HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-04-05, Page 14 VOL XXX 1 .—NOa 1782. 82. WIN(iHA1VI TIMES. WINGHA&I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, ON. Tailor -Made Clothes X511 We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ' ly fitted, superbly tailored - from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3,75. $4, $5, $6. A fine selection -of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stook. !iLISILI Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES famed by rliAllIC PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria ,*roef Wingham, Ont. No witnessesregnired. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM 'Capital paid up, $3f000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,750,000 Warmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTM1t:NT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to prinoipal 80th June and 31st December each year. D. T. IHEPBUIRN, Manager. *. Vaastone, Solicitor. BANK or HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,445,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,445,000.00. Total Assets, $29,000,000.00. Preetdent— Eoiv. Wit. Ginsora. Vies -President and General Manager 3. Tunari utt. Assistant Gen, Manager- H.1Mi. W Tsox MBEICTOBS ,folia Proctor, t'has.L.DAiton, Hon J.B.Hendrfe, Geo. Stttherford, Cyrus A. Birge. 3aepector--I3. SPillsen, SAVINGS BANS. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.0e and up- wards, and added to principal on Stat May and Mak November each year. Special t3erioeits rale° received et current aqttse of irlsers.t. C. P, i Dti;rf, .Aliens VIEGUNISON h 11014)4E$f Solicitors, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Footbal Meeting. A meeting of an rtiee interested in the reorganization of the Wingham football club will be e]d in the Conncil Chamber next Mo ay evening at 8 o'clock, Players nd supporters are requested to attend t is meeting. To RENT—Rootna ver Griffin's store, by the month or ye Boys Ar Shot off On Monday nigh about 19 o'olook, while some boys a out 15 years of age were out Shooting uskrats along the river at Listowel, a of the boys, Ross Grant, u - G , so of Mr. . R Grant, assignee, had his left aim of off below the el- bow by the accid tal discharge of a gun carried by one of his companions. H Davis has several good houses and a farm for sale. See him for particu- lars. Two Year for Arson. George Fletcher, f Huron Tp., who pleaded guilty to to ting a barber shop in Ripley and then tting it on fire,with the result that seve 1 buildings in the vicinity were deatrateed, was on Thurs• day at Walkerton, eutenced by Judge Barrett to two year:, less one day, in the Central Prison. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. WANTED—A good smart boy, with good education, to learn the printing business. Apply at TIMES 010.00, Grand Trunk ayes Money. Vice -President Me uigan of the G. T. R. says they have sa ed at least $1000 a day the past winter n account of the phenomenal mildnes of the weather. Not on the entire Ca adieu system bad there been any nece ity to bring out snow ploughs. In t e past 20 years he had never seen such 1 winter. Go to R. Knox's f..r you allpaper. The cheapest and bet i wn. See advt in another column. A Social vening. The young peopl of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ohnrc will hold a social in the lecture room f the church next Monday evening. good program is being arranged and a pleasant evening may be expected. T e public cordially invited. The procee s will be used in the repairing of the 1 Cure room of the church. Admission Oc and 13c. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rt*rbers Will Open n April IOth. The new sere an fixtures for the lo- cal branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce have ar teed, and workmen are making alters 'ons to Mr. A,. E. Smith's office, w re the bank will be located for the pr sent. It is expected that the new ban will be open for busi- ness on Tuesday ext. WANTED—Eggs 16o—Butter wanted, cash or trade. Clover, Timothy, Peas, Goose Wheat eta, for sale. GED. E. SING. More Props y Changes. Wingham Pro art appears to be on the move this sprin . During the past week Mr. Chas. H. iutonl has sold his house and lot on J ephine street north to Ur. John Louth. and 11fr, Rintoul has purchased the ch ping mill property and residence fro Mr. D. McGregor. Mr. W. F. VanSt•.ne has purchased the vacant lot, near 1 is residence property from Dr. Tamlyn We understand that Mr. VanStone wit erect a building on this properfy dung the summer. To RENT—A good house, with hard and soft water and other conveniences. Apply to J. A, McLean. Public School Trustees Elected. A very slim re: ponse was made to Town Clerk Fergreon's call for nomi. nations to fill the eacanoies in Wards 1 and 4 on the Windham Public School Board, there being not more than half a dozen ratepayers pyesent. Nominations were held on Mon o'clock, and there w brought forward, .tt elected. Mr. Alex. Ward 1, and Mr. Th 4, ay from 11 to 12 re only two names ee were declared oss was chosen for . Hall for Ward FOR SALE.—WeII bred Jersey cow, 5 years old, due to calve the middle of May. Cues, CAMPBELL, Marnoch. Fon SALE—A good brick residence beautifully situated in the town of Wingham; eight rooms; bath; electric t lighted ; modern conveniences. This is I a very desirable property. Terms reason- ; able, and to exit purchaser. Address ' At TIMES office. Limit to u/arriages, Marriage license issuers have their own troubles somea-mes in figuring out whether an applicarZ for a Roense may be married to the re tion he desires to marry. The latest . onbt to arise is as to the issue to a • , n who wants to marry his "brother s wife"—iueaning, no doubt, his broth 's widow, Several letters from license ssuers asking advice have•received been ace vedby the Provincial Secretary's Depot eat of late, and there is reason for .elieving that marri- ages of this sort h. e taken place. The law forbidding .ertain marriages on grounds of cones trinity includes "bro- ther's wife," and in eyery case the de- partment has a. ised that under the statutes of Ontari a man cannot lawfully marry the widow or divorced wife of his brother. FARM To RENT.—On Lacknow road, about 4 miles from Wingham. Apply to R. VANSTONE. WANTED—A good girl for general' housework. Apply to Mrs John Ritchie, Centre Street. Two Cars Far Machinery. Last week Mr. in. Gannett, the local agent of the Massey -Harris Co. received two car 10 ds of the different kinds of farming achinery, manufac- tured by this well own firm. This is a large shipment f r one agent to re- ceive and shows th t Mr. Gannett is a hustling salesman. Fou SALE—A comfortable cottage, convenient to the factories, will be sold at a bargain. Apply at Tams office. Confer A circular has b general conferen workers of East a held in the Meth ham, on Monday a, m. Every ch tion and temper urged to send de of the temperan tend the confer nce Call. en issued calling a i of the temperance d West Huron to be dist Church, Wing - April 9th, at 10 o'clock rch, religious organiza- ace society is earnestly egates and every friend e cause is invited to at. nee, If you want to raise chickens, you should have a Chatham Incubator and Brooder, For sale by Wat. GANNETT. Leero se Meeting. A meeting of tbe "Maple Leaf" La. crosse Club of Ingham, and all who are interested 1 this popular summer game will be hel in the council chamb. er on Friday eve ing of this week at 8 o'elook, for the p rpose of reorganizing for the coming se 8011. This town has the material for p cing a good team in the field, and a sn eessful season's sport is anticipated. large attendance at the meeting %'ride, night is requested, Our Wo'rsen's $2.00 and $8.00 Shoes are the handsomest n Sh e ameda. They are built by skill and bruins. See out windows for prices. W. J, Gittins. AUCTION SALE ed by R. H. Bur half of the south the 14th concessio together with a and implements be offered for sale the premises on at 2 o'olook p. posters or apply t+ ham. The 25 acre farni own- . ws, being the north uarter of lot 40 in of East Wawanosh, entity of farm stock • d other chattels will by Public Auction on ednesday, llth April For particulars see R. Vanetone, Wing- WINGHAM PUBIC SCHOQL The following is t e report of the monthly examination at the Wingham Public School, Form Subjects -History, ography, Gram- mar and AIgebra. Ma imum 400. BellaRobertson , 323 Reta Davidson , 301 Sadie Davidson 234 Mamie Flood N92 Ruby Kerr, .. , , , 282 Jennie Bowman 972 Mande ]Fry... .... 