HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-06-10, Page 15yourl f moments ca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e mail: obituaries;ayourlifemoments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax:1-866-757-0227 e mail: milestones.sun@yourlifemoments.ca Marking your milestones. Obituaries 1 In Memoriam I Thanks I Births I Celebrations I More Thank You Notes Thank You Notes Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Community Harvest, a local Canadian Food Grains Bank growing project, wishes to thank Francis and Barb Hogan for hosting the project for the past 10 years. During that time we raised over $170,000 locally that was used to help the less fortunate throughout the world. Francis along with his brothers Lawrence Hogan and Steve Howard donated their custom work each year as well. Major sponsors during that period were BASF, Lucknow Co-op, P & H Amberley, Thompson's Port Albert, Snobelen's Lucknow, Pioneer Hi Bred, Cargill Clinton and Edward Fuels Goderich. Thanks also to the many individuals who have faithfully contributed to the project over the past 15 years. This year the project moves to the farm of Neil and Judy MacKenzie on Zion Road. In Memoriams In Memoriams REID (CLIPPERTON/HUDSON) In loving memory of Lorna May Reid (Clipperton/Hudson) May 23, 1924 - July 1, 2006 If roses grow in heaven, Lord Pick a bunch for us, And place them in our mother's arms And tell her they're from us. Tell her we love and miss her, And when she turns to smile, Place a kiss upon her cheek, And hold her for awhile. Remembering her is easy, We do it every day, She left a warmth within our hearts, That will never go away. Brenda, Mark and Raymond Clipperton, Lynda Holmes and our Family. Sha.ru four m rnonit... Qr, yourillimoments.ca 'f411 GOR now annou lr,. yodr engagerr'ent-s and millings online. Skelton Memorials Inc. tra www. skeltonmemorials. ca MEMORIAL DESIGNING our speciality... Large Display of monuments & markers CEMETERY LETTERING AVAILABLE OVER 100 YEARS OF SERVICE & EXPERIENCE Monday - Friday, gam - 5pm & Saturday 9am - 12pm 519 881-0234 IF LONG DISTANCE 1-800-634-8804 3 DURHAM ST E WALKERTON skeltonm@wightman. c a Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks HODGINS We would like to thank everyone who has helped our family through this difficult time. Thank you for all the cards, food, flowers and donations made in memory of Alan. Your kind words, support and hugs have been greatly appreciated. Thank you to all who helped with the meal between visita- tions and lunch after the funeral. We are truly blessed to be living in such a caring community. Wednesday, June 10, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 15 YOU'LL BIKE WHAT YOU SEE IN THE fi greet business rosperity friendly corporate business succesful toV piospenty scisful empoyucement prosperity corporate tra e customer airtnt meeting partnar handshake sales succestul appointment job employment trade artner greetprosperity firmjob�•prosperityp po,ate friendsfr!endlyh trade 1i na n ce business corporate hand hands aka finished premise reliable handshake company rospernly trade trade meeting trade partner n fmshed friends job agree meeting peaci success coorporation flends appointment success m sl nature business pact business partnership enpromisebusiness businessman employment 5� fui agreement finished purchase agreement employment partner succesful client prosperity buysuccesful prosperity trade job finished meeting customer partner bu er gg�� hI 1 1 o,porate handshake client pp�Haserl•r y S I n esshendshake l)USInes f,ad comppan reliable buy finis peopie businessman partnership trade $UCCe$TUI en COOt�JOra lOn s les business handshake men corporate aeumgemp�oyment bavlob SUCC@S ti employment appointment custom r hakeem loyment finished business CO2 r oa Sy suceesful trade handshake emp�o�t�rlen�businessmgan deal trade costo ryerate finished employment compan} firm ner ucoestul si nature succesful company business customer nishedhandstakeemployme pumhaoeeterfadeppartneret nes customer succesful partner trade finished purchase busing5$ tome eaM1ng business prosperif, partnership handshake rates mtment trademployment corporate em to men ____,__.__ __emnfn�ime�� finished handshake partnership clientbusineSsma uccesful businessman d meetingusinsuccess ployment $UCCe$ UI reliable business agreemer e$$ trade handshake partnership prosperity algnatun busi sscustomer appointmen tuslness arftne empbvmcpt pgraee tin Th' CLASSIFIEDS —I ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! 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