The Grip. "Before we can sympathize with others we must have suffered ourselves." No one can realize the suffering attend- ant upon an attack of the grip, unless be has had the actual experience. There is probably no disease that causes so mach physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by the prompt use of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by all druggists George Riley, who used to live out in Carrick, went west this spring, taking with him three span of horses. One of these was the team that took first prize at the Christmas fair in Walkerton last winter. These horses he sold for $600 although they only cost him $320. He was offered ;500 for each of the other teams. Minister of The Gospel Recommends OEVOEFlia °'Xor tteyeret rears I bare been in veryp ees S*oath.t rade a y r advised b Bev. J. G. Allen La 1 e..I et hurray .. arLor, P.IE I., to try 'Oxygenator.' ,„r ieto.e tr_�tn,t it 2 had no fa.r inn, but test Gcto• &rr I bop,.,r :ts..iea and can truly say that hetore at'O5 or_01ug a had vtonderiully improved in my .aeral t.cr "a. mince then I have used several I.tes as a rn &.it'�ave never spent such a healthy thea n'Oxygenator' �as2d.�1 oa : itn y toe dant' Ur Throat i rouYt7e, Catarrh, &urifying the rlleod, rad far rt'iildtnr up the :system, II believe ie not squalled today by any other roraedy. Serial of my congregation havo a1ss used if with blosir;r re.iu1te. I take great interest in Oxygenator,' having given jigs of it away, and *nit e; A wo.,bxart:, I:1aisbr. to r';; .r i to my eyes, • Ox.<genator' has done lissm more hood than the Oculists or the treatment rser:vc t in the hospital. For ita'aehs, I think it peerless. For pains la x*re cited,ks dorrxs or side, Mcleod anywhere, . it RSV. A. D. rieLEOD, Mount Stewart, r,E.i Vow lode by- ii� TH ., XYGENATOR•*0. It H,a.s Lord law a Toronto For any disease of the skin there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itching and burn- ing sensation instantly anti soon effects a cure. Sold by all druggists. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Marshall, south of the railway,Olinton on Wednesday evening, April 11th, when her daughter, Miss Sarah, became the wife of Mr. Robert H. Freeman, of the 2nd concession of Hallett. Rev. Mr. Manning performed the ceremoney. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 oents. The home of Mr. John Coutts of Mild- may was the scene of a pleasing event on Wednesday night, April llth, when at 6.30 o'clock his eldest daughter Isabella was joined in wedlock to Mr. Arthur Lewis, both well known in Mildmay and vicinity. The knot was securely tied by the Rev. Thos. Wilson of Knox church, lIow to Prevent f11llous Attacks. One who is subject to bilious attacks will notice that for a day or more before the attack he is not hungry at meal times and feels dull after eating, A dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets when these first symptoms ap- pear will ward of the attack. The are for sale by all druggists. Mr. Barr, �f Brussels, an inmate of the House of Refuge since 1900, died on Mouday, April 9, at the age of 93 years, and was interred at the House burial ground, Rev. Mr. Newcombe perform- ing the services. This makes about fifty persons, inmates of the House, at whose funeral Mr. Newcombe has officiated. pears Rev. Mr. McCannel has been sell- ing shares in a Saskatchewan land com- pany and similar concerns and some of the members of his Congregation hat's regarded this as very unproper on the part of the pastor. ;atop Soriug Weather Ruinous to Health Causes Weakness, Headaches and Feelings of Unrest; the Cure Is Simple. That peculiar weakness so common in the spriug, is demoraliziog to body and mind alike. Stupid, absent-minded and dui, -.Yon feel the need of a stimulating tonic. To impart quichnoss and great vitality to the entire system nothing acts like Ferrozone. In a short time it makes you Leel fit and fine, ereates a feeling of youth and strength that's surprising. Ferrozone revive a and braces the sick- ly because it nourishes and builds up the organs that are weak. As a spring tonic C E3 fS T O 2.EL . appetizer and blood -strengthener it is unequaled. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought A well known resident of Utopia, Ont. Signature �� Mr ri. o Postle, "From long experience I am convinced that every- one requires medioine in the spring. As Jas. A. Bailey, owner of Barnum & a rule the blood is thin and impure and Bailey's circus died at bis home, "The the whole system is congested with poi - Knoll's" Corcoran Manor, Mount Ver- eons that should be carried off. I use non, Thursday afternoon. Mr. Bailey Ferrozone because it clears up the sys- tem, gives yon an appetite and makes was suffering from erysipelas. The at- you sleep well. One winter I had ear - tack was a virulent ono, and although boas palpitation of the heart, nervous four doctors and a corps of trained ours- headaches and an extreme tired feeling. Sleep was not restful and by spring I es worked over him until the last minute was in a bad shape. I took six boxes of "I was afflicted with nervousness and .F they could not save his life. Ferrozone and was made the picture of dreaded insomnia, so that I never. knew 4' health." for three yeare what a full hour's sleep '1' Ferrozone makes permanent cures. was. Heart pains ancl headaches almost .