HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-05, Page 5THE BLUE FRONT STORE NEWS. Qua ity IN V Crower's Cotin',, If ever grace, distinction, fashion, fit, wear and all-round excellence were compressed into a suit, they are in our clothing for spring—Suits that fit, that are shapely, that have "tone"—not one detail neg- lected. We show men how to dress well and have money left over for other things. Men's and Young Men's Suits and Coats Wider and longer lapels, the clinging back and full skirt, two or three inches longer, are some of the new innovations for spring. Single and double•breasted styles, $6.50 to $1G 00 20th Century Brand Snits, - $12.50 to $18.0D Ask for one of our 190E style books. New Spring Hats. All the new spring styles in both Hard and Soft Hats, English and American makes, Borsalino and Stetson Hats, are here for your inspection, prices NEW SHOES. NEW SHIRTS. NEW TIES. $2.00 to $3.50 The R a H. CROWDER Co. WINGHAM, ONT. KAISER, the Jeweler Has opened a WATCHMAKING, AND JEWELRY Business next door to Mr. Hamilton"e Drug Store. We invite yon to call and see oar stock, which is complete in all lines. AH new and a a<p=€o=Tate goods at very lowest prices. - Repairing will be promptly attended to, and rally guaranteed. 20 Girls BY i Si 1 Wanted f MAY To Iearn operating on .Boys' Clothing. Wages paid From beginning. After a few months' experience, piece -work will be given. Smart girls can earn ram $6 to $8 a week. For more informatio. , write The Jackson anuf actorohg Co., CLINTON, Ont. •Q••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4.•I+•••••*•'•4•••••••••••••• .. COAL• COAL COAL.• • . We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • '42 which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and • '7i Domestio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. •• • fel Wo carry •a I • ,� fuhstockof LUMBER,SHINGLES LATH • ,1tt (Dressed or Undressed) '� 1• • 1 Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • .• 1 o" IILighest Price paid for all kin& of Lugs. '' t • '41 • .' J1A1McLean1I f' Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. s*'• ;4.41 N•*;£• l**4.4.11.***t• ************************44 THE WINGIIAM TIMES, APRIL 5 1906 NEWS FROM OTJR NEIGHBORS The Better War EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Items Clipped From WEST %AWANOS[I, At the home of Mrs. John Mills, of the 2nd concession of West Wawanosh, by Rev J. C. Reid, of the Nile, on Maroh 21st, at t; p, rn., in the presence of about sixty gusts, Miss Ada Mills • was united iu marriage to Mr. Logan. The young couple left on the 26th for their future home in Hartney, Man. Don't Squander Your Money On worthless cures for catarrh. There is only one remedy that's successful-- "Catarrhozene"-it cores when the doe - tor says your case is hopeless. No drugs to take, uo atomizer to bother with, you simply inhale the fragrant vapor of this unfailing cure and get well quickly. Re- lief is instant, cure is guaranteed so you run no risk with Catarrhozone. Don't experiment, don't put off, get Oatarrho• zone from your druggist to -day. r„1NGSIDE. The auction sale held by Michael Ver- son, of the 4th of Kinloss, on Tuesday of last week was largely attended and very successful. The stock was good and so were the prices realized. Fat cattle sold at from $30 to $62 per head and cows fetched from $45 to $60. While the sale was in progress a large steer caused some excitment by plunging into the crowd, or rather trying to leap over it, Four or five men were knocked down but for. tunately none were seriously hurt. Cold Settles Iu Back. It hits people in a tender spot and makes it mighty hard to braoe up. Ner- viline takes the kink out of your spinal column in short order; it soothes, that's why relief comes so soon. Nerviline penetrates, that's why it cures. Five times stronger than ordinary remedies, Nerviline can't fail to cure