HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-07-22, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, July 22, 2015
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Val's Views
Valerie Gillies
It has been busy
myis not even
over and it has
alreadybeen a
sy summer. So
many things are
coming up or have
already happened
that it is sometimes
hard to know if I am
coming or going.
In the already
happened cate-
gory, I am doing
some catching up
and fixing up. The
catching up is get-
ting the Brookside
Public School final
installment of the
Nobody Project
printed. These
amazing students
deserve their rec-
ognition even
though there have
been so many
other things hap-
pening that have
kept the pages of
recent editions
filled. The fixing
up is the correc-
tion to the start
time for the All-
Star game in Luc -
know and getting
straightened out in
the article on
another amazing
student, athlete
Julie -Anne Staehli.
There has been
a major meeting
of politicians and
their supporters at
the Lucknow
Legion where the
leader of the pro-
vincial PC party
concluded his
tour of Huron -
Bruce by speaking
at the Riding
Annual General
Meeting. There
have been
ground -breaking
made in Huron
County to increase
efficiency for cross
services across
township borders
to enhance future
More ground-
breaking innova-
tions emerged
from Bruce Power
In other politi-
cal -related news,
congratulations to
Linda Andrew on
her retirement
from ACW as Dep-
uty Clerk after a
long career of
The Ripley
Reunion is fast
approaching, as
are various con-
tests and gallery
Events are com-
ing up in sports
including the
Hometown Heroes
hockey and ONE
CARE golf
There is still
ample time and
activities to keep
everyone busy and
make this a won-
derful summer to
Be sure to send
any memorable
stories or photos
you would like to
share with Sentinel
readers to lucknow.
Baby -Friendly business and community
Grey Bruce Supporting breastfeed-
ing families means they
Health Unit are welcome to breast-
feed anytime, anywhere.
The Grey Bruce Health The Ontario Human
Unit encourages breast- Rights Code recognizes
feeding as a normal and breastfeeding as a
important component of human right as outlined
healthy infant growth in the Policy on Discrim-
and development. Creat- ination Because of Preg-
ing a welcoming envi- nancy and Breastfeeding.
ronment for breastfeed- This means that women
ing helps remove have the right to breast -
barriers, and supports a feed their babies any -
families' decision to time, anywhere.
breastfeed. Businesses Displaying a Breast -
that support breastfeed- feeding Friendly Sign
ing are a vital part of a tells people that your
healthy community. business is a friendly and
Purple Grove News
Purple Grove WI
Sure pays to have a
Reunion coming up - the
new mural is great and
folks are spiffing up their
residences and busi-
nesses. Fred and Martha
Ethel look pretty fine at
the "R" Villa condo's at the
north end of the village!
Stephanie, Hilman and
Kingsley To of Toronto
spent a day with her
grandmother Largaret
McInnes and Karen
last week.
Jim and Fran Farrell
enjoyed the Team Pen-
ning at the Holstein
Rodeo with Jamie, Crystal
and Danica Farrell on
Thursday evening last
week. Lots of folks
enjoyed the whole week-
end! Joyce and John Far-
rell were involved with the
sheep shearing competi-
tion. A great weekend for
the rodeo weatherwise.
Dave and Dabbie Wray
of Lindsay were over for
the weekend with Sarah
Wray and Glen Farrell.
Fran Farrell visited with
Lillian and Derk Logten-
berg in Goderich
on Sunday.
Descendants of Herb
and Ada Farrell gathered
at Dianne and Wilfred
Gamble's for their annual
potluck picnic. About 70
folks enjoyed the great
food and visiting and of
Lucknow News
Ruth Dobrensky
It was nice to see the
story in last week's paper
about the student that
Trinity United sponsored
so many years ago. In so
many cases, sponsors
never hear what happens
to the people they spon-
sor. The fact that this lady
went to the trouble to find
out where her sponsors
were from, and track them
down so that she could
bring her family to Can-
ada to visit and thank
them personally was
great. What an inspiring
story with a great ending
for the people at Trinity
and the sponsored
It was also nice to learn
that Julie Ann Staehli has
recovered from her achil-
les injury and is back
training again.
Coming up fast is the
Ripley Reunion which of
course will bring many for-
mer residents back to the
area for the celebrations. I
hear the reunion commit-
tee has worked long and
welcoming environment
for breastfeeding fami-
lies. It shows leadership
in promoting baby -
friendly culture in our
community. It also tells
mothers that you and
your staff respect the
decision to breastfeed,
and will do your best to
create a more breast-
feeding friendly climate
for your clients.
For more information
and resources on becom-
ing a Breastfeeding
Friendly business, con-
tact the Grey Bruce
Health Unit.
course the beach was
perfect for the young
Tammy, Troy, Blaise
and Case Carbaugh of
Phoenix, AZ visited with
Deanna and Morley Scott.
Gabrielle, Greg and
Benjamin Smith, and
Joseph Finnie were
home for the weekend
with Heather and
Sam Finnie.
Visiting this past week
with Mary Anne Kukoly
were Valarie and Brian
Webster of Zurich, Fran
and Jim Farrell, Joyce and
John Farrell, Shirley and
Doug MacDonald,
Sandy McEwan, and
Donna Swan
hard on their plans for all
the events, it should be a
good reunion.
Congratulations to all
the graduates in the area.
For those of you who are
going on to college or uni-
versity, good luck and
don't forget to have some
fun. For the public school
grads, have a great time in
high school.
Sympathy of the com-
munity to the famillies of:
John Austin, 91, Lucknow;
and, Elsie Hardy, 94,
The All-Star slo-pitch game in Lucknow will begin at 8 pm on Thursday, August 6.