HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-05, Page 8THE WINGHAM TIMES APRIL 190G lalt4"11,41W111,44,11"44",,VNIM10440,(161t Ni' aPERSONAL,. MASON1Q Ar HOME. 0011 FOR SERVI 11 Rargains Ur. Santa Suttee, of Loudon ie visit- FoR aturday ins with hie parents its town. Special Bargains Mss. T. S. Boyle has beet, visiting for S a few days with friends in London. Arr. and Mrs. H O. Bell and child • A Rendu►ably Fine Offering in Dress Coatis at 35 cents a yea This lot is composed of 1.000 Fords of Black and Col ored Dts a Gods, iu brown, fawn, green aura fancy mixtures of erey ; regular prices were GOc, 75c and 85o a yd. ('n side Saturday only ea, per yd .aaii We'll expect you here some time in the day, so come early and get first choice, as these goods won't last long at this price. We also have :t line of Spring Jaeketa, in black, brown, bane awl grey ; regular prices :'p10, $12 and $i5 Oa sale Saturday at - - • • $4.99 Wo would like to call your attention to the Aiexandre Kid Glove, in blank and ootors. This glove we guarantee, and sell for only - $1,00 TU.AuE TAKEN AS C 1SII Carey Dry Goods Co. PHONE 70. IZr GII31i3. MINOR LOCALS. —Spring•ltke. —Thursday, April nth. —Get your wedding invitations and -visiting cards at the Tian s office. —Watering =twill have to be brought into service if the flue weather contin- a3es. —A branch of the Sovereign Bank of Canada was opened iu Godericb last 'week. —A branch of the Retail Merchants .Association of Canada has been organ - at Teoswater. —Seeding operations were commenced in some parts of Saskatchewau on Fri- day of last week. —The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. —The C.P R. surveyors are now at work on the proposed branch line from Wingham to Blyth. —The Ontario Gvernment has appoint- ed Dr. Charles W. Thompson, of Clin- ton, an associate corner for Huron. —The regular meeting of the Wing• lam branch of the Retail Merchants • Association will be held next Tuesday evening. —The fine spring weather of the past few days gives one that "tired feeling." We aro hardly yet seasoned to the fine Weather. —The latest faces of type for wedding invitations and visiting cards are to be seen at the TIMES office. Let us have your order. —Mr. B. Cochrane, of the Wingham marble works has sold his interest in the Bxussels marble works to Mr. Joe Hunter of that place. —Mr F. G. Sperling has been confined to his bed for some days, suffering with ingrippe. We hope to see him around in a few clays. —The 0. P. R. and G. T. R. announce Tringle fare rates for Easter, good going April Leth to lath, inclusive; returning -ap to April 17th. —Councillor Wm. Nicholson is this 'Week confined to his home through ill. neer. We hope to see him able to be :round in a few clays. —The next meeting of the West Huron License Commissioners will be held in the Court House at Goderich on April 17th, to consider applications for licenses. —The contract for the installing and supplying of the heating apparatus for Wingham's new post office has been awarded to Wm. Stevely eh Son, of London. JUST OPENED! A Dirge crate of elegant Laster Goods POST CARDS EASTER EGGS and CHICKENS All new novelties. Grand display of beautiful NEW BALL PAPER On Wednesday and Thursday .April 11th and 1,2th Ir"aw designs and colorings, Don't fail to give us a call and see for r ourself, Miss K. Ms Fisher Successor to Cooper d£ Co. —Last Thursday Samuel McIlwain at peered before Magistrate Morten on a charge of assaulting his daughter. He was given 50 days in Goderich jail. —In a letter from Mr. Wm. Robertson, a former Winghamite, he informs us that he commenced his spring plowing on his farm at Nanton, Alberta on March 27th. W R. Heiden, of 15 Io s orth has over 1200 maple tree t pe au is making a large quantity of -alas syrup, which bets selling at 10e per lb. All orders left with Rich. Ardeison vsi 1 have prompt attention. Dr Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andxew'a Church. Glasses supplied. — It is now an almost assured fact that the magnificient $350,C00 sugar beet plant, which has been at a staudatill for the past two years, will again be operat- ed at Wiarton this season. —We are pleased to report this week that Mr. Hugh Ross, who has been seri- ously ill for some weeks is now improv- ing, mproving, but it will yet be some weeks be- fore he is able to leave bis home. —The chirping of the robin, the croak- ing of the frog, the small boy wtth his marbles, and the appearance of the um- brella mender—all give unmistakable evidence that Spring has arrived. .coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat 4i1nents are quicicty relieve(. by Cresoleue tablets, ten cents per box. 4.11 dr! waists —The Listowel Banner of January 26th, 1877 said:—"The