HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-12, Page 6G
Wash oilcloths.
and linoleums with
warm water and
SOAP Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe
dry. The colors will be preserved
and the surface unharmed.
Common soaps fade the colors and
injure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves
oilcloths and linoleums,
Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most
delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can
injure either clothes or hands. - b•��a'
Sunlight Soap is better -- I
than other soaps, but is best
when used in the Sunlight
way (follow directions).
Buy ft and follow
�r• directions ��•
Kernels from the SacIvrn
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The salaries of the teachers at the
Stratford Collegiate Institute have been
Mr. John Bertram, head of the mach-
inery manufacturing works at Dundee,
died suddenly.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by pait;ful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbns,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
The Montreal Board of Trade have col-
lected $12,000 for the relief of Japanese
famine sufferers.
It is reported that the cost of entry
into Winnipeg to the Great Northern
Railway was €3,000,000.
C9Anc.a.'*XI ®Z,6.X A..
Beare the The Kind You Havee Chars Bought
8f„ nature �'� X?IfiZ 6c! e
Tho Managers of Knox Church, Tees -
water, have engaged the services of Mr.
(L H. Glass of Lucknow, as choir -lead-
A number of the employees of the Port
Rope brewery went out ou strike be-
cause their supply of free beer was cut
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rbeum-
atiem, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Brigbt'e disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the dent of McKillop for a number of years,
kidneys and bladder
having moved to the farm which he oc-
Robert Trench has sold his house and copied near Harpurhay from Devils
lot on Brownlee St., Teeswater, to T. Lake, North Dakota.
Corbert who has ocoupied it for some
: ,, : ; Dr. Chase's ()int -time as a tenant. The purchase price ;Y; mens is a certain
:i and guaranteed
was $1,650. m cureforeachand
every form of
Jas. Whitehead has purchased Henry �y ; :
.„x itching, bleeding
Rleist's 40• acre farm in Carrick at $1,100 a •.. ss
It is Mr. Whitehead's intention to stock
the farm with a car load of cattle this
There died in Detroit on Monday,
March 26th, a well known former resi-
dent of Hum Tp., in the person of Hugh
McDonald, aged 92 years. He was born
on the island of Mull, Argyleshire.
When a mere lad he shipped on a mert
chant vessels and visited nearly every
inhabited country, Ho came to Canada
in 1b4l) and settled its Ashfield where he
took up farming. He married Euphemia
MoKet,zio, having a family of three boys
and three girls. His wife predeceased
him several years ago.
Lean -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billtousnese, and Dyspepsia
eeithont griping, purging or sickening.
After an illness of ten days from in-
flammation, Mrs. Crabb, wife of Geoige
Crabb, formerly of Goderich, answered
death's summons at the hospital in
Brantford, Saturday, Maroh 31st. Mrs.
Orabb was formerly Mies Annie Reeves.
of near Dungannon, and Mrs Jas. Hardy
and Mrs. Albert Lusk, of Goderich, and
Winter has left you in a state of fa-
tigne and weariness.
The vitality of your blood is gone..
Your nerves are wretchedly weak and
you and it hard to sleep.
The temptation to "braoe up" with an
alcoholic mixture is great, -but it's use -
legatees is plain to everyone,
Better follow Nature's plan; it's al-
ways a sure one.
First create new appetite.
Improve your digestion.
Perfect the process of assimilation.
This will ensure a supply of rioh, nour-
ishing blood.
Healthy blood soon makes a healthy
body, and a system fed by pure, rich
blood is bound to gain in energy and
To get well and stay well use the food
touio Ferrozone which is composed of
concentrated vegetable extracts that
supply nutrition that every sickly person
No matter how long you've been in
poor health, Ferrozone will win you
back like it did Mrs. Sadie E. Hislop, of
Whitby Ont., who writes:-"Ferrozone
not only brings health to the sick, but
has power to cure quickly. After being
Mary Maokenzie, relict of the late
Jno. Maokenzie who predeceased her
some nine years, passed peacefully away
on Sunday morning at the residence of
her son John A. Mackenzie, Huron Ter-
race street, Kincardine, Mrs. Macken-
zie was born in Argyleshire, Sootland,
and oame to Canada when about 27
years of age, and settled in Brookville
when she was married to John Macken-
zie, also from Argyleshire. They came
to Bruce county in the spring of 1858 and
settled ou lot 12, con. A, Huron, where
they lived for 85 years when they moved
to Eskdale on the boundary of Kincar-
dine and Bruce townships. Since the
death of her husband she has lived with
her son John A. who moved to Holyrood
where they lived for five years going to
Kincardine about a year ago.
