The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-06-17, Page 88 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Madill athletes who competed at OFSAA at Varsity Center, Toronto.
Justin McKague, Jessica Johnston, and Ben Newell. June 2015.
Madill track and field
athletes compete at OFSAA
Maureen Lisle
Held at Varsity Center, the
site for the upcoming Pan Am
Games, the venue for the
Ontario High School track and
field championships (OFSAA)
was impressive. The meet is
considered the largest one in
North America fielding nearly
3000 athletes. After competing
in three qualifying meets that
grow progressively more diffi-
cult, only the best 24 athletes
in each event in the province
actually make it to OFSAA.
This season, Madill had
three athletes who competed
at this highest level. Justin
McKague, in his fourth consec-
utive OFSAA, cleared the high
jump bar in the senior boys'
event with an impressive
1.95m leap (ties `personal
best') to win 5th place. Team
mate, Jessica Johnston, com-
peting in the midget girls divi-
sion at her first OFSAA, had
her best jump of the season
jumping 1.50 m to earn 7th
overall. In the junior boys dis-
cus event, Ben Newell in his
second year at OFSAA placed
in the top half of the perfor-
mances with a throw of 42.39m
to earn 1 lth place.
OFSAA marks the comple-
tion of a successful high
school season for the school
team. Several younger ath-
letes on the team (17 and
under) will also be compet-
ing in the District C Legion
Meet in Kincardine this
The second instalment of the 2015 tax levy is due on
June 30, 2015. Tax payments must be received at the
municipal office by the due date. Tax payments can be made
in person at the municipal office, by regular mail, or at the
CIBC Goderich branch only. Interac/debit card services are
accepted at the office as well as post-dated cheques for your
convenience. Telephone/internet banking is available through
most major banking institutions. Pre -authorized payment is
available by completing a form from the office and providing a
VOID cheque. You may also go online to our website, complete
and remit this form/void cheque electronically. After hour
payments may be left in the letter slot located at the front door.
Taxes not paid by the due date are subject to interest of
1.25% per month. Failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve
the taxpayer from responsibility for payment nor the liability of
penalty charges for late payment.
Wawanosh 4-H members learned about different tree varieties in the orchard next door to the Wingham Community Garden on June 9, 2015.
Wawanosh 4-H Huron Harvesters
Maisy Jefferson
The fourth meeting of the
Huron Harvesters was held
on Tuesday June 9 at the
Wingham Community Gar-
den. As members were arriv-
ing, members started to
weed various patches of the
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We're here
1st place on left
25 Auburn
ce Wingham
garden. Once all members
had arrived, Maisy Jefferson
opened the meeting with the
Pledge and then Sarah Alex-
ander and Jolande Oud-
shoorn lead the club in some
simple stretches for garden-
ing. Afterwards, Leader Mary
Ellen Foran informed the
groups of all the celebrations
for the 100th anniversary of
4-H in Ontario, noting how
many members were inter-
ested in the different activi-
ties like camping and a trip
to Canada's Wonderland.
Clarissa Gordon informed
members that she had cre-
ated the club book title page
and that she planned to
email it to Mary Ellen.
When all the business was
settled members were split
into two groups. One group
weeded the garden while
the other group planted
tomatoes and peppers in
another section of the
garden with the help of the
community garden volun-
teers. About halfway
through the meeting the
groups switched tasks to
experience all the elements
of gardening. There were
also a couple members that
drove the posts in for the
tomato fence. Once all the
weeds were removed and all
the vegetables were planted,
the club was given a tour of
the many different trees in
the small orchard next to
the garden by Phil Beard.
Phil also informed the
club of a youth grant through
Libro Credit Union to
improve the Community
Garden. The club decided to
proceed with this grant to
improve the garden. The
meeting was then closed
with the motto. The next
meeting will be Friday June
26, 2015 from 7-8:45 pm at
the Auburn Hall.