HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-05-27, Page 5Wednesday, May 27, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 www.lucknowsentinel.com letters to the editor Re: Secret meetings of Kincardine Emergency Management Coordinating Committee (EMCC) To Whom It May Concern: Our community is deprived of our right to meaningful participation in community safety matters. As a local resident in Bruce County and recent participant in the Bruce Power relicensing hearings with the focus on off-site nuclear emergency prepar- edness I try to follow the business of our Emergency Management Coordinating Committee (EMCC) which is listed on the Municipal website www.kincardine.net as a committee of council. On December 9, 2014 Mayor Anne Eadie, chaired an EMCC meeting held at participation and access to the Kincardine Fire Hall. information of the EMCC There was no mention of meetings. this meeting on the munici- Furthermore, it has been pality's website nor was recommended by Mr. Drew there an Agenda posted for Maddison, field officer of this meeting. Subsequent to the Emergency Manage - the December meeting, I ment Ontario (EMO) that attempted to obtain Minutes "the meetings should not be but these were not readily open to the public; the min - available. Through my own utes do not get posted to the persistence, I attended the municipal website."(quote next meeting of the EMCC from Minutes of EMCC on May 12 and was able to Dec.9, 2014 page 5) obtain the previous Minutes These are clear violations which were in print form. against the municipal act The citizens of the Munic- that need attention and ipality of Kincardine have, action to correct this by virtue of the above, been behavior. excluded from both The trust in our municipal government and commu- nity safety is broken by mis- conduct of our municipal leaders. The Municipality of Kin- cardine which hosts the largest nuclear power plant in the World has adopted their Emergency Response Plan last January 18, 2006. It has not been revised in the last 9 years. We should be aiming for full disclosure of when meetings happen which deal with our safety. It is important for the public to know what issues are being discussed so that we can fol- low how community safety Reader believes it is time to stand up fro quality health care To the Editor: The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) negoti- ated for a year with the Min- istry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC), but in the end, the Ministry pro- ceeded with unilateral action effective February 1, 2015. Within days, the govern- ment cut or completely eliminated many programs. It continues to unilaterally implement other changes to the health care system and I am writing this letter because I see it impacting patient care and access to care in my area. Thus far, there has been very little uproar from the public. I feel the public is largely unaware of the changes. However, in my office, I see shoulder surger- ies being cancelled and rebooked 8 months later, cataract surgeries currently being scheduled for spring 2016. The wait times for imaging tests and specialist consultations are noticeably on the rise. The most recent change came on May 11, 2015. The Ministry "rebranded" the Underserviced Areas Com- munities as "High Needs Areas" creating with it a new list. It may surprise many that with 1200 people on the orphan list in our commu- nity, Goderich is not seen as a high needs area. Not being recognized as a "High know that there is a problem Needs Area" now also with the changes that are means that a family physi- being implemented. They cian cannot join the Family need to be asked how they Health Team in Goderich, are going to rectify these unless they are replacing an problems. existing physician. Physicians need to be part I constantly advocate of the process that shapes within the health care sys- the delivery of health care in tem for the health and well Ontario, to advocate for being of my patients and patient care. Currently the others within my commu- government is making nity. My voice is not changes unilaterally and enough. There needs to be a from what I understand, this groundswell of advocacy for is only the tip of the iceberg. health care from individual It is time for each of us to citizens, from various ser- stand up for our quality vice groups, from Municipal health care. Councils, from Boards of Sincerely, Health Organizations. The LHIN, the MPP, even the Stan Z. Spacek, MD. Minister of Health need to President of the Huron hear from you. They need to County Medical Society Annual Giving for Living food drive for North Huron Community FoodShare Community Living Wingham volunteers pick up donations in June The North Huron Com- munity FoodShare is an important resource in the community for those who are having a difficult time making ends meet. As the needs in the area increase, it becomes even more impor- tant that we support this great cause in the best way we can by Giving. Starting Friday, June 5, vol- unteers from Community Living Wingham will be making door to door stops over the course of the sum- mer months on Friday morn- ings to all streets in Lucknow, asking for donations of non- perishable food items and/or hygienic products. This is a voluntary donation. There is absolutely no pressure. No donation is too small, as it is our belief that one can of lucknowsentinel.com soup will go a long way to feed a family in need. These donations will be routinely delivered to the North Huron Community Food share in Wingham. For more information, and /or to make special arrange- ments for food pick-up, please feel free to call Julie Kuik (519)529-7925. is being developed in the best possible way. The nuclear emergency preparedness in our com- munity is inconsistent, lacks clarity, is not timely and is poorly accessible to the public. The Tiverton Manor Sen- ior Home located in the pri- mary zone has no nuclear emergency plan. This is only one of the many examples I can give you. After presenting my per- sonal findings as well as a community study report about Nuclear Emergency Preparedness to the Cana- dian Nuclear Safety Commission and our local council I turn to you for help. The first step to action is to build awareness. Today I have send letters to Hon. Yasi Naqvi, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services and Hon. Ted Meekin, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to instruct their Ministry staff and the Municipality of Kincardine to respect the public's right to meaningful participation in community safety matters. Respectfully, Jutta Splettstoesser SUDOKU - THIS WE.EICS PUZZLE SPONSORED BY lr: ineknow Sentinel r r:.0„.:01:,5►'.','I I: §[i c ) B73 61; Cciitplftll 5+Ireeli, Box 100 Luck a c.•rr, ON Hc'C 2H0 '319.52e. ;2e 2822 - www,ILicknow5cniincI.com 9 7 2 8 5 7 4 6 4 8 1 2 7 5 _ 9 _ 3 9 4 ,5 8 3 6 1 5 AM=Sr.E N L 9 2 9 8 6 l b Z b 6 Z 9 l£ 9 8 L To soI'.e l 8 9 L 17 3 2 9 6 8 SADA :i rank. eon IIATID21 8£ L b 6 9 L Z S tram ;ID9ma..ap exon: • Each e4ihenna, counm 9 L t. 2 Z 8 6 l 9 pFart el NIrno hoz 4NgIrm; 6 Z 9 l L 9 8 2 17 ' 0-a is nl r4 na 3 toms 9 ti L 6£ l Z S 8 }Rr iu b, nonuncerc.n Accu' roam tai eIKe in ZLIEr Ithu, 1116111 2 9 8 Z 9 L 1' 6 l aIMP Z I. 6 8 9 b 9 L£