261 Irene Vannorman.. •263 Maggie McLean 239 John Guest.. , . „ 239 Edna Diamond„ ,-,.. 228 Louis Harold.... .. .... 219 Lillian Moffat 218 Harold Buchanan 187 Will Galbraith.,. ' 159 Alvin Hart ....,, 130 Lillian Hogg .. .. 128 Howard Davidso 1 114 Frank Calhoun..........., 10e Adam Bowman . 36 Form ; XI, Subjects—Latin, Isaistory, Geography and Arithmetic. M&rimara 400. Jessie Wilson 379 Stella Nethery., . , 372 Olive Leishman 832 Edna MoBurnene 323 John Holmes 317 Gertrude Whitn 310 Ethel Walsh.., 276 Mae Mason Eva Campbell ..::. 249 Percy Kerr 2.12 John Mason , . , , :. , .. 225 Hazel Campbell' 224 Alex Rintoul 221 Mina Currie... .. 217 Dick Lloyd 211 Dell Burwaeh..,....,195 Annie Barber , , , , 193 Pearl VanStone 1....... .•.• 143 Merle Lamonby ' 112 Ruby Jones i 91 262 Fon SALE—A pure bred Durham bull calf, 12 months old; sire imported; color and quality first-class. Apply to W. J. HE DERSON, Wingham Jon on. LOST—IDvv ingliam, o uesday even- ing, March 27th, a S s tchewau Robe. Finder piease return B. J. Reid, con. 12, East Wawanosh, or leave at Tams office. lig Snap in Ladle: Oxfords. 100 pairs worth from :$1.00 to .2 50 for 73c to $1.00 a pair: comic early d get a choice. R. JOHNSTON'S SHOE -TORE, next to Post Office. r, The Ga .ler's Wite. The Pauline Ha • mond Co. open a two '11 nights engagement Town Hall on Fri. the strong comedy bier's Wife," in f mond, the leading' soubrette and is a theatregoers wher will no doubt Mon among the pe have the good fort company carry the, ties on the road. youngest acrobat stage. Don't miss ance on Friday guaranteed. Pri children 15o. Wingham at the ay, April 6th, with drama, "The Gam- • r acts. Miss Ham- ady, is a charming reat favorite among she is known and >ke a good impres- pie of Wingham, who ne to see her. This beat line of special- ee the Perry Bros., on the American he opening perform. ight. Satisfaction es 25c, and 35c, .1 SPRI\.: RAINS will soon be liere,bnt by securing one of D. M, Gordon's beauti- ful and most fashionable Spring Rain Coats you will be PROTECTED and seasonably attired. APPRENTICES WANTED.—TWO appren- tices wanted, to Iearn the upholstering business. Apply to Walker & Clegg, at the upholstering factory, FARM FOR SALE.—A good 100 -acre farm in the township of East Wawanosh is offered for sale at a bargain for a quick sale. Terms and full particulars at the TIMES office. Board of Trade. - In speaking at .he hockey banquet Mr INDIGESTION ? Wil F. J. Taylor, of the Western Foundry y O0, said he thou ht Wingham should . suffer from it ? have a Board of Trade. We heartily - agree with Mr, aylor and have said so - many times in t a past. We think tbat the Winghaa b Bauch of the Merchants - FOTI1EIMILL'S Association eou.d be very well used as : • a Board of Trade. We should like very much to see all our business men and other oitlzens w'io are interested in the welfare of the tcvn join the Association and matters that are of general benefit to the town cola be taken up and dealt with. The retai their own section of interest to the association take benefit. Boards are doing good zation would do ham had a good and again in 15; ing the minutes some good wort would like to sel, all business int Association and merchants could have and deal with matters 1 savea and ., n heg en oral up matters of general �of Trade in other towns ark and each an organi. good work here. Wing - Board of Trade in 1881 9 and 1890 and in read - of the meetings we find was acconmplished. We our manufacturers and a join the Merchants, et that Association take Board of Trade. The e Dyspepsia Tablets RELIEVE AND CURE EVERY TIME, i'0R SALE i3Y Junior aseball. A