HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-12, Page 3Dr caul way Ti note Nt till y W. dello job, w don't that but t Tell awes tell it Iced Rose Tea is Clea, Tea CLEANLINESS is as necessary to tea quality as to any other food. Tea rolled by hand, cured by hand, weighed, blended and packed by hand may or may not be clean. Every operation of making Red Rose Tea, on the plantation and in the warehouse, is performed by machines, the rolling and curing, the blending and weighing are all done by scrupulously clean automatic machinery. Red Rose Tea is never touched by human hands from the picking to your kitchen. Red Rose Tea is always clean. It cannot be other- wise, because it has no Possible chance of contamination. Its "rich, fruity flavor" cannot be impaired by foreign stlhitance of any sort whatever. from Sokt-re. .,, a Young Pinches. •bo Ams:. f: wl! Wee • ! One 1ii i. make otl,,• shall inh»: - tit, -+ant the co'.t back hour., MIR asks y='�'• ourity on a • the puttee •Terson takes v iu for a fool with hien Just show him :,e not! :thers ma} 'wake fine birds l•, not mace ii•i gentlewomen. r , your wit• ay, sisters, and .r's. (Harried knell need only • lair wives ) VIriga zlrlr r stepped on. which you are "itnk von el - rhe earth -but of your picnic tr a thou.r,nd •dollars a -week Mr Wau Jacob, Fullerton, Inas sold his tt ret•; coming two years old for the s' r t' $350 00 are' one coming three year. I f rr $210,00, It &adtr-if J1„ str 4N• i•Ir�� jr: .� �-t is good Tea T. H. Estalb;roons St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg Clipping Horses. Tho clipping of a horse in the early spring is now conceded by all the leading veterinarians to be as essential to his well being as shoeing him or giving him a oomfortablo bed to lie on, A clipped horse dries out rapidly after a hard day's work. An nnelipped horse is liable to patch the heaves, pneumonia and all sorts of cold, eto , because the moisture from perspiration is held by the long hair and chills the body. A man would not expect to enjoy very good heatlh if he did hard manual work clothed with heavy underwear, a heavy snit and a fur overcoat, and after pers- piring freely, as he naturally would, go to sleep without removing same. It is just as ridiculous to expect a horse to be inerfe t health worked p 4 e nth i f wo a under the same conditions. If you would get the beet returns from your investment in your horse, treat him right, and be sure to clip him in the early spring. -Horse Review. Usually the hog market is subjected to less protracted periods of depre scion than of any other stock. �.1. le'reGi ernl- +r is t..ar_. 4 I t16.1 FkF`t rl r" tit � `1L Ir1� agy.p4--1 .4114.4.1-L44714. I4L14 ��drl• !x� RUBBER FOOTWEAR OF EVERY STYLE If you wear Merchants Rubber products you can depend on having the best made, in appearance, style, fit, and wearing quality. Made on new.fashioned and popular Juts only, they are excellent fitters; are strengthened and reinforced et every point of extra strain or wear; and have a natty appearance that is exclusively their own. Tho Merchants Rubber Co., Limited, have done to enormous expense to give en artiole a little bettor than you havo boon getting, without adding to the selling price. If your Shoeman doesn't sell Merchants Rubbers let us know. Branches at WINNIPEG, LONDON, TORONTO, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. 706 c Pr 'I."'7� y } -era r et�'f,y_11.7...?!fi si Llai z.. �itm.1 t_I�}t1yr-�W.t rHE' -- �u.rti fr'1 Z 1.r tt-t•�1411: ZCr.1 �.5:n I VOCHIWr.g .rl 1 Yti �}�Y bra ti:.,.., -3..1.3.i.,, ` t RUBBER kf�yl Co.i ^_ -F73•.tr.TJiF� 1 '�{,'�afRiLfN +. •• �', 7. __ � `• .t-'.JiMR lo;v. .:"4! I crrrrctT'rti.�Tt'ndxaas_ltvtt,..t, 7 r1. 1.1 1 tliClfRf 'f ROD.SEs tr _ _. ftp ��FFtli t -r 9HRLIN�t1.1. 1111. t:xerJY ficin r.L•t.C'i „1-ANnrAlr ji. GLO. 13. BOULTER. CHAS. A. DAVIES. Northern and Central Ontario Agents. Prompt attention given to Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orders, BOULTER, DAVIES & COMPANY. Special jobbers in all classes of fIigh Grade Boots and Shoes. Telephone: Main 6708; Main 117. 