HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-06-10, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Lucknow Strawberry Summerfest is almost here
Update from
the committee
Valerie Gillies
Lucknow Sentinel
The Lucknow Strawberry
Summerfest Committee is
busy with the final arrange-
ments for this year's festival.
A meeting was held on June
2 to discuss the details.
There are expected to be
approximately 2,500 people
attending the Legion Straw-
berry Pancake Breakfast
including expecting approxi-
mately 600 players from the
soccer tournament as the
breakfast is included in their
registration package. The
slo-pitch tournament will
also be well attended.
The Kid's zone will again be
held in the Sports Complex as
a place for kids to have fun or
take a break with activities
including face painting,
clowns, inflatables and crafts.
There will be a Look -a -
Like Contest held before the
judging of the Baking Com-
petition. Attend the Pie Auc-
tion dressed as Strawberry
Shortcake or your favourite
Super Hero. Prizes for the
best costume will be
awarded to contestants who
can be either gender and any
age with judging at 1:30 pm.
The Baking Competition is
open to both male and
female contestants with
more categories and more
chances for prizes this year.
There will be two age catego-
ries, one for bakers under 16
years old and one for 16
years and older. The desserts
are to be a covered pie, open
top pie or any strawberry
dessert of your choice with
all entries to have strawber-
ries as the main ingredient.
Desserts are to be dropped
off by 11 am on Saturday and
will be auctioned off after
judging at 2 pm by auction-
eer Dave McCormick.
The colouring contest will
again be held at both LCPS
and BPS. There will be mule
rides throughout the town
on Saturday.
A new addition to this year's
contest will be a Find Red Ber-
rington contest, much like
Where's Waldo. Likenesses of
Red Berrington will be hiding
in the stores and businesses,
alont with a trivia contest
about Lucknow and the
Strawberry Summerfest.
The Lucknow Strawberry
Summerfest Committee is
still accepting vendors for
the Vendor's Market in the
Sports Complex parking lot.
Volunteers can become
involved or earn community
hours with even as little as one
hour of their time. Interested
helpers can be students
Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel
Strawberries once again adorn
the streets of Lucknow in
preparation for the Lucknow
Strawberry Summerfest to be
held June 25-27, 2015.
beginning at grade eight grads
through to seniors.
For more information on
events or to become
involved in the 2015 Luc -
know Strawberry Summer -
fest contact Mary Cranston
519-955-0013 or Sue
Gillespie 519-395-3497.
Lucknow Strawberry Summerfest mascot Red Berrington
is watching the preparations for the 2015 festival from the
window of Armstrong's Bakery. Watch for his picture in new and
interesting places for this year's festival. June 2015.
Increased economic activity in May for Stratford -Bruce Peninsula region
Four County
Labour Market
Planning Board
While Canada and the
province's unemployment
rates, at 7.2 and 7.0 respec-
tively, remained unchanged
from April according to sea-
sonally unadjusted esti-
mates, the unemployment
rate fell .5 % from 5.8% to
5.3% in the Stratford -Bruce
Peninsula region.
In our region, an esti-
mated 1,000 more people
were working in May,
improving our employment
rate to 62.9% - a figure that
has been climbing since the
start of 2015.
"These are positive num-
bers," said Gemma Mendez -
Smith, executive director
with the Four County Labour
"Re~ arch
to grow"
'MN ger crrim
:te m red
s.. oCkek'sr
:I sr*.
11 5 '.14.ic
1.1.;E •914+-Y3.13
5Y45 -ea cancer.w
Market Planning Board, add-
ing that "increased economic
activity shows we are moving
in the right direction."
This region, according to
Statistics Canada's April 2015
Labour Market Bulletin, has
shown "strength among the
economic regions with of
employment of 8,700 driven
entirely by gains in full-time
work. "
Increased employment
figures reflect and continue
to help maintain the region's
unemployment rate with a
variety of new job opportu-
nities in the Stratford -Bruce
Peninsula region. These
opportunities will be in
Bruce Power's planned
maintenance and inspec-
tions of its Unit 6 nuclear
reactor, the opening of a new
Wind Energy Centre project
in Huron County, Sofina
Foods Inc. plans to convert a
Mitchell facility into a
multi-million dollar turkey
processing operation, and
Canadian Bioceutical Cor-
poration's plans to spend up
to $14 million to retrofit the
former PPG plant in Owen
Sound in order to partner
with BioCannabis Products
Ltd. to produce alternative
forms of medical marijuana.
While there was a dip in
the number of people
employed locally in Educa-
tional Services, there was an
increase of 7,500 people
working in Information, cul-
ture and recreation.
The Four County Labour
Market Planning Board is one
of 26 non-profit organizations
in Ontario that play a leader-
ship role in labour force plan-
ning. Following labour market
news can help people under-
stand where job opportunities
(short, medium and long-
term) might be in their local
Call out to all entrepreneurs in the Grey,
Bruce and Wellington North areas
Enter the
Hawks' Nest to
compete for cash
investments and
The Saugeen Economic
Development Corporation
(SEDC) is pleased to part-
ner with the Bruce Com-
munity Futures
Development Corporation
(Bruce CFDC) to deliver
the Hawks' Nest, a Drag-
ons' Den inspired compe-
tition where entrepreneurs
from various sectors will
pitch their business ideas
in an attempt to secure
financial support from
local angel investors (the
Prior to submitting appli-
cations, entrepreneurs will
receive assistance with pre-
paring their business plans
`'GODERICE 519 524 7811
Safe a trier
at free training sessions that
include how to prepare their
pitch to the Hawks. Training
sessions will be offered in
the fall.
