The Wingham Times, 1906-03-29, Page 6Richard Cowell, a farmer near Wind-
sor, was acquitted on the charge of Feil-
ing his wife to a neigbbor, Frank. Dob-
son. Both men said it was a joke. elm
Cowell took it seriously.
Wm Farmer tivas struck by a Grand
Trunk train at London while driving,
carried about a block and fatally injur-
ed. Wm Pugeley underwent the same
experience, but escaped unhurt,
Many people say they are"all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve fere') to shattered nervous
It is stated on good authority that the
Salt Works in Brussels will be put in
operation. With as fine a quality and
so abundant in quantity it is too bad
that the works should not be run with
the old time vigor.
As a spring medieince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring,
Monday of last week Robert Francis,
who has been employed in the Carriage
Factories of Cober d: Sons and Ewan
& Ca, since coming to town, has Pur-
chased the business of Edward Speiran,
Elora Street, Brussels, and is now in
Dr. Chase's Oint
meat is a certain
and guaranteed
cure for each and
every form of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
you: neighbor3aboutit. Xou can use it and
bet y onr money back iP not::ati,fted. enc, at all
dealers or 1'DMANaoe. Bxrsis & Co., Toronto.
An epidemic of glanders has broken
out at Atwood, and seven stables are
quarantined. One horse was shot on the
order of the Government veterinary. It
is believed that the disease was brought
in by a shipment of horses received from
the Northwest,
On Tuesday evening,March 20th, fire
broke out in Walkey's chair factory at
Fordwich and in a few minutes the
whole frame structure was in flames,
destroying the entire factory and also a
fine brick residence the property of Wm
Wallace, that waa situated beside the
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined intoa perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pins Syrup. Soltl by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Mr, and airs. .Robert Dalton, sr., of
Stratford, have just celebrated their
golden wedding. They were married in
Kingston, and groomsman and brides-
maid, Dlr. Harry Wilton, of Kingston,
and Mrs, LeR`
G. ache of Hamilton,
still living.
Mr. Thomas Male, of Listowel, was
doing some early gardening this week,
and in removing some earth from about
he barn came across a beautiful bunch
of pink mnabroome. They were prompt-
ly appropriated, and added zest to the
next family meal. Open sir mushrooms
in Marsh is pretty fair for Canada.
A well known and esteeme l -citizen of
long standing in Listowel died at his
residence on Mill street on Tuesday, last
week, in the person of Mr. Thomas
2'brbes. Ile waa in the 80th year of his
age, and has been failing much of late
years, Ile settled and lived for a great
many yeara'pon a farm en the southern
side of the Listowel corporation,
The marriage of Miss Maud Bishop to
Edward Barnes took place hi Winnipeg
on the 2 i th of Feb, last. Both of the
eontraeting partied are well known in
Kincardine, the bride being a daughter
of Mr. Win. Bishop, formerly proprietor
of the Quesn'tHotel there,and the groom
le a seri of Mr, ii'en Burnett, at one orale
foreman in the Andrew 1Vfelcolre fac-
On Saturday, March 17tH, death re-
moved, an old and hghiy respected resi-
dent of Luekuow in the person of Mr.
Jos Auderson. The deceased was a•
nougat the oldest settlers and a painter
by trade. Ile had been in poor health
for some time past and his death was
not anent cted.
Champion ttnGnear for abomination).
Chas Drake, a mail carrier at Chapin-
ville, 'Conn., says: ''Chamberlatn's
Pain Balm is the champion of all lini-
ments. The past year I was troubled a
great deal with rheumatism in my shoul-
der. After trying several cures the store-
keeper here recommended this remedy
and it completely cured me." There is
no nee of anyone suffering from that
painful ailment when this liniment can
be obtained for a !,wall sum. One ap-
plication gives prompt relief and its con•
tinued use for a short time will produce
a permanent cure. For sale by F. H.
W alley.
Mr and Mra henry Fink of Mildmay
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of
their wedding on Saturday afternoon,
March 17th. All the members of the
family were present, and the event was
one that will long be remebered by each
oue of them. Oa the 17th day of Marob
1850, Mr. and Mrs. Fink were united in
holy bonds of matrimony.