+t. State of Ohio, City of Toledo ) ss Absolutely safe because it is purely vege- drove me wild. I had spells of weakness + Lucas County. } table and contains uo alcohol. Cowen- and cramps in stomach and limbs. Fin- 'I' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is trated cure in tablet form -that's Ferro: ally Dr. Chase's Nerve Food was brought .. senior partner of the firm of F. J zone, 50o per box or six boxes for $2.50 to me and eight boxes cured me." -Mr. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City at all dealers or by mail from N. C. Pol. Jas. Wesley Weaver, a veteran of the of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, son & Co , Hartford, Conn., U.S A., and Fenian Raid, Port Dalhousie. Ont. and that said firm will pay the sum of Kingston, Ont. One Hundred Dollars for eaoh and every Daae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by r. After a man has passed the critical+ the use of Hall's Catarrh Cnren Under the new Liquor License Act the FRANK J. OEIENEY,revenue from licenses in the town of stage of his illness he begins to worry '1• Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this Kincardine will almost •- not nearly about his doctor's bill. th' 6ay o December, d f D b r, Another rural telephone service is be- ing organized -this time tear Forest. It is oiled the People's, and will have 31 miles of rural line, and, It is expected, 200 subsoribers, in Forest, The cam. parry bas bought a lot of abandoned tele. graph poles, already in position, at 600. The phones will cost snbsoribers $20 each, and each man will own his own in- strutnent. He will pay $10 as his start- ing fee; after that tine annual oharge is expected to stand at $2. It is hoped that other lines will be established, and that conversations oan be had with neighbor- ing towns at 5 Dents. Icor Orer Slaty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, ouree wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its valve is incalculable. Besure yon ask fgr Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind, A man named Joseph Knight who died in Kingston the other day, had not eaten any food for ten years. Eleven years ago he accidently drank now detergent in rnistake for porter with the result that hie gullet and other internal organs were destroyed. He was placed in the hands of an able physician who not only saved his life but enabled him to live for more than ten years in comparative comfort by means of feeding through a tube in his side leading directly to his stomach. It is remarkable that though unable to eat he oould always enjoy a smoke. 1 1 FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -clay folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam, remedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est ' .4> vith a long and successful record, to 4c-r,'rr, tug s""►n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn -o' t.lpation, .iensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, ,i' ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular tatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- 'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up hwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•' • id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives coo tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans '1'�bu1es. Your dri ggist sells them. The five- c•.;nt packet is el. 'h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bat.. io cents, contains a supply for a year. Rel•PAN. • Pointed Paragraphs. • 000000000000060sesesmaga0•• •secttm*•ssoes000000311100000S0r • From the Chicago News. • Nearly every man thinks he has the • • 1 i• boss wife.• • No man is all right, but some men are • F • �i ES nearly all wrong. • Young man, beware of the saucy girl s gwo -she will make a sassy wife. • The harder it is to acquire a dollar the • harder it is to give it up. More wives would respect their hue- - • bands if they were not so well acquain- ted. • • If the North Pole is ever discovered it will be by a man who is able to keep • cool. Dreaded Insomnia A. D., 1886. double. Last year five taverns and one A horse laugh may be the kind let out (Seal) A. W. Gleason, shop paid licenses of $200 each for which by the equine who is drawing a disabled + Notary Public. the town received $460. Under the new automobile back to town. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- Act these taverns and silo will paypopcorn ally, and acts directly on the blood and - P $350 Is o corn the father of all cereals? 