meeting of tho interested in the junior baseball club of Winghaul will be held at the King -:dward hotel at 8 o'olook this (Thurs' ay) evening to re- orgauize for the co, Ding season, Will all last year's memlers and any others who are interested, ry and be • :sent, A few extension t to be cleared immet t: • es d iron beds A. BALL de Co, Farm Pro•erty Sold Oa Wednesday , f this week Mr Jae Angus sold his fa '.. property to Dr J. P. Kennedy. Mr' Angus reserves the house and other bindings and two aures of land. Dr Kennedy will not get pos- session until next March and we believe it is his intention to have the property surveyed into to/v)rn lots. We're expecting a call troth you. Everything new in footwear for spring in Ladies, Gents', Boys' and Girls`, at W. J. GREER'S. Tried at Goderich The case of F1et y vs Orr, an action for damages of $200 for personal injuries to plaintiff by being struck by defendant's bus, was heard be ore Judge Holt at Goderich on Tuesdiy and Wednesday of this week. Severs. . witnesses, including Dr. A. J. Irwin, ex Orr, Ur Mullen, J, Brookes, the Mf sesFleuty were in at- tendance. W P udfoot appeared for R Vanetone for p intiff and E. L. Dick- enson for Dudley olmee for the defend- ant. At time of oing to press we had not heard the j age's decision in the matter. Only F aur Days ft. Thursday, Fri lay si Sa rdav and Mon- day are the nnly!daf•ar eft of our clear- ing sale. Now- f your opportunity. Store open nutil 10 p.m. L. A. BALL & 00. A Cre able Showing. The town au tors, Messrs, A. Cosens and A. E Smit , have completed the audit of accou is of the electric light. ing department, and the figures were presented at t council meeting on Monday evening The report makes a very satisfactory showing of the finan- ces in the department; the net profits during the yeat 1905 emanating to $1467 67. The f lowing statement of assets and llabiliti s will give an idea of the standing of th plant, and the opera- tions since the to tools it over:— A. ,;ETS Purchase price o plant .• ....,. $ 28000 CO Less the fol. items Supplies...1401 3 Feel 500.0 Old boiler sold in 3301..., .150.0 Actual value o plant Jan 1 190_ onpurchase basis Invested &Irin_ 1904 Street line este: ► Other pernament improvements Actual valve �(E plant Jan 1 19 Invested during le - Street lisle extma Other pername improvement; Actual value f plant Jan 1,19 6 Other Assets . Fuel on hand Tools and oth 1 supplies Accts receivab e for Iighting, Other accts recei able Cash on hand 2051 31 $ 25948 09 364 20 1217 CS 27729 97 40 60 711 80 28485 37 307 00 000 00 892 23 10813 93S :i . Total Aseets. $31131 13 LI_tB LITIES 28 Debentures, pri • 28908 Cf. Accts payable 4 03 Total Liabilities. 28912 e3 Profits to Jan 1,190(1 Tet profit to Jan. 1 1905 Profits during 19C3 During the year from lighting on t . and on the meter r supplies, $007.68; eller revenue $1S7.6;3; j 1? return of loan from general account, $1„00.00; making a total, (including bal. I ante from 1.t0 -t of -42092 and installing. 4 B ' , lights, *1554,) if 49371; (14. Be. ! t �ndi ttr -- , 9 c t 8 wa es ,.54t. 1 repairs and Ip g n supplies, $581.75; net, $12`26.6, ; other I A r maintenance, $292. ,d; debenture No. '2, el 2321 28 1033 61 !".se $ 1-i67 07 there was received f D e fiat rate $3253.Ss, i P TOWN 1�QUNCIL. A special meetin_: of the Town Coma - oil was held ort W 'dnesday evening to consider the best in athod of getting rid of the water tbat causes lues and annoy- ance to the Upholet ming factory. A review was tak 3n of the plans sub- mitted by Engineer Davis, some two years or more ego,, and two or three methods were disco seed: lst—The buildin of a storm drain to carry the water nor hward to the river, at a cost say of $12 i 0. 2nd—The buildin of a 10 -inch sewer and 6 -inch cellar dr in pipe dawn Jose- phine street, 3rd—The buildin x of a trunk sewer, 24 -inch diameter fr.