An idea of the rush of settlers into the
Northwest may be obtained from the
faot that at the Dominion Land office in
Regina alone, 7,000 letters of enquiry
were reoeivad in 27 days. The home-
stead entries for February numbered
400, or double those of February 1005
Thirty carloads of settlers effects from
Iowa passed one day recently.
Sunlight "Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when need in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
Not far from here a prominent dry
goods merchant is a Sunday School sup.
erintendent. Recently, one Sunday af-
ter reviewing the lesson he asked if any
of the children had a question to ask.
Up went a little hand. "Well Mary,"
he said, "what is it you would like to
know??" "Please" piped Mary, "what's
the price of the little pink parasols in
your store's big window."
W. FI. Thompson, of Strstbaeona.
Alberta,forin't 1 v a. member of the i tale-
rioh CullegtateInstitute *tett, and lat•
telly priecipat of the Stratheoisa I.ubiio
school, was reeeutly offered hie (holee
of the three school inspeetoratea nt tht•
Province of Alberta and at the sotictta•
ttun of the Minister of Education has
taken the Edmonton district ineneetor-
i'or over sixty rears.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bra itlionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child;
softens the gums, allays all pain, curds
wind colic, and is the beat remedy for
diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
vane is incalculable. Besure you ask
• for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
In the person of Mrs. Margaret Hayes,
Lot 5, Con. 11, Kinloss, in her 74th year.
Mrs. Hayes was a woman of quiet man -
nor, thoroughly domestic, an affection-
ate mother and wife and one of the most
womanly of women. Though deeply
absorbed in her afflicted husband, child-
ren and home she always found time to
dispense a kind and generous hospital-
lean taints' r. vor,rrn.
L a -L' r Pills ax lye s are the Indies'favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
eaithoutgriping, purging or sickening.
The death is recorded of a former re-
sident of Luoknow, in the person of
Mrs, Baird, reliot of the late George
'Baird, in the 53rd year of her age. The
death took place at the home of her son,
Dr. Jas. Baird, of Hemmiugford, Que.
bec, with whom she had resided for
nearly two years. Death was the re-
sult of a second stroke of paralysis, the
first having been received about three
years ago. Deceased was a sister of P.
Ii. McKenzie, >,t. P, for South truce.
"I'er years 1 have been
troubled with rites. At times
I would have to lie down ami
remain perfectly quiet for
hours. En( la attaok was worse
than the last, I tried many
rile medicines but got no
better till 1 wed Item -head,
and this cured me 'perma-
nently, Thanks to Item -
Roil, I ata now free from
every symptom of file=r. L.
M. Gr,r,Apov,'r Assistant Post
Master, Greenwood, Ont.
Thensencls tell the mime story of Mein-Itoid,
the *1,000 Guaranteed file !Jure. All dragCists,
*1:00, or Ten Wneos-livez Coe Limited,
Niesere 1 ,Ui, Qui. 2a
Bears the ,., iIhe KipdYt llava Always liougltl .
>lfgnnt+r a / f ti t47",./7911,444"
A very sad affair occurred iu West
Wawanosh tgwnnbip recently, Talbert
Wilson, eon of Mark Wilson, of the
vicinity of Proeperity, a young watt of
twenty-two years, had been afflicted
with mehumbolia. During the night he
left his home and the nett morning baa
corpse WAS found at the river's edge.
It,ia supposs; ci that nuder the influeuee
of his brooding spirits he threw himself
into the wat£r and was drowned. Fie
was a young man of good ebaracter and
the greatest. sympathy is • felt for his
parents to their diurese.
Atter Piles have existed for alma time
and passed through different stages, the
suffering it Unease -pain, aching, throb-
bing, tumors forlu,fillo4 tobu,sting with
black blood.
Oa Tuesday' of last week the marriage
of Mrs Baines and Mr, elawkiue, both
higbly esteemed citizens of Brussels took
plane at Talahassee, the beautiful bomb
of I. 0. Richards, at Btussels, the bride's
pastor, Rev. T. W. Ooseus, offtt'iaring.
