HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1906-03-22, Page 88
M1rye.,44„*""4.r4r4VY'1'',r'"" '1V es,e "' ieev.vMr+iw'zi"►ryr
Carey Dry Goods s Co.
We have just received another shipment of nets goods
Prints, Tabic linens, Towelings,
�ilcloths, Rugs and Carpets, o
Spring is here and you will be needing some new
Carpets and Curtains during house-cleaning time. Remem-
ber, this is the place where you will get the best, and the
largest assortment to choose from.
We have Curtains ranging in prices from go. cents
up to $5.00 and $7 oo a pair. Call in and see theca.
We have just received a bale of Cotton which we
will sell at only 5c per yard.
Two paddies of our 40c Black and Green Tea, jest to
T{, p
�+wewill sell at 23c per Ib.
'Or'{0 114'lyfe 111VV 10 WO+'Rrb bA1 #,111"V!AW
—Try the Thins office 'when in need
of pihang of any kind,
--Mr- D. E. MacDonald shipped a car
load of cattle to Toronto on Monday.
—TINES and Weekly GIobe till 1st of
January, 1907 to new subsoribers for
--The Western Fair will be Held this
year at Loudon from the 7th to the 13th
of September.
--The very latest in wedding invita-
tions and visiting cards can be had at
the Veins once.
—M. O. Johuston, of Goderioh, has
been appointed a Notrary Public by the
Ontario Governmeut.
&oughs, colds, hoarseness. and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene -
tabiets, ten cents nor box. All •?ru g1sts
—Owing to delay in shipment of show
oases, Mr. A. B. Kaiser's jewelry store
in the Chisholm block, will not be open-
ed for a few days.
—The R. H. Crowder Co. had a very
nicely dressed window, which was in
honor of St. Patrick's day. The latest
in neckwear, etc. was shown.
Ohester Longman, who has been.
employed with Mr. J. W. Hewer in the
barber shop, left this week for Ripley,
to take a position with Frank Rice.
—We have had some genuine winter
weather during the past week. Very
cold and a good quantity of the "beanti-
fal," just enough to make fair sleighing.
—Mr. J. B. Ferguson, Town Clerk,
was able to be at his office for the first
time on Monday. His many friends are
pleased to see him able to be around
—Mr. Michael Verson, who recently
sold his farm in Culross intends moving
to Wingham in the near future. Mr.
Verson secured $10,000 for his 200 acre
--Mrd. Crawford, mother of Sirs.
john Rae, of the 8th of Turnberry and
Was Crawford, of the 10th of Howick,
died at her home in Millbank on Friday,
March Oth.
—The next regular meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Retail Mer-
cbante Association will be held next
Tuesday evening. All members are re-
quested to be present.
—From the Goderi eh Signal we Iearn
that Mr, Halsey Park, formerly of
Wingham is making preparations to
erect a two-story brick residence on
South street in that town,
Miss Edna Sobrauk, Port Elgin is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Gillespie.
Mr Dert fiaerry, of Brussels was callipg
on old Winghaw friends fee Tuesday.
Mra D. T. Hepburn is visiting with
friends in Landoll.
Antra. D. Rush of Toronto, le visiting
with relatives and old friends Au Wing•
Ur, H. Davis was visiting over Sun -
e day with his brother, Mr. W. R. Davis
at 1 T tohell.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wightman have
been visiting for a few days with re•
loaves and Mende and Brumfield.
Mr. James Perfect, of Capetown,
South Africa, is visitie);g at the borne of
hie son-in-law, Mr. S.I. IL Coopman,
Mrs. W. P. Grierson, is visiting with
her mother at Sylvan. Mr. Grierson
also spent a few days there last week.
Mayor Bell and Mr. D. D. Wilson
were at Seaforth on Monday attending
the funeral of the late Andrew Young. "
Mr. Wm Nioholson is in Guelph this
week attending the anuual meeting of
the Greed Camp of the Woodmen of
Mr. T. J. McLean, representing the
Wingham Oil Co., was is town for a
couple of days duripg the week.—Thes-
salon Advocate.
Mrs. L S. Schneider, of Winnipeg is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. G. Rodertson
of Edward street, before leaving for
Vancouver, B. 0.
Mr Murray Wilson, of Tnrnberry left
this morniug for Redvers, Sask., where
he will look after his interats in a
homestead near that place. He expects
to be away about a month.