••• corder of Alfred street to south en: of town. There would not perhaps .: much difference in . the Dost of tbe first o (combined) and the third, The Co . nail seemed rather to favor the third .. •thod, as that would give a permanent s:wer on front street, sufficient for all pr tical purposes. Hanna—Forbes— hat we submit a by-law for 46,000 to build a trunk sewer from Singer Street :long Alfred street to Josephine street • nd down Josephine street to the river. Carried. MoDonald—Bena•tt—That the prop- erty -owners on Jos .bine street be as- sessed 35 per cent. if the cost of the sewer, the balance to be paid by general taxation.—Carried, Mr. Barber, of ltleaford, addressed the Council regarding mprovement iu the power system of th electrio light plant, At present there ar two waterwheels in use, and he found t at 11,104 cubic feet of water was requir d toproduce about50 horsepower. He p oposed to guarantee to put in one of bis wheels that would only use some 7000 cubic feet of water, and famish 165 orsepower, thereby effecting a great ea ing in use of coal, etc., by eoonomiziu the water available. The coat would be out $900, no money to be paid until the uarantee was com- pleted. As the and t bad not been com- pleted of the electri . light accounts, the Council could give r. Barber no defin- ite reply. Mr. Spotton aske 1 the cooperation of the Council in refe nee to an entertain- ment, including a le ture by Judge Bar- ron, of Stratford. ' he Business College would furnish part f the program ; the proceeds to be de • ted to purchasing tents for consumpti''es, the tents to be property of the To n. On motion of Han • a and 7+orbee it wa decided to give the • .11 free of charge. At the regular me Council on Monday e present Mayor Bell Bell, Bennett, Forbe Donald. The minutes of p special meetings we med. Petition was r Wilson, V. S. and extension of the Josephine street Leopold. On mo and Bell, the peti Waterworks Co Berrister D. council in refere Western Found Coons. Bell an composed 01' C Donald was app the solicitor in The Finance commending t ing accounts, a Bennett and ld adopted: ting of the Tow ening there wer and Councillor , Hanna and Mc 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE $1,00 Insures your healt'e against • all kinds of eicknees, We will • sell you a bottle of • DR. GLARKE'S ▪ 13L00D PURIFIES Better get a bottle today. We are sole agents for Wingham. for One Dollar, that will par- tly your blood and make it resist all sickness. Pretty cheap way to keep well, is it not —^ AT — 'alley's Drug Store WIM(iUAaT. ONT. Phone 100. Suocea or to MoCali d: Co WING 1[il A'31 BUSINESS COLLEGE i n Higb.•grado Commercial reboot — Tinter•. cornss Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write DEO. SPOTTON, Principal. A Good Investment If you wish to intact y c ur money where it is Fnre rn hrirg rf•tnrii., BUY WINGHAM PROPERTY. The following are a sew of betmany Tcwn Properties I have for sale at the Iresent trine ; $700 --New brick house, 2 story, six rooms; North street. $700—Brick veneered story house; Charles street. $800—Frame cottage, good stable and two lot,; Oatberine strt•. t $90O—Frame house 13• story, 7 rooms; Bristol Terrace. $000-1�'rame cottage; Frances street, $000—New frame house, eight zooms; Alice street. $1100—New frame house, a ith stable; William street. 9 $1500—Frame house, 8 room , with stable; Leopu:d street. - $2.v00—Frame 2 story cottage; Minnie n street. e $800—New frame e•cttage, rood stable s and 2 acres land ; Lower Wingham. - $1100 —Frame house. shod Mon and 7 acres hied; Lower Wiegham. d sag -Agent for the sale of N W T. lands • at $7.90 per acre, in the Quill Plain dis- trict. Call and ger particulars. J. Ii. CFIS1-i+OLCI, Real Estate, Insurerse and Loan Agent. •I'au. one bla • , R :ns :a_c;. evione regular au e read and confir ceived from John there, abkiug for an aterworks amine from ong Patrick street t ion of Coons. Hann ion was referred to th mittee. rimes addressed the ce to agreement with Co., and on motiou of Hanna, a cemmittse• uns. Bennett and Mc. inted to confer with j O _— — al following subiui e provide funds fo .gard to the matter. Hockey S ys' Banquet. Last Thursday e' Stang the citiz:;ns of Wingham doue her r to the players of, I the Hockey Club 11 a bat,'uet at the Sing Edward hotel.