Mies Minerva Jones presided at the piano
and Miss Verne Walker performed the
duties of flower girl. After the cere-
mony the kind hostess served a tempting
luncheon and in the afternoan the happy
couple tools the train for Jamestown, N
Y, where they will reside, followed by
many good wishes of friends in Brussele
and locality.
Your "Fagged" Feeling
is Spring Sickness
This Unhealthy Weather Will Intens-
ify Your Exhaustion Unless
You Have Good Medicine.
Time won't help; matters grow worse
instead of better if your systlm isn't rid
of its poisonous burden.
Your blood is not only thin, but is
contaminated with a whole winter's ac-
ommulation of wastes.
A stimulating blood tonic is required.'
What's it going to be?
Not bitters or alcoholic dope, hat con-
centrators euro in the form of "Ferro -
zone" which is known as the best of all
spring rejuvenators.
It creates keen appetite.
Produces prodigious digestion.
Oouverts food into nourishinent.
Gives richness and vitality to the
ales strong nerves and hardy mos -
Ferrozene possesses power that can't
be doubted. It will do for you what it
did for Walter Wood, of Beaufort, Car
Co , N.B , who writes: -"I can say that
Ferrozone bas given me a new lease of
life. A year ago I anffered muoh from
nervous weakness I was really scarcely
able to drag myself aronud. My ap-
petite was gone, I had no color or ambi-
tion and felt generally used up. The
first box of Ferrozone started me back
to health I took a number of boxes,
but it was worth while as my health
was completely restored."
Get back to health with Ferrozone.
Your druggist sells it, 30c per box or six
hoses fpr ;f2 30 By mail from N. C.
Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn., U.S. A.,
and Kingston, Ont.
. u..ML •
THE 1l iNGR.A MRS A11011 1.91,f1
ree Gifts f Toilet Soaps
VV+e [71 1 1i xl }' ' SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS
The Cot:pens are the s•tne as 'rasa because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for w.ik h you have to pay out money every week.
Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET' SON'S
for nothing.
Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List,
A gift is of little value if it consists raf something you have no else for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something' you need and use
every day,
',,.over Brothers X.iersitese,'Toraeato, Canada see
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Mr. John Stuart, wholesale grocer, of
Hamilton, is dead,
Portage la Prairie, embarrassed by too
much name, wishes to be Portae.
Doan's Kidney P[lis act on the kid-
neya, bladder and urinary organs only.
They core backaches, weak back. rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamatiou,
gravel, Prigbt g disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
John Hill, the Indian, was acquitted
of murder at Brantford.
Hon. Mr. Hanna states that the Gov-
ernment does not propose to issue liquor
licenses to steamers.
For infants and Children. 3
The Kind You Have Always Bought 1
Bears the •
Signature of ,
The directors of the Woodstock Y. M.
O. A. have decided to erect a new build-
ing to cost about 623,000.
Hon. John Dryden has been appointed
a member of a commission to inquire in-
to the agricultural coudition of Ireland.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by pailful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,.
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantnm, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sere care which should always be
kept in tho house.
rt -
Options on two thousand acres of land
n ear Sandwich are said to have been se -
mired by the United States Steel Corpora-
. The religious census of the Soo shows
that the town has 9,301 people. 3letho.
:lists number 2,100, Presbyterians 1,800,
and Anglicans 1,500.
A Safe Cough 1ledielue for Children.
In buying a cough medicine for chil-
dren never be afraid to buy Chamber-
lain's Oongh Remedy. There is no
clanger from it and relief is always sure
to follow, It is especially valuable fir
colds, croup and whooping cough. For
`?ale by F. H. Walley.
Charles Weadorf has disposed of his
livery property at Midway to Frederick
Wells of Clifford, for $1300. The pur-
-haser is to get possession on the 1st day
of May. Mr. Wells was formerly iu the
!ivery bueiness at Clifford.
Rev. A. C, Tiffin, of Trowbridge,
»ornleriy of Walton, has accepted an
tiruvitation to Milverton for the next eon -
Terence term, subject to ratification by
the stationing committee. He has done
good - work at Trowbridge circuit.
Trowbridge has invited Rev. W. A.