4. mucous surfaces of the system. Send each, a total of $2100. After expenses Trust magnate's de for testimonials free. are paid, the fund is divided, share and forget." motto: "Get and F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, O. _ share alike, between the Province and the it Sold by all druggists, 75c. A slip of the tongue is often more .r: Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipa- municipality. The expenses are estima. disastrous than a slip of the foot. + tion. ted at $250, so that the town will receive 4 an approximate $925 as against $400 but Home is a bower of bliss to some men '1' year, only when it is the left bower. + Contracts for the Winnipeg -Superior . Between an ordinary cold and the grip Jnuction and Quebec -La Tuque sections the difference is the size of the doctor's of the National Transcontinental Rail- To get rid of the bad breath, the sick- b111. '1' way have been awarded to the lowest ening discharges from the nose and tenders, Mr. J. B. MacArthur of Winne- throat, the loss of smell and taste, eto., As a rule, the imaginative poet is one -peg, and Messrs. esuch ingredients as Thymol, Wild Indi. who imagines he can exchange his poetry 4, Hogan& Macdonald go, Oil of Eucalyptus, eta. must be used. for real money. ✓r respectively. Mr. McArthur's bid is in Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure depends upon the neighborhood of $13,250,000, while such healing agents as these in oombina- that of Messrs. Hogan & Macdonald ap. tion with other autlseptio specifics. rot ! M 750 C00. These are then incorporated into a soft p s , soothing and healing imported petroleum Jelly secured in Europe. When applied SIIDDElilY ATTACKED. like diseased mucous membranes it acts like mag' io clearing n a 'ng p these revolting d'. Children are often attacked suddenly I diseases promptly and with •a marked by pahiful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, sensat ion of comfort. Sold at Walley's Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Drug Store. Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always be kept in the house. Walkerton. �- Friday evening, Oth inst., Mr. and Mrs. John Button of Lucknow, were " at home" to a number of their friends, it For Infants and Children, being the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. Tiro es ening was spent in social games, after which a dainty luncheon was served. Rev. Mr. Mill - Signature off yard then proposed the health of the host and hostess, which was followed by Brussels Bowling Club has leen or- eongratulatcry remarks from Dr.Spence, ganized for INAwith the following ofli- J. G. binrdceh, Jno. Joynt and others, cers:-T. Farrow, lion. President; A. and reerondtd to by Mr. Button. CASTOR I A The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the B. MacDonald, President; R. Leather - dale, Vice President; W. Leatherdale. Sec. Treas. ; R. De ruing, D. C. Roes, R. P. Field, Ed. Nicholson and J. F. bow- . land, Managing Committee. Isabella Mackendrick, whoa() maiden name was Isabella Christie, relict of the late Matthew Maokendrick, postmaster 1 I. Halliday, at Brandon, Manitoba, on of Eincading for about 40 years, died on ( Writs have been served on W. 11. Wednesday, March 2Sth, at the age of Oth inst, She was born on the 10th of Kerr,Seeretary-Treasurer tritest Huron, .71 years. She was born in Datham Co. Juno, 1821, at Campbelton, Argyleehire, - and Grey branch Agricultural Societies, Ontario, on March 31st, 1833, her maiden Scotland, and in early, life came to by Barrister Sinclair, at the instance of name being Ingram, and came West - Kingston, Ontario, with her parents, Mrs. Wm, Wilkinson, 4th line, Morrie, ward with her father, brothers and sis- her father carrying on a hardware store claiming $1,000 damages for the injury; tare (her mother having died previtously/ there for many years. There she mar- to her knee by going through the floor ; in 1855. In 1866 deceased was united in ried her late husband who predeceased of the root department on the first day her 14 years ago last February. After of the fall fair Inst year. Grey branch the deceased's marriage to the late Mr. Directors, while denying any liability Braokendrick, they moved to Hamilton. offered $150 tesettlewhicil wax declined. DeCeaaed moped to 'Kincardine in 1855. A. defence has been put in. DR. A. W. CHASE'SC s 2 CATARRH CURE ■ y. in tent d:tcrt to the dic,nsed parts by the Inlroved IIl;,wer. the dcu , chart the air pa..arle!;,ctvi),droppings inthe throat r1 pctmanantly ant•. s Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower frr-r. Ail dealers, or 1)r. A. W. Chase Medicane Co., Toronto and Buffalo. Samuel Arscott, Sr., ono of the oldest and most respected residents of Walker- ton died on Tuesday morning, April 10th, at the age of 78 years. Although he had not enjoyed very good health for the last two years, his death was not looked for, as up until a few hours be- fore passing away he was about as well as usual. Deceased has been a resident of Walkerton for twenty-five years, his business being that of a tanner, a basin nese of which he made a pronounced success. Before coming to Walkerton he was for a great many years in the employ of the Hymens of London. Get Dr. Shoop's Free Book on Rheum. attain. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Tablets are sold at Walley's Drug Store. We regret to announce the death t f Esther, relict of the late Thos. B. Halli- day, who was the first resident of Brus- sels, who died at the hereto of her son, S. • uitif i"' I IIhI marriage in Brnsscls, to Mr. Halliday, where she lived until 1886 when she, accompanied by her daughters, moved to Manitoba and made her home with her son, Saniuel. How Is Your Cold? Every place you go you hear the same question asked. Do you know that there is nothing so dangerous as a neglected cold? Do you know that a neglected cold will turn into Chronic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, disgusting Catarrh and the most deadly of all, the "White Plague," Consumption. Many a life history would read different if, on the first appearance of a cough, It had been remedied with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup This wonderful cough and cold medicine contains all those very -pine principles which make the tine woods so valuable in the treatment of lung affections. Combined with this aro Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing, healing and ex- pectorant properties of other peetoriil herbs and barks. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. You will find a sure cure in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Mrs. O. N. Loomer, Berwick, N.S., writes : " I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for eouglis and colds, and have always found it to give instant relief. I also recommended it to one of my neighs bore and she was more that pleased with the results," Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrnn $!f eta. per bottle at all dealers. Put up In yellow wrapper and three pine trees- the trade mark. hefuse substitutes. There is only one Norway Pine Syrup and that one is Dr. Wood's. • • FOR 1905 - 06:- •• Mr The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below : • for any or all of the - following publications : 4,, Times to January lst, 1907....... .... $1..50 00 Times and Daily Globe 4 - Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Ifi Times and Daily World..... ..,.... 3.10 Times and Toronto Daily News.. 1.90 t; Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 { " Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 44 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 t Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 +, Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70 4 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and .1. book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90 't'+ Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 +Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 a'• Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1,60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 ,H Times and World Wide 1:85 � Times and Northern. Messenger'.... 1.30 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 t. We specially recommend our readers tosubacribe !wj to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine'E" Times and Farming World 1.35 ..0 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 ' Times and Westminster 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90 .+r.: Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 �'. Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 ..� Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45 Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) 1.85 Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65 t Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.75 .n. Nimes and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1.15 iTimes and American Sheep Breeder ... , 1.90Times and Country Gentleman2,10 Times and Delineator.. /' . .. 1,95 if; Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75 Times and Green's Fruit Grower.... 1,35 Times and Good Housekeeping 1,80 Times and Modern Women 1,45 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45 Times and Pearson's Magazine 1 70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1,90 ,r'1; Times and American Boy Magazine 1.65 :ft..;;and What to Eat 1,60 Times and Bookkeeper - 1.65 4' Times and Recreation 1.75 .r.: Times and Cosmopolitan . Times and Ladies' Home Journal �t? Times and Saturday Evening Post 2112....68415055 +; Times and Success .1,. Times and Housekeeper 1,50 1� Tines and Pilgrim 1.60 •i4• Times and Poultry Keeper - 1.40 .i, Times and Hoard's Dairyman 1.90 ,r'1`,' Times and McClnre's Magazine 1.00 4; Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,00 : Times and Rural New Yorker .. 2.00 , Times and Vick's Magazine 1.40 Times and American Gardening 2,25 .1i Times and health Culture 1.85 s Horn x.45 Times and Ram's • 1 Times and Four Track News 1,90 Times and Breeders' Gazette ... 2.25 Times and Practical Farmer... .. . . ............. 1.85 When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers evil secure such premiums when ordering through tis, same as if ordered direct from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post office or express money order, addressing TT ES OPFICE, W INGIIAM, ONTARIO, M ! **MNMHiH. US.. .$.NM.M j