HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-05-06, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Wawanosh Huron -Kinloss
4-H Fruit and Township
Vegetable Club
�aLPJI£ne! review. Although the shore is
under the jurisdic-
Municipalities are tionoftheMinistryofNatu-
required to review their Offi- ral Resources, the inland
cial Plan every five years. A lakes are not, which means
discussion of the Five Year that they will be under the
Official Plan for Huron -Kin- Official Plan.
loss was held at the April 27, Due to overlap and the
2015 Committee of Adjust- essentially identical Plan-
ment Meeting. ning Guidelines for rural
The planner for Bruce and agricultural lands at
County, David Smith, took both levels, it is proposed
part in the discussion to that these lands will not be
address the committee's included in the municipal
questions. The municipal plan, but be administered
planning must also fall by the county. This elimi-
under the planning for the nation of overlap should
county level. Smith assured result in a less costly and
the committee that Bruce more time -efficient han-
Countyrecognizes that some dling of planning matters
areas of Huron -Kinloss are as applications are made.
more attractive that others The committee asked if
for people to move into, there would still be a way
therefore this will be taken for the municipality to
Maisy Jefferson
Meeting One of the
Ontario Fruit and Vegeta-
ble Club was held on Fri-
day April 24, at 7 pm at the
Jefferson's house. The
meeting was opened with
the 4-H Pledge. Mary Ellen
Foran gave a brief explana-
tion of the club and what
members could expect in
the weeks to come. Next
Mary Ellen had the mem-
bers pair up with someone
they did not know and
then find out five things
about them to present to
the club. The members
then introduced their part-
ner to the other club
The election of officers
was held next. Maisy Jef-
ferson was elected as club
President and volunteered
to be Press Reporter.
Jolande Oudshoorn was
selected to be Vice Presi-
dent. Clarissa Gordon vol-
unteered to be the Cover
Designer and Amanda
Morrison volunteered to
be the Attendance
Recorder. It was decided
that the club would have a
rotating secretary with
members who were not on
the executive each taking a
turn writing the meeting
minutes. Maisy then lead
Roll Call. Members turned
to the self-evaluation in
the book to determine if
they had eaten the
required servings of fruit
and vegetable today and
Eileen George went on to
discuss the Food Guide. As
a break from sitting, mem-
bers headed outside to
play a game of mushball.
After a couple of eventful
innings, the leaders called
the members back in.
Members sat and com-
pleted an activity about
snacking and the leaders
introduced their take-
home activity which is to
record snacks for 3 days.
Members were then bro-
ken into groups to make
snack. Three groups were
assigned to cut up fruit
while one group whipped
up a fruit dip. Once the
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fruit was cut and their area
was cleaned up, members
completed a judging activ-
ity led by Cathy Drennan.
Four potential shoes were
ranked by the members
based on their practicality
as proper footwear to wear
while gardening. Members
presented reasons as to
why they placed the shoes
in the order that they
chose. As they completed
the judging, members
choose a pack of seeds that
they are to plant as a club
project. Seed possibilities
included lettuce, radish,
beet, bean and pea. Mem-
bers were also given mys-
tery wild flower seeds to
plant. Maisy closed the
meeting with the 4-H
The members then
enjoyed their snack of
strawberries, cantaloupe,
and apples with ambrosia Ruth Buchmeier
fruit dip. While they were South Kinloss W M S
snacking Mary Ellen ladies met at the church on
reminded the members that April 29, 2015 at 7 pm. The
the next meeting will be hostess was Margaret Ham -
held at the Wingham Com- ilton and Directors being
munity Garden and that Margaret and Anne Guay.
members should dress and The evening started with
select footwear accordingly. cup of tea and a delicious
The next meeting will be dessert.
held on Tuesday May 12, President Kathy Howald,
at7pm. started the meeting
have some control over
what happens in these
cases. Smith assured the
committee that there is
still room in the county
plan for the municipality
to write in specific policies
with very specific recom-
mendations to address
concerns and to ensure
that municipal criteria are
met. These policies may
add exemptions, but may
not be more lenient than
the county plan.
The Official Plan will be
carried out in two phases
with Phase Two being the
Comprehensive Review,
which is the most costly
part of the process, but that
will bring Huron -Kinloss
into compliance with the
Planning Act five year
South Kinloss WMS
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by reading a story of
"Remembering Grandma':
We repeated our WMS Pur-
pose. Marilyn Maclntyre
read the April minutes. Mar-
garet Hamilton read the
treasurer's report. Ruth
Buchmeier read the Ladies
Aid report for Donna
The roll call was answered
by six members by giving a
gift of vegetable seeds for the
community garden in
Marilyn read a poem
"God's Garden". The worship
service was done by Marga-
ret reading the scripture,
Acts 3: 1-26. Then a discus-
sion followed.
Music, "Bless this House"
was sung.
Ann Guay started a quiz,
"Cleaning Product or
Laundry Product that fits
the description." Then
Ann also talked about
"Cleaning up our Spiritual
Body or our House": Ann
also gave a plant, aloe
vera, and gave us a nice
table favour that she
We sang a closing prayer.
Leda read the offertory
prayer and Ann said a clos-
ing prayer.
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