Smith, of Lueknow, it is said, to sue-
eeed Itev. Mr. Tiffin.
Ycu caraot 130 expr cied to have faith in
Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung
Tonic, as a cute for Colds, Coughs and all
diseases of the air passages, if you have
not tried it. We have faith in it, and we
guarantee it. if it doesn't cure you it rests
you nothing. if it does it costs you 25c,
Mutt's fair. Try h to -day.
Shiloh has cured many thousands of tate
most obstinate cases, and we do nothesitate
to say that it wilt etre any Cold, Cough,
Throat or Lung trouble. 0 we did not
believe this we wouid not guarantee h.
Shiloh has had se nnhrolen record of
success for thirty years. It has ttood
every r possible;.teetrwthoutfailure, further
is four. i in the many testimonials of there
who have tried Shiloh and been Cured.
Mrs, Archie Taylo r, Asaph. Pa., writes: -
"I hOU
rites:--"Phys d t a heels of -r`ihi%li s Cerienntsion Cure foard it rrry henefirisl, i havetwa children,
and they hada ttaib'.e tough. i Rave them
cbcrythine I tools thunk of. Lottheyaot as ix:r
r:nt, one evening my h:atard bruiht amnia
S536. Wr Retic it to the ehik}relr •vhca they
went to b,.1. sad they slstit all night. It rt:retf
t', mpktely. I thal} always keep it 'Lithe
.''ir. wilt gearaeke wherever mtteNtiit+t i. raid.
The twelfth annnaI report of the On -
atria Government on Fruit Experiment-
al stations has boon issued. It contains
nothing of special interest, and is pretty
much after the manner of the other re-
ports which have preceded it. Mr. Sher-
rington reports on raspberries principally,
and gives Isis opinion as to the cause of
the failure of the apple crop during the
past 3 ear. The Boring, he says. opened
out very favorably, all trees and plants
that had not been injured during the past
winter coming out good and strong.
Later on, when the trees were in full
bloom, cold, heavy rains Bet in, malting
spraying very difficult, and causing trees
that were weak and orchards that had
not been well cultivated, to cast their
tC tailSi+CstXA,.
Iles ES1nI Ysn Haia d'.,tia,s Elaaghi
iY. / `{-^rare/''.
Beers the
Ufico npt'a n tiro' tt. luau uterried t1t
wonpiu wbo hark inherited $500 from *
grand fat her This was all rtn' evt•r re,
oriverl, but the luau Heller got trrt•d;t tor _
atilt r'tIurte the rest of els lit lie built
f kip v store "I)ul is with his a'ntl'er
money," the neighbors ;naafi. t'he home
wen matte over bud enlarged. "ills
wife's was rha "ally cont.
mt•nt Ch's little uteaeiy tatat env ihher•
t et wee given the credit tor everything
hedid tinting it•a, road when ltu Bled Mat
the ,vitt put up leonine ,•t with hitt
life insanities. '•tl+•r mots••, paid for
that," wise said agat't But is ie what
her moot,, really iv,•rtt for: During h„t
engagement she b •utsht tt•'s•-lf a 1350
'Arnim nod a $130 dt>ttnoud rt .:, and ie
ft•W weeks she lust toe ring; snorts was al•
wa1 a dont•'• regret that i't.t',t lona
the plane,
Youth a"d Age.
f Cllirago Ruenrd• aura -d )
Who inn'tha tst t„v t. old n kt.rn
And pass nit than strong to n hold best
Fur muni v hive et v -r bunt
save In tt .Orin!! nuut'S t" Itwr.
Who fetes still nen +; snoth'ul heart,
[tow. •r the yeer 't bits hos scarred;
thea, r',,' gntt•,' .rill rtvs'iu •report,
W pert "Id ,lien ti„d t+n-w barred.
W11.1 etltaff tf.t Iov(+ n 7t ,tg,• 1.. t r.s t',
[i'tw' v• r tow than' vettr, ,it.', be;
Who lows still v. htn his too as gray,
liteat or tee gods it; he.
wrap •
Sino xaewon' sloe
1 tt,• rrerlars of this paper x,'11 be pleas -
,,(1 to ;onto that there is at least one
dresdert tt'setlse that pclence hoe bee n able
to care to all its stages, . tu,d that la
Cnt•,.rrtt lint Ps (Jatarsh Curr is the only
positt '- dire now known to ria'- medieni
,.,.--papa.. •+`wrap,.
