HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-12, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL XXXV.—NO, 1783.
Tailor -Made
$1 5.
We will make your suit to
your exact measures, to your
order for fifteen dollars cor-
= rectly shaped and faultless-
ly fitted, superbly tailored
from some pure, all -wool fab -
dc, staunchly guaranteed.
For seventeen, eighteen
or twenty dollars we would
- use a fabric of still higher
We make them with care
- and skill and can guarantee
you entire satisfaction.
Trousers made to order at
$3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6.
A Sue selection of Gents' Fur-
; nishings always in stook.
!Y1.S1L1 Homuth
Tailor and Gents' Furnisher
2 doors from post office.
tutted by FReNH PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,750,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Draft/ sold on all points in Canada,
the Mated States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 81st
Deoember eaoh year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
>R. Vanrtone, Sollcitbr.
Capital paid up, $2,445,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,445,000.00.
Total Assets, $29,000,000.00.
President— HoN. Wes. Grnsoer.
Vies -President and
General Manager —J. TORNBIILt,.
Aeetstant Gen. Manager—Ii. M. WetsoN
John Proctor, Ohas,L.Dalton, lion J. S.Eendrie,
Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. Birge.
Inep1e or—B. Willson.
Intermit allowed on depoetts Of 81.00 and up-
wards., and added to principal on 81st May and
lath November each year.
Spiegel Deposits [also received at enrrent
false of interest.
C. P. 3MITf, Agent.
DICKINSON dt Acidities, SoLoitor•,
Changes in Gay Business.
The past week has seen two changes
in the dray business in Wingham. Last
week Mr. R. H. Sal it sold his business
to Mr. Thos. Smale, who has taken pos.
session. We underssand that Mr. Saint
intends moving to ' allacebnrg. This
week Messrs Beat
draying business t
who is taking posses
i Bros. sold their
Mr. Thos. Deans,
ion at once.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop.
Died at St Catharines
Horatio Boyle, Es,., father of Rev. T.
S. Boyle of this towndied at his home
in St. Catharines o: Sunday morning
last after a very shot illness. Deceas-
ed was in his 71st y r and was one of
the pioneer residents of the Niagara dis-
trict. Rev. Mr. Bo le will have the
sympathy of many Ingham friends in
his time of affliction
FOR SALE.—At a hely
in good condition ; app
(bayy buggy
Business hange.
Mr. W. G. Paton h s sold his machine
and general repair business to Ms.
Andrew Leggatt, w has taken posses-
sion this week. Mr. eggatt has secured
an experienced wort man and is in a pts-
ition to do all kis of repair work
promptly and aatisf: otory. Mr. Paton
will now devote his time to the selling
of gasoline engines old various kinds of
WE INVITE men and wo
smart things in Foot •• err.
see our magnificient
• n who want
to come and
ne of Spring
A Royal Slave.
The popular pia: "A Royal Slave" as
produced by Gordc.i & Bennett's com-
pany will be give l in the Wingham
Opera house in th=e near future. This
will be one of the ery best companies
that has;ever visite the town. The
play is a good one a d has been given
with much success many cities and
towns. Watoh these columns for date
and full particulars,
H. Davis has several good houses and
a farm for sale. See him for particu-
Provincial 3onstable.
A few days a ago Jhief Vannorman,
received official notice from the Provin-
cial Secretary of hi appointment as a
provincial constable. This appointment
is undoubtedly a des ruing one, as it is
well known that th Chief has gained
more than a local re utation as a minion
of the law. Intwider s ere of
activity he will no 4ubt a gently dis-
charge his duties.
THE .REST LOOla -G set you'll see on
the street Easter S ay will be wearing
Shoes bought at W. J. GREER'S.
Back in the Old Stand.
Mr. S. Gracey ret rned to town • this
week and is again i possession of the
old stand. He is pu chasing a new and
up-to-date stook of 1 the leading lines
of furniture and his tock will soon be
well assorted and the; best to be found in
this district. Mr. Gracey will be pleased
to meet all his old cu :tomera and inany
new ones at the old ;taucl. New advt.
will appear in our ne::t issue,
WANTED—A good smart boy, with
good education, to learu the printing
business. Apply at TIMES office.
Operation t Ripley.