new bell for St. spent Suuday with Mrs. Bell's parente at Clinton, Mr. J. T. MoMaunee and family leave having eecured this week for Powassau, where they will reside, Mr. Atoalannu a good situation there. Xr. V. Wenzal vas in Berlin this week looking for a house in which to move his family, Mr. Weezri having decided to move to Berlin in a few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Asbtou Mason, and childrou, of Stratford are visiting with relatives and friends iu this locality. A1r. Mason intends leaving shortly for the West and a ill locate near Indian Head, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wightmau leaves this week for Manitoba, Mr. Wight - man will take charge of Mr. Hugh Ross' implement business near Brandon, until 01r. Ross is able to go West and theta he will engage in the boot and shoe bush neva. Mr. Wightmau is a young man of much energy and ability, and should do well in the West. Insurance Company Not Liable. The following is the legal opiuion of Mr. R. Vanstoue on the matter of liabitity of the Cuirass Mutual Fire Ins, Co for claim for loss for grain that was removed from the policyholder's pre- mises to the mill at Brussels. We understand that another insurance com- pany paid a similar claim, but the Cul. roes Mutual preferred to have legal ad- vise before making the payment:— Wingham, April 2, 1000 entrees Mahal Ius Co., `1'eeawater, Ont. Dear Sirs,—I am requested advise you as to whether or net yo are liable for a claim against the Cc pany by a policy holder for the los of grain be• longing to him ile i the mill at Brits - sets. 1 nndersta d is grain was cover- ed by his policy e contained in the building mentioned in the policy, but which was subsequently removed by him to the mill at Brussels and while there was destroyed by fire. 1 have no hestitation whatever in advising you in the negative. You only contract to in- sure property of this kind while con- tained in the buildings specified in the application and policy and a change of this kind is covered by the third printed condition on the book of the policy. If you are liable far the loss of a few bushels of grain under circum- stances of this kind, you would be liable- under the same principle far any quan- tity, and I do not fancy that any one would be foolish enough to contend that if a farmer removed, say, one thousand bushels of grain from his barn where it was covered by an insurance policy, to a mill and bad it all destroyed by fire while m the mill, that the company would be liable to make good his loss without having received any notice of the change and consented thereto. The contention appears to me to be au utter - Paul's Episcopal church, Hingham, ly absured one. 11 you were insuring weighs, without clapper or fire alarm, grain while coatalned in the grist mill, you would uecessarily have to charge a premium possibly ten or twenty times the amount which you would ask for a farm risk. Aside from all other quer• Mons, however, item three above refer- red to, protecta the company from all liability iu a case of this kind. There is no doubt whatever abont the matter, and I can hardly understand a claim of the kind being made serionely, Yours truly R. TANS TONE. between 000 and 700 lbs , and cost over $200." —Bandmaster Duncan has resigned his position as leader of Wingham citi- zens' band, and the management is ad- vertising for a man to take the position. We understand Mr. Duncan intends re- moving from Wingham. —Members of Maitland Lodge, I.O.O. F. are requested to be present at the regular meeting of the lodge this (Thurs- day) evening. A number of candidates will be present from Tecswater to have the degrees of the Order conferred upon them. Soro Throat and Co'ighs A. simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolone Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery cam and licorice. 10.3. All Drustfsta 400 —Mr. Will J. Conery, a former Wing - ham boy, who r, .as spent the past two years with the Bond Hardware Co., Guelph, has accepted a more lucrative position with the Russell Hardware Co, at :Toronto. Will's old friends here will be pleased to hear of his success. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, May 1st. Hours 2 p. m, to 8 p. m. Glasses pro- perly fitted, —Mr- James Henderson, of the Blue - vale road recently purchased a thorough- bred Shorthorn bull, "Earl Grey, No 55615" from Mr. 13rydone, of Milverton. Earl Grey is bred from imported stook and is a very fine animal. Mr. Hender- son wiil keep him for service, and thin will be a good apportnuity for farmers in this vicinity to improve their stock. Ontario' Death Rate. The total deaths during rebrnaty, front all causes, as reported to the Pro• viucial Board of health, by 7.10 division registrars, was:2,173 representing a re- potting population of 2,601,010 snaking a death rate of 13.0 per 1,060. For the same month Iast year 2,:03 deaths were reported, from 763 division registrars, a death rate of 11.0 per 1,000. The numb- er of smallpox cases reported were 55, an increase of 47 over the saute period last year. Scarlet fever eased were 80 less, with 11 fewer deaths. Diph- theria, like scarlet fever, also Showed a marked decreasethroughout tho Pro- vince, there baiug only 108 eases and 23 deaths, ns Compared with ;.viu eaases and 35 deaths a year two. SAFETY FOR CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets is the oyaly medi- cine that gives the mother th; 'uarantee of a government analyst the it contains no poisonous opiate and is absolutely safe. This is worth . uch to every mother who cares for e future aelfare of her child. T' e T .lets are good for the tenderest ba =r for the well grown boy or girl, and s re the minor troubles that are inseparable from childhood. Mrs, W. J. Macintosh, Clam Harbor, N. S., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation, vomiting and colds and have found them a speen• did medicine. I give the Tablets all the credit for the splendid health my little one now enjoys." Thewise mother will always keep a box of these Tablets on hand. They can be got from and drug- gist or by mail from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., .Brockville Ont., at 25 cents a box. Ex•Warden of Huron County Fittingly Honored. The members of Fcrest Lodge, A. F. and A, M , at Wroxeter, with their wives and their families, on Taesday evening, March 271h, hada very pleasant time in honor of Robert Miller, Erq , a valued member of the Lodge, salmis now on the eve of his departure for Toronto. The Maker, Mr. Geo. Allan, muter couaider. able emotion, read the address, and Mr, Davidson presented Mr. Miller with a Rist Master's Jewel, suitably engraved. The following is a copy of the address:— To Robert Miller, E+:q., Wroxeter, Out Dear Sir and Worshipful Bro.—We, as members of Forest Lodge, No. 102. A F, and A. M„ G. R O., learn with the deepest regret, that we are to be deprived of your attendance at our meetings by your removal to Toronto. Yotir many rears of faithfulness as a member and Fast Master has begotten in us a con- stantly growing appreciation of your presence with ns. We cannot allow you, however, to leave no without ex- pressing the deep sense of loss this Lodge, as well as the community, sus- tained in the removal of yourself and trinity from amongst us. Although you are about to leave us, do not forget us and let ue assure you that you and your family will always have a warm place in oar hearts, and we sincerely trust that you may be spared for many years of happiness and usefulness in your new home. The lodge avails itself of this rip. nortunity of p'eseuting you with this Past Maarer's Jewel as a slight token of recognition and a memento of your as. sooiat.ion with us; and it is accompanied by earnest and sincere wtshea that you and yours may share the rich temporal and spiritual blessings of Divine Provid- ence. Signed on behalf of the lodge, Geo. Allen, W M. Thos. Brown, Secy. Mr. Miller made the following reply: Worshipful Master and ldrethern,-- This is a period of my Iife that I feel en- able to find words to express my feelings as I would wish. I have new been many long years a member of Forest Lodge, and, also aware Chet I am not a young man. being now in the evening of my life, I may say I have epent the best years of my life in this Locality, and bad hoped to pass my allotted time with you; but su;h is destiny. 'Tore is a wiser Captain at the helm, who knows the course better than we do, But whether my days be few or many, as long as I have health and all my faculties, I will never forget the occasion in which we are met as cue of the brightest per- iods of my life. What you have now presented to mo, I will always prize and cherish as a valued gift, not so much for its intrinsic value alone, but as a token of your esteem and friendship. It is now many years since I entered this Lodge, and I have always endeavored to be present at the stated meeting which I believe to be the duly of every member, as it is very discouragising to a Master when his officers, and members do not take the interest they should do. I may also say that I have been identified with Forest Lodge in her seasons of prosperity and also iu adversity, and I am glad to know, although she has passed through some trying times, she has eventually weathered the storms, and floated pane - fully onwards, and I hope and trust that prosperity and harmony may still pre. veil. Now, brethern, I may not be much longer with you but I can