The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-11-11, Page 3Can you
East Ashfield
History Book
Valerie Gillies
Lucknow Sentinel
The East Ashfield History
Book Committee has
received some photos of
people who are not identi-
fied on the photo.
The largest photo that
needs the faces identified is
one of the Johnston family.
In addition there are two tin-
type photos, one of two gen-
tlemen and the other of four
If you think you can iden-
tify photos from the past,
please contact the commit-
tee to arrange to view the
photos. They would also
appreciate newer and cur-
rent family, organization,
church and group photos
with the individuals identi-
fied to include in the History
Book to bring it up to date.
You can contact Co -Chairs
Debbie Bauer 519-529-7820,
Marian Zinn 519-528-3710
or Editor Rhea Hamilton -
Seeger at 519-529-7238.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 3
Submitted Photo
This photo was submitted to the East Ashfield History Book Committee. The caption states that this is "Johnston Picnic Sheppardton Beach". The committee would
appreaciate if someone could provide them with the names of the family members.
Deadline set and
approaching for
New East Ashfield
History Book
The committee for a new East
Ashfield History Book has
been working hard for a few
years now collecting fam-
ily histories, stories and infor-
mation that will, because
of their hard work, live on.
Working by Lot and Conces-
sion, this extensive effort is
to be an update to the ever -
popular Bush Trails (put out
by the Women's Institute
many years ago), and Frontier
Ways, both long out of print.
A deadline for collecting infor-
mation is set at January 1,
2016. If you don't have your
contributions in to committee
by then you will have missed
a chance to have your fam-
ily included in the incredible
accounting of East Ashfield.
Co-chairs Marian Zinn and
Debbie Bauer are thrilled
with the work of the commit-
tee and editor Rhea Hamilton
Seeger thus far but there are
several families from the area
with no updated information
at all. No family will start from
scratch so it is not the daunt-
ing task you might imagine it
to be. A great deal has been
done already, but the team
does still need help with the
updates. It could be some-
thing as simple as the names
of your children and a fam-
ily photo. There is always the
concern that someone might
be missed so please contact
a committee member and
make sure you are included.
Additional information and
photos are still needed for,
among other things, social
groups, bridges, mills and
structures of interest and of
course school and church
photos are always of high
interest. A lot goes into each
history book and this group
wants their book to be as
detailed and interesting as
possible; this means every-
one in the community does
his or her part in making it so.
Bauer says they are in need
of help on a couple of Con-
cessions as well as commu-
nity members familiar with
the history and families to
do proof-reading. Wonder-
ing if you can help in some
way? The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mar-
ian Zinn, (Sepoy Manor)
November 23 at 1:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcomed.
Even with this quickly -
approaching deadline there
will be at least a year's work
for committee and editor
before going to print. If you
can help, even if it is just a
quick call to double check
that you 'are in', please do
so before the deadline.
You can contact Co -Chairs
Debbie Bauer 519-529-7820,
Marian Zinn 519-528-3710
or Editor Rhea Hamilton -
Seeger at 519-529-7238.
— Debbie Bauer
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