Some five weeks ago bliss Gertie
Shane of Ripley ha i a tumor removed
from the back of hes leg. Upon exam-
ination this was fon id to be of a most
dangerous charaotermnd in order to save
her life the surgeon9 declared an ampu-
tation necessary. This was performed
on Tuesday by Dr. Kennedy of Wing -
ham ,
ing-ham, assisted by Dr. Gordon of Ripley
and Dr. Gordon of tecknow. The leg
was amputated at the knee.—Ripley
By Canadian Pa ific Railway.
Excursion rates bet eeu all points on
line of the Canadian Pa ifi
0 o Railway
east of Port Arthur, a from Can. Pao.
stations to nearly all p into on connect-
ing lines in Canada wi be on sale April
12th to Seth inclusive rate of one-way
first class fare for the r and trip, tickets
good to return up to a including April
17th, which gives an a optionally long
limit to enjoy the Laster festivities.
See any agent of the 01 n, Pao, Ry, for
information, tickets, et i.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Lecture T esday Evening.
His Honor Jude Barron of Stratford,
has been secured y the Clergy of town
and vicinity, to d .iver an address in the
Town Hall, Wingleam on Tuesday, April
17th. Subject "A Wee bit of the Em-
pire." This is airintereattog topic, es-
pecially to the you lg. After the address,
Judge Barrou wig speak on the import-
ance of the free ns of tents for the pre-
vention and cure o tuberculosis, His
Honor's lecture w 1 be supplemented
by a good program. Silver collection at
the door. Proceeds to purchase tents.
Chair taken at 8 p. . by Rev. D, Perrie.
tices wanted, to learn the upholstering
business. Apply to Walker & Clegg,
at the upholstering factory.
Membershi Competition.
The membershi competition in con-
nection with W gham Council, No.
114, Boyal Tem Lara of Temperauce
closed on the let April and the Coun-
cil now has a me ersbip of nearly 150.
The losing side, c posed of the male
members in the onucil, is to fur-
nish the refreshme is and entertainment
at the regular me . ing of the Council
next Tuesday evenip and all members
aro requested to be 'resent, when a good
evening's entertainment will be pro-
To RENT—A good house, with hard
and soft water and other conveniences.
Apply to J. A. MCLEAN.
Basebal Club.
A meeting of the iaseball enthusiasts
of Wingbam was :ld at the King Ed-
ward hotel on T.ursday evening, at
which a reorganiz: tion of the olab for
the coming season. took place, the fol-
lowing officers ••:ing elected:—Hon.
President, Thom Bell; President, L.
Kennedy; 1st Vic; -president, E. Moore;
2nd vice -preside, t, Dr. A. J. Irwin;
secretarytreasnr-r, Frank Howson;
Manager, P. •':ane; Captain, Wm.
Armour. Many • f the younger players
of this scientific ' ame are showing signs
of development, nd it is expected that
this year's club ' 'll. give a gored account
of tliemselvea ere t • e close of the season.
Hospital n Wingham.
Steps are now being taken for the
establishing of a ospital in Wingham.
During the week : tock lists have been
circulated about '.•e town and a con-
siderable sum of ..oney has been sub.
scribed. It is the ntention to form a
joint stock compa • y and purohase Mr.
A. W. Webster's large dwelling on
Carling street and have it thoroughly
overhauled and St.:d up expressly for
hospital purposes. The TIMES heartily
approves of the id • : of establishing a
hospital in the tow , An institution of
this kind is much ••:eded. Hospitals in
towns not as large as Wingham have
been found to be very successful and in
a centre like Wing there is no doubt
as to the institutio rbeing a success.
If you want to raise chickens, you
should have a Chatham Incubator and
Brooder. For sale by WM. GANNETT.
Destroy t4 Black Knot.
Chief Vannorm A wishes to notify the
citizens of Winghfm that the law calls
for the destruction of all black knot on
plum and cherry t. •ees, and that the law
in that respect wil: be rigidly enforced.
Those having blanc knot growing on
any trees on their 'premises, or on any
premises occupied y them, are hereby
notified to have it estroyed at once, or
action will be takes to have same done
by an official of th town, and the cost
thereof charged a inert the property.