To preserve or restore it, there i:, no better
prescriptionfor men, women aryl t'hildren than
y Ripans `Tabules, Tiley, are easy to take. They
1 are made of a, combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans l-aL't:!cs are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
plain, everyday folks they are a veritable friend
, in need. .it.ipansTabules have become their ;::-
4 lard fain. remedy. They are a dependable, hon -
if: est
est ' °iii 'dy vith a long and successful record, t
r i, ',a ugest'nn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
-o •t.tpation, t •_tensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
( .atisin, squr stomach, bowel and liver cczn-
•ts. They stregthen weak stomach,, 1:::,i1;1 up
.1,wn systems, restore pure blood„fond appe-
,:. id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
;otl tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
1 ' -Veles. Your drt ggist sells then, The five-
c..rit packet is et, Yh for an ordinary occasion.
The' Family Bottii 5o cents, contairl:i a supply
for a year,
frett•rnity Catarrh being a COustit.u- 00000000000eet*i4,yp***S r.eiefia00 tk,Utateas atat60attd,Stif 0(11 118.40l8li111N
titins! rfis;'•ase. requires a constitutional tg tr
treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken - • •
iuteroally, acting directly upon the . ! ~of the disease. and giving the patient ; `
blood and mucous surfaces of the eye- O
tent, theinhy destroying the foundation : 2
strength by building lip the constitution _ o
and assietieg stature in doing its work •
The proprietors have ea niur•h faith in its •
curative powers that they c•ffer 01.18 - 0 _
Hundred Dollars for any case that it •
toile to care. Send for hst of testiwon- : •
Address F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, . • .. •
g FOR 1905 - 0`6.
Sold by all druggists, 76o
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- • •
Mon. v •
A Dead Man's Shoes.
There is a scene o'er which I can't
And never will enthuse;
It is a rabble scrambling for
A dead man's shoes.
tThe Ti 1Es will receive subscriptions at the rates below ::'
4. for any or all of the following publications :
Times to January 1st, 1907 $1.00
Times and Daily Globe 4.50 ,t,:
I Times and Daily Mail and .Empire 4.60 4'
Times and Daily World 3,20ee
Times and Tdronto Daily News., 1.90 ,
Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85,
Times' and Daily Advertiser 2.35 •t>•
Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2,35
_Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70
Times and. Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 ems..
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and 4
book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide +I'
Times and Weekly Witness +
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 4 -
Times and London Free Press (weekly) -
. Times and London Advertiser (weekly) .i.
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and World Wide 4:
Times and Northern Messenger.
Times and Farmers' Advocate 4'
We specially recommend our readers to subscribe 't'-
to the Farnsers' Advocate and Home Magazine
Times and Farming World 1.35 +
Times and Presbyterian 2.2541,:
Times and Westminster 2.25 4•'
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25, t.
Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... ... 1.90 4
Times and Youtbs' Companion 2.75+I,-,
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 A.•
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45
+Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)185 -
•e. Times and Miebigan Farmer " 1.65
4 Times and 'Woman's Home Companion 1.75
+ Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London 1.15
Times and American Sheep Breeder ... , 1.90
. Times and Country Gentleman 2,10
' Tinley and Delineator 1.95
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75
'1i, Times and Green's Fruit Grower.... 1.35
4. 4.