2.1 Front St. W., Toronto, Ont. • BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted ally Blood or Private Disease, you are never cafe until the • poisonvirus or efnfrom the system. Don't he oatisfied with a "patch u" by some family dor. Our Nit•V7 Method in Guaranteed to euro off No Pray. tjf ,.PNo Iguanas Used without Written sixrisoat- ea - Cured ILVirxen all Else Failed "Could 1 live my early life over, this testimonial would not be rtccestary, though I was no nitre eltrfat than thousands of other 'its' young, men. nearly indiscretions, later rice. • -9, oapoet,ro 00 contagious diseases all helped to break- dews my system. When /commenced to realize my condition /was almost frantic, Doctor after doctor treated ruebut only rave tris relief --not a cure. Hot Springs helped me, but did not cure rite. The symptoms Always «s returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison into my aystent instead of driving it out. I bless the day yottr New Method treatment rvae recommended to me. 0 Investigated Who yon Were first, and finding you had over 25 years' experience and re- sponsibleefirtancially. I gave you any case sander a guarantee. You cared inc permanently, and lit six tears there has not been a sore, tqrain, ulcer or any otitersympt♦m of the Wood disease." te• 25 Una to Detroit, 250,00a Cured. M. A. CONLEY. - We treat and cure Vartencete, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Stricture, } Impotency, S.+cret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Censuttatton Free. Queatl1n Stank for Home Treatment sed Books Free. 4KEDY & a SIJUSLIalf • ICt2X+r> T. DETROIT,, NI/CM� D 1 K&K 1.(45(K K41tK KbOK K j�i"i:AKhK TIIE HEALTH AND BEAUTY Massage with this cream for enlarged pores: One ounce of white wax, ono ounce spermaceti, one ounce almond oil, one drain violet extraot. If glycerine disagrees with your hands try this formula to whiten them; Lano. lin, 100 grams; paraffin (liquid paraffin) 25 grams; extract of vanilla, 10 drops; oil of eases, 1 drop. Ver an egg shampoo beat the yolk of one egg, one pint of hot raiuwater, spirit of rosemary one ounoe. Beat the mix- ture thoroughly and use it warm. Rub It well into the scalp and rinse with sev- eral clear waters, A I-Iindoo practice for soothing the nerves is to take deep inhalation, expell- ing the air alternately through eaoh nos- tril, keeping the other closed with the finger. This has a wonderfully quieting effect when the brain is inclined to be• conte too active is reviewing the events of the day that is past and the duties of to -morrow, This formula for red nose has been very successful. Mix the ingredients, thoroughly and apply to the face with a soft linen: One ounce of glycerine, one half ounce rosemary water, twenty drops of carbolic acid. WINGHAN TIMES, APRIL 12, 1906 A sore throat should never be neglect. ed, especially in the time of epidemics. A cleansing gargle is made by dissolv- ing a heaped saltapoonful of salt and, carbonate of soda mixed in equal quanti- ties in half a tumbler of water. Honey makes an excellent gargle for sora throat. Boil ono teaspoonful of honey in a cup of soft water and gargle freely. This same preparation aide makes au excellent eye wash. Dip a clean piece of linen in the honey water and lay over the eyes. A sudden and startling awakening in the night, apparently due to no particu- lar cause, often leaves the sufferer Po wide awake that sleep afterward is al- most impossible. In such a case an ex- cellent remedy is to take 100 sips of cold water very slowly. Get 10 cents' worth of boracio aoid and put it in a half-pint bottle. Fill the bottle with boilin0 water. Probably all of the acid will not dissolve, so, as the water is used, more boiling water may be added until all the aoid is in solution. Always keep the bottle tightly corked. Any pimples on the face or body are benefitted by an application of this solu- • tion. It is also a splendid wash for weak eyes. Cough Lasted 3 Months "I was taken with a severe cough which lasted three months and though I had tried all sorts of medicines they fail- ed to do me any good. A friend advised the use or Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and I was completely pared by two bottles." -Miss Ada O'Brien, Cape Cove, Gaspe Co., Que. Hog Notes. Let the sows run out until a few days before farrowing. Where two sows have small litters, one sow may rear both. It is easily possible to make the slop too rich for young pigs. At least until setted weather in the spring, g,thePi e should have bedding, , A good growth and development of bone is essential in a hog kept for breed- ing. Brood sows that are expeoted to far- row soon should have warm, dry guar. ters. One advantage in a flat.bottomed trough is that it enables each pig to se- cure a better share of the feed. As a machine for converting farm pro- ducts into meat and thus into money, the hog stands at the head of all farm animals. Air-alaoked Iime is a cheap, good die• infeotant, and can often be used to a good advantage by sprinkling over the sleeping quarters. It is best not to use a young boar for service until he is