HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-29, Page 81 TUR Wfl LLI TORS MARCO 291 1906 Carey Dry Goods Co. We have just received another shipment of new goods Prints, Table linens, ToweIins, OiIeIeths, Rugs and Carpets,, Spring is here and you will be needing some new Carpets and Curtains during house-cleaning time. Remem- ber, this is the place where you will get the best, and the largest assortment to choose from. ' We have Curtains ranging in prices from 50 cents up to $5.eo and $7.oa a pair. Cali in and see there. We have just received a bale of Cotton which we will sell at only 5c per and Two caddies of our 400 Black and Green Tea, just to hand, which we will sell at 2$ PERSONAL. HOCKEY DURING THE WEEK. M1ss Nora °ober ha* gone to her home . Cloderich. Wins Huron District t Iiespeler for a visit. Championship bliss Montgomery, of Walkerton is In the series of hcme•aud-borne game* visiting with Wingham friends, played by the Goderioh end Wingbem Wit. H. B. Elliott is visiting with rel. teams for the championship of Huron e01ue*and friends in London and Inger- district, the eeeety town geYen proved thm eeelvbs tire stronger team. The tint loll. game was played at Goderioh on Thnrs- $Ir Henley Park at Gadetioh was call- day evening last, Ole Wingham boys be. MISS BQYD Mg ole old friends in Wingham on Wed• lug defeated by 12 goals to b. The re- needay d, Win hang. ice y Sprint, SPRING Announcement MI LLI N E RY turn match wt.e plays on Winghem $ Mr. A. J. U. Heim, of Cranbrook was last ;t'riday evening, and wase very good Wishes to thank her many patrons for to as. f visiting with hie mother for two days exhibit** of heekey. Daring the brat stane thecathat eir kind she hes .as s in the Past, usup- 'this week. half the locale knooeeded in sooting a. to-dateg stook 4f all lines of Mrs, Jos. E. Bradwen was visiting for few goals, but Goderioh soon took a a few days with her son, Mr. A. E. hand in and went after the game, winn- Bradwin at Blyth. ing by a score of 8 goal* to atx. Tho Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vanatter, of game was very free from rough play. Goderioh visited with Wingham rein tives lest week. On Saturday afternoon last a game Mr. Herb Jerome went to Woedstocle was played on the local riuk between on Monday, baying secured a good poli. the $asipess College boys and a team A oall solicited. ;ion ill a store in that city. from the boys who are taking High Scnool work. The college team was the Millinery including the very latest styles and novelties in beadwear. Mrs neer, of Edward Street, has been heavier, bat the High School fellows ex suddenly called away to the bedside of Y Whited better 0ombfnatiou play than her daughter, who is eerionsly iIi in their opponents, The college boys goal - Woodstock. steeper did effective work and saved the c per lb. Mrs. (Dr) W. T. Holloway was called Loam from defeat. The score whoa rima to her parental home at Exeter on Toes - day was called stood 9 to 4 in favor of the on account of the serious Minas of Basis College team. The line up:- her mother. Business College. High School. Mr. David Pringle, of Petrone was R. Doze goal .... Percy .Kerr visiting for a few days with his mother, J, MoSone,poiut. „. , .. J. Mason H. Stieriff....cover point It. Howson The CAREY DRY GOODS CO. WINGIIAM, No. ONTARIO PHONE TRADE TANEN AS CASK •aa1rra'wa ailette aea,►�r v+ia'a�w�vo�a 61%, MINOR LOCALS. -Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Foresters' on Friday evening of this week. -Regular meeting of Camp Caledon- ia, Sons of Scotland next Monday even- ing. All members are requested to be It Morrie, and ie a former resident of dile Mich. where the intend residing. We ' y °g' clean, no one being penalized. The first Mrs. Andrew Pringle, Tarnberry, who A. Oaaetuore rover.... J. AioOrostie d h b 11 forsomeeke -Mr. Goo Mason has been confine as been i we 13. Elliott . , ,..... centre H. Armour to his bed this week through illness. Mr. T. J. MoLean. returned home on l! . Paterson.... right wing, ...R. Brooks --Tzems and Weekly Globe to any ad- Saturday after a three weeks' very sue• W. White lest wing Geo. Tees ase to January lst, 1907 for $1.00. cessfal trip through New Ontario in the Referee, Herb Elliott, Timekeepers, -- Read the label an your paper and if interests of the Wingham Oil Co. R. Lloyd and Merton Hart, Goal