• 'tl:e bate -met was one of the moat sucteesst'ul aver held in j the town. Mine l',ic;t Orr provided ar. i excellent repast to ~ditch the eighty guests done full jt -tie. The dining- room was very uic els dcorated for the occasion. Mr. Orr's rraugemeots and tae repast prov3.ied sl owlet that he has I had muse experience n catering to pub- ' _ie gatherings of thi: kind. An or- elieitra supplied u..usi Outing, the even- ; ing. After Iuuch, Mr. 11 Vanst:ine, who was chairman, made few remarks c:i which he praised the bq rs for the sue• cess of the pat season • utl also oongrat- ulated themon beii:g ab e- to hold the Clip for the second Ear. 1 'r. Vanstono thea called Mayor Bell, who to a few worth ommittee reported, re. paytneut of the follow. d on motion of Coons. Donald, the report was ted. That a by-law to the construction of a trunk sewer aloe Alfred and Josephine streets bb drafted and sue:I.:A ted to this Council as soon aouvt•nieut, and that said by-law, anion t other things, provide for the council to ire power to charge those tapping the &swer ar certain sum per annum for the use thereof. R. Rankin, rin; ing town bell. , .. $ 0 213 J. B. Ferguson, salary and postage 40 25 W. Pattison, te: ming ...... . - .. .43 D. 0. lelcDonali repairing drain and boxes 0.75 Bell 'relepnone Co., phone in Chief's ltous'�, etc .... .. 9.40 J. D Burns, sup flies .i 06 T. Hall, adv. and printing coupons 1e 10 Mex. Young, stitches for clam•.-. 3 76 . Sanderson, en ,wploughing . - . , 3 30 ohn Glenn, 1 ho it at dam . .15 binnicnpal World' letter book 1 ..0 ominion Espres s Co., charges.Os J. Day, work dam..... 4 50 . Teasley, speciA police service..50 McDonald " " .30 ire Brigade, 13 ren at$3 63 00 V. Vaunorman, steam? 4e 00 Oa Motion of Cues, McDonald and to $3055.19: Sale of • D ennett the sum et $450 was placed to he credit of the leablic School Board. a The auditors,e xt,.s xs. A. (;Doan 1 sant , E. Smith, pres-rated their report on ectric light aeco Ants, which was, on $1731 90; street lite extension, $•13 00; m other pernmanent improvements,!3711.~0 ; ; p loan to general acount, $1500; total, , fe $038.20. ! 11. Leure orts trade � iiX Waiin�e�bbo veryIrgood withnas tb4 new firm sinceas opengoing• ing up March let. The old customers : co otiou, accepted and ordered to be tinted, the suditrs to be paid the usual e. 1 Mr. W. H. Care n asked permission to se part of the at ,et for placing mater - 1 during the pro rens of building on rner of Josophi e and Patrick streets. he same was gr nted, in accordance ith town by-law Moved by Coon McDonald and Ben. ott, and carried, t at the 'notion passed last meetingof u n ail o nc for the . R con - ruction of a trail sewer on Alfred and Josephine streets b ,rescinded and the Uhutn. B. (ns well as a hosti' new cheer are tom- T 0RUt LIST. ing back to the old,I-vitehie stand, known, W. now as the Carey 1A y Goods Co., and as they get better acq fainted with us they !It will find that the in erests of our eastern- at ors will bo ttttt:rm inr " w t our minds, and ii can rest assured of courteous treatment 1 St at all tithes. up the work of Next door to poetoiiico. This store °lobes at p. m., meeting of the Merchants' Assoeia- every oveving except Saturday. . tiOn Will be hel ext Tuesday evening. _ . I e andor ra C t ulc tea _ „1 Xe i1D k� praisedg C 'boys, and on behalf of he citizens of the town. presented each ith a handsome signet ring, each ewers soowiog the initials of the players. 1.,e toasts for the evening and the planters were:—•• "The king," responde to nv singing God Piave the King; 'Our Oouutry^,' Ileo. T. S. Doyle and Dr. Redmond: "Our Industries," R leggt and F. Taylor; "Hockey," D. ; ►. Wilson, Dr. i Kennedy and Dr. Beth ' tie; "Athletics.'" W. G. Reid and Geo. e pettou, "Ota; Patrons," C. G. V nSton••; "The Ladies," W. J. Greer a L W. Han- son; "Host and Hostee:," .L W. Oar. ' The evening was very .leasently spent by all present and we 1 ;.;e our hockey boys may have as sinee ssful a season next year as they lave .ad in the on just eloSwti,