nine months old, and then only sparingly, turning the soWe in to him and permitting of but one ser- vice. It is a good plau to have some warm, that slop ready to give a sow as soon as she hi through farrowing and showsan in- - to get up. When necessary to discard old sows, select the young ones from dams that have proved themselves good animals. Do not be hasty in shifting from ono kind of stook to another. The man who sticks to hogs, sheep or cattle through thick and thin, will generally get out all right. With the sows that farrow early, care most be taken to keep the pigs warm. Ws comparatively easy to stunt the early pigs and once stunted they never fully recover from the effects. Pigs that have been wintered over should have their growth pushed as rapidly as possible now in order to fat. ten before hot Weather sets in. It rare- ly pays to attempt to fatten hogs in summer, One of the best plans of management, i when t can ate done, is to give the piece the run of the orchard daring the grow- ing season, and especially so if the 1 Orchard is well seeded to clever. The Bad Cold of To -Day MAY BE PNEUMONIA TO -MORROW. The sore throat or tiokl;ng tough that, to the sareless, seems but it trlviul annoyance, may develop into Paotunoails, Bronchitis, or some Throat ter Lugg trouble. DRi WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP contains all tyle lung -healing virture, of the pins tree, and is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Throat or Lung troubles. Airs, E. Itutchin- son,18G Argyle Street, Toronto, writes: " I have been a sufferer from Chronic Bronchitis for years and have found Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup far butter than any of the hundreds of remedies 1 havo used. Our whole family uses it in cases of Coughs or Colds, We would not be without it." Don't be humbugged into taking something "just as good," ask for Dr. Wood's and insist on getting it. Put up in yellow wrapper, three eine trees is the trade mark and priers 28 cents. HINTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. Gotta percha clothes lines are much stronger and last longer than cord. They are not affected by the wet and can be kept absolutely clean with a damp cloth. When linen is much soiled or has been lying soiled too long a little pipeclay dis- solved in hot water will clean it with half the amount of soap requtred with- out the pipeclay. To remove iron rust from linen, wet the spots and stretch over a basin fall of hot water, put a little salts of lemon on the spots ; as soon as they disappear wash out in several clear waters. When cleaning zinc baths dip a piece of flannel in paraffin and with it well rub the zinc, which bhould then be wash- ed well with hot water and soap to re- move the smell of rhe oil, and polished with a dry cloth. To remove greese spate from carpets and rugs pour boiling hot water on equal parts of magnesia and fuller's earth; make a paste of this and put on carpets while hot. Brush off when dry and stain will have disappeared. When the water is too muddy to whit- en the olothes it can be cleared very quickly by stirring in a little cornmeal. The meal will go to the bottom as soon as it is thoroughly wet and will carry the soiled particles with it. House plants often die beoanse their leaves are not kept clean, Remember the leaves are the lungs of the plant and wash them to keep them free of dust, for thus yon will not only add to its beauty, but prolong its life. Once in ten days wash the carpet broom in hot soapsuds, shake it well and hang it up where it will dry quickly. A broom thus treated will last very much longer than one which is xiot washed and it will clean the carpets much better. To open new cans of powder remove the label about au inch around the top, then lay the can on the floor and roll buck and forth several times with the foot, giving the oak near the top a slight pressure. The cover can then be very very easily removed. If one has not a closed tin box to keep bread in sprinkle each loaf with flour then tie up in paper bags. When ready for use brash off flour and rub lightly with a soft cloth that has been wet in cold water. Then place in oven tor five minutes. When oiling floors use a woollen cloth rather than a brush. If the oil is thor- oughly robbed in with the cloth the re- sult will be much more satisfactory than when put on with a brush. The same is tree ill staining floors, and in this case the stain should be rnbbed into the wood with one cloth and then rubbed off with another. 6 SEC ITY. 111611101/1112111111. yuaw•sah.r r t i s Little Liver Pills, Must Btcksf Signature of See Fag -Simile Wrapper Selo*. 