um - it is not up to date take the earliest op- Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee, of Owen pines, H' Oampbell and Bort Holmes. portunity to make it so. Sound, are visiting with relatives and On Monday night rho Business College -Mr, MalooIm Isbister, ex -Mayor, has friends in Wingham and vicinity far a team again defeated the High School been appoiuted postmaster at Saskatoon, few weeks before leaving for the West. pupils in a lightning fast game by the Sask. Mr. Isbister in a brother of Mr and Mrs. Thos. Groves and family close score of 4 to three. The. ice was County Councillor Wm, Isbister, of left town on Monday for Marquette, rather heavy, but the game was very -The Manitoba District High Court section. wish this family every success in their and second goals were snored by the H. of the Canadian Order of Foresters has - Mr. Gordon Cook, who was employ new home. S. boys, but the College seven tied the granted $1,200 towards the building in the Trans Cffice for some time last Mr. B. Griffin left this week for Fort score before half-time. Early in second fund of the Foresters' building in Brant—summer, is at present learning the bar- William, where he will join the survey- half they secured two more, but soon ford. bering business with Mr L. G. Con. ing party that is in charge of his brother. afterwards weakened, and the School -A meeting of the Wingham Curling stable. Mr. A. Griffin. The Tisnts wishes this boys bad the better of the play, but Club will be held in the Council Cham. Frida Queuing of this week. All Mr. Robert Maxwell, merchant tailor, g n `Dison wife and children The teams ish to thank the senior aeemileri of the club are requested to keen opposition, yet I have found him e attend. strongly advise my customers to deal Scotland, where the doctor will take a In leaving town although I have found young man every success. found the inside of the net only once. bar on y Dr. Henry G , w gentleman in every respect and would of Winnipeg leave in a few days for hockey club far the nee of the rink. -Edwin St. George Banwell, ex -teller of the Crown Bank, was Saturday morn- ing sentenced to four years in the King- ston Peniteniary for the theft of $40,- 350.33 from the bank. -While attending a meeting in the Methodist Church on Wednesday of last week, Mrs, Helm, sr. was stricken with paralysis and has since been eerionsly i at her home on Patriolc street. 't ones, colds, heartened. and other throat •nilments aro quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents nor box. All druggists -The Woman's Missionary Society in connection with the Methodist church will celebrate its silver anniversary by the holding of an entertainment in the Church this (Thursday) evening. -ABrussels girl who was an invalid for years, has grown strong and vigorous sineo becoming engaged to be married. ' The way she accounts for it is tbat the love microbe has driven all others out ;.f her system. -Mrs. Jas. McAlpine, widow of the late Mr. McAlpine, whose death was recorded in our last issue and her daughter, Mies Aggie McAlpine, intend leaving Hepworth in the near future to reside in Toledo. --Mr. Hugh Ross is not improving as rapidly es his many friends would Wish. Ho is suffering from typhoid fever and his many friends hope he may soon have the turn for the better and be able to be about again. -Another of Seaforth's prominent business men died on Monday evening of this week in the person of Mr. John S. Roberts. Mr. Roberts had been in failing health for some months. He was Sveli.known to a number of our towns - violate. JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF with him, if they still wish to deal in pourse at Glasgow University. Dr. Gar- An interesting game was also played their own town. A. R. SILITR, don is a one time resident of Wingham, on Monday evening between the junior -Mr. D. McGregor, of the chopping having been engaged its the drug bust- hockey Club, and the Elliott Club, the mill is, we are very sorry to report, ser- ness here. score at the end of time being 0-0. Ten ionsly ill and at Lime of going to press it minutes extra was played, and the jnni- was feared he would not recover. We - ors succeeded in sooring two goals. hope he may have a change for the better and be able to attend to business „aiu. -Mr. E. 1I. Dever's tailor shop at Dresden was destroyed by fire last Thursday morning. His loss will be $1,500, partially covered by insurance, Mr. Dever is a former resident of Wing - ham and a brother-in-law of Mr, Jesse Button, of town. Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo - Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, April 3rd. Hours 2 p. In, to 8 p. m. Gimes pro- perly fitted. Wiudow Shades On best spring rollers. Colors, cream, green and red. Reversible shades, cut to suit your windows. For sale at lowest prices. -Our old genial friend, Mr. John Quirk, has so far recovered from bis re- cent illness to be able to be around again. We hope he may continue to improve HEALTH IN THE HOME Baby's Own Tablets are :,' :ily. good for little babies or big oh , ren. It a ohild is suffering from an of the minor ills of childhood a few • •sea of the Tab• lets will cure it An an *accessional dose to the well hild ill prevent sick- ness. Mrs. A. • er. er, Rivers Ouelle, Que., says -"My . aby was cross, irrit- able, did not sleep at night and did not seem to thrive, but since giving her Baby's Own Tablets all this is changed. She now eats well, sleeps well, and is growing fat. The Tablets have proved a blessing to both myself and the child." So say all mothers who have used this medicine. Baby's Own Tablets aro sold by all drnggiets, or yon can get them from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 25c a box. and long be spared to enjoy the comforts A. 0. U. W. in Good Condition. of a retired life after so many years The Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. spent in active duty on the railroad. was held in Toronto last week, and the -The Children's Aid Society of this following circular issued by the Grand County have requests to find homes Master will be read with interest by for two infants --one about six weeks members of the Order: -"Another finan• and the other a bright little boy of tial year of our beloved Order has passed ten months. Anyone willing to take into history, a year which was full of Dither will please communicate with trials and vicissitudes, but I am happy Samos Mitchell, President, Goderich. to inform yon that it has ended with a Miss K, M, fisher Successor to Cooper d>7 Co. BORN. JoiiNsToN-In Turnberry, on March 17th, the wife of Mr. Edward Johnston; a son. HowATT.-In East Wawanoeh, on March Sth, the wife of Mr. Wm. Howatt ; a son. ANnaxsON.—In Blyth, on March loth, the wife of Rev. S. Anderson; a boa. Coos:. -In Morris on March 9th. the wife of Mr. W. M. Cook; a d� aughter. Hmsrm-In Culross, on March :0th, the wife of Mr Win. Hundt ; a son. MARRIED 0 i nrLL-BnPTON- At the residence of the bride's parents, on March 7th, by Rev. W. T. West, M.A., of Bluevele, Mr. Geo. A. Camp- bell to Miss Janey B , daughter of Mr. John Hutton, both of Turnberry. McXAT-MAIMItALL -At the residence of the bride's parents. on March 21st, by Rev. D. Tait, B. A., of Teesweter, Mr. Gordon B. Mc- Kay, of Thameaford t o Miss A gieN. Marshall, daughter of Mr, Robt. Marshall, of Culross. B tnniE-DAvLnsoN.-in Blenheim Twp. Ox- ford Co., on Thursday, March 15. by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, Ayr, Walter Barrie, son of the late William Barrie, Morris, to Miss Bessie Davidson, ster of ColgelOlsin Presbyterian Davidson, HAWKINS-BArstEs.-In Brussels, at "Talla- hease." on March 20th, by Rev. T. W, Cosens Mr. T. A. Hawkins to Mrs. F. J. Baines, all of Brussels. -Glanders is making havoc among great victory, financially and otherwise. horses in the vicinity of Atwood. We On account of the agitation and adoption understand that upwards of thirty good of an adequate rate, it was the belief of horses, suffering with the disease, were many of the members of the Executive shot in that locality last week. It that the loss of membership would be is said the disease was brought into the many thousands, but, brethren, our Loss" neighborhood in a shipment of horses has been exceedingly light, considering from the West, our membership, and our finances were Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat never in better condition. After wiping Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, out of deficit in our Beneficiary Fund of 3rd door East St. Andrew's Chnroh. $1.41,914.65, we transferred $100,000 to GIasses supplied. Reserve, making this fund now 8614,- --Charles Goodman, pleaded