Those who wish tc save trees having , -
this obnoxious growth thereon will do ; ,
well to attend to th . cutting of it them- i •
selves. i
Lacrosse Cluk Re -Organized.
At a meeting held in the Council t
Chamber on Friday evening last, the
Maple Leaf lacrossasolub was re -organ-
ized for the ensuing eason. The ofli:ers -
are:--Honoray Pr sident, J. W. Orr; . _
President, C. G. nStone; 1st Vice.
President, R. Clegg' and. Vice -President,
Dr. J. P. Kennedy; Seoretary, Elmer
Moore; Treasurer, J1 E. McGuire; Man.
ager, W. G. Reid; ldanaging Commit-
tee, W. G. Reid, _ . Dmaley. D. D.
Wilson, P. H, Hill and A. Fleming,
hada last
Wingham Knee lacrosse team ns
year and the neeessar ' material is in the
town to make a good eam for this sea-
son. Tho club purpo; es holding a cele-
bration on the 24th of May, if they re-
cd a the hearty support of the citizens
and business men of tke town. Further
particulars on the matter of celebration
will be given in a future issue.
Football Club Oi anized.
On Tuesday evening a meeting of the
football club was held in the council
Chamber, and officers leoted for the
coming season, as follow :—Hon. Presi-
dent, Dr. A. J. Irwin; H . Vice Patel -
dent, F. J. Taylor; Pr ident, D. D,
Wilson; Viae -president, . Moore; Seo-
retary-treasurer, Jae. McG llivray; man-
ager, Harry Ansley; Co mittee, Jae
Mitchell, P. Deans and R. ruickshank.
It was deoided to plane a taam in the
intermediate series, W. F. a., and Mr.
D. D. Wilson was appointee a delegate
to the annual meeting in Berlin on Good
Friday. There will be so now play-
ers on the team this year, a d a success-
ful season's sport is looked orward to.
WANTED—Eggs 16o—Butter wanted,
oash or trade. Clover, Timothy, Peas,
Goose Wheat etc., for sale, (inc. E.
Died At Goderifi.
Oa Monday, April 2nd, Mrs. Rachel
Andersou, aged 88 years, died in Goder-
ioh. Deceased was a relit of the late
John Anderson, who reside at one time
on the south side, Kinoardi e. She was
born in Ireland, her maiden name being
McLean and she oame to Ki oardine in
the early fifties with her h sband who
will be remembered by the arty settlers
there, having carried on a our and feed
store and also being engag in farming.
After her husband's deaf she lived for
a short time in Ripley an moved from
there to Wingbam and the cote Goderich
where she lived with her aughter. Mrs.
Anderson was a woman , rf loveable dis-
position and a staunch member of tho
Methodist church. De,eased was mo-
ther of Mrs. Halsey' Pa'ak, formerly of
Wingham. The remain : were taken to
Kincardine for interment;.
Fon SALE—A comfortable cottage,
couvement to the factories, will be sold
at a bargain. Apply at TIMES office.
Temperance 'onterence.
A conference oft perance workers
for the county of lin on was held in the
Methodist Church, ingham, on Mon-
day, April 9th. A n mbar of prominent
temperance workers ere present, when
matters in general. a eoting the welfare
of the county were- d (mussed, more par-
ticularly with regar to the proposed
amendment to the lis use law now before
the Legislature, vTh:ln by resolution it
was decided to co.••municate with the
Provincial Secretar , stating the views
of the convention ouwhat it considered
the unfairness of t 60a;, clause. It
was a'so resolved to .etition the Domin-
ion Government wit • regard to a bill in
the interests of bett. Sabbath observ-
ance. A county organizatiou was
effected with G. M. Elliott, Esq., of
Goderich 08 Presiden ; Rev. J. L. Small,
Auburn, Vice Pres; . Buchanan,Wing•
ham, Secretary; W. ;;. Towler, M.D.,
Treasurer. The fol owing Vice -Presi-
dents, who, togethe ; with the officers
above mentioned, co pose the executive
—J. S. Robertson, Go; erich; W. Pickart,
Holmesville; J. W. oore, Clinton; J.