Stay tuned for the intro-
duction of the local Hawks,
the training sessions, and
ultimately the live show.
'We are excited to bring
the Hawks' Nest to the
Grey, Bruce, Owen Sound
and Wellington North
areas. This event will sup-
port local economic growth
and provide a viable option
for new businesses and
expansions,' stated Rose
Austin, General Manager,
'We are very pleased that
the Federal Economic
Development Agency of
Southwestern Ontario
(FedDev Ontario) is provid-
ing financial assistance for
the Hawks' Nest.' Barb
Fisher the General Man-
ager for the Bruce CFDC
The Hawks' Nest Advisory
Committee has representa-
tion from 9 communities
with the following for Bruce
Kelly McDonald 519-396-
2731 Kincardine Tourism
Belinda Wick -Graham
519-338-2511 Town of Minto
Joanne Robins 519-832-
2332 Saugeen Shores Cham-
ber of Commerce
Danielle Mulasmajic 519-
534-1400 Town of South
Bruce Peninsula
Christine Brandt 519-881-
3413 Walkerton Business
Improvement Area
* •°*
.• t
The Lucknow Sentinel
Birthday Club
Bo Johnston
June 10, 2012
3 years old
Ethan Mali
June 1 1, 2010
5 years old
Alena Scott
June 13, 2009
6 years old
Your child can be a member
of the Sentinel's birthday club
519-528-2822 to register
LuckNaw Sentinel
619 Campbell Street
"Re~ arch
to grow"
'MN ger crrim
:te m red
s.. oCkek'sr
:I sr*.
11 5 '.14.ic
1.1.;E •914+-Y3.13
5Y45 -ea cancer.w
Market Planning Board, add-
ing that "increased economic
activity shows we are moving
in the right direction."
This region, according to
Statistics Canada's April 2015
Labour Market Bulletin, has
shown "strength among the
economic regions with of
employment of 8,700 driven
entirely by gains in full-time
work. "
Increased employment
figures reflect and continue
to help maintain the region's
unemployment rate with a
variety of new job opportu-
nities in the Stratford -Bruce
Peninsula region. These
opportunities will be in
Bruce Power's planned
maintenance and inspec-
tions of its Unit 6 nuclear
reactor, the opening of a new
Wind Energy Centre project
in Huron County, Sofina
Foods Inc. plans to convert a
Mitchell facility into a
multi-million dollar turkey
processing operation, and
Canadian Bioceutical Cor-
poration's plans to spend up
to $14 million to retrofit the
former PPG plant in Owen
Sound in order to partner
with BioCannabis Products
Ltd. to produce alternative
forms of medical marijuana.
While there was a dip in
the number of people
employed locally in Educa-
tional Services, there was an
increase of 7,500 people
working in Information, cul-
ture and recreation.
The Four County Labour
Market Planning Board is one
of 26 non-profit organizations
in Ontario that play a leader-
ship role in labour force plan-
ning. Following labour market
news can help people under-
stand where job opportunities
(short, medium and long-
term) might be in their local
Call out to all entrepreneurs in the Grey,
Bruce and Wellington North areas
Enter the
Hawks' Nest to
compete for cash
investments and
The Saugeen Economic
Development Corporation
(SEDC) is pleased to part-
ner with the Bruce Com-
munity Futures
Development Corporation
(Bruce CFDC) to deliver
the Hawks' Nest, a Drag-
ons' Den inspired compe-
tition where entrepreneurs
from various sectors will
pitch their business ideas
in an attempt to secure
financial support from
local angel investors (the
Prior to submitting appli-
cations, entrepreneurs will
receive assistance with pre-
paring their business plans
`'GODERICE 519 524 7811
Safe a trier
at free training sessions that
include how to prepare their
pitch to the Hawks. Training
sessions will be offered in
the fall.
Stay tuned for the intro-
duction of the local Hawks,
the training sessions, and
ultimately the live show.
'We are excited to bring
the Hawks' Nest to the
Grey, Bruce, Owen Sound
and Wellington North
areas. This event will sup-
port local economic growth
and provide a viable option
for new businesses and
expansions,' stated Rose
Austin, General Manager,
'We are very pleased that
the Federal Economic
Development Agency of
Southwestern Ontario
(FedDev Ontario) is provid-
ing financial assistance for
the Hawks' Nest.' Barb
Fisher the General Man-
ager for the Bruce CFDC
The Hawks' Nest Advisory
Committee has representa-
tion from 9 communities
with the following for Bruce
Kelly McDonald 519-396-
2731 Kincardine Tourism
Belinda Wick -Graham
519-338-2511 Town of Minto
Joanne Robins 519-832-
2332 Saugeen Shores Cham-
ber of Commerce
Danielle Mulasmajic 519-
534-1400 Town of South
Bruce Peninsula
Christine Brandt 519-881-
3413 Walkerton Business
Improvement Area