C9ASI IL' C9Mt. 3A.
a Have Baugh?
of eatear
Mrs. Carroll, of London, are sisters. She confined to bed with sickness I seemed
was married six years ago and about a to be unable to make any headway on
year later•ahe and her husband moved the road to complete health. My vitality
to Brantford. The deceased leaves one was low and I was in great need of
little girl to mourn the loss of a mother. strength. My nerve force was gone, and
from headaches and poor sleep I was in
The C. P. R. have turned out of their bad need straights.
ghtI. Ferrozone increased wa sire ghat
shops at Montreal, a new type of engine gave mea new feeling entirely. I used
which will greatly facilitate the pas- about eight boxes and was madeperfeet-
senger service. The engine weighs 337,- ly well My doctor thinks Ferrozone a
000 lbs., and is one of the most powerful wonderful cure."
Your druggist sells it in 500 boxes or
• on the road. The tender will carry 5000 six boxes for $2 50. By mail from N. C.
gallons of water and ten tons of coal, Polson &s Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S.A.,
l and she is more than 10 feet longer than and Kingston, Ont.
!any other engine. An evidence of this -
engine's strength is shown in the tact It is sometimes better late than early.
1 that it will draw 15 coaches with ease. The bit of repartee you thinly of ben
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
' easily startled or upset, easily worried
A special meeting of the Goderich Col- and irritated. Milbnrn's Heart and
legiato Institute board was held last Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
week to deal with the resignation of R. peoplerequi re. They restore perfeot
N. Merritt, B. A., from the teaching new nerve force to shattered nervous
harmony of the nerve centres and give
staff, and a motion was passed accepting systems.
the same. Mr. Merritt leaves at the end James Kelly of Sarnia, merchant, re -
staffthe month to take a position on the
staff of the Peterhoro' Collegiate. ceived a letter from Owen Sound a few
days ago containing $16 from a man
whose name he oould not place, but the
latter explained that the amount was in
payment of a very old account. Mr Kelly
consulted with other old-time residents,
and it was found that the $16 had been
owing siuoe 1857, when the signer left
Sarnia. Mr. Kelly has been continuous-
ly in the buisness for considerably over
half a century, and still has confidence
in the honesty of human nature.
C5.E1x*XI C 0DELX sem..
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Vey Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
The tauatees of S. S. No. 4, Brant :tad
Greenock have let the contract for build-
ing their new school to Thos. Mnlliu of
Chepstow for the sum of $086 The size
of the school is 25x35, It is to be a brick
building. It is estimated that with seat-
ing and all, the new school will cost
about $1,000.
The following members of the south
Kinloss Sunday School -Miss Hannah
McDonald, Mary McLeod and Dena Mc-
Leod, have boen awarded the General
Assembly's diploma with red and gold '
seals for memorized scripture, being the
recital of two hundred verses accurately
at one continuous sitting each year for
three years.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
couch medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Death came very suddenly on Friday,
March 30th, to one of McKillops well
known residents in the person of Mr.
David Aitcheson. The deceased, who
was in his 58th year, had been a rosi-
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blocd, and takes away that ti d,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Mr. Anthony Turner, his son, How-
ard, and all or nearly all of the people
who left Brant Tp., for Zion City, a few
Tears ago, have in turn left Zion City,
and gone to Dakota.
for 33 Years
Shilohs Consumption Cure, the Lung
Tonic, has been before the public, an
this, together with the fact that its sales
have stsadily increased year by year, is the
best proof of the merit of
as a cure for Coughs, Colds, and all
diseases of the lungs and air passages.
`Those tvho have used Shiloh would not
be without it. Thom who have neves
used it should lcnow that every bottle is
sold with a positive guarantee that, if it
doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund
what you paid for it. Shiloh
Ilas Cured
thousands of the most obstinate caeca of
Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Let it
use you.