Tiffen, Nile; J. Mo endrie, Lochalsh;
Geo. Webb, St. Hele s; W G. Salter,
E. Wawanosh; F. M.' calf, Blyth; J. H.
Hopper, Belgrave; T Strachan, Grey;
Rev. Mr. Perrin,. Wroxeter; W.
Watters, Fordwicb ; LT. Hutton, Turn.
berry; A. Cosens, WVigham, and W. H.
Kerr, Brnssels.
FAIDI TO RENT, -On Lucknow road,
about 4 miles from Wingbam. Apply
to R. VANsTosE.
PUBLIC SO 1OOL BOARD. Twenty-five Mcnths in Penitentiary.
The regular meeting of the Public
School Board was told on Tuesday even-
ing with all the iiembers present and
Chairman Lloyd presiding. Minutes of
previous meeting :13nd and approved.
Communication was road from Town
Clerk Ferguson cc rtifying that Messrs.
A. Ross and T. He 11 had been elected to
fill the vacancies cal the Board.
Tho Principal's eport for the month
of March was readies follows:—
Dept Boys t j rirls Total Avg
1A&B 31 751 82 67
2 22 24 46 42
3 16 23 39 37
4 26 21 47 42
5 22 25 47 44
6113 ;40 53 49
7 28 21 49 46
8 34 35 69 55
192 ;:' 0 432 382
The Principal wa absent three days
on account of an ace dent.
Respectf ly submitted
A. H. usgrove, Principal.
On motion of Tru tees Homuth and
Long the report was dopted.
Miss Aline Duff, • t Blnevale, who
is now teaohiug at Thorndale made
application for a posit n in the school
as soon as there shoal be a vacancy.
On motion of Trustees riffin and Moore,
the application was fil d.
Accounts were read as follows:—B.
Gerry, supplies, $1.30,; Alex. Young,
supplies, 50o, and on m ;tion of Trustees
Griffin and Moore, the accounts were
ordered to be paid.
A communication wa i read from Geo.
W. Brown & Bro., ne Brantford, in
which they accepted he offer of the
Board for the slating o the roof of the
school building.
Moved by Trustees omuth and Hall,
that the action of th Chairman and
Secretary be ratified i the issuing of
cheque for $15 to cove insurance policy.
On motion of Trust es Homuth and
Loug, teachers and o ere salaries and
rents were ordered to e paid.
• West Huron Licenses.
The License Commisioners for West
Huron will meet in theCourt House at
Goderich on Tuesday to receive and
consider applications fo hotel licenses
for the ensuing year. est Huron will
have at least one less 1' ense than last
year owing to local op on in East Wa.
wanosh. Application i11 again be made
for a license for the otel at Carlow.
The sum received b the town as its
share of the licenses 'n Wingham has
been $575.00, but un er the new scale
the amount will be c nsiderably more.
If five licenses are gr ted in Wingham, .
the town's share o the fees will be
SPRING RAINS will "soon be here,but by
securing one of D. M. Gordon's beauti-
ful and most fashionable Spring Rain
Coats you will be PROTECTED and
seasonably attired.
Reduce Cost lof Lights.
The TIME: is of the., same opinion as
many of the electric ight users, when
they say the cost of a ;octric lights to the
users should be reduced. The plant is
now on a good payirrq bases and the
users should be given• a little benefit.
The cost of the street sights were some
time ago reduced frons $60 to $48. This
should not have been; done. Had the
plant remained in theands of a private
company no such redu4tion would have
been made. The peo:
lights in their dwelliu
' business should be give
reduction in the price
may be able to give.
general taxpayers receic
Why not, as we have he,
raise the cost of street li.
suffer from it ?
Walton McKibbon
PhDs. B.
Nest door to postoffice.
This store closes at s p, m„
every evening except Saturday.
e who use t e
and places of
the benefit of any
at the Council
by should the
all the benefit.
rd it suggested,
hts to say $55
per year and then nta'ae a reduction of
say ci or 10 per cent. to p rties who use
the lights and who have acre the plant
• what it is to -day. In ti is way many
more people in the town /!nay be induced
to have the lights put in as their dwell -1
ings. This is a mattee we hope the
Council will act upon irI the very near
!future. 1
A Paper of Influence.