'i' Times and Good Housekeeping 1,80
Tunes and Modern Women L45
Times and McCaIl's Magazine
Times and Pearson's Magazine 1 r0
' Times ;arid American Illustrated Magazine 1.90
4. Times and American Boy Magazine.... 1,65
•. Times and What to rat 1,60
Times and Bookkeeper 1.65
. Times and Retareation 1.75
4 Times and Cosmopolitan 1.65
4. Times and Ladies' Home Journal r 2.15
4. Times and Saturday Evening Post. 2.45
+Times and Success 1.80
Times sed Housekeeper 1,50
4.4. Times- and Pilgrim 1.60
Times and Poultry Keeper 1.40
4. Times and 'Hoard's Dairyman 1,90
Times and McClure's Magazine 1.90
4 Times and Munsey's Magazine .............. 2.00
Times and Rural New Yorker 2,00
Tittles and Vick's Magazine 1.40
Times and American Gardening 2.25
Times and Health Culture . 1.85
Times and Ram's n s :tiara .4.a
Times and Four Track News 1.90
Tildes and Breeders' Gazette , ... 2.25
Times and practical Farmer1.85
When premiums are given with any* of above papers, subscribers will
secure snob premiums when ordering through us, Name as if ordered direct
from publishers.
These low rates mean a considerable raving to subteribers, and are •'
STRICTLY CASH XN ADVA2vOE. Send remittances by postai note, post:
ofiloe or expret+e motley order, addressing
•*010111 tMH INIMrl I E.liili0li i'
He's hardly breathed his 'latest breath,' .+i.
And nettled for his snooze
Ere a crowd of people scramble for
The dead man's shoes.
The scene around his open grave
The ghouls it cloth amuse;
They tear the coffin open for
The dead man's shoes.
Around the powers that be they rush;
Each other they accuse;
"Yeti pulled the dead man's leg to get
The dead man's shoes."
They come and claim your influence;
Yon can't -dare not refuse;
Yon haul and maul for them to get
The dead man's shoes.
The C P.R. will have over 830 miles
of railway under construction this year.
An outline of the company's construe.
tion operation's for 1906 contains the fol.
lowing in regard to the Gaelph'Gode'
rich line; -"Tho Iine from Guelph to
Godertch traverses the counties of Wal-,
Your wife will eveu take a hand;
The powers that be she woos;
And hustles round to beg for you
The dead man's shoes.
The same with every pnbiia man
Who pays old Nature's dues;
He croaks -a crowd is scrambling for
The dead man's shoes.
It is enough to make us sad, "
To give us all the blues,
To see our friends all scrambling for
A dead man's shoes.
The Khan.
Al tl Every day in the week and
TIRED'Every week in the year man,
women and children feel all
used up and tired out,
The strain of business, the
cares of home and social life
and the task of study cause terrible suffer-
ing from heart and nerve troubles. The
efforts put forth to keep tip to the modern
"high pressors" mode of life in this age
o strongest is s em
noon wears out th s; y t ,
shatters the nerves and weakens the heart.
Thousands find life a burden and others
an early grave. The strain on the system
causes nervousness, palpitation of the heart,
nervous prostration, sleeplessness, faint
and dizzy spells, skip beats, weak and
irregular pulse, Smothering and `finking
spells, etc, The blood becomes week and
oratory and eventually causes decline.
lington, Waterloo, Perth and Hurois,; H
r •
Goderich, on the shores of Take Huron,
direct to Toronto This tine when corn
Riv[n Splendid bf ggh grade lines from t
cart and Nerve w
pleted will give a great itnpettis to the are indicated for all diseases arising from .Fe
eornmereial devolopment of Guelph andaweak and debilitated rendition of that
Goderich, and the many towns between heart or of the, nerve centres. Mrs, Thos.
including Elmira, Linwood, Milverton Ball, Keldoii, Ont,, writes: feeler the pnet
two er three years I have been troubleci
and Blyth, and others of issuer import. # with nervousness and heart failure, and
auce. Several branches are contempla• the declare failed to give mo any relief. 1
tad in oonneetloit with this line, t con. decided at last to ave Milburn's heart and.
neat • it with Stratford and Listowel. Nerve Pills a trim, and l would not now
ba► vtithout thein if they Cost twice as
Apart from the grain and other through much, 1 have recauamendecl them to my
traffic which this line will handle, it will neighbors and, friends.
alto 'slake Goderiek a favorite Milliner neighbors
d, last tad Nerve rills fila etc.resort, en aeeattnt of the cess fait vendee(r box or 8 for $1.2125 , all dealers, or The
tb and from Toronto. Ubu C? t UMW, Teronte$ + i