'Lace winter 1, cehed for three months and
ticounhi I was going into Consumption. 1 took ill
aorto of medicines t but nothinc did me any stood
cutin used Shilo.is Consumption Cute. Fontt,ottlesccredme. This winter I had a very bed
cold was not role to epenk, sny lunnt wet, ate
cn the n;de ar.d Uatk. S;u bottles of Shiloh made
see well act in. 1 h.:ve given it to several peoples
end over/ one of them have beta cited.' D.
Jo•&'. i.1 b,,cind e, Qe,. Get
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
set Sour money back if not satisfied. GOo, at all
There is said to be a little boy in
Walkerton who is acquiring a bank ac-
count in a novel manner. His sister's
bean gives the boy ten cents to put down
in a little book everything nice she says
about him. Tho boy already has $4.50
in the bank, and is working the graft to
the limit. He has taken his father. into
his confidence and gets the old man to
make remarks derogatory to the girl's
lover, to which she replies in pelf -de-
On Wednsday afternoon, April 4th
were celebrated the nuptials of MattisMilhan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Milian, Gth concession of Col-
borne, and Benson Cox, of the same
township. The event took place at 4
o'clock at the residence of the bride's
parents, Rev. J. G. Yelland, of Ben -
miller, tieing the knot in the presence of
120 guests from Clinton, Goderich and
Colbrorne townehips, Goderich and
' of
A township of Nelson
informs a well-known seed merchant,
that while the turnip crop in his neigh-
borhood was a partial failure the past
season, owing to the provalence of the
turnip louse, he saved his crop by spray-
ing with common salt and water. He
used an auto sprayer and a handful of
salt to a gallon of water, and two ata
plications were sufficient to destroy the
vermid. If this simple remedy had been
generally known it would have meant
much to many farmers whose crops
were practically ruined.
There passed away in Bruce township.
near Underwood, George McKay, aged
68 years, one of the best known farmers
and one of the first settlers of that dis-
trict, having moved from Zorra town-
ship with his father, the late Donald
"Leavit" McKay, in:the earlyelfiftiee, on
Thursday, March 29th. The deceased
iral SeOtc nter-
farmer in
minutes too late might have cost you. a
Haven't you noticed that the man who
tells you how you can make a fortune in
a short time is seldom able to show a
bank balanoe of more than three figures?
25e..,, with �guaratttor, M ell druggists.
ea err or Ensisxsorr, BATES & Co., Toronto.
was a typ
prising character and was a highly re-
spected resident. His wife died about
six weeks ago, he being sick at the time
of her death. The shock affected him
deeply and he did not seem to be able to
amen of most e
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
There died at Lundereton, Dunlop, on
Sunday, April let, a very old resident of
Huron, in the person of Raby Williams,
aged 80 years and 6 months, whose pass-
ing recalls the ooeurance of the early
days in the "Huron tract." Over half
a century a:resident of that section, the
late Mr. Williams was connected in
many ways with those things that had
to do with the development of the conn -
try iu those pioneer days. Mr. Williams
was of English birth, his father was a
judge in the British West Indies, and
Mrs. Williams was a daughter of the
late Col. Hyndman, the first Sheriff of
the counties of Huron, Bruce and Perth.
The late Judge Ackland was a brother-
in-law, as is also Mr. John Haldane, of
Toronto, who was the first teacher of the
Goderich "Grammar" School and a one-
time principal. The family of one of
his brothers is located in Toronto.
The sixth settlers' excursion train left
Toronto for the West on Tuesday, April
3rd, in three sections and carrying folly
2,500 passengers. As on the earlier ex-
cursions the majority of these was made
up of farmers and their families who
had sold out their Ontario homes and
have already purchased land in the West
In fact the railway officials say that
fully nine tenths of the number were of
this class. A feature of the passenger
list of Tuesday was that it contained 37
schoolteachers -26 ladies and 11 young
men -all of whom intended taking up
their profession in new provinces. The
Toronto station officials estimate that the
excursions so far stave averaged 2,700
Ontario passengers, a total of 10,200.
For Ovnr Sixty Tenni.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
The Maitland River Power Co., Limit-
ed, has been organized at Goderich with
the following officers: President, W. J.