In addressing the jury at Cobourg last
week in the libel action of Coyle v The
'Globe, Mr. W. R. Riddell, K. C., coat.-
eel for the plaintiff, gave utterance to
the following sentences :—"There is a
paper known as The Toronto Globe, 'a
paper known to everybody in this coon.
try. It has an enormous circulation
throughout the length and breadth of
the civilized world. It has an enormous
influence; it is a paper which at least
one-half of the grown individuals in this
country desire to see, and upon which a
very large proportion pin their faith. So
influential was it that some of the Re•
I formers said, instead of 'Give us this
day our daily bread,' 'Give ns this day
our daily Globe.' "
George Reid v'ho was convicted of the
theft on Febrna y 13th, of a gold ring
from the residen'0 of John Smith, near
Brussels, and of • pair fur gauntlets be-
longing to Wm. T. Carter, of the same
neighborhood, and of the theft of a Buf•
falo robe from D. icLennan, of Ashfield
was sentenced aslGoderich on Wednes-
day of last week,by His Honor Judge
Doyle, to twent3,;five months at bard
labor in the P1
From the invest
the Crown office
Reid bad alread
the penitentiary
ovincial penitentiary.
gations conducted by
it was learned that
served terms at both
Ind central prison.
Dr, Butler, London, will be at Queen's
hotel on : —Tuesday, April 24th; Tues-
day, June 19th; Tnseday,
, July 17th.
Hours, 1 p.m, to 8.30 p.m. Eye, ear,
nose, and throat consultations. Eyes
tested for glasses.
County Cou cil Committees.
The Road and ridge committee of
the County Ooun I met the R. and B.
committee of the County of Perth in
Mitchell, and the Joint committee opened
tenders for the t -o bridges, each 20x16
feet, on the boun Lary line and awarded
the cement work for the two to Hems-
worth & Co., of ''thel, at $4 25 per yard,
and the superstr ctnres to A. Hill &Co.,
of Mitchell, for $ 30 for the two. The
committees th ght that two more
bridges, one 40 set and the other 52
feet, were needec., and Engineer Ainsley
was instructed !to have specifications
made for these tsiro structures to be pre.
sented to the Co•ncils at the June ses-
sions. The Hon .e of Refuge Committee
met in Clinton a id audited the accounts
sauce the last anait. The number of in-
mates on the rol was 02. The inspector
reported that th old team had been sold
and a new team .ipurohased, the differ-
ence being $180. ' Tne committee con-
sidered the bill before the Assembly,
called the House of Refuge Act, and
with the except; of the clause dealing
with the iuspecti n of the institutions,
approved its prin iples. The committee
decided that the roperty owned- by two
of the inmates rented or sold, and
then adjourned meet again the first
Tuesday in Juni
Independe t Oddfellows
A very suooessfu meeting of Maitland
Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. was held on Thurs-
day evening last, hen the degrees of
the Order were conf rred upon three mem-
bers of the Teeswat r lodge. The meeting
was very largely at ended and the work
of the degree team f the lodge was well
done. At the 0103 of the meeting the
members adjourne to Moore's restaur-
ant, where refresh cuts were served and
a pleasant hour ape at in speech -making.
recitations, songs, eto. A new set of
furniture has been placed in the lodge
room and the lam. lodge can now boast
of having one of t beat furnished lodge
rooms in Wester Ontario. The officers
chairs, which are finished in quarter cut
oak and uphols ered in leather were
manufactured i Wingham by Messrs
Walker & Oleg and are the finest set of
lodge chairs we have seen in many days.
Our local firm ave a reputation of turn-
ing out the v y beet quality of furni-
ture and they ave certainly done it for
Maitland Lo e. Opera chairs have
been put in fo the use of the members
and are of the very best quality. These
were manuf otured by the Canadian
Office and Sc ool Furniture Co., of Pres-
ton. When itland Lodge Las moved
into the new p emises, they expect to
have a handsom ly furnished hall.
No Mor Subscriptions.