lame back, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia. Nervi - line is instant death to all muscular pain. For nearly fifty years it has been the largest selling liniment in Canada. Better try it. I LAST SVAWANOSH Miss K. Dunbar, returned from Brus- sels last week. Mr. Jas. McGill, jr., has purchased a new Imperial windmill. Mr. Thos. Williams has engaged with Mr. H. Johnston of Morris for the sum- mer. Messrs Thos. Bell and W. Stackhouse have each purchased new Massey -Harris binders. The members of Trinity Church, Bel - grave, presented their pastor, Rev. Mr. Hartley of Blyth, with a load of oats last week. Wooten With Weakness. For all weakness from which girls and women suffer, no surer remedy exists than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They main- tain that bracing health every woman so earnestly desires; they uproot disease, and bring strength that lasts till old age. "No medicine could be more beneficial than Dr. Hamilton's Pills" writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton of Victoria. "I have been strengthened, my digestion is better, I have improved in color and feel considerably better since using Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Sold everywhere, 25c. per box or five boxes for one dollar. GLENFARRO\V. Mrs. Anderson is seriously ill at pre- sent. John Wylie has got an emmigrant to work for him. Mr. John Bush had a bee on Monday, drawing brick for a house. Mr. and Mrs. Gray of Ashfield were visiting at John Bash's last week. Miss Celenda Bush has returned home after visiting with friends iu ' `r1' toss. Miss Ethel Hooey return • ro her home in Toronto on Saturda' .ening. Mrs. James Anderson of V' .voter es renewing old acquaintances 0.4 the sixth. ST. Ati(,USTINE. We are sorry to hear that George Brophy and Jim Craig are laid. up with the grip at present. David Smyth left last week for the West, where he intends spend the sum- mer and perhaps the rest of his life. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. McCottrt and Mr. Alexander, two re- spected pioneers who have been very ill lately, are beginning to improve in health again. What might have been a serious ac- cident happened Sunday evening, March 25th. While Mrs. McCourt, of Dungan- non, was driving along the road near Craig's mill, in some way or other the reach under the buggy broke, allowing the front wheels to become free and the front part of the box to drop to the ground. This frightened the horse and he ran away, but was caught on George Brophey's hill. Mrs. McCourt and daughter were thrown out but fortun- ately were not hurt. Communicate — Other Our Exchanges. MOII tt1S. We are pleased to hear that John Ames and family reached Saskatoon in safety and were fortunate to secure a house on arrival. Mrs. D. Lamont, of Rosebush, Mich., is visiting her parents, Wm. and Mrs, Shedden, 4th line, at present. Mr Shedden's health has not been very good for the past few months but we hope to hear of him feeling better when the warm spring weather comes. Richard Jaoklin, 4th con., has about completed the season's trapping. His results consisted of 9 mink, 42 skunks, GO muskrats and 2 coons. 24 of the highly -smelling gentry were captured in five holes. Mr. Jacklin sold his two pet foxes to Annett Bros., Gth con. Grey township. He had three but one escaped. Why that Weariness? You're uneasy, restless, without ap- petite. Still worse you are thin and fagged out. Work most he done, but whore is the strength to come from? Make your blood nutritious and you'll have lots of strength. Your only hope is Ferrozone, an instant blood maker, blood -purifier, blood enricher. It brings keen appetite, digests food and supplies nutrition for building up all the bodily tissues. e . I'errozouo makes muscle and nerve. fibre, increases your weight, in- stills a reserve of energy into the body that defies weariness or exhaustion from