guilty to 227.01, which has been invested and is reoeiving stolen property on two counts • earning 4 per cent. and over, with aur- in the General Sessions, at Toronto, be- plan of nearly $70,000 in our Beneficiary Pore Judge Winchester, without 5 jury, Fond et this date. Monday morning, and was sentenced to ' the Central Prison for two years, less one day. Charles Goodman lived in Woodmen of' the World. Wingham for a few gears, and was en. The biennial meeting of the head gaged in buying scrap iron, etc. camp of the Woodmen of the World was The ladies are gordialiy invited to call and inspect onr new stook of Millinery, including alt that is newest and best in the line of headgear, You find our stook complete in every detail, and we will be pleased to ehow yon the goods. See our stylish, Ready » to - Wear Hato. .011044140.0000.411400.11400119. ii Butcher Shop ITBfA.VT openede Butcher Soup. in premises two doors north of the Chieholnn Block, and am fully prepared to supply the s best of all kinds of r Fresh and Cured Meats. e' Speoial attention paid to orders - = from farmers and others for moat . ; in large quantities. • A share of your patronage is : respectfully solicited. 1 WM. DIAMOND.1 1 ° ••N•iN•NN•f1f•••l4•1• Miss Little. A. N. Boyd. Next door to postof ee. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Spring Term Opens On April 2nd. Why should you. content yourself in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condition by taking a course in this school? We give a thorough, practical education and assist our graduates to good poet - tions, Commence your course now. Write for partioulars. ELLIOTT & McOACUUN PRINCIPALS. Three horses were electrocuted in a Brantford livery stable by the fixtures beooming ,electrified. Mrs Jaffray, wife of Hon. Robert Jaff. ray, died at the family residence "Bur. Fey Lodge," Toronto. Mr Duncan O. Fraser, Jnatioe of; the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, hal been appointed Lientenent-Governor of that Provinoe. Sore Throat ehnd Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irittauonsisfmind in Cresolene Antiseptic Te blots They combine the gent:leidai value of Cresolenewith the soothing p10o .Ali Drug t elm aad lioon�. Fishery inspector James 0. Weldon seized twenty oases containing 684 lies of pickerel at the Grand Trunk Depot at London. All the fish were under the fifteen inches required by the act. DIED BABA: In Ethel, on Tuesday. March 20th, Mary Hamilton, beloved wife of Robert Barr, aged 41 years, 5 months and 12 days. Mti T EA.—In Hovrick, on March 2.1rd, Jessie Fotheringham, wife of Mr. Andrew Miller. of Wingham, aged 85 years. SMAtit-in Wroxeter, on March 26th, Samuel Blythe curate, M.D., aged 66 years, 10 months and 18 days. BLAvic--in East Wawanosh, en Maroh 27th, Margaret, 8 m� o ithseand 27 dart. Black, ago* 60 Eldorado Potato On account of the potato disease so prevalent in Great Britain for many years, there has been an effort to pro- duce a blight and disease proof potato, while yet a heavy cropper. The remelt is the Eldorado, introduced by A. Find- lay, gold medalist of the H. do A. S. S., etc., etc. It 13 owing to the wonderful cropping qualities of this potato, as well as it being a blight and disease resister, that caused the furore in Groat Britain the past three years, and which resulted in the highest prices, almost fabulous, ever paid for any introduction into the vegetable kingdom in all time, $7,000 having been paid for fourteen pounds in 1003. The Eldorado is stere to be of great interest to the Canadian grower, to rr d as 1800. aunt carried w whom it is now offered for the first tune the average am $ + by Smith Bros., lleachville, at very rel• The death claims vete 59, of Whieli 57 sonable price'', considering the great were approved. The death rate Was 5.51, value claimed for this potato. See advt. as compared with 0,08 in the preceding in another column of this paper for foil year. There was $38,054.85 oollledted in particulate; asdeseMent1 over the actual death losses, held in Guelph last week. We give be- low a general standing of the order as taken from the reports presented. About - $2,500 lees was spent in organization in 1005 than in 1004. The number Of poli• dies issued Was 1,705, 59 against 2,175 for 1004, a reduction of 410. The number of lapses was 973, as against 838, an in- crease