HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-03-11, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Lucknow Sentinel
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Val's Views
Valerie Gillies
A Poem from the Past
A Purple Grove WI reporter came across this poem
that was in a collection published in 1967 as a book-
ooklet entitled "Home and Country Gleanings" by Dean
MacLeod. It was passed on to this office to share as it
was written about the Sentinel at Christmas time. It is
definitely a tribute to the staff of the past. Rather than
hold onto this gem until next Christmas, here it is,
once more, for folks to enjoy. Thank you for sharing.
The Home Paper
The year climbs up to it's highest peak,
To the glorious Christmas season,
And the Lucknow Sentinel, this week
Has quite a happy reason
For donning it's very gayest dress
Just to go again to press.
A hundred greetings, more or less!
Why the world's alive with friendliness!
Let's tell The Sentinel how, all year
We welcomed it's weekly coming,
When news from lands both far and near
Kept the great world presses humming.
Never news like the local news,
So let us, each and all, enthuse
And vow in future to refuse
To keep from our paper fine, it's dues.
Week in, week out, it ready stands
To catch the ready beating,
And feel the pulse throbs in the hands
Of a little world it's greeting.
How would we knowwho's sick or dead?
Or who was to the altar led?
What we can get to spread our bread?
Or things the politicians said?
And think of the folks from Huron, Bruce
Who journeyed away and away,
Who heard a call and were foot -loose
And never came back to stay.
Gladly they hail the Sentinel too,
Read its pages thru' and thru;
Hunt for the names of those they knew,
And everything the home folks do.
Pilgrims all, we must travel on
With face to the sun's uprising.
And at Christmas time we gladness don,
It isn't at all surprising.
For at this time the world grows small,
It isn't the same big world at all,
The absent ones they backward call,
And we're kids again, all playing ball.
So here's to the Sentinel staff who toil,
Just a bit of hearty praising,
We know you burn the midnight oil,
And isn't it quite amazing
We leave our kindness late somehow,
A little word to cool your brow,
Your work is fine all must allow,
So "Merry Christmas" to you now!
Staying Safe & Healthy
in your Own Home
Presentation at
Lucknow Library
System, discover your options for stay-
ing in your own home longer, learn
what personalized home care services
are available for you and to under -
Grant Robertson stand what your pharmacy can do for
Bruce County Library, Lucknow Branch you such as blister packaging, meds
checks, medical alert systems etc.
The Lucknow Library, in partner- Event will be taking place upstairs in
ship with the Lucknow Pharmasave the Library on Thursday, March 12th
and Retire -at -Home, will present a at 7pm. Thanks to HAWK Theatre
program for seniors and anyone who there is now an elevator in the build -
hopes to become a senior some day, ing so it is fully accessible. All are wel-
or is caring for someone who needs or come and there is no charge for this
even might need support through information service.
aging or disability called Staying Safe For more information contact the
& Healthy in Your Own Home. Topics Library at 519 528-3011 or lulib@
will include: navigating the Healthcare brucecounty.on.ca.
Lucknow News
Ruth Dobrensky I noticed in last week's paper that
Well here we are with another the Grade 8 students from Lucknow
month of winter ahead of us, at least Central Public School are planning a
that's what the so-called weather pro- graduation trip to Ottawa and are
fessionals are now saying. I can't being helped with their fundraising
speak for everyone, but I've had it by the Village Pizzeria and Green's
with winter and really want it to warm Meat Market. Support the students if
up, soon. I don't care if March came you are able, everyone should go to
in like a lamb, I want it to go out like a Ottawa at least once in their lifetime
lamb also, forget the lion bit. to see our wonderful capital and take
While the weather hasn't been too in the history and beauty of the city.
great, there have been a lot of things Did anyone sleep in last Sunday
happening at the Mayfair over the past morning? I tried not to, but almost
six months or so. Marilyn Scott began didn't make it, good thing I now go to
an ukele band with members of St. church for 11:15 instead of 9:15, or I
Peter's last fall and we performed at might not have made it. Speaking of
Carolfest in December and at Trinity- St. Paul's -Trinity Anglican, many of St.
St. Paul's Anglican Church in January. Peter's treasures were given to St.
Since then the group has been Paul's and they were rededicated on
renamed the Mayfair Ukelele Band Sunday.
and we recently performed at Ostbek Sympathy of the community to the
Apartments here in Lucknow and families of: Magnus Voisin, 87, For -
hope to perform at a few more places mosa; Irma Slesser, 93, Kincardine;
around town before the winter is out. and, John Mueller, 69, Ripley.
Dungannon & St. Helen's News
Shag Campbell
On February 26, there were 8 hardy
folks for coffee in the morning and 9
for euchre in the afternoon. Joe
Psutka had the high card again with a
total of 71 points. Al Nivens, the father
of Ralph was a visitor.
Martha Stutzman and Andrew
Stutzman were married on February
26th. There appeared to be over 100
buggies at the home of the bride's
parents, Barbara and Atlee Stutz -
man. The newlyweds will be living on
a pig farm near Blyth.
March came like a lamb with a little
lion thrown in for good measure. Still
very cold temperatures.
Joan Campbell led the service at
Christ Church, Port Albert on March 1
and will lead the 10:30 a.m. service at St.
George's Anglican Church in Goderich
on March 8th.
The clocks went ahead on March 8th
at 2: am. This will give us an hour more
of sunshine and longer evenings.
A skunk was seen wandering the
streets of Dungannon in the afternoon
of March 5. Watch out for critters run-
ning wild as they could be sick. Keep
your pets and kids away from them.
Got some news? Call Shag at