any cause. To have virility and healthy vigor use Ferrozone which all dealers sell in 50c boxes. BRUSSELS. Robert Thomson has let the contract to Pater McDonald for his new cement driving barn and stable to be placed in the roar of the Cold Storage block this Spring. J. D. Warwick, V. S., who spent the winter in Brussels, left for his sheep ranch in Idaho last week. He has done well but we hope to see him back to Canada. - James Stewart and sister, and the little daughter of the former, are now resi- dents of Brnssels, residing in the cottage recently vacated by R. Williamson and family. They reqaire no introduction as they were former Brizsselities and we are pleased to see them back. The residence of John 1Tait, Queen street, has been sold to Mrs. Thos. Oak- ley, of Walton, and she will get posses. sion iu the course of a week. Mr. Tait is an old resident of this locality having lived here for over 40 years. They have not fully decided as to their future but may remove to Kansas where Mrs. Tait has relatives. (:1LEY. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. D., and Andrew McKee were at Toronto last week attending the Provincial Temper- ance Convection. Tuesday of last week,:Albert Carter took train at Brussels on a prospecting trip to the Great West. If she finds what suits him he will likely invest. Mrs. Carter and family will:continue to reside on the 12th this smmer. About 11 o'clock Tuesday nightiMarch 27th, the sprit of Mary Ann Hubbard, relict of the late James O'Connor, iGth con., took it flight. While the old lady had never been of a very robust make-up she attainedher 89th year and was only ill far about a week before her death. She was bora in Pickering, Ontario, where she was also married tol Mr. O'- Connor, who predece (ed her tby 22 years. They came to . • sees 30„ years ago purchasing lot 5, con. 16, from Smart Douglas, upon which property they lived and died. Mrs. O'Connor is sur- vived by three sons (Ralph in the West and Chas. and Thos. in the township) and two daughters (Mrs. Robert Ben- nett, near Walton, and Miss Luny at home.) Established z879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresotono fa a boon to Asthmatics ( •t., 1. r I nt establlshrvl and s'nudu,d remedy f d.u:, v, t•atr,b ft Torr, heruove the :Cr ren. r tvr :,•.o,•-arptrc in ,•arrir.l r,v a the ,L.r,,eed sur. f . 1. , ,al tuh a tvah er-rr hr,..th, Five':� I r 1 r ,1 tot . 111 ti,•unu, nt. '11100 or a ron"uutp 1,- e , :'u • • Metrefn.u, Throttle her n bili, fled o 1.03Ile 1,1..3f Bulli eonahe or Intnn.ed conditions of 1,.."4141t. \,,.,.r'1,.1.:N'r• In anrd l.v dn,,..•.i, ,t1r•. it+ •1 „u r, '1••• r pre ,t, A Vial... r, •. dr.,e out - f • , t t iu .e h.dtle of S• od for tI'm 5 111 •,.!.,l booklet. 1.r ftnsrt \.0 . •c Pn„ Ltd.. A'cnt., 81$ St. dannot St., Dlontroal, Can.tdu.. 30E The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita- tion—more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation—for a while. You take SC TT'S EMULSION and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation ; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto. iO `3, [iLYTH The last monthly horse fair of the season was held on Tuesday. Miss Jennie McKenzie, of Goderich was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. H McElroy last week. Mr J. T. Carter has disposed of the harness branch of his business to Mr. Ed. Johnston, of Clinton, who is now in possession. Mrs Robt. Hughes, who fell on the icy sidewalk add broke her thigh and arm three montbs ago, died suddenly about six o'clock on Monday evening, March 26th. She was reoovering nicely from the accident and death was caused by heart weakness. The annual meeting of Blyth Metho• dist church Sunday school was held on Monday evening of last week, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: -Superintendent, Mr. N. B. Gerry; assistant