R. Holmes, M. D.; vice-president, W. L.
Horton; manager, J. T. Goldthorpe;
secretary, H. J. A. McEwau; treasurer,
J. A. Rumbail. As it is desired to se-
cure a further authoritative report upon
the company's scheme, it has been de-
cided to engage for this purpose ISI. von
Schon, of Detroit. Mr. von Schon was
for five years chief engineer for the Lake
Superior Corporation during the period
of the construction of the great works
at Sault Ste. Marie and he has been en-
gaged in other very important engineer-
ing Vf ork.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo
Luoas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of F. J
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
One Hundred Dollars for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence this 6th day of December,
A. D., 1886.
One seldom realizes how much worse
the world is growing until he hears two
old settlers exchanging reminiscences.
It is true, nevertheless, that after a
woman of 30 has been a widow for six
weeks she imagines all her married wo-
men friends envy her,
An Ohio man is so lazy that• he thinks
it's too much like work to keep from
(Seal) A. W. Gleason,
Notary Public.
We learn to -day that our local drug-
gist, MR. F. H. WALLEY, has
made a special arrangement which car-
ries with it an agreement to keep in stook
constantly a full line of special presorip-
tions created at the Labotatories of Dr.
Shoop. A novel, yet thoroughly practi-
cal and newly created article has just •
been issued fromLaboratories in
question, called Lax-ets and is included
as a patt of the arrangemeut made to-
day by the druggist in question. We
refer to a prespription put up in candy
tablet form, for the relief of constipa-
tion, sour stomach, bad breath, sallow
oompexlon, biliousness, headaches, etc., '
etc. The novelty of Lax.ets arises from
two or three sources. It has not even
the suspicion, so far as taste is concern-
ed, that the article is a medicine. It is ,
candy in taste, and in appearance,
Aagain, Lax•ets are pat up in beauti-
fully lithographed metal boxes, and re
tails for the remarkably low price of 5
ceuts per box.
On the box is printed the ingredients,
consisting of Cascara Sagrada, Egyptain
Senna, Solid Extract of French Prunes,
Slippery Elm Bark, and other highly
meritorous ingredients for the conditions
metioned above.
A Candy Cold Cure put up in the same
style also sells at 6 cents per box and is
called "Dr. Shcap's Preventica."
Patrons, we believe, will be glad to
learn of the new arrangement, and
particularly of the new remedies, which
certainly seem worthy of a trial pur-
chase involving only the cost of anickel.
ism 11 AA LI YIiut.l 1 tlad.l:,1
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than,
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They LT;
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the -
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable •friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam. remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est ?m•-dy vith a long and successful record, to
c --rd • 'n tigest"ia, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
_o' ,t.ipation, t +pensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
tatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
, .'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
t awn systems, restore pure blood, good appe••
' . -'.ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con tint benefit from a regular use of Ripans
J'.tbules. Your drt ggist sells them. The five-
c..;nt packet is en Yh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottit 5o cents, contains a supply
for a year,
likellaainalaineaseismisi usisu .11, d.0 ulI• rr iet/auxa.tavas. iYlI5t.,Sot4atetd.11 46614114V
••••••••••••••••fD•••tlt•Wi►• •Pi•16®••••ib•••••••••••••••A
•• •
The store and postcfi}ce business at
Amberley has been purchased by Levi
Wildfang. Roy Brydges, the late
owner, is returning to Goderich and
will later on go West.
As a rule, ten days after farrowing a
sow can be fed all that she will readily
eat up clean three times a day. Her
food, however, should be of a milk -pro -
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- dicing kind.
ally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipa-
The children of the Walkerton public
school are telling this story at the ex-
pense of a young lady who attended the
model school at Walkerton during the
last session : Shortly after taking charge
of her shool, she discovered that some
of the larger boys had formed a habit
of coming late, and do what she would
she could not break them off the habit.
Finally, in desperation, she promised to
kiss the first of these boys to get to
school next morning. The effect of this
promise was electrical. By 7 o'clock
neat morning, four of the boys were on
hand; by 8 two of the trustees had filed
an appearance; and at a quarter to nine
every boy on the register was on deck.
It is not said whether she fulfilled her
promise or not.
At his home in Crewe on Thursday,
March 29th, Matthew Shackleton Sr.,
Postmater passed to his last reward after
working. having lived to the ripe old age of 82
years and 1 month. His death was due
to paralysis and was unexpected. De-
ceased was born in England and came to "I take great pleasure in recommending i
Canada 78 years ago and settled in your Burdock Blood Bitters to any one who •
Trafalgar township, where 58' years ago maybe troubled with pimples on the face.