Mr, J G Robertson left last week for
Weston, to take his new position as in-
spector of stoves for the Moffatt Stove
Ca. As an evidence of the esteem in
which he was held by his fellow-employ-
e1low•employees of the Western Foundry Co , Mr.
—G. T. R. Agent Harold and Collect-
or of Customs Davis, had bad falls on
the ice at the station on Monday morn-
ing. Both are able to be about, but they
sustained painful injuries.
—The Times is sorry to learn that
Brer. Bradwin, of the Blyth Standard,
has been confined to his bed through
nese for the past two weeks. We h3pe
he may soon be around again.
Fon SALE—A very desirable brick
residence on Frances street, near school
house. This is a beautiful home with
all modern conveniences. Call or write
to T. H. Roes, Wingham.
W!iidow Shades
On best spring rollers,
Colors, cream, green and
red. Reversible shades,
cut to suit your windows.
For sidle at lowest prices.
Miss Ko MI fisher
Sneeefs ix b Ooopaf & 0*.
—Mr. A. 13, Musgrove resumed his Robertson was presented by them with
d t'at th h 1 -- d a handsome Morris chair, together with
but has to use a crotch to aid him. He
n les e se oo on on ay morning
had a bad fall, and we are pleased to
know that bele again able to be on duty.
--Mr. John Taylor, of Zetland will
celebrate his 78th birthday to -day and
Mre. Taylor will be 78 years of age on
April 8th. The many friends of this re-
spected couple will wish them many
happy returns of their birthdays.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St, Andrew's Church
Glasses supplied.
—The old station building at the G.T.
R. is about all taken down. Mr. C. G
VauStone bas had the material moved to
his lot an the corner of Patrick and
Francis streets and will use it in erecting
a dwelling during the coming summer.
—Colville Walker, liveryman, died at
his home in Ingersoll on Tuesday after-
noon, after several xnonths illness. De-
ceased was a brother of Mr Geo. Walker
of Gerrie, and he lived near Dungannon
for a number of years before moving to
Ingersoll. -
a complimentary address.
Nowadays wise mothers do not dose
their children with harsh. griping castor
oil or purgatives, nor do they' give them
poisonous opiates in the form of so-called
soothing medicines. Baby's Owu Tab.
t analyst
ectlp safe
e indigestion,
teething troubles,
re, and other:little
--A young man well-known to many
of our readers died at his home in Kin-
cardine last week, in the person of W.
J. (Bunt) McIver, in his thirty-first
year. He had been in poor health for a
year. He was one of Kincardine's best
lacrosse players.
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
irritations is f ound in
Cresolone Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewitb
the soothing propertic of slippery elm and licorice,
too. A11 Druggists 400
--Messrs, Elder & Swarta, livery men,
of Brandon have dissolved partnership
and the business will be continued by
Mr. Elder, The Toronto Globe reports
that Mr. Stuarts will take his racehorses
through the Manitoba circuit, after
which he will return to Wingham.
—Mr. Andrew Young, one of Sea-
forth's oldest and most prominent bnai-
lless men, died very suddenly last Thurs-
day night. Deceased was born in Bien -
helm, Oxford County, 59 years ago and
had been in business in Seatorth for over
30 years, Ile leaves a wife and three
Dr. Ovens, London, Surgeon Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc-
Kibbon's drugstore, Tuesday, April 3rd.
Hours 2 p. m. to 8 p. m, Glasses pro-
perly fitted.
--Conductor Dune McCallum, the
genial and accommodating ticket puncher
on the London, Huron & Brnoe Railway
has been railroading for the past 33
years. lie started as pester at Walker-
ton and has worked his way to the front.
Conductor McCallum is a favorite with
the travelling public.
Fon SAtee--A good brisk residence
beautifully situated itt the tovvn of
Wingham; eight rooms; bath; electric
lighted; modern convonieneee. This is
:x very destraable property. Terra reason•
able, and to snit purchaser. Address
at Teems oibee.