'Very smalls end an otte.7r to take as saunas • CARTER'S �� MEADOW* DlIZINUt FOR BILIOUSNESS, „E1R FCit tGNPIO ties. PILLS' FOR CONSTIPATION FDA SALLOW SKiN. - FOR THE Cr OMPLESION � lege,OyStYV, reapars.?MYt .are'„3, tPo*teiy gegetabl�. +Ms �ernG CURE 91016 HEADACHE. The Farmers Jays S. E. Riser, in Chicago Record. A man was out here t'othor day, who travelled in a private ear, And had a lot of things to say abont bow luoky farmers are. "You people here," he said, "don't seem, to know bow richly you are blest; It long has been nay fondest dream 'mid scenes like these, at last, 10 rest. "You've money stored away, no doubt, so that you need not have a care:" "Yea," I replied, I've got about five thousand laid by here and there " "Ah, yes," he said, "how fortunate you ought to tbiuk yourself, my friend ; I envy you your happy state-earth'a rarest joys to you descend." "Have you ten thousand cash?" said I He Badly smiled and answered then: "I might say ten and multiply that ten by yet another ten; But as I look around me here and see the blessings you possess. How small the joys I have appear -my fortune sbrinks to nothing." "L ke to sell this place," I said; "live thousand's all I ask, just now." He suddenly held up his head, his look was different, somebow. "Five thousand for this swamp?" said he; "why, man, I wouldn't live out here If anybody offered me tan times the price you ask -per year!" Dr. Shoop has created at his Labora- tories a superior, sweet, toothsome candy tablet named Lax•ets. The ingredients aro printed on the very attractive little lithographed metal boxes, in which those tablets are sold Lax•ets sell at the very loco price of 5 cents per box. A better, safer or more certain laxative than Lax - et is, Dr. Shoop believes, absolutely im. possible. Lax -et are for Constipation, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath, Sallow Com- plexion, Biiliouaness, Headache, Dizzi• ness, etc., etc, Sold at Walley's Drug Store. r THE SECRET OF CONTENT. It isn' what a fellow has that clothes him with content. That puts him in that frame of mind where joy and peace aro blent. And makes him feel that recompensed are those who plan and strive; That he's. in truth, well satisfied, and glad that he's alive. It isn't money stored in banks, there placed to his account, It isn't mortgages he holds, of fabulous amount ; Nay, none of these sheathe worry's thorns as down life's path we jaunt - It isn't what a follow bas, but what he doesn't want! Though wondering feet may be a curse, for more are itohiug bands That grasp, but never satisfy, tbeir cravings and demands. Though rolling stones accumulate but very little moss, They don't, like avaricious palms, keep smarting at their loss. And so, the man of modest wants who keeps desire curbed Strolls side by side with happiness when others walk perturbed. Possesston neer makes a man immune of cares that siege or haunt - It isn't what a fellow has, but what he doesn't want! If one's by wish and want imbued his days will all bo spent In futile spurts upon life's road to over- take content. If one's desires modest be he'll find them all supplied, And be a constant "Sunny Jim." with life well satisfied. It isn't bonds that make for cheer, nor stock that peace supplies. It isn't silver pleasure brings, nor gold contentment buys. It isn't bank of treasury notes, though fistfuls you may flauut- It isn't what a fellow has, but what he doesn't want! -Leslie's Weekly. To get rid of the bad breath, the sick- ening discharges frotu the nose and throat, the loss of smell and taste, etc , such ingredients as Thymol, Wild Indi- go, Oil of Eucalyptus, eta. must he used. Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure depends upon such healing agents as these in combina- tion with other autlseptic specifics. These are then incorporated into a soft soothing and healing imported petroleum Jelly secured in Europe. When applied to diseased mucous membranes it acts like magic, clearing up these revolting diseases promptly and with a marked sensation of comfort. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A Scathing Rebuke. The following letter was received re- cently: Dear Sir, --I hereby offer my resig- nashau as a subscriber to your papier, it being a pamphlet of such small consequ- ence as not to benefit my family by takin' it. What you need in your shete is braves & somo one to rnssel up news and rite editorials on live topics. No menshun has bin made in your shete of me butcherin' a polen china pig weigh- in' 360 pounds or the gapes in the chick. ens out this way. You ignore the fact that I bot a bran new bob•sied and that I traded my blind mole and say nothiu' about gni Simpkins' jersey calf breaking his two front legs falliu' in a well, 2 im- portant chiverees have bin utterly ignored by your shote & a 3 column obitchury notice writ by me on th r death of grandpa Hene y was left out of your shote to say nothin' of the affabeti- - cal poem beginning' "A ie for And and r ala° for Ark," writ by my darter. This I is the reason your paper is so unpopular here. If you don't want edytoriale from I this place and ain't gain' to put news in yttar s .bbete we don't want aid shete, of , "P, S. If you print obitchury in your next 1 may again sine for ytxre shete," fiokdensville Times, The Nair a►f youth 3 Wok 'heir; heavy hair Zoog, 'lux - uriant hair, without a tringle gray Line in. it I ¥sir that grows rapidly and does not tall of t. The kind of hair that goes with Hall's Vegeta, ble Sicilian Hair Renewer, Por the whiskers and enaasteahe we mgke aucnuNan4M's DYE, It colors a rtes brown or a sort Meek. It. Y. HATA. it CO.. Nashua. N. FROST STEEL GATES The strong features of Frust Felice are combined to the Gates. A special feature is the frame of continuous steel tubing. This be vastly htrouger than a frame with elbow cor- ners and malleable castings. The heavy wire filling insures ? against sagging Tl e public is warned against buying ga es hat int -Inge against Frost Wire Fence Co.'e patent, es purchaser's a; well as users are laying themselves Iiable. For sale by J. W. MOWBRAY, Wh}tectturcb 'frost W,,�N JOHN R. WEBSTER, St. Helens t,aLSt i .. GOLD DU1 T1;.' psi>rFiY ": ,37,3a ' work 1 SIMPLY WON E �L is the work which GOLD DUST accomplishes. All labors look alike to the Gold Dust Twins. They clean !loon:, and doors, sinks and chinks -go from cellar to attic -.::.1 - only brightness behind. Get acquainted with Cold Dust Washing wages OTHER GENERAL Scrubbing floors,washing clothes and dishes, cleaning woad- - USES FOR work, oil cloth. silverware and tinware, polishing liras; COLD DUST cleansing bath room, pipes, etc., and malting the fittest soft soap, - Made by THE N. X. FAIRBANK COM?ANY, Montreal, P. C. --Makers of FAIRY SOAP. GOLD DUB 111112kOS 'Bard water seri 8s4•ms0a'r0110••••••490.0 000* 0 R 0 9 a a 9 a 0 0 a a • • Times iA LEs i TIa • I3E r Pr an im Y esbvt . _ '11 re• i w W tininster t9 ee 8 e . p- Times • ® itiolicotti,tet:::daien:tnebppbesari°1:nrvereiberePess5: Weekly Globe .................. e sWeely Witness• se-l®sTimes1.00 s! WeeklySun1.00 , c�ap • illfWeekly0101131 00R.i`'x. i0® rs Farmer's Advocate 1 60 0 to a and magazines ' Times S.fO • s sent to differ. i Weekly Globe......... 1.00 • sent address if y 0 • Family Herald & Weekly Star.. 1.00 t desired. Farming World .... .60 Sa0 Whether a Times 1.00 • Tnucs sub - - Lediec' Hoene Journal 1 `215 « la scriber or not, Saturday Evening Post ... - .... 2.00 ' • ! leave your or- 0 a Times.•1.00 s der a t this world's Work .. - . 3.00 r d° . 3� • s oflioe gull 1e Review of Reviews . 3.00 ' ""'. a� s w i 11 receive CP i prompt. alien- Times 1.00 0 Lion. We a give Reviowp of Reviews 4 00 4.15 ili low rates on Cosmopolitan 1.00 any paper or Woman's Home Companion1.00 "� m magazine. Succeea 11.00 fr". ATimet... t00 a, c1 n r $1.00 Country Life in Anstice . .. 3.00 1 , s utagazino will s be given in (After Feb. tat, 15'00, $4.05' 1 t '�, 6 : • World's Work 3 00 wyrs! • place of those Review of Reviews 3.00 • s named, if s° -•tit• se • like etheeq groups Outingau Boy .... 3.000 t '4.:16 ', ":• . s 2 given here, Harpers Bazar i,(:0 • W make eelee- Times 141:(;000 . 00 4 .� • O tions to suit Harper's Megazine or Weekly. . •1,C0 : r .1 s. yourself, and Review of Reviews 3,005 • • we will give World's Work r . - .. %u.Efl ale s • them at a re- :' duced price. Its Times r. F Of r: at^. A 1 r +t,.9 • tle Weekly Globe 1.0(l . • • See large Canal: M - . • .. b list of clubbing Times • °frets in an- Lippincott's ...... , - " . a ��. 10 0 other column. es Ainslie ............... i 1 `,t.,"�T6 A 11 orders Cosmopolitan. or, Success; 1 'I. C▪ IO ' •• • • receive prompt Times .......„,,,.:. f.. •i rn tZ • • attention. St. Nichoas �: -. :3 00 ' • ' ,t i Reciew of a acsowe 3.Ot) 't . i • Woman s Iloine Cotnlltinion... 1 01) , - . y IP s. ra , • „i,, O m Lail at, or: addri'iss, i s • TMES41 OFFICE, 1 tl7Yt2Ytfl0$414 rilh }tfotiONiltib 41104:s71rt 09041 • • • • • FOR 1906. • • 0 0 • • 0 • Reg. Price. Our Price s • ;$3.251 • 2.25 • • $1 00 150 1.50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2.75 • ;*sssesse11►ss et*0104esees.r Urs *Is$e1e.esal 41111+ 11,1115 Cis