assure you wherever my lot and place of abode may be oast, Forest Lodge and its members will always have a warm corner in my heart, and I will always have a grateful remembrance of all of you as you meet from time to time in my Mother Lodge, as there is nothing can F(Dal the friendships made in life's early morn, Age cannot stale them, change cannot wither them; death may break them, but death cannot end them. And although seperatod from you here, may we all meet again in that great Lodge above, beyond the Silent River, where the separations are unknown. Now friends, I feel I am unable to say more at this moment, only would again thank you for your kindness to myself and family iu the years that are past, and especially on this occasion. My earnest prayer and wish is that God's richest blessing may rest on all of you, in the days and years that are to come. The Grand Valley Radial Railway Company propose to build a line from Brantford to Woodstock. Rev. James Thompson, rector of St. James' Church, Ingersoll, has retired and will live in Hamilton. During the past month the deaths in Winnipeg exceeded the births by 23, the figure being, births 233, deaths 258. Welland town voted on the by-law to furnish. $G,000 to assist the steel works, and it was carried almost unanimously. It is reported at Montreal that the Great Northern Railway will build a line from Vancouver to 'Winnipeg, and that between 3,000 and 4,000 men are now working on construction. John Alexander I)owie, since its foun- dation the head of the "Christian Catho- lic Ch.ureh in Zion," was disposed as a religious leader, suspended from mem- bership in the Chnroh he founded, shorn of his temporal possessions as far es they are located in Zion City, the keine of his Church, and warned to accept the Mitttation quietly lest worse things 1,efali< naowN-In fteotland, tInitth Dakota,on Jtarol. ship; :mai ,"0 ytara, 3 months and 13 days, The undersigned will 1 ep fo 'service on hie premises, Bluevele Rot , t + thoronghbred Shorthorn Bull, Earl t t t , No. 5508)." Earl Grey is front itapol tc d s It ou both sides feud is without doubt one of the best in the county. Terms -$1.00, payable at time of st+rvice, or $1.t0 to insure; for thoroughbreds, 8800. JAATas $zNnaxsoN, Winerham P.O. w4,., , /,,,,4".1:0€0',,x 9 SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwesl Homestead regulations, Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands hi Manitoba er the Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be home steeded by any person who is the Hole head of it family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of ontequarter section of 180 acres, more or less. Entry may be mime personally at the local land Milne for the district in which the land is situate, or if the homesteader desires, Ito may. on application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of bumigratlon, Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority for some one to rake entry for him, The homesteader is required to perform the renditions connected therewith under one of Ilia following plans ; (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the laird in each year for three years. (2) If the fattier (or mother, if the father is deceased, of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for time requirements as to residence may be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (Si If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicin- ity,af his homestead, the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said and.. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commtselover of Dominion Lauds at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of tho Minister of the interior, N. B.-Unnuthogi'ed publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. ,), CENTRAL :?,Tf7ATFORO. ONT. -..- _ Spring Term Opens - On April 2nd, Why ehould you content yourself in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condition by taking a course in this school? We give a thorough, practical education and assist our gradnates to goad Dog - . tions. Commence your course now, Write for particulars. Mr. Black, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Mc. Kercher, in a few well ohoaen remarks, spoke very feelingly of the long associa- tions, and also of Mn. Miller's pioneer work as one of the builders of the County, also regarding Isis expierence in public life, reaching the highest position in the County and eapeoially in his I Magisterial work, in which his equal I would be bald to replace iu this caps- -s city. Edmonton's volunteer fire brigade re• signed in a body, and the city is practic- ally without fire-fighters. .ttorti', Ann-InWin;;ham, on April Ind, the wife of 'r Mr. Alcor Ard; a sou. Rnat.vz-lit Wingha n, on March :oth. the -f wife of Mr. Geo. Reeve ; a dattgitter, Mrtinxr.t,-In'lnrnberry, on M rrh28rd, the ai wife of Mr. John Blundell; a son. Fisn6n.