-rifer James 1llellath, of dlinton, well
known to some of our readers, and a
brother of Mrs. Geo. C. Manners, of
town, has termed a partnership with
Mr..3rthnr. Tyndall and the new grin
intend engaging in the furniture and un-
dertaking btisinessat Clinton. The new
firm will also take ower the tartiege
manufacturing biteinesa oi' Rtlinhell &
lets take the place of these gar
dangerous medicines, and th
has the word of a Govern
that the Tablets are p
Baby's Own Tablets
constipation, colic,
diarrhoea, simpl fe
ills of ohildhno An occasional dose
will keep etitdren well. Mrs R E
Long. Peachland, B. C , says: "I have
found Baby's Own Tablets unsurpassed
for teething troubles, breaking up colds,
reducing fevers, and other ills, and they
make a child sleep naturally. I now al-
ways keep them in the hoose." Ask for
the Tablets at your druggist's oryon can
get them by mail from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 25e a
tl hr tuna
Millinery Spring,, SPRING
AOMMOCOM010 .announcement MILLI N ERY I Butcher shop'
x k
Miss , lk1aori]lxxsorc wishes to
anaouace tothe Ladies of Wing-
-ham and surrounding vioiuity
that her stook of Fashionable
Millinery, consisting of all the
latest styles in hats, Flowers.
Feathers, Itibbons, eta, etc ill
be ready for inspection o aes-
day, 27th inst.
The usual formal opening being
dispensed with this season, we
extend to all a cordial invitation
to call and inepeot our new
styles on or after the above date
ISO R14.
AD.ldts—To Wingham Town Ply t, on March
12th, the wife of .Ate. Chas. Adams; a daughter.
Crtlatrsos—RionAnnsQN—In Blyth, at the
residenne of Mra F Shortreed, en March, 7th,
by Rev. Dr. McLean, Miss l;ltzabeth titolierd-
son, of Blyth, to Mr. Jno. Cummivae, of Morrie.
MoNAIR—OR$RAn-At the mance, Walton
on March 7th, by Rev. A. DfeNab, M, A. Miys
Mary, daughter of Mr. Jno. ()resew, to air. Jas.
A. Mellen., both of Grey.
CLElaENSII OW—TREMAtN—At the home of
the bride's parents, on Murch 7th, by Rev. Mr.
Cameron, of North Mornington, Mr. James E.
CTremain, yolemensha 0, of Caron,ungestdaBuask„ to Miss Mabel E.
Tremain, of Listowel; ghter of Mr. Aaron
STRt.TTON—At Belgrare, on March lath,
Emily Clark, wife of Mr. Jas. B. Stretton, aged
87 years and 4 months,
MCALPINE—At Ftepworth, on March 18th,
James MoAlphine, formerly of Wingham, in
his 66th year.
MCSA r -In 'Culross, on March 0th, William
S. McKay, in his 61st year.
TAYLOR—Near Huntsville, on March 10th,
Mrs. W- FL Taylor, mother of Mrs. Frank Met
calf, of Blyth, aged 69 years.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Wingham, on March 0th, with Rev. R.
Perrin, moderator in the chair. Statis-
tical reports not having been received
from all congregations, committee was
given until next meeting to report. The
reports of Treasurer and auditors
were received and adopted, showing a
balance on December 31st last of e202.85
in Presbytery and Synod funds, Messrs
Perrin, Sastie and McNab were appoint-
ed a committee to revise standing orders.
Dr. Murray and Andrew Turnbull were
appointed members of Synod Committee
on bills and overtures, with Inspector
Chisholm as alternate in event of Mr.
Turnbull being unable to attend, Dr.
J. L. Murray and Messrs. G. M. Dunn,
and F. A. McLennan and A. MacNab,
ministers, and Jonathan Moore and
Robert Braden, elders, were appointed
Commissions to General Assembly.
Session of Brussels and joint session of
Cranbrook and Ethel were given power
to appoint two commissioners. A sum-
mer school will be held in Lucknow in
June, Sunday School Committee given
pov?er to make arrangements. Minutes
of Presbytery were ordered to be printed
in future for use of ministers and elders.
A Committee reported that some changes
be made in the Book of Praise as soon as
expedient. Cettiticates of diejunetion
had been sent to Rev. S. M. Whaley and
A. C. Stewart, and copy of minutes
bearing on disjunotiou certificate to Rev
J. P. McInnes, had been soot to that
gentleman. The action ,of the clerk in
this matter was approved. Mr. Mo.
Serroll reported en Sabbath Sohools and
Mr Dunn on Match Life and Work.
Both reports were adopted. Mr. Hastie
repotted in the work of the Young
People's Saddles during the past year.
The total nieney raised Was $1050, of
this $340 was for Home I:6881o08 and
$124 for Foreign missions. A Motion
eepreaeing appreciation of the services
rendered the Church by the late Dr.