At the moetin of the Retail Mer-
chants' Assooiat' n on Tuesday evening
a resolution w passed to the effect
that hereafter the members of the
Association ref in from subscribing
money in aid of ubs or other lines of
spert or for the idiug in demonstra-
tions. It was felt that the business men
of the town were eing asked too often
to subscribe to arious things and
if the practise ere to continue it
would mean a hen tax on them. All
present were in he arty sympathy with
the movement. T'lrile this action on
the part of the As'io,:iation may seem
somewhat of a limn
have hitherto obtr
way, it does not n
dship to those who
ined funds in this
lean that the mer-
chants are not in fa'ior of these gamer.
for it must bo admit: ed that they have
always been and am onbtedly will con-
tinue to be among tin most loyal patrons
of all kinds of sport.. Should there be a
celebration in the toren, held under the
of an club nd iti.
auspices wi s shown
y ,
to have been a losing e_uture
the mer-
chants expressed th
quite willing to assist u making up the
deficit. The main ob'eotion was that
any club or organteati n passing a sub-
scription list and rata' g a good sum of
mot.ey, hold a success 11 celebration and
then no account given of the dispcsticn
of the large snrplu Merchants of
many other tow -ns ba Cut out the sub-
list plan, and the local associa-
tion is only doing likewise.
ever come by properly, fitted
Glasses. We can .nit all eye
Eyes Tested Free
and each eye
fitted with its proper
Have your lenses changed if the spec-
tacles you now have do not suit you.
The cost is small, and plea,;ure great.
Bee us, at
Drug Store
1 Phone 100. Successor to McCall & Co
i�?ih.y� iiiii1140.4.1.i nh s• .. w,fsi, 1
i, a High-grade Commercial School
Coinmercial • Stenography - Telegraphy 3'
Write GEO. SPOTTON. Principal. 1
A Good Investment,
If yon wish to invest your money
where it is sure to bring retinue, BUY
are a few of the many Town Properties
I have for sale at the present time :
$700—New brick house, 2 story, six
rooms; North street.
$700—Brick veneered 2 story lionise;
Charles street.
$S00—Frame cottage, good stable and
two lots; Catherine street.
- $7100—Frame house la story, 7 rooms;
Bristol Terrace.
$900—Frame cottage: Frances street.
$900—New frame house, eight rooms;
Alice street.
$1 100—New frame house, with stable;
William street.
$1.100—Frame home, 8 rooms. with
stable; Leopold street.
$2300 —Frame 2 -story cottage ; Minnie
street. .
WO —New frame cottage, good stable
and 2 acres land; Lower Wingham.
$1100—Frame house, aood barn and 7
acres land; Lower Wingham.
t'Agent for the sale of N W T. lands
at $7.50 per acre, in the Quill Plain dis-
trict. Call and get particulars,
J. H. C1 -I Inti oLri,
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent.
S-an,tone blocic. Wingham.
I The following is he result of the ex -
I amination for the,month of March.
1 Subjects—Algebra, iterature, History,
Physics and Geogra by, Maximum 500.
Janisa Perrie. 424
Geddes Wilson. 406
Pearl McPherso 3q2
Annie Law ...
Ethel Davidso:i
Winnie Stews . 33:33048;6351
Edna Anderso 3
Jno McCrosti 3
Geo. Elliott ,3
Mabel Ross
Geo. Jeffers n.... 3
Ed. Robins
Jno. Hctto ,... 3f
Cora Sherr li 986
Lillian Dey 1, 273
Annie MCBo ney '37•%
Chas. Anders u BGG
Alf. Pcsliff.. 231
Olive Cruicksi auk ::2225*
Everett Glenn r'2G
.'`Dara Istister ... 371
Geo. Tees 341'
pedesis Marsala 33 7
Earn.Ilinsgrov 3:;1
Clarence Wilso 3
Etta Welwood , .i10li
Fred Homuth, 302i'-
Clare Adams , 283*
Rob. McBer nee 2ti3r
Snsie Scott 270
May Lamont .. 270
Edna Isbister,.,:3GG
Jean Bono.... 23
Flo V annormnn. `„'.lti
Rob. Brooke.... ': �;
Maggie Anderso 193+
Fames non Set's.-- . good 100 -acre
farm in the township of East Wawanosh
is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick
sale. Terms and fall particulars at the
T11LES otllce.
Fon SAt.0---A good brisk reeidenee
beautifully situated in the town of
'Hingham; eight rooms; bath; electric
lighted; modern conveniences. This is
a very desirable property. Terms reason-
able, and to snit purchaser. Address
at TnMES office.