The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-11-18, Page 3Wednesday, November 18, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 3 39 —t N LI. ►ht LAN 41L1 SiVICK Mill ti W Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel After the Legion parade had left the Remembrance Day ceremony, the public paid their respects Trumpeter Ken Irwin plays The Last Post during the Remembrance Day ceremony held at the by placing poppies on the crosses and wreaths at the Lucknow cenotaph on November 11, 2015. Lucknow cenotaph on November 11, 2015. Bruce Botanical Food Gardens grows almost extinct Child gardeners reap success Lynne Taylor Executive Director & Sustainable Project Designer, Bruce Botanical Food Gardens The Bruce Botanical Food Gardens (BBFG) is a rare experience but in 2015 it was also growing extinct...well almost extinct! Although the Gar- dens does showcase rare, very rare, and endangered food plants, the Sultan's Green Crescent Bean was the Garden's focus of attention during the 2015 growing season as it is so rare it has almost become extinct. The beans pro- duced by this very prolific and very unusual green pole bean were left unpicked to dry on the plant. The dried seeds were then harvested and saved. The BBFG has sub- sequently been in contact with Seeds of Diversity Canada, Canada's seed bank, and the non-profit will be supplying 40 of the seeds saved from the crop to be held in Canada's seed vault. "This very exciting opportunity will form the basis of our children's vol- unteer program in the 2016 season", reports Lynne Taylor, executive director of the BBFG. This past season 24 Huron Kin- loss day campers ages 6-11 visited the garden and planted rare heirloom bean seeds (and other vegetables). "The children were given full rein on the planting of the seeds, said Taylor. "They instinctively planted them much fur- ther apart than the plant- ing instructions recom- mended. However, not only did the plants grow twice the size but they produced twice the crop of disease free beans!" Taylor noted that so many beans were produced even at the end of the season that 165 guests at the BBFG's second fund rais- ing Harvest Dinner were served the beans at the event. The lesson learned? Always be open to learn- ing something new even 1]1V61? Lit' GL from those younger and less experienced and never underestimate the potential of 6-11 year olds to provide for their family, or their community. In fact, the Garden's new children's program is expected to be titled `Kids Feed Community'. Children will be invited to participate as Junior Agricultural Stew- ards to help prepare plant- ing beds, and plant, main- tain, and harvest the beans and the seeds of the Sultan's Green Crescent Bean to help save it from the extinc- tion list. If you would like your child to be involved in this agricultural stewardship program, contact the Bruce Botanical Food Gar- dens by email at ltaylor@ bbfg.org. For more infor- mation on Seeds of Diver- sity Canada, visit www. seeds.ca liginthibultdrl SA EN TY and REGIONAL TRANSIT SPECIALIZED PUBLIC TRANSIT MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED RESIDENTS NON -EMERGENCY MEDICAL, SOCIAL & EMPLOYMENT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE 519-881-2504 1-866-981-2504 Please visit us at saugeenmobility.ca NUAL 1OTH TREEN The Lucknow Sentinel invites you AN&; to help fill their annual mitten tree. Donations of new mittens, gloves, scarves and hats will be \., collected until December llth. All donations will become part of the Salvation Army's Christmas packages, delivered to area children who are not as fortunate as others. For more information please contact the staff at the Lucknow Sentinel (519) 528-2822 , the to 3 cgt.! tittiuiow Sentinel