Warden during his forty yaw, express*
Ing regret at the lase to the Church in
his removal, and Conveying sympathy to
the bereaved, Was passed, and Clerk
order to send a copy to Mrs. Warden.
Next meeting will be held itt Wingham
the third Tuesday in May.
The Town of Wingham offers for sale 15
Debentures of $100.00 each, making altogether
$1,500.00. These debentures bear interest, pay
able annually, at 4$ per cent. The principal
is payable twelve years from 16th March, 1906.
Offers for these debentures may be made to
the Mayor, Thos. Bell, Esq. or to the
Treasurer at Inc office in the said Town,
Wingham, Feb. 7th, 1906.
Assignee's lance to Creditors.
NOTICE is herebyl
of the Town
County of Huron,
assignment under
their estate, credits
Wishes to annourfoe to
Wingham and vicinity
pieta stock of ,!
Milne y
given that Simpson Bros.,
-hip of Wawanosh in the
erchants, have made an
.8.0. 18117, chap. 147, of all
nd effects, to George C.
Hanna, of the TowP Wing -hem in the County
of Huron, Merchant, for the general benefit of
their creditors.
A meeting of their creditors will be held in
the office of R. Vaust ane, in the Town of Wing -
ham, on Thursday,lie Eighth day of March,
A.D. 1906, at the hn• of Two o'clock in the
afternoon, to receive a statement of affairs, to
appoint inspectors a
and for the ordering
Creditors are requ
h v n
with the As, i ee vi1
thereof required by tl
the day of such meeti
And notice is furth
First day of .April, A.
proceed to distribute tl
amongst the parties ei
regard only to the claim
then have been given, n
liable for the assets or
distributed, to any perso
claim he shall not then hi
fix their remuneration,
f the affairs of the estate
sted 'to file their claims
h proofs and parttcttlars
e said Act, on or before
given. that after the
1006, the .Assignee will
!e assets of the debtors
itled thereto, havini,
of which notice shall
1 that he will not be
ny part thereof. so
or persons of whose
ve had notice.
Solicitor for Assignee. Ingham, Assignlee,
Dated at Wingham this 2; h day of February,
A.D. 1006.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered section of Dominion
Lands iu Manitoba or the Northwest Provinces,
excepting 8 and 26, not reserved,ntay be home•
steaded by any person who is the sole head of
a family, or any male over 18 years of agr, to
the extent of onequarter section of 160 acres,
more or less.
Entry may be trade personally at the local
land office for the istrict in which the land is
situate, or if the 1 enesteader desires, he may,
on application to .:.' Minister of the Interior,
Ottawa, the Cor .issioner of Immigration,
Winnipeg, or the 1 ,;at agent receive authority
for someone to i i.,lte entry for him.
The homestead. r.is required to perform the
conditions connected therewith under one of
the following plans :
(1) At least six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each year for three
(2) If the father"(or mother, if the father is
deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a
farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the
requirement:4 as to residence may be satisfied
by such person residing with the father or
(81 If the Bottler has histtcrntattent residence
upon farming Iand Owned. by him in the vicin-
ityof his honestsad the requirements as to
residence may be satisfied by residence upon
the said land.
Six ntonthe'notice in writing should be given
to the Comn"eliener of Dominion Lands at
Ottawa of iuteetion to apply for patent.
Deputy et the ministeir. o tie Inonterior,
N. B.--ilnauthorized publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
from now until
Jan. 1 107
For 7.
Ladies of
hat her cow -
consisting of Ribbons. Laoes, Flow-
ers, Feathers, Eggeretts, and all the
latest novelties in the millinery line
will be ready for inspection by the
27th had A cordial -invitation is
extended to all, but we will dispense
wftb the tonal millinery opening.
A. N. Boyd.
In order to have more time to
devote to Insurance, I have dia.
posed of my Real Estate business
to Mx. J H. CHISIHotir, and
would request my patrons to call
on him as his office in order that
he may give their properties his
immediate attention.
Insurance and Loan Agent
Those wanting Harness, single or
double, will find it to their advantage
1 to deal with me, as I have a large
stock to choose from.
AIso, Fur Coats, Robes, Horse
Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trunks,
- Valises, CIub Bags, Telescopes ;
- Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness
- 011, etc.