eupt., Mr. R. Slater; treasurer, Mr. C. H. Beese; librarian, Mr. T. J. Huckstep; pianist, Mies Carrie Slater; assistant pianist, Miss Pearl Gidley. T URN11 ERItY. Minutes of Council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Blnevale, on Monday, April 2ad. All the members present; the Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meeting, were read and adopted on mo• tion of Messrs. McMichael and Moffatt. Communications were read from Guelph City Council re Power Commis. sion report. Filed. From Toronto rFishleegh's Ord Stand • - - WINGII'AM, •. laientesem-iermcm.mwEriwid,44..., 1„4.1n1 ....A ftldorado Potato l I. SOLD IN SPRING 1004 FOR $1,250 LB. ► THE POTATO THAT CAUSED SUCH A FURORE IN ENGLAND 1 simisiammusaywipm 5 The Gentral hardware. WIRE WIRE WIRE That fence needs repairing ! Car load of best Spring Coll Wire just to hand. Every bundle guarauteed• Call, and get our prices. IDEAL WIRE FENCE -Bast in the market No sagging, or breakiug of win's L nts •vrr•n t'li t nuv ONLY THE BEMT. Bishop I& Brewer. Is • IS ► ► • Th roost sensational potato in pries and produce of all time is the ELDORADO, Mr. Geo. Massey, in fail of 1003 selling 1.4 pounds for $7000; iu sprt,.g of 1004 Mr Alfred D i Thain paid $250 for one potato, weighing 5 cant, s, acs smaller ones sc4Ii• 1r at rate of $1 250 per pound. In Febru: ary, same rear, Mer Ohas N••idbatu of Lincolnshire paid $30 for one weighing one•half ounce, or three times its weight in gold. It is owing to it baring been snob au enormous Dropper of finest quality that suet% sums were p,id This half ou ice potato raised the first year 361 pounds. While this is the record.. a great many have obtained yie1th nearly as high. To those unaware of the history of this truly wonderful potato, these statemeuts may seem incredible, but they are proven facts, absolutely beyoadl the shadow of a donbt In sp'iug of 1905 we imported a stock direct from the originator at a cost of $16 a pound, one pound of which in field test yielded 148 pomade. ELDORADO is ..'hits skinned, slightly russeted, oval shape shallow eyes, absolutely bright and disease -proof It is this quality. together with its enormous (Topping features, that make it so desirable. It's the wonder of the vegetable world. Every grower should oommence to raise a stork for seed $1.00 PER POUND (Only Limited Quantity) Pure Eldorados sold in Canada only by ns. Warranty of purity with every sale. Send for descriptive list, with history, press reports, etc. ► $25 00 FOR LARGEST YIELD FROM ONE POUND IN 1906 ► We have also 26 others - Star, Wroten Beauty, Gold Corn, Cobbler, etc. ► POTATO AGENTS WANT1LIIL • E STRAWBERRY PLANTS All the new. Best Of the old. SlTf BlOSa1 - Box 2, - Box yu G , Ont. -4 Members of Canadian Seed. Growers' Association 4 •A`4LAAAAALA,AAA.14.AAAALA.A.AAA 4414.4a,tkeys AkLA„k,mx.IAALLAA.AAAA.. Sixty kinds $1,50 per 1000 up. 4 4 4 +C 4 4 4 i .4 4 4 4 4 4 Vvv'dwvV''iibVV'VVVV10eaVYwzlwr°•9V9W AAAAA,NAA,AAAAAAAAAAAAftikAAI f 1 D } Draughtsmen re new map of Township. Filed. 1 Tenders for township printing were laid before the Council. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. Rutherford, that the tender from the Wingham 1 vance be accepted. -Carried. Moffatt -Rutherford -That Ey-Law No. 6, 1906, be passed appointing Wm, H. Mundell, Thos. Aitken, Thos. Goy, Thos Haugh, Samuel Venstone, James Elliot, Jos Lovell, Peter Scott, E Orvis and Robt Leathorn, Fence Viewers for the current year. -Carried. Rutherford -McMichael -That Ey- Law No. 7, 1906, be passed for the ap- pointment of John Little, Henry Law- rence, Geo B Scott, Hugh Tucker, Allan Fralick, James Kirton, jr., Pater S s McEwen, Parer Scott, E Orris, James t Williamson, John Mundell and Wm. Maxwell, Pound Keepers for the current AAAWAA!'""44' 'R"A'''t",'`” year. -Carried. Kelly-;S1cMicheal-That By -Law No. 8, 1906, be passed for the borrowing of �/M A,V� INAt',�A� *""" AIiP�""e" IC, money to meet current