-At Ottawa, on March 20th, to 3Ir. and Mrs. Peter S. Fisher: a son, (stillborn.) McEr.aor--In Blyth, On March 22nd, the, wife of Mr. T. C. McElroy, of a daughter. 2 MARRIED Turnme ,r,-3it•C. ii taY-At the Man's', 1 i Cranbroolc. on the 214 inst., by Rev. D. B. Mc. Rae, Mr. W. M. Turnbull to ai1ssAline McCort- ney, both of Grey, Lot:AN-ilrr.ts--At the re•s,lenee of the bride's mother, wt ,march 21st, by Rev. J. 0. lseid, air, John Lngau, of Blyth. to Ada. young- est daughter of airs. John Mills, of West Wawtnosh. EIWIOTT & I'dcEACHLAN PRINCIPALS. THE TIMES from now until Jan. 1, 1907 For 65c. Springy Annou cement MISS BOYD Wishes to th►.nk her many patrons for their kind favo s in the paat, and to as, sure them that he has, as usual, an up- to-date stook o all lines of 1i adIiine including the vi ry latest styles and novelties in head ear. A oaIl solicited. ;'•1. Boyd. NOTICE In order to have more time to devote to Insurance, I have dis- posed of my Real Estate business to MR. 3, Ii. CHlsuoLM, and would request my patrons to call on lum a; his office in order that he may give their properties his immediate attention, ABNER CCSENS Insurance and Loan Agent WINGHAM. Harness TO FARRIERS ANO TOWNSMEN; Those wanting Harness, single or double, will find it to their advantage to deal with mo, as I have a large; stook to choose from. Also, Fur Coats, Robes, Hanel BIankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes ; Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness • Oil, etc. Repairing clone neatly and promptly. Having bought Mr. C. Knechtel's stock, and engaged him to work for ° me, I am in a position to make any kind of Harness to order, on the =_ shortest possible notice. Give me a call. G. C. Manners !!lf•4♦or••••4•.40flf1t4.144o ` • NEV 4 1.. utdlia Shop L 2 HAVE opened a Butcher Shop ta at m in premises two doorsnorth 2 w Of the Obia inIra Block, and 4 • ase fully prepared to supply the of all kindsS i best aof 2 Fresh and cured Meats. 2 4 Special atteution paid to orders '_ sts • from tanners and Wags for meat • t in large quantities, r T.A share of your patronage is at r respeotfully solicited. • at I WM. DIAMOND* *****444,044************** New Subscribers 'THE TIMES AlU WEEKLY GLOBE To lat January, 1007, for ONLY $1.00 Having made special arrangements , with the Toronto Globe we are able to make the above liberal offer to h• new subscribers. Send in your ' names to the TIMES OFFICE, 1 •'Wingham, Ont. HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR NEW Spring spot oR Overcoat If you haven't, it's high time you were thiwking about it, iV a cordially invite you to take a r look at what we are showing this spring in the latest ' at'eetis, Berges, Worsteds, IP1131Ly Vestiitn ;sf, Tronserings, ete. We can suit you in price, quality, style and workmanship, Robt. Maxwell TAILOR. ii1W104 6Wusa.111 4ryw irb YWILYd4 a.Aibi YM+1iA d4Yi4tfII U' Yo Y 41l.i4i:6Jn66ELI,il6*It 4, .+ II II 3iliYOJl 7i. : 1.. XII; I ICY,4 i14sY14.1.1.1.. ,.ildl LAC di:h4.116Lwiiid.04.130i VS ITED Ii:e1?T••aat--In Grey, on Marek 2; tli, Peter Iief- ter, in his Guth year. O'Cnzson--In Grey, on March 21111, Mary Ann Hubbard, relict of the late :Tames O'Con- nor, in her bOti year. ' Molit6 .-In Gorrie, on March 320. Margaret Mower. willow of the lat,Atlastt McKee, aged iii years, 0 months and 5 days. mit nirr•;s Ju Blyth. so March 20th, Mary A beloved wife of Hobert Hughes, formerly of Morris township, in her Goth year, BMr:wAar.In 'iurnberry, on March 330th, David Stewart, soil 01 Donald and Mary Stew- art, aged 20 years, :3 months and 10 days. lath Alfred brown formerly of Morris town - STEEL RANGES AT $45.00 EACH SEE THE "tIU4Z N" before buying any other. Itis the best value in Steel Range construction on the Canadian market, Every Range guaran- teed absolutely, Will burn wood or coal. Extra large reservoir means abun- dance of hot water. Made right in your own County. Read what pleased users say : Blyth, PO., Jan, 1.), 1000 Western Foundry Co., Ltd., Wingham, Ont. Gentlemeu :— It affords rue mueh pleasure to be able to recommend to any intending purchaser your Huron Steel range, 1 have had one of them in use for the past two years and during that time have found it to give me the most perfect satisfaction on a minimum amount of fool. My wife . states that she 'would not ex• change it for any make of 'range that she has seen yet, in fact if she could not got another one would not sell it at any price. Very truly yours, Christopher Johnson MAIM BY The WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., Ltd. - Wingham, Ont