Ig paid out !Honey to doctors, but could not
couple of years after he came to Ash- despaired of ever getting rid of them. I
If you, your friends or relatives suffer with
Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling
Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable
treatise on such diseases to Tits lesion; Co..
579 King Street, W., 'Toronto, Canada. All
druggists sell or can olstaiu fur you
ft The TInIE5 will receive subscriptions at the rates below
for any or all of the following publications :
� t
FOR 1905 - 06.
.1 (1:41eLs..i,i...1i dIL' .115H Wmw.1
Times to January 1st, 1907 ....... .....
Times and Daily Globe
Times and Daily Mail and Empire ..
Times and Daily World .....
Times and Toronto Daily News
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Daily Advertiser
Timet and Toronto Saturday Night
Times and Weekly Globe .
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide
Times and Weekly Witness
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald
Times and London Free Press (weekly)
Times and London Advertiser (weekly)
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Timee and World Wide
Times and Northern Messenger
Times and Farmers' Advocate
We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine
Times and Farming World 1.35
Times and Presbyterian 2.25
Times and Westminster 2.25
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto)... . 1.90
Times and Youths' Companion 2.75
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45
+ Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1.85
...Times and Michigan Farmer 1.65
.t. Times and Woman's Home Companion 1.75
+ Times and .Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1.15
+1. Times and American 'Sheep Breeder 1,90
• Times and Country Gentleman 2.10
• + Times and Delineator 1.95
.+t- Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75
+ Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35
�* Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80
Times and Modern Women - 1,45
Times and McCall's Magazine 1.45
Times and Pearson's Magazine 1.70
Times and American Illustrated Magazine 1.90
Times and American Boy Magazine 1,65
Times and What to Eat 1,60
Times and Bookkeeper 1.65
Times and Recreation 1,75
Times and Cosmopolitan 1.65
Times and Ladies' Home Journal 2.15
Times and Saturday Evening Post 2,45
Times and Success 1.80
Times and housekeeper 1,50
Times and Pilgrim 1.60
Times and Poultry Keeper 1.40
Times and Hoard's Dairyman 1.90
Times and McClure's Magazine 1.90
Times and Munsey's Magazine 2.00
Times and Rural New Yorker 2.00
Times and 'Vick's Magazine 1.40
Times and American Gardening 2.25
Times and health Culture - 1.85
Times and Ram's horn 2.45
Times and Four Track News 1.90
Times and Breeders' Gazette 2.25
Times and Practical Farmer - 1,85
PIMPLES Many an otherwise
beautiful and attrac-
tive face is sadly .t.
marred b y unseemly +
ERUPTIONS Blotehea Pimples
FLESHWORMSEruptions,Fleshworms *
and umors and vari-
HUMORS ons other blood die -+1.
Their presence is a source of embarrass- 4.
moot to those afflicted, as well as pain and 4 -
regret to their friends.
Many • a cheek and brow -cast in the 4.
mould of grace and beauty -have been sadly ✓r
defaced, their attractiveness lost, and their
possessor rendered unhappy for years. .i.
Why, then, consent to rest under this +
cloud of embarrassment?
There is an effectual remedy for all these ,t+ -
defects, it is, :-
This remedy will drive out all the impuri- .
ties from the blood and leave the con•
ploxion healthy and clear.
Miss Annie' Tobin, Madoo, Ont., writes :
he married Mary 3.Philips and in a et cured and was almost discoura od, and
field when it was all bush and settled on thought I would give B.B.B. a trial, so got
a farm on the Oth concession where theytwo bottles, and before I had taken them
I was completely cured and have had no
resided for some time. Deceased taught sign of pimples since."
• school for a number of years at Hackett's Burdoek Blood Bitters has been menu -
and Georgetown. About 20 years ago featured by Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited,
hegave n farming and settled on the for over 30 years, and has cured thousands
p g in that time. Do not accept a substitute
corner lot of the farm where he bondnct- which unscrupulous dealers sty is " just as
ed a store and the poatofilce of which he good, ! „It can't be."
LElBIG'aFIT URE was postmaster.
• When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will:.
secure such premiums when ordering through ns, tame as if ordered direct:
from publishers.
2 STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send reraittancee by postal note, post
These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are*
jI 0WHI iSl;* $ emu 01111114WinselleliMMeme
office or express money order, addressing