exp>.nditure i e until taxes to be levied can be collected. -Carried. Rutherford -Kelly -That By -Law No. I 9, 1906, be passed for the appointment of '` the following Pathmasters for the cur- I C rent year: -Henry Lawrence, John; Weiler, Wm. Mundell, George Bryce, 1 John Little, David Holmes, Jas Staple- e ton, Henry Thomson, Jas Godkin, Geo I Marshall, Reuben Stokes, James J S rott, Wm Mitchell, Edward Jenkins, Murray Wilson, John Ilolmes, David Fortune. , Jas Caldwell, Peter Hastings. Wm. McGill, Frank Carruthers, Wm Adair, , c George Taylor, John Wray, Jas Wylie 1 jr, Robt Breen, Robt Yeo jr, Saint Van - stone, John Sanborn, James Nichol, } i Jas Elliot, Thos Walker, Peter S Mc- APE At KNOX'S New and bright designs of the .atest and best patterns. Befcre baying see oar stock. You ;:an have the walls of yo:1r rooms ra'ceieily cleLorated with cur new patterns at the closest prices for title goods. particular when buying 1 al; paper:hat you are getting I006 designs, all c.).T. paper is new and prices the lowest. Special pre:es g:'i en on large Cltlanti'ties ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE DK: - Watchmaker, :- Watchmaker, jeweler and Stationer Opposite Queen's Hotel. - WI GHANE, 1 c 1 taaeveseasasseassewsetaanattsesesassatvasaasatad YOUR. CREDIT :E font. Sr CUT &tore. tae, same 81 : it "'fat a".f•,ht ye ,rs. A. reeceo1 Ci ail Iran (.t r era:tisee-ssesse eLy :n Parfar Suits Couches, e tc- ems t'_-inh ° A enecseen s _•;.'c; ?'tat..Or :tett. sorirsg sage, plash t aadsi, for - • - - !1~35.00 76:c.:,7 Slit—Tete bens Ve1eer :.•- _Es:a fur - - 25.00 , -reete 'iailk suits, I Cieked fresett: - - - 22.150 Sr r'inee ted llattree,es, frees) - r.(011) to 11,00 iu ft.zi a cut grike cli all :i.:EF. SL': ::.a:'i.;e sEtc;,c se clot,se from.. WALKER NOS. & BUTTON ;.',:cert;seg r(cv.t. • ... :v>. ;:.� t.:•!.:` e.t;•u t•c.r_. ?4 �1 NGH.4.1\1. I Ewen, Wm. Wright, Gideon Parks, Jas • > °* n �trt+ruww'�'vf+1r(eotv'eoVvvrl'��v Hislop, John McEwen, Peter Scott, AAAAAlVlltltAA AAA�.AAPt AAAA' auto Andrew re : - - - - --- Thos Higgins,nd e\v G y , Peter D -----i-- King, Henry Bosman, Win Maxwell, I now edjzurei to u- sr in :ass C__era's ; Eva L:nklater. Harry Ashby, Willie Henry Wheeler, Jas C Anderson, Henry earese, 13.ueeeee, cru seise soy. seds,y -tl-,,tyiee, Aggie Finley, Catb:.rn Anes. Wolfe, Geo Yeo, John J Moffat, George ', at 10 o'olo.k r..n , :.r ;.sr.eral. .E cEs Sr. II d�uby Forsyth, Carr wok Walker, John F Mulvey, John Lane, and for Caret of Revises::: of aesessn.ar.t ; E'ran�s: L�cicridge, Dt.n Mowl•"r.,y, Nil~ Andrew Gamma', Henry Muir, Thos iron at 2 o'clock D. in. 1 ,Fete 3r,wt ,ray. Lovell, John A Miller, John Agnew, J''i:. E`.: 8; l •.�. t`:erk. i :�.f 1. WIlalee,Slr le Gro. Jow:, 1plinnita , John Sillock, ROut Groves, Wm Bolt, wear :ewer, E'r:;trice .uhretux, St.;ant James Wilkinson and Robt Diosgrove. ! The folleara g to the nosier!! .r•. e ; W c:s:l. The following accounts were passed , No. 11, fnri.:,Erry, 1.::11t12cf ; Sr. Ps Il. Nelson Bush, lawless Weeks, and cheques issued: -C. A. Jones, civil : March. Nay.:Ers are in cvlsr ci .::Frit. 1 Gttate Mowbray. engineer.: 146.75: II. B. E liott,printing, Sr. IV. Emily FetEyea, EmEEt Lastsr Jr.`'t. Ill. I oss Currie, fx•r.'.at.re Raw A. Brion, filling culvert nus dam.later, Fred Johnston. II emu, :Sammy Styles, Noss Forsyth. ages, $3.50; Allan 1'raltck, repairing Jr. IV. Leonard Rub. learn keit'., Lt I Sr. 11. 1 Myrtle Lockridge, Alvinbridge, Gthline, $5.00; John Wray, filling , Sr III. Mary C tee's, 1, hel in Gth line bridge, $3.50; John Porter, . Lizzie Loakrlelge, Anna :r et1„� alel, working road grader, $2,25. Laura Calhoun, BING Leo kri4lge. Kelly -Moffatt -That this meeting do Jr. III. Magg•;e 13ei1, Ts' rs.e I`.� ley, Netterfield, r 1Raa3. Lilo Lagers, Mi:t4,n Grevt.s, Ross Weeks,ktt ie tiny. Mary Carrie opt~.saad t'',e highest Ett•eedirg; for the asoalth. 312. D. Fax Jai/