of 135. There were 27 inew camps or circlets organized during the year. There were 13 camps disbanded daring the year, all in the wast, The number of lady members Were increased by 45, and is novo 359. The year 1905 had fallen behind 1004 in the last quarter, due to the prevailing unrest regarding insurance. Head Clerk Fitsgerald's re. port showed that the soolety had 10,318 mothers, coiling an average insurance of $1,114. At the inoeption 01 the order THE TIMES from now until Jan. 1, 1907 For 65c. NOTICE. In order to have more time to devote to Insurance, I bave die - posed of my Real Estate business to Mit. J. $. Cms1IOLM, and would request my patrons to Dalt on bin at his office in order that he may give their properties his immediate attention. ABNER COSENS Insurance and Loan Agent WINGHAM, harness —x --- TO FARMERS AND TOWNSMEN 0 Those wanting Harness, single or double, will find it to their advantage to deal with Me, an I have a large stook to ohooso, from. Also, Fur Coats, Robes, Borne Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Telescopes ; Carry Combs, .Brushes, Harness Oil, eto. Repairing done neatly, 3 and promptly. Having bought Mr. O. Knechtel's stook, and engaged him to work for me, I am in a position to make any kind of Harness to order, on the shortest possible notice. Give me a call. Cr Manners, New Subscribers THE xTIMES AD q WEEKLY GLOBE • To 1st joinery, 1907, for ONLY $LOO Having made special arrangements •, with the Toronto Globe we aro able to make the above liberal offer to new aubsoribers. Send in your names to the TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, Ont. • HAVE YOU ORDERED •YOUR NEW Spring Suit Overcoat It you haven't, it's high time you Were thinking about it. - We cordially invite you to take a look at what we are showing this spring in the latest Itweeds, Merges, Worsteds, Fancy Vesting*, Tronserlings, ete. We can snit you in price, quality, style and workmanship. Robe. Maxwell TAILOR. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even numbered section of 10miuion Lands in Manttebaorthe Northwest Provinces, estenpting 8 and 26, not reserved, maybe home• *teased by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of ont•quertor section of 100 acres, more or less. Entrryy may be made persendlly et the local land clues for the district in which the hand is oupporiontheo htme eMstinateerr ofsitheeInma, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immlgratton, 'Winnipeg, or the local agent receive authority for some ono to make entry for Min, The homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following11Ians : (1) .At leas six months'reeidenee upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. • (2) tf the father (or mother, if the father 10 deceaseds of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vleintty of the land entered for the requirements At to 204162600 fluty be satiated by sueh person residing with the father er mother. (Ib 75 the settlerlits his permanent residonee upon farming land owned by him in the vicin- ity of his homestead the requirements 50 tO residence fifty be satl8Red by ree160500 upon the said land. Six months' notice in writing should be siren to the" t;emlt taeboner of Dominion Lands at Qtts rn of intention to apply fQr lmtent. w. Co Depot,' of the etiniate.rwof the Irnit2.yer, lot, netit lniof ibis ad- vertisement d• v tideenwn nob pe r STEEL RANGES AT $45.00 EACH SEE THE "HURON" before buying any other. It is the best value in Steel Range construction on the Canadian market. Every Range guaran- teed absolutely. Will burn wood or coal: Extra large reservoir means abun- dance of hot water. Made right in your own County. Read what pleased users say Blyth, PO., Jan. 19, 1006 Western Foundry Co., Ltd., Wingham, Opt. MADE BY Gentlemen: - It affords me much pleasure to be able- to recommend to any intending purohiiser your Huron Steel range, I have had one of them in title for the past two years and during that time have found it to give me the most perfect satisfaction on a minimum anitlunt of naI. My Wife stater that she won't' not 0X. change it for any make of range that she has • seen yet, in fact if elle . eould not get another one would not sell it at any price. Verb truly yours, Christopher Johnson The WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., 'Ltd. • Wingham, Oot1