Repairing done neatly
androan t1
Having bought Mr. C. Knechtel's
stook, and engaged him to work for
me, I am in a position to make any
kind of Harness to order, on the -
shorteat possible notice.
Give me a call.
G. C, Manners,
MISS LITTLE wishes to announce
to the Ladies of Wingham and
surrounding country that her
Trimmed and Untrimmed Mil-
linery will be ready for their
inspection on the 27th of Mar•
No formal opening.
Everything new, at low t mob
$00 our stylish,
Ready - to - Wear Rats.
t i HAVE opened a Botcher Shop
• in premises two doors north
of the Ohisholrp Block, and
• aril fully prepared to supply the •
• beat of all kinds of
" • aen
Fresh and Cured Meats.
• Spec atttion paid to orders t ie from farmers and others for meat ,
in large quantities.
A share of your patronage is •
s respeotfully solicited.
Miss Little.
Next door to postofiice.
Spring Term Opens
On April 2nd.
Why should you content yourself
in the ordinary walks of Iife when
you can better your condition by
taking a course in this school? We
give a thorough, practical education
and assist our graduates to good posi-
tions. Commence your course now.
Write for particulars.
Valuable Hotel
Village of
operty in the
Pursuant to the power
certain regiatered mortis
duced at the time of sal,
for sale by Public Allot
.auctioneer, at the BPI
. Town of Wingham, in t
Saturday, the 24th de
. at one o'clock in the aft
-rateable Hotel property
of lot t ) in the 14th Cone
of East Wawanosh in tl
described as follows:
n westerly direction No
from the north east cor
westerly along said bou
thence southerly at righ
ary line eight rods, then
said boundary line Rve r
at right angles to said bo
the place of beginning.
Onthis prois situ
frame hotel. 80 feet x 40 fe
taehed 10 x 16 feet and
80 feet x 50feet with shed
Ings are in it good state of
The property is situate
Whitechurch on the gra
way between the Town
Village of Lucknow,
TEnata or BALE .—Ten pe
chase money on day
balance in 20 days thereaf
will be sold subject to a re
terms and conditions will
the day of sale or may be 1
the, Vendor's Solicitor.
Dated at Wingham this
A. D., 1906.
of sale -contained in a
ige which twill be pro -
there will be offered
n, by W. A. Currie.
swick Hotel in the
County of Huron, on
of March instant,
n000n, the following
nameiv: That part
ssion of the Township
County of Huron,
mmen*ing 22 rods in
g the boundary line
r of said lot, thence
darn line five rods,
angles to said bound -
easterly parallel. to
ds thence northerly
nciary line 8 rode to
t wells
e a qc with kitchen
good frame barn
tached. The build-
iu the Village of
1 road about mid-
ingltam and the
cent, of the pur-
1 sale and the
er. The property
rye bid. Further
e made known on
d on application to
th day of March
endor's Solicitor.
To lot January, 1907, for
ONLY $I.00
Having made speoiai arrangements
with the Toronto Globe we are able
to Make the above liberal offer to
new subscribers. Send in your
names to the
Wingham, Ont.
. , .
TuousEnrsos AND VESfi1NGS.
These are all of the Iatest designs
and materials, and at prices that are
We have a special line of
Black and Blue Series
you ought to see.
Call and ,have a look thrbngb our
stock and see the Fashions for Fall
and Winter. •
All you Lave to do is tell us how
you want your garment made, and
- we make it that way.
Oar Trimmings are of the best.
loot. Maxwell
AT $45.00 EACH
before buying any other. .It is the best
value in Steel Range construction on the
Canadian market. Every Range guaran-
teed absolutely. Will burn wood or coal.
Extra large reservoir meads abun-
dance of hot water. Made right in
your own County. ,
Read what pleased users say :
Blyth, PO., Jan. 19, 190G
Western Foundry Co., Ltd5,
Wingham, Ont.
Gentlemen ;—
It affords nue mucli pleasure to be
able to reconlinend to any intending purchaser
your Huron Steel range, I have bad one of
them in tee for the past two years and during
that time have found it to aiv-, a the most
perfect aatisfe etion Ona minitit < .. amount of
fuel, My wife States that she Would not ex-
change itfor any stake of range that she has
sten yet, n fact if she could not get another
one would not sell it at any price.
Very truly yours,
Christopher Johnson
The WESTERN FOUNDRY CO.; Ltd.' Wingham, Oct,