HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-07-15, Page 66 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Plans underway for St. Joseph's Church
Steph Smith
Postmedia Network
Receiving formal owner-
ship of their community
church is a bittersweet vic-
tory for the members of St.
Joseph's Kingsbridge Com-
munity (SJKC) after a long
two and a half years.
Built in 1903, St. Joseph's
Church has been the home
to several generations and
families living in and around
Kingsbridge for more than
100 years. That was up until
the Diocese of London gave
the congregation notice in
2012 that the church was
slated for demolition and
would closing indefinitely
that October in order to facil-
itate these plans.
This announcement came
only a few years after the
church had been set to close,
but the youth group held a
large public rally, causing
the diocese to reverse the
decision. The final decision
this time stemmed from the
high cost of bringing the
building up to fire and elec-
trical code.
In a last ditch effort to
once again save their church
from its fate, the SJKC was
formed with the goal to "pre-
serve and foster the Kings-
bridge community." The
group and the congregation
began to focus themselves
on gaining ownership of the
building so that it could con-
tinue to be a "community
After some negotiation,
the diocese agreed to sell the
church and the rectory to the
SJKC for $1, while the ceme-
tery and grotto would be sev-
ered. At that time, the SJKC
was given interim posses-
sion in order to start renova-
tions that would allow them
to once again open the
buildings to the public. Full
ownership was granted on
June 26, 2015.
"I think the right word is
euphoria," said Jennifer
Miltenburg, media spokes-
person for the SJKC, regard-
ing their success. "Joy, for
sure, and peace."
According to Bridget Van
Osch, a member of SJKC, the
support for their project has
been overwhelming.
"The bonus is that we are
attracting more people," Van
Osch said. "They're coming
out to our events and we're
reaching out to a much
broader community than
when it [St. Joseph's] was just
a church."
When the SJKC received
interim possession of the
buildings, they were able to
begin renovations to convert
the church into a commu-
nity space. To date, they have
been successful in fundrais-
ing to cover the $180,000
price tag that comes with
resurrecting the church in
order to reopen it to the pub-
lic. The renovations will take
place in three phases:
Phase 1: In order to open
the building, they are cur-
rently working on weather-
proofing the windows and
bricks. They are also clean-
ing, painting and bringing
the electricity up to code.
Phase 2: Includes updat-
ing the basement, kitchen
and other areas, allowing for
everyone to use the building
K2 Wind Power Project
Community Liaison Committee
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
K2 Wind Operations Building - 84655 Tower Line Rd,
Lucknow Ontario NOG 2H0
Open to the General Public for Viewing
About the CLC
A Community Liaison Committee ("CLC") has been established as a
forum to exchange ideas, share information and provide regular updates
regarding construction, installation, use, operation, maintenance and
retirement of the K2 Wind Power Project ("the Project"). The 270 megawatt
wind Project received its Renewable Energy Approval in July 2013.
All meeting materials (minutes, presentations, reports, etc.) will be made
available for public review on the Project website at www.K2Wind.ca.
The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the Project website at least
one week in advance. The CLC meeting is open to the general public for
For more information on the CLC please contact the K2 Wind Project:
Krista Walkey, Krista.Walkey@stantec.com;
Phone (519) 575-4133
For questions or requests for additional information not pertaining to the
CLC, please contact the K2 Wind Power Project Team at:
E-mail: info@K2Wind.ca
Telephone: 519-529-7455
About the Project
K2 Wind Ontario
is a partnership
between Samsung
Renewable Energy,
Inc. (Samsung),
Pattern Energy Group
Inc. (Pattern Energy)
and Capital Power LP
(Capital Power).
■ K2 Wind has the
capacity to generate
270 megawatts of
renewable electricity
from 140 Siemens
model SWT -2.3 wind
turbines. Operations
commenced in May
• More information
about the Project is
available at
in its entirety.
Phase 3: Making the build-
ing accessible for all.
"The church and our pro-
ject really aren't hard to talk
about when you feel so pas-
sionate about it," Miltenburg
said. "For the last two and a
half years we haven't had a
place to call home, and now
we do:'
While masses will no longer
be taking place at St. Joseph's,
plans for the space include
rental for events such as wed-
dings, family gatherings and
meetings, as well as use as an
exhibit space for local artists, to
name a few. There is also hope
that it will serve as a repository
for local history, as many pho-
tos and artifacts from the par-
ish and the former St. Joseph's
School are already in storage at
the church.
"We want to preserve the
history of not only the church,
but the community as well;'
Van Osch said. "We want to
have archives and collections
of the parish and the commu-
nity on display for all"
A grand reopening celebra-
tion is scheduled for Saturday,
Aug. 22 at St. Joseph's Church
Photos by Steph Smith Postmedia Network
The St. Joseph's Church in Kingsbridge will once again be a home
to the community and surrounding area with the St. Joseph's
Kingsbridge Community organization gaining full ownership of the
buildings on June 26. Their plans are to restore both the church
and the rectory in order to reopen them to the public.
Kingsbridge and will include a
small program with social
time and refreshments.
"Our main message is the
invitation," Miltenburg said.
"We're preserving a histori-
cal building and we have a
community hub. We would
like to invite people to help
us revitalize rural Ontario;
we'd like them to come share
their time, talents and treas-
ures, or just come join us to
share the vision, share the
dream and come home to
the country."
To learn more about the
SJKC, the buildings and rent-
als, or to keep up to date on
renovations and upcoming
events, visit www.stjosephsk-
ingsbridge.com or the St.
Joseph's Kingsbridge Com-
munity Facebook page. For
more information, contact Jim
Van Osch at 519-529-1051.
Minecraft coming to the Ripley and Lucknow Libraries
Grant Robertson
Branch Supervisor
The Bruce County Public
Library recently acquired a
set of linked laptops loaded
with the game
Minecraft. Minecraft is one
of the most popular video
games in the world and if
you have never heard of it,
ask your kids, or grandkids
and we can guarantee
they have.
Mincecraft allows players
to work together to build an
imaginary world, and to face
the inevitable problems the
game throws at you for
fun. Minecraft is a game
about placing blocks to build
anything you can imagine.
At night monsters come out.
The Ripley program will be
running on July 22 at 3 pm
and the Lucknow program
will be the following day on
July 23 at 6:30 pm. Because
space is limited please pre -
register by calling 519 395-
5901 for Ripley and 519 528-
3011 for Lucknow. Anyone is
welcome to come, but prior-
ity will be given to those who
pre -register.
All attendees will be
entered into a draw for a
Creeper prize pack.
Chad Mann
A Division of Lloyd Collins Construction Ltd.
The Lucknow Sentinel
Birthday Club
Daija Haldenby
July l 8, 2003
12 years old
Reed Dewar
July l 8, 2008
7 years old
Your child can be a member
of the Sentinel's birthday club
call 519-528-2822 to register
* .
L nnm Santini
619 Campbell Street
and we can guarantee
they have.
Mincecraft allows players
to work together to build an
imaginary world, and to face
the inevitable problems the
game throws at you for
fun. Minecraft is a game
about placing blocks to build
anything you can imagine.
At night monsters come out.
The Ripley program will be
running on July 22 at 3 pm
and the Lucknow program
will be the following day on
July 23 at 6:30 pm. Because
space is limited please pre -
register by calling 519 395-
5901 for Ripley and 519 528-
3011 for Lucknow. Anyone is
welcome to come, but prior-
ity will be given to those who
pre -register.
All attendees will be
entered into a draw for a
Creeper prize pack.
Chad Mann
A Division of Lloyd Collins Construction Ltd.