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Reunion a prime opportunity to promote Ripley Square
Troy Patterson
Kincardine News
Ripley is at the outset of
millions of dollars in devel-
opment, and David Brown
wants to see the village
revived as a destination in
southern Bruce County.
Excited for the 2015 Ripley
Reunion, 'All Roads Lead
Home' has given Brown, one
of the largest property own-
ers in the community, an
opportunity to showcase
what he wants to do and
hopefully inspire people
who have come back to town
for the reunion, to get on
board with it.
Partnering with the Town-
ship of Huron -Kinloss and
Cobalt Connects, Brown said
the painting and mural work
on what will someday be
'Ripley Square' - Courtney's
Grain and Seed block across
from Lewis Park gives the
Reunion a chance to show-
case Ripley's history, and
celebrate it.
The block features a num-
ber of three-dimensional
murals of historic photo-
graphs of people in the Rip-
ley area, showcased along
the historic hotel, old store-
fronts and granary buildings,
which could be expanded to
other buildings in the future.
"I think it looks terrific,"
said Brown. "I thought it was
really important to get the
historical aspects of the
community portrayed on the
mural and it's something
that can be left here, or
transported to another
building. There's no telling
what you could do with this
going forward."
Brown also provided office
space to the 2015 Ripley
Reunion committee at one
of his storefronts, and
described the 2005 reunion
he attended as an "incredi-
ble experience."
Ripley has a unique place
in his heart and his family's
His grandfather came to
the community in 1900 and
married his grandmother
from Wingham about 1908,
living in Ripley until about
1919 before moving to
"I remember Ripley as a
thriving hot spot when I was
a kid and I think we can have
that happen again," said
Changes in the granary's
paint colour, restoration of
the facade and new windows
have improved the look of
the building, but is only a
"step towards the final look"
"Some of the stuff that's
not original is going to be
brought back with the final
version of the building, but
for now I wanted something
that's attractive for the reun-
ion," he said. "There's a ton
of work to do inside. But it's
like I have a blank canvas
here to work with. There's a
lot of different opportunities
for the Ripley Square
But Brown said "millions"
are needed to finance the
residential and commercial
investments in the proper-
ties he owns downtown, as
well as another new subdivi-
sion he's planning over the
next couple of years in the
southeast corner of town.
"When I first got the idea I
thought this would happen a
lot sooner than it did, but
then there seemed to be a
downturn in the economy
and high vacancy rates and
the timing wasn't right for it.
But I think we're getting
closer and I'm hoping next
year we can get started on it."
The last 10 years has seen
Brown approach the com-
munity with plans to create
about 160 residential units,
with plans to build addi-
tional storeys on the historic
downtown buildings, or the
equivalent of about 20,000
sq. ft. of commercial area
and 56,000 sq. ft. of residen-
tial space within the approxi-
mate $10 million develop-
ment that has been floated
around since it was intro-
duced to the community
about seven years ago.
"The next 10 years we
want to put them all into
action," he said.
Brown said in order to
bring back a strong commer-
cial presence to the village,
an 'anchor' is needed as a
"major draw" that can pro-
vide jobs and support other
opportunities for new busi-
ness within the community.
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"It can happen in here," he
said. "If other players want to
step up to the plate with
ideas on what they can put it
on it. But failing that, it'll
probably be up to me to do
Brown said his farmer's
market and business incuba-
tor ideas were met with lim-
ited success, but the Ripley
Small Business storefront
continues to offer a starting
point for small business in
the community, with room
for more as a chance for a
free "test run" their busi-
nesses for a short time, or
$100 a month after.
But to support a long-term
commercial plan, the village
and region need to help sup-
port the initiative and help
promote the idea of a rein-
vigorated community, offer-
ing products and services
people will be willing to
travel to Ripley to get.
"People are going to want
to come here to get an expe-
rience," he said. "There's
great food here in Bruce
County, but nobody really
knows about it:'
Brown said making the
community a "culinary tour-
ism destination" is one idea to
draw the public, as well as
other community -oriented
establishments that will bring
people in and support various
commercial establishments
"My gut feeling is this
building is going to be a driv-
ing force for the community
down the road," he said,
adding that linking the com-
munity food -producing ele-
ments could be a unique
opportunity for a restaurant.
"With the beef, corn and
other products we've got,
this place as a restaurant
could really showcase that
and provide an experience
Troy Patterson/Kincardine News
Developer David Brown is proud of the touch ups done to what will be the Ripley Square project, which
currently features three-dimensional murals of historic photographs of people in the Ripley area.
for people coming to south-
ern Bruce County."
Brown said financial insti-
tutions can be skeptics when
they look at large rural pro-
jects, so community buy -in
is key alongside other finan-
cial investments.
"Ripley's so far off finan-
cial institution's radar
screen," he said. "Once it's
thriving and up and running
and very successful, they'll
all be jumping to get on
board with it. But in terms of
assisting in making it hap-
pen, it's a small community
and it's had its struggles the
last few years from a com-
mercial standpoint. So banks
are hesitant to jump into
something like that."
From a housing standpoint,
with a Bruce County shortage
Friends, family and neighbours are invited to the
wedding reception of
Bradley Hodgkinson and Ashleigh Shaw
Saturday August 1,
At the Knights of Columbus Hall in Wingham
starting at 8p.m.
of affordable housing, the pro-
ject could offer new places for
people to live, if job opportu-
nities are available.
"It could take the pressure
off affordable housing and
hopefully create jobs for
people," he said.
Establishing spin-off busi-
nesses is also essential to the
long-term viability of the
project. But in the short-
term, Brown said keeping
interest and attracting inves-
tors is of utmost importance
if they are to move on the
project sooner than later. A
lot of money is to be spent,
but the biggest hurdle for
Brown is finding the right
time and support from the
community itself.
"If you have the right idea
people will come to it," said
Brown, who is passionate
about the revitalization of
Ripley's business commu-
nity. "I think this could be a
huge draw for the entire
area, not just Ripley. It's a
huge nut to crack:'
If people have ideas to
share, or want to be
involved, Brown said infor-
mation on the project will be
handed out during the 2015
Ripley Reunion.
For more information
e-mail meatconsultants@
scheduled Council Meetings
for August & September 2015
have been changed as follows:
Tuesday, August 11th
Tuesday, September, 8r''
Tuesday, September, 22nd
Mark Becker
Township of